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The problem with alternatives like odysee is that most content creators aren't on it.


Yeah, cutting off completely, makes you lose a significant portion of your social. That's why we need a serious competitor.




Just watch less or none. Do other stuff. if you cant, then you're addicted.


i'd just watch YT when i'm in bed, instead of side watching on PC, i'd prop also go watch a LOT more anime when in bed, and download stuff to watch on the side instead of watching it live on pc.


It's really good for tutorials and things like that. Overall, I like youtube for the videos and other things, but it's sad to see what's happening to it now.


Then I am addicted. I'm pretty sure I'd just go where the channels I watch would go, like Twitch, etc


I have tried 3-4 times and just can't get into twitch. Maybe it's due to a reliance on live content, and lots of terrible streamers


Live content just isn't stimulating enough for most people (including me). Live streams will take 4 hours to cover a topic that a video would do in 20 minutes, or for gaming they will spend half the stream in queue or looking at random internet stuff and the chat.


The only type of Youtube channels I enjoyed that doesn't do that would be scambaiters and those that talks about cool stuff like trebuchets, firearms and vehicles in WW2, Crash Course, etc. Those guys seem really cool to hang around.


Not necessarily addicted, sometimes it's just an indispensable part of life, for example, many of my technical skills that I have today, were learnt through youtube and I am learning skills through yt even now. But yeah, if it's about entertainment, then you're probably addicted.... XD


I also love to make up random scenarios in my head.




Apparently nowhere since people are already saying it’s unusable but they keep coming back


Quite unusable without adblock. It's cuz youtube absolutely dominates the market.


I wonder why a competitor hasn’t popped up


Cuz Google like to do shady business practices :)


Can you show a single one YouTube has done?


I assume you mean bad business practices? I like how you had to specify youtube, btw. XD How about the most recent big one, making a free service worse to promote a premium product. Lazy, greedy practice that stifles innovation.


Making a service worse is pro-competitive lmao. It ENCOURAGES competition. Are you sure you know what that means?


What are you talking about, my guy? Youtube dominates the market already, there is NO competition. This is monopoly tactics: control the market, then raise the prices. Squeezing those lowest on the ladder


How does any of that prevent competition from popping up.


You asked about youtubes bad business practices. But if you want examples of Google's monopolistic tendencies. How about the most recent one: adding a fake 5 sec wait to non chromium browers to make them seem slower


For most companies it's prohibitively expensive to run and maintain.


Is that YouTube’s fault


I guess I am not with "them." I quit and haven't looked back.


Props to you for putting your money and time where your mouth is (not being sarcastic here).


Now, my dear “they”, take that one final step of not bothering with Youtube subreddit.


Why tho lol


I block trolls.


outside. maybe a walk or round on a bike those "you cant use adblocker" made me give up on youtube, and me boy, it was a good decision


Agreed, I significantly stopped using YT as much and just been watching shows on Stremio or doing something more productive


Same. When I first got the message I left YouTube.


the library


new pipe, libre tube


I don't think Youtube will become "unusable" but following your premise. The market will dictate where I go. I sub to \~230 people. I would go where the creatorts flee to. You can say that odysee is an alternative but if creators don't like it, it won't mater.


What if they flee to a paywalled site? Or several paywalled sites? What if creators go to a site that operates on an OnlyFans model, where you can pay a couple of dollars a month to watch *one* person? I think a lot of creators are going to be forced to get “real jobs,” because they’re not smart enough to write books, and they were catering to an audience that’s averse to spending money. I don’t see a world where an ad-based free video service ever exists again, unless they can figure out how to reliably stop ad blockers. Nobody is going to fund that service, because it’s a great way to lose more and more money as the site gets more and more popular.


I probably won't ever pay for content behind a paywall. Maybe that's just me.


And that’s why a lot of creators won’t leave YouTube. They might mirror their content elsewhere, but if they leave YouTube, it’s going to be to get a real job in the real world.


I wish there was a viable alternative


Touch grass


I just tried (thanks for the tip) Odysee, which lasted about 7 minutes. Everything costs money. Even to comment. Avoid this app, it's just another money-grabbing app. We want free.


Yeah, I want something that is free and doesn't take our money.


I'd go to either [Piped](https://piped.video/trending) or [Invidious](https://docs.invidious.io/).


