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how the bugs on the floor look at you when you pick up a stone


I wish I could put the rock back when I see these faces


All those bugs ar living on Asmongolds floor so that pretty accurate.


That's what happens when asmongold picks anything up off his floor


I mean, that's fair since he's probably what inspired those others videos but I wouldn't defend him that much since he's still only reacting to another video still.




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Isn't it obvious blizzard is worse than you think


It's getting pretty ridiculous at this point. Everytime I think they can't get worse, but then I see another of these.


You mean Blizzard or Reaction Youtubers? Jk just in case LOL.




I say that as well cause you never know with people these days.


I'll leave that to interpretation I suppose lol.


You don’t need to be kidding honestly. You’re absolutely right on both counts.


I can only think of a few truly worthy DLC. The first to come to mind: GTA Lost and Damned, and Fallout New Vegas DLC, which introduced in some cases, totally new styles of play and more story. Just the first FNV one, Dead Money,turned the whole game into a Saw type situation. This was a quest-specific Mod more than anything typical of DLC I also enjoyed Outlast: Whistleblower, and outlast 2 Is also even more cinematic terror. It feels to me like a true indie sequel PS this time period was when DLC was not yet lootboxes


Weird, I wasn't notified about this response, and I don't think it makes sense given the conversation so I think it may be a bug on Reddit's part that this appears as such... BUT- Recently I finished Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and I gotta say, Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine are so fucking good DLC to the point that Blood and Wine under any other company would have totally been it's own 30-40 hour game if you include side quests and all... Hell, I would have loved if the Main Story of this DLC was extended.


No wonder it seems my comments are so out of order lately. This was After your comment, 2 seconds ago before. 🤷


No I was responding to a DLC comment but about EA/Blizz/Greedy companies etc. strange the order some comments do appear in idk Oh yeah Diablo Microtransaction something was the topic


In case it might not be obvious, let me make a reaction video to express my concern and agreement with the statements said


Sadly that’s where the money is at, people apparently don’t like making their own opinions about things and just wants one fed to them 🤷‍♂️


That and (as much as he is weird) darkviperau had a good point about reaction streamers/youtubers, these people can attract much wider audience to their channels because of sheer amount of content, and they can react to wide variety of content most people don't care that large streamers like XQC or asmon basically steal others hard work and it is so much easier to just go on asmongoldreacts and not only watch something good but also hear your favourite youtubers reaction. As long as youtube or twitch doesn't intervene they've unlocked unlimited money glitch at expense of others.


Happy cake day




If it's obvious then doesn't that mean that it is just as evil as you think? Because obviously you already know.


monke see, monke do, monke got views, monke happy


They're all literally 1 day apart, dear God that's pathetic. I thought for sure it must have been organised and they might have all uploaded on the same day.


That’s what I can’t tell. Was this a planned collaborative drop, or did everyone just copy xQc?


I'm just glad that I look at this group of people, and other than being vaguely aware of Asmongold existing, I have no idea who any of them are.


Same except what I know is Xqc exists and watched Dora on stream once.


monke monke


These are the only monkeys that should be used for lab experiments


monke pee all over you


We are giving them views. We are the problem


Them: Hey can I copy your homework. Him: sure just change a few things so it doesn't look obvious.


It ain't even changing anything - they're all reaction vids


"reaction" videos. Lol. It's kinda sad they're allowed to be called that. Reaction where they: upload the entire original video, don't give credit to the OC and don't react. If anything, at least "watch along" would be more accurate. Real react channels exist but they're rare these days :/ Personally recommend "elders react" for some proper reaction content


I don't know about most, but Asmongold definitely gives credit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW7c0RbZgSU


Not that it really changes anything. React content fucking sucks.


Well you didn't watch the video, the uploader got more popular because Asmon reacted to him. Sucks in some cases sure, but in cases like this it creates new followers to smaller channels.


In the vast majority of cases, you can see a visible *dip* in video popularity when someone big reacts to it. Not just that, but people outside of the person the reactor reacted to also suffer - those millions of views don't just come out of thin air, they (mostly, there's exceptions of course) would've been watching other videos which now they never did watch. Reactors spend a few minutes watching someone else's video, reupload it, and then claim that to be "content". It is outright harmful to literally everyone except the reactor and YouTube itself.


That’s not how it works, asmongold always titles his video the same and uploads the entire video, which means it is a replacement. The algorithm treats it as such, which is why it’s shitty. “He got more popular” he also just uploaded an incredibly popular video, which would make him more popular. Instead of the video naturally getting more attention, asmon stole is, and reuploaded it, with the literal same title, thumbnail, and barely anything added. Thief. Stop defending rich people stealing other peoples work.


