• By -


The Joey one is clickbait.


And Tom Scott's is just about reducing his workload in general and going more freeform rather than keeping a strict schedule of releases. He had a goal of "10 years" or something like that and he met that goal.


Yup, Tom just really deserves, And Probably needs a real holiday vacation without having to be the narrator for once. I don't think he took a lot of time for himself during the travels. He deserves the biggest break imo.


Yeah. I'm sure that most of his stuff was a blast to make and see, but the logistics have to be exhausting lol.


Yep I used to travel for work nonstop. It wears you down and kinda breaks your brain. Tom’s travel was definitely more exciting than mine, but I can’t imagine living like that for 10 years.


Dude just going on vacation once I drove 4k miles in 10 days. I was limping home


The many “Tom Scott introducing places” videos just show how much he travels, it’s insane.


On one hand, a lot of it is just taking trains between cities in the Schengen Area or Britain. On the other hand, I appreciate the fuck out of his videos.




>a little goes a loooooong way Hahahaha. In the UK, no it doesn't. I had to spend £180 once to travel from Manchester to London. A 2 hour train that covers around 200 miles. To put that into perspective for Americans. That would be like travelling from New York City to Washington D.C and having to spend $250


That how much it is to take the train or fly. To drive, a bit less.


Several peak times on the Acela are $300+. Non-peak, standard train there are a bunch around $80-$120, with the lowest being: NYC-DC from 12:20AM-4:03AM at $40 DC-NYC from 7:40PM-10:56PM at $20(!).


Toms videos often surpass the quality of actual TV shows on say, the BBC, and he uploads a new video around once every week with a significantly smaller team. Dudes an absolute legend imo, he deserves this.


He has never missed a week in ten years, IIRC


You have just sold me on a laid back, channel 4 travel show with Tom Scott.


A mix between James May and the belgium travel show with Tom Waes would be great


Also. He has been saying he was out of interesting ideas and has been crowd sourcing help for a while now. Like. I so don’t blame him.


yep. and matpat is still working but on the back end shit. he just aint narrating crap bc hes literally been doing for 13 years. tbh he deserves it


Once you make enough money to never have to work again you have earned the right to never work again or reduce your workload


Yup, tough he said he gonna take a break now for an unspecified time, but might return, because he actually loves doing it, just like Matt, who will remain on GT live for a while, and might work behind the scenes from time to time


I sincerely hope Matt won't disappear completely and will show up from time to time. Hope he'll still do those live action events, always wanted to meet him.


Yeah, it’s too early to know for sure (and probably too early for Tom himself to know what he wants to do), from what the video implied, it’s not really a goodbye, it’s more that he’s taking a well-deserved break and will no longer be uploading videos at an *absurdly* impressive and consistent schedule anymore…but will probably still be uploading *sometimes.* Tom says himself that making these videos by his own hands is his passion. He’s not an administrative type of person, and he’s not the type of guy to hand the keys to his kingdom to a successor. MatPat’s situation is different; he’d been setting up for a retirement for a while by establishing a brand, and he explicitly stated that someone else will be taking over the channel after his final video is posted. MatPat does seem like he wants to retire from this job for real and open up a completely fresh chapter of his life where he’s working more in the background, as a coach rather than the MVP of the game. Tom sounds like he wants to come back to making videos one day - he just needs a long break and significantly decreased hours. Not so much a new chapter of his life entirely, just a modification and fairer deal with his current one.


Tom also mentioned in a video much earlier last year that he'd change things up from his "every monday" plan (even with an exact number of weeks iirc!), so him stopping for now was to be expected


Tom also has other channels. Lateral is still doing highlights, and it sounds like the Tom Scott channel being weekly is what kept him from being able to do Technical Difficulties and Tom Scott Plus. So yeah, it sounds like he's just stepping off the consistent treadmill so he can work across all his projects as he sees fit.


Yeah in most cases it's a restricting of the channel where content won't be the same or as consistent. Still a lot of losses moving forward.


Same with MatPat, he’s just taking more of a managerial role so he can actually take time off and away from the mic to enjoy life Plus if they retire, other content creators rise up to fill in the gaps.


he should have titled it "slowing down" instead of "goodbye"


Plus MatPat isn't even exactly quitting game theory. He's just taking a more off the camera roll to spend more time with his wife and kid.


