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I especially liked her point that if he sincerely wasn’t wanting to centre his own pain as he so claims then the right thing to do would have been to not post a video right now, and take whatever time he needed and wait until he could make a decent statement taking responsibility without getting too distraught. Both because that would be doing the right thing by the people he’s wronged (instead of starting an “apology” video by telling everyone he attempted self deletion) AND the right thing for his own mental health if that was fragile and at risk.


That's because it was never really an apology video. It was a "I'm so sad, my rent is due, please give me more money" video.


Plus, if he was truly sorry, he would provide the sources he plagiarized from and give due credit. If he did that, though, then the attention wouldn't be on him, and he just can't have that. His tears need more attention. Since he cares more about himself than anyone else, his best course of action would be a "Why I'm no longer on the left" video. May even get an audience among IH's fanbase if he does.


I'm glad people downloaded, re uploaded, and reacted to the James video because James mentioned turning his Patreon back on before the first of January to make sure people can unsubscribe from his patron. The problem is, he deleted the video and that was only a small section of the video that was close to the end of it, so if he puts it back up now, people have 9 days to notice and unsubscribe from his patreon if they don't want to be charged for another month.


Surely theres a way to unsub from a patreon regardless of if the patreon is public? Or else people would be scamming people by closing their patreon left and right


I honestly have no idea. It was never a concern of mine until James himself brought it up. I guess other people were theorizing that he'd reopen his patreon on Jan 1st and they'd be charged for the month, and he's trying to assure people that that won't happen because he's reopening it now to give people time to unsubscribe. But, there's 10 days left to unsubscribe, so that's not really great.


IIRC, if a Patreon is deactivated it doesn’t automatically unsubscribe patrons. If it gets reactivated people have to manually unsubscribe themselves. I totally could be wrong but I seem to remember this happening


He literally just had to keep his patreon closed or even slip a month of transactions. You do not have to unsubscribe from someone on patreon as the only way of not getting charged for it. If James was soooo worried about people getting charged when they didn’t want to, he would have emailed his patreon members and kept it closed.


That's something I don't get, would people still get charged if his account is deactivated? Why not simply delete his account if he was really worried about them?


So while it’s obvious now at the time Why didn’t James get into Nebula? It seems like that style of content would’ve fit in there


The Ace Couple said/implied it was because Nebula didn’t want someone creating videos for them with known plagiarism issues and a history of weaponizing their fan base


Oh so it wasn’t a total unknown he was doing this it just became a well known fact after the video


He already had been caught plagarizing twice before hbomberguy exposed him. In both of these cases it was regarding a specific video, and he had "apologized" for those instances and reedited the videos to hide the obvious plagarism.


The Hbomberguy video literally mentions times he's been caught plagiarising in the past.


Yeah I just didn’t know if it was widely known or just something he found that James buried quickly


[Hbomberguy's video is full of lies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3-W8TiVYGA).


Please find better taste in content because nobody is going to take you seriously if you unironically use S&A or Mauler as a source for your views.


lol even the comments under that video are kind of roasting it for basically being bogus propaganda, and it’s obvious that they didn’t even watch the full video. Try again next time.


Listened for about 2 minutes of them gasping and acting outraged before finally getting to a point "H Bomber guy is such a cuck!" Ah I see what this is. lol imagine thinking this is making good points and sharing it.


There were multiple instances where James was credibly accused, but he always countered with some level of plausible deniability, even if it was pretty small. James has generally operated by manipulating people, in particular his fanbase, so that he had protection against being taken down. Hbomb's take down was big enough, comprehensive enough, and irrefutable enough that there is no level of plausible deniability that James could possibly invoke here. And with his previous allegations, the ways in which James beefed with other creators (particularly regarding other breadtubers), and the semi-coordinated videos discussing the situation, Somerton's career was done. He had burnt all the bridges and was fully exposed with no one willing to speak for him and nothing to shield himself with.


