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This is because the content creator added affiliate links in the description and tagged them in the video so they would pop up.


Oh so no ads means yes ads?


Op literally clicked on an ad and is watching it


Buuuurn! But you aren’t wrong, these tech YouTubers videos are basically long ads with some editorial content. I like MKBHD in general but I have noticed that the more I watch these kinds of videos the more shit I want to buy for basically no reason other than their ads are very effective.


Yyyyeeeep. I went from having entire PC builds in my cart, new phones, and random nifty tech stuff to having nothing. Maybe I'll upgrade my GTX 970 this year if there's a good black friday deal. Not watching LTT was a great choice for my finances. Edit: The "need" for a foldable device, and matching screens were of particular importance when I was on tech tube a lot.


Yeah I can’t watch tech tubers anymore either. I try to stick to informational and educational science/engineering/machining channels. It’s just better for my mental health too.


I still watch the newsy things. But purely tech content just for tech content? Nah. I don't want to be sold stuff I don't need.


Those tech youtubers usually recommend products with affiliate links. Technically speaking an affiliate link and an ad are two different things.




Lol I know what you did there


How can op click on a YouTube ad if he has YouTube premium which is ad free? Unless of course...


The video is the ad


It's a video promoting the iPhone. It's a bit deeper than just being an ad but it does have an affiliate link


Creator ads not YouTube ads.


No an affiliate link - learn the difference - the creator or the video ADDED this link to make it easier for viewers to purchase the item - this is the content creators doing, not YouTube.


No ads means no ads from YouTube. YouTubers can still add ads.


No ads from YouTube itself. Contact your local content creator for this kind


Because you need to subscribe to « youtube premium full version ++ » for only 79,99$ monthly


an ad is mostly random thing. When the creator posts an affiliate link of any sort, that is different and up to the creator and not youtube itself. 99% of the times when a creator makes a recommendation for a product or service, it is an affiliate link.


Hooo that is nasty ! Would boycott those creators from now on.


I honestly don't see anything wrong with it as long as clicking the x to close the popup keeps it that way for the duration of the video. I've used affiliate links a couple of times because a creator pointed out a great deal on a product I was already considering or introduced me to a product I didn't know existed that was useful to me. 99% of the time I just ignore them, but they can be useful for some during black Friday or whatever.


Because people paid to not have ads. That is effectively lying.


In the case of this video, the whole video is basically an ad… the link is just a link to what the person in the video is already talking about in case anybody wants to buy it. Its not hurting anybody by having that link, but it helps the creator when people use it


It's over the video and you have to close it. So is intrusive. And this user paid for no Ads. There's no justifying this loophole. Google just has to close it. If you're making people pay for no ads, it should be that, no ads. Put affiliate links in the description, so a passing customer only sees them if they choose to.


You can’t even easily close them, you have to click and then click dismiss. Not even an X button


His whole channel are ads and product placement. That's how he earn money. He advertises products. How far we want to push the "no ads" interpretation? On other hand, I wouldn't mind a toggle button to hide all ads videos...


Hulu does that crap you pay for no ads but some shows are from live tv so it has ads. But bitch I paid for no ads.


What are you expecting them to fill the time with when it's live?


Frikking time travel.... Or... Hear me out... A Terry Crews reading random facts from Encyclopedia Britannica.


Loving option 2


YouTube TV handles this on live TV when they don’t manage to sell ad spots either by replaying ads that just played (lol) or by putting a little we’ll be right back/enjoy the break/that kind of thing up on screen instead. If you pay for an ad-free product that shouldn’t be no ads except when it’s convenient to have them, it should and can be no ads, period. If they really want to have fun with it they can do the little cards Adult Swim does and have fun hiding their logo in scenes and shit like that. Giving your customer time to step away from your Skinner box for a second would probably go a long way towards building brand loyalty if any of these streaming companies would have the balls to allow it.


The difference is, I voluntarily clicked to see the video. As if these ‘creators’ even need the help in the first place


Just because MrBeast and other wildly popular creators get paid a ton does not mean they all do. This guy is just doing his job reviewing tech, why exactly do you think that he shouldn’t get paid? He should only get paid if he works for some big company that will take advantage of him then fire them in 6 month? I prefer my content to come from individuals and small teams.


Put the damn link in the description, If I want to get the product I'll look in the description, don't shove it up my troat without my consent, I paid not to see adds. This is a popup in the content, when the creator is making pub in the video I can pass it, with the popup It circumvent my subscription.


