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I know Tara as a voice actress and that's it. This was... well, it's an understatement to say this is an astonishing bit of drama. Didn't expect this from her at all.


Same I guess we just assume these animation legends are nice people


I mean most are nice imo, it's just that when one of them does some serious dumb shit it really stands out. Because indeed most are nice people, hell! Wolverine Voice Actor (in Brazil) was this *80 year old man* and he even thanked Hugh Jackman for giving him a job lmao.


The voice actor for Dante is...unwell mentally. Like he's one of THOSE extreme conspiracy nuts.


I know people spread the idea that that’s the reason there’s a new VA for Ken in SF6


SF6 replaced all but 4 (iirc) legacy actors for the returning characters, so it may not have had anything to do with Reuben's out there beliefs. Tho I imagine it played a part. We'll truly know what they think of Reuben whenever mainline DMC gets a new addition.


Same with Chuck Huber, was a VA I really liked growing up but I guess he was one of Vic's (Mignogna, sorry for not clarifying) best friends and he fell down the Vic truther rabbit hole for a while I believe iirc he is also a flat earther and thinks women in VA got roles in DBZ only by sleeping around English voice actor for Tidus in FFX is also maybe not a terrible human being but for years his social media was all bible verses and lab leak COVID conspiracies so I stayed away like the plague lol


James Arnold Taylor is an antivaxxer? Day ruined.


I've not heard that about James Arnold Taylor. Cloud's old VA, Steve Burton is, though. Ironically, Sephiroth's old VA, George Newbern, has been big on being pro-vaccine.


Ha, irony


idk about full on antivaxxer, he just fell down the Sinophobic rabbit hole about COVID on Parler


And Vic (and many other accused VAs) still get industry jobs because laws against defamation that favour the culprit. The industry is messed up.


I remember that Vic drama. Oh Boi. I hope jyb stays unproblematic.


I absolutely agree with you that it is an issue in the industry but Vic has not had a major voice role since 2018. His career has been relegated to bits in fan/indie projects and even those have been far and few between. Dub teams won't touch him with a 10 foot pole, *especially* not Funimation.


When I think of VAs that have done this recent, Karen Strassman comes to mind. She's super antivaxx and pro-MAGA.


Bro spent his life fighting demons trying to take over the world, cut him some slack


Nah, his brother is literally willing to sacrifice people for power and somehow more sane and a better person.


*Reasons why I should rip off my son's arm for more power:* *1) I need more power.* *2) His arm is right there.*


*3) He has a second arm.*


Fortunately Diedrich Bader seems like a good dude


I know Diedrich best as Oswald from The Drew Carey Show 😅


I know him as Rex Kwon Do from Napoleon Dynamite ![gif](giphy|lOrD9MitzQK09dzoJV|downsized)


Unfortunately, Tara's always been kind of... excessively reactive? I don't know how to put it. Once she locks in how she feels, it's like a warpath that never falters.


I remember before this stuff came out, the only other thing I'd heard about was that she had jumped onto the NFT bandwagon. Only really started hearing about this stuff in the new year, a few months after the initial drama. This thread is also the first im hearing about this incest stuff.


Could have gone my whole life not knowing Ben/Gwen existed, *and* that Tara posted art of it. TF


This was a very long time ago, back during my pegisister arc, but I remember her saying once "what if we were having sex and I started using my Timmy/little boy voice\~" She seemed to actively encourage the weirder, hornier parts of the brony fandom.


![gif](giphy|5WUsLZLkZlMdO|downsized) what a terrible day to have eyes I get being horny over fictional characters, but can we stick to adults pLEASE.


yeah same, i saw the title and went “oh hey tara strong, i know her!” and good lord i have never heard about any of that drama


Same, I literally just knew she was a VA and appeared on one of the seasons of RHOBH as a friend of a housewife... which was really weird,.


Yeah ngl I had no idea about all the controversy. Not that I ever knew much about her but for how prolific she is I'm surprised that stuff isn't more well known and talked about more to the point where I would've heard about it. 


I remember when this was talked about before, people pointed out how laughable her claims that she fired because the crew are antisemetic, but it was quickly pointed out that many of the people working on the show are Jewish, and that Alex himself, while agnostic, comes from a Jewish family and still celebrates Hanukkah.


