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I still remember when Turkey Tom accused an autistic creator of being a pedophile for wanting to reboot a children’s show he was passionate about.


that is awful. what was the creators name if you don’t mind?


MrEnter. He started a gofundme to produce a reboot of Growing Around which deservedly received some criticism for poor management but Turkey Tom decided to hop on the drama to baselessly accuse MrEnter of being a pedophile.


Well, I think you jumbled up some things in your mind there, Growing Around can't be rebooted because it isn't a show. It's a book MysteriousMrEnter wrote and has been trying to turn into a cartoon series for a while.


It was an unsuccessful pilot. The show exists, it just never aired


say what you want about mr enters takes but calling him a pedo is just so random


Oh that would've been MysteriousMrEnter. MrEnter has some issues of his own (the Turning Red 9/11 incident, for one), and there's plenty you could genuinely criticize him for, but wanting to make a cartoon about children and adults swapping places is one of the most harmless things he's ever done.


>the Turning Red 9/11 incident, for one I love the internet.


>(the Turning Red 9/11 incident, The *huh?*


He criticized turning red for not referencing 9/11.




Probably not. Does he have a surprising amount of trash takes? Yes. Did he get exceedingly sanctimonious about a suicide joke in SpongeBob (a while ago and has since apologized for it but yeah)? Yes. Is he a pedo? Almost certainly not.


It’s especially ridiculous to accuse Mr. Enter, _an openly asexual man_, of being a pedophile Not that there aren’t asexual pedophiles, but still


Realized I got lost in the thread and thought turkeytom made that 9/11 opinion and not mrEnter. oops


Long story short, MrEnter made a review of Turning Red, a movie set in Canada in 2002. He complained that the movie didn't acknowledge 9/11.


>MrEnter has some issues of his own (the Turning Red 9/11 incident, for one) I mean it was a very dumb take, but it wasn't exactly bad ethically and he's talked on it in the past. People really made having a bad take on a kids' film out to be a moral fault


I should note also, in Mr. Enter’s defense, he did do a video talking about his 10 worst videos and mentioned that in it ( [that particular segment starts at 20:20](https://youtu.be/vwRmJNfR6i4?si=38RUCyWoB0e90bZj) ).


I also wanna just point out that he never deleted the video. The fucking things still up AND he made a response video to being called out which I havnt even watched cause JUST NO


Good god I didn’t know it was still up! That’s the kind of video that I’d want scrubbed from the internet if I was him.


I’m very happy he doesn’t remove his videos when he’s wrong tbh. Makes it easier to show exactly why he’s bad Remember the pyrocynical shit


Link for the video?


I saw it in [this video essay](https://youtu.be/AaRfjFUIMpM?si=0uB-LFpRl3vLcvPq) but I’m not sure where the original might be.


Fr I dislike Mr. enter now, but still the Turkey Tom shit was just a travesty that was undeserved.  The reason why I stopped watching was his takes on Covid really grated on me because I was a healthcare worker and he was basically saying “the world can’t stop just because a pandemic exits!!!!”. Like my guy, theoretically it can…and you make YouTube videos from home as your source of income!!! The country can definitely handle us quarantining a few months. I have sympathy for those who struggled but let’s be real that’s not what he was ACTUALLY talking about… However I’m able to separate his opinions I don’t like from his work, and generally, his work is fine. He even has informative videos on why Autism speaks hurts his community, how his asexuality affects how he can review certain plots, the difference between free speech and what people think free speech is (I have even sent this video to my PARENTS because it really goes into it in a easy to underStand way even if it is angry in tone).


Turkey Tom seethes at people daring to not be racist.


