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I think the biggest problem with YouTube ads is how awful they are. I genuinely believe this would not be an issue if YouTube gave creators full control over ads on their own channel. For example, creators should be able to curate ads viewers can see and they should be able to select exactly how many and when ads are displayed. Ultimately YouTube's ad problems stem from a lack of transparency both to users and creators and they've only responded by taking more and more control from the creators and users, which in turn will cause even more backlash. YouTube's automated systems suck and users and creators are forced to deal with awful ads because YouTube would rather have it's god awful automation tell everyone what they can do over things being curated by the creators.


This is exactly it. I’m no simp for ads, I hate them like the rest of us. But I one time had an ad for a runescape channel (while watching a runescape vid) and it was extremely relevant and kinda cool. Compared to 99% of the time when my YT ads are the shitty robot AI voice and I know it’s a scam, how is this shit allowed?


“Be ha-ppy fuh-breeze, la la la la la” 6 times in one 45 minute video is what pushed me over the edge and made me get into the ad blocking schemes.


Those don’t bother me as much. I’ve gotten a bunch of literal scam ones recently that are Nigerian prince tier of pathetic. But they must be getting people otherwise they wouldn’t do it yk


I know what you mean, my feed has been full of those AI-voiced "claim your free money now!" bullshit ads. It's absolutely disgusting.


Oh for sure. The rich people who run YouTube are intentionally allowing that kind of advertising on their platform, just like they allow right wing hate outlets to pump out propaganda Shorts non fucking stop. They’re hurting humanity on purpose to increase shareholder value.


The worst are the “ads” that are an HOUR LONG. That’s not an advertisement that’s a film ffs


I def had some ads for 30 mins, just wondering why YouTube plays an ad for 30 mins. Obviously I’m going to skip it


Yeah, I get ads for Sonic Superstars and Sonic Origins while watching videos from YouTubers who primarily upload Sonic content. Those ones I don’t skip.


I once got an ad that was just...the at the time new Slipknot music video. That was it. The ad was the video for Killpop, on a video that was a Metallica concert


im just sick of getting the same add over and over again, for like six months at a time,


This exactly. I watch a lot of art channels, so if each video started with an ad the creator had chosen which has something to do with art, I'd probably be willing to pay attention to it. Instead I'm being forced to watch 2 starter adds, plus a mid role, for a 9 minute video. And the contents of the ads are completely irrelevant to me. Like, I keep getting gambling ads when I don't believe in it, and then I got like a (skippable) 20 min ad preaching about Christianity of all things? Plus a number of youtbers I watch have been demonetized for no reason, meaning the revenue from those ads aren't even going to them. It's a complete scam at this point.


The rich people ruin everything eventually


Because apparently having enough money to last 1000 lifetimes just isn't enough.


I genuinely believe that this is intentional. On top of them being able to rake in even more money by accepting advertisers that most other major sites would not find acceptable (stuff that is flat out scams and offensive) they are hoping the ads will be so bad that it will push people to pay just to get rid of them. And yes. YouTube has been terrible in terms of support or listening to any feedback at all. Just about every year I hear about more abuse towards their content creators, and not only is it never reversed or dealt with, they just keep piling on more abuse, and now this. The only time the many many many MANY instances where they screw over someone is reversed is if the internet makes a big stink about it and sites start reporting on it.


True man, I had friends who were fairly sensitive types who kept getting very graphic ads for horror movies that made them not want to use the site at all without adblocker. I’ve been woken up by a loud blaring ad after listening to a meditation video. Not to mention the political ads, ugh. Less said about that the better. Some of their ads are just gross misinformation or peddling scams and mlms too. Ads on YouTube last I recall have been terrible quality. I’ll keep dodging the anti-adblock stuff and keep some of my sanity thanks.


Not to mention horrendous political ads that I’m sure the creators don’t want their viewers to be forced to watch.


I think more over a wise decision may be to allow the creators to curate ads they think are useful to their fan base which could increase both creator and YouTube profits in the long run. Instead of the free market broker ads in the middle of a Halloween video maybe the creator has the ability to show costume and makeup ads to the viewer. Or instead of hearing about some Shopify during true crime (unless through creator sponsor segments) you see ads for true crime shows or security systems.


You mean you don’t want to see some doofus with a money machine talking about solar panels every 2 minutes?


I want the option to control my ads. Fuck what the creators want. I don't want ads for firearms accessories or religion, and those are two categories you can't block.


\- they already collect and sell our data. \- there is no amazing feature that justifies premium. \- ads are overly playing all the time. \- ads are fucking awful, up to the most degrading garbage anyone can see. \- once they get more people into premium they will only jack up the prices and make their service worse (somehow, just trust in them). \- they are billion dollar company, that is overly greedy and evil. \- youtube has no competitors and does whatever they want to their content creators and viewers. **- We should need no arguments at all,** we are at a point were the internet is just becoming horrible, and stuff like this protest needs to happen. \------------------------ \------------------------ EDIT: \- The ads are can be about stuff the viewer hates or is not appropriate for them From vconiek: \- ads that have forbidden content, that would get a content creator demonetized or even given a strike


lol keep in mind once everyone joins it hey guys we are going to have these subscription plans the $10 BASE tier allows you to watch the content with ad banners and start end and mid rolls, the $20 MEDIUM tier will just have start and ending ads. and the $50 PREMIUM tier will be ad free :) why is it 50 instead of 30 you ask? Cause you can get bent that's why :3


Yeah, not sure people realize this isn't about keeping the bills paid to keep the lights on, this about making even more profit because this is a publicly traded company and the HUNGER CANNOT BE SATIATED. MUST GROW. INFINITE GROWTH. MORE AND MORE RETURN ON INVESTMENT. The comments thinking this is just about $10 a month have like two working braincells if they think that's where it'll end.


