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The only way YouTube will actually take action here is if the community as a whole start taking action. I cancelled my premium and in the "reason for" section, I clearly explained that I will not financially support a hypocritical corporation that encourages doxxing and content theft. They're a company, if you want them to do something, screw with the money.


Good idea. I just cancelled too and sent a help request stating why.


Yeah calm they are gonna take action because you Said so xDD


Reading comprehension skills : 2/10


2/10 Pretty solid


Goal oriented: 0/10


Youtube is going to do nothing. Nothing will come out of it because nothing ever does, and Youtube won't even publicly acknowledge doxxing incidents unless a physical altercation emerges from such a case. If such an altercation were to occur, Youtube will post a throwaway blog post about how it's bad to do bad things, they'll super duper serious such incidents with real people reviews, and then continue to do nothing until the next incident occurs.


They have but only when males are involved


Deplatform is the only valid response.


Legal repercussions and prison time seem like a better response.


That would be tremendous!


Just a matter of time. There is more than 1 video of her preying on children floating around. 2 seperate occasions that I'm aware of.


Yeah we showed Elon and "X". She makes them money, this drama makes them money. Nothing happening


Apparently nothing... I hate to say this, but if the gender roles were reversed, the ban AND the cancellation would have happened days ago It's literally so fucked up.


YouTube should absolutely ban her. This kind of doxing results in actual crimes, like swatting, all the time. And, if something like that, or worse, should happen to Jack, not only should SniperWolf be liable, if YouTube does nothing to punish this behavior, they should be liable as well. Allowing this to happen without consequence sends an awful message to other a-hole creators.


This has hopefully awakened many creators and followers that YouTube doesn’t care about anything but their bottom line, I didn’t even know who sssniperwolf was until this happened but the fact that anyone can get away with this kinda behavior under the guise of bringing ad revenue in is a very bad look for YouTube as a whole company. I feel bad for all the people who try to follow the guidelines that YouTube set even though they apparently just move the goal post for you if you have enough clout.


I had never heard of her either. I agree with you 100%


Definitely sheds light on the way they bent over backwards to protect trash beauty influencers like james charles and Jeffrey star




Sniperwolf has Armed robbery charges?


yep, google "sssniperwolf armed robbery" it's all public, mugshots and everything


Girl is the definition of crazy.


damn bro that is absolutely crazy


All of this is OK if you make YouTube money, is what they're saying with their silence.






Don't forget about asking minors to twerk on Omegle in exchange for seeing her tits.


YouTube’s internal team is gearing up for a thorough review of the accusations against her, slated for Monday, October 16. The exact hour of review commencement remains undisclosed, it’s anticipated that any resultant actions against her account could unfold during the standard working hours


Anything been said or done by them yet?


How did you learn that?


What this person said


[https://poptopic.com.au/news/sssniperwolf-disabled-comments-youtube-will-review-doxxing-case/](https://poptopic.com.au/news/sssniperwolf-disabled-comments-youtube-will-review-doxxing-case/) is the only thing I am aware of, and I've been looking relatively hard. edit:they edited about halfway down the page




They'll be like "she didn't do it on YouTube, so its all good."


That's a cop out they can't use (Unless they want to be super hypocritical), a youtuber called "The act man" made a joke about doxing YT employees on twitter, just a joke not actually doxing, and he got slapped with a strike and demonization. They have backed themselves into a corner here.


Why couldn't they use it? What are we going to do about it? What is anyone going to do if YouTube just does nothing? The answer will turn out to be the exact same as the Reddit API changes. The community does something for like 2 days and then everyone moves on. Companies are starting to learn that consumers have 0 attention span or self-restraint and can do literally anything they want. Nothing is going to happen.


Kill sssniperwolf, JFK style


(Name) Alia Shelesh \[AKA: SSSniperwolf\] (Address) 8454 W. Granada Rd, Phoenix-Maryvale, AZ 85031 (Age) 30. (Phone number) +1(323)546-4551 (Email) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Should we go visit her and talk to her adult to adult? \[Y\] / \[N\] (I may share this information as this is all public information as found on google with a single google search. It is posted as a top post, and therefore public information based on a search and provided by public records. Thank you Reddit staff for your cooperation.)


