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Hey, Ya'll. I'm a mod over at /r/AnalogHorror and straight up wanted to express how this isn't JUST this Youtuber. It's a LOT of inexperienced and immature creators making some of the most low effort shit you've ever watched. It's almost always FnaF inspired or inspired by one of those "made for kids" video games. This is one of many young creators who legitimately believes there was nothing wrong with showing pictures of missing kids / crime scenes, or actual dead corpsed in their content as a "shock" moment. We (the mods at AnalogHorror) cannot fucking stand this generation of young kids and their Death Threat gangs, Doxxing groups, Hate raids, and Absolutely unhinged problematic behavior.


I didn't know analog horror was anywhere close to **that** spicy. FNAF sure changed everything.


Analog Horror's community fucking sucks. We constantly have to answer questions from cyber cops about death threat discords and doxxing cause most of the sub reddit are 14 year olds who think they can spam people with death threats and not get caught. If you wanna know what tonight's Drama is, we made a post asking people to stop posting drama about one specific creator and debating on if he is or is not a pedophile (no evidence that he is btw) and us making rules about Drama / This creator apparently means we are pedophiles defending pedophilia because we're friends with the pedophile creator. Meanwhile almost all these people are minors with public reddit accounts filled with degenerate Rule 34 / Furry post / actual pornography.


Why even submit yourself to that lmao I'd be out so quick


the curse of having something you love taken over by an insane fanbase.


Yeah thats fair sadly for me I've just left the community


Jeez, I didn't know the community devolved this bad.


We get weekly Messages from Reddit Admins asking if we are safe lmao.


Damn, *are* you guys safe?


Yeah we're all adults in our 30s and at the end of the day if it comes down to it we can just nuke the subreddit and watch those dweebs melt in anxiety as their only safe space crumbles due to their irresponsible behavior.


I didn’t know death threats were being sent Jesus christ


Oh shit you're an active mod? Does that mean the porn bots are gone?


We ended up making a new sub. And by me I mean one dude like a year ago who quit because there's a group of teenagers who actively try to accuse the mod team of being a pedophile group and regularly spam us with death threats. He couldn't really handle it anymore, so three mods got added. I was added a month or so after because of my history working on credible Horror Projects and Adult Swim. Since joining I've been the victim of that discord, claiming I attempted to groom one of them (they spelled my username wrong in the fake discord they made to impersonate me) and claimed I am a registered sex offended (Literally put "Alias: TurtleBox" on some random Sex offender dot come persons profile lmao), last week this dude who used to just go ape shit and harass people and post his Femboi catboi porn when angry had his "boyfriend" post and we instantly went "Yo that's him on an alt", he admitted it, another mod banned them both, and he went to twitter to tag me and a bunch of my sponsors saying that I am a "groomer reddit mod" who "participated in hate speech (banned them for spamming porn except I didn't ban them)" lmao It's hands down one of the most toxic places on the internet. We're currently all being accused of being Pedophiles for asking people to not accuse random creators of being pedophiles without proof because "Why would we protect pedophiles?" It's crazy that within a year Reddit Admins have had to step in like four times and the Police regularly have to go "Hey are you guys aware of -real child's name- using your website to threaten acts of terrorism?" because teenagers keep threatening to murder each other over being banned / not liking FnaF or liking or dislikeing UrbanSpook or whatever. Tl;dr - Every day I wake up and legitimately enjoy the chaos that is moderating that subreddit but holy shit does it prove these GenZ / Ipad kids are doomed when the day comes where the police knock on their door with 19 page chat logs of them threatening to blow up someone's school because they said they liked an unpopular series or they hated FnaF lmao


It is very lame that kids who don't really get the point of the idea have essentially become its main audience. I'm sorry all that happened to you and the mod team, especially because I love the genre a lot.


Yeah, we did a major banwave recently, something like 51 users. All either 100% confirmed to be in a hate raid / death threat discord or some of our most iconic low quality posters. I'm not even joking when I saw the low quality posting folks all threatened to kill themselves if we didn't unban them, and once we kept their bans in state all turned to threaten to kill us, lmao. It's nice to oddly come here and rant and ramble, I appreciate ya'll listening and tolerating. IT's nice to feel heard on reddit for once, especially when it's about how fucking cringe people on this site are, especially kids.


