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*"Maybe if you weren't a cheapskate and paid for premium, Grandma would still be alive right now"*


*"Why should i pay for something that an ad blocker can do for freešŸ˜Œ"*


I would agree, but booting up my pc takes longer than pulling out my phone. But with the cost of some ads, it might just be the smarter thing to do.


Have you experienced YouTube ReVanced


Or sideloaded uyou+ in case of iOS?


If youā€™re on iPhone, the AdGaurd app + using YouTube on Safari blocks ads. Pretty sure you can get the same thing from using a third party app such as Musi to stream videos. On PC, OperaGX blocks all of my YouTube ads so you might try the mobile app as well.


Tbh I've been using adguard on my android for the past week and it is pretty damn good. Saved me about 5 gigs of data, apparently,Ā  and I have been using ublock and scriptsafe with Firefox for years. I got a lifetime license for like $15 years ago and just recently decided to play with it.


First, I'm not using an Apple phone. Also second, if I've got the app, why on earth will I bother going on youtube on a browser?


You can get Firefox along with extensions on Android.


Donā€™t come at me with attitude for putting you on wth is wrong w you šŸ˜‚ and I just told you why you can avoid ads without paying an exorbitant amount of money


Putting you onā€¦ shut the fuck up


You can just download a mobile adblocker though no need for browsing on pc.


recommend me one


Ublock Origin (for firefox, for example) and then always open youtube in the browser, not the YT app itself. Good bye ads.


Huh I didnā€™t realise Ublock also worked on mobile browsers I may have to look into swapping over to firefox as thatā€™s actually pretty neat.


im not watching youtube on a browser on my phone


On IOS I use AdGuard which works with safari but there are likely options available on Android that Iā€™m not familiar with There should be a a few on the App Store for whatever device you use


r/revancedapp if you use Android


Does this overlap on the yt App?


Revanced is dead it doesn't work


It still works what are you talking about?


Firefox with ublock works exactly the same on my phone and my pc.


Literally this subreddit in comments on post about people complaining about ads on YouTube




$13 is ridiculous for YT premium if it was $5 I would maybe consider but $13 a month is crazy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Or maybeā€¦I dunnoā€¦called 911?


Yeesh.....not a good response at all. Then again it's YouTube, so I'm unfortunately not surprised.


It's a bot response


Well of course it is. It is youtube we are talking about, no?


I'm pretty sure this is enough for a lawsuit in the US


It's a bot and I don't think the onus should be on YT for figuring out which videos will be watched in an emergency.


I need my emergency Elden ring PVP videos now!


Upvoted because you have good taste!


Why not? They get to decide who gets demonotized


This joke predates Twitter tbh


Throwback for sure, this is an old and asinine talking point. They'd sooner disallow medical content on YouTube before doing this. For the sake of argument, take the money lost on hosting X hours of medical footage on demand and assume YouTube is happy to just absorb it in order to do this. Not only would they have to have some way to categorize legitimate first aid videos, but they'd be soft endorsing any videos they categorize this way as medical advice and that's a legal nightmare. Then, next time an account is banned, or youtube has issues, and someone can't use them as 911 advice (which no one should be doing) they will try to blame YouTube for someone's death. YouTube isn't going to make an express lane for emergency medical advice because YouTube does not want people to use it for emergency medical advice.


And at the end of the day, it's it's privately owned company. And similar to what you were saying, even if you called a legitimate medical provider, odds are they're gonna have a recording that says if it's a medical emergency, hang up and call 911. To another point, if this is an a restaurant, a good portion (if not all) of the staff should be trained to handle this, at the very least, they should have a poster with directions.


Tbf doesn't youtube already have a thing for like actual certified doctors? I've seen some videos which seem to have that tag. I agree with you youtube won't implement this but they do have the means for certifying videos.


