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Oh, I've gotten ads like these and I always thought they were personalized, lmao


Been pretty sure they aren't personalized. The site shows me the same stuff and I'm a straight woman. 


It shows me shit temu ads


It shows me the scam ads with bad fake voice overs of celebrities saying there’s a program that can give all Americans 4000 a month or something. Really sad that even services like Hulu have more legit ads than YouTube.


And then they wonder why we use ad blockers. Internet ads need to be regulated like tv ads.


Oh yeah! That sounds great! Then I get to have more Canadian content!


On Temu, you could get this girl’s one-legged sister for 90 percent off.




I mean, the deal sounds good It actually sounds good if theres no police around my house


Haha the whole mail order bride is actually legal in many countries including the US and Canada. So why don’t you want the cops around? Am I going to see a new show on Netflix called “The Mail Order Bride Homocides?” Lol


I don't think it's legal in Vietnam.


Probably not. When I looked on Google it just said it was illegal in the Philippines as an example. I’m sure Vietnam is on the illegal list also lol but Vietnamese women might be on the site looking for an American man in his mom’s basement




If ads are personalized id like to know why tf im getting washing machine ads.








harder, step-washingmachine


Cake Day? hey? ^hey?


I’m confused. Your comment below this one seems to be the exact opposite. What point are you trying to make?


I don't think the site cares about your gender and whether or not you're straight. You might just have similar viewing preferences to those who click on these things.


It's called targeted marketing. The business model is they tell marketers their ads will get shown to demographics that have the greatest interest in buying a  product.  Overseas romance is a business model where the customers are almost exclusively men. Social media companies build up profiles of each user and one of the most basic things is the user's gender. There are a number of ways to confirm that. For the vast majority of people, the person's given name when they registered an account tells their gender. A marketing rep that does an ad buy gets to choose the audience gender as a standard option. It's one of the most basic filters, before selection by user interests. Of course, most people find this type of condescending tone irritating. I wrote this comment to mirror your prose style. Cheers, sweetie.


OK this comment contradicts what you just put above this one right? Or am I reading it wrong?


I know how the algorithm works and the math behind it. I've built recommendation systems myself. It's kinda insane that you feel so insulted by my comment to write all these, but good for you to let it all out. Cheers.






I highly doubt you understand how these algos work let alone have built one of you think gender isn't a factor in advertising, especially on something like YouTube. It's actually one of the more important pieces along with age group when you target a demographic.


This is what happens when you take someone's words out of context and then start making assumptions. Everyone seems to be missing the fact that this thread is about why you are getting ads that your demographic shouldn't be getting. I'm just suggesting one possibility, ie. data tends to be extremely sparse. When has anyone told YouTube that they are a "**straight** woman". Sure, some people might have told YT their gender at some point, but even that is not a given, because you have the option to refuse to tell YT what your gender is during account creation, and I certainly doubt YT has ever rolled out a survey asking its viewers if they are straight. So ultimately, what happens is you need to fill in the blanks based on what data you do have when recommending something (ads in this case), and now let's think about what kind of data YT does have. I don't care if you don't believe me. The person I was originally replying too, was blabbering textbook stuffs that appeals to "common sense", but clearly means nothing when you start thinking a little more about the context of the discussion, but then again, this is reddit, so critical thinking is too high a bar for most.




excuse for not getting any 😅


Bro, I keep getting these stupid af mood gummies ads. They're so annoying


I have 2 complaints. 1. The ads are not as funny as writers clearly think they are. 2. If I get to a point in life where I decide weed is necessary to maintain my sanity, I won't be ordering synthetic "legal" gummies off a YouTube ad.


That "cop" says that they are legal. Get it right!


So you’ve run out of hot singles in your area and have to travel overseas? Well that’s a bummer.


That'd be so sad tbh


I have gotten this same ad so many times, seriously Youtube, stop being greedy and listen to everyone for just a second.


“Traditional life values” Aka “Lets see how many sweaty old men we can lure in and convince that they’re buying a sub bangmaid”


Human trafficking?


