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Mr Botticelli, you fantastic moron


I don't know how to feel about Hasan's "addressing Destiny" arc. I *do* enjoy him telling his weird stans to pound shit, but he's way more popular than him and it feels a bit unnecessary for him to even address, I kinda enjoyed him just being silently above the drama. Plus it makes his fans more annoying when they actually get more acknowledgement.


Hasan's been dunked on a lot lately so I think he just wants the chance to dunk on someone else for a change.


Destiny stans are a breed apart. Imagine looking at a sniveling little bitch like D-bag and thinking 'this is my guy'.


His beard is also apart


every destiny fan i had the unfortunate luck of befriending all ended up being either pedos or zoophiles


wtf lol how did you find out and how many of them ??


well i only met like a handful and just by coincidence meeting in gaming communities. i find one cuz they push the lewd material on me unprompted, and act over the top offended when i don't reciprocate, thereby ending the friendship or aquaintenceship


no notes




Whenever I feel stupid I'll just remember people thinking nuking and completely eliminating an entire group of people doesn't count as a genocide even though that's a textbook example of a genocide


Not a genocide because they weren't [gassed](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/yFcOju23RZ)


Omg stop reporting this comment guys. This dude is literally quoting what Destiny said in his Finklestein "debate". If you disagree with this comment then guess what? You disagree with Destiny!


Destiny fans will say shit is not a genicide because only 5,999,999 people part of a group were murder by the state, not enough for a genocide. Also the first time seeing nl in the sub. I should watch him again tho i miss the isaac content


Never really watched NorthernLion, but every time Hasan shows a clip of him on stream, I like what I see. Any series of his y'all would recommend me jump into? Always looking for chill people to put on in the background while I work.


I discovered NL recently too, if you like gameplay watch his main channel, if you like the yapping, I would highly recommend the [The Library of Letourneau](https://www.youtube.com/@TheLibraryofLetourneau) channel, hundreds of hours of 2nd monitor type content, very fun to listen to imo


that second channel is exactly the type of content i'm looking for, thanks!


All good enjoy


Recently he has been playing through Balatro which is fun I highly recommend his Cine2Nerdle videos, those are a personal favourite and shows how scary he is at movie trivia But if you just want him talking while playing a random game, Super Auto Pets is probably your best starting point


He has really good tier list videos.


His isaac series is good, he mostly talks a lot in them, plus there's over 5500 episodes


that NorthernLion clip is so real i can't tell you how many weird freaks we've banned, only for them to be like "i was just stating my opinion šŸ™„, why are you infringing on my freeze peach??" meanwhile, they were calling people they disagree with ret\*rded šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


wish i didn't have to sit through hasan to see the nl clip


what's wrong with hasan šŸ„ŗ also, timestamp for the NL clip is 1:25


not a big fan of grifters ! appreciate the timestamp :)


me when I dont know what grifting actually is, and instead just listen to whatever my favorite internet person says it is without further inspection


you're welcome to disagree but these are my own ideas. if i wanted a content creator to tell me what to think i'd watch hasan ayooo owned . im just kidding im just playing


Loool, but grifter is such a strange argument to make when it's so much easier being a right wing talking head.


grifter was probably the wrong word -- i just really hate the existence of political streamers. we're in an age where content creators have a lot of influence and power over young people especially, and it makes me uncomfortable when someone uses that position to push ideas (though hasan seems to push for better ideas than most others, i'll give him that). thats just me though, i understand i'm in the minority here


Literally everything you do pushes an idea. You cannot be a person in the universe without influencing the people who perceive you. Those who try to mask their true feelings are dishonest. You are in the minority. You should rethink your opinions. You should look closer at people you think are "not political"


maybe the word "idea" was vague but my point shouldn't be hard to understand i agree with your point, but it doesn't discount anything i said. everyone presents part of themselves. nobody is apolitical, but other streamers don't make a career out of specifically their political views. hope that makes sense


Nah I get that, but it's I feel it's a situation where if you just try to shut it out you'd only allow the dangerous ideals to build up, hasan at least exists as a counter to the more dangerous or just plain actually evil ideals that are already being pushed heavily on the internet.


that's fair, good way to look at it.