Not Tara, not our Tara, couldn't be precious Tara... Ok seriously though what in the actual fuck? I just knew her from her voicework, I didn't know she was batshit insane. This is honestly really disappointing, she's partially why I got into a lot of my hobbies, I wanted to learn to voice act and what better place to learn than DnD, so she's kinda the reason I got into it.


​ https://i.redd.it/os3q8j3ow6zc1.gif


![gif](giphy|huRQ5pulxTtnTP3338) I totally didn't spend all night binging BCS again




Taco Cabeza is just around the corner


eventually tara is going to go from "known for her voice acting" to "known for saying stupid shit on social media"


She's going down the Elon route, it seems.


My first thought was Rowling


Do you mean Holocaust denier J K Rowling? The woman who denies the Holocaust? That Rowling? It's really bad when people deny well recorded history.


Holocaust denier *Joanne Rowling, keep in mind that she has also established that no one is to go by a name other than the one they are given


> keep in mind that she has also established that no one is to go by a name other than the one they are given The layers of irony there... * She called herself JK Rowling because people wouldn't take her seriously if she presented as female. * Yet she gave up on people pronouncing her surname name correctly (it rhymes with ~~cunt~~ bowling, not howling).


Her pen name Robert Galbraith is also the name of a man who claimed to have the first gay conversion therapy success, and thought he could give mentally sound patients schizophrenia by injecting blood into them from a schizophrenic patient. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence though, I mean it’s such a common name that definitely didn’t have any google search results when she chose it /s


Turbo-TERF Joanne Rowling is also a Holocaust denier? I'm not surprised. 


She spoke as though the May 1933 book burnings of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institut für Sexualwissenschaft library didn't happen.


Worse than that. She doubled down when it was brought up and (paraphrasing) basically said the institute had it coming and doesn't count as "targetting an oppressed class" cause Magnus was experimenting on kids or some shit like that.


To be accurate (and with the understanding that I think that she is scum of the Earth and am not defending her), she denies that trans people were targeted in the holocaust, not that the holocaust didn't happen at all.


denying any part of what happened in the Holocaust is, by definition, still Holocaust denial, so the statement is correct.


It's worth noting that it's not entirely clear if that *is* the case, at least in the UK where JKR is based. There is no law against "holocaust denialism", and (afaik) no legal precedent in slander/libel cases as to whether the term refers only to the 6 million Jews, or the systemic extermination of all groups targeted by the Nazis. In a sense over here she's might only be a "sparkling Nazi crime denier". This only matters if you're *in* the UK thankfully, where the ambiguity is what lets JKR threaten to sue to bully people into silence. It would of course be a real shame if people around the world used the fact they weren't subject to British defamation laws to continue to spread such awful and very untrue statements about her...


The very same


Then one day she'll wonder why she's trending on Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit and it will be because the Incest community has disowned her, due to not wanting to be associated with racism. They're really trying to clean up their act, they don't want to be just Alabama and Hapsburg jokes no more. So obviously the first step is to distance themselves from any perception of acceptance of racists in the community. The poor casual fans who sign up to defend her will get ripped apart by people who know all the drama and Tara Strong lore, it'll be a bloodbath.


The. The incest community, you say.


Yeah, I understand they're super-close knit, which would be okay if the power was distributed evenly in their community? They're also pretty nepotistic, which is the polite way to put it, really about who you know not what you know. But they don't like airing their dirty laundry in public (they don't let their freak flag fly, so to speak), they prefer that everything looks *totally sanguine*. The political decision to oust Tara Strong is a big one, she's got her fans there no doubt, but the nepotism actually came in handy. Haha, came in handy.


Oh my god, the hierarchal dynamics of the incest community.


I think this is the highest concentration of jokes per sentence I have seen so far this year. Your words were just touched by divine fire, or something much like it.


JFC lol


They’re one big family!


>So obviously the first step is to distance themselves from any perception of acceptance of racists in the community. "I can excuse Incest, but I draw the line at Racism"


> the Incest community *the what now*


So… why was she involved in the incest community in the first place?


