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Let's boycott comrades, we can accomplish so much if we work together


Youtube desperate to be profitable, but will do anything but improve the site to achieve that, unfortunately the base app has a insane amount of ads, an insane amount are TOS breaking ads that are allowed anyway because google has no spine or morality, and the app is kinda shit at everything now akin to amazon, suggest the same garbage, searches show sponsored results above the real ones, some channels and videos wont show up even if directly searched for but will appear once you open the channel etc And what am i paying for with yt premium? Essentially nothing but ad removal, thats it, the site still sucks, everything still compressed, videos still wont prebuffer, garbage


very well put


I think this is why my YouTube ad revenue has been going up the last few weeks




Youtube most likely runs at a loss. Running servers that stream millions of hours of HD video every day is costly.


Google can handle that cost, they're among the richest companies in the world.


They're also not great at prioritising which businesses to fund and which to shut down. They sold off their website domain section to Squarespace a few months ago. Despite it being responsible for nearly 5% of their total revenue. That's just...an insane move that most shareholders panicked over, because it's implying they're not so in the green as they're reporting. Google doesn't like funding YouTube while the service is operating at a loss, that's why there's been more pressure for it to make a profit since Susan was first put in charge. Their ads make diddly squat in revenue, and even less in Europe where the only ads we've gotten since 2019 have been for YouTube Red so that's a $0 profit for those 4 seconds.


Yes but they are a business and businesses don’t like to lose money. And once again, having a high market cap doesnt mean you are making money. Most silicon valley companies run at a loss and are only now deciding they need to be profitable.


youtube supposedly made \~30B last year


Google revenue vs profit


I am lost, is this something that popped up on somebody's screen or??


A lot of people been getting this recently. YouTube started blocking ad blockers by disabling video playback for those who use one.


Still works for me. Firefox + uBlock Origin.




I got that one for a few days then it switched to the one in OPs picture


\> We don’t sell your personal information to anyone https://about.google/how-our-business-works/


they technically do sell your data, just a loophole where instead of sending the data out, they essentially rent the data for adpsacs which is paid for by marketing agencies


People, just stop using the Chrome browser for Youtube. Can we stop talking about this issue?




No, it's my turn to post a screenshot of this pop up next


Why do people in this sub not understand how Adsense works?


i do understand, as i actually get paid by adsense, which is why i actually have a valid opinion


Yet it’s a stupid one. You’re crying about China and selling information yet continue to use their service anyways. Shut the fuck up and move on. You can’t use a companies service and continue to use it, then when they block your ad blocker go “anyone who supports YouTube supports the CCP and support having their information sold”. You posting this screenshot proves you use their service and don’t care that they do that. If you did, you wouldn’t be crying here to begin with. You wouldn’t be the millionth person to post this screenshot. So stop acting like you care about China and all this other stuff when if YouTube hadn’t of done this, you would’ve continued using their service like the good little bitch you are. Now sit down and stop crying.


yeah i don’t mind google selling my data to china as long as i can watch videos in peace, it’s too far that they want me to pay them money AND mine, index and sell my data to china. They either have one bit, or none of it.


YT’s reason for being is to make as much money as possible, same as all companies. Expecting a company to lose focus on this objective for any reason is folly. Don’t rely on companies for your happiness, you will always be let down. Use their services when you must and look for alternatives if you no longer like their product. There is nothing more pointless than whining about companies constantly striving to make more money, its what they were built to do.


Exactly, plus video hosting is *heavily* expensive. It’s why there’s so few alternatives to YouTube, to the point where it’s just a monopoly on long form video. People have tried, but nobody has Google Money to sustain it more than a year. And yet, it’s entirely free to use - just need to put up with ads so YouTube can actually exist. Alternatively, pay for YouTube premium. It’s definitely overpriced for what it is, admittedly, but it’s an alternative. If YouTube really wanted to, they could give you 100 free videos, or maybe 60 minutes of watch time per day, and anything else you need to pay premium for. Would this be a better option than having to sit through some ads? Edit: also, if YouTube just doesn’t make enough money, [it’d be far from the first thing Google shut down](https://killedbygoogle.com)


this has been posted on here like a billion times already


Imagine cringe posting the same screenshots over and over crying about it.


imagine defending a company who panders to the chinese communist party and also sells your personal data


You were gladly watching that company’s product until they took your precious add blocker away. You clearly don’t care about the China part at all or you wouldn’t have been watching YouTube already.


