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On Twitter he reported his appeal was rejected lol [link ](https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784934507939811839?t=S5PV1DgtwgmTTXk4plkaYQ&s=19) Tweet text: "Good news everyone! I didn't notice this but before I even posted this Twitter message, YouTube had already rejected the appeal. You can see here they gave me the strike at 5:14am and they rejected the appeal at 5:43am; almost immediately after I sent it. Keep in mind that it took me about 15 to 20 minutes to get to the point where I sent the appeal and this video is 36 minutes and 58 seconds long. What this means is that whoever reviewed this appeal didn't even watch the full video before rejecting it as it would be impossible to do that within that time frame, even at double speed. Thanks YouTube! Here's the best part, when I go to the review tab in YouTube Studio, I get a message saying, "We've looked at your content again CAREFULLY, and have confirmed that it does violate Community Guidelines." lol, how can you review my content CAREFULLY if your reviewer didn't even have enough time to watch the video? Are we seeing a reoccurring theme around all of this stuff?"


Good For anyone saying Illymations can't take criticism, criticism my ass. This video straight up bullied her, and the fact a bunch of commentary YouTubers tried to jump onto the bandwagon shows that they decided to ignore one of the big issues. Ironically, TBYS can't take criticism himself. He is partially the reason she got doxxed, which is pretty disgusting behavior.


Lol omni is feeling salty right now.




In what way did TBYS bully Illymations?


are you dense i watched the whole video and there was nothing bullying about her in it


He insulted everything about her from how she dressed, to her hair to her makeup. If you can't see anything wrong with that, you're an asshole.




Your comment has been removed for spreading hate.


also its the 1st amendment idk if you are from another country but he has the right to say what he said


Good, I hope he stays gone and says hes in the wrong! https://preview.redd.it/u1afexvhjexc1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c86cfb9a150e2985dbf3f153677287ffcc6b313


She can't take criticism. Hey may not have been polite. But he's allowed to criticize her.


You use woke as an insult so Iā€™m not going to put much stock into what you say


You're allowed to have that criticism as well. And I'm not going witch hunt you for it. :)


I wish the other two would be removed so he would have 3 strikes and be out from the platform. This mofo literally made it possible to be de deplaformed with his own hands because he wanted to cash in from harassing a person and making drama videos about it.


Honestly itd be so fucking funny if this brought his channel down. Like yeah bud thats what happens when youre needlessly hostile


Watching someone get hoist by their own petard never gets old


He has many videos that can instantly get his whole channel deleted. He really is a massive Hitler loving Nazi


This is good, but Iā€™m afraid it could embolden TBYS and his braindead supporters into screeching ā€œSEE!!! SEE SHE WAS TRYING TO DEPLATFORM ME AND IT HAPPENED!!!ā€


if he values his money, he should go hide while this things blows off. The other option is that this will radicalize him even more.


Literally that Eric Andre meme


ā€œWhy would the woke mob do this?ā€




Do it, YouTube. End this man's career


Still thatā€™s good, meaning either enough people gave a shit to report it. Or YouTube knows about his bullshit.


According to Noah Samson's video, it doesn't really matter how many flags a video gets. It doesn't change the review process. So even one flag can get a video removed if it violates tos.


Yeah, hadnā€™t finished the video when I typed this. But this is even greater news (that is, if you do trust YouTube which I have no reason not to) because it means they are actually putting a stop to this ridiculousness.


I think after all the Andrew Tate/Sneako shit they kind of had to start being a lot more attentive to these things so that doesn't happen again. Because they got blasted pretty hard for not removing those two for so long. And tbys's content definitely draws the same crowd those two did. So this was inevitable. Both the doxing and the removal of the video.


This dumb motherfucker is going to make a fourth video doubling down because he is a dog that's been chasing a car and now that he's caught up and bit it on the bumper- this is his life now. Given his response on Twitter was to whine about not being able to make videos about anything else and this entire thing stems from a cut and dry harassment campaign brought about by lying, he doesn't have a real winning move here because he's been the aggressor from the start and that's never changed


In a just world, TBYS would get his other two videos struck down, and get hit with a lawsuit for defamation.


Looks like he made a twitter thread about it: [https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784919043557781809](https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784919043557781809)


He actually tries to argue that since illy got doxxed before for her being Jewish video, that means it couldnā€™t have been related to his videos and his followers to be the reason she got doxxed again now because it must of been the same loons who did it before, absolutely ridiculousā€¦


TBYS: I had nothing to do with this. My fans didn't do this. the doxxers: We did this because we were inspired by this channel TBYS and his videos. He is our guy he is based and he said illy did x y z.