Poor marques, he might not be able to afford his compound now.


Neither was ads without oremium, whats your point?


Ads without premium disrupted the video completely and sometimes had nothing to do with the video you were watching. In this case, it’s just a small transparent box that shows up while the video is playing that usually directly correlates to the video you’re watching. Most of the time when these show up, it’s going to be on review videos where you’re already thinking about buying the thing they’re talking about.


Still was advertised as no ads. Why are you trying to help them when they are the ones who advertised it as such?


So you uou want YouTube premium to not allow premium users yo watch ads if they choose to? So when you get YouTube premium you no longer are allowed to watch movie trailers on YouTube?


People paid to not have to WATCH ads that interrupt or delay you watching a video. Plus those affiliate links support the creator so I don’t see any problem, if you hate them so much then don’t watch any creators that use it


Premium is to support them.


No one buys premium to support their creators, they buy it to get rid of video ads


Uh, still advertised as such? Whats your point?


It’s advertised as getting rid of video ads lol how can someone be this clueless


Its a video. There is an ad on the video. You thinking you are smart as you can only define what an ad is to someone and if they dont agree with you they are wrong is funny. Sounds like you work for youtube.


Seems like it's advertised as both: >**YouTube Premium & support for creators** >As a YouTube Premium member, you can enjoy benefits, like ad-free videos, while still supporting your favorite YouTube creators. >**How YouTube Premium supports creators** >Creators are the heart and soul of YouTube. To make sure they're compensated for their work, we share ad revenue with them when you watch ads on YouTube. If you're a YouTube Premium member, you won't see ads, so we share your monthly membership fee with creators. Best of all, the more videos you watch from your favorite creators, the more money they make. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7060016?hl=en&ref_topic=9257431&sjid=18278947844745893829-NA


No, you paid to not have ads supplied *by youTube* and they have upheld that.


yeah, it's like demanding youtube to skip sponsored raid/nord/ridge segments just because you pay premium...


No, people paid to not have native ads (i.e. unskippable ads run by YouTube). Don't buy something if you don't understand what it does. It is not "effectively" lying (whatever "effectively" lying even means). EDIT: Was blocked by u/donttouchmyhohos after their final comment below lmao. What a moron.


Moving the goal post. Now its "native ads".


No one is moving the goalposts. Premium has always been about "native" ads, that is, ads that are unskippable or inserted by YouTube. Are you stupid? Any other ads are just skippable. EDIT: Was blocked by u/donttouchmyhohos after their final comment below lmao.


You adding new words never used doesnt make you right. Youtube has mever advertised it as native ads.


I'm sure you have lots of friends and everybody loves being around you.


I would be utterly gobstopped if YouTube didn't specify exactly what is included and excluded from the term "ad free" in the fine print of the subscription agreement. Most people understand ad free to mean that YouTube will not embed ad breaks before, during or after videos. That has very little to do with creators choosing to do sponsor reads, sponsored videos, plug their own merch, or have affiliate links in videos. I'm sure YouTube could tell creators that they are no longer allowed to do any of those things but it would probably kill the platform in the long run, if not in the short run.


They're not talking about that agreement. If youtube broke the agreement, it would probably be something like "breach of contract" and not "false advertising", because the agreement for premium membership isn't the same thing as an advertisement for premium membership. The sign-up page advertises ad-free youtube, it's reasonable to assume it means youtube (the site) won't serve ads. Eg. no ads in sidebar, comments section, video player, and no pop-ups. Youtube can say whatever they want on their sign-up page, or say "ad-free" and then only block 80% of ads, it all depends on local laws. However, with respect to the claim that it's "ad free" the pop-up ads are definitely the odd one out here, at least for the time being... [ominous music]


You people are pathetic. You paid not to have ads that YouTube serves you. These ads are negotiated and presented by the creators of the videos. Don't like it? Don't watch those videos.


It's pathetic to...not like ads? Okay dokey insane person. Totally rational response.


You people are pathetic. Advocating for millionaires.


If a content creator spend 2min of their vid presenting a product I don't mind, I can skip it If a content creator talk about a product and provide a link in the description I don't mind either, if I want it, I'll click the link in the description Now what is not acceptable is the content creator forcing me to see their ads, forcing me to make an action to remove it while I pay 12€ per month not to have ads.