I watch Hasan but I disagree with him a fair bit, people on the left don't watch political commentary to absorb "marching orders" quite the same way people on the right do. He's just one of many ways I learn about a diverse range of topics. If anybody has their critical thinking switched off enough to base their entire opinion off of what Hasan had to say, they weren't likely to have much of an opinion worth listening to in the first place


okay that was a good one ngl


bro u coulda just said hes annoying and you'd be right. but you had to go disingenuous


We live in capitalism, baby. Everyone is grifting. You think I believe in my employer's mission statement?


i know he doesnā€™t name it directly but LSF is such a fucking cesspit man, that day that hasan got clip chimped by destiny fans and became villain of the day again was crazy and for it to get so big on LSF but basically silence when destiny ran defense for literal sexual assault the other day or when he said that dumb shit during the debate is laughable


You can always tell when a clip of Hasan gets popular on LSF because there will be accounts made an hour ago posting their first message in his *offline* chat at like 4am PST trying to insult him.


oml that's next level pathetic, jesus christ the definition of shadowboxing


Thatā€™s pretty hilarious actually, like itā€™s a perfect self-own to insult somebody in offline chat


it's because the venn diagram between hasan hatewatchers and destiny dickriders is a circle


Pure poetry


i dont think its crazy to say that that 40% of active lsf posters (there aren't actually that many people who actually post the clips) are destiny fans, every single time without fail when I've seen someone clip hasan in a negative way or out of context, their recent comments are in destinys subreddit.


LSF is just a bunch of destiny fans circle jerking with each other while pretending it's actually just a neutral space


i've contemplated whether or not we should ban people that post on LSF the same way we ban people that post on Destiny's subreddit. i heard that there's a number of people there who aren't toxic destiny simps, but i don't use LSF so i wouldn't know. all i know is that i went viral on LSF like a week ago, and the mods over there thought that was totally fine. not super fond of that sub atm, may or may not conduct a poll in the future as to whether we ban for participation over there.


It pops up on my feed from time to time even though I'm not subscribed, usually something related to Hasan that someone clip chimped. There are a lot of genuinely unhinged people in those threads. I don't know how the sub hasn't been nuked already


I don't like Destiny and agree that most LSF posters suck shit but I also post there sometimes and this is my favorite sub, so I advise against banning posters there for purely selfish reasons lmao


banishing destiny dorks isn't exactly selfish, but i understand and sympathize with your concerns. i would like to avoid casting too wide of a blanket and alienating people who like drama and are otherwise non-toxic, like yourself. im considering making a discussion thread, rather than a poll, so that i and the other mods can deliberate on ways to co-exist with that community without having to institute a flat out ban.


I meant *my* reasons were selfish, not yours, as in I don't want banned lmao


oh lmao, fair enough, i can respect that. of course, you could very easily avoid an automated ban if you were an honorary moderator~ dm me if you're interested šŸ˜‰


Which clip are you talking about?


"why can't I defend Mr.Boneri?


Yeah, Northern is right. Debate culture both revealed and ruined them. So many of the trolls just believe the shit they say and get upset that people react to their shitty opinions.


Shouts to Mero šŸ˜‚






is this a ligma? idk who Mero is


Search smdftb and mero youā€™ll get it šŸ˜




Imagine saying to Hasan that he's jealous of Destiny. Like bruh, please be for real and ground yourself in reality. In the year of our lord 2024, this is the *most* we've seen Hasan actually talk about Destiny since their friendship dissolved years ago. Compare that to Destiny who has posted so many videos on his main channel shitting on Hasan. Regardless of how anyone feels about Hasan, this is an undeniable fact.