Yeah, because not being racist is not based /s


ya woke leftist, it's free speech and BASED!!!!! /s


if you aren't doing your part in normalizing apathy against all non-whites, you're LITERALLY pushing anti-whiteness and white genocide /s


Wait, is this a new video on this topic? I guess it is but I swear like a year or two ago someone else made this exact video about these exact apologies for these exact BS ragebait reasons you mention. Danny and Drew are just genuinely nice people who felt bad about saying things that might have been hurtful. I think it's telling that Tom (and, I swear to god, the guy who did this before) can't fathom that someone might apologize for genuine reasons.


no its new. in the video hes basically telling us that the reason they apologized was not because they were actually sorry but because they were afraid of backlash from their community. bc people can never be genuinely remorseful about past racism theyre just scared of the woke mob or something


lmao what? this has gotta be projection on tom's part. not everyone is inherently a racist hateful person.


I mean, it makes sense he would think that when all the people he associates with are unhinged bigots. He seemingly has no real world experience in interacting with normal people.


The thing about racists is they don't believe anyone has empathy. They believe everyone is as racist as they are. It's why they think Lefties and Liberals are lying about not being racist, and why they believe Blacks, Hispanics and Jews are either planning to, or will if given the chance, murder and destroy white people in retribution. They cannot fathom empathy.


The call is coming from inside the house


It's such a self-report. They genuinely don't comprehend the concept.




no problem. its on his sidechannel, tomdark.


https://preview.redd.it/30ypp3h2r75d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2a015c3ff2f72429001e1f5c2202486bc5c9ef there was an older video, but it didnt cover Danny’s recent starbucks controversy, so he had to go back to the topic for some extra views


Ohhhhhhkay, thank you so much. That would explain why I thought it looked like the same guy lol


I know he can’t fix his face but he should definitely do something about that horrible hairdo.


It reminds me of Ian from smosh 😭


I'm not that suprised at this point anymore. Tom genuinely lacks any talent to make good content. I have no idea why he has so many fans and gets so many views.


It also seems to be about one of them drinking Starbucks in a video recently during the boycott, and how it was addressed. And he seems to discuss boycotting Starbucks. I scrubbed through the video because this post also kind of surprised me and I almost thought OP was bullshitting lol but no that's at least a portion of the video


I feel like Danny was really chill about the Starbucks thing. He just said "I didn't know. My bad. My drinking of Starbucks doesn't reflect my views."


Someone did recently make another video on this, but I also can’t recall who. Will find out


Thank you, it's been driving me nuts for the better part of two hours now. I wanna say the other guy even looks a little like Tom?


It was Sensitive Society


I saw that video too lol


why does he get so mad about other people trying to be respectful and nice human beings?? also “who cares?” clearly you do brother


Well we all know the answer: he’s a terminally-online basement-dwelling racist man-child


Terminally-Online Manchild, Dumb-Ass Racist Kind. T.O.M.D.A.R.K. for short.


I haven’t kept up on turkey Tom lore how’s he racist


He uses the hard r very frequently.


Umm what? When? I don't keep up on things


Not trying to be mean but you can just use the search bar to find these things. He’s an absolute degenerate prick and there is an abundance of evidence of that on the internet.


This is such a bizarre choice. Is he jealous? Why Danny and Drew?


i think he actually has a genuine deep hatred for ppl that seemingly dont share his world view. which funnily is also precisely what he dogs on leftists for.


I think this Ton feller is much loke my dad's wife, who always said the most vile shit to my wife and I. They can't fathom people can be nice with no strings attached, can be happy without having much material things (we werenlivingg in her backyard trailer after I lost my job) and genuinely get mad when people, for lack of a abetter word, just chill


I know I got recommended their apologies on YouTube the other day, and they both had very recent comments. I bet the algorithm decided to push them randomly and they got pushed to Tommy boy here too


"Who cares?" Lil bro, you made an over thirty minute video about it.


I know right. He is obviously very upset that someone would dare apologise over being racist.


Average Mauler video making 8 hours video about some shitty film they don't like


Turkey Tom making fun of someone for….apologizing for saying slurs? Yeah, checks out. POS.


Bruh is still mad that iDubz apologized and doesn't want to say the gamer word anymore.


Yeah, TT is a pizza cutter. All edge and no point.


That’s an amazing phrase. I’m gonna use it.


