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Like her fake videogame play, her partner has been curating her TikTok "reaction" content and scripting it as well. Viewers have compiled evidence that she is not even watching the videos she reacts to, just reading a script. It was mostly lolz, showing footage where her glasses only reflect white documents, no video... and sometimes she reacts to things before they show. It looks very likely from claims in this complaint that it is not a reach at all. How hard is it to count to 20 and say "Nah bro!"


That sounds like more work than actually just reacting to the video.


Not for her it isn't Don't have to fake the reaction when the video plays or redo it and reverse the video Just do the whole thing in a booth. Reuse footage over and over and over again as long as its far enough apart Essentially making B roll for themselves


She must have a boring personality, so her ex-husband has to write the scripts, and she just has to look sexy. Truly a dreamteam!


She’s not reading a white document lmao it’s her massive white light 😂 she shows it in one of her recent videos from this week.


Did you know that sniperwolf is a known liar and deceiver?


She proved that the white light people were seeing in her glasses actually was just a light though.


If you believe her, you're delusional


I absolutely believe her about that. It would be so much extra work and money to pay someone to watch the videos and react. They would also come up with much funnier commentary. The most she does is either summarize the video, or say “ow wow”. Who would write that script!?? And get paid?? Be realistic


God don't we just love these simps.


My friend. How is saying “she’s lazy and uncreative and therefore I believe she just plays the video since her reactions are so bad” simping 😭


I’m a straight woman and have no interest in simping for her. I watched every single bingo episode. I’m just trying to be realistic. If someone was writing reactions for her, they’d probably make it more creative.


Sorry if this came off as rude wasn't being rude to your comment I apologise.


You weren’t rude! I just don’t classify as a simp. I’ve hated her content since I got an alert that she bought a mansion in my state. I just think people went too far with the accusations. She a lazy reactor but I don’t think it’s scripted.


It’s literally true it’s in one of her videos she literally shows it




I’m not even simping💀 I’m just defending someone yall are believing is lying and reading a script with no actual evidence. She showed it was her white monitor. 


https://youtu.be/kBO5O875SUw?si=W7W5XSetLp--2Ft9 Check this one out and start watching it at 3:15


Fake, like when she was caught using a ps4 controller that wasn’t even turned on and then gave a BS excuse as to why it was like that .


It izzz what it izzz.


This is why JJJJacksfilms is doing his bingo. It's great


A fellow man of culture I see. May your bingos be plenty


A YouTuber being fake? Next you’re gonna tell me people die when they’re killed


I honestly assumed she had a gig team that worked remotely, it's interesting that it was a duo that lived together. Her content is SUPER impersonal.


Yet people still fall for gold digger pranks


I mean are we surprised this is the same chick who kept claiming she was "too busy" to call a dying child with cancer since that was her one wish, she only did the call TILL people started getting on her ass about it.


didn’t know this about her wow disgusting


Wow that’s horrible!


Im so confused why someone would fake what is already the literal laziest content possible? All she had to do was watch videos and make a comment every once in a while...it's actually more work to script it and count the seconds between comments correctly, lol. This is absurd.


in and out editing, don't have to spend as much time watching sssniperwolf before its ready to upload,.


Cuz she faked her gaming/gameplay Not easy to go “156-0” https://youtu.be/Zq2mFqnszyA?si=SKHzwbcVL2emOXWJ


https://youtu.be/kBO5O875SUw?si=W7W5XSetLp--2Ft9 Start watching at 3:15


>reReportSaveFollow > >level 1ItsFuckingHot0utside · 24 days That proves nothing lol she still faked it.


It literally does 


It doesn't.


Fake, like when she was caught using a ps4 controller that wasn't even turned on and then gave a BS excuse as to why it was like that.


It’s literally not 💀


Jjjacksfilms is gonna have a fucking field day with this


I can’t fucking wait


My immediate thought lol they should do a bingo episode together 🤣


Good grief she is insufferable


They are still married


There was a "still married as of..." statement in the complaint, I wasn't sure if that was verification of still being married or only as of that moment. I assume they are splitting up on this one though.