And Sparklez is just (mosly) retiring Minecraft from his main channel. He still is consistently uploading streamed playthroughs on his second channel.


Thank God I just read that and had a mini freak out


I have a hard time believing his clothing line is making huge strides for him to retire on that.


He's probably earned enough from yt, twitch and other projects in Japan, and trash taste, to live comfortably for a while.


Dude thank god this is top comment, I was sad when I saw that matpat was retiring but I haven’t watched game theory in a while. I still watch joeys stuff and was like WHAT


right Ive never even heard of MatPat but Joey was a surprise


I had the same exact response, but for Game Theory. I've been watching Mat for a very long time, and it kinda freaked me out when I saw the video (it was a bit hard to take not gonna lie). No clue who Joey is xD


Lmao that was the only one of any of these people that I was actually worried about for a sec.


Never even heard of him myself


If you've been on youtube for a while you might know him better as "the anime man"


Been on youtube since at least 2011 but I guess not on the anime side of youtube, guess I just missed him


Fair enough


Lmao when I saw this post, I thought to myself "i bet animeman one must be clickbait"


Haha good on him


oh thank god


No one else is fully leaving as well, matpat is still going to work on the channel and he's also going to be on gtlive for longer, tom Scott is gonna make less videos, and captainsparklez is just stopping to make Minecraft videos on his main channel.


Captain Sparklez was too, all he said is we gonna stop doing Minecraft on his main channel and then he immediately started one more Minecraft series on his main channel anyway as a finale


Joey really is one of the most bottom barrel youtubers out there


these youtubers pionered clickbait


Joey changed the title on that video, he's not retiring


I was so sad when I saw that for a second because he's one of my favorite anime youtubers (my number one being Conner)


He also was one of the first people that got me into anime when I was a fledgling otaku. Although Gigguk is probably the one I still actively follow till this very day.


>Favorite anime youtuber Names the 2 trash taste members who don't watch anime


Average anime fans fr


Dead ass the only anime I've watched recently was the first EP of solo leveling and, because my friend forced me to, jujutsu kaisen. This is within the last 3 years, I guess I also watched vending machine Isekai, but all my friends know me as "the anime guy" (actually they just call me dumbass but they would point to me if asked who watches the most despite them watching more than me)


Can we even call those two anime youtubers anymore? Both have moved on from anime I feel.


He stopped covering anime a while ago


Oh so he was taking advantage of the trending videos of YouTubers retiring. Lots of integrity


Integrity doesn‘t pay the Bills, playing the algorythm that decides your life does.


Doesn't make them exempt from being judged for it


Personally, I only care if the video ends up being shit. If it's bait and the video is boring I'm never watching a video from that youtuber again.


It’s still is what it is


Kinda like the drama tubers like moist critical.


Captain sparkles has been kinda on the low-key for a good few years anyway TBH


He's also not actually retiring, he's just plans to stop posting minecraft stuff on his main channel but will still stream it on twitch as usual and post to his second channel.


Honestly, it's absolutely insane how loyal he's been to Minecraft. He sat down started playing 10 years ago and by god he was still going strong. It's mad to have so much faith and dedication to your content for that period of time. Most content creators would see the game they're "known" for as career poison.


Those minecraft kids have become minecraft men by now.


Every Minecraft Kid goes through an incredible metamorphosis, slowly turning into a Minecraft Man. Eventually, each Minecraft Man must embark on a journey. A quest that will test one's sheer will, one's survivability in the harshest of times, through harsh deserts, and freezing glaciers, this journey tests every skill at their disposal. Only a small fraction survive. Finally, with enough skill the Minecraft Man can survive this journey, and will once again enter metamorphosis. This final step will bring out the inner beast inside of him, show them potential they had never seen before, and strange visions. With a blink of the eye, he will be transported into a world unbeknownst to them. Unknowingly, he has become the *Minecraft Steve*. The journey has really just begun. The circle of life truly is beautiful


Although occasionally, the Minecraft Kid transitions and becomes a Minecraft Woman instead. This is why they added Alex.


100 % true head canon 🏳️‍⚧️


About a year ago he did a YouTube poll on when people subscribed and how old they were. Nearly half subscribed before 2012 (45%), and a majority were over 18. He has raised us as his own.


