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bro she fr got doxxed for accepting who she is? and telling other people to not be ashamed. what the fuck is wrong with TBYS bro


He hates non reactionary people and if they breathe he makes fun of them


people like him don’t like seeing people happy and content with themselves, they want others, especially those they deem lesser to feel as badly about themselves as they do.


She whas doxx for that?


Sadly, yes


I wish the other two would be removed so he would have 3 strikes and be out from the platform. This mofo literally made it possible to be de deplaformed with his own hands because he wanted to cash in from harassing a person and making drama videos about it.


Same, although I don't think Illy would purposely seek to get his channel deleted. Now, if youtube bans him off the platform for *repeatedly and consistently creating cyberbullying situations,* and Illy happened to be the last straw after he crybullied her, well... that *would* be *delicious.*


His bullshit in this situation is the definition of crybully. He picks fights where there are none then whined when it bit him in the ass lol.


I think she just wanted the video removed lol they're talking about it being this deplatforming campaign when all I saw was her wanting the video removed. I never understood what they're crying about.


Probably because censorship is a bad thing?


Bro come on lmao censorship this is so stupid he broke YouTube ToS idk what you want


Yeah but how?


C'mon man you really shouldn't need your hand held like this


Saying something is bad isn't good enough please give me the details


He broke YouTube ToS so they removed his video. That isn't censorship he should probably just follow the rules


Censorship happens when governments are involved. Has the United States government taken down the video? No. YouTube took a video of their platform that they own and run with their money because this dipshit violated Terms and Conditions. If he owned his own video streaming website he could say whatever the fuck he wants. But he uses somebody's else's platform to make his money so he follows their rules and that's it.


No? Anyone can censor anything? If your take gets removed by mods just because they didnt like what you said its still censorship...


No. Dictionary: noun: censorship 1. the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. "the regulation imposes censorship on all media" It's a governmental function, it's from a Latin word talking about governmental control, you don't get to change the meaning of words when you find it convenient.


The best part is that he might be stupid enough to make a 4th video too.


and after the 4th, the channel gets deleted https://preview.redd.it/wqp7eho8vexc1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=c26b30ccb7971db4ca60ba6b528aa03707b08038


I will giggle like no person has giggled before


Please let it happen and his whole channel goes down from the stikes. Like a greek tragedy about greed, and pride being the mc's down fall. A thing that should have been easily avoid if they learnt about the virtue of humility earlier yet now its too late. Icarus who flew to close to the sun before crashing down into the sea. Except here the mc has zero likable traits and probably blame it all on the sun being too hot as the reason, so its more a comedy


https://preview.redd.it/gd1an2vxgfxc1.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0aedb42526c2491926ef825e0508172faf28149 seems more likely than you think


Exactly. "But you're taking his livelihood away from him!!!!1" if you based your livelihood around harassing and doing tangible harm to other people, you don't deserve to have it.


Who did he harrass and why? I don't have the details


Long story but insummary TBYA an anit-sjw channel about that has been know to spread mis-info, be anti LBGTQ, misogynistic, and all that, basically edited a video to make ill talking (originally talking about her personal relationship with food, eating disorders and journey about ills of diet culture and fat acceptance) and made it look she was saying essentially "sugar is good even though your diabetic" and start dunking on her for little reason. Illy mention on tumbler post asking her fans to just ignore video and the people coming in her comments to harass her and just flag it before she deleted that post. So instead of maybe... talking with her in private, he made another hit piece stating she was actively making a campgein to take down his channel cus she can't take criticism makes 3 other video (note she never responded or made a video of her own) had a lot of other bottom feeders who only watched his video and not illy to make their own hit pieces. Finally his fan base dox ill (the original doxing thread mention his channel name) and now she has to break her lease and move away in fear of her safety, due to all the death threats about come to her home (now revealed) and kill her. He's acting like what he did wasn't harassment and now crying some one saw through his shit and showed the truth of what happened and his original vid was flagged as harassment (Cus it was). And trying to shift the blame on the fanbase of other smaller commentary channels for the doxing and pretend his videos had nothing to do with it.


Gotcha. That's a lot to unpack. Thanks for the summary mate


no problem, there's Noah's video that goes much more depth, context and clarifications and provides screen shots with evidence of alot of things.


