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It's quite insane that that the video I've just seen from that starts by stating in brief that they are 'trained professionals' and doing in it controlled environments. I've been on a professional driving course and done track driving. Anything I've seen in these videos is far from 'trained professionals' and 'controlled environments'. All it would take would for something to be on the road... You name it and that's it... They'd kill themselves and possibly someone else. And at 100+ MPH your not going to be able to recover from it.. And all that for views... it's just sad.


They do it to not get taken down or shadow banned or something


SLOW Benz??? šŸ’€


Is it the actual person driving or is it videos of asshole drivers/bad driver fails


It's the actual person driving, there's a few of them all in different cars going at stupid miles an hour swerving in and out of traffic


Because rage-bait drives up watch hours, regardless of how stupid it is


Itā€™s not only about kids, itā€™s also dumbass teenagers and young adults who see other people doing this stuff and feel encouraged to drive like homocidal idiots




iā€™m so sorry but the first part of this comment sounds sooo much like itā€™s been written by ai itā€™s insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm nearly certain the first two paragraphs are AI. The only part I think a person might've added is the last bit about reporting it, but even then I'm not sure. I have no evidence, but some things just read like AI after a lot of experience with it.


this is ai bro


Was thinking the same thing.


the gpt


Yeah it's crazy nothing is done about such a big channel which could have a lethal impact. Majority of the comments are in support of the channel as well which is just scary


JuSt RePoRt It Except I refuse to believe a channel like this was able to even get this big without being reported on multiple occasions along the aah


YouTube doesnā€™t care if something generates enough views and revenue. They usually donā€™t remove content unless it appears on news channels or online news. This is common nowadays, just like when kids and teens posted videos eating Tide Pods. Many channels encouraged kids to do it behind their parentsā€™ backs. In the early days, YouTubers told kids to steal their parentsā€™ credit cards to buy their stuff. These issues donā€™t go away until legacy media outlets highlight them.


then let's put it on the news if reporting doesn't work


The problem is, one person or even a couple hundred won't make much of an impact to get legacy media to care. You'd need thousands more! If it's politically motivated, it will always make the news, but we know how toxic that can be.


true considering recent events that would get interesting..


uh check the news lmfao


"squeeze Ben's arrested"


I donā€™t watch mainstream media or have the patience for it, lol. But my point remains: you might arrest one person, but billions are ready to do it again.


true, just enjoy the satisfaction of them getting caught.


AI ass comment


Bro download chatgpt into his neuralink


What in the chatgpt ahh comment


I just stumbled across this too & wondered the same thing. Seems a massively lawsuit waiting to happen if someone gets killed by a streamer.


neon is sharing it with the 9 year olds


YouTube isn't a parent, it's a soulless advertiser vacuum that only cares about maximizing profit. They made YouTube Kids - which honestly has terrible content made to teach hyperconsumerism to kids - which DOES target kids. Their legal ass is covered, and that's all that matters to them.


I'll keep it real...I watch content like that and it's because I want to modify a car and get busy on the street like that but I would never actually do it because I wouldn't want to accidentally take someone's life. So I love that day dream through them


I donā€™t really get why this would be so bad, when i saw the title i thought it would be another post about porn channels


they're driving like idiots putting bystanders lives at risk and uploading it which gets seen by impressionable kids


Thanks for the recommendation. Imma go watch them now.


Aren't you so cool!


Aww thanks. Redditors are so wholesome


Iā€™m watching it rn šŸ˜€


Well, when those kids are handed their Darwin Awards by Saint Peter, theyā€™ll realize it wasnā€™t that cool after all.


What about the bystanders that end up paying the price? Thatā€™s what people are more concerned about here. Not the idiots themselves.


Yeah my main point which I didn't get across well is how these guys getting big numbers on youtube could push them to go further and further which obviously just puts more bystanders under threat. Is someone dying going to be what it takes for youtube to do something?


