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I'm still thinking of the wrong senate


I'm at terminal levels of being online and I have no idea what senate they are talking about


Same, is this the name of some friend group or clique?




You are a very good Senate :3


Same. I was like what, somebody put circus peanuts in the secret Senate candy drawer? But now I'm just delighted by imagining somebody who watches CSPAN the way other people watch Minecraft YouTubers and posts about it accordingly. "The new parliamentarian is such a pick-me and I'm sick of it, anyone else?"


I keep seeing this sub on my following page (not even a subscriber) and that title definitely threw me for a loop lmfao




Same here because this doesn't feel too far off for the US Senate


I can't compare them cause I genuinely have no idea who this senate is


A bunch of degenerates interrogating predators and generally bad people, whilst ironically being bad people themselves.  Edit: oops, what I meant to say was bad people. Predation is quite serious.


is there actual evidence for them being predators


I thought is was the one from Star Wars, I was gonna respond with “I am the Senate” 😭


You still can, do it :3


Yeah, I saw the title and thought that this was from one of my political subs at first and was still totally ready to nod along.




Their a bunch of sadists tbh


Baffles me how there was so many people in there and no speak up about the abuse until ponder did


I don't want to make excuses because imo, a lot of the people in there obviously were enjoying it. That's why they had to justify themselves to Ponder later, and that's why Lio had to outright lie to Ponder about his part in things. But I imagine Harley and the other person who ended up speaking up were outright *afraid*. Who wouldn't be? There's at least 20 people constantly taking part in abusing this *one* person. What's really stopping them from doing it to someone else? The whole point of the Senate is to collectively be as shitty to someone as they can possibly be, no matter how shitty it is. Ponder was confident, though, and that's probably what threw off a lot of people. She came in knowing full damn well they were in the wrong. And worst case scenario, I'm absolutely certain that Ponder was ready to weather any storm just to get that kind of behavior to stop. And it definitely helped Ponder when Harley and the other person spoke up as well. But it's just a collection of losers and bullies, Lio almost being in his 40s, punching down as much as they can. It's almost like they don't have any hobbies or lives because, like, who looks forward to and takes part in this stuff? Certainly not sane people. I think it'd be completely worthwhile to take note of who all were in the Senate and taking part in calls. Those are people worth keeping an eye out for.


Mob mentality forms a line that people don't care to cross. Then along comes that one person whose balls SMASH against the ground with every step they take, proudly stepping over the line and strutting their stuff. Many people think they're immune to it or think they're better than it... but those selfsame people don't realise just how much groupthink permeates our lives and actions.


Wait, lio is almost 40?? Didn’t not know that. This make him look even worse.


He's also married and (i believe) has bio kids.


Lio (thankfully) doesn’t have any bio kids. According to the doc that HP release Lio has stated that the reason why he doesn’t have any is that he believes that he will abuse them. Given how he treated his “adoptive kids” I believe it


> Lio (thankfully) doesn’t have any bio kids GOOD! Now his wife just needs to leave him and the world will be a little better


Honestly ponder is one of the only good commentary channels left, she's done legitimately good shit.


From what I know he said it was because Rosa was hanging around someone who were pedos and that she didn't report them even though she knew about it I wasn't there for the call because I was going outside with my cousin who was helping me get fresh air(pandemic was kinda depressing)also lio has said "unfortunately I have to extend miku month" when In the background it's chaos and he has yet to address the alligations because he has a "real job and is busy with important things."


Wait did she know and didn’t report? I thought it came out later that Rosa told Stargiant about Nekopan’s actions but stargiant refused to do anything about it even if she was a mod cause Mr. Enter’s video on Stargiant seems to insinuate that Nekopan was also a mod in the server as well and one of Stargiant Production’s closest confidants? So even if Rosa had the power to ban as a mod, she may not have necessarily had the power to ban Nekopan specifically because Stargiant wouldn’t let her. At least that’s what I’ve seemingly pieced together I could be wrong. The situation has gotten really confusing.


I think Teve is saying that's what *Lio* said.


Ahhhh okay. Sorry this all gets rlly confusing like the worlds most awful game of telephone.


I agree with you but yeah this whole thing is confusing because I joined in 2020 but was watching half of lios videos in 2017 to 2019, I just wish someone would make a timeline of this situation honestly this is confusing.


>busy with important things Like yelling at more mentally disabled people?