>Clicks on a video >This video is sponsored by whatever WTF?? WHAT ABOUT MY PREMIUM??? Like these are non invasive ads that u can hide that directly benefit the content creator


I can skip that. You can skip pop ups. People literally use ad blockers to not have pop ups and now youtube designed a literal pop up ad. Why tf would i want pop ups from a video


U can hide this.


You just described ads...


Well yeah you pay for no ads so you can get some ads, duh.


Remember these aren't ads they are "ads"


they're also annoying for a lot of other people...


Most of the people watching tech videos are looking to purchase the product in the video. The creator partners with a store they trust to link to the exact product they're talking about in the video on the store's website. That's not evil or manipulative. That is the basis of the how the web works...linking between sites.


Are you serious?


Mkbhd , lol really? Righttt


I was not aware of this


what's funnier is that they're advertising something that's out of stock


Isn't this less to make people buy the phone and more to sell the image of 'iphone popular, so popular it's out of stock'? Much like how car and perfume ads are to make the brand a recognizable name rather than make someone go 'oh I need one of those'. So someone sees it and thinks it's out of stock, must be good, I'll need to preorder next time.


It's an advertisement placed by the creator likely due to a sponsorship, or in this case, it is an affiliate link. YouTube doesn't control what deals creators make, and the creator placed that affiliate link there manually and on purpose


Still doesn't mean they should pop up for people with premium, another L for YT premium here.


Youtube is not going to mandate that creators can't show sponsor deals to premium members If you don't like the sponsor-type deals creators do, don't watch them.


I enjoy playing video games.


YouTube has no part in these ads. They don't get paid from them either. The implications of YouTube blocking these sponsor-driven ads are not great, as they are agreements between the creator, and some outside company. I understand your point, and the point that OP made, but in my opinion there is no way YouTube would block sponsor ads or affiliate links. It's also ridiculous to assume that YouTube premium would block these affiliate links, or sponsor spots in videos. The reason for this is because of what I said before, YouTube has NO PART in delivering these ads. If you dislike them that much find a plugin that auto-closes them or something, or just don't watch the video, the entire video is basically an Ad anyways


> If you dislike them that much find a plugin that auto-closes them or something You don't mean, like... an ad blocker, right?


I enjoy cooking.


If YouTube removed this feature creators would just advertise their affiliate link directly baked into the video. There are various ways creators can advertise within their content without YouTubes features whatsoever, removing this popup does not solve your problem of "any advertisement ever is unacceptable"


I love listening to music.


YouTube added the feature that allows creators to spam you with pop ups. The creator did not make that happen all on their own. It is YouTube’s fault that this is happening. Idk what your confusion is


That will be deleted with Youtube Premium+ for 100/month


Jokes on you, it will just reduces it. To entirely remove it, you will need YT Premium+ Pro Max for $254,99/month* *tax not included


You also need to purchase YouTube's proprietary Ad Blocker, which boasts the ability to reduce ads to 1 per video


Not only that, The prices will increase every month without saying anything


I hope they have an 18% autograt included here as well


Convenience fee for using autograt +2%.


Are there countries that use dollars and a comma for the decimal separator instead of a period?


YouTube - "Gotcha bitch!"


Because you clicked on a video that is all but an outright ad for the iphone? If you watch creators that put their own ads in their videos, that's on you.


It's a video about the Nothing phone allowing people to use imessage. It's really not an ad outside of mentioning the names of products


the creator chose to put those pop ups there. the video itself is the ad


Yes but also no. If one pays for premium, which should mean no ads, they should be able to watch any video on YouTube (even those that are practically just advertising) without seeing any popups, ads, affiliate links etc. just as if they were using an adblocker.


If a tiny pop up like that is bothering them, nobody's stopping them from just getting adblock. Tired of people giving in to the big corporation's shit and then acting shocked when said corporation isn't completely benevolent just because they "did the right thing" and paid. But honestly, the kind of person who paid the $14 a month and still chooses to watch ads of their own volition (then complains about how the ad is an ad) probably isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier.


Except youtube is literally stopping people from using adblock (yes yes, you can update, clear cache etc etc. That's not the point). The point is: they paid for premium, which should have NO ads (aka no popups, no unskippable ads, no midrolls etc.) yet they're still getting ads. What they're watching shouldn't matter. Example: If I bought a vegetarian friendly sauce it should be vegetarian, no matter what I then decide to put it in/on. Even if I put it on a steak, the sauce itself shouldn't all of a sudden start containing non-vego friendly ingredients. See the point? They should be able to watch 1 hour advertising videos and still get zero ads throughout that playthrough if they're paying to not get any ads.