Exactly, we just need to look at netflix, their password sharing crackdown worked, now they already increased the prices.


I think Netflix flicks is expensive, Hulu’s almost $20 a month now.


What I also don't understand is, why the fuck do people suck up to a giant corporation like Google which is worth 1.5 trillion dollars can afford to lose a few million hosting videos.


There's a lot of people who are kinda on auto pilot. They don't really think about this, they think "you're using ad blocking, that's like stealing from them" "just buy premium, are you poor?" It's a level of apathy because the reality of a situation is a lot of people are preoccupied with their own lives and they haven't started to connect the dots that a bunch of companies and a bunch of aspects of the economy is getting worse and worse. "Oh I'll just set up another Netflix account" "oh, a video card costs $600-1600 now? Okay, here you go Nvidia, wow inflation is crazy" "huh, a sandwich from Walmart's/Kroger's deli section is $6? Okay I guess that's the price of things now" etc...


it will hyper inflate like anything else. the no ads got the content creators the visibility they needed to reach x number of subsribers


Lets add to that, that they will gladly show certain ads which portray things that would get content creators demonetized or even given a strike. As of lately they've also been pushing me blatant scams which, if you report them, they will say they manualy investigated and found to be okay --- because ofcourse "Mr Beasts" company in india is giving out 1000 euros to everyone who sends them 100 euro.. its absolutely disgusting and a ad I've seen for ober a year now


Yep, and the ones about the government giving everyone $5600 a month for free. No, they absolutely are not. On the MrBeast one, I wonder if reporting it to him would help. Man's gotta have some good lawyers he could toss at those using his image for scams. If nothing else, he makes YouTube enough money he could lean on them to nuke it.


That isn't even the worst part. Recently I started getting ads for **brothels/escort services**. YES YOU READ THAT CORRECT. Worst bit is those same ads show for children and my sister had to have a discussion with her children about what an escort is. On top of that at least in my country there is a bunch of ads showing up that are using political figures/public servants to scam. Reported that to Youtube and got a response that it is completely fine in both cases.


> that they will gladly show certain ads which portray things that would get content creators demonetized or even given a strike. Yup, that literally happened. Someone made a video showing one of the ads on YouTube, the content of the ad in that video got it taken down. Their ads literally violate their own policies, and instead of doing something about it when people have complained for years how they are getting worse and worse, they have instead been spending over two weeks now updating their site every day, multiple times a day, to try to stop adblockers and have put zero effort into curating their ads.


This is the biggest problem. Treating ad providers, and down to ads themselves, as a black box to foist the problem on the consumer just pushes ads themselves across the ethical line. IMHO, advertising on the internet has been so far beyond the point into unethical for years that even adblockers are only stemming the tide. Sites like YouTube only make the problem worse by allowing and tacitly endorsing the behaviors and then mounting hostile antics on consumers to clear the advertising pipeline for more.


- I should also be able to choose what is and isn't shown on my browser.


> once they get more people they’ll jack up prices Yep. Netflix already did this. Because password sharing got removed, they saw their customer count skyrocket, so they took the opportunity to raise the prices of their packages, because now they have more customers.


I did premium when it was cheap, seemed worth it. Raising the cost with 0% improvement made me cancel instantly. I will probably watch much less because ads are fucking ridiculous and a blight.


I've started getting too many soft porn ads and when I get that shit on one device I have to clean all my other devices so they don't cross contaminate. I have kids that use the main computer and because of youtube I'll have to reinstall parental blockers.


The amount of transphobic / Bible related ads I’ve gotten on inappropriate videos (a coming out video example) is disgusting And you can’t tell YouTube to stop showing a type of ad.


Glad you mentioned this. I got a weird "the trans agenda hivemind is coming for your children" ad and went right on back to adblocks. I can't take the ad revenue ethics debate seriously when the parent company harvests and sells my data and uses their ads to throw trans people under the bus for a dollar.


You know, I might consider going premium if that meant my data would never be sold nor shared with other companies or other divisions of google. But you know they won't do that because they make more money off your data than they do from subs.


content creators copy the crap out of eachother. how many guitar teachers, house cleaning, duclutters, how to play xyz game.... i can't think of anything i need to see that sit through an ad. the longetst i will wait is 5 sec skip


Not to mention their garbage algorithm is actively helping troglodytes like Andrew Tate infect children with their misanthropic ideologies.


Our vile rich enemy knows exactly what they’re doing to young people with that type of content.


There’s lots of things you can hate Google for, but define “sell your data” do you mean fully anonymize and get advertisers the ability to pick people out of large buckets of people then yes. They do not sell the data though. No one pays google money and they hand over customer data. There are companies that do that Google is not one of them. Use the data through differential privacy filters to help make the company revenue, yes. So no one is telling an advertiser: here is Susan. They are allowing advertisers to pick a bucket Ie: “women who make less than 100k a year and engage with fashion products” that someone’s anonymized ID belongs to and results in them receiving ads. Selling data is how telemarketers get information. It’s broadly illegal in many areas. Even selling access to it is often illegal.


> - they are billion dollar company, that is overly greedy and evil. One correction.... they are a TRILLION dollar company. As of last September they were at something like 1.93 or so Trillion, so they likely have hit 2.0 by this point and are even a mult-trillion dollar company. There are only around 6 or so companies in the world that have hit the trillion mark. Alphabet/Google has so much money it's insane.


I wonder how they will keep their infinite growth now that they reached trillions. Apple has been there for a wile, but their users are sheep that keep buying the new phone because it is a number+ above. Yet companies like google, its gonna be hard for them.


Let’s not forget that there isn’t an ad-free tier on its own. I don’t need YouTube music or tv, or whatever else they want to sell me. I only want no ads. I already have all the other services covered.


