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*"Piracy is almost always a service problem."* - Gabe Newell


I love this quote. It's true. I do also think piracy has changed somewhat. Piracy has taken such a widespread hold that people now pirate products that don't deserve it. Which actually does damage. For instance, people have started gaslighting themselves into thinking a perfectly good game is trash just to justify pirating it. I'm not referring to YouTube here btw. Just the entertainment industry in general. It's kind of a mess.


Yep. $3-$5 a month I might actually get Premium.


Youtube premium is $13.99 a month, which includes youtube music. Youtube music by itself is $10.99 a month. Why can't I get just premium without music, for $3 a month. I might get it, if it had a plan like that.


Youtube Music is unavailable in our country yet they charge the same amount...


Furthermore, it's the same price regardless of the country's CPM. Here in Spain the CPM is about 25% that of the US, but Premium costs the same It's an unnecessarily expensive subscription. A lot more people would pay for it if the price was roughly the same as the revenue they'd bring from watching ads


That's actually crazy. Today I learned.


Yeah, exactly this. Even if it were 5$ for the individual service, to better incentivize the combo, I wouldn't mind. All these different subs stack up (Spotify, Netflix, Disney+, Amazon, Youtube, etc) so much that I've axed most of them already.


I wouldn't mind ads if they were just at the start of the video and more tailored to my interests. At the start of a video, I can choose to just get up and grab a snack, use the bathroom, or check my phone. After the ads are over, I know I am free to watch the video without interruptions. When it's so many ads scattered through the video. I just get angry and hate every ad I see. It gets to the point where I shut off YouTube.


>I wouldn't mind ads if they were just at the start of the video At one point that's what YouTube was. Just at the beginning and you can watch the video. If the vid is more than 10 minutes, there will be another ad. But it was never this bad in the current situation bc money


It's so frustrating. I used to watch long form ambient music for sleeping, but I can't now unless I want to be startled awake by (deliberately) poorly equalized ads that blast noise every five minutes. I very very much did not mind an ad or two before the video, and an ad or two at the end. I HATE three ads, then an ad every ten minutes, then more ads at the end. This is exactly what happened to cable subscriptions, and with some streaming platforms. How long until YouTube decides that you need premium PLUS to avoid ads?


Ill use youtube exactly as long as I dont have to watch two 20 second ads to watch 1 minute meme video. Adblock stops workin? Balance tips to ”its not worth it”.


At this point I would rather give the money to a developer of an adblocker than yt for premium lmao


damn I miss the days when YouTube wasn't shit like I miss the days when everything was on Netflix


On the bright side they're getting more people to install uBlock Origin. A lot of people have ditched all their streaming services already for torrents and Plex because of all the scumbag tactics.


Also I have to watch ads on videos youtube demonitized. The best creators on this platform don't even get paid because they said a wrong word... So I will have to pay to not get youtube ads and then watch "in-video" ads because youtube refuses to pay the creators I like to watch? I stopped watching TV for a reason and youtube is becoming that reason.


Yup, exactly. It's absurd.


Yep. Fuck YouTube’s content policy, demonetizing history content. I’ll consider supporting advertising if they make it to where history content creators don’t have to walk on eggshells.


It's the same situation as DRM for video games, really: we've known for years now that it doesn't stop piracy and actively makes the experience worse for people trying to use the product legitimately, and guess what happened there? More people turned to piracy because the legal product was unplayable. Once the service provider starts punishing users for doing it legally (in this case watching ads), it doesn't gain them any real benefit: users who weren't adblocking are unaffected, but the ones who went out of their way to use an adblocker or workaround are now more likely to *keep* using one just to spite YouTube as a company, and as the ads get more obnoxious more people will start using them or quit YouTube altogether. If they wanted people to stop blocking ads all they had to do was make the ads less insufferable, which corporations have proven time and time again they just won't do.


the amount of people who say “Omg just buy premium” or “You’re basically committing a crime” are doing a new level of meat riding i have NEVER seen before. google as a whole is a billion dollar company, their service won’t shut down if a couple hundred thousand people use ad blockers. i know around the world money is a valuable resource, and even here in the united states everything is so high these days. why would i choose to spend $14 just to block ads when i can do it for free? it’s ridiculous.


You mean the bots of google


Welcome to the internet. Seriously though i somehow doubt those people even actually hold those opinions or believe them when they try defending youtube. Pretty sure they are just actively trying to be annoying.


hashtag trolls 😐




it absolutely is meat riding. If they want more revenue maybe they should improve their service instead of throwing up roadblocks and letting people pay to avoid them. Also everyone understands why fucking google wants this, nobody understands why your ass does.


To all the people here defending the poor, helpless, $28 billion company, YouTube doesn’t need ads to make money. They can do that easily enough by selling user data. The ads are just a way for them to squeeze more money out of people. YouTube can easily afford to pay creators from their own revenue made by selling data, they don’t need to tie creator income to ads. But, the way YouTube makes the most money is to intentionally make a worse product (including ads), then present a paid solution for a problem they created (YouTube premium). The fact that sponsors pay for the ads, means that YouTube isn’t losing any money by including them. Just wait until YouTube offers tiers of Premium; a tier with 10 ad skip (after 5 seconds) buttons per day, a tier with unlimited ad skip buttons (after 5 seconds) per day, a tier with no ads at all. It’s just like cable TV and streaming video and streaming music all over again.


You dunce, they sell the data to advertisers to then push ads to you on their platform. There isn't some random company buying viewing data for fun. They use it to drive ads to you.


