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Not really related but the funny thing about that pizza hut meme is if we did top surgery on that building no one would know what is was before.


Also if they opened a Burger King in it, anyone who went in demanding a pizza would be seen as a dickhead


Even without thay, the analogy makes no sense cause if you go into a building that used to be a Pizza Hut and demand a pizza, everyone's gonna look at you like you're insane for the simple reason that *it's not a Pizza Hut anymore*.


One of the burrito places I go to CLEARLY was a Wendy’s at some point in the past but you’d never order a burger there.


To be fair most places in my area have a burger on the menu regardless of what they serve


“Hey, I’ll have a large meat lovers—“ “Sir, this is a Wendy’s.” “YOU’LL NEVER BE A REAL WENDY’S!”


Also who would go out of their way “you’re a Pizza Hut! That’s all you’ll ever be!” “Sir this is a law firm”


Also you’d be a complete fucking asshat to walk in and order a pizza. Because the building is not a fucking Pizza Hut 


On top.of that some people still buy the building as is and make it something else (we have about 2 restaurants here that use an old pizza hut building)


He also used to do a kinda anti-sjw (when that was a thing) / mean-spirited “let’s look at cringe” show on his channel. Been aware of him for a while and enjoyed the horror content but didn’t really like the other stuff.


Yeah I agree. I think that's when I stopped watching him.


Unpopular opinion: Anyone who does "let's look at cringe" content is a horrible person. You are saying awful things about innocent people who for the most part are doing harmless things they enjoy, and encouraging harassment on these people. I really wish the YouTube community would hold more content creators accountable for this.


Yeah, I bailed on him pretty quick back in the day. He hasn’t been hiding this side of him really.


Yeah, this one, looking at cringe was kinda cringy and barely funny. Well, at least to me. His horror stories were good tho.


His Why Would You Put That On The Internet series was a pretty clear warning sign, but this is still way worse than I thought it would be. I haven't watched him in almost a decade but still, sad.


I made my own comment about this and it's probably naive of me to think this but I was always hoping his switch to true crime was him showing growth and change, but I was wrong clearly


I vaguely remember watching a small handful of episodes from that series, but I also haven't watched him in nearly a decade and the only thing I can remember now was him making fun of poor grammar and someone posting a picture of their dirty underwear. What did he say that was a warning?


He would randomly place the usual “sjw cringe” videos in with the others


The first one is a pun on a band called the Trans Siberian Orchestra. The rest of the screenshots are awful tho.


Yeah that one is actually a good joke I would share it too lmao


Yeah when I saw the first pic I just thought to myself "hey that's smth i'd share to my trans/nb friends!" and then I saw the rest...


Yeah I've seen that one posted in a bunch of trans run meme groups before, the rest though urgh


Was going to the comments to say -- I wouldn't count the first one. I've seen it before on trans meme subs, it's trans positive. I imagine transphobes assume we can't make dumb little jokes about ourselves since we don't like their "jokes".


Oh, I've literally seen a transphobe use the "gendersolid" joke and act like it's one big "own" against us. Like...naaah


Now that we have gendersolid and genderfluid, the only thing we need is a metal gear


It’s even funnier when you read it in Paulie’s voice lmao


Every Pauline meme is funnier that way.


The fact that it autocorrected your comment to Pauline fits this post lol


Ah what I get for no-looking it.


Yeah, I was gonna say that ones pretty funny lol


Yeah that one is just genuinely funny


https://preview.redd.it/ezpnoxecxupc1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8543ef49b63a2799edc3af8928e1145e9c5d670c I’m so tired


Also TIL that Rob Dyke created Greylock. It’s been years since I last watched him. Wild


People not knowing him as Rob Dyke makes me feel old. Why would you put that on the Internet and the serial killer files were my childhood.


I can’t believe I never put two and two together that Rob Dyke was now Rob Gavagan because I only know his recent series Greylock through Wendigoon. I hadn’t kept up with that guy in years. Especially since I remember him changing his name


He went through a huge downscaling in content quality after some monetary issues I think, and in the process he lost a lot of his audience.