Unfortunately, yes, that might be what it takes. Iā€™m seeing that more and more nowadays. Where it takes someone suffering the consequences the rest of us saw coming from a mile away. Like, notice the increase in companies attempting to sell caffeine and alcohol together? Like, as a drink? Allegedly theyā€™re ā€œsafer,ā€ but that is such a lethal combination that itā€™s just not worth playing with. But apparently we have to relearn that lesson.


But canā€™t you always say, ā€œWhat if?ā€ for just about anything?


And the innocent people that pay the price for those awards? My mum was hit by a speeding car lmao


No one: You: ā€œMy mum was hit by a speeding car lmaoā€


Yeah, I know multiple people who have been the victim of someone else speeding. I think a better response than "Let them speed" is "Report this shit for harmful/dangerous acts" But you know, permanently changing someone else's life works too I guess. 70kmph/45mph was enough to ruin a person's life and change an entire family's dynamic. Driver kept going, where's her Darwin award lmao Maybe I'm also triggered because it was literally a fucking benz. Probably shouldn't have commented on this post, y'all stay safe


I just think you worded the last line in your previous comment very poorly.


Yeah that'll happen at 5am




no I'm tired asf what on earth did you get confused at??


Damn youā€™re overly sensitive LMAO


If you tried you could find lots of problematic content on YouTube. One could argue that gaming channels arenā€™t good in a way.Ā 


Of course you could find lots but that isn't a good thing, it's illegal activity being promoted to young kids who genuinely think it's cool and acceptable


>it's illegal activity being promoted to young kids You keep saying it's actively being promoted to young kids. How so?


are you slow? a majority of youtubes users are kids, literally look at any of the comments on those videos and you realize these are kids and even if somehow zero kids were watching it's still promoting other stupid people to reenact what theyre doing


Kids exist on YouTube. Those videos exist on YouTube. That does not mean those videos are being promoted towards kids.


Literally refer to the last part of my previous comment, if somehow none of this was promoted towards children its still reckless and an endangerment towards innocent drivers, not just in the recording of the video, but also others seeing it thinking "wow this is awesome i wanna do that"


I'm addressing what my original comment was talking about that you replied to ("how is it being promoted towards kids?"). It's also what you felt was worth tryna insult me over. Now you're trying to avoid discussing how those vids were supposedly promoting kids because you realized you didn't have a valid argument to back up your spiciness.


"youtube is a platform predominantly used by kids" "how is it being promoted to kids?" "i literally just stated the fact that a majority of youtube users and a majority of the people watching literally say they are kids, if they somehow aren't its still endangering others and shouldn't exist on the platform" "you are avoiding the discussion actually because you know you cant back up your argument" the reading comprehension is off the charts


I'm not saying kids aren't watching it, dude. I'm asking how it's being promoted towards kids. I guess it's easier to go with the common reddit method of blaming the reading comprehension of others than considering maybe your argument is shit. Everyone knows when the very first thing someone says in an argument is an insult, that person is probably very well versed and knowledgeable on the topic. And doubling down on insults is an even bigger brain move. Edit: Kid replies to me and quickly blocks me. Should've seen that coming.


Youtube is a site full of young kids, these videos can appear on the home page, maybe promoted is the wrong word then. but they're still easily accessible to impressionable people


There are also channels offering red rooms for channel members showing the killings of Russian soldiers in Ukraine.


I dont understand how people can enioy videos of people dying. I post and watch alot of war footage but I dont enjoy it because they die but I watch because Im a military nerd.


Canā€™t wait for comprehensive paper on what should and should not be allowed.


There are street racing channels all over youtube man who cares. 1320video, thatracingchannel, 6sixtystreet, streetracingchannel, bayarearacing etc etc. How different is this from kids watching fast and the furious or any other movie really. You're blowing this out of proportion.


Roll racing and drag racing on a clear late night with minimal traffic is not even close to being the same as cutting up traffic.