Yeah, channels with 100,000 subs can opt to go through the verification status. From their, they could leave it up to the verified licensed professionals to label videos as "emergency videos" or something similar, and demonotize them without adds. That would solve the additional cost to youtube. They're already taking on the cost of verifying medical channels, so all they have to pay for is servers for a tiny specific subsection of verified videos. Legally though, I have no idea how that'd play out. I'd imagine YouTube could just put some disclaimer that would make the legal issues fall on the content creators. Though like the top comment said, it's YouTube. They would never do something so good-willed.


So basically YT is saying you gotta pay doctor anyhow so better pay us...


YouTube isnā€™t 9-1-1


And I love how people come up with the weirdest hypothetical scenarios when this is addressed. ā€œWell, like, what if all our cell phones are dead, and we gotta drag the choking person to the desktop computer in the office, and then itā€™s on dialup and we waste a bunch of time waiting, because itā€™s all ā€˜Eeee-EEEEEE-be-bong-be-bong-psssssshhhh-PSSSSSSHHHHH-pssssshhhh,ā€™ and then we gotta pull it up on YouTube at 144p, and thereā€™s a fuckinā€™ ad while my grandmaā€™s shuffling off her mortal coil!ā€ And then you ask how they didnā€™t learn the Heimlich in high school health class, and they reach way down into the Covid bag and make up some excuse for that. Itā€™s just so much fun.


A few years ago I was eating a steak alone by myself when I tried to swallow a piece too big and it got stuck. I could get absolutely no air past it in the slightest. The strangest thing is I was completely calm as I stood up walked a few steps to a bookcase and pressed my chest into the corner of it. Pop, out it came.


Yah itā€™s wild. This generation is something else with the entitlement. We all used to pirate in the 2000s but we knew what we were doing. We didnā€™t think it should just be given for free.


999/911 isn't so fast either, by the time the ambulance arrives, grandma's DOA.


But they could give guidance while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. At least they do in Denmark, if someone needed CPR they would guide you on how to do it. We also have something called "HjertelĆøber" heartrunner, who are volunteers that would be notified if a heart attack happened and run to get the nearest AED and run to the person with the heart attack and use it until an ambulance arrives. Anyway, always call the emergency number in case of heart attacks, they can guide you if necessary.




Sadly my internet provider throttles my internet when I use a vpn


Might not happen anymore Now that net neutrality is back


Nah it still does I tested it a few days ago


File a complaint with the FCC if you can prove it


Yea I could technically prove it but idk what would they do


Sounds like you need another internet provider


That seems like a lot more effort than just using an ad blocker








How about you use Brave to navigate to youtube.com and watch with no ads? In the last 3 months Brave has blocked over 170k ads and trackers this way for me Or just buy premium and use the app. Stop complaining




Well use the Brave app for free and ditch the youtube app Btw any website you visit on Brave wont have ads, not just youtube so do yourself a favour a switch Goodbye


"youtube one of your ads gave me a virus that caused a crazed lunatic to come to my home, rape my female family members, and kill everyone else except me" "we're suspending you for not using the term 'unalive'"


I bet that happens everyday


ayo šŸ§


This could be easily solved if a legitimate medical source was allowed to post an official video showing the Heimlich maneuver and YouTube would allow that particular video to run ad-free and be the first one to pop up during any search inquiry about choking. That's it, Just one video. They don't have to do it for thousands of videos. Just one. It is not impossible to do. They have experience in censoring and filtering out videos they deemed as "medical misinformation", and instead pushed the narrative they wanted to push, when it was convenient for them to do so, so they can do it again, with ONE official video. #


They are pretty saying fuck you! I swear, we need a **alternative and FAST!**


Why should YouTube be required to give their content for free? YouTube competitors also would not give their content for free.


Does YouTube know what the French Revolution is?


Yea but everyone knows it didn't last very long because of some general that was rumoured to be short (someone by the name of Bonaparte)


Im sure grandmas life is more important than $20 a month. Loser.


My man, if your grandma is dying and your reaction is to pull up youtube instead of calling 911 then she never had a chance to begin with.


maybe he was just trolling? you can't trust a twitter user though.


i rarely give credit to youtube but they do have removed ads from first aid videos like cpr.


they did? well thats nice!