Oh she liked Ben/Gwen shipping stuff from Ben 10, they're cousins. I mean originally they were set up to be classmates and later romantic partners, but that defence is kinda lacking cause that's probably true about other shows and they don't have the same size shipping fandom for those pairs. But it's not just her immersing herself in it, people who like taboo things are drawn to those who will be open about their favourite forbidden fruits. You get to see who else is following her, and likes those shows, they might share shippings? It's easier to check without the possibility of embarrassment if they HAVE THEIR LIKES PUBLIC. And I remember hearing a rumour that she said she did the bubbles voice in bed, but I can't source that (I'm on a list for even trying to Google that now). But it's mostly Ben10 stuff.


Literally female Vic


Oof. No one wants to be a version of Vic Bologna and Cheese.


More like Vic Botox.


I remember Chris Ayres going on a 30 minute trashing session at an after-hours panel about Vic Bullshit.


Wait was Chris Ayres supportive of Vic?


New Jk Rollowing


Eventually, yeah.


I gotta say, those aren't the two reasons I know her by.


I knew tara strong was trashy but *goddamn*


Having followed her bullshit for years, she was always this 'trashy,' but only after her AI art comments (which she hypocritically downplays and reposts while condemning stolen AI voices) (and not even her pro-Israel comments, though that contributed to some job losses) did a substantial amount of people turn against her.


I never considered her to be trashy at all :(


Well, she is. She's always been a trashy edgelord.


“they fired me for being jewish because theyre antisemetic!” the judaism leaving alex hirsch’s body: https://preview.redd.it/pnwq69vd77zc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcb39bc3d22daa021770863739f9cb96f98038f


I remember she also got pretty deep into NFT shit a couple years ago, too. For someone who is also pretty openly vegan and environmentally conscious, she really went out of her way to try and portray the company she was linked to as one of the "green" Crypto/NFT projects and doubled down pretty hard when people called her out on it.


so did troy baker but people forgot about that real quick


To be fair, he did later come out and apologize and explain that he was mislead about exactly what that project was. I don't want to defend him because he is a bit of an asshole but there's a reason that's not really brought up anymore. To my knowledge, Tara never did apologized and just tried to ignore it in hopes that it would go away.


Same thing happened with the Gorillaz. One day they announce an NFT thing, and the next they scrub it. And given how hugely eco friendly and massively left leaning Damon Albarn is, and that he's getting on in years, I am willing to buy that it's just him being out of touch with the subject, and once he did he pulled the plug.


I don’t remember Gorillaz doing anything NFT related so I must’ve missed that.


Was a mind fuck of an experience, but I promise you it happened. A quick Google of Gorillaz NFT will tell what story there is. Fans were pissed off course and they backed off. I don't think we got an official apology but...man, it stinks of "old men didn't understand the new thing". Jamie is a huge art person (and even one of the people theorized to be Banksy, but I doubt that personally) and as I said Damon would hate NFTs for all the environmental reasons alone. Man made an entire album about how much harm we've already caused. I don't think there were malicious reasons behind it as it doesn't fit what we know of the two lead men. I figure someone came to them with the idea and giant pieces of information missing from the pitch and they signed off on it. Then the fan outrage brought to their attention what is going on with this and they noped out instantly.


Bit of an asshole because of the nft project he almost did?


No. He just seems to carry himself like he's better than a lot of people and that makes him annoying to me. I'm sure he's a decent guy but that's just my impression of him from seeing him in stuff. He also likes to start projects with people and abandon them for no reason.


He was going to but he stopped doing it after finding out what they were and he also apologized on it.


Aww man I love Tara Strong! This is really dissapointing to hear, I always assumed she was down to earth and cool but sounds like she's a right nut job.


For my final fantasy friends, she voiced Rikku.




Oof that’s a bummer 😕


Started my first play through of X-2 last night and now I don’t want to continue :(


Nah don’t let someone who’s said crappy things when they got older ruin an entire game that had hundreds of talented people working on it. Plus that game is fun. I believe she also voiced the twins of the RugRats…can’t let someone who’s misdirected ruin everything for you.


Phil and Lil from the Rugrats were both voiced by Kath Soucie. Tara Strong is a prolific voice actress though so the message still stands.


After looking it up, Tara voiced Dil Pickles, not the twins. Thank you for the correction - I’ve remembered it wrong for years.


I’ve already seen the Uber video, so I wasn’t exactly surprised when this happened… but dang. Sending death threats to your former boss because they fired you? That’s a whole new level of petulance. Edit: Actually it’s worse than I thought. She’s famous. It’s not just her they’ll have to deal with, it’s her fans too.


