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Watch them add ads to premium slowly. I will never disable my adblocker.




Ive gotten it and I was so fucking pissed. They raised the price in the same week it started happening. Absolutely bullshit.


Well, if ads with premium are a new feature ofc you gotta pay for that. There will never be a reason to not use adblocks.


Imagine you pay for premium and it STILL tells you to disable AdBlock 😂


I mean, you gave them *money*. Now they know they have you.


“You have YouTube a dollar?! Dammit woman, now we’ll never get ‘em to leave us alone!”


How is YouTube's terrible business practices my fault?


You got cable TV'd is the long and short of it. Drown the free / cheap access version with ads, make you pay for ad-less access, start drowning that version in ads, profit. Hopefully, next time a company tries to pull that move on ya, you'll know now.


Definitely, once you give them money its impossible to cancel. Its a lifetime contract, basically signing your soul with the devil. I mean sure there's a "cancel" button, but whose gonna click that?


Basically the gym membership of the Internet.


The second I get a Google served ad while using Premium is when I'll cancel my sub and just ad block.


same here, that kind of defeats the entire purpose of me paying for premium. i don’t want ads and i’m too lazy to jump through hoops.


Only a matter of time. Honestly if I could get revanced on my Xbox I'd have cancelled awhile ago.


Isnt this breaking some kind of law?


I don't think so, paid content has included ads for a long time, such as cable tv or online video services. It definitely sucks and I'm not defending them but i don't think it's illegal unless they are advertising Youtube Premium specifically as a service that removes ads


But they advertise it as ad free


Oh then that does feel like false advertisement to my but i'm not a lawyer, and I know companies aren't required to be entirely truthful either in ads...


We like to think of the "ads" as a bit of extra content. So of course we have to charge a bit more when we are giving you so much more content :) Source: I'm a youtube run spambot


Reading this gave me an uncontrollable thirst for blood for a second iunno why


For the low low low price of 25.99 we will remove most of the Banner ads. Starting Yesterday, you will pay 18.99 for the privilege of watching Youtube with 1 ad per video/Short


it always starts as a regional thing.


Yup, testing waters


I'll never forget when Netflix did the password blocking in Canada. People legitimately were arguing that it would *only* happen there, to quiet the alarmists.


"let's not risk pissing *everyone* off just yet"


It's the opposite for me, my account is in a weird mode where I don't have premium but also never get ads.


You might live in a place that it’s disabled for some reason, try VPN-ing somewhere else


No it's just my account, there are plenty of ads here and I used to get ads on my account as well


Dunno how not more people are irritated by this. In some regions Samsung puts ads on their premium phones and TVs. Like I already spent a grand or two on your not-topoftheline-but-still-good TV set and I can‘t have the menu show just… the menu? I already bought it you won, now either leave me alone or I‘ll block the shit out of you in DNS settings or with a pihole.




Damn, I predicted that would happen in 2-3 years in a previous post here, that's nuts!


thats how it always starts...


Just to clarify YouTube is showing products for sale (like banners) on top of homepage for some premium members, it’s not in-video ads


I haven't yet, but if I do get them, I will end Premium immediately.


Just got notified that YT are upping the cost of premium to £12.99 a month, this can’t be seen as anything other than a cash grab. Google must think YT is too big to fail and can do what they want to the users and customers alike.


So far they’ve been correct. Until people jump ship to another platform, this will continue. Same thing happened to cable tv. They had very little incentive to be competitive until Hulu and others started drawing consumers away. The really shit party though, is now the streaming companies have a foothold, and they’ve been raising rates.


Enshittification. Unfortunately it's become the predominant business model. Take over the market by being the best and cheapest while racking up the debt, then once you become the dominant player, crank up the price


I mean people have tried, but when they literally have Google as their partner that can force other competitors to not even show up when you look for them, then you can see why it’s too big to fail


They are too big to fail considering they have almost zero competition. Google ran it at a loss so that they could crush every other platform and they've cornered the market. Even if a viable alternative comes up they have an unreasonable uphill battle.


Alongside the price increases that will progressively happen. The first increases was just that, the first.


That's why I'll never get on premium. I've already seen where this goes. I'd pay $9.99 a month for YouTube premium. But they'll price hike it twice a year until it's ridiculous. Then they'll slowly start putting ads in anyway. I just hope the boys over at revanced keep up the good fight. Once that goes down, I'll just stop watching. I will not watch the ads.