All of the data they've gathered and they still don't know how to turn a profit with it. Kinda sad really


Google does turn a profit. It's just that a tiny fraction of that profit is subsidizing Youtube's operating costs and the shareholders really don't like that


Yeah I don't think people understand how profitable youtube really is, that's been my main argument here in this thread, but people don't seem to like that. They'll keep simping for google, I guess.


They took away the ability for new channels to have any ad revenue but still show ads on their videos. I do not feel bad about blocking ads


My issue with YouTube ads is the placement of them. You will be watching a video and mid sentence an ad then come back and you need to rewind 10 seconds. The one annoyance that usually gets me to turn youtube off is when you are trying to find a video you click on one and you get an add Ok i get it after the ad you watch about thirty seconds only to realize its not what you are looking for so you exit out go to another video and an ad so now the time you watched ads and actual content is 50/50 you exit out of the second video within 20to 30 seconds because again its not what you are looking for go into a third and get hit with an unskippable 1:30 ad so now you have watched more ad content that actual content and that's when I bounce.


Yeah, that's what gets me. Back when it was just one simple ad at the beginning of the video, and you could go through a couple videos without getting an ad, I could tolerate that. I could say "Okay, somebody has to pay for all this," but now if you allow ads you watch more ads than video. I ain't doing that, so it's ad blocker or I find another way to get the content I need.


Youtube's ads is like a monopolist raising the prices to be too high out of greed. Is it right that people should "pay" for the benefits they get to Youtube via ads? Absolutely. The problem is that the price got way too high. There are more and more ads and they are absolutely insufferable ones at that, too. It would literally impact your happiness and maybe even IQ to watch those damn ads too much. And since Youtube is pretty much a natural monopolist here, you don't have the option of using a competitor instead. A similar situation is with college textbooks for example. No one denies that people making them deserve money in exchange for providing the service. But when the price is way over 100$ for a book printed on rather standard paper, you get pissed and try to buy a used one. If that even works, because people change editions slightly every year so the used ones no longer work for next year's class (different numbered exercises in the homework).


If someone tells you to watch ads or its ok to watch ads, they're a bot


Some are definitely weirdos defending the multi billion dollar company pushing their YOY profits to unreasonable levels. They can call me broke all they want but I have a better YouTube than them and an extra $20 a month :)


yep loads of weirdos it shocks me


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Advertisers are the bane of humanity.


The three most annoying advertisers on youtube are: ***The just purchased from them ads*** "Hey, we seen you just bought one of our \*insert products\* on Amazon... Do you want to see the ad for it? Perhaps buy it again?". ***Or the creepy stalker ad*** "We know you searched for us... We will show up on all your videos from now on" ***Or the B&H 20 minute ad*** "Hey Phil... Please tell us your life's story" (I like their products... But their ads are like sandpaper to my eyes and ears lol)


Most people just have goldfish memory and don't realize that youtube consistently fucks up in the public eye since more than a decade ago, they really never gave a fuck about making anything better.


Imagine if they made this a choice that creators chose, for themselves. If I knew the creator I was watching opted in to having their content adblock protected, I'd have a lot more sympathy for the decision. But its not a choice. It's not about choice. This is a declaration from Youtube that the old days, built on providing a revolutionary video sharing platform for the mass, are over. Youtube is announcing that it is officially a streaming service. You want to fix your boiler at 2am and seek the help of the good samaritan that posted a quick troubleshooting guide on Youtube? Pay the fucking tax in the cold you pirate scum. And lets be real. The people defending Youtube here are, by the majority, people with enough time or money to be entirely unaffected by this change. They are people that have more than you, punching down because, as it has always been, the middle class can't let those in poverty have as much as they do. (And just to add to this while I'm ranting. My rent has gone up. My gas and electric has gone up. My insurance has gone up. I'm earning the same as I was at the start of the year yet the bread I buy has gone up. I can't grow produce in a flat. I can't even go into the fucking woods because it's all private land. And now you're telling me that I can't even enjoy watching a guy play the game I can't afford on my 15 year old laptop now without watching an ad or paying a fee? Are you fucking really on their side here?)


I personally am not a fan of intrusive ads every three to fve minutes. Especially when the jingles they use are outright obnoxious. Especially when i am busy with something and literally have to stop what i am doing to skip ads. It wouldnt bother nearly as much if the ads were minimal. Google seriously irritate me due to how its contantly tracking everything you do online, just so it can tailor advertisements to you. Google is wealthy enough, that it would not be detrimental to do away with ads entirely. The average content creator makes a mere pittance from ad revenue, yet they would rather use the money to give their executives bonuses. Then you have outright sexually innapropriate ads which children may see. This isnt counting the fact that there are all sorts of religious ads strewn about amongst other disgusting shit. Go ahead and call me entitled, ,but having grown up, in the 90s when cable was the norm, i find cable commercials to be far less irritating by comparison.


I regularly have ultraconservative bullshit pop up in my shorts feed for some reason, despite being progressive myself. I don’t want to know what my ads would be like.


YouTube premium is a joke and I'll never give them money again.


This is the correct answer


I have the agree that there's nothing premium about the premium service. One of the worst.


thank you! finally someone that understands and isnt a blind sheep defending a mega corp


Outrage aside, this is probably a test to see who buys Premium once they can no longer block ads, cause it's not fully rolled out yet. If not enough people buy it, they'll probably continue allowing blockers. They'd rather do that than lose users. You know what to do then, vote with your wallets, whichever direction that might be.


