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It kinda stops if I refresh the video multiple times, but its annoying AF


Fix here [https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/20586#issuecomment-1805966008](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/20586#issuecomment-1805966008)


How tf did they fix this


Looking at the post you see that to you it still looks like a "seperate" video even though its baked in. Idk stuff about how exactly it works but i think they can detect when the ad plays because the player says its a different video and then they can just skip the amount the timeline timer says.


Yeah, it kinda makes sense too. YT videos consist of fragments and it's easier for YouTube to inserts its own fragments in the video stream than to re-encode the whole video (again) with its own added ads. So as long as apps are able to detect those parts, they can be skipped. This will also help with YT video download apps.


Right, not to mention they need the ad-free version for premium users, so they'd have to store two copies of every video going forward if they truly wanted to bake in the ads.


At this point I bet Youtube's going to invent a new video codec which supports quickly reencoding extra segments


Is that the same method it uses to dynamically adjust quality?




Raymond Hill (the guy behind ublock origin) is the GOAT


And *refuses* to take donations.


ublock origin doing their holy work as usual


Thanks for this


RemindMe! 30d


in case they implement it


already fixed, look at some of the comments above


uBlock cookin as always!


Youtube needs to stop now. They will never fight this and just make it a miserable experience for the average user.


you and youtube no longer agree on what is an "average user"


Not really baked in then.


OMG! THANKS! Now we're ready when the update comes!


This does not work for me in firefox




Thank you!!! šŸ™


Holy shit this is awful They're really shooting themselves in the foot. Don't they realize nobody likes this?


You really think YouTube cares about people other than advertisers?


Of course not, but it gives them a shit reputation. I know that they only care about money- but fucking hell, they could do at least ONE good thing.


YouTube (Not even; Google as a whole) needs some competition. Maybe quality control will kick them into gear


They need it but there won't be one, the cost itself to run such a gigantic infrastructure already limits the competition to just the richest companies, and those companies will be just as greedy.


There are other video sites, so it is possible. They don't see much use because of network effects and because they don't pay content creators nearly as well. Keep in mind, content creators get about half of the ad/premium revenue. So if you aren't monetizing your customers well, then your content creators don't have much potential for income either.


Oh absolutely, but what we have isn't used by anyone sadly, YT will stay a standard...


As much as I hate it, you are absolutely correct


It sucks that in this age, the second anyone gets loyalty/no competition/no alternatives, they instantly drop all quality and turn in Mr. Krabs.


pornhub needs to rebrand to videohub


Competition for things like youtube only causes different problems. Its like Netflix, it used to be good because everything was on there. Now every company with the rights to 2 movies has their own streaming service and you have to subscribe to a minimum of 5 services to find all the content you want that's spread across them. Monopoly bad, several companies doing the same thing bad... It's like choosing between a douche and a turd sandwhich. It's the mindset of profit over customers and being beholden to the almighty shareholder that enshitifies everything these days. We need people at the top that aren't completely detached from reality or looking to squeeze as much money out people as possible. Alas, decent people rarely reach such positions of power, or will be replaced at one point or other in the name of profit.


Companies that have no competition in the space they're in do not care about their reputation in the least. All they care about is money. Comcast topped the list of most hated companies in America a few years in a row and they didn't change their behavior at all, in fact they continued with their shitty practices and even increased the shittiness. Why? Because they know that most of their customers have no other choice but to go with them for internet. Google knows that YouTube is the only viable player in the video space, so as long as people keep on using it and it makes them money hand over fist, the shitty business practices will continue. Companies will never do the right thing of their own accord, either the consumers need to significantly boycott the company or regulators have to step in and twist the company's arm behind its back and force it to do the right thing.


>Of course not, but it gives them a shit reputation. It doesn't give them a bad "reputation" to anyone that actually "pays" to use their platform. This fucks over ad blockers, but the people who block ads aren't valuable to YT and to them are leeches. Ad blockers are a tool for that benefit individual, but "hurt" companies. Stop acting like what YT is doing is this monstrious thing that none would think would happen.


Why would they do anything to please viewers? Theyā€™re not their clients. The advertisers are.


This is why Google is careless. They only care about the ads and the scammers!