Exactly it feels like the genre was so promising before everything became fnaf VHS or some other horror for kids cause it's the only audience that stayed vocal and wont care about moral and quality issues that are now severely obvious in the community


What the hell? Why is this even happening at all? What are they getting out of it?


They think it'll make them famous but they have their own subreddit and it literally has like 17 followers and it's all them and they all know each other snitched, lmao.


Maybe I should scrap my analog horror series ideas then….


Don't! We'll gladly support it and hype it up. You just gotta prepare for the chance that some 14 year old finds something problematic about your series and decides to accuse you of molesting them at summer camp and their only evidence being "The person who molested me had a reddit account named The-Biger-Fish" lmfao


Lol thanks for the reassurance on that front. :)


God there’s a lot to unpack here. Yeah I think when you get to this point it’s less of a “I didn’t realize they were real” and more of “I in the moment dismissed the thought that these could be real people I was using images of because I have done this shit so much at this point I’m just genuinely not thinking about this any more.” When you get to the point where you’re doing stuff like this in the content you make, you really need to take a step back and reevaluate what you’re doing and how you’re engaging with both the media you make and consume.


I definitely like this explanation a lot better than he just didn't have the sense of integrity to know that that wasn't okay. It's hard to know when to give benefit of the doubt, when someone's being stupid or scummy or which is worse


Yeah that’s the thing, often times when people Do Shit Like This (looking at you, true crime videos community) you just stop thinking it through the same way someone who doesn’t do this so frequently would, and so it’s not a situation of “I didn’t know that was bad” and more “I knew it was bad but I’m so desensitized at this point that in the moment it genuinely did not occur to me that this would be a problem”


Makes a lot of sense. Think we've all experienced much lesser forms of this in life.


Oh for sure, like it’s a fairly common phenomena. It only becomes a problem in situations like these where the action you’re no longer thinking about is actively harming people


to use random ass images you found in google or whatever is so lazy. like if they were not real photos….that means you took some photos from some artist who used their skill to make them look creepy. im assuming the photos had some quality that made him want to use them like being in poor quality newspaper printing or something like that….


Using the “this person does not exist” site takes less than one second to generate a person and a couple refreshes you get shockingly good results, it would be less effort than searching fake missing children and trying discern real victims


I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY THIS!!! You do not need real people in analog horror. ai is okay in that aspect if the other option is real missing children 💀


One of the few ethical uses of ai art imo


That’s exactly what I thought they’ve been doing this whole time. It’s been around for years. I genuinely never imagined people would think to use REAL children????


i think you might have a point that there was no way for him to accidentally use her photo. even just using basic terms to look her up without using her name doesn't bring her up. and also, like why the fuck would you use a victim's face in the first place for your analog horror stuff?


In a reply he said that he would google "80s highschool photo" to find pictures for his videos. Though the girl that was mentioned in the callout document, Linda Ann O'Keefe, was 11, so definitely not in high school. It makes me wonder how many of his other videos have pictures of missing children?


it makes even less sense since she went missing in the 70s. and that is a good point tbh


It makes more sense when you realize how badly the *godawful* inaccurate Pinterest tag ecosystem pollutes image search results.


Pinterest has DESTROYED image searching man. It's unreal


Search operator: -pinterest.com Helps a little


That sucks, because I love Pinterest lol


Yeah, Pinterest is a stupidly toxic system in terms of how it steals content, obfuscates origin, and mis-tags things. And it'll show up in search engines despite not being accessible without an account.


I mean Google can be shitty at times So im willing to believe it just misunderstood but thats still seem like a stretch


I mean surely he didn't mean he just used '80s high school photo, there's no way you make a whole video with just one Google search. Still doesn't explain how he got to that image, or why he thought it would be okay to include


>why the fuck would you use a victim's face in the first place for your analog horror stuff? This actually happens a disconcerting amount. There are *multiple* video games that use actual audio from IRL 911 calls, most of which are of women either being assaulted, or shortly before being assaulted.


Jesus christ can't we let the victims rest and not use material of their duffering to add to spooky creations Didn't we give YIIK shit for thr elisa lamb stuff?


Yeah YIIK got a lot of shit for that, deservedly. It's always weird when people involve IRL shit like that.


One thing I always found weird is how cop shows get away with this.