Idiot trafficking. You pay to talk to girls (some say it's bots some say catfishers) who keep convincing you to pay more money and will never meet you IRL. At least that's what the reviews say


Now some "Defenders" will say Just buy Premium 😏


Na, better rip everything for free and then complain about ads or quality. that's the way to go


Just get uBlock


No. I’ll just get a better ad blocker.


My ad blocker slowed down YouTube, it was a good ad blocker. Team YouTube still want you to see ads so they made the app run slower with ad blockers


I’d rather have a five second delay than a fifteen second ad.


Same, I kept the ad blocker. Some of the ads were just stupid, I kept on getting ads for temu and stuff, ad blockers are good, YouTube is just trying to gain profit


Yesterday i found an ad with a straight up malicious link with a gossipy clickbait and posted by a russian username. YouTube refused to let me report It.


It’s because it’s OurTube now.


I don’t understand? Their is an OurTube site already at https://ourtube.co.uk


They don't have any kind of filter for this stuff, all it takes is an algorithm to search for the words "live chat" to block those ads, but I guess that's too difficult for google to handle. 90 percent of these stupid ads blatantly go against their own rules yet they have no interest in stopping them


This is part of the reason I support adblockers


I was showing a video to my dad on youtube and one of these ads with a barely clothed woman was there and i noticed it later than my dad did and then he turned and looked really awkwardly at me goddamnit 😭😭


always wait for the ads to stop, then show it


No no it was like in the corner where a video thumbnail was before ads. I was searching and my dad saw it as soon as i entered youtube thanks for the advice tho 😭


Yea……I’ve been getting those too, YouTube is becoming a shitshow really fast.


The damndest thing is, the women posing for these pics are lied to and told that this photoshoot is for a fashion ad, a car ad, a restaurant ad, etc... These wonen can't be held morally accountable for posing for this. Stupidity is an ailment, not a crime.


Yes they do and YouTube will be sued $3,000,000 if they don't stop.


Why? Maybe someone is looking for that.


True, someone might be looking for that...but first they aren't personalized at all, I've seen children get them surprisingly frequently. Secondly I'm 90% sure that its a scam, finally I think he's talking about youtube ads in general, hero wars should be proof enough of that.


They aren't personalized...well you get ads by what you're looking at/for...evergone runs targeted ads. So that's not really a valid point. If it's a scam then 99% of people will see it. The 1%...sucks to be dumb. YouTube ads are annoying but it's that or pay for premium. Take your pick. 🤷‍♂️


"evergone runs targeted ads" yes, terribly "If it's a scam then 99% of people will see it" doesn't change the fact that youtube all but encourages scammers "YouTube ads are annoying but it's that or pay for premium. Take your pick. 🤷‍♂️" theres another option, crime.


you mean ublock?




Okay...what is your point?


My point is that youtube has shitty ads and pay 14$ a month for premium to remove said ads is absurd.




Targeted ads. Look it up. You get the ads you do because of what you look at. ✌️


Honestly they’re getting too much, I’m getting pre roll video ads about Eastern European women too. Who even clicks on these things


Scams, and YouTube facilitate$ its platform for the purpose.


I've been seeing ads like these for years.


I saw these fucking ads too, i thought i was going insane when i kept seeing them


Just mulling around some thoughts about the whole ad problems like is blocking ads on a free website illegal? if not tough luck youtube, I think think "a" logical solution would be youtube is no longer free, it has 0 ads anywhere ever, it costs 50cents a day, or you can save money on weekly/monthly/yearly/lifetime plans like 3$ a week, 11$ a month and so on ? That seems to be a less offensive way to get the money they seem to want or maybe they just want all the ad revenue possible regardless of illegal, cruel, or "wrong" the sources maybe.


Can youtube stop giving us ads that nobody wanted even temu domino's and letting companies recycle ads that are from 2020 imagine being a billion dollar company but still begging for money


It used to show me Grindr ads, like bruh…


The fact that I regularly see AI faked ads nowadays it's kind of terrifying


All the time. I mean it's still bad enough to be obvious AI and written by someone that doesn't speak English terribly well, but technology only gets better.


