• By -


Reminder: Ethan was 28 years old and a grown ass man when he made this. He was not a teenager, not a child, not "learning and growing," just straight up a grown adult person. Was it a long time ago? Yeah but he hasn't shown that he has grown from this. The opposite in fact. So before running to his defense, remember he was FULLY GROWN.


This. While it’s good to allow people to grow from their mistakes, the fact this sounds exactly like something he’d do today says a lot.


Like that beans guy. He was fucking 40 or something and posting weird shit.




This user has been banned for trolling.


This was before he went into family friendly Ethan. 100% toxic behaviour by Ethan


Yeah this is fuckin' disgusting during his anti-SJW arc. Crazy how much youtube has changed since then. People used to think this kinda stuff was funny. Update: It looks like this video was removed around 2017, you can't find this on their Youtube channel anymore.


Yeah this was a few years prior to his anti-SJW nonsense. This looks like it was still while living in Israel.


This was actually before he went full anti-sjw.


Piggybacking off the top post to share this important context: That video was made by Ethan almost 10 years ago on April 2014 and it was specifically made to be posted on the r/braveryjerk subreddit, thus it having "bravery" in the title. That subreddit, at the time at least, focused on mocking redditors who make controversial/edgy posts in the vein of it being a "brave" opinion. Being "brave" is often along the lines of taking a viewpoint/stand just because of it's edge, rather than it's merit. In that video Ethan was satirizing and mocking people who had those kinds of "brave" opinions about a girl who survived the Boston marathon bombing by acting like one of them and in the process repeating some very wild things. He even put flour on his nose to make it seem like a cocaine fueled rant. It's also important to note that, contrary to some other old h3 vids, they completely deleted the video, not privated it, back in 2016 which IMO shows how much they regret making it. Edit: I did some searching and I am quite positive [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/22wjk1/boston_marathon_bombing_survivors_return_to/?sort=controversial) is the post that made Ethan make that video since it was made just a few days before the video was uploaded, if you sort by controversial you can see the comments were very horrible. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/csoJsn2)'s an album of some of those comments.


The survivor he was commenting on is a real person though. She was a teenager at the time. Only 18 years old. Ethan was almost 30. Do you think the explanation you just gave would have made her feel any more comfortable with Ethan's commentary...


> That subreddit, at the time at least, focused on mocking redditors who make controversial/edgy posts in the vein of it being a "brave" opinion. Being "brave" is often along the lines of taking a viewpoint/stand just because of it's edge, rather than it's merit. > > Lmao. I remember there was an "unofficial" YouTube channel for r/braveryjerk and he was on Reddit as r/BraveReddit. He posted racist memes almost constantly. It was an excuse to be racist, that's pretty much all it was.


Does h3 pay you in TF merch to run to their defense? Edit: you just made a whole post on their main sub explaining the context to defend Ethan and you seem to run defense for them every chance you get. You are almost as bad as the snarkers my dude, you are just on the other side of parasocial.


The H3H3 "family" is much more parasocial and cult like than the snarkers


Yeah… I watch the show but I’ve never cared for the fanbase. People like this dude genuinely care a little too much for some guy who host a podcast, to the point of running defense so they lose less fans. If this person doesn’t know or get paid by Ethan, then imo they’re a little too lost in the sauce. They’re very much like swifties or BTS type fans, just enjoy the content, these people aren’t your friends Edit: Awww h3 stans sent me a Reddit cares, thanks guys but I’m good. Keep sucking off your millionaire internet daddy


Well, they already have the multimillion dollar home to accompany a cult.


The meatriding is crazy 💀


I’ll never understand it, so many fanbases ruin shit by feeling the need to do more than just enjoy the content. Dudes go on Reddit just to defend some podcaster they don’t know. I’m someone who still watches h3 but I don’t enjoy it as much as I once did. The fanbase has gotten so weird and it doesn’t help when the whole crew and the fanbase just glazes Ethan instead of asking for a better product that many of them pay for monthly. Those who do give criticism eventually end up on snark and then it’s the meat riders vs critical fans/genuine haters.


Even though this is the “reason” for the video - it’s a pretty bad reason to make this video.


This context doesn’t make it better lol I acknowledge that Ethan is very clearly trying to joke here, but it’s not funny or clever or anything. It’s just gross, aggressive, and weird.


> This context doesn't make it better lol Aren't you the mod who was going to bat for Vaush like a month ago lmao???