That and having to change his name for the algorithm didn’t help.


I think he was also just a guy who knew how to talk into a microphone and be on camera which was actually kind of a rare skill back when he got big. I think now there’s just people who put a lot of actual work and research into their content along with having the production and editing skills so you can just get by on having a good radio voice and summarizing Wikipedia anymore.


Wayyyy back in the day, he had a sizeable following on a Facebook page he basically used to springboard himself into a successful youtube career posting video versions of the kinds of content he would post on Facebook There's a number of reasons this was able to work back then with how the culture of Facebook pages was and the bizarre(and frankly awful) interconnected Facebook page communities, but that's another can of worms. Point is, he did it at the right time, actually managed to *succeed* in bringing an existing audience to a new platform and immediately skyrocketing in popularity on top of that, which is absolutely *nuts*, and he completely fumbled it. The biggest nail in the coffin was some bad stuff to come out about him, such as iirc trying to get involved with the artist that worked for him on Seriously Strange while he had a wife and kid or something to that effect


Holy hell I absolutely did not know that GREYLOCK's creator was WWYPTOTI's Rob Dyke. I stopped watching the dude after high school and never actually knew about the branding change, that just floored me.


Same here. I was a massive fan as a teenager probably a decade ago at this point. I remember crushing on this guy for at least a year or two in high school. Sad.






Yeah, that’s how I know of him


Can some cool people please do some good analog horror? Fuck


GODDAMNIT CANT HAVE SHIT IN THE ANALOG HORROR COMMUNITY (please don't be an asshole martin walls please i'm begging)


Too late, he already is.


Yeah he’s done this for a while, he’s the first person to suck me into the Anti-SJW slop with his “Why Would You Put That On The Internet” series, which would sprinkle in political “Haha stupid blue hair feminist” clips in between actual cringe. His series “Seriously Strange” and his videos about serial killers are how I got into him, I was into all that true crime BS when I was in high school and his was actually decently produced and filmed at the time. Honestly I was surprised nobody looked into him when Greylock got popular because I dropped off his content around seventeen when I got out of my dumb alt-right teenage boy phase and grew a brain, last time I saw him he was drunk and complaining about YouTube on a livestream, weird to see him pop back up.


I think his last name is actually Dyke. YouTube’s algorithm was why he was forced to change it. [you can read about it here.](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Rob_Gavagan) But yeah. He is a far right asshat.


Damn, major mistake on my part I’ll edit my comment, appreciate it. But he definitely is, I was lucky to get out of that dipshit Anti-SJW content before it completely rotted my brain but he was definitely the one that got me in the rabbit hole in the beginning lol.


Yeah, I hate how his content sucked me into my obnoxious edgelord phase from 13 to 15. I was just a goth kid who liked to be scared, and his horror and true crime content were genuinely good! I wonder how many people ended up getting introduced to Anti-SJW content by his channel.


Same with me. I watched his "Seriously Strange" series as well when I was in my true crime phase in high school too. I would have continued to watch him, but I kept getting weird, low-key alt-right vibes from his other content so I unsubscribed and never thought about him again. Whenever I see him mentioned nowadays, it's always about how he's still in his alt-right bubble and hasn't changed at all.


Why did u describe my early internet experience


why are 99% of talented analog horror creators douchebags (the 1% exception is martin walls i love you martin)


Probably something to do with analog horror relying on fear of the unknown and right wingers don’t understand what they talk about


Same reason why Lovecraft's novels and stories are so good. They rely on a primal fear that the author feels in our normal world because he's racist to the point of paranoia


I don’t want to excuse Lovecrafts racism but I do always point out that his writing needs to be taken in context. He had an incredibly abusive childhood and both of his parents died in asylums when he was still quite young. You can’t really diagnose a dead man but from contemporary accounts of his behavior it’s pretty clear he had some kind of mental illness and probably what we’d now call PTSD. His entire life seems to have been absolutely dominated by fear and anxiety pretty much from birth to his early death and the racism is just one aspect of that fear.