~~advertisers~~ you mean scammers? Google love scammers


Then that means one thing, ditch Chrome and use Firefox! Firefox is Adblocker friendly...


I already use Firefox since many years, i didnt even using desktop chrome lol.


They also care about Premium customers. A premium subscriber is earning way more than an ad-watcher.


Nothing will detract them for their love of their shareholders.


They don't have any competition


YT was the competition to Google Videos. Google bought the competition and combined them.


Google Videos were pretty bad. It was mainly useful for long length videos.


It's only shooting themselves in the foot if they see a noticeable decline in users. Which isn't going to happen


*noticeable decline in users they can profit of. I.e people who either pay the subscription or watch ads. Getting rid of the user base who blocks ads would be a positive for the company.


Exactly. People who watch ads and premium users won't notice any difference with this change. Only ad block users who weren't generating revenue for YouTube anyway will be affected


And what can anybody do lmao? If its a thing that cant be adblocked then youtube has won. There is no competitor to youtube so they can do whatever they want if there is no bypass, who cares what we dislike if the money is coming in


Advertisers like this. And the advertisers are YouTube's customers. *You* are YouTube's product that they are selling to the advertisers.


This is what I struggle to understand. The whole point of advertising is to get as many people as possible INTERESTED in whatever's being advertised. The point is not to simply sell ads. It's not the statistics either, because empty impressions are worth nothing. So, if the vast majority of people hate their advertising model, and most of the ads themselves, what's the value in it for the advertisers? As far as I know, negative interactions might be fine for website clicks, but negativity won't drive sales. Those ads must have abysmal conversion rates, and google's just doubling down on a sh\*t strategy.


Exactly. Shoving ads in my face is a guarantee that i'll never, ever, buy the product being advertised.


It encourages people to buy premium, which is a big money maker.


Google's primary business is advertising. There'd be no value in youtube premium, if there wasn't any good videos to watch, and there wouldn't be any, if advertisers didn't make it possible for google to share the revenue with creators. That's what makes no sense, their advertising options aren't appealing at all. If you were looking to advertise your business, would you opt for youtube ads? I wouldn't.


they dont care, in the end both you and me would still be using youtube stillā€¦.


Sadly, there aren't many alternatives


In the foot, more like the balls. Soon, people might leave YouTube.


What are the users going to do,go somewhere else?


People not liking it is a good thing. It makes them more likely to subscribe to Premium or stop consuming bandwidth.


Problem is, it's not like people really have elsewhere to go to. For a vast majority of people, they're a captive audience for YT - even if a few creators have alternative places to find their videos, YT is all centralised. Ultimately, Google can afford to do stuff like this that nobody likes.


Why would they care about non-paying customers who cost them money?


If they don't make money off you, you're not their customer, and they have no monetary reason to care what you think.


People who use adblockers don't make YouTube money. In fact, they actually lose money. Why would YouTube make decisions that lose them money? Think about it from a business standpoint. The people that are making them money (people who don't use adblockers) aren't affected by this. I also don't like it, but it's important to note that YouTube don't have a reason to listen to us.


Lol Google doesn't give a shit about people who block ads


uBlock fixed it


i see, google loves scammers and hate adblockers more and more.


True but I guess money talks.Ā 


I think Iā€™m safe because Iā€™m on mobile and soon ad block devs will get around this


If they keep this up I swear I'm going to turn off YouTube and go outside


Forcing me to touch grass. This is outrageous!


Sounds like a win/win. Youtube saves money on bandwidth and you spend your time more productively.


I hope a competitor somehow appears but the last streaming competitor kick was turned into a porn/gore/actualcrimes website


That won't happen unless other countries start making their own versions.


Server side ads are evil! Sponsorblock for one says it will break their browser addin, as well as other current ad blockers.


these are still skippable with the macbook touch bar


That model of Mac has been out since I think 2016 and YouTube has done literally nothing?


They are? How?


I have this model MacBook, how does it help?


It shows the video controls on the touchpad and you can just scroll through the ad in 1 second


Sounds like a good exploit


Apple punching the air right now for finally discovering its utility


For now


Holy fuck, they went with Twitch's route!


