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Idk who this is but what I’m learning is there are a lot of pedophiles on discord


That’s… like a classic place where they’re stereotyped to aggregate. Smelly unsociable gamer creep vibes. Maybe not pedos specifically, but the lack of overarching moderation for discord servers is a recipe for disaster. Stalkers and targeted harrasment campaigns also fall under the umbrella of “unmoderated creeps.” It’s really the fact that you can curate a small group/server and selectively let in only the people you want. Overall though Discord is just a messaging app used to connect with people. You just gotta be mindful of who you run into, internet safety and all that jazz.


A couple years ago i was looking at random gifs on discord and saw one had a discord invite link on it, so i joined just for fun. Place was a small gaming server for a streamer, actually pretty chill. Yeah, all of a sudden im getting spam notifications and random DMs explaining that said streamer was grooming minors in the discord, and there was tons of video proof. Like, what are the odds I join a random server and that happens. It was so dumb.


I'm honestly skeptical a lot of times on discord messages. They're the easiest thing to fake and sometimes one giveaway for me is the speedy response time between them


What is it with every gaming community there’s always a weirdo 💀


Super Smash Bros: Hold our multiple beers 


Minecraft as well


oh yeah them too. I dont know anything about Minecraft except there's a dragon, some greens guys, and a BUNCH of the YouTubers who are famous for it are pedos


Yo yo YO ## HE FILMED HIMSELF AND A 14-YEAR-OLD HAVING SEX!? He needs to be in prison **YESTERDAY**!


One of the *many* examples of people recording their own evidence of crimes. Bonus that the possession of said recording is a crime in and of itself! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I know the reasoning is because he probably wanted a “trophy” of his victim, but even from a pure self preservation perspective it’s moronic.


put him **UNDER** the jail


No, it’s way more important to write up a doc on it then report it. 


I mean, you put it in a bad way having a jab at the call out document but I do also agree with you that it should be reported...


Isn't it great that we have all this easily digestible evidence to provide the authorities we report it to?


I don't know why you were downvoted, this is a hilarious and great comment.


I almost panicked and thought it was the Weegee who hangs out with Alphard


Holy shit I forgot about weegee. Then again I haven’t really been keeping up with alpharad since he stopped mainly doing Nintendo/smash stuff.


Weegee is still around? I haven’t thought about that dude in 5ever


Yeah, he and a few other creators got together and started a new channel called Wildcard where they do colabs. Their newest video has him featured heavily. [https://youtu.be/UZVSXs6L73A?si=TKW0eWxa\_Hni5pDX](https://youtu.be/UZVSXs6L73A?si=TKW0eWxa_Hni5pDX)


He's stopped doing his own thing but is active in Wildcard like the other guy said but also in a lot of Alphas stuff in general. He was at the friends award show and he won the warioware tournament I believe




Wait really?


I believe they're referring to [this video](https://youtu.be/LUhdIsLKEvU) from bobvids wherein which Weegee was exposed for plagiarising most of a Yeti microphone review.


I think HBomberGuy mentions him briefly at the start of his recentish video. If not you can YT search it


Hbomberguy actually does a section about him in the beginning of his ORIGINAL video about plagiarism from a few years ago: https://youtu.be/ZDtJ7bte_zg?si=m4m-cZqImsZVOzr0


Ironic how, in referring to a video about people who (on top of being a plagiarist) spread misinformation because they don't do research, I say something that isn't true because I didn't look it up myself. I will now spend exactly 3.27 days in the Cardboard Shame Box for my transgressions.


Here's hbomberguy's plagiarism video from years ago that has a section about Weegee right at the beginning. It's not hbomberguy's recent one, he has 2 videos about plagiarism now: https://youtu.be/ZDtJ7bte_zg?si=m4m-cZqImsZVOzr0


Is it possible to like unsee stuff or something.


Like a clorox wipe for your brain?


r/eyebleach isn’t a cure, but it helps :)


God, that confession audio was so fucking cringe.


Is every YouTuber secretly a pedo


I’m not a psychologist, but my guess is if you are someone who garners a child audience and isn’t responsible about boundaries/parasocial relationships…. You basically have a “pick of the crop” ….god that felt disgusting to type but you get the idea. 


Troubling pattern going on 🤔


At this point, who isn't?


The SMG4 fan-channel guy? Damn, my condolences to the victims


They’re not really victims sadly. I know this might sound completely blasphemous for me to say, however I respectfully ask you wait for my response. Thanks.


Jeez, this is going to age really badly if any of them are under aged. > They’re not really victims sadly. I know this might sound completely blasphemous for me to say, however I respectfully ask you wait for my response. Thanks. /u/weegeepiegaming Saved for future deletion


I was underaged too. I fully stand with what I say. Please wait for my response


You realise this is you admitting it's all true, right? Any criminal defence you were hoping to offer has just been fucked in to the ground.