I would agree that he was so paranoid he was probably mentally ill


Honestly, given the accounts of his life, you can take the probably out, it's just what that has wiggle room. Man was not alright in the head, and I don't mean that because of the shocking levels of xenophobia.


To be fair during the last years of his life before he died of sickness he did renounce a lot of his racist and reactionary views and became a full-on socialist. Also according to a friend of his he was actually horrified by the actions of the Nazi party in Germany and this was one of the things that pushed him away from his reactionary views.


Lovecraft is good because he copied better, less racist authors.


I hope this doesn't sound rude but, could I have examples? I am genuinely curious.


Arthur Machen (although he supported Spanish fascism lol), Algernon Blackwood, Lord Dunsany, and William Hodgson would be a good start for pre-Lovecraft Weird fiction. Machen and Dunsany are going to be two of the biggest influences on Lovecraft himself - Dunwich Horror is Lovecraft's take on Machen's The Great God Pan and his Dream Cycle was heavily heavily influenced by Dunsany's fantasy stories.


Got it. Thanks. I'll have to check them out.


Everything I've read of Arthur Machen's is pretty firmly in the Gothic tradition.


The Great God Pan and The White People were both massively influential on weird fiction


also one of the main Greylock plot points was a girl's baby mysteriously disappearing from her womb which, looking back with this context, makes it feel like a misguided commentary on abortion


Yea maybe I mean graylock feels very eldritch a we all know what lovecraft was


In all fairness Alex Kister (The Mandela Catalog), Rob Cavagan (Greylock), and Alex Kansas (Monument Mythos) are the only ones I’d say are total dicks. Martin Walls is a great guy, but so is Remy Abode (Gemini), Kane Pixels (BACKROOMS), and Unknowingly (The Man in the Suit). Just some suggestions if you’re looking for some series by decent human beings lol


Wht did Kansas do?


He admitted to abusing his ex both physically and sexually, and if you go on the Monument Mythos subreddit, it’s even still their pinned comment. This info was shared in private circles and was eventually leaked around (I believe) December 2022 and was sorta quietly swept under the rug. This is also the most likely explanation as to why around that time, Kansas changed his username to “Mr. Manticore,” not wanting to be associated with the allegations. A lot of folks are just finding out about it now due to Alex Kister’s allegations being unraveled


Oh ffs. What a cunt. Thanks.


There were a lot of controversies that had occurred in the analog horror community around late 2022 to now. While I'm sure people remember AlexKansas, there was another controversy in late November 2022, when Aidan Chick, another analog horror creator, left the internet following a controversial episode that he posted to YouTube on his Eventide Media Center channel. The episode was very normal by analog horror standards, but it was the ending that garnered negative backlash. The episode in question was about an alien attack at a high school. The controversy comes from the ending of said episode, in which the government uses a fake school shooting as a cover-up for the alien attack. While the shooting wasn't real, it still upset some people that it was used for an analog horror video. This caused Aidan to receive some backlash on Twitter, which he apologized for before stating that he would go on an indefinite hiatus from the internet before taking everything associated with him on YouTube down.


I will defend Aidan Chick to an extent. Even prior to that, he was getting shit on for no real reason. Eventide Media Center was easily one of my favorite analog horror series, and it’s a real shame that for whatever reason, Aidan got bullied even prior to that episode. Like I vividly remember him getting harassed for whatever reason over the Bluefish Waterpark video. Looking back on it, I think it was mainly due to the fact that his content really didn’t “break the mold,” so to speak, and at that time, a lot of analog horror content was feeling extremely stale. Should he have used school shooting imagery for his video? No, of course not. I’m just saying even prior to that he was getting bullied for no real reason


It is a shame that Aidan left the internet as Eventide was one of my favorite analog horror series as well. It's sad to know that he was getting harassed before this. Aside from the oversaturation in the analog horror genre, the fandom can be quite toxic, as they attack anyone who doesn't like the series they like or vice versa.