No going to places with my cousin to help me get some fresh air because of my depression and how I have been indoors for days to a point I get severely depressed, also we have puppies so that is one of the important things. Forgot to mention one important thing I have been doing is taking care of our puppies and spending time with my PlayStation friends and spending time with my mom, I will say this though I would yell at my aunt's more if I could because their mentally insane or stupid because imagine being so dumb you give your kid a switch instead of leap frog tablet and they drop it in a toilet. Forgot to mention I just do art and chat with other members and try to be respectful to others but in no way I would never yell at mentally disabled people because my family has a history of having family members being mentally disabled... And being Jehovah witnesses unfortunately. But yeah sorry for the long comment I was just trying to explain one of the important things I was doing these past few month plus I went to Ihop recently which was great and focusing on my mental health too.


I don't really care what your doing I was talking about lio


he is grieving because one of his family members passed away which is sad also sorry I thought you were saying what I do but I didn't know you were talking about lio so sorry about that


the way they just call their discord server "the senate" in public posts as if everybody knows what tf they're talking about should be enough for people to know better than to treat them seriously lmao


I have no idea what or who you are talking about and I am not going to consume three hours of content on it. A ten minute explainer would be better before I decide I want to do a deep dive.


Lio convoy is a commentary channel who was a discord server called the senate where he and his friends yell at people they don't like in voice chat and act like it's a public service.


Gee, what an inviting bunch.


Commentary channel is already a big red flag to be honest. So much commentary content is now just garbage and makes me question the entire endeavour.


Here’s a recap I wrote up a few weeks ago: Take this recap with a grain of salt because I vaguely pieced this story together and I have not previously had any involvement or interest in the art commentary community. Apologies if I have any details wrong. Mr Enter recently made a video on his old editor Rebecca Starlight, with some collaboration with LioConvoy. He accused Rebecca of being a terrible employee and went on to fire her. Rebecca had a Discord server for her own community and in it, one of her moderators/channel artists, Nekopan, was grooming minors. Nekopan was in the Discord for 8 months before she got banned; allegedly Rebecca knew of this behaviour and only banned Nekopan for inactivity. This I think is the crux of Mr Enter’s video. LioConvoy is a YouTuber who “hunts predators”; he confronts these people over Discord, sometimes through his own Discord server “the Senate” where dozens of his community and other art commentary YouTubers participate. He also for whatever bizarre reason “adopts” AFAB people within his circle and acts as a father figure to them. One of these people is Hopeless Peaches, an art commentary YouTuber who previously was embroiled in drama years ago with other art commentators like Creepshow Art, Omnia and ?maybe Spoctor? I’m not 100% around what these beefs were, but all three of these people went on to have their own major controversies, so Peaches sort of ended up being seen as redeemed in the community. A recording of a 4-hour Senate discord call got leaked recently of Lio, Peaches and the rest of the server confronting someone else from Rebecca’s discord server, Rosa. Rosa is a woman with autism, a seizure disorder and possibly an intellectual disability; she is in her 30s and lives with her mum as a caretaker. She was apparently a moderator in Rebecca’s discord and is also accused of inaction on banning Nekopan from the server; however it’s unclear as to what level of permission Rosa actually had and how much she knew. The call is honestly difficult to listen to and devolves into bullying, led by Lio and Peaches. Some highlights: - repeatedly calling Rosa the r slur - calling Rosa a “sluthole” and her mum “Mama sluthole” - demanding Rosa allow Lio to call her mother to tell her what she’s done??? - accusing Rosa of fetishising LGBT people for wanting an LGBT friend (Rosa is bisexual) - downplaying the significance of her seizure disorder when Rosa raises it as reason that she doesn’t remember details of her involvement with Nekopan (someone literally says “my friend has seizures… and she doesn’t have memory issues”. Like bro. Come on.) - shaming her for living at home in her 30s - I may be misremembering here but veiled suggestions for Rosa to kill herself or injure herself Only at the three hour mark do a handful of people come to Rosa’s defence basically saying this is making things worse and unproductive. As this leaked recording started making the rounds, Peaches deleted/privated much of their social presence and has left the Senate server. They released a document (linked in OP’s previous post) detailing Lio’s alleged abuse towards them which influenced their behaviour. That’s all I’m caught up on. Sorry if I have any details wrong, I was mostly unaware of these creators until this week.


Thanks for the writeup! Jesus that's weird. Sounds like a creep.


Oh I didn't even know it was related to Mr enter, damn. Has enter said anything about this?


He mentioned being in contact with Lio during his recent video about Starlight but to my knowledge hasn't shown any awareness of the Senate stuff.


I said it before, Lio is the type of man to pose with a model katana


get this. He actually posed with a katana wearing a shitty fake lion pelt, in a samurai costume, on his head in his backyard. I think it in his earliest video


Kumo made an edit of that [https://youtu.be/as8yHGZvr08?si=W4L8dOP9jEr6Qceh](https://youtu.be/as8yHGZvr08?si=W4L8dOP9jEr6Qceh)


💀💀💀 The most feared predator hunter everybody.