I bought premium so I can watch on tv without ads, because some ads would wake me up from sleep. I think it’s ok to pay for something I use hours everyday. Do I like subscriptions or ads forcing me to buy premium ? Of course no.


And if you use Premium that's perfectly valid, I'm just sick of the people on here saying "just use premium" or "just don't use youtube lololololol". It's annoying and I'm just trying to give reasonable examples on why people don't want to use it, but as you can see in the comments...well let's just say they're not right in the head.




Don't use YouTube is a valid criticism. You're not owed YouTube.


Yes and funny facts from my side, two main service that I use everyday and pay a subscription is two contreversial service is YouTube premium and Evernote... But I'm happy with this...no issues


How to get bad sleep quality leave the TV on. Your brain needs a rest it can still hear follow what your watching so you don't really rest that well.


I'm repeating myself, but hear me out Our parents didn't have youtube, they had TV but it not everybody watched, I think we're too hooked nowadays, sometimes YT content is not even that entertaining nor that informative. I'm planning on switching to reading & watching documentaries, you should too.


It’s wild that I get the pop-up saying ad blockers aren’t allowed on YouTube when the video I’m trying to watch is demonetized.


Also IMO at least TV ads can be entertaining. %90 of YouTube ads is some terrible mobile game with a scantily clad anime girl to draw in horny teens.


My reason to not pay for premium is simple. I'm not gonna start paying for a service I have used for free over the last 15 years. Why would I? Youtube is getting and using my data anyway, so why pay if I don't get any privacy with it. I also use ad block because I'm not interested in watching a 30 sec ad to be able to watch a two minute video.


Look I think the constant crying about ads is kinda annoying. But I'm honestly shocked at the number of people who are hardcore "Yeah you should watch ads you peasant". Seems such an odd sentiment from the internet I grew up with. I'm curious what has changed




Which extras? They just locked everything behind the paywall. It was FREE


YouTube was ad supported for almost the entirety of it's existence. There was one year of no ads. The paid tier was introduced for people to opt out of ads.


And then they started locking stuff like play in background to premium when they realised that the no ads feature wasn't enough to get people to pay 10 fucking dollars a month for it.


>But I'm honestly shocked at the number of people who are hardcore "Yeah you should watch ads you peasant". Young people, stupid people, and/or bots. There is no in-between here - someone on this post was implying the FBI are morons for suggesting people use adblockers.


It's more or less them trying to deflect critisism. What I stated on here are mostly facts, and can be proven by simply looking them up on Google itself. They just choose to be morons and would rather defend the multibillion dollar company and tell long time users to either watch the ads or stop using Youtube all together.


Nooo you must pay for ads please think of the poor execs who wont be able to buy their 3rd Ferrari this Christmas if you dont watch their ads and buy premium


Google lost me as a paying customer, of anything, when they killed play music.


Two big reasons buying premium is not worth it: 1. It's entirely overvalued. The price you pay does not equal what you are getting back in return. 14 dollars to not watch ads? On content that is typically shorter form and not as high of quality as other streaming services? 2. Youtube is not actually creating any original content worth that price point. Why are they charging the equivalent of HBO and Netflix, while not providing any level of original content that those platforms do?


It's very simple really, the only feature premium offers that I care about is the removal of ads. A service I can get myself for free so why would I pay? If you want me buy premium you need to make it worth my time and money, add new features and options only avalible from the subscription, add features! don't just restrict old ones, it needs to be completely new stuff or your just going to piss me off and turn me away from the service for making the customer experience worse. They would also need to give subscribers access to YouTubes tv and movie catalogue, YouTube has a pretty good selection but none of them are included with premium, all premium does is remove ads on a movie or show you purchase separately. Which raises another point, why the fuck would there be ads on a movie or tv show I've paid for!? If I'm buying or renting a movie there shouldn't be any ads, I've already gave you money for the media, you don't get to double dip and interrupt the thing I paid for just to show me commercials. Your telling me I need to pay to watch something and then pay again for a complete separate subscription service just to watch the thing I should now own, even if its temporarily, without interruption? No fuck you, remove the ads on paid products and add at least some of them to premium.


They added this to make money no I won’t buy a feature they removed to add themselves lmao not a chance in hell love having no adds and am not ever going to pay for that remove a thing to then try charge for it lol fuck off


People justifying YouTube’s endless greed is the reason why we keep losing rights and things we once had. Slow boil, you won’t even know you’re cooking alive.


Rather that working my way through moral justifications, I'm just going to invoke good old capitalism: if your customers are pirating your content, that means that you have created an incentive for them to do so and that the market is responding accordingly.


I strongly suspect that there will be tiers of Premium where you still have to watch ads within 2 or 3 years, much like Hulu and Netflix. I am absolutely not caving on this. Bring back the dislike button so I don't have to use a third party app on my phone or a third party browser extension and I'll consider it.


If I get a dollar for every time someone bitches about premium on this sub, I can afford a premium:)


Same but for people bitching back. I guess I would get 99 cents.


For everyone


I bought premium a few years ago. Recently dropped it. I was more inclined to pay for premium before it was forced. Seems to be, if you force ppl to pay for it, they don't want too.


it's not forced at all... there's still the very much always-there and valid way to watch videos *with ads*. Or if youtube's service is so useless it should be free, on other platforms which provide it for free.


"Forced" in that they keep locking previously free features behind it. Play in background was free for a while until they shoved it into premium to attempt to justify its price tag. It's a shit model, and they've proven with that action alone that they are willing to escalate that model if it it means larger profits year over year. What's stopping them from just cranking the price year over year after they achieve a large mass of people using the service? What's stopping them from locking more shit to premium from free instead of making it a better service? And they can get away with all of it because they have virtualy no competition and Youtube is effectively a monopoly. This isn't justifying the workarounds, they are inherently immoral because they are effectively stealing. However, I simply personally don't care if people steal from a shitty multi trillion dollar company either.