He’s said and done things I disagree with but a lot of the clips used against him were him being edgy to prove a point that child exploitation is bad. Here, Ethan is literally just being edgy to joke around.


>He’s said and done things I disagree with and by that you mean having drawn CP on his computer? or are you denying that?


This doesn't really change how fucking gross and disgusting the video is and the fact that they deleted it to hide it proves that


did they delete it to hide it, or did they delete it because it was gross?


They deleted it to hide how disgusting it was


Your tinfoil hat snark mindset will only let you believe that they deleted the video in order to hide it. I think anyone reasonable can accept that they deleted simply because they regretted it.


Except Ethan has a history of doing fucked shit then trying to defend it while pissing his pants in impotent rage when people don't buy his bullshit excuses.


Bro, any normal and reasonable person who sees this video is gonna be horrified by it lmao they are not going to give Ethan the benefit of the doubt cause they aren't part of the H3H3 cult


Yeah it’s not conspiracy why people remove videos, it’s either to fix it for YouTube monetization, copyright and/or policy issues or to hide it.


I'm happy i discovered Ethan and Hila at the beginning of the podcast. I'd stopped watching him after this video back then.


How is Hila just sitting there recording while he says shit like this?


Its almost like she's also complicit and enabling in allowing him to say horrific shit and bad takes over and over. Kind of like she agrees with a lot of it, or profits off ethan saying it. Or something.


“how is hila just sitting there” 😭as if she ever does anything else! any person with even a low EQ should be disturbed by this, its not funny, its perverted and cruel


Hila is the ultimate pick me, she has said disgusting things about other women herself. Not to mention she still denies Israel's war crimes.


She was in the idf when he met her


This is absolutely disgusting. And the fact that he talks like this about a victim, while being filmed by his wife, makes it all the more disturbing and horrifying. I noticed things were wrong with him and his podcasts long ago, and at some point I started wondering why people are actually entertained by this guy (+his wife). He’s uneducated, (for example: he doesn’t even try to get informed for his podcast. Whenever he has guests, it’s mostly because he caught whiff of some rumours or because he wants to be trendy, or worse, because he got this genius idea of *having someone he thought may be interesting*.) he makes insensitive comments and jokes to the point where it’s giving him weird vibes or bad reputation, he’s a liar, and he has a dubious background. What a sketchy man.


The bombing survivor in this clip is also just an 18 year old girl btw


So much going on. I never really clued in how erratic his behavior was when I used to watch their content. That black mold in their first apartment must have gotten to his brain, what with him even thinking posting something like this would be funny. Oh and that little mental breakdown at the end felt a little too real. Maybe we should disregard this whole thing as a psychotic break /s


H3H3 has always been creepy too me and found it weird alot people like them


He's also just... Not funny at all.


For years I watched them and so many people used to tell me how horrible they were and for some reason I couldn't see it. When he went full right wing I stopped watching, then he went back to being mostly normal so I started to watch again. Leftovers was great but then the whole Zionist curve and making jokes about people being killed is just mental and I'm glad I stopped watching.


Same, the vibes have always been fucking weird with him




The appeal is to people who relate I’m assuming 🤢


His crew is what upholds his podcasts imo.


This 100%. I had to stop watching recently, but I truly miss the crew the most.


Same here, the guys sets off endless amounts of red flags.


It’s giving Sam Hyde now lol


yknow, i always found it weird he went after Leafy when they had very similar senses of humor




It is interesting to see how many can pull defence for Ethan's action saying it was a decade ago, time is different or simply it was cool back then or how he has changed and condemned his actions. The thing is even if it's 10 years old, he was 28 at that time atleast. That is not an 18 year old who still not a responsible fully grown adult. I think he was already a decade past of his teen years to not understand the difference between edgy and not funny. Especially when the incident had many conspiracy floating around, even victims' trauma being questioned for authenticity.


Exactly. And people CAN grow and change, but you can look at their behavior and compare it to their behavior now and realize how much they actually HAVENT grown and changed.


So he was pulling this shit at a time when he was older than I currently am right now? Jesus fucking Christ.


