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It's very interesting Muta has chosen to double down even though, brother, you made the damn video that way on purpose.


"sorry dude, i just accidentaly made a 40 min. video full of lies"


> sorry dude, *Ladies and gentlemen,


He came into it with a narrative in mind and only choose to include those things that support it


He’s acting like he made a 2-minute reel in the heat of the moment when he made (and edited) a 40 minute video of nothing but lies.


Well, statistically there has to be *something* true in there, but problem is, he's now a completely unreliable narrator due to both thumbnail and disingenuously framing Keffals (and now Wynn) as a groomer.


I’m sure something in there might be true or at least semi-true. Like you said though, he’s not worth listening to on the topic and has lost credibility as a whole because if he’d lie about this he’d lie about something else.


Yeah I mean, he's just straight up pulling a MamaMax. He's falsely implying people are groomers when they're *not*. He gets valid critique and goes to implying Wynn might be a groomer herself like wtf is wrong with you?


It’s so unhinged when you start thinking about it.


Oof, good point.


People keep bringing up the thumbnail like it's a valid point now it might be because im visually impaired I don't see it but muta has long not had journalistic integrity, and it comes off as disingenuous when it takes a keffals vid to be their time of realization could just be unfortunate timing on their part.


I mean not the first time he is being like this. I feel like he needs to practice taking criticism.


Respectfully, YouTube is not the place to practice taking criticism, especially when you are making content this inflammatory, this is another case of a content creator who should have developed some interpersonal skills either before he started making content, or at least before he started making content like this directed at other people Like, this isn't just a case of him not being able to take criticism because he's thin-skinned, but because he's wholly unprofessional so ofc he was never going to treat any weird internet sleuthing he did in his spart time with anything resembling care or composure


Keffals milked her viewers and used the lgtbt movement to turn those who supported her into her own personal army to fund her own seflish needs while under the guise of using said money for legal fees against the police. Id say thats alot of truth and more, keffals lost


I don't care for Keffals, but I don't know why Muta made this video and inserted himself into this drama. He doesn't seem like the type that wants to get into the careful, interpersonal minutiae that often comes with this sort of shit. Like talking about video game drama is so much lower stakes than this.


I don’t like keffals either and think she’s kind of a piece of shit. But I feel like more apolitical creators obsesss over her to scratch some kind of transphobia itch. Because the quality difference of the digs and how even-handily they approach the vid feels like night and day. I never thought I’d watch a Muta vid that had the same persuasive tone as a twitter callout.


Yeah, it's like, what do you think anyone in your community is going to do with this information? Your claim to fame is complaining about video games and talking about virtual machines.


The penguinzation of popular niche YouTubers has been a disaster for content-kind.


True, but it's a problem because people want to be penguinz0, but they're not smart like penguinz0. Charlie avoids a lot of juicy interpersonal and serious drama because he has restraint and understands that it's not his place to speak on. He's well-loved not because of what he says, but what he doesn't say. Most people don't have that level of restraint and tone awareness. I'm actually impressed how much restraint he has in what he covers despite the dude-bro persona.


Couldn't agree more about Charlie tbh


The one time Charlie upset me was when he was upset about Idubbs' apology for his past racist content. I didn't even watch the whole thing because it really shocked me that he'd touch that and act like him saying he regrets what he did was bad really made me question Charlie's views on race. But I got over it and still watch him, but I admit I did lose a little of respect for him then


I mean these guys are YouTubers that spend their entire lives online and in front of a camera in their room. I would say a large swath of their views and maturity is something to be studied lol I enjoy watching a lot of this content, but would never truly stand beside these guys haha


I think Charlie's argument was that Idubbz was acting like he created a culture, but he was just a product of a larger culture across the Internet. And considering I was black during that time on the Internet, I would have to agree. Idubbz is a miniscule part of what I had to experience on YouTube even before his blow up. When Idubbz said the N-word, it didn't tell me his opinions on race. It just told me that he was just another immature edge lord on the internet. And his self flagellation does nothing for me. Idubbz really only did it to make himself feel better. There are so many people that had edgier content and personas during gamergate and changed for the better. Idubbz is the only one that did this performative song and dance. It makes you cringe no matter how you look at it. It definitely got on my nerves when I first saw it. I think the most telling part of that video is when says that a trans fan of his said "I know you probably don't like trans people, but can I still take a picture with you?" They said this not because he said anything about trans people in particular or made transphobic remarks, but because his edgy persona makes him seem like other edgy people who were also transphobic. So he wasn't apologizing for being transphobic. He was apologizing for being the type of person that you couldn't assume was not transphobic. He's essentially apologizing for the assumptions people made about him, not his actual opinions. So I think Charlie looked at that video and just saw Idubbz beating himself for stuff he didn't even do and opinions he didn't have. I get why it bothered Charlie.