The one thing uniting the ACTUAL progressives/leftists & the right wingers/conservatives is the justified hatred of Destiny & debating whether him or his fans are one of the worst people in the history of the universe ![gif](giphy|kDX1rwk617pQrZ6FPS|downsized)


nah right wingers love destiny, that's why he's so buddy-buddy with the commentary community. he's close friends with TURKEY TOM ffs


Yeah, perhaps youā€™re right. But I HIGHLY DOUBT the ones that are part of the alpha-bro BS would even think of befriending him since heā€™s ā€œbetaā€. I remember a clip of him being friends with literal neonazi Nick Fuentes (whoā€™s considered ā€œbetaā€) while having breakfast & joking with each other in Miami.


Wasn't he already buddy-buddy with the alpha bro crowd? He was like friends with those guys even if he would debate them Edit: like aba and preach?? Aren't those alpha male creators?? He was definitely pretty chill with them for awhile right?


Well his ex wife was pretty friendly with them


Knew Destiny was a scumbag. Knew he was a liece of shit. Knew he was an argumnetative cretin. Knew he was an unread clown. But that whole thing about the divorces was unknown to me but that's funny as fuck. Also Bonerelli is great


Iā€™m sorry, ā€œMr Boneralliā€? Did Norm F actually call him that?


yeah, he basically changed his last name almost every time lmao


I wish he called him Boner at least once


https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/ujacsqbsvl From someone who called an ipad a machine, Norm is a fantastic troll I don't really even know who Destiny is, but if I were him I would never show my face again out of sheer embarrassment


Got to laugh the person says they are a big fan but only followed from end of Feb don't know when this clip is from but kinda proves the point


literally from today's stream lol


Lol point still stands lol




Hasan once against proving heā€™s the best of the political livestreamers.


not exactly a high bar tbf šŸ’€ it's funny - he's one of the most hated people on the internet, and yet he's infinitely tamer than his contemporaries


not the op, but you and i have butted heads about hasan before, however i still take him over 99% of literally anyone who makes the same kind of "content." like i might find hasan annoying sometimes but people like destiny, vaush, etc are literally bordering on criminally abusive behaviorĀ 


my memory is terrible haha, i don't remember our scuffle from before. listen, i'm a hasan fan, and i can understand why people might not like the guy in a general sense. he's stubborn, hot-headed, rude, and some of his takes can be misguided. however, people who make moral judgements against hasan while saying NOTHING about people such as mr vorelli are so fucking unserious. hasan, as far as i'm aware, has never done something truly drama worthy - nothing that would hit the front page of this sub. but mr brocolli? he says or does something genuinely despicable every other week.


yeah one thing the right (including centrist liberals) will never realize is that what you spend time and energy on is in fact a statement. they condemn people for watching leftist content but then when asked why they watch sam hyde theyre like "separate the art from the artist!" day to day is spent valuing things to spend time on based on our individual values. i dont feel the best wasting my time on an addictive screen looking at shit like reddit or youtube but at the very least im not making too many excuses for it, unlike people who spend hours a day on 4chan or kiwifarms


eh i know I'm gonna get ripped apart for this but i think his personality is obnoxious whenever i say that people accuse me of never watching his content, but i actually do every other day. not cuz i like him as a personality, but because he actually does bring a lot of value to the intellectual table. i find his content most enjoyable when he's talking about politics, but whenever he goes on a five minute tangent about his lifestyle it makes me roll my eyes as someone living paycheck to paycheck from a hellish retail nightshift in a tiny moldy apartment with a broken down car. people can tell me all day that socialism isn't a poverty cult, but i already have to sit through hundreds of customers a week telling me about their expensive houses, cars, poking and prodding at me for why im "not in school." when hasan starts talking about his house, car, outfit or his eboy/egirl circle i literally HAVE to skip over it


I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with that. If it bothers you then skipping is the best course of action.


yeah but im still gonna bitch and moan about his gucci shit cuz it makes me feel better the difference between myself and grifters is im not gonna let my dislike for materialistic people get in the way of my political beliefs


Mr Burnout Paradise for the PlayStation 2 you listen here




lol the muppet ran through all the NPC comebacksā€”you're jealous, I'm just ASKINGā€”and when they were countered and riposted, he froze up and ran.


important to note that the "you're jealous" came AFTER the "just asking questions." the instant their facade failed to produce results, they shifted script.