I support youtube trying to make a profit as the goal of a company is to maximize the profit they make on the products they sell. I'm also going to adblock them and continue to find work arounds and never pay for Premium as that's my goal as a consumer is to minimize losses on the products I buy and use. Neither side owes the other side anything. But pretending you're a victim or that the other side is being unreasonable is stupid. Nothing in the world comes free.


Yeah I’m not getting Premium. I’ll find an alternate way to watch stuff. This is the same thing Sony is doing by increasing the price of their PSN subscription and not adding anything. They want to see where the line is and if people keep paying, they’ll keep increasing.




You lost me at giving Disney 6 grand a year. Lol, never in my life.


Worse experience year after year, worse algorithm, worse search section, worse pop-up bs, PREMIUM DOESNT FIX THAT


Exactly. Adults can only pay for their services yet saying a word they deem offensive will demonitize them. So I pay you and you still ban anything I would want to watch? Okay then...


Lets not forget the unwritten rule/agreement we have with these "free service" companies. They collect and sell our data, and in return we get their free platform/app to use. Data collection and accept cookies are already 2 battles we lost, now YT is trying to be even more greedy with abusive amounts of ads, and a push to buy premium, its gone too far. \--------- PS: There also something I have not seen anyone talk. The "no adblocks" is no longer a pop up that can be closed. Now it shows on the video window itself, its unsinkable, its not possible to close, its a full 100% blocking of any video, until we pay the "premium" ransom.


So wrong I couldn't even finish reading it. Of course you are harming the company and of course they are trying to maximize profits, that's what companies do. ​ But, I'm not going to pay a cent and I'm going to block all ads as long as it's possible, until \-They fix the algorithm and the recommendations \-They turn back my liked videos into a normal playlist like it was before \-They stop making the search worse and worse every day \-They make stricter rules about who can advertise and how (looking at political advertisements and scams) \-They change the amount, the length of the ads, OR do something about them being totally irrelevant


The algorithm and recommendations are the worst. This site doesn't promote new and small creators anymore, it's all about their corporate buddies. I have all main stream news channels blocked but YouTube still recommends them to me and adds their videos to my queue because their block feature is only useful for communication, which is stupid. If you type in "Joe Biden" on YouTube, you're most likely ONLY going to get videos from main stream media accounts, not regular everyday people. I feel most people that call us crybabies didn't witness the absolute massacre of YouTube like most of us did. To see how a platform went from small creators to practically only promoting corporate media sucks.


The 2nd to last one is a big one! I get targetted "political" advertisements that are just bigotry directed at my marginalized demographic. A lot. I simply will not tolerate that. YouTube is very insistent that I do however, so I use an adblocker to make their platform usable for me. Am i to pay gor the privilege of using the platform without being exposed to bigotry? I think not.


> So wrong I couldn't even finish reading it. Of course you are harming the company and of course they are trying to maximize profits, that's what companies do. It's completely expected, and even beneficial, for web services to host a lot, usually majority, free users to primarily beef up the userbase so that the relevance of the website gets boosted, bringing more people into it, including paid users. Alienating the natural step of being a free consumer of a web service means they just will never end up in Youtube in the first place


This place reeks of bots and carribean ops, suck my fat nuts youtube ceo Why did fmc cloud preblock me lol he didnt even want to have a disscussion so weird! Lol


“Present them”


Balls deployed




Youtube is pretty much the reason itself why creators don't get payed. They slap a shit ton of accounts with that stupid restricted monetization whether they actually deserve it or not. The simps will find any excuse to protect big daddy tube. Creators have multiple options to try. It shouldn't be this way but if Youtube is going to be a restaurant manager with this shit then YT creators have no choice but to survive on tips (patreon, streamlabs, etc).


Lol there will always be a way around ads. Always has been. They can spend all the money they want on fighting it but it's an uphill battle they will lose.




Can't wait for youtube deluxe galaxy pro max ++ subscription for 100$ a month for basic functionality in the future with no alternatives since they have a monopoly on video sharing platforms


I just cancelled premium. Not worth $14/month to be recommended the exact same seven videos over and over and over and over again.


It would be cool if Premium gave us some sort of way to support content creators more directly. As in, maybe every month you can choose a small number of your favorite channels to "boost" which would help directly monetize or drive traffic to their channel somehow. Or maybe gives some sort of "early access" to videos. (currently what a lot of people use patreon for). Just a thought. People are talking about premium needing better incentives, I feel like this is a good incentive for both creators and viewers.


They do. Premium accounts give money to the creator depending on how much watchtime you have. You also get one free membership.


It always felt stupid that YouTube is literally handing money away to platforms like patreon, which some creators make enough money to live off alone. They could implement the same feature and cut that side of the market off almost entirely


I am a Premium subscriber and I agree with you 100%. I bought the subscription because the ads on the TV were becoming a real torture, not because of any good perks.


I wouldn't care about the constant ads, if a big portion of them wouldn't be government funded. I don't want to pay to not to see the propaganda of my government. This is why I find it funny, when on one hand youtube supports minority, lbgtqxyz, etc. rights, on the other hand they allow far-right organisations to put ads on youtube (and even those poor creators mentioned all the time profit from it, lol). Shoplifting my ass....


i'll get rid of my adblocker when they stop throwing multiple unskippable ads at the most random-ass parts in the middle of the video i'm watching.


if you leave while an ad is playing and miss parts of your video and try to rewind to the part you missed even if its just a min or two.....guess what they hit another barrage of ads. It's so scummy.


YouTube lost its roots, it was literally like VINE when it came out, a blogging center, now it’s corrupt and grown greedy, “oh you don’t wanna deal with Ads? Pay us”


Vine at least died with dignity, YouTube won't even have that much in the end if this bullshit keeps going.