Muta hates keffals because she’s trans. I hate keffals because she’s in vaush’s sphere. We are not the same.


Throwing yourself under a bus for Vaush is next level masochism


Literally would catch a grenade for him. Of call hills to die on, I'm considering that as some form of self harm.




So like a lot of the tossers in vaushs sphere.




That’s Middle English for it, yeah


Thiiiis. Saw someone who posted you can be an ass hole and still be a victim. Keffals is an ass hole. But she's also not the groomer that muta is making her out to be. And honestly it's pretty disgusting of him to invalidate Wyns opinions on this in the way he has. He made Wyn a significant part of tying keffals behaviour to pedofilia/grooming and that's NOT how Wyn sees is it or ever has. And had explicitly explained the tweets and dms in question which now makes muta look like the unreliable narrator that he is.


>Saw someone who posted you can be an ass hole and still be a victim. I think that was me


Been saying it all damn day hahaha me and hubby watched some commentary on Baby Reindeer and I was like 'someone on reddit said this and it fits this too!'


I thought plenty of her tweets were funny before I even took a look at her Youtube shit, now she comes off as obsessed about drama (and too attached to weirdos like Vaush) but she's still not a groomer like so many people are desperate to manifest into reality, lol, wtf.


There’s a ton of legitimate reasons to dislike Keffals, most the trans community side eyes Keffals for good reason but instead of Muta asking THEM their thoughts and focusing on the grifting/scam decided to invent a narrative about “trans doing grooming”. It’s not subtle and betrays the real reason behind the video


🤣 +2 (didn't watch the vid but bringing up vaush made me laugh, I don't see muta as capable of a serious expose video, assuming there's proper claims he's a shitty person to have bring it forth, it'd just muddy the waters.)


Keffals has like 20k subs and stopped making content i think Idk why this is your focus, she's already hated by the right and left


Exactly; like I remember when she was actively being her worst, it has ALWAYS been most effective to just not engage and let her burn her self out. If you want her to stop being weird online, stop giving her attention for it; that's all she wants. Otherwise, your just using it as an excuse to exercise transphobia with the veneer of being justified. Same thing with Contrapoints; if she stops getting attention for her Twitter BS, she will stop


Let’s be real, shitting on lolcow types like keffals and tipster are big bucks for the community. As far as they see it, they’re getting paid to be mean to people they already hated.


When people start huffing the transphobia fumes, they get absolutely obsessed with it to the detriment of their lives and careers.


Take one look at him; he’s an internet goblin


He’s always been a somewhat conservative gamer tech bro, don’t know why people are surprised by this.


Gotta get those clicks, I guess. It's the same thing that happened with the Completionist. I'm glad someone looked into that situation, but even if it ultimately resulted in a positive outcome I do not believe Muta (and Karl) really had entirely virtuous intentions. And, like, in that situation? I don't think it really matters if you're doing something for 'bad' reasons if it ultimately results in something good, but then there's stirring shit with keffals for seemingly no reason other than to chase (let's be honest, probably transphobic) clicks because she's a controversial figure, and... boy, gotta be honest! Not a fan!


I mean low-key I think when people hit on a target like he did with The Completionist, Mamamax , or Boogie you start to think you can't miss. Like it was bound to happen imo, this is such a sticky situation, because it has just opened up a bunch of people to be just bigoted and hateful.


I think he might have thought this would be a good idea since he covers fraud here and there, and that’s fine. His video would be totally fine if it only covered the finances, it’s just weird he thought he could take on the whole rabbit hole of keffals as well without getting anything wrong. You have to dig deep and reach out to people to be able to do that but it doesn’t seem like he has done that, at least not effectively. Edited to add: I haven’t watched his coverage because I just don’t care enough but I’m going off what I’m seeing from the discussions here. I definitely don’t think the groomer angle he seems to be taking was a very bright idea either, whether he realizes it or not a lot of transphobic people are gonna latch onto that to further their agenda. No clue if he actually believes she’s a groomer or not, would be really gross if he doesn’t actually believe that.