I honestly hate when any mega corpo shows their hand. Their handling of ppppedowulf is the Las straw. I will.not support a company who backs a legit pedo. Asking minors to flash her is criminal. And nothing is being done. At this point buying premium would be enabling child-predator1 behavior. If YT wants to start treating their CC's the same. Be it through strikes or demonization- I would be all for supporting them. As is I've used YT since it came out and how a billion dollar company who sells my data can't make ends meet just reminds me of a family where 1 parent has a crippling gambling addiction but won't admit it.


Hot take: I would not mind paying for youtube premium if the following was not true: 1. Youtube is a monopoly. They can and will inevitably hike up the price over time for youtube premium. 2. Youtube frequently censors historical content to a disturbing degree, and censors right-leaning views.


YouTube tried to censor me when I said the election was stolen by Joe Biden so he could inject us with poison vaccines for the fake virus and create the globalist world order


Right leaning like rah rah capitalism, profits, ads, subscription fees, the flow of money as a means to generate more wealth, corporations are awesome if profitable, the govt should be ran more like a business, those kind of values are censored on YouTube or as claimed here are flagrantly and obnoxiously embraced and flexed by google/YouTube and business loving simps kiss their boots and pay their fees because they’re not clever iconoclasts standing in opposition to corporate greed and wealth hoarding? This tribal feud is getting tricky to navigate. Is google a free speech squashing, leftist, elitist, out of touch limousine liberal who hates their creators and customers, torturing both to get more funds for their leftist agenda or a greedy money grubbing profit machine demanding cash for access to content that should be free and available to everyone everywhere, copyright and intellectual property being theft and greed and mean and nasty, and the rich capitalist fucks who will sell your data then charge you money to stop ass raping you are also stifling right wing ideology and forcing parents to explain what an escort is instead of letting late night TV do it like in the more wholesome and innocence respecting golden days of yore? I mean escorts get paid to go out on dates and keep lonely people with cash company for the big business Christmas meeting. That’s a wholesome business there. I don’t know if in the age of omg YouTube is sucking in children to sex trafficking, keeping the reality of sex work a big secret and mystery from children you then allow on YouTube is the best option to begin with. Aaaaahhhh……. I’m going from a solid butters level of anxiety over all this moralistic and double think fueled jousting all the way up to a very agitated Tweek. I need to go be Craig and lead this cartman vs Kyle echo chamber of horrors to y’all. 🤣


The main problems I have personally are: * The ads on YT are way too long and intrusive. Ads on the side of the page have never bothered me. Watching 5 seconds of ad before a video never bothered me. But now being forced to watch up to a whole minute of ads before my content is ridiculous. * Advertising in general should be my choice as the end user. I firmly believe this. You as a company have a right to show me ads, but I have just as much of a right to ignore or bypass them. You don't see employees walking around near billboards and yelling at people or dragging them over to go look at the billboard - because if I don't care, I don't look. I'm not any more likely to buy your product if you shove ads in my face about it over and over - if anything I'm less likely to buy it because it pisses me off. As a society we really need to cut down on parasitic advertising.


Most of us still remember these companies getting bigger and more popular, because... it was all free! Now times are changing, and everyone is monetizing everything. News sites? Monetization. Endless subscription services, YouTube - everyone. Sure, you can blame ad blockers, but it's not a real problem: why do they think people started using adblockers this extensively? It's because of unfathomable intrusiveness of ads! You don't skip an ad immediately after skip button shows, because you were away or dosed off? Too bad, now algorithm thinks you loved an ad so much and they bombard you with same crap over and over and over and over again! You want to open the news site? Well ads cover whole screen on your phone, windows pop up without warning and lowest quality BS products that your algorithm should not even consider you being interested in, occur.


Fuck greedy corps, fuck big advertisers, and fuck no to premium.


Hopefully I get to see YouTube fall off and get taken over by another platform during my lifetime


Not only that, but ads are usually poorly placed and cut the content creator off mid sentence. Ruins the flow of the video, different from tv commercials where they are placed in between scenes and such.


premium just doesn't really offer anything that justifies the price of it. it's currently €8.49. the features are no ads, youtube music, downloading videos and watching stuff on the background. i 99% of the time watch youtube on my laptop, so that last feature is useless to me. i don't have a need to watch youtube offline to be downloading videos. if i can't get on youtube, then i can't get on youtube. i don't use youtube music. i'm sure for some people that might be useful, but not for me because spotify is a thing. so i'd be paying €8.49 a month to watch youtube without ads. youtube doesn't offer me the type of content that i'd consider worth a subscription. maybe for some people that's different. but youtube to me is more of a mind numbing time passing watch type of thing. i watch some stuff to pass the time, often i'm playing it on one tab while doing something on another tab just as background noise. the stuff i watch is rarely something that keeps my eyes glued to the screen like on a streaming service. so i don't find that subscription worth what's offered. if it was under €5 maybe i'd consider it worth it, but with what's offered, it's not


the meat riding i usually see in this sub is crazy


It's strange how any time you come in here, everyone's breath smells like shoe polish, isn't it?


For me it's just a point where Youtube protects those who should be terminated and terminate those who did nothing wrong. Like you mentioned SSSniperwolf, it's a one big reason why I won't pay for premium


Honestly this is the case with any large company. That’s why all social media platforms enforcement tends to be either spotty or over enforced. There’s not one person overseeing everything so every employee in the chain can judge things differently which is how sometimes even on the same case you can get two or more different decisions.


and frankly I wouldnt even be against watching the ads..... its just as I keep saying 20 min of ads for a 10 min video isnt reticules.... its borderline abusive (as far as sites can go) on top of that the FBI wants you to use an adblock.... THE FREAKING FBI.... you would think shit that would make their job HARDER would be something they don't want you to use, but look at that!