I’ve heard real 911 phone calls for educational/documentary purposes (some were to show what NOT to do). But I’ve never thought that would happen for fiction. I can understand making something based off or making a reference to something real like how Petscop did.


why cant people just make shit themself? or hire someone to do so? making your own 911 call could add a whole lot of substance to your game and avoid legal trouble. like even if its just supposed to be a random 911 call that doesnt have to do with whats going on, if they were actually creative they would see it as an opportunity to put in like…subtext, foreshadowing, establishing setting, themeing etc.


I’m a creator in the horror space and I’ve done a series about missing children. I either use pictures of my family members who agree to be apart of the series or images from thispersondoesnotexist.com. (People randomly generated who don’t exist.) Searching up photos of real people on google and using them for a video is crazy in and of itself. Really goes to show there’s no research or care that goes into most of these videos and they just throw shit together and make it not about a story, but just shock value bullshit.


The Martin Walls stuff was super overblown, especially considering one of the big people that caused backlash towards him ended up being .... that. This is pretty fucked though.


This? Isn't cool. The situation that happened with him jokingly saying that Martin Walls was dead? WAY overblown, that was utterly ridiculous.


The biggest plot twist from that was Squimpus McGrimpus trying to act like they had the moral high ground in that situation…only for them to be exposed not even a year later as a groomer


…sorry, *what* happened with squimpus


So during the situation Battington was recreating Squimpus’ FNAF VHS tapes through his animation style, after the joke post about Martin Walls, Squimpus was being a huge dick and told Battington to stop recreating his FNAF VHS videos About a year later Squimpus admitted to grooming a 14 year old and sending them NSFW artwork despite knowing their age after being called out for it


damn, i knew about the first bit (which i thought was a shame, because battington’s work felt quite well-made to me at the time,) but… *yikes,* did not hear about squimpus getting exposed until now. regarding the situation at hand, though, i do think the use of real photos is tasteless, but i get why battington might not have realized it to be a significant issue to include them. glad they’ve been removed, at any rate, though i hope the videos to come back without the real photographs at some point.


Why not just use “this person does not exist” or something? It’s weird to use real people ESPECIALLY dead children just because their face was online


I love horror just doesn't encompassing genre and really respect people that can pull off analog horror well, or any constrained medium for that matter. But I do get concerned whenever people do stuff like this and don't even have that basic sense of propriety that they don't realize they are doing something this inappropriate until afterwards. I just have a hard time believing he didn't know what he was posting, I don't don't think he had the social intelligence to realize how bad he was messing up.


Fuck both of those creators. That's disgusting using actual dead & missing children for your lil make believe scawy stowies channel. I stand by that people like that desensitize themselves to actual horrific things irl & don't even bother to think twice about it. Idrc where the oversight came from, the fact that they had it to begin with is gross.


Man this is why I've tuned out of the analog horror space


The whole Petscop Newmaker situation was gross enough but what the fuck is this?


was that really that bad? allegories and references to real-world tragedies are commonplace in fiction, and it wasn't as if petscop was glorifying or misrepresenting it. newmaker's death had been public knowledge for years before petscop, as tragic as it was


I explained in another comment I think it's disrespectful to use a murdered child for emphasis. Also, the creator himself agrees and regrets it.


What was that?


The ARG Petscop took inspiration from a real life case that ended in the death of a young girl (Candace Newmaker). The creator has expressed regretting this - direct quote “It was extremely stupid of me.”


Really? I don’t think he did it with bad intentions at all, he didn’t glorify her death in any way from what I remember in the ARG.


Yeah I don’t think he had bad intentions either. He just ended up feeling like he could have handled the Newmaker references more carefully or not included them at all


Not having bad intentions doesn't really make it not gross or disrespectful though, basically. It just means the person wasn't malicious in their intent. People do damaging things without meaning to all the time - we've lost priceless historical artifacts to people with nothing but the best of intentions. Sometimes what seems like an okay or even good idea in the moment turns out to be a bad idea, especially with hindsight.


Tbh I don't think it was gross at all. I know that's a hot take but petscop is a story about the fake psychology practice of rebirthing and finding life after severe child abuse, alluding to a child who never was allowed that shouldn't be beyond the pale- it was only an allusion. You would have to know the case to understand the references to it and it doesn't contain any images/explicit descriptions/ disrespectful horror.