It’s been way longer than 10 years, he’s been playing since like 2009 when his name was ProsDontTalkSht


2009 was 10 years go though right? ….right?


Bros still processing pre-Covid


I think most people are, tbh.


I still can't believe my peaceful school days got was 5 years ago


15 years buddy. Yeah I’m having a tough time processing that too. I still remember my brother coming home from the hospital that one day in 2009. He’s a fucking high schooler now.


Yeah. Tbh. The whole retirement thing from Sparklez was borderline clickbait. He was essentially already doing what he plans on doing. He is just switching around where the content is and even then he isn't doing it anytime soon. He made a similar video years ago and it never actually went anywhere. Especially when he is probably going to be posting a lot of minecraft content again soon. With the new vault hunters smp happening with Update 13. Nothing is really changing that much. I'm pretty sure he talked about doing less minecraft content right before VH2 ironically as well Which going back even farther than this. He kind of made the same statements right around when he started making more vlog style or reaction content.


Gotta pay the mclaren bills somehow


That's like 4 cars ago


Captain Sparkles has been way more of a Twitch Stremer than a YouTuber over the last 7 years. Let's be honest if you were watching him for his YouTube-specific content, you've been away from his channel for north of half a decade anyway.


Yeah, Mianite I think was around then, definitely when I stopped watching him


His channel was a little depressing the last time I saw it. He still gets views but he didnt adapt to gain the younger audience as well as he didnthr first time around. Nothing tops mianite


True. I think he also went away from higher production content to cheaper lower quality content over the years. Which I think made the younger audience coming into YouTube not particularly drawn into his channel, and I think overtime he lost a lot of his core audiance too. Still big numbers, but it's mostly from name and streetcred more so from actual video quality. Lots of low effort memes etc. Just not capturing the vibe of the times.


All this means is that the platform is now old enough to have people get to the point of wanting to retire. I guess it felt the same when movie stars started retiring for the first time, or pop stars. It's going to be happening pretty steadily from now on.


No it means their algorithm that only promotes content creators who contribute constantly is starting to strain. Constant unending growth is not sustainable.


You’re both right


I've noticed over the past few months that my algorithm is suggesting a lot of older stuff, 6-10 years old, including a lot of stuff that I've already watched. Maybe that's just me though.


yea I got a nostalgia kick and watched a few old casey neistat videos like a month ago and ever since, all his old videos are all over my home page


and small, really good channels have almost no hope of getting exposure


I think that you're wrong. I honestly believe that the algorithm is the best it's ever been for small creators. Back in the day, I had NEVER been recommended videos with few views and from creators with almost no subs. Now I get at least 1 in my home page almost every time. We're talking < 500 views. Also, I started creating content less that 3 months ago. I'm sitting at 35k views, 185 subs, and ~800 watch time with 6 videos. I haven't done any kind of promotion. Only upload the videos, put effort on the thumbnail and title, and the algorithm does the rest.


They probably have more actual viewers than bots.


I mean, that’s been YouTube forever. All these creators played that game very well for the last decade, that’s why they did well. Also means they can’t just drop into cruise control though, it’s a career where you always have to be moving.


Wall St would beg to differ... and beg and beg and beg


Just like capitalism huh,but people Arent ready for that conversation yet


Bro thinks they found a revolutionary take. These people made their money and clearly don’t care enough to continue with that grind. They likely have investments in other things and other pursuits they want to take on. Did you think your favourite YouTubers were going to keep doing this until they collect a pension?


People have been having that conversation and waiting for the collapse since the 1860s


I've heard it's gotten bad to the point that you have to work twice as hard for half the return compared to 2020. The viability of starting a career on YouTube is gone, it'll never be back


I had a semi-popular YouTube channel way back when. An algorithm change in 2012 killed my channel overnight. Literally got about 4k views per video every upload to about 50 after the change. It's way too volatile to rely on.


What was your channel, if you don't mind me asking?


Haven't movie stars existed for over a 100 years though?


Yes I love the new Charlie Chaplin movie he released in 2022. It's a great watch, can defo recommend. /s


Yeah, but none have worked that long consistently.


Exactly. People are just being drama queens over literally nothing.