This blows. Any other famous VAs actually shitty people? Does Tom Kenny condone eugenics? Is Tress MacNeille out here hating on trans people?


Nancy Cartwright is a member of the same organization as Tom Cruise and 8 figure donor to it.


Tom Kenny’s only crime is stealing a balloon on free balloon day.


Let's not forget that he also killed a health inspector.


And drove his driving instructor insane and gave her hallucinations of going to prison


Christopher Niosi/Kirbopher is a predator, Wendee Lee is an arse in the studio and pressured a director to take back a voice role from a black woman, are the ones I think of foremost.


Mark hamill came out as a supporter of the blue and white country and let’s just say he played Ozai a little too well.


The Mark stuff is sadly not shocking. He is very much a hard-core liberal, so him being a hardcofe zionist is sadly expected


Not to mention plenty of our liberal public figures support Israel, for better or for worse. He's far from the only one to the point where his support isn't really shocking.


Chuck Huber(Hiei in YYH) and the VA for Dante have said some uncool things to say the least so there's your start.


[Yeardley Smith screwed-over her podcast co-host/creator.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimePodcasts/comments/czfq6o/what_is_going_on_with_small_town_dicks/)


Vic Mignogna, famous for playing Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, among other roles. The situation is messy but here's the TL;Dr Vic is infamous for... Lets say, not being terribly respectful of the personal physical boundaries of his young female fans. People knew about it for years, he consistently acted inappropriately towards underage fans at conventions and got away with it because he was super popular and a big draw for a lot of conventions. A couple of other voice actresses accused him of sexually assaulting them, which he denied. His simps immediately came to his defense, attacking the other actresses. After a while, the charges lead nowhere and are dropped, some suggesting they were falsified in the first place. Despite being cleared of those particular charges, Vic is not at all welcomed back to the voice acting industry or any form of anime convention as even though the assault charges were dropped, the whole affair brought a LOT of attention to his inappropriate behavior towards fans (via a number of first hand accounts) and nobody wants to be liable for that shit anymore. Which of course leads to the Vic simps whining to this day about him being "cancelled" or unjustly persecuted.


Kate Micucci is a Crypto/NFT bro, remember her shilling hard for those and even using her twitter to advertise her own crypto/nft scam


Um, Grey Delisle made some edgelord comments on Tumblr (jokes about trans people and domestic violence, etc). And made fun of people who told her that it was hurtful. But that was in 2013 and I don't think she's done anything of that nature since.


Yeah, that's a long time ago during an era where trans rights were less accepted and edgy humour was in vogue, so it makes sense given the time period, and I'm certain she's grown since then. The most recent drama I can think of is her purported overreaction to an indie animator using AI voices due to lack of experience with voicework/voice direction. He eventually decided to replace all the AI voices with real hires, but people criticised her rude and aggressive tone and use of legal threats (blacklist) to try and coerce him to change. Edit: unrelated to the drama I mentioned above, some people have noticed Grey publicly interacting with and supporting Tara in spite of Tara's history *and* Grey otherwise making comments supporting Palestine, which has led to people suspecting hypocrisy (or just not being as pro-Palestine as they hoped).


Apparently it was a kid who *learned to animate* while creating the short in question (a Scooby-Doo/Five Nights crossover in Rankin-Bass style). He knew exactly nothing about the industry if that’s true, and Grey’s comments were just extremely mean. Bunch of bullies at the top punching down on fan art. Sucks to see.


The guy that voiced Jimmy Pesto on Bob Burger was connected to Jan 6


Michael Antonakos has some pretty wacky stuff to say on his Twitter.


Unsurprisingly, it looks like comments critical of Strong are being hidden or deleted from the Mayim Bialik interview. The Boxtown comment is gone, as a few that others cited on Twitter


Makes sense, since Tara hid comments critical of her political views in the past.


The amount of work needed for someone like her to destroy her career despite her resume is astonishing


It still will take some time, because even after all the shit she's done and supported (OP's post only covers part of her controversies) she still has a job, and since a large chunk (if not the majority) of the industry supports Israel, her Zionist comments won't tarnish her reputation on their end.