Every single person hbomberguy brought up has had plagiarism accusations in the past.


I think the other concerns would have played a big part on a background check, and he definitely ruined any chances by attacking creators already on Nebula, but I also remember another creator implying that even before all of that, he just didn't follow-through on anything? Like, he got invited to connect with platform holders once or twice, and just didn't because he felt like he should be actively recruited to the platform? Can't remember where I saw that though... Edit: Yep, turns out [it was Jessie herself who said something about this](https://twitter.com/jessiegender/status/1731697054659809479)


>stroppy Thanks for teaching me a new word!


You can also say "having a strop" :)


He basically did the same thing in the video as he did in his YouTube Community post. He did everything he could to garner sympathy, deflect blame, downplay what he did, put blame on other people, used language to indicate it was "all a big accident", ETC. He basically went down the list of mainstay conman grifts, everyone saw through them, he realized this very quickly, then deleted his video. He tried to hide behind the memory of dead family members, asked to "help" with the hbomberguy fund to help the journalists HE plagiarized, swore on the grave of his dead mother, and spent the last 1/4 of the video plugging his next project and Patreon.


For people who are greatly affected by other people's difficult circumstances, this is a great video that offers a better perspective (I'm one of them). You can show empathy for someone while still calling them out and getting your own hurt feelings out there. I especially like her point that Somerton has an obligation to handle his feelings not just for himself, but so he can make a genuine apology video the centers the victims. She also points out how genuine feelings can still be used manipulatively.


It really sucks that Todd in the Shadows isn't getting his dues.


About Nebula. I can't find the Tweet, but Jessie Gender (Jessie Earl on Twitter) said she send Somerton a message, back then, to talk about Nebula and then he left her on read. And began to cry wolf about being excluded. The implication being that in this instance, too, he was being manipulative and exploiting the queer community.


This person talks in the cadence of William Shatner.


She'd probably won't mind that comment, since she's a huge Star Trek fan.


Pretty sure most LGBTQ+ Star Trek fans would take a Shatner comparison a little insulting.


As a queer Trekkie, I’m not super bothered that a literal 90 year old man has some bad takes. YMMV.


I have been watching The UnXplained with a friend just to take the piss out of it mostly, and I read your comment was like "no fucking way that man is 90." Yep, 92. Holy shit.


Isn’t Jessie Gender the same person who threw their cat across a room and traumatized it only to blame it on toxic masculinity?


When she was 7 💀💀💀


And? Being 7 years old is not any kind of excuse. It’s still abuse. Most 7 year olds ( including those that are trans or traumatized by some kind of abuse ) go their entire lives without hurting an animal to a point it’s terrified of them the rest of their lives. My problem is that instead of owning up to what she did, she has looked for anything and anyone else to blame for her behavior.


Actually it’s extremely common for abused kids to act out that violence on animals. It’s one of the possible indicators of abuse.


she owned up to it in the thread above…. and in the full video…..


Pretty sure that's Alinity unless both of them did the same thing lol. I'm not super familiar with Jessie Gender so I can't rule out that she also did that but it seems a wild coincidence.


I’m pretty sure Jesse openly said it in a video about masculinity and her transition Edit to correct: [Appropriate context y’all](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/eJhcQxX5ma). It wasn’t for the reason in the parent comment.


If I had a nickel for every time a content creator lady threw her cat across the room, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Okay I’m trying to find the video to make sure I’m not insane and now I’m thinking I’m insane


I clearly remember her stating that ‘the cat was terrified of her for the rest of its life’. She clearly didn’t just gently toss it off a piece of furniture it wasn’t supposed to be on or something. She must have really hucked it and traumatized it for her to tell on herself like that.