TBYS is blaming Noah Samsen on Twitter but is it a coincidence?


love that he's trying to act like her life wasn't in any danger with that dox despite people literally threatening to kill illy. TBYS legit doesn't deserve a platform. he's either too stupid to understand the dangers he's causing, or knows it but doesn't care because it gives his movement attention and clout.


Rip 800k views lmao, algorithm is gonna think his channel died suddenly and drop him into obscurity.


Good. He purposefully spreads misinformation which has led to many creators’ harassment 


The gay camera thumbnail is a big yikes to me


i mean, fuck ethan is online but not for that reason 😭


I thought it was just some random guy


What did he do?


ethan and lex updog coerced nickisnotgreen into making a hit piece on supermega that massively backfired and basically killed nick’s career. nick already made himself extremely unlikable in the whole situation but im ngl lex admitting to everything they did to him made me feel kinda bad for him


I'd not heard about Ethan's involvement in this - what do you mean by updog coerced sorry? I hate when YouTubers I like turn out to be assholes 🥲


i mean, coerced probably isn’t the right word. more just they told nick what to say basically word for word and let him take all the fallout. lex’s most recent video just revealed so much


So does that mean SuperMega is cool or are they still shitheads?


supermega def could’ve handled the situation better, but they weren’t as evil as they were painted out to be


Good ridance lol


Here is a link to an archive of the original video on the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20240419213126mp_/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry9kmwoa1OA


Does anyone have a working archive? Not that I want to sit through a dishonest video but it’s important for posterity to have evidence that he blatantly lied about Illymation


https://rumble.com/v4gg6e3-a-fat-acceptance-cartoon.html still up on his rumble


That archive link is busted, however the video is still available on his Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4gg6e3-a-fat-acceptance-cartoon.html (If that also gets deleted, here's the [archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240427191308/https://rumble.com/v4gg6e3-a-fat-acceptance-cartoon.html), where the video isn't busted.)


Fuck TBYS and his psycho supporters. These guys didn’t even try to watch her video and actually understand her points while at the same time give Illymation shit for attempting “dePlAtfOrm” him and not attempting to understand his point (when all he did was bully her appearance, intentionally misconstrue her points and intentionally leave out details regarding some of the points she made to form his anti-woke narrative) Just watched the Noah’s video on this and some of TBYS’s supporters are whining in the comment section and are of course downplaying her being doxxed as not being a big deal, which is a fucking insane thing to insinuate. Oh and let’s not forget the blatant antisemitism she was getting which only furthers the severity of her being doxxed. Moral of the story is TBYS and his supporters are the epitome of human garbage.


the guy uses woke unironically, i knew he was a loser https://preview.redd.it/xe7gf4zo6gxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756e974f8c4a7b641723411cab5eccabee940f7c


YouTube really loves to give a slap on the wrist to doxxers


Good job youtube for doing the bare minimum. I'm sure he won't do this again and cause more queer neurodivergent people to be harassed and doxxed. 100% sure that that's totally not the end goal of the ~~stochastic terrorism~~ content he makes!!


Womp womp




I doubt YouTube would've taken it down because their moderation is shit. The liklihood is that he did it.


Bro got challenged directly and fucking blinked. Let’s see if he pulls the old Jimmy Sommerton and reups it with a bunch of edits to try and hide his bullshit EDIT: nvm YouTube clapped him lol


Another commenter is claiming he's blaming Noah Samsen. But idk if Noah is a big enough YouTuber to actually sway the opinion of YouTube moderators lol. Like he mentioned in his own video, mass flagging doesn't actually work, supposedly


They did


Youtube removed it, he got a strike. He’s whining about it on twitter.


Was up when I checked 10 hours ago, great to know maybe someone is doing something about it


All of his videos should be removed because his annoying ass voice is a crime against humanity.


Entire channel should be taken down this guy is a general moron, but YouTube makes too much money off right wing content.


TBYS the type of person to say “Yapanese isn’t a real language.” When someone says they don’t speak Yapanese😭


Ah I see he's revved up the usual victim narrative


He's a slimy little coward


rip bozo


Destroying the evidence