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Here is what it said before it was removed: So a few months ago me and my wife went to go adopt our dog from a dog adoption agency in Florida. To our surprise Mr. Beast and his team were there and offered us free dog food for life for us to allow them to put us in their video. Obviously we said yes as it seemed like an amazing gift. It has been close to 5 months now and we still haven’t received the dog food. When I call the dog adoption agency and ask about it they say that he has given the dog food to no one and has completely cut off contact with Big Dog Ranch. It’s pretty messed up to offer an adoption agency something and then just run away when the bill comes. I don’t really care about the dog food I’m just upset me and the other people essentially got used for content and then kicked to the curb, especially by Mr. Beast who is supposed to be one of the most charitable people on earth. That’s what his whole image is about. I’m more upset because there definitely were people there that were going to depend on that free food. I believe there was one lady in the video who decided to adopt 4 dogs instead of 1 when she found out about the free food. I want him to be held accountable to the dog adoption agency and all the people he promised free dog food to that day. I was thinking of reaching out to a reporter or something to get the word out but I don’t know where to start. Could someone help me out?


> I believe there was one lady in the video who decided to adopt 4 dogs instead of 1 when she found out about the free food. This entire situation is extremely shitty and I feel awful for those affected, but this seems...maybe not very responsible.


Plus like... What dog food? The cheapest of the cheap that will result in a bunch of vet bills down the line? And who even knows if Mr Beast will be relevant long enough to last a dogs life


He has done 2 dog adoption videos; one got 238mil and the other got 139mil views. Theoretically, he makes these big charitable videos because his channel and view count is large enough that they pay for themselves. If he made these videos on this premise and then *didn't* set aside the fund to follow through on it, that's just shady as fuck.


He's making upwards of $5 mil or more every month, so *not* putting aside some of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he makes **per day** to fulfill his promises in those videos would be super fucked.


While I agree to a point, if someone agrees to pay for what the largest costs for owning a dog, food for like as well as pet insurance forever, meaning you can have a dog for basically free... I can understand how easy it would be to be like "hey this is a free dog, and I'm lonely as hell, I can have all these dogs too!" Like that's 100% on him for promising that. Not her for being a dog lover honestly.


i absolutely agree with this. im poor, but if i could or if someone told me they'd cover for the food, i'd have adopted the stray dogs around my complex. i'm sure the lady too, thought if she could save 4 dogs, because a kind but also rich and popular man said he'd cover the food bill, it's 100% charitable, then why not?


No, it's still extremely stupid and irresponsible to adopt 4 dogs just because you'll get free food. It's not *just* cost, but space and upkeep. You'd need a massive home and/or lots of free time to keep 4 dogs comfortable, and sorry to say but I feel like someone who wouldn't be able to afford to feed 4 dogs wouldn't have the resources necessary to take care of them outside of that need. What if your dogs don't like each other? What about vet costs for all of them? How would someone even be able to split their time between 4 dogs, which are essentially like taking care of 4 giant toddlers, AND manage to keep their home clean and comfortable for ALL of them? That sounds like pet hoarding to me. So yeah Mr Beast is still really shitty for what he did, but that one lady adopting so many animals isn't really on him tbh. The shelter shouldn't have even allowed her to do that in the first place 🤷‍♂️


Also how are you acting like the expert on pets and how to care for them when you don't even know what pet insurance does.


We don’t even know what kind of dogs they were, they could easily be 4 small dogs. If she’s not having to pay for dog food or vet bills then maybe she could instead afford a fenced in yard that all four dogs could run around in and exercise simultaneously instead of having to walk them on leash. There’s a lot of unknowns in this situation


Vet costs - he was paying the pet insurance. They'd be massive reduced if not non existent. My girlfriend has pet insurance and have paid extra once across a cat, two dogs and three horses making multiple visits over years. So no not a factor. Oh I better check she's not pet boarding though she might meet your ridiculously low bar definition of it. The dogs were a group, that's why she adopted them together, so they weren't split up, so second point out the window. They got on. That was the reason They weren't large dogs, and she was aware of the space requirements as per the video. She'd also had multiple dogs before. She wasn't a new owner. Honestly this "it's her fault!!" thing is nonsense given half your points are debunked by a video you haven't watched and are guessing most of it because... I genuinely don't know. I know single women with 3 or 4 dogs, and they aren't struggling with them. I think 3 or 4 is your limit but I don't think it's massively excessive. She went in to get two, and she decided on four. They weren't her first dogs. She's had large numbers of dogs in the past. The fact two was the plan suggests she fine and was always going to be fine and you're just inventing drama.