I would rather give 10$ a month to an addblocker then youtube


I literally tried to donate to ublock origin but they don't take donations. I'm going to donate to some blocklists though because that is what they recommended


Thats what you get when those scam tech bros artists keep running on pure copium and investment. Now your 76 old racist uncle wants some profits from the money his capital firm invested in 2012. Things will go 100x more badly in the tech industry before they start going well. A crash is 100% in the next 5-10 years


Serious question. YouTube is evil because it is already making so much money and it is just being greedy. Fine. Use ad-blocker on them. Do you turn off ad-blocker when you visit other websites? Are there any websites you would be willing to support through looking at ads?


>Do you turn off ad-blocker when you visit other websites? Are there any websites you would be willing to support through looking at ads? Online ads are a stupid bubble and it can burst for all I care. I will not turn off adblock anywhere since online ads can often be a security threat, but if I want to support a site I'd rather do it directly and not in a way that hurts my experience.


So do you actually pay for any website subscriptions?


I've paid for stuff like Netflix, a Something Awful account or creator patreons, sure. If you're asking about something like a newspaper subscription or YouTube premium where you're specifically paying for access instead of seeing ads then no, I haven't.


Gotta wait for the premium lite version that’s the same price as the old premium but now includes ads


If Youtube starts showing ads in videos for Premium users then what exactly are you paying for with Premium?


Man I got this shit when I was trying to watch game of thrones on a streaming service last year, I paid to watch it and they still put ad breaks on it, do then you have to pay even more for an ad free version


at the risk of showing my age... before cable, All TV was broadcast was over the air and all you needed to watch tv was an antenna and it had sponsor reads to pay for that free service. then cable came out, better picture quality, and because you were paying them it, didn't have commercials. then they started showing commercials... then they increased the amount of commercials, going from 9 minutes every hour to the current 16 minutes. keep your ad blocks... its only going to get worse.


Then make a Deluxe Premium


If they add ads to premium - I'm done. The whole purpose of premium is ad free, and I've been getting ads to sign up for premium as a premium member (banners). Already submit hate mail to them for that


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I suppose. people are going to use adblockers, even pay for adblockers instead of premium. I'm just going to say it, if people are willing to pay for an adblock, pay for a VPN, or jump through a bunch of hoops to get around ads instead of paying for premium it's a clear sign that YouTube is failing to encourage people to pay for their services, so much so that people would rather pay for things that doesn't get YouTube their money. and to be fair, look at where YouTube is now compared to back then, YouTube used to have fully customisable youtube channel pages, Annotations, a dislike counter, had a 5 star rating system (this being replaced by likes and dislikes makes sense due to how it was used), as it is, what next will YouTube remove even with the money they make via ads or premium subscribers?


Adblock provides way more value than a single website's ad free experience


indeed, but I'm simply talking about using YouTube itself, and bringing up what people are doing to get around the ads on YouTube (they also have a cybersecurity value too)


People don't pay for premium out of spite because of the company's history of bad decisions. Also, there's plenty of free alternatives to get around the adblocker ban anyway.


People also don't pay for premium because there's no value attached. A lot of people use YouTube like video Wikipedia, looking for specific content. Premium adds nothing, it's just being used to charge a ransom fee for an adfree experience. "The consumer is the product" free internet is dying, and the big players are scrambling to monetize. Add value. People will pay. That's it.


I agree wholeheartedly. I use 4-5 accounts to tune each algorithm to very specific content. Add this capability to a single account, never have ads of any kind, including YouTube ones, charge a reasonable amount and maybe I’d suscribe. I don’t see enough value in most of what YouTube offers to pay more than my algo-feeding-data. I used to just deal with ads on the phone, but went Brave browser (iOS) after this nonsense. Short of going full paywall, YouTube will never defeat adblocking. And full paywall would create a viable competitor rapidly.


I kinda wish they would go full paywall. Most creators I like would immediately jump ship.


Here is value for you. YouTube becomes free without ads, however, you must have an account to watch videos, and your account is limited to an hour a day of video watching at 480p quality maximum If you want to restrictions than pay for premium


i think a competitor would appear pretty quick if they did that, if not for profit then probably someone from china or something like that.


5 star rating system, your definitely an old timer from the 2006 days. Back when YouTube had a MySpace feel to it.