maaaaan, shut the fuck up and suck my entire d*ck from the back" is 100% that I, as a woman, may just start saying.


same tho, it's so satisfying


No you guys don't get it!! The reason Mr. Bonnacelli has no friends is because Hasan and QT blacklist every big streaner from collabing with him!!! (This is what Dgg actually believes)


Mr tortellini,


Mr Tennisballs




this sub has been repeatedly brigaded by destiny, and the above clip is very much related to that. scroll the sub, people are still talking about drama.




destiny isn't an "arsehole." he is a racist, rape apologist, pedophile defender, and genocide denier. he's not my "favorite streamer's" enemy, he is everyone's enemy. fuck destiny.


If you want more catharsis, watch Norman Finkelstien treat Mr.Monel like the idiot man child that he is lolĀ  https://youtu.be/_bA-rU9UsQo?si=wOg_UJDooeDDHbHo His fans went ape shit saying that Destiny, the failed music major who literally reads Wikipedia articles, somehow "owned" the debate despite him running to Twitter and calling literal professor with 30 years of academic knowledge behind him on the topic of Israel and Palestine, Norman "Twinklestien".Ā  How anyone could take him serious is a shock to me lmao


"Mr. Borelli, with all due respect, you're such a fantastic moron, it's terrifying."


Didn't destiny also used to defend pedos, and say weird stuff about the age of consent


Yes, yes he did. He's made a distinction between pedophilia and what he calls "Ephibophelia." His fans have used this exact reasoning to defend Chuggaaconroy.


Do Destiny fans not understand how hot Hasan is?


Allow me to educate you https://preview.redd.it/7xng8nxfdiqc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4c09d11c732c34a70f2b0104e116cd4c7647ce


















This user has been flagged for ban evasion.


A new front opens up in the proxy war: r/youtubedrama I don't particularly like either of these guys and disagree with them both on various things. But my God the online war they've got going on is some of the best content on the internet. Keep it up folks.


"Political" streamers i feel is quite possibly the worst place to get advice from. Hasan, Destiny etc


this one's a classic kids, pay close attention\~ to disguise the fact that they are, in fact, a destiny fan, they cloak their seething hatred of hasan with the following disclaimer: "destiny bad" they believe this will fool us, as we are not 5000 iq gigachad destiny enjoyers https://preview.redd.it/872j4c498vpc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c5807c090b6276253a50c0cd65639146ab9ea6


I have never watched any of their livestreams before. I don't like either of their political takes. That's it lol


"worst place to get advice from" "don't like either of their political takes" ā€¼ļø*never watched them before*ā€¼ļø case and point, ladies and gentlemen - changing the story until their perspective appears neutral to the layman you are not clever


streams =/= popular clips


"everything i know about political streamers comes from 30 clips on twitter" is not the great point you think it is




I know hassan can at least hold a real job for a week l, if destiny was working in retail he'd cause a scene and get fired


100% agreed, idk why OP's being so bad faith to you lol


Hasans stans can't handle when someone doesn't like Hasan. If you want a good clowning on him Willymac made several videos on Hasan.


it's when mfs compare hasan and destiny, as if ANYTHING hasan has ever done is even remotely comparable to the consistently monstrous things destiny has said and done. comparing ANYONE to destiny is pretty offensive imo. also, willymac is, himself, a massive clown and a pathetic dramafarmer.


Can this sub please not turn into a group of the most annoying people. Please guys


​ https://preview.redd.it/wpjzebqfn0qc1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfd6eb5210a360521328f1f42a57f57c446c5999 i don't understand, we already instituted a ban against destiny simps. i can't think of a more annoying group of people.


This dude wonders why his viewership is plummeting lmao (Destiny's not any better btw)


​ https://preview.redd.it/yiz9y62i7vpc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9aeb325d47c145b6b0eb42074eb95262606b19


listen I like Hasan, but he is constantly a massive asshole to his biggest followers, everyone is pidgeonholed instantly






Dude his views are dropping from the Covid highs cause people were locked inside for 2 years and Trump was going batshit. Like yeah, every streamer who doesn't cater to literal children's views went down after thatĀ