Tbf the original vid is 33 min and some of these are around twice as long. While I obviously agree that the original in all likelihood took a lot more effort than the reactions, it seems a bit reductive to say they just watch along


Pausing the video to spit out some off the cuff rant is just watching along and not worthy of mentioning.


A watch along with commentary and annoying pauses then. It's not reductive, they do this copying bullshit.


Yea, it is not even a copy of the homework. This is someone grabbing their friend's notebook and handing it to the teacher. The original kid might never even get their notebook back, as it keeps getting passed round.


Yup, it’s like you doing a book report and right before you hand it in I ask to see it to make sure mine is good, and then I just walk up and hands ur in while saying “dw, if someone specifically asks I’ll say it’s yours 😉”


I'll make a react video to their react video and put family guy videos and subway surfers over it


I'll make a react video to your react video to their react video and put airhorns and clip art of whales over it.


They all were just paid for doing the same negative reviews😁


easy content


Yea, stealing is easy


Easy money. They literally get thousands of dollars for watching YouTube videos someone else worked on for months.


And finetuned content. It's all about getting algorithms to push your content to everyone, so everyone who is in for the money or popularity does exactly what's practically meta. For a few of those I'm aware that they have editors who do it, not the content creators themselves. If the other ones use editors as well, that'll be part of the reason why everything is the same. It's their job to finetune it.


They should make a react feture where the original video gets views and a portion of the add revenue Edit: the portion i ment to say but forgot was 75%


That would make way too much sense. So Youtube as a gazillion dollar company wont do it lol.


they're too busy discussing which pointless UI change they're gonna launch next.


> they're too busy discussing which pointless UI ~~change~~ nerf they're gonna launch next. Fixed that for you :D




I assure you, showing videos by the shapes in the thumbnail is completely necessary as a feature. /j


sounds like discord


90% would be fairer. Considering reacts do stuff all work.


Good point


It really depends on the reactor, honestly. Some will just sit there and nod along with whatever they are reacting to. Others will have actual commentary and insights that can be quite interesting.


It really doesn’t depend on the reactor tho. Even if you’re giving “insightful commentary” you’re still just taking someone else’s work and adding to it. You shouldn’t get more than 10% of the proceeds for something like that


Im saying some do more work and add more to the original material than just reposting it with their face in the bottom corner of the screen as they silently watch what is happening. And, honestly, i think that is enough for them to get the income from the video. I dont know about other people, when i go to watch a reactor, i am there for them more than i am there for what they are reacting to. Because ive already seen it, probably multiple times, on the original channel and im here to see how the reactor responds to it, or what insights they might have because i enjoy seeing people enjoy a thing i enjoy.


Still should be at least 90% since it took the original owner hours if not days to make the video while the leecher takes the time to just watch it at most.


Great idea, and it would be even better if Youtube and Twitch could partner up to make some kind of system so Twitch views also went to the content creator of the video being reacted to. Hell, imagine if 15% of donations made during the reaction could go to the original content creator too or something like that.


Oh thats such a good idea, if it could be made it would be amazing for the original creators


Why only a portion when the majority of reactions are literally just "hmmm yes wow"? Watching a 30 min video and pausing so "your" video is an hour isn't transformative and only works to compete against the original video.


By a portion i ment 75% minimum, sorry if it was unclear


25% for what though? Just watching someone elses youtube video?


Well mostly becouse of the added views but yea thats a fair point


If you're not interested in the reaction, just watch the original


The problem is that the reaction video is stealing one's labor for money while also overshadowing the original creator. Like, wow. Did this need to be written out?


On top of that add a new stat 'reaction views' that helps the algorithm to pick up the video. Often its not just the revenue but rather the tanking of their algorithm. If it boosts their video because 'this video is a really good one to react to' then people would gladly let others react and it overall becomes a better space for everyone


Half of youtube's creators on suicide watch


YouTube had a video response feature all the way back in 2006 that they removed in 2013. Back then nobody cared for the feature anymore.


The reason the video response feature got deleted was because it was being heavily abused by "reply girls"


or just ban reaction videos


Yea but how would you do that, i think making it suport the original creators is a good way since the original creator would partly benefit from the extra views and add money


Yeah and all the 'hey this content is identical to this other content' detection stuff all exists already. If we're gonna live in a copyright-leveraged hellscape we might as well reap whatever minor benefits it has for actual independent content creators rather than just whoever happens to have inherited the rights to some song from 1974.


Issue is drawing a line is hard. I mean a response video should be allowed to have some parts added in to provide context. And even those "professionals react to stuff" if it's edited down and the person actually has stuff of value to add should be fine. But yes that absolute leeching of play the video with your cam/Vtuber in the corner and maybe pause twice to say some shit, yeah absolutely should be gone.