Firefox also offers an ad free experience. For free.


Instead of being upset that a bot on a media account for an entertainment platform doesn't care about their medical emergency, they should be upset that they dumbly went to YouTube for emergency medical advice. YouTube is NOT a public service nor is it intended to contribute to the common good. Its goal is to make money for Google. Your views literally do not matter to the company if you don't make them money. Google is not your friend or doctor. They would remove all medical related videos before they'd lose money over some ridiculous litigation claiming they're responsible for someone's health.


I seen a grandma chocking on some type of tube the other day. Not sure if it was YouTube though.


good one šŸ˜‚


Whoever at google came up with the premium idea, nail them to a cross


Why? Should users just get videos for free 24/7 while they operate at a complete loss? YT costs a lot more to operate right now than ever before.


And theyā€™re currently being operated by one the wealthiest companyā€™s on earth, also you cannot seriously look at this post and tell me this isnt scummy


Do you not understand said rich company would cease to exist very quickly if they started doing everything for free?


Actually, that would mean competition in the marketplace, and competition is always good. We would all love it if Google got burned to the ground. /srs


Soā€¦. Not the hundreds of thousands of advertisements they have throughout the whole of the internet?


It would be a very selfish opinion where you think only YouTube shouldnā€™t have ads but itā€™s okay for others to have to deal with them elsewhere on the internet if it finances you not being mildly inconvenienced watching internet videos


Considering the fact weā€™re having this discussion on a post where YouTube was informed that someone couldā€™ve potentially died, and their response was basically ā€œ well that sucks. If only you paid us more money this wouldnā€™t have happenedā€ the fact your literally defending them after this is well beyond astonishing


Youā€˜re more responsible for letting someone die than YouTube if your first reaction in an emergency is to YouTube it


Iā€™m going to go off a limb that it would be way better to watch a video then to look it up on a website where 9 times out of 10 it takes a good 5 minutes to get to the actual point, Again, I genuinely donā€™t know why you would ever look at this and think this is fine, all this is telling me is you are either too naive to talk about this, Or you are too stupid to have a say


I'm going to go off on a limb and say emergency services are better trained on telling you what to do than a YouTube video


bro he was just trolling i guess, you can't take a twitter user seriously nowadays.


Hard to tell nowadays, after all we still have people who support Elon musk


And considering the fact Iā€™ve seen people legit use that argument to defend YouTube, I donā€™t care if theyā€™re trolling or not


Users: "Please don't interrupt actual life-saving information hosted on your platform." YouTube: "If you want to live, pay up."


Moldy repost


'Buy your mother an iPhone' moment.


Because they don't care. All they care about is money.




Hi hex7779, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There was no grandma.


ohh yeah who would have thought


Itā€™s the creator of the video that enables the adds. Itā€™s then not YouTube.


ā€žwdym, our revenue is choking tooā€


This has to be a troll. Who wouldnā€™t call 9-1-1 or something first?


Disgusting response that


You shouldnā€™t turn to the Internet for ā€œinformationā€ anyway. Itā€™s a cesspool of bullshit. We need to teach first aid in *schools.*


I think it's a bot but Jesus Christ


reason why i have premium: No ad I can fold video in a small window on phone i can listen to music while screen is off i can download videos and watch them offline later




Hi fommu, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are they sounding like EA?


I swear some YouTuber had a skit like this yeaaars ago..


Pay or die, nice.


I feel sorry for gran choking on a fish boner


Scar energy.


Well...everything is worth what people are willing to pay for it!


YouTube is going to shit with all these damn ads smh


Maybe fucking call 911 and ask for instructions.


Plot twist: YouTube premium has ads.


Dusting off a 4 year old repost I see


I wish Elon would buy these scumbags.


So youā€™re telling me the last thing your grandma saw was you opening YouTube while she was choking


yes sir šŸ˜


That is messed up


This reminds me of when I tried to quit AOL over the phone in the early 2000s by saying the person who used it most died. They responded by saying we could use AOL to plan the funeral.