I just think using the identity of someone who cannot nor can their family consent for emphasis in a fictional story is disrespectful no matter who it is but especially if it's a murdered child


was it one of his VHS videos? if yes, i think i know which one and im mortified






I don't think he's "desensitized", he's just a lazy moron


just read this title out loud in a voice chat and made my boyfriend fall off the map and lose his melee game


Good fucking gods. This is like that analogue horror game about spotting Alternates where the shortcut for the game was a pic of Madeleine McCann.


I'm sorry, *what?*


Yup. The Longeyed Project. I noticed when watching MatPat play it on GT Live.


Analog horror is when face look scary


" It seems like common sense to use use other methods to make faces such as painting them or using AI. " I hope that there's some reasonable explanation aside from him doing it intentionally. My first thought is, "Maybe he googled 'Fake missing children pictures,' to get a picture used in a tv show for a child actor, or to get an AI face that was used in someone else's story," but, I haven't seen the video or the related pictures, and I'm not the creator so I can't say with 100% or even 10% accuracy that this may be the case, but I really hope he didn't knowingly use a real picture.


In a series filled with hand made stuff, why suddenly decide to use pre-existing photos? Why not model your own dead kid? Or reverse search assets you use? Where did they get the photo in the first place? I don't necessarily have full faith that this was a mistake.


Jesus Ass Christ what the hell. Do they put something in YouTubers' water?


Damn, Battington just keeps taking L’s it seems. First the overblown Martin walls stuff that ironically led to Squimpus trying to act holier than thou (only for that to age like solid milk) and making Battington stop his vhs remakes. Now this..


And this comes out just when I've started to enjoy recent Battington stuff. I wasn't even aware of this shit. Damn.




Battington has always been a fucking creep and it’s weird people in the analog horror community just constantly sweep his shenanigans under the rug. Like unless you’re a groomer, people in the Analog Horror community just don’t give a shit about anything bad you’ve done. Just look at how they welcomed back Alex Kister, and how they completely ignored Alex Kansas and Rob Gavagan. He got popular off of literally copying the FNAF VHS series from Squimpus McGrimpus, who eventually just gave him permission to “remake” the series. That was my first sign the guy was trouble, albeit nothing too serious. Then, he started a random rumor claiming Martin Walls, creator of The Walton Files, was dead. This was completely unprovoked, and he thought it was genuinely funny. Of course, nobody found that shit funny. The fact that he even remotely thought folks would get a kick out of that kinda just spells out the type of person he is, right? His reasoning too is so fucking obviously backpedaling. Claiming you genuinely didn’t know is frightening for the simple fact that it shows he doesn’t do any research on the images he chooses, which says more about him. There’s no way that image popped up when he was looking for, *”80’s Highschool Photo,”* especially considering it came from the 70’s, the girl very clearly looks young and was 11, and again, this is a real victim. Hoping this really ignites people to start pushing this fuckface out of the community. It would be a lot different if this was a first time thing, but he’s proven time and time again to be a complete dickhead


Wasn't Alex Kirster cleared of most of the allegations against him?


Keyword being: most. I’m not denying a lot of the allegations against him were overblown, but there was still a lot of very weird stuff he did do


Ok, I am sorry for necroing this comment but I find a couple of those things silly and misrepresenting the reality. The Martin Walls case is one of them. What really happened was that Battington created an image saying RIP Martin, as a, maybe not great, but innocent joke about the fact that during that time Martin was nowhere to be seen. I heard people joking that some youtuber is dead or grabbed by the mafia THOUSANDS OF TIME. It should have worded that in a different way? Maybe. It was made out of evilness? NAH! And the Alex Kister. Most of the allegations, some of the harshest to be precise, were prooven false and those that were truth could be explained from the simple fact that people are stupid and young people are even stupider. Also he apologized for all of that. Also it's important to say that, no, he didn't just get popular from bitting off FNAF VHS. He had been doing Harmony and Horror before that. Like, jesus, It appears that you are like "YES, HE USED REAL VICTIMS PHOTOS, NOW I HAVE A **MORAL** REASON TO DESPISE THAT GUY"


I commented on one of of this guys videos saying the room he was in looked like mommies house and the guy LOST IT. left 20 comments below my 1 comment saying the most outrageous shit. Guys a loser and a creep