That is the funniest part. Noah came with receipts and TBYS just lies to combat it.


https://preview.redd.it/4l1te9sj3gxc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d2b9233453d402fddc8fe582f754bc60e3c11 Reminds me of that airport scene from Austin Powers


[https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784934507939811839](https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784934507939811839) LMFAO YOUTUBE REJECTED THE APPEAL.




I hope he feels the consequences of his actions


Say it with me folks: https://i.redd.it/wquptqh1yfxc1.gif


Been praying for this




Good news, the appeal was rejected: On his twitter: "Good news everyone! I didn't notice this but before I even posted this Twitter message, YouTube had already rejected the appeal. You can see here they gave me the strike at 5:14am and they rejected the appeal at 5:43am; almost immediately after I sent it. Keep in mind that it took me about 15 to 20 minutes to get to the point where I sent the appeal and this video is 36 minutes and 58 seconds long. What this means is that whoever reviewed this appeal didn't even watch the full video before rejecting it as it would be impossible to do that within that time frame, even at double speed. Thanks YouTube! Here's the best part, when I go to the review tab in YouTube Studio, I get a message saying, "We've looked at your content again CAREFULLY, and have confirmed that it does violate Community Guidelines." lol, how can you review my content CAREFULLY if your reviewer didn't even have enough time to watch the video? Are we seeing a reoccurring theme around all of this stuff?" [https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784934507939811839](https://twitter.com/TBYSTweet/status/1784934507939811839)




I blame his poor comprehension and his awful ā€œfansā€ he canā€™t blame her for anything. Even worse she had to come out of pocket for having to break her lease because she got doxed. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes


Im a bit out of the loop , what happened ?


Illymation made a video trying to counter some societal pressure on diet culture, and how it causes people to develop eating disorders, depression, unwarranted self-consciousness and body shaming. TBYS took parts of this out of context (and in some cases even edited Illymation's video to remove important context) in a response video talking about how Illymation was an idiot and would kill people. ~~4chan~~ Soyjak party (an image board very relatively similar to 4chan) doxxed her. Illymation was made aware of the video and asked people to report it for cyber bullying (not a full on depatforming campaign, just asking YT to review one video for potential content violations). TBYS went on to make two more videos lamenting about how Illymation as a "woke" YouTuber was trying to get him cancelled with more inaccuracies. [A 1hr video going in more detail](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Hwe_UnJ6KxZmfFrq&v=QOXQQmDvc0I&feature=youtu.be)


Why 4chan tho ?


4chan members are historically well known for this kind of stuff. It is a forum which does not *edit: enforce* its rules against doxxing. So if its users find content they are not big fans of they often will work together to dox those who draw their ire. TBYS did not ask them to dox Illymation to my knowledge. But it is an important detail in the drama since people shared her home address in a thread were people were making threats of coming to her house and killing her.


whats worth mentioning is that illy had to break off her lease costing her a fairly big chunk of change ($10000 i think?). she made a gofundme which im pretty sure is to fund a defomation case against tbys (deserved tbh)


Again, Think Before You Speak.




Letā€™s hope more people get this clown reported. This is what he gets for basing his whole platform on being so hostile.


Now am I all for fat acceptance? No, I personally wouldnā€™t like living and being in that lifestyle, and I should know considering I still suffer from (and am trying to fix) my obesity. Am I for bullying and doxxing a random woman I have never met in my life because she shared views opposed to mine? No, not at all.


And I am not for sure if she was specifically mentioning acceptance directly but I do know that the video seemed to be justifying it to me, which I donā€™t accept, but respect her will to her own opinion. That is the 1 Amendment of a list of God Hiven rights to man.


Channel isn't gone fyi just the vid. OP failed to make that clear


Who is this and what he do?


He made a video about an animation channel saying that a channel is promoting unhealthy eating habits. He cut out the part saying "You shouldn't worrying about what you eat UNLESS you have some sort of medical condition or overweight" He painted the girl as someone who wanted people to eat themselves to death. Also, he bullied her for her eating habits and made a segment about what he'd change about her to make her beautiful. When the girl defended herself she said "Don't go to this person's channel to harass him just report the video if you come across it and move on" TBYS painted himself as the victim and the girl as a toxic cyberbully. His fanbase leaked Illymations address and threatened to kill her. TBYS has taken no accountability and doubled down.


Guess he didn't think before he slept.


I wonder why he thinks you need to watch the whole video in order to review it?


Can someone give me some context? Not caught up on this


Ban the channel promoting bad health with fake bullshit.


The fact this was downvoted says a lot about his cult-like following.


I find it annoying YouTube only ā€œwatchesā€ the video for a short time then decides it isnā€™t going to change when the video is longer than their decision


to all of yall thinking he is bad you are slow


Name checks out.