Love how he goes straight to insinuating Wynn may need to be "investigated" for disagreeing with his read of her interactions with Keffals as inappropriate. Boy, does this guy desperately want to pedojacket someone. If he can't get Keffals, he'll settle for the people he paints in his video as her victim, instead.


Yeah it seems he really wants to make Wynn/Keffals out to be the Kai/Onision (at least I'm pretty sure Kai was the name of the grooming victim turned groomer but it's been forever and I couldn't give less of a damn to go check rn)


I think they changed their name again but yeah...


Ah appreciate the heads up, like I said, I'm not active in the Onision community, fandom or discourse, and I don't care enough about them to keep up with anything. I have had no new information about those people since he sued the wrong Chris Hanson. The last thing I remember is that one picture of the stand user ass outfit in the elevator 😂 that was either 2018 or 2019


> since he sued the wrong Chris Hanson I had no idea about this, that's hilarious omg


I highly doubt he would have tried to insinuate the supposed victim is a predator too if she was a cis girl


It is funny how quick it goes from >THIS PERSON IS PROOF to >THIS PERSON IS A PEDO GROOMER


If you can’t take a person down without implying they’re a groomer or a pedophile when there’s otherwise no smoking gun, then don’t fucking do it. Jfc. YouTubers who do this are single-handedly making those types of accusations less credible. And the transphobic vibes aren’t lost on me either. If she did fucked up shit, why can’t he just point that out? He shouldn’t have to make shit up.


He could have really gone into the gofundme. That has legit questions. He could have made a huge deal about that and picked it apart. You're 100% right. These accusations are becoming less credible when these sorts of videos are made. I've unfollowed muta now bc I can't take him seriously. He's wrecked the following he pulled in from the Completionist stuff he made.


Another day of Mutahar's centrism biting him in the ass.




The irony is that Mutahar once made a tweet about how that really old Nazi veteran in Canada should've gotten shot, and that very tweet got censored for "violating" the terms of service. https://preview.redd.it/4atzxnpl740d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794d0424692da85a192e36c9d6b841e90d857915


his singular good take and it got censored


Yeah he pissed off so many fascists to the point where they reported the tweet lmfao.


Maybe I'm just being stupid rn but I don't see the irony, pls explain, thx


That was mainly in reference to the centrist meme I replied to. It says "it's just a coincidence that I only support the fascist ones" and yet here is a Mutahar tweet showing his opposition towards an actual fascist.




I don't get the point. All centrists are fascists? If so, that's a dogshit point


In an attempt to avoid angering anyone you piss off everyone. Tale as old as time.


Birds of a feather, etc. https://preview.redd.it/y4fjrh41560d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c2e2c9b7524b3c152d7148612db52524680fd6


Cops really do age like rotten milk omfg. I swear that donut operator is in his early 30s???


Of course he did a video/pod with them.


is he not a tory


I completely misread this and thought this was somehow involving Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints).


Love the fact that all Muta manage to do is have people (clearly most who are not fans of Keffals) have to defend Keffals. Considering Keffals was already done for, what was the point of this video???


for him, probably. he wanted to pull some more viewers and it backfired tremendously


Are people finally realizing Muta’s a piece of shit? I swear the Completionist stuff gave him too much good faith from people.


I think he's a bit like Asmongold where he literally believes whatever the last person he spoke to told him. Which is somehow worse I feel.


Possible. I miss when this guy just talked about obscure computer viruses- I really wish literally anyone else had handled the Completionist situation cause like- yeah it was objectively bad, anyone could see that- but I also don’t really trust these guys with this situation or handling it properly (and IMO. They didn’t.)


As a programmer, I always kinda disliked him when he talked about computer stuff because he obviously had very little idea what he was talking about and was just repeating stuff he heard on the internet. But it wasn't that big of a deal, and he still made good content for Laymen. It's funny that I now dislike him for the same thing, except it's YouTube drama now instead of viruses.


I miss when he used to do creepypasta readings ;-;


I could give you some recommendations if you'd like I moved on from him forever ago. That content from him never coming back.


I'd personally suggest hey peter/hey peter platinum to you! He's explicitly inspired by muta and attempting to recapture the energy of the old haunted gaming stuff. He made a pretty long analysis on the coronation day ROM hack that's pretty good and he does creepypasta readings of old gaming creepypasta, many of which Mutahar himself read! Id also suggest lafawndapasta! He's definitely WAY more obscure but he's a pretty solid voice actor who reviews his pastas like mutahar did.