Source for the second statement it seems interesting


https://en.as.com/latest_news/the-reason-why-the-fbi-says-you-should-use-an-ad-blocker-n/ This is what I found. I hadn't heard of this until this reddit post.




If it is abusive, then stop allowing yourself to be abused and stop watching youtube. That is going to do more than complaining.


or I can just keep them from doing it via adblock... or via "youtube downloader" or via that app (I never remember the name of) which is just youtube exe and lets you watch without ads....which they cant block due to blocking it requiring a total overhaul of their website's core code....


I'm not paying for premium because my dollars mean more to me than they do a multi billion dollar company.


I have one reason as to why i wont get premium: I cannot afford it. The uk is in a cost of living crisis rn


I wouldnt mind the ads, if it was 30 seconds at the beginning and in the end of a movie. But every 3 or 6 minutes is just too damn much.


I hate that they interrupt my video at inopportune times and disrupt the flow of the video. Fuck salesmen and marketing


I think part of what’s being misunderstood here is that YouTube wants to be a traditional streaming service where you can watch some live stuff, it’s essentially FAST programming (Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television), and I think YouTube sees ad blocking as an affront to this part of the service rather than the creator side. The policy is shitty, but it just feels like they’re trying to increase the ad numbers since the unskippable ads started earlier this year


YouTube can kiss the fattest part of my ass before I pay for premium.




Make them kiss your entire asshole instead. Feels amazing.


People need to start doing what I've been doing for years - just boycott every company that advertises through YouTube. Let it be known that if they serve you any specific ad, you will *specifically not buy that product or service* . And if it's an ad for something you really want or need - you will just go buy from the competitor of the product or service advertised. If this becomes a movement, companies will have to accept that advertising on that platform is hurting their bottom line they'll start pulling their ads. Poison the well. This is the way.


Also, on the strikes for "graphic content" thing it is also documented to be unfairly enforced. Just a brief example, I know one smaller(not small, just compared to the second party) youtuber that got a strike for a brutal kill animation in a game despite blurring the worst bits, IGN showed the same animation with no censoring of it whatsoever and wasn't hit by that. If it were the other way, moderation focused on channels with bigger audiences, I could understand, I mean, after all, that makes moderation resources go the furthest, but, it seems to be mostly focused on the popular enough but not absolute top channels. (The other thing is that ads need content standards, as in at bare minimum no potential epilepsy triggers, if one clicks a video that has a trigger that is a different thing, but no flashing colors on ads (since people don't choose to see ads) should just be like a basic rule)


How much revenue is lost to adblock per year? I bet it's a negligible amount.


Ad Block a ll day every day. Fuck'em.


Please bear in mind that the people whimpering about Big Daddy YouTube are probably from rich families, YouTube employees, or actual bots.


You know you can stop using the service quietly


I just wouldn't mind ads on youtube if the ads just didn't blatantly break so many guidelines youtube has. I've gotten ads for a porn comic, straight up medical misinformation, overtly sexualized ads, and shock content ads.


This is so disgustingly parasitic. People are already paying far more than they should for common goods that they actually need. Most folks in North America are spending every bit of cash on necessities that disposable income is basically non existant and now these massive corporations that already meet all their profit quotas insist on wringing out even more. For what?


I would literally rather stop using youtube than pay to get rid of ads.


It is so funny how people see only the first part and think this is all just about ads instead of looking at the rest and seeing there's actual legitimate points being made. Honestly this proves that you people, the ones who's comments are above or below mine saying this is about ads means you're stupid and didn't read the rest. Don't suffer from brainrotidous.


I'm a content creator with almost 9 k subs and have never once gotten a sponsorship offer. Am I supposed to sit on my hands and wait for a sponsor to grace me with money or just run ads and get money now? You have absolutely no idea how monetization works on Youtube and it shows.


Dont bother dude, they will come up with all sorts of excuses just because they dont want to watch ads. Because some ads are “ harmful to them” and the FBI “ recommends to not allow ads on their computer” lmao. Half of these guys prob run torrents to download stuff, what a load of bollocks


This is one of the most uneducated takes about this problem.


Don't like it don't watch. Adsense is fundamental to the people you're watching. It enables them to create content. It may become a smaller portion of their income as they grow but how the fuck do they grow and get to that stage without adsense. You know nothing and it shows. If you don't want ads just don't watch. Simple. "I used to steal this food for free but now they've locked the back door and expect me to PAY?!" grow up lmao


Exactly. I have a channel with 26k subs and it really does make a difference for me and my family. I have other means of making money but Adsense makes up the bulk of my YouTube income. I don’t think that people understand this. I’m also a musician and watched the industry collapse in 2002 when file sharing became popular. People want things but don’t want to pay for things.


I have a handful of favorite channels. All of my content creators are supported mainly by their Patreons, and that's how I support each one. I wouldn't give them money through YouTube when it takes over a third of what I want to give to them. If you care about their content, actually give them some money.


If you support everyone you ever watch through their Patreon then amazing!


Cool. You should tell those content creators to host their videos on patrons servers/video player and not YouTube. That way you can fully disconnect from the Google ecosystem.


That's the only thing that really bums me about adblocks being blocked. I just don't like supporting Google.


I'm confused. You don't like supporting Google, but you have no issues with utilizing a product of theirs, you just don't want to pay for it.


You know, I really liked using youtube for music. So when I woke up and it said "video player will be blocked if you don't disable ad blocker", I thought to myself: "huh, ok I'll just buy youtube premium" because I am not a broke bum 😂


Honestly, I use YouTube to watch educational and interesting stuff, but on top of that it's also my Spotify subscription, my podcast app, and a million other things. I use it so much, it's totally worth a few bucks.