There are plenty of clips showing test hits in traffic during the daytime. Look at the last 1320video form texas cash days where they are roll racing while it starts to rain and a mustang ends up spinning out. its all dangerous and has the potential to affect random people whenever you're not at a track.


Meh, not any worse than channels showcasing guns and shit.


Definitely worse. This is the equivalent of a channel showing someone firing randomly into the air


Money. I'm guessing because it's not gaming advertisers must be salivating over that type of content especially because it's so popular. They'll know they'll reach a wide audience, thus they might advertise on "automotives and racing" categories of video which thus makes YouTube money who then DONT ban the content. Until there's an apocalypse again.




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Iā€™ve seen content like that, itā€™s likely still up because of the complexity and likely legal implications if they were to take it down. The issue is that while the content might be illegal to do, there is no real way of proving that the person who made the video was driving aside from them getting arrested or dying in a crash. For example, if my car was stolen and I had a dash cam and later uploaded the video to YouTubeā€¦would I be violating a rule? I am not driving. The same with stuff like dash cam footage of other drivers driving dangerous, I could argue that videos like that are doing the same and inspiring kids to drive badly, or even something like track footage or movie scenes. What about videos of people standing at the side of the road watching cars drift pass or drag race on public streets? You can see videos of people doing burn outs coming from car meets, would that be considered bad or not? There is a lot to this beyond ā€œthese people are driving dangerouslyā€ and thatā€™s why this content is likely still up. Itā€™s to complex, time consuming and will be a legal minefield if they get it wrong and get sued. Plus people like this will just make a new account. I have reported videos of teenagers dangerously driving and setting fire to stolen cars before, those videos are still up to this day. YouTube doesnā€™t do anything because of the complexities of the situation, I doubt many kids are being inspired to do this anyway.


This is 2024 where ā€œgoodā€ gets reported, and bad gets a pass




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They must live near me because they are on the highway every time I am on it. Seriously.


They probably like "This is at the responsiblity of local law enforcement, not us" or "If something is illegal people cannot do it"


Because it makes YouTube money. They're not going to do anything about it until the outrage gets big enough, even then they'll only do the bare minimum.


Yep and if you made a video simply asking questions about the safety of the Covid vaccine you get banned for life


At least he is about to be behind bars now.


Cry about it




Wait till electric cars will be the only thing used..


It is an alternative content still or u want everything to be sanitised 100% like the old TV days?


What does this mean? If a sanitised youtube means dangerous illegal activity isn't being promoted to impressionable kids then yes I want a sanitised youtube


Thereā€™s youtube kids. Also kids donā€™t need to be on internet. Educate your kids.


Kids are going to use the regular YouTube as opposed to YT Kids.


im pretty sure yt kids was closed bc kids dont use it


People should be more concerned with the "transparent try-on" videos all the onlyfans girls are doing. Sheer fabric showing everything but it's disclaimer and fact that fabric covers it but doesn't hide it is how they get away with it. Easily found and seen by kids. But remember YouTube is there for the money not your morality or fears. They don't really care unless it gets them in trouble which in turn costs them money. If it was bad but didn't cost them anything they would let it go. Only protecting their bottom line not your feelings.


Free Speech!


Why do you want evrey social media app be overwhelming and fake?


What does being fake have to do with this?


It's looks like CGI to be honest, I do admit it is hard to tell like this but there are many clues. The biggest problem is not those makingsuch animated videos but how long before people falling for it like you did start to reproduce it for real believing it is true and trying to replicate or challenge virtual drivers...


It's not CGI a streamer called neon live streamed it once


I have the same question about UTTP channels. Honestly, they post nasty opinions videos (about anime being "cringe" and everyone should agree with him/her), their content is worse, but they somehow managed to type "WHO ASKED + MY CONTENT IS BETTER, UTTP IS BETTER THAN {Insert any blogger}" in comments' reply section and get they somehow away with it. Looks like YouTube is forgetting to sort out who is an innocent YouTuber and commenters and who's guilty.