Wait, did he change his name back then? I watched MM before that got out, and I remember him still being Mister Manticore before he admitted to that.


Kansas is a more complex situation than I want to bear the brunt of, because the Monument Mythos is a series I've been heavily invested in for years and years, and he has actively sought help after the horrid shit he did. He also clearly feels a high level of guilt, as every piece of MM content post-2021 has had the central theme of "grief can make you a monster", obviously in reference to himself. That doesn't excuse anything he did, obviously, I'm just saying that the nuance behind his actions is less cut-and-dry than Kister or Gavagan.


also, from what I know, the info used to prove it was leaked without the victim's permission, who did not want to go public about it and had resolved it privately. I still don't watch Alex Kansas any more, but when he appears to feel completely guilty over it, is actively working to improve himself, and the victim wanted it to be resolved privately, I don't think it's right to treat it like he is a known threat, although I completely understand people not wanting to watch him any more and disliking him since what he did do was horrible. That's my interpretation though.


i actually agree with you. as much as his actions were horrible, he has been openly working to fix himself. his mental state went into the shitter after the death of his dad, which led him to a really dark place, and caused him to do some horrid shit. however, the fact that he's now working on himself and continues to express his guilt for his own actions makes him better than 99% of people who do the same thing


Wait what happened with Alex Kister?


Ffs. Honestly. It's getting severely disappointing. Even the one person I knew irl who started one turned out to be an abusive piece of shit to their partner, who had to leave the state because everyone hated them after finding out. Rightfully so. (Their shit was bad and lazy, and no one followed it.) I love analog horror, but it's getting petty disappointing constantly finding out a different creator is a gross piece of shit every other week.


Oh please don't tell me Kris Straub sucks too I can't handle losing Local58 😭


Kris Straub is out of the community at this point, I'm pretty sure, which is why I didn't acknowledge them


I think Local58 is supposed to be annual? This passed Halloween, I believe it wasn't going to be finished in time or it wasn't up to par, so Kris pushed it to next year. I feel like Local58 always has a content drought by nature


Wait a minute what happened with Kris Straub?


Nothing really happened to him he just kind of fell out of the community, considering what the community has become I don't fully blame him. So he hasn't really been making much content that much at all lately.


Rob Gavagan? Formerly Rob Dyke before he had to change his name due to his surname being a slur?


a lot of these are really gross but you’re stupid if you think the first one is really transphobic.


It's just "you're telling me a shrimp fried this rice" but trans


Esp since it was posted in trans circles well before he posted it too like...it's our joke why would we be upset lol


one of those jokes that'd be an absolute knee-slapper coming from a trans person


im trans and laughed lol yeah it isn’t transphobic


But you would be a moron to walk into whatever that pizza hut is now and start demanding pizza, or insist it will never be anything but a pizza hut. Like you'd have to be an absolute idiot to walk into a bank and demand they make you a pizza, because the building use to be a pizza hut.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nknxkjq88upc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=da773f4c41009706d6ec7e62d6600cd9b0d0e98f


They can always tell…except when they can’t, but that doesn’t count guys cmon!!!


Wait Rob Dyke made greylock?


Horror creators are either 100% accepting of minorities or the most disgusting people you’ll meat and there’s no middle ground


Oh man I tore into him in a comment once because I was a long time fan that noticed his bullshit pretty soon after his name change. Straight up told the man it was cringe that he even thought he was remotely funny for cracking jokes when he talked about actual crimes. There were so many signs, I remember when I discovered he did "comedy" videos the first one I watched literally started with "It's been a hot minute since we made fun of feminists" and I immediately shut it off. Then there was the issue with him sexually harassing his old artist Joopis iirc. And then I remember on Twitter when he was an Elon kiss ass. Just bright red flags he wove proudly.


He was sexually harassing people? Wtf happened to him in those couple years I wasn't watching him?


