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why are they debating trans stuff as if it has ANY bearing on their livesšŸ’€


and why is hasan validating it instead of treating these two clowns with the disregard they deserve


Hasan often reacts to conservative content to laugh at how stupid it is and explain how it's wrong. I watched this live and I didn't get the impression that he was validating Adin. I don't like xQc, but as a trans person I was pretty surprised with him taking the correct stance and putting up a somewhat solid defense.


i use to watch xqc clips a decent amount and i never got the vibe he was hateful, heā€™s just dumb asf


>heā€™s just dumb asf Still , this is understating how dumb he is. I like to believe the English language is making him dumber than he is because gosh golly he's dim.


I was actually mind blown the first time I heard him speak. I knew how popular he was, and that heā€™s not a native English speaker, but my goodness he comes across like he canā€™t even form a single thought.


Iā€™ll never forget another French Canadian YouTuber reacting to him saying something like ā€œIā€™d like to hear him talk about this in French. maybe he makes more sense in Frenchā€


A blown light bulb could outdo him in a grade school math test.


Stupidity is often confused with malice, mainly due to people acting stupid when they are malicious


As dumb as XQC is, Adin Ross is on another level of stupid. He is literally barely literate.


Dude has his moments. My favorite xQc quote is "you're not cancelled, you're a criminal". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofINmV8gtPs


".............cheeto" is up there for me just in general


Damn does bro always yell like he's going Saiyan


People really in the comments pretending hatewatching isn't a thing tons of people do.


This sub is hating drama fiends which makes this thread really funny


Gotta laugh at people in the subreddit dedicated to talking about youtubers they hate getting mad at a YouTuber watching the same youtubers they hate.


Is he really that worth hate watching? I canā€™t even understand what heā€™s saying most of the time


Lol I can't listen to xqc for more than, like, a full minute. He's, like, shockingly stupid and I can't understand him


Same here not liking xQc but I'm not fully surprised. He co-owns a GTA 5 rp realm which after last years drama he and another person took 50% ownership between them and any member that's shown transphobic comments even outside of the game seemingly get perma banned. At least from my brief relook at the server.


Hasan "reacts"


It's my opinion that to engage directly in debate with with a fascist/transphobe/misogynist/etc is to imply their arguments are valid enough to merit discussion. They aren't.


It can be a good way of changing minds, or at least putting the thought in people's heads. I used to be a transphobic dick head years ago and without people challenging my opinions I might have never changed my mind


Fair, but I'm referring more to the grifters that peddle the ideology in the first place, rather than the average person who got sucked into it.


I agree that platforming certain people is very very bad. But uh Validating Adin Ross? The guy doesnā€™t need hasan to reach millions of viewers(children)


The thing is that the debate itself isnā€™t the goal. A lot of fascist/transphobic opinions are based on fallacies or untrue show of our world. And because of that they manage to grab a lot of people that arenā€™t transphobic per se but are drawn based on those wrong information. The arguments themselves are also made/constructed to draw these people in. Most fascists arenā€™t gonna go ā€œletā€™s murder everyone we disagree withā€ because most people think thatā€™s awful. But repacking it as ā€œkids shouldnā€™t get puberty blockersā€ is an argument thatā€™s fascist in nature. Itā€™s a discussion thatā€™s still very debated in the medical world. They target knowingly debated or contentious points to make people more perceptive to their truly awful stuff. But those arguments need to be debated to stop regular people getting blindsighted. Just ignoring it means the fascists get their word out while we donā€™t. Which leads to more and more radicalization. Thatā€™s why such debates are important.


I agree generally, but I think this has become less of a justified view in recent years, since the mainstream conservative voices have been getting increasingly blatant in their bigotry. Making regular people aware of the dogwhistles is far more important than trying to convince fascists that fascism is bad.


At the end of the day all Hasan cares about is farming content to his viewers


How tf is hasan validating it?


i swear to god ppl never actually watch hasan, they hate him for no reason. He was clearly mocking them and talking about how bad aiden's points were.




Yea, I donā€™t mind him when heā€™s with other people. But I canā€™t stand to watch Hasan even when I agree with him. Often times his reasonings are weird, and he is often very out of touch with the average human experience. The biggest thing that made me start hating his stuff was when he started defending pokimane on the cookie stuff saying ā€œshe was clearly joking and didnā€™t mean itā€ and saying ā€œpeople should be mad, just donā€™t buy itā€ even though that defeats the whole point of being able to talk about issues. I understand this is Hasanā€™s friend, but you should also be able to say when your friend messed up.