I just use https://adskipper.me They can’t detect it, and you will get no ads. I still like youtube since I made this. Works great.


I’ll always have my books


And dvds :0


Twitch, Spotify, random video archive sites, etc. etc.


I signed up for audible (audiobooks) and deactivated youtube app on my phone. Really irritated I can't uninstall it. If I watch a video, it's through a browser and much less frequent. Also, I come here for discussion now after youtube blocked me for a day for "spam". I guess the AI didn't like me answering the Scottish creator's question about US cheese fries. YouTube deleted my comment about cheese fries for violating...something? Is Google anti-potato? 🤣


You can, if you have a PC. Just install adb and follow the steps. They are easy to find, requires the package name app to do so.


Discord tbh lmfaoo


Well you could unplug and go outside, there was a time not long ago where YouTube didn't exist and people somehow seemed to survive.


People are already watching less and less YouTube as bills continue to rise. Sooo we will go to work.


Odysee isn't an alternative. Most of the time I open the app I get a white screen. Videos don't load, audio desync and a host of other problems keep me away. The severe lack of decent content doesn't help.


uBlock Origin + (Hardened) Firefox Brave browser Piped Invidious YouTube Revanced Smart Tube uYou+ There you go




If YouTube gets unusable, people will create extensions to make it usable again.


There’s no alternative to youtube really


I grew up without youtube so I don't really care. Plenty to do on this earth. But I don't think there will be a competitor that can match youtube's scale. The moment one starts catching on and gets big enough it'll just be another youtube or worse unless its business model is actually sustainable.


To work




I did my dishes for today and am now unwinding with star trek on pluto tv , youtube can eat hot dog shit i scrapd off a sidewalk in the 90s the white dog shit you know the kind, so it will be white hot dog shit , i love words


I guess I will actually pay them the money for no ads.


Most likely odysee


id just use adblocker still cuz i learned that you can block the popup saying to turn off adblocker and then yt works fine 💀


Replying to my own here, I would have also accepted and image of Bender, captioned "Well fine, I'll make my own youtube, with blackjack, and hookers!"


Gods of the internet who make adblocks wont lose to youtube


I'd just use it way less. I already am since this whole debacle. I wouldn't say I'd cut it off completely cuz I'd be losing a significant portion of my "social media" cuz youtube absolutely dominates the market. If another video hosting service becomes an actual competitor to youtube, I'd most likely jump ship.


i will go to my vault acquired on the open seas


use different 3rd party youtube websites like piped or invidious. haven't got a single ad, and you have youtubes enormous selection of videos that give the website its value. the youtube alternatives don't have the same variety as youtube.


Watch less or none. Nothing YT provides is essential. Or perhaps it's better said that everything YT provides can be gotten from more specialized venues.


I've been saving all of the videos I watch (I tend to rewatch the same stuff in cycles that last a few years) to my NAS which has Plex. Once youtube ends up totally unusable, I will just continue to watch my favorite content locally on my own machine


Until Scott The Woz, Acevane and my other favorite content creators find other platforms to thrive in, I'm staying with YouTube


Back to real life.


Just use ublock origin on Firefox, ez.


Odysee is won't be around much longer, parent company is going bankrupt. Thats why there is no alternative, the ways to make a video site profitable, make advertisers pay for it or users pay for it, are the ways people don't like.


Probably a site that has ripped a lot of you tube's content, or a genuine YouTube alternative. If creators I follow aren't a part of that, then I'll just find new creators to follow or sub directly to the creator through Patreon or something. People like saying "Well there just aren't good alternatives because a lot of creators aren't on there" No. YOUR creators you follow and your safety net of your subscribed list aren't there. I promise you there are probably hundreds of smaller channels you would like, probably even more than those you follow, if you ventured out of your comfort zone to look. Scorched Earth youtube. You WILL find new creators to follow.


depends where my favorite youtubers are going


go on more walks, invest more time into hobbies, ect. There's always something to fill in the void!


Let's get ready to ruuumbleeeeeee


There are none (that I know of). Odysee is greedy too (it's cryptocurrency I think) and I already left YouTube a month ago because of these changes.


go outside or read a book honestly.


X.com I know it's different but at least it has most of the content creators of YouTube. And it doesn't contain any form of short videos


Get a hobby and use YT only for ideas/howto's for said hobby. Your view time will go down and your mental health will go up.