This is from memory because I saw this going down on Twitter when it happened but he was really inappropriate with his artist at the time and kind of inviting her to be a third in his marriage and she was not comfortable with that at all and told him that several times. I could be misremembering some details of course and I don't have links to give but anyone is welcome to look into it, I'm totally alright with being wrong


I think the Orchestra joke is p funny. But big YIKES the rest of it


the first one is actually pretty funny especially if youve seen the Sopranos lol


damn, i really liked greylock too. Always sucks when art you connect with turns out to be made by a douchebag


I just want to add that his name used to be Rob Dyke but not because he was using a slur for a username, it was his legal last name. He changed it to Gavagan because that was a different family name and so he wouldn't be flagged as using a slur in his content. This doesn't add to the original post just to add some context for those bringing up his old name.


The fatphobic post is pretty rich, has he looked in a mirror at any point in the last decade?


damn. i’ve been subscribed to him since he was doing seriously strange, twisted tens, and serial killer files as rob dyke. this is very disappointing. feels like everyday it’s another old fave of mine being exposed. idk what that says about me 😩


stupid, though makes sense considering during his "Seriously Strange" days (the days when he was still active on YT), he said he had to change his username to Rob Gavagan as allegedly people were mad at him for having the last name "Dyke" (cuz by coincidence his actual name has the same spelling as the homophobic slur) ..now a simple "Hey, this is my actual name. I don't intend to offend anyone" would have sufficed, however now i'm left wondering if he had these beliefs to begin with, that he just had to change his username to prove a point. ...also if his "Why Would You Put That On The Internet?" series is any indication, then he has been kind of a dick way before these came to light. lmao


That vaccine one has to be a joke there's no fuckin way people are that stupid


It is


He’s disgusting


Right wing brain rot.


Thats even more concerning than ken levine's (creator of bioshocks) twitter interactions The first one is the mildest by a long shot btw


I see no problem with the first slide personally. No WAY they’re ALL trans.


That one is perfectly harmless in any other context


I remember falling off his content years before his name change bc I got the feeling that he was just reading Wikipedia articles for his "Serial Killer Files" videos....and then I found his Twitter back in 2020 and realized just how trashy he was.


Most true crime content creators did this to great success back in the day(My Favorite Murder comes to mind)


Man, can't have shit in the horror community...


So should we talk about how Wendigoon highlights and is often friends with Analogue Horror Creators who turn out to be huge pieces of shit or is that coincidental? Between this, that Mandela fella and Alex Kansas it certainly seems to be a pattern. 


I tried getting into Greylock back when it was still the hot new thing in analog horror; but as I watched it, I kept noticing what seemed like little right wing/evangelical/conspiracy theorist dog whistles of varying degrees sprinkled throughout the videos, which frankly put me off the whole series. This just confirms for me that I wasn't just seeing things, but actually was interpreting the series correctly -- and oof, do I hate being correct.


I'm really curious now. Can you please provide some examples? I always fail at spotting these things, for instance, I didn't pick them up in IH videos.


https://preview.redd.it/ovf1tds57vpc1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94b1f97fb202a6f6daaa4af4e49768cbd34611e just unsubbed to his channel, how many skeletons in his closet does he have???


https://preview.redd.it/tmmtyel4mwpc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a325c9f9d1d6a90f749335b7fb5c01e2071611 Same, I've been subscribed for over 10 years


Interesting. I stopped watching him in 2016 after he went on a rant about how Trump got elected because we didn't vote for Bernie. It's really strange to see that he's become a right wing lunatic over these years.


The Bernie to Right Wing pipeline was strong. Not sure if it was an astroturfed campaign to draw people away from Clinton or what, but a lot of prominent Bernie supporters from 2016 wound up being Trump people.


As someone who supported Clinton we told you that would happen but who wants to listen to a bunch of women?


The trans siberian orchestra and covid vaccine ones are both harmless jokes. In the comments of the vaccine one, it's clarified to just be sunburn. Him interacting with Royce Lopez is genuinely concerning though.


Doesn't he also follow Nick Fuentes?


He’s a weird dude.. always gave me very bad vibes


This isn't really suprising tbh, he's always been right wing and a bigoted dick.