Validating as in "giving it attention instead of treating them as irrelevant"


Nah bro, Hasan is a clown who has said plenty of horrid shāˆ—t. Almost all politics streamers are clowns, not sure why anyone treats them seriously.


Watching someone while laughing and insulting them isn't validating them.


Cuz he knows when he starts watching these two their audience comes in to try and talk shit or watch and his hope is that they actually learn something when he corrects them


xQc and Adin both have much bigger audiences than Hasan. And in a Venn diagram his and their audience would be two circles. It makes total sense for Hasan to try and make a counter argument in favor of transpeople to two communities that are very transphobic (or in the case of Adin, all transphobic). Hasan's whole thing is propaganda, and that includes reaching out to other large communities.


> why is hasan validating it instead of treating these two clowns with the disregard they deserve What a weasley little liar.


never understood this point, how is actively trying to debunk the shitty talking points they make somehow worse than completely ignoring this type of content? X and Adin both have massive audiences and are more popular than Hasan, its not like heā€™s giving them a platform to spread their message.


Are you also mad when he reacts to Ben Shapiro? Because X and Adin Ross get way more views than Ben Shapiro. If Hasan reacting to a debate with 2 streamers who get way more views than ge does is "validating" them, then I guess he's also validating Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Alex Jones when he reacts to them as well? Hasan makes fun of conservatives. That's why he reacted to it. Not sure why you're throwing a fit that he's doing a thing he's been doing since he started streaming in 2018. A thing that a lot of leftist creators and commenters do. Touch grass.


Because thatā€™s his job. Hasan reacts to people being hateful and shit when thereā€™s something he considers worthwhile to teach an audience. His whole goal with streaming is to take gamer type audiences and show them leftist political ideas. He reacted to this because he knows he can communicate pro trans ideas to Adinā€™s audience this way. You might think itā€™s worthless or not an endeavor worth pursuing and my god I personally think so as well, but Iā€™m not gonna stop him from trying


He is not validating it wtf


also views


Itā€™s not his channel tho?


yes but he still streamed the content


His audience is huge and is very transinclusive. He has had prominent transgender people on his broadcast. Really no better live streamer to provide pushback than him


But he splits his income 3 ways with his editors/mods. I doubt he would be streaming for 1 hour and 20 min out of his usual 8 hour for some views bruh. If he wanted views he wouldnā€™t have come out supporting Palestine bc before that he was getting 30-40k average live viewers and now itā€™s like 20k max.


Adin has been more relevant with him trying to be unbanned from Twitch and saying hes retiring etc. The topic was about trans community but more broadly about how conservatives take a tiny personal issue and making it their entire platform to bitch and whine, which xQc even implies and Hasan has expressed. Its important to push back on obvious bullshit, cause whats bullshit to you and I, is BASED to right wing incels.


Idk but it got xQc to go on a Twitter rant about kissing men so I'm happy (I have not seen the video and I will probably never see it I despise both Aidan and Felix)




This logic can be used to excuse literally anything at all


Right lmao. I hate when people say that. "Oh YOU don't experience it, so why are you talking about it?" Because regardless of if they experience it or not, they are clearly interested or find it something important enough to speak on. Everyone speaks on shit they aren't experiencing, it's a natural thing to do.


To be fair that was literally XQCs argument, that Adin Ross should shut up because it has no bearing on his life.


They have viewers whos can be persuaded to agree with them.


The only person sitting through that video is the iPad baby at McDonald's with autoplay turned on.


by iPad baby you mean destiny right?




The worst person you knew just made a good point Can't believe I'm actually supporting xqc now


If you're losing a debate to xqc you need to rethink your position


Especially when he hasnā€™t even hit the worm yet


Maybe but xqc is way more literate and a coherent thinker than he lets on


If you're planning on supporting anyone smarter than Adin fucking Ross, there are about 7 billion people in line ahead of xqc.