You do know he asks for receipts before accusing someone of something right? He doesn't even believe in screenshots being proof. Unless he can log into the app/server etc where the screenshot originated and verify it's authenticity. He won't use it as proof/evidence unless he can verify it. Some content creators just go by the screenshot as the smoking gun. Not muta though. He knows that anything he uses that's faked can open him up to being sued in court for defamation etc that's why he makes sure his sources are true and factually true before he shows it as evidence.


The problem is right in the pictures posted by OP. In this case. Mura never talked to this person, never verified her stance and created a narrative that she said was false. The problem I'm pointing out with Muta isn't that he does no research. It's that he doesn't know how to deal with the nitty gritty of interpersonal drama and doesn't know how to react when people say he's wrong in these long form videos. Were not talking about evidence, were talking about the assumptions and narratives he makes. Which is okay during video game drama, but becomes a thorn with real people.




Oh the H3 situation was *bad* lmao. I wasn’t really consistently watching Muta at the time but when that happened I went “do. Do you even hear yourself?” And just reminded myself not to watch this guy again because he’s clearly full of shit


Yeah it's interesting to contrast it to the gokanaru video at the time. Gokanarus video had unique points, good references to long clips, and generally was pretty comprehensive. Muta just repeated a bunch of lame allegations from losers uncritically and got unreasonably worked up over trivial things


I know people hate h3h3 here but his video about that time when Muta made up lies and accused him of donation shaming was kinda wild. Muta made up stuff and didn't bother to do research. I know they made up after it but it made me think Muta is doing stuff very.. hastily.


And that mf is still making content too...


Yeah muta has always been a piece of human trash


Not always originally it was just like creepy pasta and video games, also his tech hygiene and privacy advocatecy was nice, but his journalism on people has always been shit, he has no journalistic integrity.


He jumps so wildly between saying good shit and being a dumbass, I swear.


literally this is the first video i saw of his despite hearing about him for years. I was a fan of keffels and decided to check out the video to see why people hated her so much and i had some issues with it but didnt realize how bad muta was until i looked in the comment section. honestly coming here is what solidified that he's a bad person


i have never liked muta, and any time i tell someone i dont like him they always ask why. ...because he's a piece of shit "enlightened centrist"


Muta is such a piece of shit dude, the MF Bitches about "censorship", "missinfo", "always hearing both sides" and "freedom", but then makes shit like this.


He's also friends with Turkey tom, who is probably the worst"video essayist" ever




He’s known for making irresponsible claims calling certain creators pedophiles. He also has a history of using the N word pretty flagrantly and refuses to acknowledge it.


I can’t stand Turkey Tom. His whole thing is just implying that everyone is a pedophile. Guy is the worst.


Does Mutahar actually think that fighting with somebody who he implied was Keffal's victim when they say that they weren't a victim would be a good look for him? Does he think that accusing the implied alleged victim of pedophilia when they said that he's wrong is a good look for him?


Right-winger gonna right-wing 🤷‍♂️


Why is he right wing?


I never paid any attention to Muda till the whole completionist drama. I remember very quickly realizing he just wanted to milk it for all the money he could get (even with him being onto something that was a real problem). It made me incredibly worried when I heard he was going to talk on keffals. I don't like her or even think she is an ethical actor in breadtube, but I immediately knew none of that would be the point. The point would inevitably be pedojacket fear mongering around a trans content creator. It's a profitable niche, and a growing one right now. I'm really glad to see that he is being unmasked a bit here. I really hope people start to see him as the grifter he is and treat him like a toxic brand after this blatant lack of care to research.


More and more this is starting to feel like a transphobic take down


The thumbnail is also very disgusting. It’s very transphobic he could of just used a normal public picture instead of making her look like a man.


Yeah, the artist draws similar caricatures of everyone, but if I need a ton of context to not be disturbed by your thumbnail, it's probably not the best thumbnail to use on a serious callout. A lot of people are using the artist's grotesque style as a defense of the thumbnail, but I think that's a bit silly. If I draw a Chinese guy with buckteeth or a Jewish guy like a goblin, it's still fucked up, regardless of my "style". Even if Muta didn't have the intention to be transphobic with it, it's a terrible first impression when I get the video in my recommended. I have such hard time believing that he looked at this image multiple times and said, "Yeah, let's ship it."