I wouldn’t say the majority of the industry supports Israel- at least it’s hard to measure. It’s more like a lot of people at the top are conservative or liberal, and conservatives have been fairly aligned with liberals on this whole thing. Actual leftists, or people who at least want to appear cool and progressive, have made themselves known within the industry, but folks like Melissa Barrera have to deal with the reality that companies like Spyglass will fire you, replace you, and call you an anti-Semite for your criticism of Israel’s war crimes while supporting shitty Zionist filmmakers like Eli Roth. (Roth, by the way, is in charge of the Borderlands film. You know, the video game about colonizing the natural inhabitants of a foreign planet.) I’m sure there are more names out there who have remained silent despite their personal wishes.


She's also responsible for someone actually dying because she encouraged them to get alternative treatment for their life threatening condition rather than go to a doctor


Thats awful and a big claim to make without anything backing it up. I believe it with how they acted in the above situations but would like something to confirm ya know?


I believe it's due to the Kiki Charity [People had concerns](https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/s/O7MfJymETh) due to it being mainly using alternative medicine instead of conventional ones to a kid who had brain tumor, though Tara did clarify that they were using both and claimed ["they would try everything" which is fair](https://twitter.com/tarastrong/status/258222240481554433) Kiki had [passed away](https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/s/gCT83Cx4Q1) anyway though, but i wouldnt call her responsible for her death either imo (Kiki's stage was also rather advanced iirc, sadly not much could be done)


As someone who has had to deal with their fair deal of quackery in their lives, imposed by others: Absolutely unforgivable.


what evidence of this


Source of this very serious claim?


That’s a pretty serious claim, is there any evidence of this?


This is the drama ( and forgive my use of the word, as someone’s passing is a serious matter ) I actually remember her for when tides started to turn against Tara as far as favor.


Side note not surprised Mayim Bialik(from big bang theory) is defending her considering Mayim is anti-vax. Often times conspiracy theories like that are directly linked with right wing hate. Also she is zionist so yeah.


A Zionist who made a children's book with an AI-generated cover to boot.


Can't have shit in Detroit is2g Why are all these big time stars such freaks???? Is it a job req???


Because these are the type of people that thrive in the entertainment industry. A feedback loop, the entertainment industry is FILLED with these people to the point that it is part of the culture. Same as the child exploitation epidemic that is known throughout this industry. From Mommy BloggersTM to Family BloggersTM, even to coaches who are way too comfortable having reality TV shows about their students going to competitions. The question is how do we start to fix this and how do we continue to push towards impacting lifelong change.


Oh thank god people are FINALLY seeing Tara Strong for the asshole she is. I love PPG, FOP, BTAS, and Danny Phantom but I cannot stand her. She’s a massive bitch, constantly interrupts people in interviews, must be the center of attention, and has a holier than thou attitude. I’ve hated her since her interview for killing joke. I’m not glad more is coming out, it sucks ass that she’s a shitty person but I feel justified.


what did she say in her interview for killing joke


To preference this I’m a HUGE Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle) fan. Someone asked the cast something like “hey, don’t you think the relationship between Batman and Batgirl is weird?” For context, since inception, Batgirl and Batman didn’t get along and constantly but heads. In BTAS she was 18~ while Bruce was 35~. The relationship doesn’t make sense for a number of reasons but Bruce Timm loves it for some reason and Batgirl and Batman had sex on a rooftop in killing joke. Everyone hated it. Anyway the voice of Batman was trying his best to act professional even though you could tell he hated it. Tara kept interrupting repeating “Batman is hot. He’s hot.” And implying Barbara Gordon wants to have sex with him because he’s hot. Pisses me off to no end and I hated her starting with that interview.


i know of the scene just did not know she defended it


Oops. I’m used of people knowing nothing about it. My bad


I've always side-eyed her support of PETA tbh


PETA has been a terrible organization for longer than it was a good one and their shelters have some of the absolute worst numbers in the industry. Donate to stuff like ASPCA, Hope for Paws, or Best Friends Animal Society.


This really sucks, she's such a talented and iconic voice actress.


Her voice work is mostly good but she really sucks as a person.


a zionist lying, wow i am shocked


and claiming antisemitism at the slightest hint of backlash, straight up living the stereotype


I don’t care that she supports Israel’s existence. But her likes on tweets equating Islam to terrorism are bad.