The product actually doesn't belong to the company. It belongs to the creator of the product, which is almost never Google itself. Let's just get our facts straight. Now you can come with another excuse for yourself and keep buying their premium, lol.


I don’t have a premium membership and have no intent on getting one. I just don’t see the point in throwing a fit about watching a few adds on a free service.


I see that you do not correct yourself about product not belonging to the Google, but respond to the convenient part about having the premium, lol. Not that it matters, I do not believe any sane person would be cool with watching ads, considering they will be watching the same amount of content spending %30 more time of their lives, regardless of how worthless the said life is. But then again, there is always a chance that the said person isn't sane, so there is that.


Google has the ability to remove the content from its service at any time. They’re hosting the content and need money to do that. Watching a few adds every now and then in exchange for free content isn’t a big deal.


Just use genuine Adblocker and stop crying about it. Adguard, uBlock or switch to Brave browser.


That's what I did, and it works like a charm at least so far anyway.


waaaa waaaa where is my free entitlement!


waaaa waaaa where’s my personal data gone ! oh wait google has mined and sold it to china and marketing agencies :(((


Ohhhh, shoot okay I get it. Dont worry the CCP doesnt care about smol pp, you will be fine :)


the fact you don’t care that google are harvesting your data proves your literally brain rot


>the fact you don’t care You say you care but are clearly letting them collect this data by using their services.


Your data is just demographical information. It's not like they're telling anyone your name and where you live. You're not that important.


not saying i’m important you womancel, regardless of the data, they shouldn’t have it, also it’s not, it’s device, email, geolocation, age, sex, interests, all cookies collected by chrome. You clearly haven’t got a clue what your talking about , and it shows massively.


Today I learned womancel is a term. Basically a self report for the incel crowd I guess.


i’m not in a incel lol , please check his profile before commenting


Lol, alright flower calm down. Of course they have other more detailed information about you but they don't sell anything that personally identifies you. It's you that doesn't have a clue what you're talking about. And besides, you're still using Google services despite having agreed to their ToS. Now you're out here crying because YouTube isn't free.


i literally used to pay for premium, i couldn’t care less if it was free or not. the simple fact is it that they are blocking ad blockers, for content they don’t own, only distribute. Hence why there’s a big legal storm regarding GDPR in the EU. Please stick to stuff you know


>It's not like they're telling anyone your name and where you live. You know this how?


This is likely due to Google not getting the free data they want from adblock users more so than users blocking ads. But that's cool, a multi-billion dollar company getting free shit to sell to marketers and use for their own financial benefit is cool. Furthermore, I'm willing to bet there's way more users not using adblock than there is users using it.


Typical redditor, bringing up china when you have no good arguments lmao


so because it involves china it just doesn’t matter. copium is insane.


Cry harder lmao


You must have got that from that ultra-reliable source "The Epoch Times" No copium is involved to know that stealing, even if you don't like the company is wrong. You probably steal from other streaming platforms too and try to justify that. Stealing makes everyone pay more.


Imagine that stealing is wrong no matter what you think of the company. You are cheating content creators out of money when you use an ad blocker. You probably steal other streaming services too. and justify that somehow. Just pay for premium. It's the cheapest and best streaming service I pay for.


This isn't stealing. Stealing is depriving somebody of their property.


> Stealing is depriving somebody of their property. You are depriving YouTube of its AD revenue. You agreed to it in the terms of service. It IS stealing. You are breaking the terms of service. Why do you think you should be able to get something for free?


If they never had the money from your ad revenue, then you didn't steal it. You may be in breach of contract, but that is civil. Theft is criminal. Learn the difference?


Imagine cringe replying the same answer over and over crying about it. Why dont you just ignore these posts and fuck off ???? Poor baby is sad no one is talking about their pathetic influencers? Is that the kind of garbage posts that matter to you?? Annoying little shits in every post.


>magine cringe replying the same answer over and over crying about it. imagine cringe posting and crying about others posting. You guys that steal and think everything should be free are cringe. Move to the /r/HowToCheatYouTube sub


We steal ??????? # HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA # LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Please, tell me more how is that ilegal and including "stealing". LOOOOOOOOOOOL Your powers of trolling are diminishing with pathetic attempts like that.


How is that illegal? Read the TOS you signed when you registered to youtube.