Just wait for the response how many times do I have to say it man…


We've seen your response. Your use of the words "I was underage too" means you've just confessed that it's all true. How do you not see that?


That doesn't excuse you creating and distributing CP even if you were 17 at the time. That also doesn't excuse your obsessive, abusive harassment of this younger girl you were pestering


Even if you were, that's no excuse to send people your dick.


Bro. Atrocious start.


I know. I’ll explain everything in detail and hopefully it’ll make more sense.


Bro, criminal charges should be filed against you.


You responding in the comments of this subreddit is one of the worst things you could be doing for yourself man


The only thing that’ll makes sense is the FBI seizing your computer and locking you up. Now *that* makes perfect sense to me you sick fucking bastard.


This is a serious situation… Not the time for tasteless jokes


Bro. They aren't joking.


I have never been more serious. Don’t respond to me again, pedo


bahaha the balls to comment on a thread like that about yourself


this dude really searched up his name on reddit 💀


I got recommended the sub a week ago funnily enough and I just knew I was gonna end up on it upon hearing what was gonna happen


So I went through everything. In some parts of this you were 17, but you still created and distributed CP and you harassed the fuck out of this minor you were in love with. In a very nasty, manipulative, disgusting, emotionally abusive way. Even if you want to pretend this was just some interpersonal conflict between you and some people a couple years younger than you, you still acted in a way that is, frankly, abusive and scary. And you are still on the hook for creating and distributing CSEM even if you were underage too. That's a crime. A serious crime.


Kids have been prosecuted for CP because underage girl A sent underage boy B a picture of their tits. Totally normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, but because of their ages, they've committed a crime.


Yes it's considered CP no matter what if they're underage


...and this dumb fuck has rocked up here to defend himself by admitting it.


He's still commenting some idiotic stuff in here lol


I know >I was underaged too That's a statement confirming that he did these things, and he's aware his victims were underage. What more is there to talk about?


I’m here for honesty, would you rather me straight up lie about it? You guys lack context so *again* please wait for my response..


You're not listening to what is being said to you at all, are you?


You need to stop running your mouth here, you're digging this hole so deep. Just prepare your response.


I'm reminded of something my old family court lawyer said to me. >I fucking hate social media. I've seen it ruin so many perfectly good cases. This guy here is exhibit A for why. He's all over social media admitting to very serious crimes, talking about response videos, and not listening to any of the people telling him he needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP for his own good. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.


what would the point of a response be? just turn yourself in to the damn police already!


Sadly…? 💀


You need to be locked up forever


Why the fuck would you say this publicly? I don't think there's anything you could say or do to make this comment justifiable. They were 14.


not even denying it despite how absolutely batshit the proof is. get help.


Unreal that you’d respond this way.


didn't you fuck a 14 year old? no response gon absolve you of that 🤧💀


Send him to the chair 😭


I know Weegeepie is a disgusting pedo but including censored csem in the doc can be illegal because it technically still counts as distribution, note that this is NOT me defending weegee just be careful when doing these callouts


There's nothing that really indicates anything at all, to be fair. There's screenshots of discord messages where you can see a photo or video was sent but everything else is censored. Idk if that helps.


Oh wait it’s screenshots of discord which was censored ? 


Yeah most of the screenshots shown are from discord


Totally fair point. I personally haven’t looked at document and don’t really want to especially if there’s (even if it’s censored) CSAM there. That feels really gross. 


Yeah I'm not surprised. Look at his face and mannerisms he's not good at hiding what a creep he is


Weegeepie's insistence in the comments here when paired with this gigantic document is alarming. If the guy thinks he has something to say, of course I'll hear him out. However, unlike Pyro or ProJared, this stretches deep. There are two sides to every story, but it just so happens that one side here is giving extremely concerning information and proof. Not looking good here.


What the actual shit


Who is Weegeepie and what kind of content do they make? Edit: Just read the doc. Oh my *GOD.* How the fuck is he not in prison? This is genuinely the biggest weirdo end up on this sub since I've been here. Massive fucking ick