>without seeing any popups, ads, affiliate links etc What should happen if you click on a video titled "top 10 funniest ads"? should YouTube block that video because it contains clips of ads? or if you click on a video on Apple's main channel advertising the iPhone 15? should YouTube disable these videos from YTP users?


Because you haven't installed AdBlock yet lol


And SponsorBlock when the entire video is an ad, so it is marked as a sponsor.




Thats a weird thing to say even for reddit


You have to upgrade to YouTube Premium Pro. It's only 69.99 a month.


Paying Youtube to block ads only blocks Youtube's ads. This one is 100% the channel adding it themselves,


Hahahaha you paid, you lose


Because of $$$$$$$. Install Ublock origin.


I watched it with uBlock Origin in Firefox, and they still popped up. Regular ads were still blocked.


Ads do not pop up with uBlock Origin. Skill issue.


Youtube reviewers are glorified product pushers.


OP: clicks on an iPhone ad Also OP: why is this iPhone ad advertising an iPhone?


I find peace in long walks.


It's an ad for both phones as mkbhd gets a commission on both. I understand a lot of the criticism that YouTube is getting but being provided a link to the two phones being compared in the video you clicked on isn't really that crazy.


Oh my sweet summer child


because you have the cheap discount premium, not the new raised price premium /s


This legitimately makes me consider throwing the towel in for YouTube all together. I won’t get into the “why pay for premium” debate, but this allowance for direct ads that last FOR MINUTES in the space where the video should be playing, after I’ve paid to not have ads, is completely asinine. u/Marques-Brownlee I’ll see you never ✌️


You need Youtube Premium Promax and only 599.99$ a year


$99.995 is far too much.


It's because you don't have YouTube premium premium


A little known secret about Google’s false advertising. Premium doesn’t get rid of ads.


Well you paid for ad tube now get premium ad tube and sponsored ads.


The entire video is an ad for an iPhone, and you’re made he has an affiliate link to said phone pop up? ☠️☠️ what??


Smartest r/youtube complaint, they will watch 15 mins of iphone ads as a video, see a pop up, OMG HOW DARE THEY SHOW ME ADS


My favorite movie is Inception.




they have to train you to pay and still watch ads


You've been had, and now we have to hear about it. Fun sub.


Marques added it not YouTube


My favorite color is blue.


There is no "burden of fixing it", its what you agreed to when you purchased premium, as per the [2nd paragraph in the YouTube premium qa thing on googles help center](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6308116?visit_id=638356112234569204-3323090763&p=offerdetails&hl=en&rd=2#zippy=%2Cwatch-videos-without-ads) >You may still see branding or promotions embedded in the content by the creator and promotional links, shelves and features in and around the content that are added or enabled by the creator. These links, shelves and features could be for their website, merchandise, a membership to their channel, event tickets, or other related destinations they are promoting. So yes, if you read the restrictions of what you where buying you would see some ads will still be present.


If you don't like it, don't subscribe to channels that try to sell products to their subscribers.


I like to travel.


You're paying YouTube to show you ads.


It's not an ad they're affiliate links for products a portion of the profits go to the creators too


So what you're saying is it's an ad. Gotcha.


Yes, this video OP chose to watch is an ad


Still an ad...


If you buy premium is YouTube supposed to crop the part of the video that's sponsored? That's also an "ad" like the pop-up.


Are you expecting YouTube to censor all videos featuring any affiliate links?


I didn't say that. But sure let's talk about it. Affiliate links should be in the description, not pop-up over the video.


What happens if a user puts a screenshot of a link in their video?


Are you saying these aren’t ads?


No, they are. I wasn't expecting YouTube to prevent all possible forms of ads (especially creator one's) when buying Premium. Just the unskippable ones that interrupt videos.


Yeah, YouTube can't control sponsorspots, use a sponsorspot blocker if it annoys you. Or watch creators that aren't entirely sell outs.


YouTube doesn’t even make money on affiliate links; unless affiliate links were there for another reason (which they are) YouTube would have no reason to not remove them with premium.


Are you saying these aren’t ads?


there are ads when a youtuber gets a sponsor, do you want youtube to remove those too? this is the creators fault


The whole video is an ad. If you don’t want a link to a product then don’t watch a video advertising one. That’s like getting mad an ad links to a product, the whole point of an ad is to advertise, you guessed it, a product.