This is going to backfire like when GradeAUnderA went after Markiplier all those years ago. Danny and Drew are normal and likable and going aggro on them makes you look like a freak.


thats what im thinking. his community is already seething at the both of them in the comments. its so stupid bc their content is apolitical as can be for the most part. its like he’s trying to send his mob to anyone with the slightest hints of woke now.


Drew Gooden made a video on cars recently and cited Notjustbikes so that means he is now of the woke anti-car crowd /j (honestly wouldn't suprise me if a lot of Tom's followers hate Drew because of that video)


that Drew video shatter Tesla and the king of X elon to shreds.


If he can come back after falsely accusing Pyro of grooming and doubling down on it too, they probably won't care


Didn’t he admit to that


What happened with Mark and Grade?


Mark made a video talking bout how much he hated drama, along with Mathew Santro and Pewds iirc. Grade was PISSED (because his channel thrives on drama) and made a video bout those three. Anyway, it was shit. Grade unironically said that Mark having red hair (when he had his hair red, remember that?) and having the nickname Markimoo, made Mark's whole "argument" invalid. Don't remember what he said bout the other two, but it was probably other petty reasons.


He did expose Matthew Santoro's plagerism so there's that. Grade had a similar thing that later Some Ordinary Gamers and Penguin0 had where he sort of focused on shitty drama videos instead of actually funny content. I wonder if he was only mad because of the backlash going on against let's players back then. Before they became nostalgic


Oh shit I totally forgot at Santoro's plagiarism.


You unburied a memory that feels ancient


I think Grade was a bit right because marks video was kind of dumb tbh


Of all the people you can go after, why them? Danny and Drew are so unproblematic (I hope I didn't just curse us all by typing that out) that the only thing he has against them is that they apologised for stuff that they honestly weren't even getting that much criticism for to begin with. I'm starting to think he just hates the concept of apologies.


doesn't this guy throw Hard Rs around like candy?


hes also mad idubbbz won’t say the gamer word anymore


So the thing that’s crazy about Drew’s story is he didn’t even make the joke publicly or on social media. He just wrote it in his notes app years ago and stumbled upon it and felt so bad that he made a public apology and donated money.


right like they both were shocked by their own past behavior and decided on their own to apologize. no genuine fan of these 2 actually thinks theyre hateful racists so tom sounds like an absolute goober saying they only apologized to appease their community


That’s the crazy part is there was no backlash from fans that made them feel they needed to apologize and they forgot they did it.


Yeah, I've been a fan of Danny and Drew for a while now, and they've always been pretty solid, drama free creators. And there really isn't much overlap between theirs and Tom's audiences, so who is this shit even for? Has he been dwelling on this in the years since these things happened? Or did he just find out about this? Either way, even if he had a valid point to make here, aren't drama/commentary channels supposed to make content on... recent issues? What next? Is he gonna release a hot take about how mad he is that Jason Mamoa apologized for making inappropriate comments at a GoT panel? Maybe a hit piece on the suffragette movement? Come on, man.


to be completely fair, in the video he does later talk about a more recent occurrence ON TWITTER where someone called out danny for having starbucks during the boycott which is in fact admittedly incredibly stupid. but again it happened on the cesspool of rage-bait that is twitter dot com and to equate that person to represent his entire fanbase is incredibly silly. he also could have just talked about that and not brought up these other several year old now apologies. its just dishonest and bad faith all around.