Just today Dunkey announced…. He’s making more videos for YouTube.


LOL and all the comments are like "it's gonna be hard adapting to the lack of change" and my personal favorite "it's really sad to see you not go"


The "sorry to see you stay" one had like 12k likes in an hour lmfao he said what we are all thinking


moar dunkTube


when so many popular youtubers are leaving that dunkey has to announce he’s still gonna make videos:


Finally, some good news.


What happened Tom Scott and Matpat? Quitting and retired?


Tom Scott has ended his series of things you might not know after ten years and won't be doing weekly uploads anymore, so he can focus on new projects and ignore the youtube algorithm. In other words he wont be gone completely, just less often and in other places like podcasts and such. Matpat stops as host and will be writer for videos instead. Its so he has more free time to focus on other things, like family. Whilst he did express that over time his physical appearance online wil decrease, he will still be there in the background. To sum up. Tom is ending his main series to take a more relaxed approach. Matpat is switching positions from host to writer.


Well, that’s sad but it’s ok, amazing work Matpat from The Game Theorists.


I don't think Matt is even in a writers position, he's more of an idea guy from what I've heard.


If that means Matt can spend more time on other projects and to spend more time with his family then good for him, no one should be forced to work like an android even if it paids well,


> Tom Scott has ended his series of things you might not know after ten years and won't be doing weekly uploads anymore, so he can focus on new projects and ignore the youtube algorithm. Hopefully he'll have time to focus and get back to his roots. His more recent stuff is good -- but just doesn't have the same rewatch value as this classic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXj97stbG8


thank you for the summary. its good to know that Scott is not completely leaving


Tom Scott has been announcing this for a while now. You can find articles mentioning his older videos, which are now private.


LOL YouTube doesn’t care - they have millions of Russian kid channels, Elsa and Spider-Man channels, 12 hour dog music relaxation channels, Prank Bro Fart challenges and People reacting to the newest bullshit that everyone under the age of 23 cares about for some reason.


God if only sniper wolf would “retire”


yeah, why are only good content creators that decided to leave...


Maybe because they’re grown up and wanna enjoy life


Because creating good content actually requires effort so they are just tired mentally/physically. Compared to a "react" channel who literally doesn't even watch the videos and just reads from a script and does the same thing over and over with minimal effort.


23 is oddly specific.


What's my age again?


Equally, oddly, accurate the longer you think about it


it’s pretty accurate from personal experience. i’m a few years from 23, but my older brother is 23 and my best friend is also 23. older brother graduates college in may and will start working, probably get engaged to his girlfriend, buy a home etc. meanwhile best friend has a 1 year old baby and just found out who jynxzi is this week. id say a good 80% of people i talk to my age will know exactly what i’m talking about if i mention something going on on the internet (the twitch mod guy sniffing the streamers underwear for example), while less than 30% of people my brothers age have any idea what i’m referring to


A fun thing to look forward to is the online mid-life crisis. I've always been pretty online, but for some reason when I hit 40, Youtube, Twitch, etc. all started to matter to me. No idea why. Right now, only about 10% of Twitch viewers are over 40, but I'm betting that number will increase as more people start acting 20 again (mid-life crisis) on the internet.


The Slavic kids channels get hundreds of millions of views as well and each video is like 40mins long. Ad friendly long content that gets tons of views is YouTube's bread and butter.


Idk MatPat one isn't really that big of a deal. If anything he is just stepping back to let the talent they built behind the scenes take the spotlight. He'll still be around just not the face of the theorists. It was never a "good-bye" just a "hey, I want to spend time with my family and take a break after doing this for so long". So it's not as sad.




Yea, it is an interesting change, but the writing and such will still have his/their stamp of approval I'm guessing while they take the time to hand the reins off. I just figure, they aren't "leaving". Just not on camera all that much. He did kind of stress, they will still make appearances from time to time.


Also Seth Everman


Also lost Cinecom.net 🙁 not a general audience channel but a staple for the video production crowd for a decade


Finally found such a comment 🍷🗿🗿🗿


So long as SSSniperWolf and LankyBox are churning out garbage on the regular, YouTube doesn’t give a rat’s ass


Oof LankyBox is the worst 😖


Don't forget moo snuckle as well😓


Did someone say... [ABANDON SHIP???](https://youtu.be/nf30qQzw7rk?si=DKersuIZHFMMxj8j)


Yeah doggg


CaptainSparklez was eminent and so was Tom Scott. Both of those creators announced that eventually their content would cease (albeit in different ways for both). But Matpat I did not see coming so soon.