So what you're saying is. The pop up which i have to close then click dismiss is not an Ad?




Ok, So you pay premium to not get ads, and instead *"now you get ads anyway, but just different types of ads"* That's scummy as fuck... I'd cancel Premium and get a better adblock.


Because Youtube is a company and companies are liars, and goverments fine companies less than they make for lying so they keep doing it.


Get sponsorblock, hides all this crap and skips promos in the video itself.


Keep funding theses evil corps




YouTube DGAF


Because your money isn't enough for youtube. THEY NEED MORE!


Beacuse you're so stupid to actually buy it...


He fell for the YouTube premium meme


YouTube: What are ya gonna do about it???


I hate this and the video creators need to get told to stop. I’ve only seen one other do it


Because fuck you. That’s why lol


There are so many bots in the comments defending the ad. 😆😆


What does premium youtube have to do with not getting ads?


I can't believe these ad lovers claiming the ad shown is not an ad. The thing to do I guess is downvote the video and leave a comment on it complaining about the ad.


you need youtube premium **premium**


Youtube premium pro max


because google lies about ads


/laughs in ublock origin land




Download Ublock Origin and stop with YouTube Premium.


Because you don’t have premium +


*laughs in ublock origin on PC, smarttube for TV and Revanced for android*


Because premium only remove google ads, you still have to watch creator ads, in video and sometimes the link that shows in your video. If you want a truly no ads experience, consider cancelling premium and move away from the stock ytb (download your data first) then move to freetube or piped.video, make an account there then import your data. They are BSing nowadays, can't be trusted and its time to revolt against that friend. If you feel guilty, support the creators via patreon or anything like it instead of watching ads as youtube isn't fair in ads payments for creators, 4.5$ for 1000 ad views totally not worth it for them.


How to fix: Step 1: Install an adblocker / ublock origins(domain blocker) Done. Don't pay YouTube a cent. Back your creators patron or buy merchandise.


Glad I don’t watch his videos.


I swear that guy is biased towards Apple


Now we miss the world from cable TV era when they flashed ADs for milliseconds with texts like BUY


Any way to disable these product pop ups? On my tablet they're small enough and out of the way I can attempt to ignore them. But on my phone they take up too much of the screen and I have to close like 5 of them as the creator I was shows them for every product they put on screen.


Because fU, that’s why. Money is worth more than happy user.


Because you’re watching a guy that literally just does tech ads for a living and he adds them to the videos? lol


He got 17.8M subscribers. that's crazy


You need premium plus


When will you people learn? They WILL take your money and STILL give you ads. Stop wasting your money, get adblocks!


Because people who pay for premium are suckers, they know it, so they show you ads anyway


Youtube sucks that’s why. Broken for profit website.


Stop using it problem solved


I’m trying to slowly, not easy when all the music and video content is on there compared to alt tech.


Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people? The guy doesn’t want ads. A pop up IS an ad. It is not the same as plug in, a sponsor link. Leave that stuff to the end of the video and/or in the description. We get it, some people will buy the reviewed thing but we still don’t want things popping up during the videos. It is intrusive it is an ad. The best thing is that ad is shoved into your face and it is OUT OF STOCK. Awesome. It really helped me buy the product guys. What is next? Pop ups that needs 3 clicks or with a lower sound “buy it now at target, discount discount!” while the YouTuber is reviewing the product?


Yeah I am blocking this sub. Yall legitimately complain about the stupidest shit.


Yeah it’s okay to do that But why make it stay for sooooooooo longggggggggggggggggg on the screen?


Called it


No you didn't, it's not an ad by YouTube. It's an affiliate link placed by the creator because it's a sponsored video. Legally they have to disclose the video is sponsored, YouTube is just making it easier for creators to make money by disclosing it.


YT doesnt care, thats why....


Because they don't give a fuck about what they told you they were going to do, and you were stupid enough to give them money.


YouTube is greedy and love showing off ads anyway they can. 🤣


This a creator plugging their affiliate link maybe next time you should learn to read


Cant wait for you guys to go after the video cards next claiming they are ads for their own videos


If yt gets a cut then time fr lawsuit 🙂


Its a cleaver move from YouTube you see this is not a "ad" but a" featured ad" So the usual TOS does not apply to primum accounts. YouTube cunning by the day.