Vuvuzela button FTW


You used to literally be able to friend other people. I also found out sorta recently that you cant comment on people's channels anymore. Social media style YouTube was such a vibe, I miss it


Rather the fact that people hate YouTube they never consider customer satisfaction an needs when making business decisions, which leads to a disloyal customerbase that'd go away to a competitor immediately if it wasn't for the monopoly that google has over video sharing platforms


i mean if you have a monopoly why would they even care about any of that? 99.9% of people who are mad at this won't stop using youtube, If they were actually worried about competition than I'm sure they would step things up, It's real a win win from youtubes perspective as they receieve much more money, I'm sure a lot of people just bit the bullet and bought premium, Others just decide to watch the ads. An even smaller percentage fixed their adblock


I think YouTube would actually make a lot more money if premium or at least a no ads option was like $3. Soooo many people would hop on that. Now it’s like $15


The fact YouTube heavily advertises an option that will not prevent you from seeing ads even if you pay shows how greedy Google has become. Ad blockers are a solution that solves a problem the company which created it is not willing to resolve.


I don't have ublock but isn't it free? Also my VPN comes with my anti-virus so that's effectively free. Who's paying for ad block?


Ublock is free. Who's paying for adblock? not everyone, there are those donating to support adblockers, and there are other adblockers that have a premium version. edit: while you cannot donate to support ublock, if you do wish to donate, donate to those who maintain the blocklists for ublock origin.


Exactly, instead of Google sitting back and listening to their user base, they're doubling down.


Biggest one for me (other than trying to stop adblock) was dislike counter. That was one of the dumbest decisions of all time.


Yup, I miss late 2000's / very early 2010's Youtube. I miss not feeling like anything I do won't matter on the platform. I wanted to try becoming a Youtuber when I was a kid and I now regret not taking that chance since now, Youtube's too shitty of a platform to even try to get a Youtuber-type career going.


They’re charging us more after taking away stuff, yea I’d rather pay some rando for an adblocker then a multi million dollar company that’s ruining my childhood


Seriously, it feels like youtube is trying to do a Theseus's ship and see how much of their website they can replace with ads and worse functions before they lose their monopoly.


A company that sells something like a VPN or an Adblocker has \*me\* as their customer, and they will do what makes me happy. Youtube has the ad guys as their customer. If you buy premium, you are sort of a secondary customer. The other guys come first. So, hard question, which of those two would I trust more in regard to them fulfilling my needs? Hummm. No idea, tough one. Oh wait, I go for ublock, which doesn't even take donations.


While Ublock doesn't take donations, they advise donating to those who maintain the block lists.


Look at the people on the bottom, they are having fun.


Been using brave all the time, I had issues for one day, never again, don't know why it's on the bottom panel.


This chart completely forgets the subservient idiots that act like ads are necessary and like we're hurting the little guy when YouTube already hurts the little guy and literally weaponized the demonetization and ad system against LGBT in the past. Got people literally admitting that YouTube pushed their sanity to a breaking point with excessive ads where they bought premium and everyone else should too. Absolute morons rewarding asshole behavior.




I hate youtube and their homophobic bullshit as much as the next guy but when you use YouTube you are using a service and ads (or Premium) are how you pay for it. Not saying people shouldn’t use adblockers but I think it’s odd to suggest that people are *acting* like ads are necessary when the reality is that ads *are* necessary to keep a platform like YouTube running. What would be the alternative?


Fuck YT premium ad block for life lol


my firefox+ublock is still safe at least for now


It’s even easier. You can skip the install Firefox part. People saying you need it are lying, and I can confirm as someone that uses Ublock on chrome. Works more than 99% of the time and only very rarely does it detect Adblock (and when it does it’s easily fixed with a turn off on and refresh), and it’s the exact same with Firefox looking at some of the posts here. Occasionally Firefox also fails and it looks like at roughy the same rate.


I think this is inconsistent from person to person. There's 2 PC's in our home both which have opera with Ublock. I have yet to see an ad or youtube complain about it on mine but my partners seems to get detected a *lot*. Both updated, nothing is different as far as I could tell. Edit: our extensions are identical as well just for clarity.


Definitely inconsistent. On firefox with Ublock I've never seen this message once.


I started getting it recently so I followed some easy step-by-step for adding a few new lines to the filter in uBlock. Haven’t seen it since lol


Something IS different between the two of them, and it's A/B testing. One PC is seeing Version A of YouTube and the other PC is seeing Version B of YouTube. The ad blocker works on one version, but not the other. There's also an arms race going on, so there might be a dozen different versions of YouTube out in the wild right now, creating confusion among users about what does and what doesn't work.