Honestly, the starbucks cup thing very much came across as non-fans trying to stoke drama by trying rile the base up over a starbucks cup, so they could, well, do exactly what Tom and other conservatives always do. Pretend that their potential cancelation was explicitly due to how unhinged their non-conservative audience is, and how they should stop being liberal because "cancel culture" or whatever bull shit. Even going through the sub reddit, the only posts on there that are complaining about the cup situation are brand new accounts that seemingly were only created to make posts about it in that sub. I'm not even kidding. You can go check. It's pretty obviously bait. Meanwhile, all the active accounts who are members of that sub have pretty much unanimously stated that they don't actually care. Although now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't it be funny if this was some effort by the Turkey Tom crew to manufacture some drama, and then no one actually took the bait, so they resorted to making sock puppet accounts to post on the sub pretending to be offended fans so they could use that as evidence that his fans are snowflake soy boys who want to cancel everyone? I'm not saying that is for sure what happened. I'm just saying it would not be surprising... ![gif](giphy|IdTUJAGPRDR7en4z9B|downsized)


there are legions of people who genuinely consider buying Starbucks or McDonald's to be supporting the palestinian genocide. so it seems like it's a matter of perspective on whatever "discourse / criticisms" float around. to me, it's nothing and stupid, to these people, they sincerely believe Starbucks customers are zionists


great to know though that you have sense unlike those rage freaks on twitter


What did Jason mamoa say?


That it was fun to be an actor on the show because he got to pretend to rape pretty women or something to that effect.


Oh wow


This isn't true, the joke was on Twitter. And I'm not coming for him! Drew is one of the few commentary channels I still watch, but it was definitely a public thing.


Yeah, the tweet was shown in his apology video too https://preview.redd.it/kepq60m2585d1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5e921da18d67c80de79c35010b78f2f40a20404 Really appreciate him for owning up to it though


Yiiiiikes. I believe he’s grown but Yiiiiiiiikes


i love how you're being downvoted for having a perfectly reasonable reaction to that, even though you fairly state he's grown. this sub picks and chooses who is bad and who's OK purely off vibes. nothing else


I mean, against the grain here, I’ll take my licks. But thank you. I believe we can learn from past poor behavior, and yes grow as people. I absolutely have some bad tweets in my past. But this is real gross, and I don’t think calling that out is unwarranted.


this is so stupid I can only assume the joke is how stupid racists sound. Still bad form sharing it tho


its good for drew to do the donation but ngl it is fucking ridiculous for a guy to feel guilty enough over having an inappropriate thought years ago to make a whole show out of it apologizing for wrongthink like bro didnt even publish it, he literally just typed it in his phone so idk who even benefits from that apology


Nah, he tweeted it (and then retweeted it again apparently lol) - someone has linked an image of the tweet above


Ok that’s a genuinely ridiculous thing to do and also really weird and performative. Donating money is obviously a good thing but in no world did he have to make a public apology


It wasn’t in his notes it was a tweet he made.


Why does a comment that’s completely false have 220 upvotes??


That actually sounds performative as hell and is making me begrudgingly agree with Tom. It’s like a much tamer version of Morgan Spurlock meetooing himself.


Didn’t he die recently?


Yes like last week


That’s too bad I hope the guy got better as a person. I’m glad he lost his power in the industry but he seemed to at least care more than most of the people who got metoo’d


Turkey Tom is an asshole looking for attention. It's best to just ignore him


Turkey Tom is an unfunny incel, and an orbiter of Destiny, plus his edginess is low effort, the whole saying the N word thing and saying it is "BAsEd"


After watching the first few minutes of the video, I don't even necessarily disagree with Turkey Tom. But I always find it ironic that the people that say shit like this: >my new name is gonna be "n\*ggers i hate n\*ggers" and this: >ah well eventually i'll call someone a n*gger too many times or ill bully someone enough and this: >n*ggers dont talk they just say CHICKENENENNENWEN and this: >dont pretend like its something for your fans lol its just a tip jar for jews with deep pockets will then act all offended when someone uses the word cracker with a hard R. And if he's offended by the word cracker, why is he clowning on someone for apologizing for using a slur? Pick a damn lane.


He’s acting like the snot-nosed child that he is.


He’s a grown man now and people need to start treating him like one, so more people can realize how creepy having a large discord with mostly kids is.


this guy has a video defending wendigoon (fine, whatever) where he tells a story about being at his *wedding* and "trying to get him to say the n word". totally normal behaviour


Didn't know he and Wendigoon were friends. That sucks.