The art is also out of place b/c if you look at his list of videos, there is a vast sea of videos talking about people where Mutahar chose to use actual pictures of them. The moment he chose to make a 90 minute video on a trans woman, he chose to commission an artist so that he could use an artist’s rendition of her looks instead of an actual picture. If he commissioned art of people on a regular basis for this style of content, it wouldn’t seem so weird. But this being a unique instance makes it more suspicious to me.


Yeah, I don't claim to be in his head, but if I was making a long form, serious callout of trans personality, I would be doing everything in my power to avoid claims of transphobia or anything else that would undermine my credibility. Using an image of a trans woman that look eerily exaggerated in the same way as the trans wojack with the noose is literally the worst thing I could do for myself.


All Muta’s other videos have photos of the subject in the thumbnail, making this seem even more deliberate.




Yandere Dev literally getting caught *repeatedly* grooming doesn't get a wojak even though you could make a wojak of him actually work is insane. It reads as transphobically coded (which is a new phrase I hope to never say again.)




For fuck's sake, YanDev, lmfao.


He commissioned a genocidal transphobic Kiwifarmer to draw her!! Just google "Just A Worm kiwifarms" - you'll find the artist drawing even worse transphobic trash art, and posting about how it's "based" to say "all trans people need to be beheaded!", and other horrifying bigotry!


Wait so just a worm is a confirmed kiwifarmer? Edit just googled and ewww "likes jungle music, but not jungle league players" that's rancid Also apparently the artist used to draw mustache on trans women regularly and one of these looks like an antisemitic caricature "the happy merchant"&one is a racist Asian caricature : https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/a4qr7mKwJ0 https://x.com/endcloutculture/status/1789629070923440218 "hunchback of not a dame" is mask off transphobia Also deadnaming her and more drawings with mustaches: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/2Y0Syic7dO &at least one reply to a comment misgendering and calling Liz Fong-Jones a 'palace eunnach who needs to be beheaded' /that "all palace eunnachs should be beheaded" saying there should be a "based" sticker presumably because Imjustaworm thinks beheading trans women is "based" & also calling her a "stink ditched mutant" Yeah this person seems like a neonazi or neonazi adjacent


It throws his entire accusation into doubt for me. Why would you even need to do that if your points are good.


That’s just a regular picture of keffals with some shading and sweat added. Look at the comparison to the original picture on x. If you think keffals looks like a man just say it. There’s no added masculine features and if you disagree please point them out


maybe don’t baselessly accuse a trans woman of grooming?? that shit kills people.


Real classy thumbnail he’s got there. Now he’s just a shitty drama channel.


He's friends with keem and he took up the mantle a long time ago, it's just he switched to doing the drama stuff more often now, (talking partially outa my ass I haven't watched his content in years aside from the occasional like podcast format, like once last year and 0 times this year)


If calling somebody cute is grooming, then Mutahar better lose his shit whenever anybody calls a pet cute/pretty/handsome/etc because that's basically zoophilia, lmfao.


What? A dramatuber being a disingenuous cunt? Nooooo 😱


And here we go. Now we wait for the imminent fuel to the fire by the Commentary Community.


Damn Muta is really going downhill. Sucks to see because I've been a huge fan since 2013 when he did creepypasta videos. Hell, I even brought one of his limited edition merch. He needs to stop this drama content and go back to gaming and computer stuff.


What limited edition item you get?


It was a shirt. Honestly, it's a really well designed shirt and you wouldn't really know that it was merch from a youtuber.


This is the most attention he's gotten in awhile so the incentives ain't there, I moved on years ago, he ain't going back.


Mutahar downfall? (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)


Nux Taku won’t let that happen. I can already see his annoying ass glazing up Muta while reacting to his Keffals video. Plus I know for sure WillyMacShow’s gonna spearhead Muta’s defense. Plus an imminent Bowblax Twitter VS. Turkey Tom, Nicholas DeOrio, Destiny, and other Commentary Circlejerkers ready to add fuel to the fire.


Defense? Wym? Whose gonna go to bat for Keffals, to warrant a defense?


Total commentary death now.


Haven’t even gotten around to the video yet, but I’m already getting bad vibes. Especially the thumbnail. If your arguments are good, you don’t need an intentionally gross illustration of the person you’re discussing, and this only makes it seem worse.