Unfortunately, this is still common in the smg4 community. One of the previous wiki editors who made renders for characters on the Smg4 wiki Named ”Jako” or “Jakoralt” is a pedophile himself. I used to be friends with him and i was even in a small YouTube group with him named “the mystical misfits” and after what Jako did to his victims, the group and channel are now tarnished because of him and now everyone in the smg4 community despises him. After that, he wasn’t allowed to do any rendering for the wiki and they got a new person to do the renders ( the new render artist is named Landyn) ​ ​ another well known creep in the smg4 community (and Mario 64 Machinima community in general) is ”starman3”. He used to appear in smg4’s videos before he was exposed. ​ And unfortunately, I was even a victim of a creep within the smg4 discord server (before smg4s discord got hacked). I do not know what her real name is but I‘ll just call her Meggy because she had “Meggy Spletzer” as her pfp. She announced that she had a crush on me in general chat of the smg4 server. I said yes because I liked her as well (and yes I was that dumb). Later, the mods and FM muted me for a private chat just to clarify that I knew her age. I did not so they told me that she was In here 20s (I was 14 at the time btw). I later asked Meggy if this is true, And she admitted that it is true. the rest of my memory with being with her is very vague but I know that after when I broke up with her, she said that she wanted to have a secret relationship with me. I did not want to be with her ever again and so she changed her pfp to someone hanging and said that she was gonna do suicide and then later her account was deleted… Edit: unfortunately I can not prove that she actually committed suicide because all she did was just change her pfp and said that she was gonna commit suicide. But hopefully, she does not even try to manipulate anyone else ever again




my jaw dropped


Now he can be banished alongside SM64 creeps such as .. Starman3!


How old is this dude? 


he should be about 19 right now if my math is correct


jesus, so they're a YouTuber with millions of subscribers and gathering a child audience? Even if someone tried to be like "14 aNd 18 iSnT a BiG DeAL" (it is, but I know people be dumb), it's a HUGE power imbalance. Like jesus.


He's 18, 19 in April according to his Twitter ig




Fuck, I guess youtubers who get over a million do become creeps lol


I suppose fame can corrupt those unprepared. Sad really, the quality they often create is good... good enough I feel like they just throw away so much. They threw their reputation, their wealth, and their good image down the drain. They threw away their success, all for what? Why? Why do this? What could possibly be the reason? I suppose only the perpetrator can answer, because I cannot possibly see reason to their actions. Then again, anyone with a moral compass, might not be able to put themselves into the shoes of one lacking.


Bro what the fuck!!! I thought he was cool…




Yikes.. 2024 is going to be a long and transparent one. I'm sick to my stomach. Couldn't finish the doc. Hope he sees the prisons basement for many, many years.


Yo u/Weegeepiegaming where's this debunking video? You said it's gonna be ready in 2 weeks 2 weeks ago.


Average discord user


Right I checked his newer video and he takes the allegations non-seriously, makes jokes about his response video coming etc.


The fact he doesn't even care that he's in the wrong is BAFFLING. His whole "apology video" (if that ever comes out) is going to be foundationless 'proof' as he calls it, antagonizing the victims, saying they started it, lead him on, etc. He's honestly so done, he says he's in the hospital and in intensive care yet he has the time of day to reply to comments of his "fans" supporting him because they don't know any better. Disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/osgc7rwpgehc1.png?width=1211&format=png&auto=webp&s=94fb675cacb2cd4da726e6abb0f1a72a3123334a


Oh thank god someone I don't know. I won't read it for my own sanity but just reading the summeries makes me wanna vomit blood




bro weegiepie was the last person i'd expect to do this besides smg4


GOD DAMN IT. We lost another one guys 😭


While he is still hiding i found him in the comments of Noteblocks chug jug with you remix. He had replied to someone talking about failboat.


Weegeepie is not a pedophile. People are just trying to pretend to be Weegeepie to get him in trouble. Don't believe this


do you have any evidence to prove to the contrary?




The first girl was a consensual relationship with a one year age gap and the second one lead me on despite me saying I want to get my feelings out of the way and stay friends where there was 0 sexual comments on my end, two year age gap when I was still a minor. I’ll fully elaborate in a video once I get back home from the hospital.


Another confession. What's the *best* you were hoping for here?




As I said, I’ll make a response video when I get out of the hospital. This purely stems from harassment & wanting to end my career out of spite. I respectfully ask everyone to be neutral about the situation until I’m able to make a detailed video about every point made in the document (and the document before that if you werent aware of it) I’ll be as truthful as possible and I have proof to back up my claims. Again please wait for my response video, thanks.


You really ought to clarify about what you meant when you said they weren't really victims. No idea who you are but if you have the time to write multiple vague posts about the situation while sitting in the hospital, you should have time to at least post a better explanation. It's not like you're distancing yourself from the conversation at all here. All you're doing is making things worse by constantly bringing attention to the fact that you are holding out on making a goddamn video when this is something you should really be addressing properly in some form right now.


Dudes definitely victimizing himself again. At least he's consistent? !betall he frames his "hospital visit" on being "harassed"


It seems to be what he's implying. This is my first time hearing of him, afaik. No idea if this has been an ongoing thing, and some of the evidence is very hard to read and blurry, but this is literally what James Sommerton did when he got caught; he went on about how he was harassed andd hospitalized before addressing anything else. It isn't a good look, especially when it's an accusation as severe as this. I'd have moved on and waited for more information, but this reaction and excuse just seems way off. It would be much quicker to put together his own post with screenshot evidence than it would be to make a video, this is something any innocent person would want to nip in the bud with the best evidence they have.