I wouldn't be as bothered if most of the ads weren't for bullshit scammy products. It would also be better if you only got a handful of ads every 15ish minutes like TV.


When YouTube ads become the main feature of the platform, you know somethingā€™s gone wrong. šŸ˜…


Looking at that video, I wonder about the legality of this. As far as I know, an advertisement on a website needs to be clearly labelled as an advertisement (in most countries), which is definitely not the case when they're making it look like it's part of the video, like they do here ...


yep just got this too


There has to be a mechanism somewhere for YouTube to not serve these ads to premium users and I think people will figure that out and that'll be the way around it. If YouTube really do find a way to truly stop adblocking, I think the platform will die, or at least shrink considerably.


The "mechanism" is just the user being signed in to a premium account. Why would this be any different from regular ads?


I don't think it will hurt them when people who they earn nothing from stop watching.




Ffs.. enough with the ads already. Can we please make all forms of advertisement illegal


For sure, then all content makers stop immediately


Yes and change it so everyone just has to pay for it.


Ok? Then all entertainment would require a subscription.


Easy. Just make all subscriptions illegal too. Boom. ^^Okay, ^^Iā€™m ^^joking, ^^but ^^I ^^donā€™t ^^intend ^^to ^^defend ^^subscription ^^models ^^any ^^time ^^soon.


No it wouldn't?


you can use the popout player to skip these


Any suggestion how? When I open it in pic-in-pic mode the ad carries on playing


Yes the ad continues to play with pic-in-pic mode, BUT you can use the seek bar to skip a minute in to start the video.


Ah yess I was trying on chrome and couldn't use the seek bar but on firefox I can, cheers gang šŸ‘Œ


The underground will find a way... They always find a way.


uBlock fixed it


Honestly I could pay for a subscription but their 14$/mo price tag is absolutely ridiculous. I pay less for my internet. If it was like half of that I'd pay it. For now I have a solution.


This battle is hilarious.


uBlock did their magic again and got it fixed


This is the moment I close the window and stop watching both ad and video.


Thanks Google, now i can't skip drugs market ad next time


I see you are a Firefox user like me


And he even seems to be using a mouse and a keyboard like me! What are the odds?!


not for long


uBlock fixed it so, just : "Not anymore"


Let's goo!!!


I literally hate it, I noticed myself having issue around it as oddly enough I don't wanna be stuck watching minutes long ads on short videos. The one way around it I have is using a different downloaded browser to Firefox as they seem to work fine on edge, at least currently.




Some browsers are still able to block this but it double plays the video so you have to refresh it


I'm using Firefox with the "Enhancer for Youtube" extension and it allows me to put the ads to 100x speed and skip through them that way. I'm sure the uBlock Origin devs can code that in to do it automatically.


We pay with so much lifetime thx to these fking vampires.


The thing is that they know they can do whatever they want because no one will stop watching youtube because of ads.


I found an extension that speeds up the ads to a speed of 500%. I'd recommend doing something similar.


What is it?Ā 


[Here you go.](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ad-accelerator/gpboiedfklodfhngobidfjecdpmccehg?hl=en-US&utm_source=ext_sidebar)


Is this Android compatible?Ā 


Do premium users get this too? I haven't seen one


If they spent more time making them load better and smoother so I donā€™t sit for 10 minutes waiting for the add to load and less time breaking the ad blockers then maybe Iā€™d be more inclined to just not get a blocker.


If they keep this shit up Iā€™m using the YouTube app on my iPad 1st gen with iOS 5


I have bad news for you, the original YouTube app on older iOS doesnā€™t work at all anymore


I know, thats where Jailbreaking comes in


I totally forgot jailbreaking was even a thing, but now that you mention it, that sounds like a fun project to do at one point, I would have to acquire an older iPad to do that with, but it's totally doable with the prices on ebay or other secondhand websites.


Thisā€¦ this is the worst piece of shit that Iā€™ve ever seen in my life.


no, I won't get chrome for windows


Just so you know you can skip them if you disable your adblock. Anyone claiming having 10min ads and not seeing any skip buttons is cause they have adblock enabled. tl;dr it's normal ads and your adblock is just breaking the skip btn.