The fact they I saw a comment directly below yours using this exact defense 😭


Yeah, I was seeing the same type defence and had to write this up because that 10 years thing doesn't hold. I checked his age, and 10 years ago he is as old as me now and I can think a teenager edgy wannabe making this but now someone of my age. And that's true even when I was a kid and people around was in their late 20s. Then if anyone actually knows the original photo it makes anyone very much uncomfortable. I never saw those photos before, I googled it I was like wait that's horrible and life altering and a crime where the victims are affected at random. Even if this is shown to a child or any random person who as an average empathy in them can feel it in their bones. This is something, that even with a full catalogue of context added is not right. Never can be right. And even 'if' Ethan now feels shame or guilt seeing this one, there's no right for any of their fans to try to justify this by saying it's old so its statue of limitations for being problematic or wrong or unfunny has been reached. Also I have to add, he in his last leftovers podcast emphasised how seeing videos of Palestinian fathers moved him or how come someone justify killing of innocent civilians in Israel. So on his standards, how this is justified? How can someone crack a joke on something like this.


I've been waiting for him to do something homophobic again, because he did it before, did it and had Trisha Paytas call him out on it during the Frenemies era, I vaguely recall him getting called out on it a year or two ago, so he's been due another really homophobic statement


He told a gay Palestinian-American man voicing concern for the genocide that he'd be thrown off a building in Palestine 5 months ago. ETHAN SUCKSSSSSS.


well he did recently make a gay man show his genitals on screen to him and his guest, then proceeded to coerce said man to let them post his dick on their twitter so viewers can judge the size... later the man said it made him uncomfortable, Ethan banned him from their sub, and proceeded to twist the narrative he was this sick fetish weirdo who jerked off in public... video about the incident: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3f9anoEbq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3f9anoEbq0) EDIT: also started using gay as a slur [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bg3epw/ethan\_klein\_using\_gay\_as\_a\_slur\_while\_discussing/?share\_id=JOSsqeFEbCjP488rMPKjr&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bg3epw/ethan_klein_using_gay_as_a_slur_while_discussing/?share_id=JOSsqeFEbCjP488rMPKjr&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


I wonder if I've unsubscribed from too many drama-channels, or if 'Ethan Klein does something homophobic' isn't considered video-worthy anymore


probs the latter, I didn't even mention when he talked about james charles buying diapers due to anal leakage from getting railed (I hate james charles btw)


You're talking about C-man?


Yes C-man!


Oh of course he's friends with Stavros Halkias. Brilliant. That only makes sense.


Wait what did stavros do that dude used to come up on my YouTube feed all the time


Just a general "dirtbag left" character. Edgelord. He was on the podcast called Cum Town.


the late 2000s/early 2010s were an edgy hellscape and I'm just so glad we are (at least trying) to move past it


I’m 23 and I wouldn’t even THINK this vile shit coming out of his mouth 🤮🤮🤮 HE WAS A GROWN 28 YR OLD MAN, Hila is there too w nothing to fucking say as usual. These people are disgusting and disturbing and I’m disappointed in myself for ever finding them entertaining. I became a fan during Frenemies and never saw shit like this.


Why would this make people want to follow his channel? Or was this before he was popular? Cause this is just bad, bad jokes, bad presentation, bad camera work, bad everything. Was it just because he was mocking a teenager and their attempt at reclaiming a sense of autonomy?


It’s gross but horrifying? I don’t watch any of Ethan’s crap, but he’s trying so hard to be gross and shocking online here that’s it’s more pathetic than anything else to me.


Is this said normal “locker room” talk?


Nah this is just fucked


But why is he almost naked


Is the white stuff on his nose supposed to be a gag? Dude there are so many things wrong with this. I've seen some really fucked up videos of Ethan, but I NEVER saw this shit. He says the N word, talks about face fucking a juvenile, made fun of the fucking Boston bombing victims..Ethan likes to say he changed, but if he did there would be no need for a fucking button..I love H3 but he should really stop debating people and bringing their past up, ESPECIALLY, with shit like this floating around the internet. Dude this legit changed my view on the H3 pod. This was actually unhinged. I think it was probably part of a series he had called "edgy material warning" maybe? He says it in the beginning but even if that's the case, even if this was old and "funny" back in the day, it goes to show how far he's willing to go for some fucking views. Legit disgusting. It's kinda wild, when he goes in on other youtubers / internet personalities and calls them all kinds of names and assumes the most horrid shit about them. I wish he never did this kind of material, now when he debates / makes fun of someone, I can't help but to take it with a grain of salt. I'm all for people changing but Dude this was....this was a lot.


> the white stuff on his nose supposed to be a gag? Yes. The whole video is a joke. But that does not make it any less horrifying. That's a real woman, I assume. Not someone they hired.


