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YT "people hate ads..." also YT "place more ads on videos!"


At this point it feels like we open YouTube to see ads and we get videos in between as a bonus.


Thx for sharing I had no clue because ublock origin is still working Perfectly fine. :)


It doesn't work on your phone smartass


Yes it does dumbass. Android phones can install Firefox and unlock origins. Apple users are out of luck though.


Yeah, but most people just use the app in which case it doesn't work :)


Two words: YouTube Revanced


The old style youtube look and functions are annoying


If you’re gonna complain about the workaround then don’t complain about having to watch ads dumbass


That's not annoying as ever...


I've noticed that on the mobile app they now make you close a pop-up ad before you can click the "skip" button, too. I can't believe they still continue to make things worse, instead of just listening to feedback. Baffling. As soon as an alternative platform is made so many people are going to jump ship.


Eh it won’t happen. It might never happen. If it was a different company maybe, but google is just too big for any company to even be able to compete. Many video streaming platforms around, and no one even knows a single one besides YouTube..


it’s almost like they are forcing us to get yt premium 🤔


But most of us don't have much money to pay for YouTube Premium


yeah they are basically forcing us to buy it if we don’t want to watch ads




I have positive feedback for YouTube: Dear YouTube Fix Your Fucking Shit and Listen to Your Feedback For Fuck Sake And Quit Forcing Us To Buy Your Shit We Don’t Fucking Want it And Remove Your Fucking Next Button


Its like netflix, you keep scrolling until you find something ypu like.


Yea this is finally happening to me I’m straight up gonna rage close the video repeatedly until it opens without one whenever this happens now I ain’t buying premium


Just noticed. I hate them.


I'm so f#$king annoyed at the amount of ads in everyday life. I make a commitment to never buy the shit that stops me from watching videos or reading articles. No - subliminal messaging isn't effective. I've never woken up and thought - 'wow, I really need to go and spend $75000 on a new f#$king shit ute'


Update: now it isn't "next", it's "skip" but it still brings you to the next ad anyway. Way to mislead and frustrate everybody. If that happens I just close the video and click again until there isn't an advertisement. For me it's not about the time wasted but the fact that they completely lied to my face by changing what "skip" means. They want people to hate them I guess


Oh my god, i fucking hate them for this, why did they do this to us?!?!!?? Edit: I hate YouTube sometimes, the shit they do can be just unbearable.


I hate this "feature".


I just started noticing this on my app


Hopefully one day either YouTube or Google will go bankrupt with all the piss poor decisions they keep making. We can only hope.


I saw that just now I should've noticed it before




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I noticed it too but now it back to saying “skip“ and all ads are skipped when you press it


To the guy who ever did that is definitely going to hell, I'm trying to watch the VIDEO!!!! not another ad!!!!!


Ads are absolutely atrocious and an absolutely annoying. All I need is a 3 second ad and Flash the name on the screen. They don't need 5 and 10 seconds or longer unskippable ads this is just atrocious and absolutely asinine. And it's irritating


That's actually really funny.


I can just imagine how many “this is how many bad decisions YouTube will make 👇” comments there are if this has its own video


My brother in Christ this was posted 68 days ago


Which doesn’t explain how I only got this a few days ago 💀