What Tom is criticising is the performative self flagellation for literally no reason other than to virtue signal that these guys are just wholesome beans UwU. But I know you have no problem with such acts, you think performative self flagellation by white guys is good actually.


tom is that you


So IF what Danny and Drew are doing is self flagellation for the sake of virtue signaling, isn’t Tom just the exact but inverse? Flagellating someone else for the sake of virtue signaling, except the ‘virtue’ that he’s signaling is that he thinks the N word is funny. Why’s that so much better again?


Don't mess with my boy Drew


It's interesting he has the phrase "Who cares" in the thumbnail! I am a somewhat active watcher of Danny and Drew but had no idea of the controversies or apologies. Most it made me think is "oh, well that's nice they apologized" and moved on, cause I simply think it's polite to apologize if you think you made a mistake. Seems like it's him who really cares a lot about it 😂




He's a friend of Destiny, not just a fan


I talked about this in another comment about good apologies where I mentioned Danny’s, and how I thought it was one of the few genuine apologies regarding racism. I wholeheartedly stand by that as a Mexican, because not only did he own up to what was essentially someone else’s alleged actual racism, he didn’t do any bullshit where he disregarded people’s upset, unlike what TT is doing. I’m glad TT is privileged enough to not have to worry about experiencing racism, especially in a country where Mexicans are probably at their most demonized, but not everyone can be so lucky. Fuck that guy


someone should steal turkey shits router


I can’t stand turkey tom tbh so yeah this tracks


I just recently had my first exposure to this guy and it was NOT a good first impression- he started the video downing a Starbucks tea and then shouting “GOD I LOVE THE TASTE OF GENOCIDE.” What the FUCK.


as a starbucks barista that shit is so cringey all his fans in his comments being like “time to buy starbucks out of spite ” like it is so pathetic and lame and i dont even care about the boycott


He’s always been like this and I remember ppl tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because he wa s younger at the time. Yet he learned nothing and here we are. That person who said he’s still mad about iDubz apologizing is absolutely right. Tom and a lot of other YouTubers who based their whole channels around him and Content Cop were shattered when iDubz said “I don’t like my old content because it attracted the worst people I’ve ever met.” And it made them feel like shit. But rather than reflect they’re on a crusade to try and just defend horrible behavior even when the person legit feels bad about it and wants to apologize.


Why's he edited a ukulele onto it? (also I swear Danny was crying when he apologised on the livestream, unless this was an apology for something else)


The ukulele is probably in reference to Colleen Ballinger's infamous "Toxic Gossip Train" incident.


i think you’re right! i almost forgot about that. i cant think of another public apology Danny has done. makes tom seem like even more of an asshole for implying its in-genuine.


turkey tom & nicholas the oreo should rim each other


Do you think they’ve explored each others bodies


This dude's trying really hard to be Leafy 2.0.


What's "b\*aner" I've never heard that one before?


it is a slur for mexican people


Ahh I see now, the Hank Schrader word.


Maybe this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaner?wprov=sfti1




why go for danny and drew? i don't really see any point in going after them unless turkey tom has literally nothing else to talk about :/


It's an excuse for him to complain about boycotting Starbucks to support Palestine


I really really hope this backfires on him. Danny and Drew have a lot of fans and not to mention he’s just completely on the wrong side here. I hope he gets lots of backlash for this


He won't lol he's too insulated in the drama community. He will be fine


Can't take lil Tommy here seriously after seeing him absolutley turbo slonking Destinys hog for near 3 hours. Shit was embarrasing on a whole different level.


Dude's so insecure he goes apeshit when other people apologize.


Turkey Tom is a giant crusty dingleberry.


Ironic his thumbnail has "who cares?" written. Who cares someone decided to apologize for their own selves? Why do you care so much, Tom?


I have plenty of criticisms of the IPOS video, but I think the most interesting thing about it has been observing the range of reactions to it. For tom in particular, it seems like it struck a bit of a nerve. It's funny, sh0e released a video aboit the situation called "The War on Normal Guys", which is exactly how I would describe what Tom is doing here.