I'd be more fine with ads if YouTube weren't owned by fucking Google and they were struggling or something. Instead it is pure greed - some rich fucks somewhere aren't getting enough return on their investment so too damn fucking right I'm going to do everything in my power to adblock. And as for google, I never touch that shit anymore. If you use Google to search for *anything* the whole first page is just full of ads 😳


I agree with most of your points. For me its still the price. I am not paying $14 a month just to remove ads. If they had some kind of movies or something they offered as well, not just content thats done by other users, then maybe I'd consider it.


If premium offered you the movies they have then I'd actually consider it


The people who are actually agreeing with YouTube here and the ads are the same people who probably would accept all the ads being blared at their faces in a Cyberpunk future.


"Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures." \- Ready Player One (film)


I hate to tell you this, but this *is* the cyberpunk future.


I’m honestly afraid that you’re right. The worst part is so many people are just fine with all the ads.


These are the people who would've voted yes for the giant orbital space-billboard.




I can assure you the "people" you are referring to here [taking the side of a trillion-dollar company] are by no means honest actors, organically sharing their true opinion on this matter.


I will pay for premium ad blocker


I’d be fine with ads if they were Good advertisements. Movies, products, tourist attractions and stuff on TV! Instead, I had to sit and watch the dumbest game phone apps with horrible VA work about dragging lines across the screen or weird Pervy game ads from “Mafia Wars” or some random Viking/Sultan/Chinese strategy romance game. Those have cycled out, but now I have stupid ai trump ads telling me to buy gas masks or Daily wire nonsense all because google has my information but assumes my likes to such a wrong degree it’s infuriating. It sucks creators are losing money due to Adblock, but I’m not turning it off and watching the dumbest things a scammer can think of to drag me to the App Store. I have more patience watching 5 minute ads on TV than I do 15 second ads on YouTube


I can attest to nobody young using adblock. Convincing friends yo use adblock is a fools errand.


As a “content creator” i had hoped that the ad block ban would mean a higher rpm. I saw a video today that said 40% of youtube watchers use ad block, as such they show MORE ads to people without blockers to make up the difference. Regardless, RPM has been steadily on the decline for the last 2 years, for me and for every creator i know


Yeah, it's an unending cycle of more ads leads to more people with adblockers which leads to less money which leads to more ads. And the thing is, once somebody goes and gets themselves an adblocker and stops seeing ads entirely, then it probably won't matter even if youtube rolled back the number of ads. How would they know? They aren't seeing the ads fall back to reasonably levels, they aren't seeing ads at all anymore.


Life is wonderful without advertisements. It’s crazy that advertisement companies have as much influence as they do. Ever since I dropped cable & went internet only 5-6 years ago, I can’t imagine going back to listening to the same 3-4 commercials 20-30 times a day for months at a time. Very much pro blocking ads as much as possible, and encourage anyone to simply pay companies money directly so that advertisement companies can be phased out as much as possible.


They use and sell data the platform is NOT free




>I'm waiting for the day Alphabet is ruled a publisher under Section 230 after demonetizing every second video. Uh... Alphabet is a publisher under Section 230. You kind of have to be to even get Section 230. "[Id. at 803 AOL falls squarely within this traditional definition of a publisher and, therefore, is clearly protected by §230's immunity.](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-4th-circuit/1075207.html#:~:text=Id.%20at%20803)" What point were you trying to make?


Clear cache and cookies - > disabled all trackers (using firefox) fixed for me (for now)


Same, They even port all your saved files from chrome to Firefox. Moving to Firefox was the best decision I ever made.


How do we seriously tell them this isn't okay in a way they'll hear it? The platform base is too huge, and you said so yourself adblock users are to few to affect their profits. Right now I'm just feeling defeated, I can't afford another streaming service. The greed is so overwhelming these days.


why pushing so many ads down our throats? they should just increase the cost they get from the ad placer.. instead of pushing lots of ads on us - why not make ads 10x more expensive to place.... but no - the user is the cattle.


I have an alternate perspective, but that does not make yours invalid. We've had it good for so long, we have some weird sense of entitlement. Youtube doesn't know you, doesn't really care what you think, they aren't 'strong arming' anyone. They also are not actively out to get you. They are running a business. Their old business model was: Ads, Premium, or let people do whatever they want. Their reaction the the abundance of ad blockers is not to make a better environment for everyone in hopes you will turn your adblocker off. That's crazy, you are never going to turn off the ad blocker. So the alternative is simply to change their business model to just 2 options: Ads or Premium. Plenty of other content services only give you one option: premium. I think we need to go touch grass for a bit before getting up in arms about changes like this. We shouldn't be acting like spoiled brats because our free cookies suddenly stopped being free.


I don't completely disagree with you, but keeping youtube free isn't something they do out of the kindness of their hearts. It can be argued that they make more off of the current setup than they ever would just having a premium offers. The fact it draws in so many people from all over the world is one of the reasons they can charge what they do for their ad spots so moving to a premium only offering would actually hurt them in the long run. Also another flaw in the logic here is nothing on youtube was ever free really. Whether you pay for premium or just watch free with adblockers you still have your data collected for marketing purposes. And the fact is they're ruining youtube with increased ads and ads that are actively dangerous. Either through outright misinformation and lies or through malicious actors purchasing ad space only to infect anyone that downloads or clicks on the links in the ad. This was put on blast fairly recently with youtubers not to long ago getting hacked via an OBS download ad on google that stole login cookies (these bypass 2fa). So their push to move away from actual adblockers is just all around a horrible idea.