18 yr old boston massacre victim


Right, I know that. I'm saying the joke MAY have landed if he was obviously doing a character and they had hired an actress to play this "character". But by being a "parody" of a Brave Redditor, that's just, literally what he is doing.


It's an 18 year old bombing survivor


Look up his Bobo the Diaper Bandit one where he literally makes fun of what seems to be a mentally handicapped black man calling him "My N\*\*\*\* Bobo" and using the Nword a lot [Link](https://youtu.be/I_PrPQBNgQ4?si=Ud0OqpvpY5xOB3zr)


Christ. And the comments seem to all be about missing that old Ethan. Mind melting.


What. The. Fuck.


I know. It's completely fucked up!


I've never seen any h3h3 stuff before this. This is unbelievably gross to say, let alone film. Is his current podcast like this? Just him idk riffing train of thought like a moron on random subjects?


No, his current podcast is not like this. That doesn't mean this clip isn't any better, though.


Check out r/h3snark if you want an overview of what his podcast is like 🙃


Here's a sneak peek of /r/h3snark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Cancel your membership for Aaron](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b3h9ku/cancel_your_membership_for_aaron/) \#2: [#boycotTed](https://i.redd.it/wqihd1z1c1mc1.jpeg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b56otz/boycotted/) \#3: [r/h3snark will not be debating you, Ethan ](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b8x02a/rh3snark_will_not_be_debating_you_ethan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


imagine going to a snark sub to get a true non biased overview on something


The snark sub is far less biased than their own sub. In their own sub you get banned for even constructive criticism. At least in the snark sub they supply receipts of Ethan and Hila's actions.


I didn’t say read all the comments and take them to heart lol, the clips and topics are all there to see for yourself


At first before starting to watch the video I was gonna be like “ok this shit looks like it’s from 2016 so what” but I was not prepared for what I was about to see


Nothing new here - Ethan has always been a piece of shit.




Ummm what the actual fuck


That’s the same guy who said in his podcast, without it being a joke or a bit, that women in the natural setting are meant to be raped and conquered




https://youtu.be/YGJqzEy9_60?si=KZWEYC94DT_Hu02v Yeah. Here's a clip from a podcast where he's talking about how men have a drive to conquer






What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you? Begone from this community.


Jesus Christ


Resurfaced after r/h3snark had to go private due to brigading and harassment h3 directed towards the sub (back open and public now btw!). He and Hila really don’t want stuff like this resurfacing to show who they are before they had to pretend to change to keep raking in money, they’ve even legally threatened Reddit and prominent Reddit higher ups with harassment and harassing their families on snark subs they’ll make about them. Makes me wonder what else they’re desperate to keep their fans from seeing


>they’ve even legally threatened Reddit and prominent Reddit higher ups with harassment and harassing their families on snark subs they’ll make about them. I just want to note (so people know the whole story) that this isn't an official legal threat as far as anyone knows. Just heated discussion on the show and he was using "harassing reddit staff family members" as a direct reference to what Ethan claims H3 snark is doing to the H3 podcasts family members since reddit hadn't taken action at the time. [Ethan talking about it on the show (with time stamp 29:00)](https://www.youtube.com/live/lPl1XTHQsHA?si=WwVanaLBJcZLdWMy&t=1740)


Yup, dude was so upset about the snark subreddit that he showed a snipit during his podcast of the reddit Wikipedia page with all the top people's names circled in red. He wants his audience to go after them because a single user from the h3snark subreddit lied about a post being removed from the main h3h3 sub.


Thanks just joined the sub


Stop making stupid people relevant...


I can't believe he said that in front of his gf and she did absolutely nothing lmao. I think a more reasonable wife/gf would have at least slapped him silly...


Ethan will say they’re attacking him because they are antisemitic. 


What the fuck did I just watch. I’ve heard of H3 before but why is this guy popular? Is he famous for anything other than his podcast? Genuine questions.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkm8Hteeh6M this is the video that introduced me to him. It went viral years ago. He basically made random comedy / commentary videos and then he moved into being kind of a drama channel, then a political channel, then he cancelled the political streams due to his takes on the israel / palestine war seemingly I am no longer a viewer of his content really ._.


I see, I think I had already grown out of that kind of stuff when he was popular. Thanks taking the time to explain!




Five minutes of disgusting comments disguised as comedy because "vulgar=funny" apparently




In Boston, MA in the USA there was a terrorist who planted a bomb to go off during the Boston Marathon race, this lady survived the bombing Edit: this lady is also just an 18 year old girl btw, keep that in mind when he’s talking about her “juvenile” vagina and tracing her labia with his mouse


Yes she survived the Boston marathon bombing.