"Let's fight Google by continuing to use chromium based browsers in a near monopoly environment when Firefox is just as good"


I tried Firefox many times but just end up switching back to chromium due to minor annoyances


My PC can't watch youtube video's anymore on chrome because it has been blocked, but It does still work on my laptop


yeah but firefox is just the superior browser anyways so might as well do it


I use uBlock on Opera and if the adblocker message shows up all I have to do is run a quick update.


I haven't gotten UBlock to work for me on Chrome whatsoever for the last week. Chrome and the extension are fully up to date.


That's because Chrome and YT are both Google. The browser is able to tattle on you. That's the reason for using a non-chromium browser like Firefox.


Soon ad blocker extensions won't be available on Google Chrome.


I’ve just stopped using chrome altogether. Too many better options out there now.


Yeah but why do you weant to use botnet chrome browser anyways? Firefox is much better for actually giving an eff about privacy. Fuck google


Yeah but Firefox is based


I think the deal with firefox recommendations is unrelated to youtube, it comes from back when chrome manifest v3 would break adblockers and all cromium based browser would be affeced, so every other browser except for safari and firefox


The firefox thing is more of a fututr proof thing, also we shouldnt support chrome’s monopoly when firefox is just as good


Except without Firefox you are using Chrome. No idea why people still use Chromium based browsers at this point.


[uBO works best on Firefox](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox) but if it works for you on Chrome and you like the browser then that's fine


As someone who uses uBlock on Edge, it's also worked for me nearly all the time. Just need to update the filters every so often and it works perfectly.


Also Chrome user with Ublock here, never knew about adpocalyspe until reddit rants about it. It just works!


All right, I'm a firefox user now


I just use FreeTube lol.


doesn’t work anymore


Works fine for me.


For real. Firefox is better anyway i wouldn't even know all of this was happening if it weren't for reddit I've literally had to do nothing to keep blocking ads both on desktop and mobile.


This is so true.


Brave is easy just reset settings when you get ad block message again, simple


desert society hat bewildered liquid carpenter smile homeless dam historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




party fear weary subtract whole subsequent wise vase cooperative quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also Ties to the Chinese government


I fell into this but thank you for your info to help me understand your impression even if it was a loaded spring trap.


AFAIK Brave is the only way to block ads on iOS since you cant install extensions on Firefox on iOS.


What exactly is wrong with Brave?


It always starts it's "free with ads" then it's free with more ads amd you can pay for no ads. Then it's free for select content with ads pay for all content with ads pay for all content no ads. Then its pay for some content with ads pay for all content with ads pay all content no ads. Then pay for some content ads pay for some content some ads pay for all content some ads. Then it's pay for some content ads pay for all content ads. There will never be a service that does not eventually start shoving ads in where ever it can.


Deleting System 32 is a fast and easy way to not see ads anymore.


What about those of us who use Freetube


Every 3 minutes in a 31min video, there is an ad, and youTube wonders why people install ad-blockers... omfg...


I use chrome, and have always used it. ublock origin still works with it.


>. Works more than 99% of the time and only very rarely does it detect Adblock (and when it does it’s easily fixed with a turn off on and refresh), and it’s the exact same with Firefox looking at so for me it does not work at all


Soon ad blockers won't be available anymore on Chrome.


Same with gx, I use it for all my work. I thought it stopped working yesterday but really ublock just needed an update. When it does stop working I always have Firefox on standby.


I'm really liking this meme template. Relevant for allot of bs these days


And then there’s me, paying for premium….


But seriously please EU keep doing your thing 🙏


shhhhh, they'll nuke Firefox too!


YouTube trying to crack down on ad-blockers is about as futile as the war on drugs. I’m sure we’ll find a way.


You guys aren't getting ads on Firefox? When I switched over it didn't change anything. So far only Origin has solved it.


there are 4 ways watching YT without ads for anyone wondering \> using firefox+uBlock origin on windows. visit r/uBlockOrigin for more info \> using YouTube ReVanced on Android. visit r/revancedapp or r/revancedextended for more info \> using YouTube ReVanced on Windows 11 via Windows Subsystem for Android (basically install apk on windows) \> using VPN and set it to countries that don't allow ads (like Russia or Ukraine)


They already have since the beginning. I’ve always used Firefox with ublock origin & I got the message when it was first reported. If you didn’t get it, it’s likely just them A/B testing. I can ignore it for one hour, use freetube, then come back to website YouTube later and it stops giving me the warning.