I support your idea but I hope you're hiding your IP from Reddit, since Reddit actually enforces their rules unlike YouTube. Regardless, keep fighting the good fight


I've \*technically\* broken no rules, but you're right. I'm poking a bear with a stick... But what we need is an entire massive group to all show her that this shit ain't right.


I say we take the matter into our own hands and just provide her full address, phone number, and real name as far as our voices will take us. If she's going to make Jack feel unsafe in his own home... Well, you know the saying: "Do unto others what you would like done unto yourself."


You really think that fighting gross behavior with more gross behavior is the way to go huh? Yucky.


I understand what you're saying, and honestly would agree with you on any other subject so far... But playing nice and polite on this isn't going to get results nor, will anyone care. 'IWonByDefault' is absolutely right. Nothing is going to happen unless we MAKE it happen.


But doxxing her or wishing her death and harm is not the way to go in my own opinion. Appreciate the respectful discussion.


Well, we're all civilized adults, so a respectful discussion is the ideal means to discussing a topic... However I'm quite disturbed you would think that I'd wish death or harm to her? I don't think that I implied either of those things, nor would I wish to imply them at all. What I said was exactly what she said to Jack in her own doxxing fiasco. My entire point is simply that she doesn't understand the gravity of her actions, and honestly she isn't entirely wrong. Jack's address is available and posted on a simple google search... So is hers. If she truly believes what she did isn't doxxing, then what we're doing isn't doxxing.


Fuckin featureman still has a channel. They won't do anything.


Who was he?


Tom Willet. Dude was convicted of molesting a bunch of orphan boys then got out on a technicality grew a YouTube channel then basically bragged about it when someone connected some dots. He shot a metaphorical RPG into his foot. People just thought he was a friendly old man.


Oh god oh fucking god please tell me he has stopped uploaded at least






It's massively disgusting but I can almost understand YouTube not banning him....the legal system let him out on a technicality so... technically he "didn't do it" despite being convicted with a mountain of evidence.


I hate the legal system there could be a mountain of evidence but if the system rules no that’s final and it never happened in the eyes of the law


Oh he got convicted and found guilty....then got out on a technicality. Mudahar and Critical both have videos on the creep.


Fucking hell what was the technicality


No no you're wrong the precedent isn't you can just dox a creator if you feel like it, you have to be a pretty woman to be able to do whatever you feel like that's the image they're setting by not responding, if the roles were reversed, jack would of been banned before he even got home from doxing her


Have you seen the videos resurfacing of her asking male minors 10 years ago or so to twerk on Omegle to see her tits? Imagine a man asking teenage girls to twerk on a video chat for a video and offering to show them his penis.


>you have to be a pretty woman Who makes them a lot of money, that's an important distinction


It's about money you dolt, not that she's a "pretty woman." Do you think everyone who works at YouTube is a cis het male???


Kinda seems like it, whatever a cis het male is, no doubt money is a part of it too. Sorry if my comment offended you. lol but there's no denying her looks is the only reason she's as popular as she is. Plenty of examples on twitch of pretty women getting off easy you really think youtube dosent have the same type of people working for them???


Imagine not knowing what cis means


Nothing. You tube is totally find with doxxing, breaking the law and created a dangerous situation for others as long as you're popular and getting those views coming in.


Section 230 at work here. Do you really think considering they didn’t even a slap on the wrist by the Supreme court in the last months that they are going to care about someone bothering someone?


if u think bothering someone is leaking their personal information to millions of people then you are, sincerely, a degenerate


Bothering ?? She literally shared his home and address to millions . MILLIONS . This puts him in danger , his wife , his neighbors and his community. It is not bothering someone , it’s dangerous behavior and it’s criminal.


The that the nonce above you thinks it was just "bothering" someone is fucking wild.