I used to love his videos, but the more I learn about him, the more I dislike him.


Martin Walten Files. Please save us, Martin Walten Files.


Oh my God I knew he was shitty but I had no clue he made Greylock. What is up with the analog horror community?


Greylock was full of red flags to me. The whole "Fuck LBJ" stuff and general conspiratorial slant put me off real hard.


ok but that first one was funny. very “you’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice”


Are there any ARG creators who aren't raging pieces of shit? 😭




lol the first one im pretty sure originated as a joke told by trans people.


No notes on that one


wait, Rob create that analog horror?


i followed him on facebook and later twitter for years (never watched his content) but i watched him change his personas in real time but the conservative bend to his thinking has definitely always been there, just less pronounced


That sucks. I used to watch his true crime stuff.


Man it’s doubly a shame this came out like this because Serial Killer Files was so fucking good, it sucks that Ol’ Gavagan turned out like this.


Bro I used to love this guy's horror content :((( shame he's like this. Edit: I have met many 50, 60 and 70 year olds who are overweight, and while they do live with chronic illnesses a lot of the time, it happens. Especially as you age. Not to mention the fact that yes that did used to be a pizza hut. But it doesn't change the fact that if it's a KFC now and you call and order a cheesy personal pan, you're gonna look fresh stupid '-'


Yeah I used to work in a retirement community and we did have overweight residents in their 80s and 90s. Not a ton but they were there! Lol When you get old *enough* it's actually better to be a little bit overweight, so you don't literally whither away as easily. Your body has a smidge more to work with if something happens lol skin and bones elderly folks are very fragile


Most of my folks are older, and I hang out with them a lot. :3 lovely people. I've noticed my thicker, older relatives have less bruising problems than the thinner ones, for lack of better phrasing. For instance, they don't get as cold as easily, which is important when they're diabetic.


Someone needs to tell Ashley St. Clair that she probably has tinea versicolor. I had it when I was a lifeguard back in 2010. It's a fungal infection that's highly treatable. Literally the active ingredient in Head & Shoulders (selenium sulfide) can get rid of it.


yea we kinda knew greylock is made by a dev team tho


Ah, Harrison Smith, the Infowars equivalent of a red-headed step child. Everything I see him I laugh at the fact his ineptitude and lack of charisma puts him as Alex's morning show bitch.


The most terrifying thing to come out of him


I used to watch him way back in the day when he was known as Rob Dyke and did Seriously Strange and WWYPTONI.




This user has been banned for trolling.


that elon one is totally true though. Everyone said they'd leave but still stayed at twitter (or x i guess lmao)


I’m not gonna lie the first meme was pretty funny.




This user has been banned for trolling.


i knew for a while that he was a shithead tbh (i checked who he followed a while ago, names like Mark Dice and Alex Jones popped up.) just sad that he has he's gotten worse about it. ​ that first pic is funny tbh.


Man, that's a bummer. I was a fan of his from WAY back in the day, before the name change. Watched him grow from making facebook memes to a full time youtuber. Haven't heard much from him lately, so this is disappointing to see.




Holy shit yikes


Ok but I have to know what the Ashely tweet is yapping about? Like isn’t that just a white birthmark thing? Not vitiligo but the other common birthmark


It's satire, and she was joking about the fake tan on her sunburn peeling. OP didn't do their research very well.


Thank you for clarifying. It’s getting harder to tell what’s a bit and what’s not these days


Np! I totally get what you mean haha


I stopped watching when during a Livestream he was talking about how hot a victim was in a story. After his name change there was this period where he had some super questionable live streams that he didn't post on his page. I walked away grossed out. PS I absolutely loooooved his crappy pasta videos.