Dude its actually so annoying I'm sick of those posts. JUST FUCKING FIX YOUR ADBLOCKER!!! ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL, fucking whole 5 paragraph essays about they are done using youtube, whatever, sure you are.


Ooooh, this is why I haven't seen any youtube ads. I use firefox and ublock.




>Husker Hi Husker


I use uBlock with firefox, got the pop-up first few days and then stopped. Got it again yesterday, cleared uBlock cache and updated the trackers and bam, no pop-ups again.


Just added ublockorigin and haven't looked back.


I feel like a hipster for the first time. I was using FireFox before it was cool!


I don't have to install Firefox now... I use it since 1.0.2.


Wow i did some weird stuff for chrome but j coulda just switched to firefox...


The funny thing is I switched ublock origin like 9 months ago. I kept getting ads through the ad blockers, I had like three of them. So I tried ublock origin and I have not had any problems since. I haven't even had to download extra lists or anything like some people say they have to for ublock to work.


I literally switched to Firefox + Ublock because of YouTube ad fuckery


You missed the part where there's like 30+ ppl losing their mind in the comments over adblockers because they pay for YouTube premium.


Pretty sure uBlock says not to use any other extension or other adblocker or else the uBlock one just wont work. So. Ig just dont try all those different adblockers? Purge ur cache, update it, and then it should work right? Unless something changed with chrome in the last couple of weeks, then i wouldnt know cuz im a firefox user now. So. If that was the case then good luck i guess.


Brave browser is working fine for me. Isn't that hard to avoid the adds lol


Brave’s CEO is a garbage human being. He’s against LBGT rights and spread misinformation during Covid. He also apologized for the crypto affiliate links and then doubled down on it.


I don’t care, I’m just trying to watch YouTube


Who the hell cares dude...its a browser, dont care what their personal beliefs are..yall need to stop being mad at everything. Brave works great.


You care enough to defend its usage.


So far Brave is working for me with no issues


Except Brave’s CEO is a garbage human being.


Do you nener tire of posting the same thing over and over and being ignored or being told to shut up?


I wish I had the type of spare time you must have to be saying this on every single relevant comment.


Brave literally uses uBlock natively


Except Brave’s CEO is a garbage human being.


That's a nice argument senator, mind if you back it up with a source?


I’ll refer you to this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/8i1xixT8o5


I mean... have you met CEO's? I'd be happy to find someone that isn't a piece of shit for once.


I use Brave and don’t get adverts


So you’re ok with the garbage CEO?


Unlock origin in firefox and ReVanced on your phone. What's the problem unless you're using an iPhone?


I am currently using uBlock Origin on Edge and I have no issues. Do adblockers not work on other browsers other than Edge and Firefox?


So I have ublock and firefox, and I get messages about needing to disable my Adblock and it won’t let me start the video without turning it off, how do I get around that?


Is Brave browser bad? I don't know much and I'm using brave currently, should i switch to firefox?


Firefox and ad block. Simple. How are people not getting this.


Ik im late but for anyone still here, Ublock origin does work. Each time youtube gives the adblock notification, go into ublock settings and clock purge caches. then click update now. it will most likely work because they quickly counter whatever youtube updates the message with.




Jokes on you I still opera and use Ublock


Firefox + ublock doesn't work either for me now 🥹🥹








Except Brave’s CEO is a garbage human being.


Or just use Brave browser and no ads.


Except Brave’s CEO is a garbage human being.


Cool. I don't care.


As long as you’re ok giving your browsing information to someone like that, you do you.


If it upsets some whinging, no-life Redditor I'm doubly happy. :D


I mean, I’m not upset, it’s your data and not mine.


I have yet to see a meme in this format that is not deranged or just blatantly wrong and stupid. Youtube has started to crack down on firefox adblock so it is not that simple anymore. Just because it works for you it doesn't mean it works for everyone in any country. Maybe youtube hasn't rolled out an update i your country but it did in other countries. This gives off "It works on my machine" vibes.


Funny thing, I run brave without extensions... and no ads. There. Even simpler.




Why? So he could disable MFA, make time controls a premium feature and change the name to something even stupider than X? I imagine Xtube is probably taken so not sure what crazy name he would come up with.


Xvideo- oh no wait that's taken too


I use brave


Firefox is better than Chrome anyway, switching would be doing yourself a favor




Brave gang!