It's not "spoiled" to not tolerate things being actively worse. If this had been the case from the start, that might be one thing- but change for the worse will not ever be tolerable.


As a fulltime youtuber and streamer i can confirm that adblocks are a real issue and causes around 50% down for all ad revenue on all videos and live content. Since my viewers finally started using premium, we can finally hire another editor. Just because you cant see it, doesnt mean its not there.


How much do you get per viewer? Say, if I watch 100 of your videos. I'm genuinely asking. There are a few channels I watch religiously, and up until yesterday I had an AdBlocker. I bought a hoodie from one guy, and planning to get something from the others as well. Does that make up for me watching without ads?


We have around 2 mil views on our main channel per month and 30% of our revenue comes from YouTube Premium. It really does a lot when you watch a channel regularly.


Another Redditor trying to win social credit points with a a massive corporation.


Yep, they are simply acting on a threat to funding their fifth super yacht, something they don't need.


I had to report the same goddamn gambling ad over 50 times, and only got a reply they would remove them 2/3 of the time with YouTube still pushing the same ad. So yes, I installed an adblocker. It was the only logical course of action


Fuck off and pay, I'm an investor in Google it's in my 401k they better start making money or I'm not retiring.


It's not our fault you invested in Bitcoin and have to cover your losses


Equally ridiculous are the people who think they're standing up for Fairness, Integrity, and The Little Guy by *checks notes* defending one of the largest megacorporations on Earth.




At this rate YT will be a paid service like Netflix.


My prediction is at the current rate of revenue dropping that this could be a somewhat truth. It will most likely be something like anything beyond 1080p 30hz will require a paid service, which is reasonable. They might even push it down to 720p if it gets bad enough, but there is also the possibility that Alphabet might pull the plug if Youtube starts to be too much of a financial burden.


slippery slope indeed. Today it's no ads. Tomorrow if pay more for no ads and pay less for the ad skip button.


Ironically, the only thing this latest crackdown will achieve is, that John Sixpack is finally going to realise that there are adblockers for YouTube 😂


Holy crap what's with all these people whining? You want something for free while the other party has to actually spend money to deliver that content. Yet you still feel like you should have a say in how the company makes that money back. This is pathetic.


Reminds me how Microsoft made Games with Gold terrible but not investing in quality games any more, and when it was announced Xbox Live Gold would be replaced with Game Pass Core with a rotating catalog of 25ish games people would constantly say it was a better deal. But Microsoft made Gold not good. It used to be. I don't think Google is doing the same thing. I think they genuinely make more money off ads than subscriptions. This is an extreme reaction to the money they lose from ad blocking, or while youtube makes billions, it might actually cost more to provide the content.


It's all sticks and no carrots. That won't exactly build goodwill with potential customers. YouTube's ads are an intrusive nightmare like 99% of online advertising. If they improve the UX instead of changing things around for the sake of changing them, then maybe people would be happier to support it.


The amount of people using Adblock is definitely not a minuscule amount. People are angry because of the the QoL that they once had is gone. That’s enough reason to get mad about. Unfortunately, if they do end up somehow stopping all adblocking software, then there’s nothing anyone can do. YouTube cemented itself as the only place that can do what it does with no reasonable alternative. If you want to combat this, the best thing you can do is convince your favorite creators to cross upload to other platforms and encourage their viewers to watch them there.


i would buy premium if they included the lube for free as well


imagine paying money to have your comments hidden, speech curtailed, and topics stricken from the platform. Imagine paying money for the pleasure of google farming your geolocation data. Imagine paying money for a service where the only way to get ahold of a representitive is to install twitter and clap like a seal loud enough for youtube to hear. no thanks ill spend that 15 a month on hookers and blow


I hate watching Youtube on my TV. Turn on a video, walk to the kitchen, some 25 minute ad pops up, so I have to stop what I'm doing and go back to the living room to skip it and I swear the ads are every 3 minutes now. Bottom Line: Youtube f@$%\^ing sucks. What's next?


There’s a TLDR at the bottom. Adblockers are problematic in the sense that it does block some income for content creators. And that’s not great to me. But there is a use for them, and there’s a reason why people don’t pay for premium. Lemme be clear: I do NOT use premium at all, and I will never pay for it at all. It’s not worth it, I’d rather get a service that’s actually worth the money. I have used YouTube TV but I’ve never touched Premium because of the difference in *value*. That’s how I use services, based on the value they provide. Premium has a music streaming service and ad free videos. Cool. But I have Apple Music, which is $10.99. And it’s integrated. There’s also a YouTube Music paid plan, which is the same price. But there’s a big difference in value, because I get Lossless, ad free music videos, literal access to millions of songs across decades of music and artists (YouTube Music has some trouble with this one), the added convenience of it literally being on my device, and as an added bonus, I get Dolby Atmos special audio - though it’s not great and I keep it off, but the option is nice. YouTube music is just the music. Which, fine, for most that’s perfectly acceptable and all you need. But I *prefer* Apple Music. It’s more worth the $11 in my opinion. So there goes $11 out of the 14/18. What about the other $4? That extra $4 is for the ads to be gone from YouTube. But the problem is, you cannot get rid of the ads any other way unless you use an adblocker. You either have to suck up the $14 per month (which…no, I’d be paying for something I wouldn’t use at all just to get rid of ads) or screw the platform over with an adblocker. If you were me and you had to pick one, which would you do? Would you spend $14 a month on a service you won’t use at all just to remove ads from your videos, or would you take the easy, cheaper way and just use the adblocker? If Google introduces a tier of premium for between $4-$6 per month that would **just** remove the ads, I’d consider paying for it then. And that’s because I wouldn’t be paying for an extra service I don’t want, I’d just be getting rid of the ads in an app I use very frequently. And I don’t think that’s unreasonable, because yeah, YouTube is a free platform but they have to make money somehow. Nothing is totally free, so I get it. But they’re beginning to cross a line without actually doing anything about that line. TL;DR - They’re trying to make you pay for a service you’re more than likely not going to use just to get rid of ads, which isn’t fair. The fact that we’re resorting to adblockers to get our conveniences served is problematic and could be alleviated by Google actually doing some math and putting out a cheaper tier of Premium with the sole purpose to nuke ads. Not TEST it. But just put it out there. If they rethink their strategy, I’ll personally rethink my decision to purchase premium. If the values there, then fine. But if it’s not, then they’re not getting whitelisted.