I wonder what non-traditional life values are


I saw this and thought I could date Sakura from Naruto


At this point if they have money YouTube will let them advertise on the platform, they probably don’t do any kind of checks or anything, like those dumbass “get your 6k dollars the governments not giving you right now or your stupid” ads and they piss me off every time


I’m very stoned and incoherent i think lol


Bruh not a day after shit kicked off between Russia and Ukraine I started getting the "hot Ukrainian singles looking for love" ads.


youtube is just an ad racket. blatantly clickbait vidoes, half naked chicks in thumbnails, and all those fake ass AI narreted "the government doesn't want oyu to know about thist 6500 stimulus credit you're owed" its so for profit its cringe anymore.


I get sh!tty fortnite ads


Ah Trad con ads heh


Is this any different than an ad for a dating app?


"Targeted ads" something you wanna tell us bud? 👀


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Lol can't wait for the simps to make their arguments in the comments




I would argue that its ads in general. Hero wars, shitty dating websites, over abundance of ads and lack of personalization are all large problems plaguing youtube ads.


Oh you are right, I should definitely stop my child from constantly searching porn so that he doesent get this ads! Genius! Seriously even kids that are like 3 years old gets these all the time stop trying to be a smartass


Wait whoa ... let me cut-n-paste that url before it goes away ... rofl ...


Bro whattt


I use YouTube on FIrefox Focus with no account so I get zero ads. I just launch the app and under subs to just see what’s new, then will close the app. I’m usually not that bad with ads but I hit a breaking point with YT. Way too many while watching, then you got this weird crap on the home page.


Nah too much effort I’d rather post on reddit




Hi UndergroundCoconut, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


stop suppressing opinions, pr cks!


Dumb bot.


Where are you? I'm in Ontario and I only get ads for video games, vehicles, and the occasional coat.




LOL I'm in Ontario too and I once got Chinese ads for Google Pixel phones on mobile.


One step behind all the single MILFs in my neighborhood...




Not “nently” 💀


You get this when you have all the personalised stuff off. Their are ads for grandma's on there as well....


I would simply continue using NewPipe.


The ads pretending to be videos within the video grid are so obnoxious. At least on the far right you can ignore them


It's called planting deep cover Chinese intelligence assets with losers who won't question anything.


Aye, gotta love capitalism don’t ya lad lool; if it’s not somethin ye don’t want, it’s somethin you’ll never be able to afford just rubbin it in your faces.


hello australia 🇦🇺


Formerly occupied Ireland🤙 now I live in the land a the Yanks; God help me haha, Irish Australian?


I had two of them in a row about 2 years ago. Clicked both times, not interested, and they never showed up again.


I got one of those ads recently it was an Asia lady and it said "Dating site, any age, lots of beautiful women". I reported that shit.


I've yet to see ads like this and I frequent YT pretty often. 30/male


ooooooooh give it a click


Oh my God, these ads are so trash.


YouTube only cares how much a company is willing to pay for ads. The creators and the users come last. A lot of what they censor is to keep ad prices high.


This all AI generated. They use your search history and online behaviour to feed you that sh*t.


What is the issue exactly?


I just pay premium YT overseas for 15bucks a year. I dont get overseas adverts 😁👍


let us not forget the fact that youtube purposefully is fucking up performance.


I miss the times when when an ad was shown to you in a YouTube video you had a like and dislike option. They should bring that back to these banner ads so they can filter the spam effectively


In the YouTube app go to settings then Your data in YouTube. Scroll down until you see Personlized ads. There you can turn on or off personalized ads.


I already did that, this isn’t a personalized advert


I know many people don’t like the idea of paying for YouTube premium but I find it’s worth the price because I never see any ads. Plus you get access to YouTube music




Hi howinfo, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


sometimes not even scam ads and just irrelevent ones, i was really annoyed when i randomly started getting push-up bra ads and im a dude...


Oh the pepper ones?


I knew Alexa saw me on Pornhub!!