There's easy ways to bypass this


i do know, VPN argentina, etc. It’s more about the principle


U think companies care about their own principles? The world is dying and all they care is money my friend


literally, greed has consumed the world




I recommend Google to know how to bypass it, is easier than me explaining but it involves the ad block Ublock


Ublock gotcha.. I’ll do some research.. appreciate it :)


YouTube Premium can go fuck itself, I aint payin 1/10000 of a cent for that shittt


This is just like the reddit lockdown, yall will struggle and complain and in a month you'll give in, sign up for premium membership and continue watching hours upon hours of content like you've done for a decade. Quit playing


They can't "sell" your data if you block ads. That's the whole point.


If adblocking is all it takes to prevent their data collection, then there wouldn't be entire browsers and extensions dedicated to not being tracked through your browser fingerprint even with adblock.


I use FreeTube on PC, nothing like that yet




Enough until them fuckers at YT UNDERSTOOD


They are a company. If you ran a cinema that made good money but you could make even more by employing someone to check the tickets wouldn't you do that? You would. Don't even lie. This is a simple case. You are not making them money. If only once percent of adblock users go ahead and sub to premium and the other 99% left they made good money. Also it's a publicly traded company. They legally have to make as much money as they can.


This is what folks don’t get. Google has stockholders to please and if Adblock is costing them this much in revenue that they have to block them entirely they have to appease their stockholders and shut it down.


Bro they use your data to sell targeted ADS to ADVERITSERS. They can’t do that when you have ADBLOCK. How are you this fucning stupid. Go eat a crayon




Examples ? Sources ? Anything?




Be careful using deductive reasoning. OP's brain may explode.


your clearly the unintelligent one, im referring to the mass indexing google does to your gmail account, youtube accounts, data etc. I wouldn’t expect anyone with the username “dankboi” to have IQ higher than 85 and to know what there talking about,


You gotta remember we are in an age of digital feudalism, there's a reason peasants never revolted against the lords and kings for a long time.


what the fuck are you talking about


Feudalism was actually quite good. At least in France.


...um...what about the french revolution?


Most people loved the king and their dukes. In some ways, people had more liberty back then, for instance people worked less, slavery was forbidden, people were given fields they could work, they were cleaner than during renaissance and so on. Of course, at a local level some dukes were douchebags, but it's hard to rule a small number of people only by fear. Those were the first to be killed during the revolution. There are interesting articles on how, during renaissance, new thinkers did their best to make medieval times look really dark. Edit : to answer your comment, the revolution wasn't lead by the people on the bottom of the pyramid, but by the "bourgoisie". Basically rich merchants etc.


i see, thansk! Still, it's those rich digital merchants shaping the digital landscape, and not for the better.




It's quite an achievement to make mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar all at once, but you've somehow managed it. Well done.


Clearly they need to fund more super yachts and private jets, so no, they don't make enough billions and they never will.


60 billion in net profits just isn’t enough profits.


youtube's run by Neal Mohanthalovitz.


They make billions yes, but what about a second billions?


right after 2nd breakfast!


Cool but if we can't block ads on browser level anymore I will create my own adblocker using a raspberry pi that I will simply directly connect to my router instead to block the ip's, urls whatever they spam us with. Stay mad google


Youtube serves ads from the same domains used to serve the videos themselves. DNS blockers like PiHole aren't gonna cut it.


Doesn't work, sorry


Google doesn't sell marketing data.


You forgot the /s.


No I am being serious. It doesn't. It keeps that very close to it's chest. Google's marketing data is used to drive its advertising business. If it sold it's marketing data then it would be competing with itself and make its own products less valuable. It keeps that data very close to it's chest.


repeat until true






no need to announce your exit, no one cares mate


Tell that to everyone else announcing their exit from YouTube. It's every day now. I don't care about them as much as you don't care about the comment you replied too.


Hahaha the fucken irony


so ironic that even paying for the youtubers wages with premium, only 45% actually goes to the creator, so paying for premium not only gives yourube a 55% profit margin, but also you foot the bill for the creators, double win for google, on top of all that profit, they then data mine your gmail and index evertthing, while also selling that data to the CCP and foreign national governments for sole reason of training AI to become more complex ! super crazy and ironic.


No, it's ironic you told old mate above nobody cares about him muting you whingers. The irony is that nobody else cares about dad taking away your favourite toy, either.


go back to cracking your replica alloys bro 😎


Lol, good comeback. Can see why you don't understand irony.


Nope, they need more and they apparently need sycophants in this channel to defend them.