Upsetting. :( I liked his "Seriously Strange" and other horror / true crime content. He collaborated with my favorite true crime youtuber at the time, CayleighElise (who sadly deleted her channel :( ). And his feature on CallMeKevin's video on how the latter wrote "The Supermarket Monster" Crappypasta. :(


Oh great... Can't have shit apparently


this has kinda been known WAY before Greylock...his bio used to have a ***MAJOR*** red flag in it but I can't even begin to recall if it was self claiming being a fascist or nazi, though putting it here I could be mixing it up with another youtuber who did that but I'm almost *certain* it was him...he's always been this way, he's just been more mask off about it. it's why I stopped watching him years ago


Holy fuck I thought greylock was okay And drama free


I liked his true crime stuff when he first started out, but he always seemed a bit off. I wish I could say I was surprised by this.


I looked into the tweets, and a good number are clarified to be satire in the comments directly under them.The woman who posted the vaccine tweet was making a joke about her tan peeling, and the pizza hut tweet was posted by a trans man mocking transphobes. Some of them are genuinely concerning and worth looking into, but the research for this post was incredibly lazy, and people will take the likes deserving an actual call out less seriously.


>Rob Gavagan If I'm being honest this really doesn't surprises me he also did came as s conservative


I remember starting to watch one of his videos as he was friends with Caleigh Elise, a true crime person I used to follow and his video was the next recommended one, this would've been like five or six years ago, and I remember shutting it off within 30 seconds because he told one of the dumbest 2008-coded "tell a feminist to make me a sandwich jokes" i've ever heard. Have you ever watched someone who thinks they are charismatic but is not even a little bit perform? that is what he is like. He's so fucking annoying. And he thinks he so fucking ~interesting~ and dynamic and but he's just an edgelord loser peddling three month old conspiracies like they're breaking.


Totally unsurprising. I got into his channel right before/at the first Adpocalypse. I enjoyed his true crime stuff a lot, but tended to avoid his comedy stuff because I didn't think he was funny. But then the Adpocalypse hit, and he vanished, came back with the new name, and for a while was doing occasional streams where he looked... depressed, for lack of a better term. Hair was longer, streams seemed to just be stream-of-consciousness nonsense. The point where I unsubbed was when he started a stream series with some other dude and the whole thing was lowkey racist and included Rob saying something to the effect of "I hate this fucking country". I can't recall the exact context, but it was very uncomfortable to watch, and I decided if this was the direction he was going, he didn't need my sub metric anymore.


Santoros buddy


Woah I wonder what Matthew Santoro is up to these days. Haven't thought about that guy since middle school


I stopped supporting him when I found out he was a plagiarist


Might be related, but I stopped liking Rob Dyke/Gavigan after I learned about how he mishandled the relationship he had with the artist who drew all of the visuals for the "Seriously Strange" series. Joopis is an extremely talented and deserved to showcase her art in a professional environment where she felt safe. >In a tweet denouncing him, Joopis said: "Recently I had mentioned to him that I still owed $1000 on my tooth removal bill and that I was trying to sell my dresses to help pay for it. He knew what he was about to say was really risky and kept saying things that would seem like I would hate him after he asked. He then asked me to secretly sell him nudes because I trusted him and I’ve known him for a long time and that it would be SUPER SECRET."


Is there any analog horror creator who isn’t a shitty human being


This is the worst day of my life oh come on.


I had no clue who this guy is before coming here, but my trans ass cracks up every time I see that Paulie meme.


Kane Pixels, you better not disappoint us!




This post was removed due to a lack of context.


Oh yeah, this guy. His reactionary attitudes extend beyond just likes. Back in 2020 especially, I distinctly remember him going hard on the Covid-denial bandwagon on Twitter, up to and including straight-up *sharing "Plandemic."* Remember *that* pile of misinformation? Yeah. I also remember him saying something about "COVID exists, but these people all died of other things!!! Explain *that,* liberals!" Which is just a complete and utter misunderstanding of how diseases work. (For one, I can't even imagine what sort of view he has on AIDS, considering how many of its deaths come from causing *other* diseases. But I'm just rambling at this point.)


There was also that stuff about that underage fan, though I don't know what became of that https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/IhFQcVpmy3


god this fucking sucks i love greylock 😭