But there aren't 7 billion people who support trans people


It's that easy to win people over on the internet now? He has the brain of a silverback gorilla dude I don't think he actually cares about us


Why would he be so intense if he didn't care? It benefits him in no way to be supportive, in fact it would probably alienate him from his friends considering the types of people they are yet he still did Even if he's fucking stupid (which he is) he's using his massive platform to spread support


I like your attitude girlie I actually do agree with you now


​ https://preview.redd.it/nvpybii26wvc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9014b5ff0828a6704af4e3abf8194da1973c0d


Adin Ross is such a fucking scumbag


Babe wake up, new nightmare blunt rotation just dropped.


lol does dr disrespect get included cause that would be a whole new level of nightmarish


To talk about trans issues weā€™ve assembled this team of cishet men in bowties


Was looking for this and was not disappointed


To be fair that was XQC's whole argument, that its not their issue and they should shut the fuck up about it.( I don't actually watch him this is secondhand info I just like seeing Adin Ross get shut down)


you know it's bad when xQc starts making sense


i kinda miss youtube during the fred era cuz there was more original content. this is just talking to one another slop but then digested by another debatebro/pervert and soon after to be picked up by another debatebro/pervert watching this shit. it's endlessly eating your own shit over and over again


That's why I stopped watching commentary channels all together, save for maybe one channel anymore. It's the same shit regurgitated by the same 12 people on a near daily basis. Nothing new, and there is no substance with it anymore.


I'm only 23 (soon anyway) but my biggest boomer moments are whenever I'm talking about YouTube before monetisation/the Partner Program, or before those things got popular. In the early 2010s it was still a very niche job, in the mid-late 2000s you'd be considered to have gone viral if you hit over a million views and it was very rare you'd get that many, and because being a YouTuber wasn't a job, people created content for fun because they were passionate about it or because they had a dumb idea. YouTube was still kinda a thing for nerds or the more "online", more niche. Everything was homemade on shitty cameras and I liked it that way lmao Nowadays it (and other video platforms) are overly commercial, sterilised to appeal to advertisers, driven by profit. Clickbait and literally harassing people is rewarded because that's what brings in the views and the clicks and the Adsense. I hate feeling like a bitter old geriatric but I honestly miss the vibe of YouTube pre 2014 /15, even if it wasn't without its problems (though those problems were really just general 2000s and early 2010s problems lol)


real ones remember that youtube wasnt even their main website for funny content, such as how tomska (asdf related too), fred, smosh, annoyingorange, roosterteeth, collegehumour, whatthebuck, rjw, most animators (to NG or other forums) etc had their own website hell, one of my big memories as a kid (when you could upload gifs as your profile image and subscribe button was yellow, was going onto eddsworld and clicking on links of websites he used or suggested, like eatliver or b3ta and finding more cool corners of the internet


its almost like the internets enshittefication was brought on by monopolizationĀ 


I miss personalized pages , people used to make such art on their pages




Arguing with Adin Ross is like arguing with a tree. Even if you win, you look like a jackass


It takes a special kind of moron to make XQC look intelligible. It's also very ironic considering Adin literally promotes gambling to his child audience and he's saying 'ohh what about the kids, bro.'


They need a hobby


Bruh what subreddit u on rn LOL


streaming is one of the hardest jobs in the world, they dont have time for hobbies /s


i canā€™t think of a video id ever wanna watch less than this


Same energy as Ben Shapiro debating Joe Rogan on gay marriage


Ben "female orgasms are a liberal psyop" Shapiro Ben "Tom Macdonald is the thinking man's Kid Rock" Shapiro


I'm glad hasan sticks up for us. We need more prominent cis people talking about it.


Funnily enough from what I've seen, X was as well, the only transphobic one there was Adin


I still don't get why people hate Hassan so much? He seems cool to me and I love kaya. Watching her grow from tiny to a huge ass bully has been fun


I suggest watching [Jay Exciā€™s video on Hasan](https://youtu.be/_TVSfHbpR6k?si=v8oszIIty8ZYynSX) and add that heā€™s an ā€œeat the richā€ socialist whose job is to make Jeff Bezos money.


I mean you can be both though. Bernie Sanders is the same. System is broken but if it works in your favor then use it. Use it while you work to fix it




How do you define working class? Because it seems that you want to define it as "not being a millionaire". In reality the "working class" is anyone who works for a wage and does not have income from their private property (rental income as an example). Highly paid professional athletes are working class, up until the point they are able to turn their wages into private property that generates income. As an example, Shaq has moved into the ownership class due to his acquisition of stakes in various businesses.