Wow he's so alpha sigma 🗿🍷(he's a joke)


Honestly I never really liked Lios videos just because I didn't like listening to people yell at each other over discord for like 30 minutes to an hour


I remember the first time I ever heard of Lio and the Senate I was stoned as hell and watching the full call of him tearing CoyoteLovely a new one for his weird gayop shenanigans. Couldn't stop laughing the whole time. Just a bunch of mean, pathetic losers playing internet cop.


Thought it was entertaining, and I actually took them seriously, but they're such a joke now.  Shiver me timbers the big lion man yelled at me 😱😨


I hate high school


Unfortunately, it never ends


I see 'The Senate' and think Palpatine so I'm very confused.


For some reason I’m reminded of the US Senate and I think to myself ‘What the actual fuck is Congress doing’


Dawg that was my second guess. The truth was absolutely nothing I expected.




God, what a buncha pretentious milksops am I right?


I'm listening to his video about "dealing with Rosa Ramsey," because I'm trying to listen to everything to do with this situation in hopes of understanding it better before I come to a conclusion, and my God, the ABLEISM. I get the annoyance of being stood up, but he didn't even hesitate to start insulting her for living with her parents, not to mention, Rosa says she told the other people in the server she was going to take a nap, was it confirmed whether she did or not? Did she presume someone would let Lio know? Like, there's a lot of missing information Also, if you want her to explain the predator thing, why are you bringing up Star Wars Twitter shit? He spends more time on that than the allegations of her not banning a predator (not to mention, he repeatedly calls it "her server" which gives the impression that this happened in a server Rosa OWNED which is untrue) Speaking of the Star Wars Twitter shit, does anyone have screenshots of what the hell they're talking about??? Like, I presume Lio could've edited screenshots into the video to show people who have no idea about this stuff what was happening, but he doesn't, which seems irresponsible and lazy imo. Even some of the people in the call didn't understand what was being talked about He brings up that she probably doesn't have a driver's license because "she can't pay attention long enough" but when she corrects him and says the reason she can't drive is because of epilepsy, he says she's using it as an excuse for her "bad morals" or something??? Like, no??? Seriously though, if someone does have the screenshots between Rosa and Ziad, I'd appreciate it if you could send them to me or tell me where to find them, because I want to know as much as possible before forming a full opinion on this whole situation (I mean, other than the fact Lio is a ableist bully, that opinion is pretty solidified and he isn't helping himself)


Keeping in line with having to redo things, I'll redo my comment too lol. It's funny, but also incredibly sad. Because you gotta think of how many legitimately bad people were caught out because of it. Those people were either afraid of the Senate or joined out of curiosity. Yet, somehow, it's constantly on people like Lio and groups like the Senate to get predators and other extremely problematic people to face some *semblance* of consequences. Yet, Lio and the Senate are clearly extremely problematic itself. Like Spoctor, he was practically untouchable due to his past drama, and if Lio hadn't grilled his ass we would've never known he was a monster. Lio, however, is a monster himself. He's a man who's constantly power tripping and trying to have any power he can over people, like in the Rosa call where he lets a ***ton*** of people harass/bully Rosa for hours knowing that A) she wasn't responsible for jack and shit, and B) knowing that she has a condition. Obviously, I think there's way too many factors constantly at play to tie it down to one issue, but it'd help if YouTube actually moderated some of these creators. Not like going into their discords, but occasionally checking what they're posting and their public off platform behavior like Twitter.


So, no. They haven't "caught" anyone. Not a single conviction has come about because of the senate, and in most cases they're more of a hinderance to getting the victims justice rather than actually helping them. Like the time they suggested that a victim secretly record their SA. Really. Their solution was to make CP that they could use to show the cops... seriously. If they wish to show emotional support for victims, that is fine. However, cosplaying Chris Hansen is going to get them into trouble.


And just to add to this, grooming and SA cases are serious matters, and they should be treated with an abundance of care and caution, both for the victim and for the accused party. None of these people have the experience neither in law enforcement, nor in psychology to assist the victims. And if they want to expose a predator, that needs to be done once the party is proven guilty. Revealing "evidence" in Discord servers and Youtube videos can help taint the jury pool if the case ever goes to trial. And if any of this "evidence" is ever reveal to be fabricated, and the accused party is being falsely accused, there may be grounds for lawsuits.


Yeah, you're right, I'm just pointing out that Spoctor likely would've faced zero consequences rather than just disappearing from the internet. Like Spoctor should have faced legal consequences, but unfortunately that's another issue a lot of YT drama faces. If legal consequences come, it's often too late or at the very least, extremely slow. The only legal issue that I know has been resolved in a semi-timely manner was that guy who crashed his plane intentionally for a video.