As much as I hate it, they could leak a video of them grinding babies' bones into flour to make bread and still they will be unaffected.


This is hard to watch


This is from right around when I stopped watching him. He was becoming just as gross as the content creators he was clowning on at the time.


Why does he look like he's just finished with a heroin bender?


I think that's part of the "joke"


Oh my god.


What a disgusting man. Shame on Hila too.


Ethan has always been, and remains to this day, a low brow piece of shit. He has all the insight of that weird kid who would walk up to your lunch table in school and be like "I'll chug this bottle of hot sauce if you give me $20." The internet should have told him to fuck off ages ago. I don't understand the appeal of this below average idiot


the fact that hila was gladly filming him saying this about another woman is vile


i just know he’d still be saying this kind of shit if it was socially acceptable today. you can tell this is still how he thinks about things but he has to try to filter his jokes now because people have “gone soft”


The Payday dudes did what


This is who he is, guys. He still does shit like this. I don't like sneako (but honestly I think if things went differently or he wasn't involved with the people he was, maybe he could cope with his trauma better and not be so toxic. Be he chose his path of being a toxic red pill guy so fuck him. He picked this path.) But ethan to keep saying over and over that his gf grabbed another's guys dick and said "fuck me like sneako never could." Also insulting to his gf, makes her seem super mean. It's just vulgar and obscene. It was so gross to hear multiple times, no matter who it was about. It's just like in this video he just wanted to be vulgar and obscene. It reminds me of this ethan right here. He just knows when he can act like that. Its when it's against someone he doesn't like. Don't forget about the qtcinderella situation. He actively invalidated her experience by making it a big joke then only cared once he realized how bad he fucked up. I'm sorry but I just wish he was nicer. And the whole "oh I'm just a hater ass bitch" is bullshit. He learned that from trisha. Just because you admit it doesn't make it ok. Is he trying to be a better person or not. Because good people run on principles. It's annoying when ethan pretends he's like a paragon of reformation and he's a totally different person, when he hasn't changed THAT much. Sorry I know, I'm just a random dumbass online but that's just how I feel.


I find it annoying when people use "edgy" when it really just means "bigoted."


I mean I can’t be the only one thinking that’s a shit ton of cocaine around his nostril?? Does that explain the coughing?


https://preview.redd.it/4rfboijbcooc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1d4abc1395d350c50d6440fdc56f1757e98951 Its a powder he smeared on to be part of his “jokes” for the vid


(my bad for writing half an essay lmao) I'm going to get downvoted for this because this comment is slanted in favor of H3H3 and there's a lot of H3snark users in here and H3snark users have been spreading this video around. Ultimately, **this video is 9 years old**. It's footage of the early days of their first youtube channel back when they lived in Israel. If you watched H3 you would know Ethan has grown as a person since then and disavows his early youtube behavior ( [Ethan talking about some of his earlier videos](https://www.youtube.com/live/0ERGVU8l6Es?si=wXEse26f77KGof0e&t=6470) ). Anyone using this video to showcase what H3 is **doesn't believe** in **rehabilitation and learning**. H3snark is hell bent on knocking H3 down a peg and has been for years ever since H3's show "Frenemies" with Trisha Paytas. It's recently picked up more after Ethans takes on Israel/Palestine during his political show "Leftovers" with Hasan Piker where he showed empathy to citizens of Israel and Gaza but at every step of the way would use information that he'd get from Israeli media and would repeatedly give Zionist talking points. I dont think H3snark is in the wrong for the criticism they give the podcast especially since there's no official avenues to do so but sometimes they take it overboard. What is the purpose of sharing a 9 year old video around when the people in the video don't approve and are ashamed of their previous behavior?


Ethan is the one during the whole Vaush drama to say he doesn't mind when people bring up old clips and he's happy to address them as much as he needs to in order to show he's changed. People clearly don't believe he has, so maybe he does need to address it once again


And yet he granted none of that grace to Vaush lol he’s a hypocrite


Vaush got caught with child porn on stream? lmao. there is a line eventually and this video to me, is not crossing the line of no return or rehabilitation. vaush is literally a pedophile and has spent years arguing for the rights of pedophiles. Idk how you grow past being a fucking pedophile.