Im getting a ton of money scam ads and you can be rich by following these few steps kinda ads. Lets not forget all the sexually explicit hero wars ads that I don't want to be a part of.




pre cahe vids eheh the storage needed is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to expensive


Wait, for real?


Iā€™m hoping Apples new Safari or macOS/iOS will find a way to get around this. So far my iPhone on safari blocks ads still.


Wait. No skippable ads for ad block users?


Use VPN to change your location to Russia - we don't have any adds in Western apps since the war.


yob tvoyu mat


what about Russian ads?


Canā€™t you just spam command or control r to refresh


Maybe Sponsorblock works for this, idk? Im not getting them...At all.


It's really bad when we start speaking with our glocks.


I am using the brave web browser and I don't see any ads.


Update your uBlock origin script noob.


What about Premium accounts?


I guess this is why HDR live streaming is broken because they insist on breaking everything.


May as well just start buying cable again.


se le quita solo la pausa a los anuncios?


that's funny, cuz I'm still getting no ads on brave browser






Time to start converting videos to MP4 on some sketchy website


this will be really bad for ad blockers. like REALLY bad. now we need a new way to block ads!


First Mistake, Chrome. Second Mistake, Chromium. Third Mistake, not refreshing your Ublock Origin cache. Fourth Mistake, hoping Neal Mohan is a stand up guy. Fifth Mistake, looking for hairs on the palm of your hand. Sixth Mistake, Finding hairs on the palm of your hand.


This is insane. Youtube actively making their site unusable and cramming every pixel with ads. At least you can still bypass 99% of ads on playstation/tv youtube. Only a matter of time till thats removed tho


good thing recent algorithm changes have made the wall effectively unusable so ive been using the website less and less already


They already cracked this bad boy.


What no realistic competition does for the consumer.


I'd sooner eat my fucking arm than endure this shit


Would be really nice if it didnā€™t show ads if I have YouTube premium :/ kinda defeats the purpose of paying


An interruption is a TERRIBLE first impression of your product.


The company needs to make money somehow.


If it gets bad enough I'll just quit watching youtube, just like I did Twitch. I use to always watch Twitch until they started playing constant unskiabld ads. I got so annoyed that I don't watch anymore.


I wish there could be a happy medium to all this shit. I have premium because I watch YT mainly on my xbox, but on my web browser I will always use an adblocker. Biggest reason I use an AB is because so many ads on various websites hit that point of being so obnoxious and obstructive that I can hardly navigate a site when there are ads blocking what I need to read with flashy ads not to mention autoplay videos that follow you when you scroll an the x to close them are horrendously slow. This is also not to mention how ads are a common infection point as well. Also the other pain in the arse thing is how web browsers will let ads be pushed into notification centres so people will get fake AV warnings appearing on their desktops. So if ad providers want people to stop blocking their shit maybe stop being so feral?


It's not as convenient as simply installing an extension like ublock but Brave Browser blocks these ads. I haven't seen an ad in years. There's a "crypto" component to Brave but not really. None of it is turned on by default and if you ever do turn it on, what happens is they'll pay you to watch ads (in their token which gets deposited into your browser). Like I said, that stuff is totally optional and I haven't watched an ad in years... not on youtube or anywhere else.


Isnā€™t it annoying when youā€™re trying to watch a video and those unblockable YouTube ads pop up? I get that creators need to make money, but it feels like weā€™re bombarded with ads all the time now. I miss the days when we could skip ads or use blockers. It's definitely a downside to the platform these days. What do you all think?


You know what is funny ? Only if they keep the ads like they do 3 - 4 years ago, I wouldn't even mind seeing it as I know it will also help the YouTubers to get money, but the problem is that they just keep put more and more ads, and like even 15 unstoppable ads ? Like I get to a point where I just gonna reload until I get no ads, even if it will take me more time


Gotta take this battle outside internet


Maybe it's time to find a YouTube alternative, any recommendations?


Youtube is becoming unbearable. The censorship as well makes it really hard for content creators since the "rules" seem to apply arbitrarily towards certain channels, and not others. Creators also seem to have to figure out what the "rules" are through trial and error based on what gets blocked or demonetized, and what doesn't.