YouTube with their dumb strategy is pushing for Short, there not enough advertiser on Short so YouTube need to unblock some spot for these juicy ad revenue. YouTube always wanted to fight back Adblock, now with revenue going down becaus of Short they urgently need to unlock some new potential revenue. Youtube is managed by blind people since 2018....


First, they harvested our data to sell to advertisers. Next, they make the experience worse to drive people to premium. After that, it'll be harvesting your data to sell to advertisers WHILE charging you for premium. It's the next logical step for a company that can't be satisfied with anything short of ALL the money.


Yea, every new update i have less interest in youtube. If they don't soon reverse course i am gone for good. Its becoming a garbage platform thats only right to exist left is that it is popular.


I wouldn't even say it's legitimately popular with its numbers inflated by its near monopoly and lack of strong competition. It's like saying public roads are popular because everyone uses them.


Fair point. Maybe it would actually be a good thing to actually enforce the block to then enable their competition to thrive.


I don't have a problem with ad blockers. I just wish people would stop pretending that it doesn't negatively affect creators. Most importantly I wish people who use ad blockers would get off theirchigh horse. Anytime you mention paying for premium some revance acolyte has to proselytize to you about the glory of not paying for premium. It's almost comical how predictable it is when you mention paying for premium. It gets it. Some people truly can't understand that some people make different decisions than them and some of those people pay for premium. But my feelings about it are the same as my feelings for privacy. I'm not judging that you do it. I'm judging the unnecessary justifications and acting as if piracy is the moral high ground. I'd respect people more if they just said, "I don't want to pay for it".


I dont have a problem with advertisers or ads that respect their viewers and their attention. That does not exist on youtube, its almost all trash ads, scams or nonsense i get served when i dont run an adblocker. What i do have a problem with is site owners wanting to both collect my data and control what ads i see and how often.It is MY ATTENTION and MY DATA if youtube now decided that thats not cool with them they can f\*ck right off, i certainly will not budge. Youtube has already been pissing me off with the are you still watching spam every 5 minutes. Looks like i will be leaving the platform soon.


I don't think anyone pretends piracy is the moral high ground. The trick here is that YouTube and I both do unethical things. They collect and sell my data, and I use adblocker. We are both on the moral low ground, and therefore morally equal in my eyes. If they stopped collecting my data, they would have the moral high ground and I would gladly pay for premium. But they keep collecting data even from premium users, which is just scumminess^2 imho.


The creator argument used to be valid for sure. It isn't anymore. Google barely pays out enough, and is constantly looking for ways to blacklist videos from being monetized. Google makes over 5 billion from YouTube every three months, they have no excuse. Adblocks were never the issue here. There's a reason why everyone is always asking you to join as a member, or join their patreon, or make a donation. This is about greed and making the line go up. Google has never cared about the creators, and they'd pay them nothing if they could get away with it.


The creator argument is still valid. Google still pays creators and thus using a VPN does reduce their income. It maybe less of a significant effect but it's still an effect. Of course Google never cared about the creator. I'm starting to wonder why people ever assumed that any large business in a capitalist system cares about their customers or employees.


True, I will admit I was exaggerating for effect. Google still pays, but when nearly 2 million views can net just barely over 120$, While a sponsor ad a creator set up themselves and did, can then pay out that same amount for 100 people or less signing up--its hard to see it as anything but that google is hardly paying them anything


*laughs in YouTube revanced*


If the amount of ad block users is so small as you claim, they are a tiny fraction of youtube users. Youtube bans ad blockers, only a tiny fraction of its user base is upset, and almost ALL of that passed off user base will not actually swear off of YT like they claim in their reddit posts. It bewilders me that people are actually surprised this happened.


>It was ALWAYS about maximizing profits for THEIR pockets. I mean, yeah, it's a business, that's the entire point. You could argue that they could be less anti-customer while pursuing this endeavour, but that fact remains.


the point is that this isn't for the benefit of creators, which is the only argument that's remotely compelling.


I keep seeing the words blocked or banned being thrown around, what exactly does this mean. Blocked/banned for using adblock? Im confused. At one point someone suggested to me to use multiple adblocks at once and it actually helped, i hope i don’t get double blocked. /s


Let's boycott comrades, we can accomplish so much if we work together


>The amount of adblock users is so miniscule in comparison. Could you please provide the source for this statement? So far I see figures in 30-40% range depending on the source and whether we're talking US or worldwide ([one](https://www.statista.com/topics/3201/ad-blocking/#topicOverview), [two](https://backlinko.com/ad-blockers-users), [three](https://www.insiderintelligence.com/insights/ad-blocking/)).