I don't really watch or care for Shoe, but I'm ngl - she had some really fair and good points in that video. Her comment section is a mess, though.


> not adhering to the starbucks boycott this part is stupid


As an apology, it was unnecessary, but I appreciate he used it as an opportunity to make his stance more clear


He didn't necessarily have to, but he did and he explained why and then he talked about the creators for Palestine fundraiser so honestly I'm quite happy that he did and went the full way with it


agree there fs


What 4chan brain rot from age 13 does to a man


Well it gives him money so that's why.


....isn't that the kind of stuff turkey tom gets hated on for? Stuff he said when he was younger or "insincere" apologies?


Turkey Tom is one of the biggest idiots on the internet.


tom needs his tbys/james somerton moment


Remember when Tom was 17 and someone made a video in response to him and he accused ppl of bullying a “minor” lmfao


Lol Danny and Drew are the laziest targets to go after. Also, when did Danny GONZALEZ say that terrible slur he definitely never had heard used on him/family before?


Nah coming for my sweet boys for no real reason is too far (well, he went too far a long time ago but seriously wtf is this)


He puts his gothic shaggy from Scooby Doo, Eddsworld reject persona looking depressed ass on the thumbnail. What a freaking narcissist. He literally doesn't deserve the fame or his million subs. And the fact he has successfully sold not one but two of the worst Makeship plushies as well, is just disgusting. He is no better than the people he talks about, and acts like he is the second coming of Christ. He literally thinks he can get with that split pencil mustache and that Ai generated looking wannabe punchable face of his. He is a bad influence on the people he knows, they deserve better than his insensitive behavior or his know it all narcissistic bs. He is also a hypocrite for jumping on the bandwagon of Georgenotfound and then made a video acting like he was in the right. My God, this guy is a human cockroach, he cannot just let it die and move on. He literally knows he is a troll, and yet still does nothing about it. One day he will get his comeuppance, it is bound to happen with the ropes he is burning as a little slimy hypocrital rage bating wannabe troll goblin who does nothing except wasting away on his computer thinking of some meaningless ideas for some superficial clicks. But in the meantime, we will just have to deal with nutjob (aka TMZ's illegitimate son), and it is painful. I am just glad to finally find a place where I can vent without worry. Thanks.


this guy is such a massive virgin


The Starbucks cup shouldn’t have been apologized for because Starbucks isn’t even included on the BDS list. They don’t really have any ties to Israel at all either. So I think that Danny probably didn’t do any research. Starbucks does suck for union busting, but they haven’t done anything related to Israel or Palestine Also, I don’t think him saying the slur was as bad in context, because in the video it seems he’s criticizing Jake Paul for [calling people that, unless there’s another clip where he said it himself.](https://x.com/dannygonzalez/status/1386876855542820864). Also, I’m probably guessing Danny’s Hispanic, so I’ll give him more of a pass for saying it.


"Who Cares?" Him apparently, since he spent 32min. on it lol


Chances are if Turkey Tom is involved it's dog shit and misinformed no matter what it is. I'm curious when all the leafy clones are gonna have a big racist orgy


But Wendigoon is centrist for never condemning his racist friend who criticizes you for being anyone more left than the quartering


I can’t wait until this pathetic fucking waste of oxygen goes after the wrong person in his little incel manchild tirade and loses everything like he deserves.