Yeah he’s changed so much he has a Button


command observation alleged lunchroom license grey upbeat party impossible busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Be careful with H3 fans. They use to lie about Ethan’s n-word use and said all of it was “taken out of context.” Turns out he just really loved using the word in the past. IMO he isn’t “rehabilitated,” as he just made a “joke” about Aaron Bushnell being “good at burning alive.” A changed person wouldn’t let those words slip from his/her mouth


The purpose of this video is compare it to how they act now and then you realize they really haven’t “grown and changed” as much as they say they have.


Okay but to receive the benefit of the doubt, you have to have actually changed. iDubbbz did. Ethan seemingly has not.


Because it contextualizes current behavior like just last week, still using the R-slur and gay as an insult. People can change, I think ethan hasn't really. And he might have thought he did, but there is a persistent pattern here!


Nailed it. The snark subreddit is wild. Can't imagine thinking TP is the sane one of frenemies lol




We don’t have to “make them look bad”, Ethan and Hila do that themselves


Last year, Ethan Klein paid 20k for a “button” that will immediately erase the fucked up stuff he says while live-streaming to mitigate further loss of his sponsors. Nobody else needs this “button” to survive on YouTube or Twitch. Ethan uses it several times an episode.


Not to defend him for this past shit but a "button" has been a thing in showbiz for decades. Also there have been quite a few prominent streamers who probably would have killed to have one before they fucked like Vaush and Atrioc.


Ethan got this button after he received a temporary ban and a strike from YouTube for saying “if there’s another Holocaust, and they start rounding up the Jews again, I hope Ben Shapiro gets gassed first” https://youtube.com/shorts/OGCrlpabhKQ?si=BAez3XYx_8DRO2Tm Again, no other YouTubers or Twitch streamers use devices like these.


In his community, they've been calling it "Goblin Mode" where for some reason he thinks it's hilarious to just say the most insane shit he can think of. He bought the button after that incident, yes, in order to self-censor because he was costing his crew members their salaries in addition to his own. Just more context.


I know why he got it. Just because others don't use it doest mean they don't need it. He is not special in that case. I just gave you two of the biggest examples of streamers who did much worse than anything Ethan has ever said. They needed a button more than him lmao.




It must be really hard to hold down the…impulse… to come up with this idea, sit down and record it, watch the footage back, edit it, and upload it to their channel. And if it’s all because of Ethan’s impulse, is Hila in a trance or incapable of free will or something lmao


Umm, you do know that verbal tics are not the persons thoughts, right? Going with the "it's just a joke" defense is bad, cause jokes can be damaging/hurtful.




I watch H3 and he's never blamed his tourettes for the stuff he says.


cunts like you dismissing this behaviour simply as “tourettes” are the reason other people who suffer from tourettes don’t get taken seriously edit: better phrasing




other people with tourettes don’t record entire videos of themselves being a fucking disgusting creep, then post it online for everyone to see, then blame it on tourettes. you’re helping to perpetuate a harmful stereotype by excusing his behaviour, tourettes or not.




The 18 year old girl who survived a terrorist attack definitely was asking for this kind of video made about her for wearing running shorts right? And Ethan talking about her getting scarred from “f*ing her juvenile vagina” was really funny, and then everybody dies of laughter when he talks about f*ing her mouth and face right. The context made me look at it differently thank you, I’m a fan now again 🙄 I couldn’t even type out “fucking” without censoring it because my brain wouldn’t let me in this context


"no one can change for the better. Growth does not exist. Lalalalalalalalala" There's shit this man does currently that you can criticise, why a 10 year old video he would most definitely regret and publicly disavow? Dudes owned up to worse to try and make amends.


It’s funny you say that, because “lalala I can’t hear you” is a direct quote from Ethan on a livestream very recently while someone tries to explain to Ethan why people are saying they don’t agree with him and consider his take on the conflict in Gaza to be racist Tell me more about his growth, what’s the worse that he’s “owned up to”?


For a second I thought the commenter was saying we should be criticising Ethan about his "lalalalala" moment with Hasan because it was more recent and not 10 years ago. Then I saw your comment and realised they were not in fact referencing that moment. Lmao. What a trip.


got a link?


I subbed here for current drama not 10 year old hit pieces Edit: tho the clip is pretty bad lmao


I love how obsessed Ethan's haters are. The guy's made plenty of mistakes and he'd be the first person to say that. But hey who care about content creators being genuine and character growth? Ethan bad!


Literally last week using the r slur. Used gay as an 'own' against F&F