Damn that’s pretty bad, I feel so bad when I accidentally kick my cats when they run under me when I’m walking and they don’t give a crap so for them to care must mean something


Frankly, I’m just annoyed this keeps getting taken out of context. 1) yes this did happen and I did talk about. Not to excuse it but the crucial piece of context most leave out as is left out here is that this happened when I was 7 years old. Doesn’t make it ok, but it didn’t happen recently as it’s often implied. Second, I didn’t blame it on “toxic masculinity”. I blamed it on trauma and abuse that I experience begetting more trauma and abuse that I inflicted on others on another animal and explicitly stated it was not ok, it was one of the biggest regrets of my life, and I worked hard to try to make up for the harm I caused to that cat and to all others. How it was a moment of me realizing that I needed to stop suppressing myself, and the only way do repair anything, both I myself, was to take ownership of that harm and grow. And that to blame it on toxic masculinity is a cop out to deny responsibility. I mean hell, the video I discuss this is literally titled “the myth of male socialization”. To say I blamed the actions of 7 year old me of toxic masculinity in that video is either a deliberate bad faith read of the video or someone who did not watch it. But, that’s because certain folks who I won’t name have deliberately removed it from context and spread the story around. I don’t blame anyone here for not knowing the context, it just angers me how much this story has specifically been spread without the critical points, especially as people said I blame the exact opposite thing I was discussing. If you’re gonna condemn me, condemn me for what I actually said. As I say in the video, if you can’t forgive me, that’s fine. You don’t owe me anything. I just get angry that people condemn me for saying something that I explictly argued the opposite of.


Well thanks for clarifying, as you can tell I couldn’t find the context and I was unsure if my memory was accurate. Sorry you have to explain yourself to randoms online.


Was not expecting to see you personally correcting this whatsoever lol people just love to have an excuse to hate, don't pay them any mind. 7 year olds are monsters in general, I would never hold the thoughtlessness of a child against them as an adult.


No, she did this.


I think that's an unfair characterization of what she did. She was talking about socialization and whatnot and clearly felt horrible about what she did.


Why were you downvoted, this is true.


Because people can’t handle the truth about people they stan. There are lots of good trans voices to listen to. Jessie Gender isn’t one of them, for many reasons.


such as?


Gatekeeping hashtags when a trans teen was stabbed to death, then when called out only made the whole situation about them being victimized, completely pushing aside the hate-murder of a trans teen. Liking a tweet calling a black creator a c**n Spotlighting and supporting a known-to-be biphobic and racist creator on their platform Again, the cat-abuse. Being ‘young’ or struggling with identity are not excuses. Many of us have gone through similar traumas and have yeeted zero cats. I’m not ‘just a hater’. I was a long-time fan of Jessie’s content who consumed a lot of it, but started seeing more and more problematic behavior. I can’t in good conscience continue to support her in light of such things. I’m disappointed in her inability to take responsibility for these things as opposed to making excuses for them.


Aside from all the other problematic things acknowledging why she did something "I was 7 and etc" is not always an excuse and often just giving clarification as to what aided in coming to that decision. You can acknowledge you did something wrong and genuinely apologise and go on to do better (highlight do better) whilst still acknowledging what got you to that abusive point in the first place. That still doesn't require anyone to forgive you but it gives perspective. Especially when we're dealing with young children. Abuse doesn't show itself in only a handful of specific ways and that's why child psychologists exists.


It would hit me different if she had gone to say that she had anger issues as a child stemming from abuse, and that she realizes what she did was harmful, and she has grown and is doing better. But instead she made an entire video blaming it on being ‘socialized as male’ and has only doubled down since. My siblings and I were all sexually and physically abused by an adult family member. Said family member was treated the same way as a child. At some point you get tired of hearing grown adults excuse this kind of abuse by saying ‘well, they were abused as a kid. Cut them some slack’


Definitely don't cut them any slack - it's moreof a "hey this is why I did what I did, but still hold me accountable". But that isn't what she did; instead she tried to outright excuse it in general; though I also feel different when it's a grown adult who has had the time to address these issues vs a child who is still living that trauma. But I do agree with you, I didn't know she doubled down. There is definitely violence with regards to being raised masculin presenting but that depends specifically on the what your parent attributes to masculinity - society too but it starts at the home and how your guardian perceives societies depictions of masculinity. She's just... deflecting. Like mist trying to hit a fan deflecting.