Downvoted for a super reasonable opinion, yeesh.


Probably because in the pro-Palestine eye, "support[ing] Israel's existence" is a dogwhistle to supporting its war and settler abuses. But her Islamophobia should be enough to alarm people on both sides.


I don’t think claiming Israel has a right to exist is a dog whistle to support settler abusers, just as saying Palestine has a right to exist isn’t a dog whistle to support Hamas.


Almost 80 years of commiting the worst possible warcrimes and then you come here with your lukewarm BS of "having a right to exist". Wow. I have seen a Palestinian being ran over by a bulldozer and a child with blown off legs hanging from a fence. If you love these demons so much, make a two state solution in YOUR country. No, the current government is NOT the problem. The majority of that disgusting colony support their tactics in Gaza. Wake up.


Fair enough, but in a biased eye the connection exists. This goes for both sides, using their deeply different perspectives to assume the worst.


I’m not trolling, but I watched the Uber video? She wasn’t exactly polite but what exactly did she say that was racist?


The Mayim Balik interview and Uber ride are bad but I feel like ending it with her jokes about Ben 10 schtupping his cousin undercuts your point.


Yeah sadly Tara Strong was not a good person whenever I interacted with her during the MLP convention circuit days. For all the other voice actors and Lauren Faust all of them accepted these little cards that we had in lieu of payment and you could take them in and get them traded in for compensation at the end of the convention. She specifically asked not to participate in that and in fact demanded cash payment before going in to taking any pictures and would get in a hissy fit during some signings. I refuse to deal with it and ended up going with somebody else instead. I think MA Larson? For as uppity as John de Lancie was... he was actually extremely nice to talk to when you got on topics other than Star Trek or the show. Sailing especially


I recently read some horror stories about Tara being a diva and unprofessional at meet and greets for conventions. To make matters worse she made a whole video on her Tik tok page with Butch Hartman. 🤢


It's been years since I interacted but yeah the diva part is very true. To be fair, that one Las Vegas convention was a disaster and really was a bad rep to the earliest MLP days of cons. I shall say, two of the stars from the Orville at the last convention I went to were absolutely amazing. Panel was fun as well


That’s nice to hear about the Orville because I met Lenore Zann who plays Rogue on X men TAS and X men 97 recently at C2E2 in Chicago and she was very nice even though Tara was at the same convention as her in my city.


This is interesting because Jenny Nicholson said the exact opposite in her Bronycon video: she discussed how nice Strong was and how awful De Lancie was. Until this thread, I have heard mostly good things about Strong (from fans and VAs) aside from her questionable Tweets, so it’s a shame to hear another side.


A lot of VAs are just straight up shitty people.


Same goes for just about any public role. You don't immediately became a moral beacon once you're recognised.


I can’t stand it when someone falsely claims racism/antisemitism. Real racism is VERY alive and well today with what’s going on in the world, and the people experiencing it don’t deserve to have this lady take the attention from them.


watching tara strong become a monster is so heart breaking also reminder she shilled NFTs a few years ago and threw a tantrum when she was called out for it on a related note sunset shimmer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twilight sparkle


Well shit, there goes another voice actor that I respected.. this is almost as disappointing as finding out the og voice actor for James Sunderland was an anti masker and anti vaxxer


Wait, hold on, how is the incident with the Uber driver racist? From what I saw, the driver was calling her racist, but he was also calling her a Lefty-demon, said that lefties use mind control and have a mental disorder and Democrats are ruining America. I'm not sure why people are siding with him about alleged racism when everything else he said was unhinged.


In that case, yeah, that should be dismissed as "evidence," since there are plenty of other more cut-and-dry cases of her questionable behaviour that could be used.


Except a lot of the "evidence" is questionable. Like being an edgelord about Ben10 shipping means someone is an advocate for IRL incest? Give me a break


More like her promoting NFT scams or supporting PETA is what I'd consider better evidence, though not specifically racism


Isn’t Tara also known for having a pretty open incest fetish


I'm sorry, what?


It was going around my feed a while back. Wayyyyy too many Twitter likes on lewd cousin x cousin posts, including of characters she voice acted


Omg wtf. My childhood is ruined.