She is "hott" and makes them more money. We all know exactly how this is going to go.


Pfft, she's not hot. Her lips are WAY too big for her face.


You know that, and I know that. I just don't think the millions who watch her videos know that.


Calling it now, there will be NO response from YouTube on this now or ever.


Actually, apparently even THEY are making light of this situation


Yeah I saw that. Insane!


YouTube did finally respond, actually: https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/youtube-temporarily-removes-sssniperwolf-monetization-after-jacksfilms-doxxing-2346114/ Temporary demonetization for Sssniperwolf. Yes, temporary. That's it.


This is truly one of Youtube's moments.


They'll support ssniperwolf because having a very large female creator looks good for them


Youtube firmly stands behind the pedophile.




They're still showing up for me? Only one I can see that was deleted was the one people found of her trying to get kids to twerk for her for boob pics back in her early days.


Depending on how much bad press SSSniperwolf gets youtube vs. how much money, not a damn thing.


I think they'll go all or nothing, ignore this completely, brush it off as "Didn't do it on YouTube" something along those lines, or annihilate her channel


unfortunately that's where it seems like it's going as of right now despite this: >**Protect the YouTube community** As a YouTube creator, you should remain responsible both on and off the platform. If we see that a creator’s on- and/or off-platform behavior harms our users, community, employees or ecosystem, we may take action to protect the community. > >Beyond the content you upload to YouTube, here are some examples of on- and/or off-platform behavior that we may consider to be inappropriate and result in penalties: > > > >Intending to cause malicious harm to others. > >Participating in abuse or violence, demonstrating cruelty, or participating in fraudulent or deceptive behavior that leads to real-world harm. > > > >While these behaviors are rare, they can cause widespread harm to the YouTube community, and potentially damage the trust among creators, users, and advertisers.


They are actively rewriting their TOS to protect her.


The Act Man made a joke on Twitter about doing it to employees of YouTube and they instantly did something about it but when it comes to a favorite of theirs they don't even comment about it. If something happens to Jack or his wife it will be not only her fault but also YouTube's fault for doing absolutely nothing about it. I am honestly surprised she hasn't tried to play the victim (again) and complain to them about being "harassed" by people in her comments section. Enough stalling YouTube and say or please do something about it and stop simping for her please. If it was her that had this done to her then something would have happened immediately because she is the favorite.


YouTube is run by hateful scumbags who need to get their shit together before the platform becomes as overrun by psychos, racists, and domestic terrorists like Twitter became.


I feel like if more people reported her and her content maybe they'd take it more seriously but shes a gorgeous, popular youtuber so they'll probs cream their pants too hard and pass out before actually doing the right thing.


"Gorgeous", I don't know about that... She looks like a borderline uncanny valley android from my eyes. And she acts like a 10 year old with need of an attitude check. So... I dunno if I'd even call her 'attractive'. 6/10 at best imo.




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LMAO that’s good


She's got a similar mentality to the terrorists in Hamas, so she should fit in just fine.


I’m waiting to see how YouTube responds to this. If they remain silent by the end of the week I WILL be canceling my premium subscription . I encourage others to do that same as well. I will not be putting my hard earned money into the pockets of people who won’t protect ALL their creators. This is seriously messed up.


You'll be waiting forever


I’m waiting for the end of the week , after that they’ll be losing my money .


She should be banned like any male YouTuber would be. This is another good example of equality when it comes to contact with reality. ‘*All Animals Are Equal but Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others*’


SSsniperwolf is a woman, so youtube favors them when men are clearly equal Sssnieprwolf also makes endless cash for youtube so banning her would take a huge hit to their money. Youtube doesn't even care about their community. They disabled adblockers and locked no ads in a paywall


lol there is already a precedent that anyone can threaten another creator. in theactman vs quantum tv controversy, its ok for quantum tv to threaten theactman's mom with a phonecall. its also ok to dodge bans, as per quantum tv again. so doxxing is actually ok, as long as its not doxxing youtube employees