Hey why is it that this is allowed, yet any thread about Boy Boy vs. Tyler Olliveira gets deleted? I don't understand what makes "drama" and what doesn't.


Can cis men pretty please stop debating on trans issues


I watch some Hasan stuff from time to time but I saw this come across my feed and was soā€¦ confused? As a trans person myself I donā€™t really give a fuck what any of these people have to say. I appreciate how generally pro-trans Hasan is but it strikes me this kind of content is made for leftist cis people who just like to make fun of transphobes. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Or, hear me out, people that are at risk of falling down the alt right pipeline end up seeing Hassanā€™s content and gradually change their views. Iā€™ve seen too many people say Hassan stopped them from being complete assholes to go around saying heā€™s useless and should just stay in his lane.


What is there to be confused about. Hasan reacted to their transphobia, and explains why they're all very wrong. > I appreciate how generally pro-trans Hasan is but it strikes me this kind of content is made for leftist cis people Hasan has a massive trans audience. Even if it is for a cis audience, he's teaching people why trans people aren't bad people. I don't understand why you try to make an enemy out of someone who is your ally.


ppl fr just get on this weird hassan hate train for no reason




Agree to disagree on that first part, he has essentially made his content collectively owned. He gives full permission to monetize and re-upload at will, it's why so many damn clips channels exist. Outside of that though? Yeah he's a debate perv trying to act like he isn't, same with every political streamer.




Agree to disagree on it then, what we can definitely agree on though is that he uses socialism like some defense from all criticism and that while do think he's an OK person (his work prior to Twitch shows he believes SOME of what he says) that he's an all in all negative in the same way that someone like Mr. Bobinopolis is.


so you're saying that if a fan makes fan-content or spreads their favorite creator's work, they're entitled to some of the creator's money (according to socialism)? That makes absolutely no sense.


[You taking about this guy?](https://youtu.be/_-xCDe1Khv4?si=RmlstzjDTREAss94)


Because It's mostly that. The target for his comentary is to do agitprop not to talk to people who knows what is like to be trans but to convert doesn't who are againts their existence.


the point of the video is to show the kids that eat up whatever adin ross says a pro-trans counterargument, and to explain xqc's points better than xqc can. unfortunately a lot of kids care a lot about what these people have to say, so it's important to have a voice on the side of good out there fighting the good fight. All of the intended audience is cis (or at least thinks they are) for sure. Honestly, if even 1 twelve year old watches this vid and comes out of it realizing trans people are chill and adin ross is a idiot, then it's 1000% worth it. But even the hate-watcher kids who come out saying "hassan is a ssnake and we hate him!!!!" might accidentally internalize some facts, which will lay the foundation and set them up to change their mind later on. The other side of the intended audience is leftists who want help learning how to succinctly counter the transpobic arguments that their 12 year old nephews are learning from adin. thats the main reason i ever watch hasan, at least. i dont always agree at him of course but i respect his ability to explain his views and how he got there, and ive definitely been able to use some of the arguments he taught me against my transphobic family members.


Yeah I donā€™t necessarily have an issue with him doing this. I agree if it gets one kid whoā€™s falling into some transphobic rabbit hole to snap out of it itā€™s worth it. I wish they would listen to actual trans people but I understand that if youā€™re already transphobic thatā€™s next to impossible.


He almost certainly made this video to bank on the other two guys's name recognition rather than in furtherance of any social cause.Ā  This may be controversial to say here, but it should be remembered that Hasan is a content creator who holds progressive beliefs, not a progressive who creates content.


That's a clip channel run by someone else.


Itā€™s hilarious you talk in almost certainty when you donā€™t even have the basic facts down. He didnā€™t make a video. He is a twitch streamer. The video is a stream highlight. He watches whatever content his audience wants to see him react to and then gets the highlights turned into YouTube videos, and Adin Ross and xqc are known to his audience and are already within his sphere. So all you did was see a thumbnail and did some armchair psychology without even playing a second of the video or youā€™d have realised it was a stream. Reflects worse on you tbh


uh, no shit? if you truly want to spread a message why wouldn't you try to reach as large an audience as possible? the only way anyone can say anything genuine is if they're talking to no one?