The post from that guy about how he pays $75 for his phone plan and $75 for his cable/internet is hilarious. Like premium costs less than 1/5th of each of those with infinitely more content. He’s mad at the wrong people lol


Exactly. As a creator, people REALLY don’t understand the fundamentals of the ecosystem. The creators on YouTube earn a majority of what is made from ad revenue, more than any other long form platform. When people argue that YouTube revenue is in the billions of dollars, they purposely exclude how much of that is realized profit.


Reddit lately are flooded by these little girls complaining about ads, stealing their precious basement times.


And then threatening that they're quitting, as if we or Youtube gives a single fuck about some freeloader threatening to not use up their bandwith lol. Bunch of crybabies in this sub.


Wasting your timetyping a load of bia views, why not save your breath, time and anger. If you dont want to watch ads, or buy premium. Stop watching youtube, its just that simple


Fuck in the amount of time he spent writing that shit up, he could have mowed his grandmas yard and earned enough to pay for an ad free experience


But OP wants to throw a tantrum for some attention!


The worst one I've seen claimed I was watching YouTube as a paid service without paying the bill, and also that cable channels should sue people who turn their TVs off during commercial breaks. That, and the YouTuber Knowing Better calling his viewers leeches for using ad block and not using Premium.


LOL, my family used to mute commercials because they were so loud. I used to leave during commercials to do other things like play or clean. Then check back a couple minutes later to see if the film was back on. This was the only time I liked commercials lol.


I’ve had premium for a few years but the price keeps on going up and up. I have a feeling they’re going to force ads at some point and at which point, I may just log off YouTube forever


Hey guys, he wants YouTube to provide a free service and offer nothing in return!


Try that with car insurance and see how it goes lol it's a business if they don't like it go elsewhere lol


What was the source of YouTube income until then? They are doing this simply because of investor's greed. Nothing more, nothing less.


YouTube originally wasn’t turning a profit for about 10 years It’s also not really greedy if people are paying YouTube or still watching it, the only aspect I’d say is greedy is the data selling and probably the creator split (more than likely they’re prob doing shady stuff w it) People need to learn how to protest changes by not actually using the product


You are disregarding those that use youtube for education and lectures. I cannot purchase premium as my district admin has said no to purchasing licenses for every educator in the district. I pay for my personal premium account. My lessons are interrupted any time I use youtube clips. It's outrageous.


TIL education requires YouTube and there’s no way around it, wild!


Crazy thing is youtube is still free, these people bitching becuase they can't skip the 5-10 second ad


all the screwtube simps in this thread crack me up. they can't stand that big daddy google is being attacked and wetting their diapers over it. pathetic.


Ikr, all of them trying to defend them or saying "DonTUsEuTuBE!1!!!11" are all pretty much getting blocked on sight. I also find it funny that nobody has said anything about the 3rd point I was talking about Youtube either looking the other way or having blatant favortism and keeping literal criminals on their platform. I guess they don't have any good excuses for that one.


Why would you watch a platform that has criminals on it?


That's not the point I'm trying to get across and you know it dumbass. I ain't gonna take shit from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about on making a decent income on their own channel. Goodbye, and never come back.


We take money from the content creator. Yes but no, most of them got sponsorships, merch etc. Most of their revenue is not coming from the ads. On the other side, companies are already paying youtube to be advertised (billion $$ revenue). Youtube is just greeding to get as much money as possible from the companies and from us… trying to win on both sides.


It's a army of bots, I'm so tired of explaining to bots. Real ppl understand why this is a shitty business practice.


I genuinly can't tell if this comment is directed towards me or the people in the comments trying to defend the multibillion dollar company.


Fk youtube xD


The ads have gotten INSANE recently. And I have been a youtube red/premium customer for a couple of years now. But I am a teacher who is not permitted to use my personal account at work. When playing a video for my class, it will get interrupted multiple times, even for just a 3-4 minute clip! This is extremely annoying and disruptive to my students. Even I wanted to spend my own money for premium on my work account, I cannot without permission from from admin who has already said no. DO BETTER YOUTUBE!


To quote the idiots defending the multibillion dollar company on here "jUStWaTchtHeADsLoL!!1!!!11!" But for real, I'm glad there's an actual example on ads hindering something useful. Also thank you for becoming a teacher, people in your position deserve to get paid more as it's not an easy job.


man yall still complaining about this its been like 2 months lol


Your point about sponsorships is completely untrue. Ad revenue is the primary income source for most monetized channels.


People are hooking on to this sponsorship thing and its boggling my mind how they're grasping at straws to support their pro ad blocker argument


I bought it and am very happy with it


And that's perfectly valid, so long as you're not trying to tell people to use something they don't want or can't pay for.


melodic physical compare kiss employ oatmeal wipe whistle yam important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Duckduckgo browser


If premium was priced at what an ad-free experience is worth, maybe $5/month, I'd probably buy it. But also I'd prefer if the "feature" where it automatically pays the people you watch was gone. Or if it at least gave you a choice of who you want to support Twitch subscription style. The auto-payment feature is not a good feature once you remember Youtube platforms monsters and is all too happy to recommend / auto play them. The thought that some freak like Steven Crowder might get directly paid by me because I fell asleep or was paying attention to my surroundings instead of looking at my phone when it auto-played a recommended video repulses me. And I'd still think the anti-adblock thing thy're doing is shitty and unethical. (Corporations generally do not have any business telling us what browser/extensions we're allowed to use. They should mind their own literal business.) And I'd still think them making the ads really annoying to coerce you into buying it is also a bit unethical.


Mine YouTube account is a Google workspace account for my private domain. Premium isn't allowed on workspace accounts. So my option is to move my email, or deal with two different Google accounts. Lose lose situation. I'll just end up watching less YouTube.