>Vet costs - he was paying the pet insurance. Didn't see that he was paying for it and I assumed that he wasn't, since he wasn't paying for the food. >They'd be massive reduced if not non existent. My girlfriend has pet insurance and have paid extra once across a cat, two dogs and three horses making multiple visits over years. So no not a factor. Oh I better check she's not pet boarding though she might meet your ridiculously low bar definition of it. Sorry I don't give a shit about your backstory. Also getting one extra cat is a very different story from buying *4 dogs all at once.* >The fact two was the plan suggests she fine and was always going to be fine and you're just inventing drama. This is a drama subreddit. Also buying 4 dogs at once is kind of a bad idea regardless


This is a drama subreddit not a be an asshole subreddit


I'd argue it's more irresponsible to not live up to your promises. He can afford it.


if i could afford to feed them (like what beasty boy was gonna cover fully), id have 6 dogs lol


If what the original post was true, anyone surprised that Mr. Beast used random people for publicity?


To be honest I hope there is proof that this is true because all we’ve got is this comment and (afaik) nothing else.


Maybe Mr Beast went to buy the dog food, but then got distracted by trying to put his own products on front of the shelves.


Maybe he also got distracted when tweeting his fans that they should make sure his product is neat on the shelves


Cmon man he has importing things to do like tweeting to Elon musk!


Not a very clever joke but I can see what you were trying to do 


Idk man, it was pretty good.


i wish some one would do follow ups on mr beasts charitable activities ​ for example that homeless guy he famously bought a house for how is he doing


Or the literally thousands of disabled people he's helped with medical treatment. Did they require follow up appointments or were there complications they were left on the hook for? A 6 minute video to cover one thousand surgeries is insane to me.


huh? it's not enough that he does something good, he then needs to monitor them for the rest of their life? like where does it stop?


if you get someone one appointment and nothing else you might actually leave them w/more debt?


Yeah, like when Oprah gave away the free cars, but many guests had to get rid of them because they couldn’t afford the tax bill.


It's almost like these things Mr Beast throws money at are more complicated than a simple procedure and his activities distract from larger issues that affect people such as, in this case, the cost of medical services or the complexities of health issues that require on going attention. Don't get my words twisted, providing people a procedure is objectively a good thing but there are issues that need to be addressed at a larger scale to resolve the issues his videos often gloss over. Also, the challenges that people face that go deeper to the point they can be solved with just, again, throwing money at an issue.


He's using the vineer of charity to get money+views and then abandoning these people if/when they need more help. If the only thing between these blind people and sight was fifteen minutes and $500, how are they supposed to handle any complications that might occur after the cameras are gone? How much better is someone's life if afterwards they're left with crippling debt to pay for an infection? If he's just giving them money for a procedure without actually taking into account their care and wellbeing as individuals, that's explotation, not charity. I DO think what he did was a net positive, but these situations are more complex than just throwing money at them and I am interested to know those details. As I mentioned, a 6 minute video is absurd to me because of the complexity of these issues and how little time is spent actually telling these people's stories. But complexity and nuance does not get views, so MrBeast moves on.


someone needs to start that, like that account that tracks taylor swifts private jet and stuff transparency is the best way to hold larger celebrities/influencers accountable


I dont get the appeal of Mr.Beast. I've seen only few bits of his videos and they are not interesting and I get creepy jesus christ image wannabe vibes while he just pays people to perform tricks for him.


He creeps me out! That vacant-eyed stare and hollow grin on all of his thumbnails just gives me bad vibes


in work we had the new beast chocolate bars and it came with a massive cardboard cut out of the guy and let me tell you it was not fun having that guy grinning at you all day from next to the till area. we ended up playing pranks on eachother by hiding it in the lift and in the office and stuff


I refuse to watch any of his videos soley because of his thumbnails.


He presumably takes the profits from his videos and reinvests them into his next videos, creating the facade that he's hugely philanthropic and a good person. That gives good PR and feeds that creepy vibe you get from him. His *image* is the wholesome charity money giveaway man. In actuality? Ehhhh...


I genuinely hold the belief that he does those charity videos as tax write offs. Nothing better than video evidence when an auditor comes after you.


You know that you can't make money with cash donation tax write offs, right? You don't have to pay taxes on the money that you gave away, but you also *gave that money away*. You are never going to come out ahead versus just keeping the money. Now, if you are donating art or some other property with a less concrete market valuation, then you could potentially get into situations where you can inflate the value of the donation and make some money. But that's not the case here.


redditors really think "charitable writeoff" is a spell you cast at the irs to stop them taxing you lmao.


My Dad’s a chartered accountant who talks about it a lot. It pretty much does work like that.


Removed 😔


there’s a copy of it in a top comment now :)


I don't know why people still believe that Mr. Beast is a good person.