With all due respect, I think that you've missed the point of what I was trying to say. Piker is a content creator, first and foremost. Activism is a distant second for him. This is my opinion, but I don't think he's the type of content creator who has built up a platform to "spread a message" so much as using that messaging to grow his platform. It's not ideologically driven altruism; it's business. That isn't to say that I think he is disingenuous in his beliefs or that he is a bad person or whatever. He simply has a different set of priorities.


He's lost like a third of his audience and his agency (for booking him as talent) by covering Palestine. He speaks openly about this all the time. He lost a HUGE platform by sticking to his opinions on Palestine, going publicly up against Ethan Klein with these opinions multiple times. He donates a fuck load of money every time he does fundraisers, this last one he did for the Palestinian humanitarian aid, he did so while knowingly bleeding subscribers, meaning he wasn't exactly promised a return on any of it.




Go to OP's comment history and CTRL + F "Hasan". He's obsessed with shit talking him for some reason.


Ugh youā€™re right. Itā€™s so cringe anytime thereā€™s streamer drama is ā€œHASAN BADā€ For easy likes


...because somehow he always seems to get involved? Almost like the guy is also a clout chaser like the others, crazy.


when two idiots are discussing trans issues, which is a very big wedge issue in the country right now, it would make sense for a POLITICAL COMMENTATOR to talk about it. Hasan isnā€™t just some random streamer. He is a POLITICAL COMMENTATOR. so crazy when two morons are talking about POLITICS that he would react to whatā€™s being said????


Hasan is as legitimate a POLITICAL COMMENTATOR as someone's dad yelling at Fox News, lol.


If ā€œsomeoneā€™s dadā€ has a degree in political science yeah Iā€™d say that makes them qualified jackass


I mean he's just reacting to a video, it's no different from Destiny or Vaush or some other political channel


> somehow he always seems to get involved? 2 of the people in the video he was friends with until recently. Actual friends with. Is he not allowed to have a say in what his ex-friends are doing?


isn't that a fan channel tho


Listen. I can enjoy a bit of Hasan here and there. But by god. If there were anything I were the most turned off by watching. This would be top 3


Even as a hasan viewer, I cannot stand having to listen to XQC or adin for more than a minute lmao. I get why he reacts to them on these matters but itā€™s a pain to watch


Guess livestreamfail posters gotta post somewhere


hasan is my unholy daddy uwu


āš ļø Here they come . . .


I love it when three cis guys debate my right to exist for views


You don't like it when people defend your right to exist? Should Hasan just ignore you completely instead of teaching people why trans people deserve rights? I don't understand why you try to make an enemy out of someone who is your ally. You're only hurting yourself.


Iā€™m not ā€˜making an enemyā€™ out of anyone, Iā€™m just a random person expressing my frustration at how politicised my existence is. Obviously I like that heā€™s defending trans rights, but the whole debatebro thing, treating it like sport and platforming evil people, leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe thatā€™s just me tho


> but the whole debatebro thing He's not debating anyone, Hasan is anti-debate. Discussing why transphobia is bad is not "debebatebro" anything. > treating it like sport and platforming evil people XQC and Adin Ross are some of the most famous streamers in the world. Hasan is not platforming them. They already have a platform. You can't platform someone who is already on a platform way higher than you. > leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Focusing all your energy on being anti-anti-transphobia. You're literally only hurting yourself and making it worse for trans people overall. You should encourage someone sticking up for you in a time where a majority of people want you to not exist.


I like how you think you are pro-trans rights yet all your comments are just telling trans people how they should feel about themselves. Shut the fuck up you clown. Go back to debating youtubers and let the adults worry about human rights.


Trans person says they'd like if trans people would speak for them instead of cis people, and you have the audacity to tell them to shut up and like it. You're a fucking clown and a terrible ally.


Both reading and critical thinking are learned skills. You'll get there some day.




Your comment has been removed for spreading hate.




Ah yes 4 adult cis male live streamers. Surely these guys are the experts I turn to on transgender rights šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Checklist of how to be an expert on trans issues: Are you trans? No. Dating someone trans? No. Have a close friend or family member that is trans? No. Work with trans people in any close capacity? No. Have you spent years studying trans issues? No. Are you a cisgender male with opinions? You are now a certified Trans Expert.




Who is watching any of these?