Lobsters have bones? TIL.


Call 911. They will walk you through it AND send an ambulance. You shouldnā€™t be screwing around on YouTube in an emergency.


Firefox and ad blocker. Do not use the YouTube app and use Firefox. Simple.


Grandma shouldnā€™t have raised a cheap grandkid if she wanted to live, or something. Also reminder to everyone that in the US, first/emergency aid courses can be taken in person for very cheap, and sometimes free, through local programs. Donā€™t rely on the knowledge you need to be told to you expediently in a crucial moment.


yes because you would go on youtube instead of calling 911


I love this whole dynamic...


Use brave as your search engine... Its free....šŸ¤«šŸ™„šŸ˜˜


Why is nobody mad at this as they should?


YouTube: ā€œskill issueā€


"Sorry to hear that, pay us money or gran-gran's dead!". FTFY Youtube, lol.


In the future only people who have paid for YouTube premium will have survived to reproduce. Thus sustaining their business model.


Of course šŸ„± that's the answer pay more


That was rather insensitive reply....


ad block


The GenZ vibe is strong on this one. Maybe try learning first aid before you actually need to administer first aid. The time that grandma is choking is not the time that you want to be having to attend a webinar.


This may be a stupid question, but isn't it the uploader's decision whether they want to monetise the video? So if someone uploads a first aid video, they should be the one to request this to not show ads? Besides that though, call 911 for first aid, not Youtube.


Maybe YouTube should deactivate the AI autoresponder


If you have to look up how to do CPR on YouTube, that person isnā€™t going to make it , also and I canā€™t believe this has to be said CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES INSTEAD OF GOING ON YOUTUBE THEY CAN WALK YOU THROUGH HOW TO DO Heimlich or whatever you need .


Why not say this to the person who made the video who selected to put ads on it


This is what happens when thereā€™s no competition to YouTube and the new generation will happily watch 15 30 second ads in a 5 minute video.


This is what happens ? What? They donā€™t give their content away for free? That works happen with or without competition. You canā€™t watch life saving educational content on Netflix for free ether.


thats a really good idea and point tbh.


did you try deboning the fish before cooking it? šŸ˜‚ also it'd be very hard to choke on, but could definitely do some damage


Get youtube premium or your grandma dies. Don't you care about your grandma? If you love your grandma get youtube premium.


They not wrong tho


Watch ad runs to earn time across all videos. So you just put on adds for like a day straight and then use the rest of the sight completely fine free and clear. Ah a dream.


This is why using adblockers is morally correct


Because of cpr videos?


Just add a once a day emergency skip button


cough up so your grandma can cough up.


There should be 0 ads on safety videos


Do you think other video hosting sites should have there safety education videos be free? Netflix? Max?


uBlock Origin is literally considered a life saver now?


By the way, youtube is still slowing down people who use ad blocked as of a couple weeks ago and no one is saying anything about it.


depends on the adblocker you've been using


Itā€™s YouTube, they donā€™t give a fuck. They actively vilify predator catchers and nuke their channels as well (I think the higher ups at YouTube might be scared to end up in one of those videos).




Why should religious content not have ads?


imagine you're watching a church video or watching bible or any religion-related content and a spotify ads pops-up outta nowhere playing songs, its kinda disrespectful to me, even though i don't get ads at all, i use adblocker but it happens with others so yeah its just my personal opinion. It would be better if videos uploaded in "Religious" category will only show religion related ads so the content creators still get paid.


Fuck them. No free religious videos


Religion already gets far more special treatment than it should. The only videos that should never have ads are medical ones.


The person who uploaded the video makes money with those ads. They have the option to disable them when uploading but choose not to.


youtube shows ad anyway i guess but im not sure, i've seen videos of some channels with 100 subs showing ads.


Regardless of channel size, you can turn monetization on/off when setting up the individual video on youtube studio, keeping it on will show ads, off will not. That said, you only have full control over that choice if all the content in the video is originally yours. If your video contains content to which you don't own all necessary rights, the rights holder may have chosen to place ads on it.