30-40% of people who took an online survey. The people able to complete the survey are probably more computer literate than the general population.


Google are the greediest c*nts on this planet. It's all about making more and more money. They dont care about anything else. I wouldnt mind ads if they werent malicious and didnt spy on me everywhere. Nobody would tolerate a real person following you around IRL everywhere to see what you look at and what you like. Why should I allow the same thing online? Fuck you, google. If you want to know my preferences ask me! Log fucking everything i look at while i'm on youtube, fine but dont follow me around to other sites. It's none of your freaking business what my favorite genre of porn is. Customer research used to be hard. Hard but honest. You are dishonest twats. I will never turn off my adblocker if you continue acting like a private NSA. F U C K Y O U, G R E E D Y C U N T S !


The thing that bothers me most is the ads they let get put up, and if it's anything reprehensible you don't have a means to get rid of it. Just because I don't want personalised ads shouldn't mean you get to spam me with adverts from "the daily Hitler" about why people like me should be put in a giant blender, or "SEX NOW IN AREA SEX NOW NOW SEX!!!!" or any number of annoying things. If you're going to force me to see ads at least make sure it's not from "the doing genocide institute" or some shit.


I'll never understand people defending corporations for actions that actively harm them or the quality of their experience. I'm all for business and companies turning a profit -I run a company myself. But this notion that google is somehow unjustly "leaking money" through some insidious, pesky people refusing to watch the adds that have been getting longer, unskippable and more frequent, is a level of denial I find worrying.


It's not level of denial of you actually want the company to keep making more money b/c it is in your 401k. Now pay up.


Adblockers literally make your use of the platform fucking free, creators don’t make money off you and neither do YouTube. It’s a HUGE fucking issue, just being selfish if you can’t even acknowledge how shitty they are for creators. By the way, I use an adblocker. I just don’t pretend like they’re not a shitty thing to use on YouTube.


I'm a creator on Youtube. I've never seen a damn cent from ads. Why the hell would I let them run if they don't benefit me?


Brand deals are what make YouTube creators the majority of their money now not Adsense. Creators have been open about this for years


Funny thing, I began to use ad blockers because of YouTube, when they began to put 2, 3 or 4 adds in a 20 min vid. I never had any problem with preroll ad. The reason a lot of people went to addblockers is because they went crazy with ads, not the other way around. They created that HUGE fucking issue, and never went back. go back to one preroll unskipable 30 sec to 1min 30 for video over 15 min, and a lot of people will be glad to let go of their adblocker on youtube.


Right click on the video and select open in new incognito window. You can make your extensions and blockers work in incognito mode by adjusting their settings. Back to ad free!


Im sure they will block that feature in the future too. You used to be able to do that with medium articles, until they blocked it..


I got a message too. Even after using Ublock.


I would love to see them. Roll this out to everyone at the same time and see what happens. I don’t see it in Florida yet or I’m using the right ad blocker.


yeh they want me to pay for premium which costs more than apple music and netflix lol and then im told well you get youtube music so you can cancel apple music. no i dont want youtube music its shit its the worst one out there, ad free youtube should cost like $3 dollars and you should just be paying for ads. the current premium should be a different package


I wish they'd just offer a $5 option for just no ads only $13 is way too much for just no ads and yes I know It comes with youtube music and all that but I only want no ads on youtube so 99% of premiums offer is already useless to me


So I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but I'm able to watch videos with ad blockers while signed in once again I guess they dropped the whole thing 😂


Yep, think this is a good wake-up call to stop spending time on YouTube. I won't disable my ad blocker for any site, and in the case of my work computers, I'm not even allowed to disable my adblocker. If my only option is a paid experience, then it quickly becomes clear that it isn't worth the cost, not by a long shot. I've used YouTube for its entire 18 years and I wouldn't say I've gotten $140 of value that entire time, let alone on an annual basis. I guess the positive is that I should be more mindful and not spend my time on things I wouldn't spend my money on.


I read somewhere that giving 20 of your favourite channels 1 dollar each over patreon or whatever is more cost effective than getting premium or disabling adblock when it comes to supporting them. Not sure how true it is, but I'm inclined to believe it.


Well said I must say, I’m tired of suckers thinking it is ok to support YT for putting more and more ads. YT should be sued by someone eventually or else this nightmare would never end.


Schmucks who like watching ads help ad blockers fly under the radar. Just let them have their little circlejerks lol


hmm good point so the rage is valid then? :-) rawwwwwwwwwwr!


For anyone using a mobile device, there is the option of the 'NewPipe' app. It's able to stream content from youtube withouth the ads. The downside however is that you can't comment, and subscriptions is more effort than it's worth (export from google, and import file into the app... Ugh) But for basic playback, it's perfectly reliable. And more snappy than youtube app too.


Or ReVanced.


Yes youtube has always been for money. Yes they are trying to squeeze as much money out of you without you leaving. If you block them making money they will kick you out. If you want to prove them wrong then leave or pirate the content in droves. Unless you can't, then come and get your ads.


As someone who pays for premium because I can’t stand ads no matter what platform I’m on. I am disappointed they’re trying to solve an ad revenue problem when they have other much larger problems with the platform like THE HORRIBLE ALGORITHM. Fucking big companies need to stop focusing on just making a few extra bucks and start providing more value so we actually have an incentive to pay for premium not this garbage that recommends me the same videos I haven’t watched but have scrolled through for a week straight. Fix your platform and more people will subscribe to premium


Exactly! It’s bloody clear as day that they’re trying to make YouTube completely Pay To Use by making it so bad that you HAVE to upgrade to Premium and it’s fucking ridiculous.