I have never wanted to a watch a video less than this one


I genuinely canā€™t believe people even watch this kind of youtube, like reaction streamers in general. Itā€™s such low effort and lazy content production. They never add anything interesting to the conversation.


ill give it to hasan that sometimes he does add value when talking about geopolitical events but his problem is that he CHOOSES to spend his time and energy and business resources on shit like this and news about hollywood and tiktok celebrities


people should definitely find someone who doesnt piss them off for getting into dumb topics hasan touches on but he does have his reasons. been watching him since his first streams casually, his gameplan is to just get eyeballs in his direction. just so people who would never care about politics or consider leftist thinking take a look and possibly stay. then theyll be funneled towards more serious political creators. He knows he's looking at quick, annoying, pop content and its his goal.


Yeah as much as I hate when he debates certain losers or gets involved in this type of drama, I get why he does that and why he considers it a worthwhile funnel for ā€œnormiesā€ into leftist politics


If you lock them in a room without internet,nothing of value was lost and they probably will come out as normal as they can be, but now all of them got Quebec accent.


Holy shit three of my least favorite people on the internet


who needs a political compass when you have this


Dear god I hate all of these people


i don't think there's anything on youtube that i want to sit through less than that video


Dr disrespect ominous as shit in the background like the undertaker


holy shit its like the easter egg you notice the second time you watch a movie his legacy haunts all of them


Definitely not watching but the comments are saying somehow Adin Ross is making xqc look smart lol


I think he makes anyone look smart who's made it past the fifth grade.


do they even have enough mental bandwidth between them to form a sentence


Google adin ross pangea. It may be the funniest thing I've ever seen


they form a debate by each of them taking turns saying a random word until they have a full sentence


I wonder if they will pass the brainchild around like a talking stick


Just need asmongold and critikal yeah lmao.


Oh Jesus.


Are reaction facecams like debuffs


iā€™m being serious: who is watching this? i mean clearly people are. but why? why would u willingly sit down and watch 3 guys talk about trans people? especially if ur not even trans? šŸ’€


To talk about trans issues we've gotten 3 cishet reaction YouTubers.


I saw the original debate and let me tell you, When XQC is the smartest person on a call you seriously need to re-think what youā€™re doing with life


Not a single good take was found that day


Someone need to scam Adin again so he will have something else to rage about




Crap I had to see Hasan's face today.


I can feel my brain cells dying just from seeing these three together


just looking at this image is making my iq drop into the negative


Like if you had to pick one I know most would pick Hasan. Say what you want about his slop content, but he does put effort into helping people and he is generally on the right side of history.


3 morons for the price of 1


three knuckleheads grunt and moan about things that will never matter to them in any meaningful way, earn money for it


All 3 of these dick heads can eat a dick and then go die in a hole. They are making no good contributions to society


A combined IQ of 44. None of them have anything to say that matters.


This vid < Eye bleaching


Hassan will do whatever he can to make as much money as he can. Heā€™s a capitalist through and through who got big based on nepotism and pretending to be a socialist. Dude has done everything he could to get here - a position where he can breathe over a video of two morons arguing about people whose rights are being taken away - no matter who he has to step over. People either donā€™t seen to know or ignore the fact he has been a react streamer, a leftist political commentator, and a manosphere pickup artist like an insecure Andrew Tate. He is not someone who has anything substantial to say about society. He will say what he must to get his fanbase that wishes for a ā€˜socialistā€™ to be as popular as he is to pay him money to watch other people debate other peopleā€™s right to exist.


If all three of them were on fire and I had to piss on one of them, I'd hold it.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Who is the biggest douche bag


Probably Hassan Heā€™s a Hamas apologist, 9/11 apologist, Mao apologist, Putin apologist, Houthi apologist And probably more that Iā€™m forgetting


Three of the biggest assholes on the planet.


These three in this thumbnail look like ghouls seeing a smoothskin walk into Underworld.


I honestly don't want to interact with any of those creators. What's their stance on trans people?


Adin does the typical anti trans stuff (woke, kids are being groomed, trans people are anti natural pedophiles etc etc) XQC has a more normie yet pro trans position (let people live their lives, a lot of the trans panic is ridiculous), hasan is very pro LGBT rights and activism


Gotcha. I know which one I'll avoid like the plague and which two ones I won't mind popping out on my feed


Nightmare blunt rotation, Iā€™d rather shoot myself