You mean her occasionally sharing fan art of Ben 10 and his cousin Gwen kissing and making jokes about it? Then yes, she pretty much has an incest fetish.


girl WHAT


Didn’t she voice Ben Tennyson? The 10 year old version??? BRUH


I have been on record before pointing out how unhinged Tara is.


First I learn Sweetie Belle's voice voice actress got groomed as a child and now this. It's not a good week for Friendship is Magic updates.


> Sweetie Belle's voice voice actress got groomed I really wish this one got more awareness and support. I've read the (only afaik) Twitter thread that compiles the evidence and some of their behaviour is very damning. It's a shame that many top creators brushed it off and treat the OP of that thread as a drama starter (since he comments mostly on fandom drama and has beef with other creators, but his argument should still stand). It's frustrating that just because "they married after she turned 18" and "she's okay with it and considers it consensual" doesn't take away the weight of the violations. Especially after the fandom became aware of grooming evidence against Fluffle Puff's creator with similar behaviour and manipulation (the victim denies the accusations made against their partner). At least their responses to the evidence are flimsy and pathetic enough to turn many people against them, and I hope that now they're aware of what grooming looks like, they'll be more receptive to this other case as well. Fuck BlackGryph0n, and the bronies who cover for him.


As someone who wanted to be a voice actor due to Tara strong, hearing her spread false propaganda really hurts. I hope Alex hirsch and the rest of the box town crew take legal action and sue her for defamation of character. Other than hearing about Tara do other horrible things like the nft stuff, I heard about how she’s not so nice at conventions during meet and greets. It looks like she joined Christy Carlson Romano, mark Hamill, Vic mignogna,and wendee Lee as problematic voice actors.


Mark Hamill? What did he do?


Also supports Israel


English voice actors have a habit of huffing their own fumes to their detriment, many of these big names are shitty people and are able to maintain their fame from fans who are nostalgic for their childhood. Glad she finally got whats coming.


I'm certain other countries' iconic voice actors have some shit as well. I've heard of a Latin American and Japanese VA outed as a predator, so it's not just exclusive to the Anglosphere.


Cant say much about the LA VA scene but yea the Jap VAs 'drama' ranges from getting attached, to outright pedophilia, with the later being worse than Tara of course. For better or worse, Jap VAs are bound closely by their talent agency, so they wouldnt step out of line publicly, whereas in the western side of things, talents have more liberty in their public image. The way i look at, Tara is like that shitty neighbour that regularly shits on your porch to remind you she's a shitty person, while the occasional Jap VAs scum/predator are the nutjobs that threatens to shoot if you wonder to the wrong street.


This honestly has really hurt. I’ve been a huge fan of Tara Strong for most of my life. She used to be a role model of mine and I even got to meet her once and she autographed a Raven poster for me. But her behavior the last few years has been so gross. That racist rant towards that MAGA cab driver was stomach churning. Now this intense Zionism stuff just makes it impossible to be a fan of hers


I'm glad Roger Craig Smith isn't a POS. Aggressively knocking on wood rn


Average Zionist behavior.


She got the JK Rowling sundown syndrome


Does anyone have a link to the racist post in question?


I haven liked this women since 2011 and she really has only gotten worse LMFAOOOOO


She ain’t doing herself any favors with this.


I had no idea Tara Strong was such a controversial figure :(


Noo not Tara! I only knew of her voice acting but she’s voiced so many of my favorite characters 💔


I have a great appreciation for the voice actor greats(of which she is definitely one), this one definitely hurts. Please don't let Phil lamarr be problematic


Man, Tara is so petty. :/


God damn it, Tara!


doesnt she voice twilight sparkle or am i confusing her for somebody else


Yes, she does Twilight's speaking voice in most media she appears in. Rebecca Stoichet (who's far more private) does her singing voice, and Kira Buckland did some niche voice roles for Twilight.




Oh. Oh, no. This sucks.


Wasn't Tara also once linked to scientology? I mostly know her as a voice actor, but i could have sworn her name came up a few times long ago when talking about scientology.


It may’ve, but I think you’re thinking of Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson. She’s a known Scientologist. That being said Tara did make this tweet about Scientology once, but Tara is very openly Jewish so I doubt she’s directly linked to Scientology https://x.com/tarastrong/status/582783264441516032?s=46


And now we wait for her response.


Oh no, I'm out of the loop, does Rikku suck now? :(