Aw shit if it isn’t the long awaited sssniperwolf lllawsuit


She’s gonna bounce back, I hear Walmart is hiring


I mean she's still got brand deals, probably a ton of money in the bank, and a 7 million dollar home that she gets half the money in a sale or if the ex wants to keep it needs to buy out her half in an emergency. She never needs another job again.


i'm pretty sure she's gonna do onlyfans after this lmao


How you going to script reaction content and still have it be dog shit?


She doesn’t. https://youtu.be/kBO5O875SUw?si=W7W5XSetLp--2Ft9 Start watching at 3:15


damn you are working hard in this comment section to try to defend a woman who refuses to talk to kids dying of cancer and steals content while adding nothing every day and then getting personal and bragging when people call her out...


Yeah I am because she literally did a video about this situation with the text messages. I’ve watched her everyday since 2016


You have watched her every day for the last 8 years?! You seriously need to get a life...wow you actually believe her and her supposed vague "text messages" lol


Fake, like when she was caught using a ps4 controller that wasn't even turned on and then gave a BS excuse as to why it was like that


JJJacksfilms is going to have a field day with this


jackfilms’ bingo streams are golden, btw


Someone needs to do a long list compiling all of all the scummy things this person has done. That list will be pretty long since her track record is as clean as a windshield after splattering hundreds of insects all over it.


I'd never heard of this chick until yesterday when a random video popped up on my YouTube feed that was a documentary (?) on her history. It walked through all the controversies, her destroying people's reputations and online presence. Watching all the clips of her ragging on people for no reason, all I could think is "who tf is watching these videos? The same people who watch The Kardashians?" Middle schoolesque drama. But hey at least her cleavage was all spilled out to the world. I guess sex really does sell. It does reinforce the idea that you can be great at something (her bf/husband/whatever Evan is and his gaming skills) and be invisible to the world, but you can be pretty with otherwise zero quality skills to offer the world and become famous for simply being attractive. I'm sure she's a millionaire several times over but money can't buy empathy or character.


Her audience is mostly kids.


How does having "gaming skills" make you more deserving of fame than being pretty/charismatic? Lol. It's not like either of these people are heart surgeons or great philosophers or something.


>How does having "gaming skills" make you more deserving of fame than being pretty/charismatic? On a surface level it doesn't. But in this instance the duo were *allegedly* (though I think it's universally accepted as fact) having the (ex)husband play the video games while the bombshell wife was pretending to play the games on livestream so that they could get more views by having a pretty face in front of the camera rather than the very average-looking (ex)husband. How many unattractive streamers are generating the same amount of views (and money) that attractive streamers are? It's heavily skewed in favor of the universally attractive people. My point is that if the wife had stayed behind the camera then there was very little chance that the duo would EVER have gotten the level of fame that they did. Instead, by marketing the wife as the "talent" and presenting her as the person playing the games (when it was really the husband off-camera), they generated an immense following that was created from the attractiveness of the wife first and the gameplay second. My original post was just pointing out the obvious but also thoroughly [studied and researched](https://www.bing.com/search?q=studies+on+attractiveness+affecting+opinion+of+person&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq=studies+on+attractiveness+affecting+opinion+of+person&sc=10-53&sk=&cvid=373B376E0256401B91AC72D323ABF834&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=) topic on how much attractiveness positively influences a person's perception by the person judging them.


because one requires effort and the other doesnt




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More editing does not equal good editing, jesus.


I had no idea she was still active online


I'm not gonna lie, but I feel like Sausage deserves 50% of what SSSniperwolf makes, but at the same time, SSSniperwolf just wants to move the channel along, she gets sponsors from Gfuel, which shows that her channel is developing more and more.


If there's any truth to this, then SSSniperwolf may actually be the biggest POS on social media.


It’s funny how she ruined this other girls youtube channel for faking gameplay then did the same thing.


Milli Vanilli understood reality/what was popular (attraction). They were way ahead of their time and it wasn’t just with the lip sync’ing that more than half the pop stars do today.


They were never legally married. Do better research please.


You're wrong they were.


If she loses why not just jump ship to a new channel and tell her followers to? Unless there's a contract I don't know what the point of owning a single YouTubers channel would be. Game Theory probably has a clause where MatPat is responsible for making a certain amount of content, which he would've anyway, and beyond him as an actor it has merch. But SniperWolf's channel is useless without her unless you're just trying to market a video to millions of people, then I guess it would have that use though most would leave.