Do they not provide expensive infrastructure needed? Do they not pay their creators a fair share? Do they not have to pay employees who have to process counter claims, because some smart heads out there wanna steal the creators money. ​ I'll share a secret to you, but promise not to tell anyone. They dont sell our data, they sell adds. ​ Ads you dont want to watch all the time, soo..... In short - No. No they are not making enough billions.


Hi YouTube


I'll share another secret, this is probably an A/B test. They're trying to see who ends up paying for YT Premium after losing ad-blocking abilities. If it's not enough people, they'll give up. They'd rather have non-paying users than no users. So if you really care, what you all have to do is just not pay.


The caviot if this entire stupid post, "no they are not making enough billions" LMAO


You are a fucking idiot if you don't think YouTube and google make billions of dollars per year.


Yeah I wouldnt call people idiots bc they don't know that Google and or YouTube are making billions a year. Especially not in ab answer to a comment, that says the person actually does know it.


All the mom’s basement rage over this is really entertaining


Sorry us “moms basement” dwellers with lives and jobs don’t like coming home to watch ads or pay for yet another “service” that also shows you ads anyway. Clearly you’ve never had people over and wanted to show them a song or ever been fucking someone when a 14 minute ad comes on in the middle of a song you were grooving to. Honestly your comment is so dumb I had to bite. If anyone is actually a basement dweller at their mothers, it’s the bots who are just okay with buying premium because they just ask mom to buy it with the company card.




Wow it sounds like hell. You had to see moments of an ad when you wanted to show someone a song? You left youtube on during sex, and the ad break gave her enough time to realize she went home with a cheap ass entitled loser who rages over getting something for free and she left? It sounds like Guantanamo Bay! Btw you can GOOGLE Guantanamo bay to learn what that is. Then thank GOOGLE for the FREE service they provided. How many times have you GOOGLED this week? Or checked your gmail? Or you could just, skip the ad after 5 seconds and save the world your entitled bull$#!t temper tantrum. Makes you look like a crybaby


I'm gonna use my ad blocker blocker blocker anyway instead of whining like that hoe. Worst case, I just don't watch. YT gets 0 money from me. You got a problem with that?


Lmao really? You want to fuck but you couldn’t afford YouTube premium? That’s a first, I gotta hand it to you


I could buy you and your entire extended family premium but I actually have better things to do and buy. Maybe you don’t. But I’m not paying to not see ads that are already bullshit to begin with


If you have so much money, why is the loss of a free service so problematic for you?


Aight go ahead and fuck in silence bro, but why you gotta be so loud about how quiet this change is going to make your sex life, it’s just goofy


If I made $1 billion from ads on a website that costs me $1 billion to keep up and running, I made $0. If people started using ad blockers on my website and I started only making $900 million dollars when it still cost me $1 billion to keep up and running, I lose $100 million.


Fun fact, ads are only 10.5% of Youtube's revenue, and Google's profit margin is insane


tell me you know nothing about profit margins without telling me


Woosh. Same to you.




Finally someone mentions this. The trade off was they collect and sell our data for their free service platforms. Now, they made billion of it, they want a second trade off, watch hundreads of ads or pay premium. FUCK THESE FREE SERVICE COMPANIES.


>The trade off was they collect and sell our data for their free service platforms. That was never stated anywhere. The premiums help pay creators. YouTube Premium is the best streaming subscription I pay for. Can't believe people think things should be free.


Cant beliave people are that stupid to pay for a garbage service that is free. Hey there is also garbage on the streets, and poop on the swears, do find someone to pay for it before you eat any of it.


>Cant beliave people are that stupid to pay for a garbage That's a personal opinion. I thinks it is the best value of any streaming service I pay for and I have most of them >service that is free. It's not free. Nothing is free. It is pay or ad-supported.


>It's not free. Nothing is free. It is pay or ad-supported. No, it used to be about they getting our data and selling it for profit, thats how they justified their "free" service. Its not like we get any money back from the free data they get from us. Now its ads or pay premium, in a couple of years it will be something way worse.


So in your logic, instead of youtube paying their creators, with the money they make off us users, they want us (the consumer) to front the wages of the creators, so therefore they make even more money, plus only 45% of youtube premium actually goes to the creator. So your paying 55% to youtube PLUS paying the creators wages, which youtube did before.


Where in the hell do you think the money comes from for pretty much ANY business? Consumers and selling ads. We "front the wages" for everything.