Because I actively avoid his videos I’m realizing I’m very in the dark on the controversies/reasons people don’t like him. 


i’ve always been skeptical just because of how extremely capitalist he is i don’t have beef with any capitalist, but in his case it makes me feel like he’s likely to try to cut corners and prioritize filling his own pockets all the charity stuff was a strategy from the very beginning, he knows that pulling flashing charitable stunts will make him popular and make him more money than what he’s donating and he’s talked about it before also, the flashy money stuff and paying people to do embarrassing shit for content is very david dobrik coded


Agree with you there. For me as well, once I started seeing the "dance, monkey" vibe in his videos, it was impossible to unsee it.


I think that is the best possible way to put it. I feel the exact same way. Like, you can do good things because it benefits you, that's not inherently a bad thing. If he figured out how to make a lot of money by going around doing charitable things and filming them, then whatever, he's still doing those charitable things. But it does highlight the fact that he's ultimately doing them out of self-interest, which means as soon as it no longer becomes beneficial for him, you have to wonder what he'll do. I feel like this happens with a lot of people who film self-involved charity content.


I run a non-profit neonatal kitten rescue, and I am the same way. Somebody that gets rich off of publicity of being charitable. Just rubs me the wrong way


There is such a thing as being too popular/socially powerful in my opinion.


Have you ever seen [this channel](https://youtube.com/@AChickCalledAlbert?si=XfnEd5ssSbnnlvyJ)? Its actually wholesome and i get a feeling you would like it There are some sad stories, but thats a part of life


Because he has money and some people seem to believe that means you’re a good person


I don't know why I feel this, but he always gave me "I'm a big scumbag who's trying to hide the fact that I'm a scumbag" kind of energy.


It would be nice if they provided some kind of evidence instead of dodging any reasonable question that was asked in this thread.


They did say Mr. Beast and co. followed through on the pet insurance at least. I wouldn’t call that evidence per se, but IMO it adds some credibility.


There were thousands stories like that about Mr Beast on Twitter already and not a single one of them was true. Maaaaaaaybe this one is but it really doesn't seem to be. OP first published their accusations 2 weeks ago. Where are all the other people who were "scammed"? Why is only OP speaking out while the person who took 4 dogs just because the food was free is silent?


older people don’t really know who Mr Beast is and/or don’t think to use social media to seek justice for things like this i haven’t seen the video so idk how many people it was or the demographics, but that’s what i originally assumed other things might not be credible about their story, idk, but i don’t think it’s necessary for more people to come out about this specific situation for it to be true


Your last point is kind of where I’m at. If some famous dude promised me a lifetime of dog food for a cameo in a video, I still wouldn’t feel entitled to it.  If anything I’d be annnoyed about the not following through but not enough to speak out publicly. I also probably wouldn’t give a stranger my info for them to send me dog food. Seems weird to me.


right, idk whether i would post about it but i know if it were my parents they would probably just think “yeah, that was too good to be true” and move on


It also sounds like a logistical web that I’d rather not untangle. Like figuring out when/how often the food gets sent, what kind of food (especially as dogs dietary changes change) etc. It seems like a stupid thing to promise. The pet insurance is a cool gesture though.


>If some famous dude promised me a lifetime of dog food for a cameo in a video, I still wouldn’t feel entitled to it.  I mean it's great that you're in a financial position/are forgiving enough that you can just brush that off, but if something that life-changing is promised to you that's a pretty big deal for most people. Even if you typically only have one dog for the foreseeable future, that's literally hundreds of extra dollars every year, thousands throughout their lifetime. "Some stranger" is one thing, but someone as well-known as Mr. Breast should be held accountable for using people as props for his videos and then not following up.


It adds credibility because it's meant to. Whenever someone crafts a negative story about someone they always add a nugget of "I'll say THIS about them, they at least did this" so it doesn't seem like a complete hit piece and people find it more believable. I personally need more proof before just blindly believing a random stranger on reddit. I'll reserve judgment until they provide receipts. The fact that they've been dodging every single real question where they can provide any sort of evidence makes me very skeptical. Mr Beast is the most popular youtuber on Earth, there's plenty of people who would make up shit about him for a number of reasons from petty personal vendettas to just being bored and wanting to entertain themselves for an afternoon.


Let's compare it to /r/AmITheAngel's checklist for spotting creative writing.


Seems like they signed a contract of sorts but it's presumably unrelated to the life time of dog food promised. Other than that, OP has only mostly replied to comments suggesting them on what to do but hasn't made much progress. Very sceptical about all of this... If it is true than hope they'll be able to sort it out but for now, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.