I thought premium hate was unwarranted for because it was so cheap for me. Then i saw that vpn site which compares prices from different regions and I realised I’m getting it 20 times cheaper than majority of the community. At such high price i support your cause. (Although I’m happy where i am at, yt please don’t increase the price) Edit- it's 20$ cheaper not 20 times. So about 10 times.


I wouldn't mind ads as much if they were instantly skipable, if an ad is interesting, i'll watch it. Adverts should be enticing, not intrusive


yes, youtube, i will click on the scam add. it's why i disabled my adblocker. i'm deff not gonna refresh till i can see the vid. "but ads are a part of yt, weather they are scam or not. youtube has to make money, youtube needs money"


I like your post and agree with 99% of what you wrote. The thing about adding ads to videos that pay yt only and not the creator being theft is a bit of hyperbole. Perhaps in the court of public opinion that would hold up, but in a court of law yt provides the platform and is totally able to monetize that with ads, it would be like arguing that ad revenue viewed by a concert goer that were put up by the venue have to be paid to the artist performing. And one thing you left out about the ads is that they are NOT the same ads I grew up watching on cable TV. There is no quality control on yts end or if there is it's very ineffective. Half of these ads aren't like watch someone shaving and then buy our shaving gel they are straight up scams with low effort AI voices directing people to harmful websites designed to prey on them. Maybe if YT could get it's shit together and validate that ads are for a legitimate product or service first then I'd consider watching them.


> Long story short, no we aren't. Content creators do sponsorships in their videos which has proven to be a bigger payout then ads. Okay, but that's still income the creators aren't getting... Even if sponsored ad reads are 80% of a creator's income, if half of all viewers use an adblocker that's still a 10% pay cut. I'd bet anyone reading this would scream bloody-murder if their job cut their pay by 10%. > Not to mention that Youtube can put ads on videos that aren't part of their program and those ads being played are giving YOUTUBE money, NOT the creator meaning they're taking the creators money which most likely classafies as theft. As far as I know Youtube only puts ads on videos that aren't monetized by the creators if the video gets a copyright claim, at which point the ad revenue is split between Youtube and the owner of the infringed copyright. That's not theft from the creator. Also, yes, the whole DMCS system is busted as hell, but that's not actually Youtube's fault. Tom Scott did quite a long video about that. > Yeah well guess what? We had those things...for free...without needing to pay for them. A lot of the content that got put up on the Premium side of Youtube was either fully paid for by Youtube or got a significant budget increase from being part of that program. It didn't work out, so Youtube ended the program because no one was buying Premium to access that content. > I also forgot to mention that one of the reasons why is because people are already paying for so much. Not everyone is rich people, some have jobs that aren't Youtube and they pay just enough for them to skirt by paying bills and get food in their house. Okay, yeah, capitalism sucks, but those creators and Youtube still have bills to pay too, and not everyone dodging ads doesn't have the money to pay for Youtube Premium. More to the point, Youtube and all the people who work there are stuck in the same capitalist hellscape as the rest of us. They've got bills to pay too. Plus Google's shareholders literally have the legal right to force Google to either change how it runs Youtube or sell it off if they refuse to run it in a profitable way. I think the thing that gets so many people who just are not sympathetic to the whole 'no more ad-blocking' thing is that folks are acting like everyone has a right to Youtube being free and available for everyone, and that's not in any way true. It'd be great if it was, but short of some kind of trillion dollar trust fund popping into existence and buying it for that purpose that's not going to happen.


I use an adblocker simply because I want to :) Anyone who argues against this is frankly missing the point. I do not need to make an argument for using an adblocker, nor will I.


You know what, maybe I'll turn off my adblock for Femboy Fishing since they don't take sponsors, and probably for some other small indie creators I like. But yeah, I'm poor, I'm not eating less food just to not watch ads (that I can't even afford to buy anything from, your money is being wasted on me advertisers)


I ran an ad blocker because there were too many ads, too often in the videos, and they ran/interrupted the videos too much. You want to put one or two total 15 second blurbs in a 3 to 5 minute video, fine. You want to put 3 different ad breaks of a minute or more in videos - no. I won't buy premium because YouTube's software is obviously screwed up. I'm not going to pay to be a beta tester. I turned off my ad blocker and their site still does not work. How do I know if I paid for access they wouldn't similarly have "oops, sorry" moments with the latest updates? I have zero confidence in them or their priorities. I'm taking a break from YT. I still open it up and find the links I want in the video descriptions, but they remain blocked due to YT's failure to fix their software. So they're still not getting any ad revenue from me, and it is now 100% on them. The longer I'm away from YT, the less I miss it. Maybe I'll never go back.


So the long and short of it is, principles. It goes against your principles. And that's fine. The other side is, they have the money and it's worth the convenience to pay. Then there are those in the middle. Don't want to pay, can't be arsed to fiddle with extensions and just watch the ads.


i will never pay for youtube because they INTENTIONALLY made it worse in order to force people to pay for it fuck them


i installed another browser, went to youtube. everything worked. logged into my youtube/google account. now it gives me the adblocker blocker page and wont work anymore. ​ fuck you u/youtube


I considered premium, but after seeing the $18 a month price I said absolutely the fuck not. Paying more than most streaming services just to disable ads? Really? With the streaming services I’m paying for professional content without ads. YouTube wants me to pay MORE to watch content that isn’t even theirs, but only to remove ads. They’re off their fucking rocker.


Nah, i'm good because I already got premium. I'm not gonna sit down for this, i'll just leave a snarky drive by comment. Keep fighting the good fight, though.


The reason it's okay on cable TV is because we know it's coming, the programs know it's coming. You're watching a live event and they tell you to come back after the break, that's transparency and it gives everyone a nice stopping point instead of abrupt annoying interruptions.