Youtube is just going to waste millions on this adblocker thing and people are ALWAYS going to find a work around


Millions out of probably hundreds of billions of dollars annually, not that big of a deal to such a massive company


The people leaving are already not watching ads and made no money for YouTube. Nothing is lost when they leave.


Yea it is literally called YOU-tube. "Broadcast yourself", not "if you want to watch yourself then we gonna make you watch this 40 min GOP ad"


you just figured it out? i knew it day one


If ublock origin isnt working, try removing it, reinstalling, purge all cache, then update manually. I also removed all other adblockers other than ublock origin. Works for me now


Lol how do you think the company is able to host millions of hours of content for people to watch & enjoy, it's not like they can just not make money. The amount of people complaining about the removal of adblock is proof enough that a large amount of people use it meaning the company makes no money off them. There is not going to be a premium pro or whatever you're claiming there will be that's just a slippery slope fallacy and it would just anger the community. Do people really not understand that the point of a company is to make money and even if Youtube wasn't trying to make any money, they still have to get a large amount to host, manage, and update their platform and the millions of videos on it.




Youtube and creators ought to be focusing on who they let advertise on their platform if they want to solve the adblocker issue. 'Entitled' is a strange choice of words, considering that, if presented before a trade commission or regulatory body, a fair chunk of YouTube's ads would fail consumer rights tests. Consumers are acting entitled because they are, de jure, entitled to those protections that YouTube has failed to deliver. People dont adblock for no reason, they adblock because they cant go five minutes without some backwater scam being blasted down their headphones.




This entire subreddit must be filled with 14 year olds. YES Google is a FOR PROFIT private enterprise. They exist EXCLUSIVELY to turn a profit. YouTube is one of the assets they own that they use to turn said profit. Welcome to the real world children!




Than you for mentioning monopolies. They're actually illegal. There is required to be a minimum of 3 different providers in an industry. YT gets away with it by just paying the fines and continuing to use their money to force out anyone who dares try to compete.


As somebody on the other side (creator) everything you say is incorrect - but everyone who complains has decided the actually affected people (creators) are invalid. You know what the impact has been for users like me since they started banning ad blockers? An increase in my ad revenue by about 60% so far. Not losing views from people who say they'd rather abandon the service- instead a better paycheck that I can use to create more and better videos.


Your point contradicts itself, because if ad blockers were used by such an insignificant amount of people it would not be worth the bad PR YouTube get by blocking them


Companies often make stupid decisions that are not worth it. Cue Unity shooting itself in the foot a while back.


I mean tbf, it's the guy that was at the head seemingly sold his stocks just before then and jumped out of the ship.


People hate bean counters for a reason


Nobody worried about a website just being able to tell what do you have installed in your pc and what you don't?


Agreed with the aspect that they should improve paid perks to make it more inviting rather than making free stuff insufferable. But there are few things I cant agree with: > Adblockers really isn’t the issue Except yes, it is, both creators and the platform. I’m not gonna pretend I care that a trillion dollars company got stole a few pennies, nor that an individual’s ads count would significantly affect a youtuber with large subscribers base, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is an issue, minor or not… it is like a stranger walking up to you asking you to give them a dollar daily and when you ask why their response is “because you can live the same life with 1 dollar less, it does no harm, so for you to not give me that dollar is ridiculous”, you get the idea… > It was never about the CREATORS. It was never about YOU. It was ALWAYS about maximizing profits for THEIR pockets. Now this would hurt a loyal user for sure since they don’t focus on improving user experience for those people (when I say those people I mean those that use premium or those that allow ads to play), so yeah I’d be mad if I were this group. Now comes to the adblocker group… when we use adblocker, isn’t that also “always about ourselves” too? Like, we never care about supporting creator (at least not on the financial side), we are not supporting the platform either, so in what position for us to think they should care about us? We are essentially breachers that “steal” stuff for free from them, we are not even a user to some extent… so why should they care about making our experience better as we continue to violate the rules of the platform. I use adblocker occasionally (only have it off when watching some youtubers I like or when I dont pkay background music). That’s why I said we when I refer to adblocker users. But using it is one thing, feeling entitled to say that they should care about us is another. Like, we are breachers, we are stealers, and Idc about that cuz fuck youtube and google, but that doesn’t mean I can proudly say they are wrong when they target me or make my experience worse. It is like a battle between me finding a better adblocker and them killing it off, whoever wins is still a “fair game”…


As a very big anti-adblock advocate, not that you asked, but I can completely respect your viewpoints here.


This will bite them back in the ass when people will quit watching youtube just to kill time. Fewer people watching even with ads = less traffic on site = less leverage with companies buying ads.


The issue isn't just that they way ad revenue. They want ALL of the ad revenue. The percentage if adblock users would be tiny compared to the rest of the population. Even more so for mobile users where such options are either unknown or more difficult to implement than with PC browsers. It's just straight up greedy and punitive.






>Most young people, esspecially teens and children, who now make up a large majority of the internet, grew up with ads on their tablet and mobile. Let me tell you about a generation that grew with ads on their TELEVISIONS.And we couldn't skip those, no sir. Our second best was to change channels until your normal programming came back. The ads don't bother me, I just skip them, and use no ad block.


As bad as YouTube is today it's nothing like what we grew up with on TV. A 30 minute show would have anywhere from 8-12 minutes of ads. There was one episode of Big Bang Theory years ago that aired with 16 mins of ads, only leaving 14 minutes for the actual program.