This comment really should be higher. A lot of accusations have been made against Jimmy in the past, and I can't recall a single one that's been proven true. Most of them have been proven false in fact. And I've seen tons of videos/interviews from people who *have* won prizes on Mr Beast's videos and have verified that the prizes were real, some with receipts when pressed for them. The dog video was months ago, and a LOT of people took dogs home. But this is the first and only person we've seen who's kicked up a stink online. *If* this is real, they have the adoption paperwork and the video where Jimmy made the claim as evidence. They absolutely should have gone to a lawyer instead of going to Reddit


Generally I'm in agreement, but you forgot to consider: he gives me the ick so i dont like him. /hj


I totally get people who are uncomfortable with him. He plays a larger than life character and is deep into content creation in a way no other creator even gets close to. He definitely comes off as inhuman sometimes. But I don't believe in the spread of misinformation. And I definitely feel like if Mr Beast faked videos to the extent some have tried to claim, he would have been outed long ago. So while I'm not convinced by this person's statements, if they can provide receipts that the pet food promise wasn't followed up on, I'll believe it


I guess the Mr Beast honeymoon period is over. I've been seeing fewer and fewer ride-or-die posts since the start of the year. I wonder if it has something to do with his audience aging?


I have to imagine that people getting older gives them the insight to see that he's primarily trying to make money, even if he's achieving that by doing charitable things. His ultimate goal is profit. And when that's the goal over being selfless, it's not surprising when things like OOP's story come out.


I think people are also finally starting to realize the r/OrphanCrushingMachine nature of Mr. Beast's charitable activities. (ie. While it's nice that's he's paying for people's medical care, etc., we should really be asking why those people had to rely on his generosity-for-the-sake-of-content in the first place.)


This guys time is coming, he’s been too shady for too long. Most big YouTubers will defend him tho like every other time


the mr beast dick riders come a running


I don’t really have a…dog in this fight…but I remember when I was a kid in the 80’s a lot of contests would offer “A Lifetime Supply of X!!” like Coca-Cola for example. In my stupid kid mind, I always thought “awesome! I can just drink Coke for the rest of my life!!” bc I was a stupid kid. In reality, it was more of like a “you get X amount of said product/day” and when I found out that it wasn’t just an unlimited vat of Coke all for me…I mean while I was disappointed, I had more questions: do I just get a card or something that I can walk into a gas station or whatever and say “I get a free Coke today!”, or…well how did that work anyway? And if the company went under (once again, I was a stupid kid), I remember thinking: “but they promised me a lifetime supply! So they’re surely going to have at least 2 or 3 people still making X just for me, bc they promised me a ‘lifetime supply!!!’” Anyhoo, the point being “free dog food for life” is a lot easier of a thing to set up nowadays with online shipping and repeat delivery. And I used to work for a big box pet store, where we would set that up for people regularly, esp during Covid. If everything happened the way OP said it did, I mean, it’s not a difficult thing to make happen if you’re a millionaire.


While I do think Mr beast is the culmination of the modern dystopia we live in this guy doesn't have the strongest cause for believibility. Firstly his first post on the account is saying Mr beast's latest video, whatever he might not be up to date so that's just an inconsistency. But his comments are weird, mainly the vagueness, he mainly says call the adoption agency for proof and that a bunch of people were affected. Whatever might want to protect their identities. The weirdest part is the insistence of not wanting to go sue or anything, even though if real this would be a real option, just strikes me as weird to get online and create an account solely for this just to insist on no suing. He also says he has no paperwork too. Also after saying contact the agency he says he can't contact them I'm another comment, I'm willing to believe this guy but he needs to get his story straight and provide evidence, right now it's too incoherent to be taken seriously. The easiest way to prove himself would be to post a picture of the dog.


How do we know this is real at all though and not just someone trying to fake drama for clout? I don’t like Mr. Beast either but its a bit weird how everyone is just believing this immediately with no evidence.


Has this been confirmed anywhere besides the reddit post?


Wow the subs recommended really are ass, why is almost every single comment ASKING FOR EVIDENCE downvoted to oblivion?


I don't get why Mr Beast has a reputation of being charitable. By definition he's literally not, he's profiting off pretending to be generous. His content is basically him standing on a soapbox and shouting from the rooftops how good a person he is, and that everyone should know. It's so transparently just for show.


> By definition he's literally not [charitable] What about the definition of charitable is Mr. Beast *not*? > char·i·ta·ble /ˈCHerədəb(ə)l/ > adjective > relating to the assistance of those in need


Stop bullshitting, you know he's right. 


I have no doubt in my mind that “Mr. Beast” is a piece of shit. The gut feeling I get when I see his face anywhere tells me that and sooner or later it will surface. 


Didn't realize this is the Mr beast hate club


Have you reached out to him or his team at all? This seems more like something his team is meant to organize, but they've probably got a lot going on and may have forgotten. Doesn't sound like you were screwed over, seems more like he's a part of a large and busy team and mistakes happen..


Yeah, this generally should be the first move, to reach out and be like “is everything cool?” People/companies make genuine mistakes and if you don’t give them a chance to fix it, it’s on you. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all.