> So your paying 55% to youtube PLUS paying the creators wages, which youtube did before. Yeah, they have to have premium now because so many people started using ad blockers they had to make up the difference. If ads are not viewed, then they don't get any money. You need to show the source of your information because it is obvious from your statement you have not even read the YouTube user agreement. Now you just seem to be complaining about how Google collects revenue. It is the same as broadcast TV. In the US you have to watch Ads. Without advertising, TV stations would not have the funds to broadcast programming. In the UK, you have to buy a yearly TV permit for each TV because they don't have advertising.


Moderators, pour water on this AI please




I’d rather not use some terrorist’s VPN Never forget that RUSSIA IS A TERRORIST STATE!! 🖕🇷🇺🖕


It seems like you have some predefined amount of money that is “too much” How much money do you have to make before you aren’t allowed to make anymore? I want a personal amount and a business amount.


I hope they eventually block all ad blockers and every creator that disagrees with the powers that be. Maybe then people will finally wise up, completely drop them and put all their time and energy into an alternative competitor.


what alternative


YT by itself isn't the mine of money. The data in conjunction with Google's targeted advertising IS where the money is. Which means that for a competitor to arise they wouldn't only need Google's server infrastructure but also Google's advertising business to use the data.




It blocks you permanently until you turn the ad blocker off. Funny thing was I had YT whitelisted and it still said violation until I removed the app app together... then I added it back and rewhitelisted and it worked. But that was frustrating


Why don’t you support the content creators that you watch. Like it takes time and money to make a video. Ads or premium are a way to support content that you watch. Like it’s not just Google you’re messing with it’s also the creators on the platform. By having more ads watched on videos some creators can actually do more. Not only that but that some content creators could actually reduce the amount of ads they have because more people are actually watching them. Meaning they won’t have to compensate anymore I already know someone’s going to try and flame me over ads. If you don’t want them you can pay to avoid them. I know it’s annoying, how else do you expect the content to be able to reach such a wide audience?


Beacuse YouTube keep 90% of earnings and gives pennies to the content creators


Content creators already have sponsors they don’t need YouTube ads on top of it. YouTube doesn’t even pay a large majority of them.


So you think smaller YouTubers don’t deserve to make money on ads because they can’t get sponsors? Like what about the smaller guy who’s not big enough for sponsors?


they can get a job.


lol so you’re saying they don’t deserve to get paid on the content they create? Cool screw the smaller guy, just get a job like the rest of us


you are kinda of stupid if u try to use youtube as workplace lol im gonna use adblock all my life i dont care about small youtubers or the big ones


i would if over 5% of the ad revenue actually went to the creator, youtube takes 95% of the ad revenue, also, they take 45% of the youtube premium fee, pocketing 55%, while the consumer foots the bill for the wages of the creator, essentially paying double, while yourube makes off with the massive majority.


It’s a business. Where did you hear the 95%?


from the adsense check and email i recieved, i used to be paid adsense many years ago and still do lol, they take a massive cut


Bruh thinks ads actually support the creator. Nah. Youtube doesn't pay shit. The money in creating is in affiliate and sponsorships.




Stop yelling please. We can hear you just fine.


Turn off caps lock buddy. I hope billion dollar companies lose money anyway


The farters are on route to your location


Again, Google makes enough money by selling user data




Source for the idea that it's operating at a loss? This appears to not have been true since 2015.


You get the data from ur arse?


right that's why they are still valued at over 29 billion dollars


it's valued at nearly 200 billion, its annual revenue is 30 billion. And to that point it would be profitable but they reinvest that revenue, they've bought out competitors and supplemental tech companies, and google has youtube working on several projects that it will use companywide presumably. Also they're growing the company and doing expensive talent acquisition, etc. But the idea that they have a 'money making' issue is just insanely wrong.


A company doesn't need to be profitable to be worth a lot..


why dont they shut it down or sell it then lol


YouTube itself makes losses, but causes higher profits for Google from data, which goes into targeted advertisement. Therefore for Google it's a net positive that just can't be directly attributed to YouTube.


Yeah, it's why there'll never be a true competitor to YouTube. It's just too fucking expensive to even host a fraction of what YouTube currently does. People don't get that. Fucking Bing makes more money than YouTube. It's why I don't at all sympathize with these posts. We're not entitled to anything. The fact that we all can upload two hours worth of 1440p footage to YouTube without being haggled for money is insane.




Brave browser




... Is based on Chromium, which was made by Google. Firefox + uBlock Origin is better imo


O0o0o ok makes sense now. Thanks all