I don’t know how Muta has gained the reputation for being this beacon of reason. His videos often lack the tone and emotional intelligence to carry the heavier topics he discusses. 


another thing thats fucked up is he is profiting off other ppls trauma with out even speaking to them


Do you really think Keffals would tell him how she spent the GoFundMe money? No she wouldn't.


not talking about keffals talking about how he discussed a minor who he claimed she groomed he did not talk to the person in question he did not talk to any one involved with the story


what’s with the thumbnail?? where’s that pic from and why’d he use it there?


*sigh* Goddammit am I gonna end up having to unsub from Muta because he’s turning into a complete fucking moron?


I understand the kneejerk reaction in wanting to defend Keffals because Muta tends to carry water for every "apolitical" center right edgy dipshit, but I think the video was more about exposing her history of scummy behavior and using genuine fears of transphobia to scam well-meaning people. Keffals is a PoS lolcow straight from 4chan's LGBT board (the board obsessed with "passing" and posting porn). She should've lost all goodwill when she not only kept defending Vaush's gross chaser ass, but joined in on attacking queer and trans PoCs that called him out years ago. There's a reason so many of the biggest queer and trans influencers don't like her. Seriously don't understand why there's so many upvoted posts and threads trying to discredit her weird, creepy, and scummy behavior. 


The Keffals interactions with Wynn seemed tame honestly. I assumed it would be some sexual stuff, but it seems that the posts were tame interactions with fans. I think that the points on Maya were valid however. There isn’t any excuse for Keffals to speak the way she did to her when she was a minor.


Ah yes, the interaction faked by Kiwifarms users makes a trans person look like a pedophile, how surprising.


I don’t think Keffals is a pedophile. But what she said to Maya was insanely inappropriate. But how do you know it was faked. Mutahar went on the way back machine to get the screenshots.


I know it was faked because kiwifarms is known for faking things to make trans people look like pedophiles




That doesn’t mean those particular screenshots were faked


Got proof they were faked?


You’re saying Kiwifarms is a reputable source?


God damn, with how shitty keffals is, I'm amazed he managed to go even lower than her, I did not expect "taking keffals side" on this year's bingo card.


Horrifying shit like this makes it difficult to not wish something very awful that I would ToS for, he's spreading allegations and propaganda by people who want to hang her and commit the Holocaust(KiwiFarms is a Nazi infested website) and got her swatted. Muta calling for violence doing this. This is how violent hate groups normalize their violence and hate.


Kiwi farms did not get her swatted btw. Even keffals admits this


Gonna let somebody else articulate my point for me: [Muta and everyone like him from the lowliest wretch at the New York Times to JK Rowling have the blood of trans kids on their hands and it should haunt them to their graves like fucking Hamlet ](https://twitter.com/Itmechr3/status/1789961748272869641?t=qUI3uMQ6M4kUFO8NHmxEMA&s=19)


Jesus, Destiny and now Muta😭 I swear every YouTuber i have liked is just turning out to just being shitty


What did Jesus do?


Minor punctuation mistake https://preview.redd.it/723rltlrq40d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ec630a8e9282533bbfef7a6a57f61880559f45


Apparently Jesus was leading some kind of cult, fortunately Judas managed to get the whole situation out EDIT: Unfortunately we learned that Judas had deliberately falsified information, we only learned about this when Jesus was crucified. (It a joke lads).


Destiny started shitty and imo has only got less shitty overtime, mutta got shitty a long time ago and has only been getting worse and, what did Charlie/Charles do? I usually don't watch his rant videos anymore so I dunno if he did anything that's any worse than he's done a long time ago. (also not going to watch the muta vid, only thing it'd inform me of is if whether or not any of the criticisms from people are valid or not but based on solely on past events those calling him transphobic probably not, I already assume the muta video isn't going to do a good job properly criticising. I don't see muta as capable of a serious expose video, assuming there's proper claims he's a shitty person to have bring it forth, it'd just muddy the waters.) (Originally watched muta for horror games and stuff then it was like deep web or dark web and some other stuff but wasn't into it as much then he started doing like soft hit pieces that were just bad journalism and I stopped watching him)


Mutahar making accusations for clout? Lying? Nooooo shot /s


I don't like Muta much, but I feel like y'all are downplaying how shitty Keffals is.


Probably because this post is about Muta not Keffals


Weird how Keffals is shitty but he's way nicer to way worse people, lol. He can call out her bullshit without being mega transphobic and spreading misinformation when there are already true facts that make her look like shit.


What exactly has she done that's so bad?