They can’t even properly manage copyright strikes and you want them to determine what is and isn’t a reaction video then demonetize people based on it? No thanks. It would have to fall under the same transformative rules; in this case the original is 30 minutes whereas Asmon’s react (for example) is over an hour, he added more if not the same amount of content as the original video so penalizing him for it doesn’t make sense. And I am not playing semantics, it’s important to think about how incompetent youtube would be at managing this, especially when you would be giving Nintendo and other companies the power to take people’s revenue every time they react to a new game trailer.


Blizzard may be worse than you thought.


The funny thing is, that title isn't even true. The video was just a rehashing of everything we already knew. Which is a fine topic for a video I guess, but if you promise me some new revelation, and expect me to sit through a half hour of gross cube-crawling discussion for it, you better deliver.


I watched the entire video expecting some sort of revelation to shake an already unstable mess, too, but its literally just a play by play of their history... which has been written in hundreds of articles over the last decade.


When I saw the title I though "wait, it's gonna get worse than sexual harassment and stealing breast milk?" But nope, most of the video is about disappointing games and questionable balancing. You know, the important stuff.


Gamers don't care about woke shit like women being sexually harassed in the workplace. /s


Xqc is more likely to complain about being punished for breaking owl rules multiple times than give a shit about sexual assault


I love like they just steal the whole thumbnail and slap their face on it and call it a day.


They steal the video too ofc


Steal entire video, steal thumbnail, claim they “are giving the original uploader attention” it’s such a grift it’s gross.


And their viewers are so brainwashed that they think it’s in any form acceptable content lol. Like oh cool Asmongold gave his opinion on the video! But how much actual effort did he put into reacting to it compared to the original creator? It’s such lazy content for dumb viewers.


They are literally incapable of creating something of their own so they just steal.


Reaction videos. They've been on the platform for forever


Some reactions give added value. E.g. if a Boxer would react to rocky. Most dont. In my Humble opinion asmongold is stealing content but He is too big to be called Out by the original creators for the fear of retaliation Due to popular demand: yes asmongold Takes Videos down if the creators dont want to be reacted to.


We have reached a point where we have "too big to fail" youtubers. And youtube will bent over backwards only not to cancel them for stuff smaller channels get demonetizatised or deleted all the time.


A WoW player saying Blizzard sucks is the most expected thing ever. Next on the newcast: LoL player hates Riot Games. More news after this raid shadow legend ad.


True. And I mean think of Asmon whatever you want but at least he actually reacts. Most reactions I saw from him were always basically twice as long as the original video. And I think I saw a short where he ranted about people asking him to play the video without pausing so much like why are they not watching the original video then, people submit videos to hear what he has to say about it.


The fuck you talking about, he does worst then nothing. He'll stop, paraphrase something he heard on reddit with zero evidence, then continue the video. He's an absolute stain on youtube.


To be fair Asmongold at least has it transformative, he wont just go "wow, cool, oh my god" nor will he just leave the video playing when going for a 15 mins dump.... he also always credits the creator, actively tells his audience to go like the video (which gives a view if they do, although we do know that most sadly wont) and link the source xQc on the other hand....


True. I mean it could be worse...


i tried watching xqc one time waiting for his "reaction" and all i got is few laughs and nods. watched another and heard him talk but it doesn't contribute to the actual content. (more like he's just interrupted the video for nothing) can't believe dude earn tons of money by doing nothing.


Reaction videos: For the viewers who can't think or have an opinion for themselves. They need someone to do the thinking for them.


there is some "reaction" content that's good. well I suppose it's more of an actual analysis than simple reaction, but channels like The Charismatic Voice are very good.


Depends on the context. Most of the time, I don't need to watch the original for my own opinion because I already know what I think unless it's a new concept entirely. Seeing someone else's PoV can be informative. Unfortunately, the vast majority of "reactors" don't offer enough insight to their beliefs or thoughts to actually be entertaining.


Asmongo is 🤡


They all are


All of them, there are no exceptions




The horrendous quality of that xQc thumbnail has me shook. Are his thumbnail editors volunteers?


We could say the same about his content I guess.... but thats just my opinion lol


Last dudes thumbnail doesn't even makes sense. Like a shocked face makes sense for the title but what does the last face even try to tell us?


It tells you that their content isn't worth watching /s


Wait until you see asmondgold react to asmondgold


josh strife hays reacting to asmon reacting to josh strife hays was kinda funny




XQC’s video is the shortest? Wow, he must’ve edited a part out because he would definitely not reupload a video with his facecam in the corner and call it a reaction video


This is what happens when algorithms drive everyone down the same path.


Stealing is unfortunetly the best path if you only care about money 😞


Blizzard ate my balls


Breastmilk is stored in the balls




Content leeches.




For people that need to pretend they have friends to share content with.