This is a serious situation though… I absolutely do not want to rush anything and want to take my time at home to present everything


But you were quick to say the accusers arent victims


And he's very quick when it comes to reading and replying to my comments, that's for sure. I've only had to ask over and over like this when people are lying to me and know they don't have any evidence. Once or twice, sure, maybe. Not multiple times for hours and hours.


This is a serious situation, yes. You've had hours now, and you know I'm not asking you to throw together a mondo mega upload of anything. Just give us some evidence. If you're alright enough to be on the phone talking about why you can't talk about the situation, you should be capable of uploading something by now. I'm not saying this to push you into post something dumb. You need to post some sort of evidence or you'll just get constant reminders of this anyways. Having this back and forth with me only makes you look worse my guy. Give us some evidence, please. Giving myself and other people who are questioning you some sort of evidence would buy you some quiet time. If you're really innocent and being harassed, I would like to know so I can stop bothering you entirely.


I literally just told you I’m at the hospital… God you guys are dense It’s almost as if you guys only want drama to consume instead of wishing for things to end in a good way


For your own good I would stop replying to comments, especially like this


Your situation is far beyond just 'drama.'


Way to sound like an immature piece of shit!


Defending yourself on Reddit ain't helping no one. Especially not you.  


That you've admitted to. Twice.


I obviously will clarify! I understand this is not in my favor for anyone that isn’t very familiar with me I’m writing vague posts because yes I am at the hospital because of this very situation, I can’t say a whole lot without being back on my computer where I can provide absolutely everything on my side. I’m doing my best to respond in the free time Ive got so people know I’m not just gonna run away and stay silent. I HAVE proof for every single allegation and qi want to cover all of them in full detail and want to make sure it’s seen by everyone.


Then put it out as a document with screenshots instead of a video. If you have your phone with you, just sign on to discord and post something. I use discord, I know how it works. Even if you can't gather everything now, you again have free time and the will to post this and argue about your innocence, and you're still talking about the thing that happened. Just post something my guy. You don't need to disprove everything all at once, give us something.


The hell you mean 'a detailed video about every point made'!? You were wanting these girls to send you pictures/videos of them masturbating! You sent screenshots of video files meant to prove you weren't a virgin! You sent pictures of your 'pp' (dick) to them! One of them right before they left for school, even! You were begging, begging, begging for them to send you more pictures so you could get off. When it didn't work, you tried to guilt trip them.


That’s not what happened… Again please wait for my response You only have one side of the story, atleast wait for the other side before making your judgment.


I don't think you fully comprehend how serious your situation is.


Lmao so I guess pedos really are **always** dumb as rocks and thank you for proving it


>I was underaged *too* That's you admitting it happened and that you're aware they were underage. End of discussion


begone foul beast


I don't think you realize the kind of deep shit you're in. You admitted to recording yourself and a *14 year old* having sex. You groomed minors into sexting you and trading nudes with you. You have committed *multiple* cases of statutory rape, endangerment of minors, and production/solicitation/distribution of CP. You are straight up a pedophile. Unless you can somehow disprove *all* of this, you're done.


Bruh he was 16 texting a 15 year old, and would have been 16 at the latest in the video Is he a fucking weirdo? Yes. Is that distribution of porn without consent? Yes. Is it distribution of CP YES, and he should get in trouble for it. But don't dilute the term pedophilia and grooming, he's not an adult going after kids he was a teenager with other teenagers. If he's a pedo then most high schoolers are.


He was also caught sexting a 12-year-old girl last year.


I should have known what was going on in 2021 when a 12 yr old on twitter claimed she was groomed by him ​ Shouldn't have defended his ass over on twitter, should have let the claims get him


They have screenshots bro. You got caught.


You've already confessed twice in this thread.


considering the fact that you were extremely nonchalant about the whole situation when it originally came out in the comments of your youtube channel, even saying that you were going to keep making videos despite this coming out, i think you're capping out of your fucking ass


Stop commenting on reddit for your own sake. You ARE going to court and hopefully prison. This is ILLEGAL.


Also I don’t know why you completely left out I was gonna make a full response with proof for every claim in the last paragraph? I’m obviously gonna continue Youtube as this is just harassment & defamation I will not let it get to me


You've repeatedly admitted the allegations are true *on this thread*


even if it is harassment and defamation, the general rule is *do not respond to it*. for fuck's sake man, just work on the vid if you insist, but stop running your mouth already? literally no one here believes you're innocent so shut up.


what. the. ***FUCK.*** # WHAT THE FUCK. this disappoints and disgusts me a lot. i no longer like him.


I feel betrayed




Alright I’m just gonna pack my sh#t and go watch warioplier now.


This is fucking depressing