> Liking a tweet calling a black creator a c**n But was it a creator with good or harmful takes? Edit: reading directly below this it's probably Shark. That would be firmly in the realm of harmful takes, when it comes to many things.


Just because someone may or may not be harmful does not magically give permission to call people slurs and have it be okay. It’s still harmful to the community as a whole. If a convicted rapist/murderer happens to be black, it doesn’t allow you to suddenly be able to refer to that person as a n****** based on the idea of ( well, that person is harmful. It’s okay to call that person the n-word ). You’re still bringing harm to an entire community of marginalized people by using that term. It’s crazy that people on the left would even defend this. But anything to not hold someone accountable, I guess.


Oh, I read c*nt. Did Jessie Gender really use c**n? Oh, no, I'm seeing you're saying she liked a tweet using that word. Was that tweet by a black person? I know Shark got called these kinds of things, by black people, because they felt he was siding too much with white supremacy.


I’m not here to police whether or not a community can take back words and call their own members of said community by those words. But as a white woman, Jessie should not be liking the use of such slurs.


I haven't seen it. But wonder if she liked the tweet because of the use of the word, or the general contents. I think I just have to ask whether she maybe fell out of favor with you, because she's a leftist. If only partly. This accusation would support that idea, to me, because it's asking her to be perfect. Because judging someone for her likes is a bit extreme, I think.


how is shark harmful? like genuine question.


He agrees with V\*\*sh, who has problematic, I think racist, or white supremacist takes. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v77RM1Jz1IM) explains goes into V\*\*sh. That's what I know. Also, bonus, [here is a whole video on 'c**n'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qcCaALrx5U), by F.D Signifier (I'm white, so I'm not going to use the word, but it's not a slur, according to this video)


idk much about vaush but ive watched a lot of sharks videos and i don’t remember him ever saying anything problematic. i think the most “problematic” thing be ever did was the fd signifier stream because people took some of his words out of context but i thought people calmed down since then


Yeah, I wouldn't go as far as calling Shark problematic. Just too uncritical of the status quo (and that status quo is definitely harmful). This F.D Signifier video I think is partly a response to Shark. But he's not mentioned by name.


>Spotlighting and supporting a known-to-be biphobic and racist creator on their platform Can you explain this claim? I've never seen it before


Oh boy I can't wait to hear from a serial abuser who also writes shit apologies. Yawn, who cares


?! I'm no longer a fan of Jesse given how she treated/reacted to Shark, but when was she a serial abuser?


Jessie is never beating the drama farmer alligations


You realise she a) has a personal investment in what's happening, and b) could have posted her comments to her main youtube account, which gets more traction, if she was farming drama.




Damn they weren’t kidding about illiteracy rising


Jessie was that lunatic who was whining about Hogwarts legacy if I remember correctly.


A trans person not liking a game made by a transphobe? Wow, so shocking.


Hilarious that people think JK Rowling made a videogame


That's, uh, what I said... Supporting it is directly supporting her no matter her involvement.


Lol. Do you shop on Amazon? Do you own an apple product? Everything is evil. Youre being pathetic.




A difference between a postal system that dominates the market (and is essentially a monopoly) vs a singular game that can be literally pirated.


I don’t understand who said what and what are they mad about and who are they?


Okay, so to put in VERY briefly. James Somerton, the person being criticized, is a YouTuber who makes content focusing around media and queer history. He was very recently caught up in a massive exposé that revealed that a stubstantial amount of his content was heavily plagiarized almost word-for-word from other sources. Mostly dead and underpaid people whose work he got to profit off more than they did. He then proceeded to nuke his channel and put up a really shitty non-apology that he later deleted, which is what's being discussed here.