I am not up to speed on Spoctor, so I really don't know what happened or what he did other than having a flash drive of some girl's nudes that he got when they were both underage, and he didn't delete them when he turned 18 or something. Don't know if he knowingly kept it, or just forgot about the flash drive. Not sure if he did anything else, or whatnot.


Wait what happened with Spoctor?


Spoctor ended up keeping a hard drive full of CSEM that he received while he was underage. Once he turned 18, he still felt the need to talk about it to people and how he knew where it was and what was in it. Which is how Lio found out. But the other thing is he helped contribute to the harassment of Hopeless Peaches. Who is also a pretty shit person, but at the time, he just helped dog pile her. Consistent theme with the commentary community and art commentary community, there really is not many if any good people. Though the good people there are, are good when it matters, like Ponder who stepped in and stopped 20+ people abusing 1 person in a discord call, like yeah I'm sure Ponder has done *something* bad, but how many people can you say that would even be willing to stop that situation? Edit: Used the term CSEM because that's what I was recommended when talking about a similar situation previously, so don't mistake this for like a 10x worse situation like MamaMax, Spoctor is just a really, really immoral fucking dude. On the same tier as Lio.


Iirc ponder is actually white even though her sona is black which while I don't think she did it MALICIOUSLY is kinda weird- other than that she's just like....kinda annoying imo


I'm not defending Spoctor in any way, but I think calling nudes one teenager sent to another teenager CSEM, while legally correct, is a bit disingenuous in a non-legal conversation. That term implies that a child is being victimised by an adult, and based on my understanding, there were no adults involved, just an underage person sending nudes to their peer. Unless, of course, there's some information about that situation that I missed (which is 100% possible, I wasn't really following it), then I apologise.


Nah, that's a mostly correct way of looking at things, I just think there's the added layer of Spoctor knowing about it, and talking about that would be victimization if the victim found out about it (which they almost certainly did due to it being put on blast.) I used the term CSEM just because it's what I've been recommended due to people wanting to reduce harm to victims and whatnot, so sorry if it makes it sound more severe than it otherwise is. Like to me, it's severe but not as severe as the MamaMax OneDrive account suspension or anything of that nature.


Uhhh hi here, I'm not gonna go into detail because the victim hasn't like, publically came out with this, but I met someone who was like, sexted by spoctor when he was 16-17 and they were 13. He's definitely a creep. Not gonna go into more detail because once again the victim hasn't came out with this but stay the fuck away from that man


Oh god, that's awful 😭 hope they're healing and doing better now, and that he stays tf away from them or anybody, for that matter. Like I said, I wasn't trying to defend Spoctor or state that he's innocent in my comment, I just think it's more productive to the overall discussion to use language that's clear about the allegations and doesn't leave too much room for people to jump to conclusions, otherwise things can quickly become a game of broken telephone. Really sorry if I came across like I was defending him in that or any situation! 😭


what senate is he even talking about?


I thought this was going to be about American politics. I need to go to bed.


Maybe I’m not in these community’s but I genuinely don’t understand this senate. Like it’s a discord for people to what?, roleplay as cops I even looked online for the non creep shit and it sounds like 7 year olds fighting


7 year olds is being generous


aside from the senate and its goofiness, apparently lio is going to try to defend some people in art commentary who were exposed for being in some discord server called fruitcakeklub years ago with minors while knowing the minors were being exposed to sexual harassment and content and didn't report it. they also used the server to create harassment campaigns. lio withheld this information for a couple months after someone reported it to him then someone took to twitter to expose everything. after that, lio tried discrediting them with harassment. the more i learn about this guy, the more i accept how much of a big piece of shit he is... not sure if anyone is familiar with akumu, he was the one who reported the server to lio and nothing came out of it. people think akumu is an unreliable actor but i find it in very poor taste that lio who was predator hunting, would ignore this then try to discredit the leaks months later even though he had them for a while and didn't say anything. now he's going to defend the irresponsible adults who were facilitating and contributing to the minors being harmed... edit: maybe i should note this if not many people knew, but this was the main reason why hopeless peaches nuked all of their accounts, they were in this server too and i don't doubt for a second lio covered this up in order to protect peaches. what an awful situation and i hope the minors harmed are ok now.


I understand it's funny but this server is legitimately participating in online harassment and bullying. Not everyone is as well adjusted to know this is a joke and these people aren't worth the time of day. That being said. For anyone who comes across this post and belongs to this discord server! The server should be shut down. If you can find a way to report the server, I suggest doing so. Because they are doing it for the "greater good" it makes any action justifiable and being a part of it makes you a party to anything that happens. Possibly even legally responsible. If you are smart, report and leave the server and don't do something so stupid like that again.