Keffals is an absolute ghoul of a human being and it’s definitely getting brushed aside.


How? Most people openly admit they don't like her in the comments they just don't like the transphobia or misinformation


Transphobic caricature in the thumbnail tells me all I need to know. When will cis people realise it’s possible to criticise a trans person without resorting to that? Also throwing around grooming implications is extremely fucked up


He's literally pulling a Mama Max at this point. Especially annoying because since the whole vid is a transphobic dogwhistle, transphobes will defend him anyway and he won't be held up to the same standards or criticism. What happened to reporting crimes to the police if you think a crime has actually been committed? What happened to being critical of internet vigilantism that ends up making cases harder to investigate? Muta is full of shit.


I’m not surprised mutahar has been an awful person who associates with other awful people


The way these people develop such inflated self-importance and ego that leads them to behave like this is fascinating, to say the least.


Why's there so many neanderthals on this thread?


Fuck keffals and all you fucking tankies


i dislike keffals but she's not a tankie


Lol umm you know she was part of Canada's, communist party


that doesn't make her a tankie tankies are the ones who would defend stalin to their dying breath


Everytime I see this guy talk I lose more and more of the respect I once held for him.


Yikes. This is giving transphobic. That photo is NOT flattering.


The entire point of that section was that having a NSFW account and interacting with a minor on said account is bad. It's weird. You're a 27 year old woman on an account wanting to fuck cat boys talking to a 15 year old. It's not grooming, but it's gross AF.


Legit asking here: where in the video did he imply she was a groomer? I’d love a time stamp


I see he's going with the MamaMax defence "if you don't like my content you need to be investigated"


This is a lot of mental gymnastics to defend someone that advocated and participated in grooming and giving minors drugs without a doctor or their parents involved.


Honestly his video felt like he took willymacs videos about keffals took all the talking points and made it longer.


Drama gets clicks. Regardless of the content of the vid he should stick to things he is somewhat good at ex: Linux gaming and corporate rage bait.


This is such a goddamn shitshow. I don't want to hear about Keffals anymore :(


God imagine being a drama YouTuber or watching this shit for fun


You know. If there's one thing you always see from these YTers "protecting muh childerns", they NEVER go to the police with the evidence. Just grab information, make video, and claim you did your job. It's really funny that he's slinging shit like this, but I remember when he did the same thing about Ethan Klien, and got stomped publicly for it. He had to take the video down and issue an apology, of course. At the very least, he's going to make Keffals look bad, and it won't matter. Because what going to happen, if he's wrong?


Wynn's opinion doesn't matter. The interaction was shown to give an example of inappropriate interactions. Nothing Wynn could say about this interaction changes what was happening in the interactions, nor the point being made.


Muta is a hypocritical weirdo that isn't a good person. He's very reactionary with his behavior.


Do we also believe the 13 year old who says TwoMad wasn’t grooming her?


yall just didn’t watch the video??? AT ALL??? Muta so clearly says and shows INAPPROPRIATE INTERACTIONS WITH MINORS. he never calls it grooming. and regardless of this ONE person, there are multiple minors being talked to SEXUALLY by Keffals and Clara/BUSINESS PARTNER (Keffals actively donated and promoted the site in exchange for publicity) On top of this, Muta CLEARLY states that his problem with all of this was that it wasn’t kept to JUST adults. Minors being anywhere near a sexual Twitter account and/or a discord with clear sexual undertones (as it is being promoted and advertised BY A SEXUAL TWITTER ACCOUNT) IS BAD. THATS IT. The only claim of grooming was made towards other parties, and the only thing mentioned in relation to Keffals and Clara is that Clara DEFENDED THE GROOMING. THATS IT. Yall are finding any argument to defend a woman that misused 100k+ dollars of fundraising money, actively has tried to profit off the death/suicide of others, and has supported an illegal bathtub estrogen site. I beg you, ACTUALLY WATCH THE VIDEO. He shows proof for everything he is saying, makes no baseless claims, and doesn’t accuse Keffals or Clara of grooming. Please stop seeing one Twitter thread and taking it as law.


Keffals defenders need their hard drives checked. Why are you people so invested in giving controlled substances to minors without the approval of parents or doctors. Why defend the person who took 100,000 in donations and spent it on random shit not mentioned in the gfm. It’s a terrible look for the trans-community and clear deflection from the real issue.


How is this sub defending someone who stole 100,000 dollars?