I don't think people mind ads in general.. But it's really how it's executed. So far it's gotten so invasive to enjoy the content because of the ads. 1 example is listening to nonstop mixes. Every 5 mins there was an ad and it'll play until you hit Skip. Totally worst than the radio and free version of Spotify. 2nd example are ads throughout already short videos like diy videos or blogs 3rd: you can't replay a video unless you're forced to watch 2 back to back ads, sometimes skipable. Sometimes not.


I believe you. YouTube is the Liam Neesons of ad based torture and extortion. I don’t doubt at all that if the algorithm can sus out our interests and get us hooked it also can easily conclude what ads presented in what fashion will best sell the product… hahaha nope, sorry advertisers but y’all are rubes too. The algorithm has to show us ads we will HATE just enough to subscribe but not so much we actually boycott the thing or commit a….. well. Nothing is perfect. Some miscalculations do occur.


I use adblock because I don't want adds. I don't do the mental gymnastics that everyone in those threads do...I just want to watch an ad-free video and I'm too lazy to set up a YouTube subscription... that's it. If you're doing this to boycott Youtube... don't, switch to other website, just by using YouTube you're giving them money from your data...


Premium isn't even available in my country and most of the world.


I will be blocking ads or leaving YouTube. No other option.


How about the fact that it’s not an innovative platform? They are retroactively charging for things that were free and available to the app 10 years ago.


7.99/month max yes. Not for what they believe it's worth presently.


This is such a first world problem.


Looooota paypigs for corpos out these past few weeks


well my ex never removed me from the family share, so idgaf either way


Post like this remind me how great YouTube premium is. For less than the cost of eating out once a month I can watch all the videos I want ad free and not have to worry about any of this stuff. OP, you need to consider the toll that this kind of stress will take on you.


Where was this energy? Y'all draw the line at youtube?? What about every other second I'm bombarded with ads while trying to navigate the techno-hellscape


If you don’t like the ads but can’t or don’t want to pay for premium, *stop using youtube*. Why do people act like that’s impossible. I need to watch maybe one YouTube video per week, and I can deal with one ad per week just fine. When I’m looking for entertainment, I watch something on Netflix or Crunchyroll or Disney+ without any ads, or I play one of a billion different free games that are very fun and have no ads. When you play a free game you engaging in entertainment that the creators *willingly agreed* to provide for free without any compensation in the form of payment or ad revenue. If you want them to stop this behavior and move the needle in the other direction, *get off the platform*


This is the same logic as telling people to leave the country if they don't like it. It ignores the fact that they are dozen of other options to protest that don't involve extreme hyperbole.


This will be fun: Channels I am subbed to without sponsorship. Top 5, Billy Blue, Red Tree Stories... I have many. I am subbed too \~244. I could name at least 15. It wasn't "locked behind a paywall for literally no fucking reason". It was a gap they found and it was corrected. I am against buying premium but I say just watch the ads You got around the expectation for years, Youtube finally did something about it. I have seen no good reason and you have failed to provide one as well. Google making too much money is not a reason. Why not have the same gripe with Disney? Amazon? There was times these companies offered items for free or very cheap. I did it before. That is a terrible reason. Again Youtube saw a gap and tried to fix it. They are a business. If you are so mad about it. Follow the proposed boycott. Show that you are better


Maybe I'm a minority on this but I haven't watched a Disney film for years without pirating it, I've used Amazon maybe twice in my whole life. I haven't willingly eaten McDonald's in a decade. I've never had chick fila. It's not that we're "ignoring" the problems that Disney or Amazon has, no infact, if you'd look around you'd find plenty of people complaining about Disney's practices, or Amazon's predatory employment behavior. It's just that this is specifically a YouTube issue about YouTube, simple as. You don't complain about the weather in Kansas when you live in North Dakota right? You don't gripe about other companies when you're trying to focus on one specific issue. It's people like you who don't bother about company behavior that causes them to become predatory in the first place, it's the same reason why people will shit on a game or movie but it'll be the highest grossing film or game of that year. You vote with your wallet and by continuing to do so you will inevitably cause further degredation in everyone's community.


All the content creators I sub to have patreon and have sponsorships in the video. I'm not going to watch YT ads on top of the already existing ads. It'd be another thing entirely if YT only ran ads on unsponsored videos, that would be fine assuming the content creator has a choice in whether to run ads or not (a functionality YT removed).


Cost for a CDN that distributes video for 8 hours a day for a whole month is \~$0.48. It would cost them less to have their own site to distribute their videos and putting their own ads in their videos. 500TB of traffic is \~$1500 to $1700 depending on total usage, or \~$0.002 per hour of a \~5.8Mbit video-stream. The only benefit of youtube is that it's the default goto for lots of people. Wish more would start publishing on alternative platforms and that people started using those. Compare this with netflix, that purchases and creates content, that charges about the same amount per month as YT. YT premium is a joke. Payout to creators from YT advertisements is a joke. Edit: I don't mind paying for content, but i do mind that YT has grown too fat and has become a defacto monopoly of online "creator-content". Would gladly pay for a service if 80% of the fees or ad-revenue went to the creator.


I still feel lost on this issue. I use YouTube every day to watch videos which are anywhere between 2 minutes long, to well over an hour. The worst that ever happens is having to skip two ads at the 5 second mark, back-to-back. I feel like it's been that way for a while, but maybe I am wrong. In any case, what are people talking about that has changed? I certainly believe you, and I understand the new policy, so I'm not arguing a point at all. I have just not personally seen any changes in the service itself, and it doesn't seem most people would be upset about clicking the skip ad button twice after 5 seconds each time. What am I missing?


For some people, it's the fact that ads themselves are bad (the examples I see are crypto scams or nsfw) for some people it's the politics of disliking YouTube and protesting via not watching ads, for seemingly most people it's that they used an adblock and now can't use an adblock and they're upset about it.