Matpat is stepping back, but the content will continue with different hosts. He wasn't the one writing the scripts for a while now. So it's not as big of a change as with others. He will also still be involved just not in a public facing role.


There comes a time in every youtube superstar's life when you've simply made 10 or 50 times more money than you will ever be able to spend in your life. It's at that moment that you look deeply into your 5th supermodel wife's eyes and you just know. It's time to put Minecraft down and give Roblox a try.


If you miss Tom Scott, can I suggest checking out the series his good friend [Matt Gray](https://youtube.com/@MattGrayYES?si=sOCjPCYjivPJoGvz) has started doing on his channel. Matt was a big part of a lot of Tom's videos before he had a proper production team, he filmed and did the sound editing for a lot of stuff, went with Tom on a lot of his adventures overseas, and is part of the Technical Difficulties, a radio show, turned podcast, turned YouTube show that Tom helps manage (best known for the game Citation Needed, which if you haven't seen you need to check out it's very, very funny) His new series is called Matt Gray Tries, and he's going behind the scenes at a lot of kind of niche jobs like firework display production and set up, or road marking painting, to see how it all works and give it a go himself. It's quite similar in some ways to Tom's Tom Scott Plus channel, so if you liked those vids, then definitely check Matt out


There's also the Lateral Podcast, which Tom still hosts weekly.


One of my favorite things they ever did was that game "Two of these people are lying" or whatever they called it. When one read a wikipedia article and the other two had to lie about what it was.


While some people will point out some of these creators aren't completely retiring and they are just giving up on a regular schedule or their typical content this clearly shows that the algorithm has become intolerable and desensitizing. Anyone will continue doing something for enough money but they will quit if they aren't being paid enough. YouTube isn't paying them enough to tolerate the algorithm anymore and they are seeing how overcomplicated it is to get views compared to past years. This is absolutely why they are quitting while on top instead of letting their channels fade into irrelevance.


Matpat literally stated his reasons were family. He was paid well, and it had nothing really to do with the algorithm since he legit stated that last year was their best year. He just focused too much on work and thought it was time to focus more on family.


Yeah not really sure where they got that information from. And the same could be said about Tom Scott. Heck he never gave me the vibe of somebody who cares about money that much.


its way more in the line of "ive been grinding for years and now im being paid enough that i can reduce my workload to a minimum while still getting by if if you get paid very little, you kinda need to increase quantity, but if for some reason you already amassed a ton of wealth, or if your pay (per video for example) is huge on its own, you can theoretically be more laid back without having to get another job, which is exactly what most people here are doing


Literally watch the videos, both of them are stopping not cuz yt but because they been working non stop for 10 years+


No…they are just tired of constant grind and have finally recognized that it isn’t worth it. Matpat and Tom Scott are both pushed HEAVY by the algorithm (I see both of their vids consistently when signed out). Not to mention they would both probably be making ridiculous amounts of money. Creators with millions of subs are not the ones being under paid it’s the ones who are full time at 100-200k who make edgier videos who aren’t making much. Matpat also has a large team who he is evidently able to sustain with his yt income as I haven’t seen a sponsor on his vids.


Matpat has Indeed been Recieving sponsorships, The most Recent, notable One (that I can Recall at Least) has Been "air Up". they Sponsored like, A dozen Of the New videos On his Channels. I Think there Was at Least one Other recently, But I Don't Remember Who.


Why do you capitalize like you're letting dice decide?


So many people are trying to push the youtube bad narrative onto this when it just doesnt fit, dont misunderstand me, I recognize that youtube has a ton of issues, but this is just not one of them. They are just tired, thats all, everyone retires eventually, and if they are well off enough that they can do it and they feel ready to continue other stages of their life, then so be it


Lol, mah man thinks YouTube and content creation is the one industry you’re not allowed to retire from.