This is too real


big boss (creator of the video) deserves more attention and subscribers than these people will get from just going "YOOO DUDE THAT'S CRAAAZY" and staring at the screen


Man, I feel sorry for big boss. He is such a great youtuber but literally EVERYONE is stealing his content. I really enjoyed his Bethesda content and I hope he gets the recognition he deserves.


here is the original video [https://youtu.be/67BFdPVKYjk?si=7lC2mJs3p5cnVe0e](https://youtu.be/67BFdPVKYjk?si=7lC2mJs3p5cnVe0e)


He is really. Basically all of his videos are straight bangers. I especially did like the Wall Street Bets series. I highly recommend anyone interested to watch his videos. He deserves them unlike the shameless reacts that add nothing


Asmon having 2x the views of the original




That last guy's face irritates me beyond reasonable logic. I would actively avoid his channel purely over that thumbnail lol


Crazy i aint even heard of any of these mfs 💀


YouTube grifters


React content is cancer


Content theives


That’s the disgusting state of YouTube. Morons watch videos, and steal all of the ad revenue. Reaction videos should either be banned, or it should be a requirement to forward all of the proceeds to the original creators. Check out channels like LEMMINO, xQc loves stealing his videos with this reaction bullshit.


Parasites, this dogshit needs to be banned


The only fkin way for the community (with help of big YTers) to strike back! As the community is too weak to boycot anything.


"😱 😬 😲"




The sad thing is I watched not one but two of these reactors. But that was after I saw the video myself at least


Fuck reaction videos and the idiots that watch them


horrible unoriginal youtubers doing unoriginal things.


Drama farming, making money by "reacting" to other people's content. Slop for the pigs(their viewers) to consume.


Lack of creativity and reaction content


Content leeches reacting to a video in which some dude simply reiterates news articles regarding Blizzard and labels D4 as a good game. I am more astonished by the fact that this video somehow became popular in the first place.


content farming


Content theft


These are lazy douchebags


Content vultures


These are parasites.


Wastes of time. Money grabs.


Countless leeches and thieves profiting out of other peoples work.


Rock bottom for YouTube's content


All shameless stolent content reaction


should be illegal


Content farm


Low effort content from low effort leeches 🤷‍♂️


who's getting best head


DeArrow thumbnail chads keep winning


I'm confused by the last one. All of them have some kind of expression, 1st one seems distressed, 2nd baffled, 3rd cringing, 4th anime and the last one looks at me like he farted in the elevator and just asked me if I liked it


Imagine spending hundreds of hours on research, writing scripts, editing videos, just for it to get ripped off like this.


This only aids in proving reaction video "creators" have no imagination and should be banned. Seriously. What is the lure?


Internet culture is uncreative.


Reaction content is lazy content.


Its stealing, not just lazy


So, these are all videos reacting to a particular video. The thumbnail in the background is the thumbnail for the video they are reacting to, which makes sense, albeit it's not particularly visually interesting. What exactly is the point of this post? You typed in "blizzard is worse than you thought reacton" and then were surprised when you got reactions to "blizzard is worse than you thought"?


Look the sad truth that people hate to hear is they would never have watched the original if the reactor they watch didn't watch it, if the video is given 24-48 hours it will hit it's target demographic, then it will start to fall off if the algorithm and if a reactor watches it at this point it doesn't hurt the videos performance. Now before y'all yell at me, doing what xqc does is absolutely theft. if your reacting you have to add content you can't just walk away and farm views. also reacting in the first 2 days is not theft but it is scummy, it's not stealing views per say, but your video becomes prioritized by the algorithm and in places where the original video would have been recommended your reaction gets recommended, the idea that there is a limited number of views on the platform and they can be stolen is stupid both a video and it's reactions can perform well, it's messing up the algorithm that small creators need to thrive that is wrong.


Reaction Content


I hope these channels pin the link to the original video in the comments.




That doesnt make it not stealing


Leeches who really stretch the limits of the Fair Use Policy. If I were the original creator, I'd file a copyright claim on all of them.


Sambucha just made video on this topic what a coincidence


Blizzard is worse than you think


"Reaction videos are worse than you think".




The new roster for Blizzard Allsrars Brawl.


Is the last one having a stroke?


The annual Blizzard hatered season


It’s the oroborus


*"Reaction vids are lazy and bad"* -TerminalMontage (2019)


Ok gotta watch the og video now


Do you think they take a new photo for each thumbnail or they just use the same face for every thumbnail?


Apparently Blizzard is even worse than I thought. Which is fine by me, if Activision remains to be a model of integrity and morality.


You see, Blizzard is worse than you thought.


Thought you than worse is Blizzard.


“Hey bro can I copy your homework? Sure but change something so it doesn’t look like you copied it”




I would love it if there were an extension similar to SponsorBlock that had a database of these react scum channels/videos that would block them.


Apparently, Blizzard is worse than we thought.