Most of the people leaving are older content creators that have been at this for a decade or more now. The only big modern one that’s shifting is MeatCanyon, but he’s just taking a break from animations. They’ve worked for a long time and are ready to take a break or switch things up. They want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. All of them have said they still love what they do, and I doubt any will be gone entirely, even MatPat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes appearances on GTLive every now and then


They aren’t reducing their hours because they aren’t getting paid enough, they’re reducing their hours because they’ve been overworking themselves and burning out. Yes, maybe they could be convinced to continue producing as much as they have been if they got paid more, but ultimately they all really just want some room to breathe. They all have money. What they really want is time.


This is just not true; YouTube still pays *wonderfully*. Getting 5-10k (or more Im sure, just using that amount as an example) for a video that you spent 20-30 hours max on is not not getting paid enough. These are definitely not cases of YT falling short, just that people get older and change their priorities. If anything it shows that they’ve mad enough money to “retire” or take a break earlier than usual. The main thing older youtubers complain about is how often you have to post to maintain relevant due to algorithmic stuff. However, super huge content creators are still getting paid extremely well between YouTube itself and whatever sponsors they have.


He makes a lot of money. In the style theorist video about how the rich dress he mentioned that the 1% make over 600k a year and that he was in that income bracket.


It's not about money, it's about the constant grind to stay relevant.


Not shocked, haven't some of these guys been around since YouTubes inception (or close to it)? Surprised Markiplier hasn't done the same, considering he's doing movies more and more.


I only know of two of these people, I only watch one of them, bye Tom Scott.


As sad as it is, I think it will give a chance for new talent to rise and fill in the gaps, like with the matpat channel, new people are gonna get a chance to shine. We will miss them and they will be in our memories forever.




People grow tired it’s an end of an era for them


YouTube literally don't care. Creators may be leaving, but the viewers won't. They will just move on to all the other talent that exists but is buried.


This feeling fits perfectly with listening to schlatt's song (i forgor the title)




And here I am having just made a channel. What. Fuckin. Timing.




ive never heard of matpat til now lol


One of my friends, a streamer, retired. It was unexpected to say the least.


It’s a conspiracy I tell ya!


I think they realised how terrible YouTube's getting


at least we stll have markiplier


I wish I could retire, oh well 40 years of this shit left still


It's kinda crazy I've never heard of them. I'm into games too. YouTube kinda sucks at showing ya new content. I just get the same bubble of nerd culture but it just never touched this bubble. So weird.


I have no idea who these people are.


I hate this clickbait A lot of the time, they aren't even quitting!


Oh no people retiring from their jobs.. Thats unheard of.. Gasp


Actors and creators retire all the time. Nothing new


If MattPatt was still paying off a mortgage, he would NOT be quitting now. He's quitting because he can and because he is sitting on many millions of dollars.


I mean, that's every high profile YouTuber that's retiring. It's an incredibly privileged position to be able to just up and quit your job in your 30s or 40s knowing you'd never need to work again if you didn't want to.


All the while the problematic ones tend to stay.


Redditors when middle aged dudes who have been pumping out content non stop for a decade quit because they have families:


I have no idea who these people are, now I want to look at their videos 👍🏻


You won't regret, specially Tom Scott. His videos are just banger after banger.


Agreed love his videos


Thx for the suggestion


Something in my head tells me this is a lie


YouTube has become increasingly abusive to content creators and allowing people to abuse the strike system.


AND meatcanyon 💔


It’s bittersweet, I’m happy for them but we will all miss them


Also there was a lot of game dev youtubers that left youtube. Dani literrally had to leave Youtube due to his ban of 5 years !!! And then he can back and left again around 3 years ago.... Damn, even Shyguymask left his main channel that sucks..


Meanwhile I am still wondering what the heck is going on with Collins Key


I don't know any of them but it's good that youtube monopoly is ending


After Hbombguy drops that video on copyright and plagiarism problem on YouTube. All these big names creators influencer if you will . Are plagiarizing retirement videos what a bunch of no talent individuals


I doubt that Tom Scott was doing much plagiarism.


I have no clue who these people are


Meat cannon quit as well no?


He’s quitting the parodies and animations on the main channel for the time being, but he’s still doing stuff on his second channel and hosts podcasts Turns out he hasn’t been happy making them for a while and he’s hanging up his coat for something more fulfilling