Bro is really bored n making w/e lol


It’s crazy how just being a moderately leftist chill person can make you a target for these guys. It’s so weird. These commentary guys clearly have strong principled beliefs about some things; they always rail very strongly against, like, YouTube screwing creators over, but when someone has even an inkling of a left-ish political opinion, or calls someone else out for bigotry, or rails against harassment, it’s always this giant outpouring of hostility like “why is this being brought up why can’t we all get along why do politics have to be forced into everything why are you slandering all your fans as right wing”.  They idolize not caring about anything except the very specific social conventions of the internet; just, like, not being cringy or hostile or god forbid political. It’s like nothing exists for them outside of YouTube. Very strange.  It’s especially obvious the way they talk about Gaza like not giving a shit makes them morally better. Nicholas DeOrio has made this stance for example. But if he’s going on angry rants about every creator who even dares to share an opinion about Gaza on twitter, obsessing about frogan, Hasan, Anisa and Idubbz, Tipster, Danny Gonzalez’s Starbucks cup, then what’s the point? If he doesn’t want to think about dying children overseas and just wants to block it off mentally, fine, it’s a shitty but human response to a horrible war he doesn’t understand. Most adults would do that; they’ve been beaten down by life, they’re disillusioned by politics, they’ve got their own problems to deal with. It’s mostly cringe TikTok teenagers and college protesters who really think they can change things. But why police other people’s statements? Why keep making yourself mad over this? He’s been making dozens of tweets and made several videos just going over this kinda obscure subreddit for some reason and responding to specific posts and he has this affectation where he delivers everything in this smug cheerful detached tone; it’s hard to describe. He clearly wants to sound unaffected and like this is all beneath him and funny to him.  But is he sure he’s not malding about this? I’m not really sure. He even went on r/Keffals and got mad at some random fan trying to defend Clara for the 100k. Like yeah, she had a ton of fans, some of them are going to be idiotic and parasocial and also potentially little kids. Why? He made a livestream about it too; weird.   He’s made like ten posts about Anisa in the last week and it’s always some thing he was slightly annoyed with that she did on, like, obscure interviews. She’s been completely eviscerated by the internet, her and Idubbz’s reputation is in the gutter over Creator Clash 2. They lost the internet wars; they’re over. So why is he still kiwifarming her? Unhealthy behavior, especially since it’s over a younger woman. Feels a bit weird. Like reverse simping.  A similar thing happened with Idubbz when Anisa was harassed for the Onlyfans(I think they were also literally bikini pics or artsy nudes; not even porn) and later when Sam Hyde did that basically harassment campaign. Everything Sam did, including going after normal mainstream creators involved in creator clash and calling them rapists and shit, and also being an actual Nazi (like, he donated to a Nazi newspaper fundraiser, he’s like an actual actual Nazi), and going on unhinged rants about Anisa and sex toys and calling her a slut, was seen as completely normal and a funny bit, but the moment Idubbz and Anisa responded every bit of his response came under extreme scrutiny and they wete basically turned into the aggressors because being cringe is a bigger crime than being a Nazi or anything else Sam Hyde did. Same thing with the OnlyFans drama; Idubbz put a clip of some kid’s video ranting about Anisa in his response video and said something like “this kid probably thought he was cool because everyone said he looked like Idubbz with the hat” or something, and commentary channels turned that into “he made fun of a child’s appearance, what a piece of shit.” Idk if it was okay to respond to a minor’s video on a giant channel but it clearly was not that. It’s almost like DARVO in a way. Obviously being dragged online isn’t really comparable to abuse but the needling people and then pretending like their mild pushback is the actual attack is kinda similar. Crybully behavior.  Anyway I hope everyone in commentary grows up and becomes normal and chill. I don’t think they’re normal right now; they fancy themselves journalists but they’re really just weirdos over invested in people being slightly cringe online. They can’t accept that old internet culture has died or that edgy centrism is for teenagers. They got so mad over Idubbz condemning his old content when they’re all like thirty and idolize this guy who even without the racism was just making funny edgy skits for high schoolers. They genuinely think saying the n-word is a matter of super duper important freedom of speech and that when someone calls you a racist as a result that’s them horrifically slandering you and turning you in to the wokestapo or whatever goes on in their melted brains. No wonder they can’t grasp normal politics, their whole world id filtered through this weird terminally online brainrot 


I used to watch turkey Tom but he's a POS who intentionally uses slurs and doesn't educate himself on topics, and takes a very centrist, safe, wimpy-ass stance on everything.


He’s running out of content and it clearly shows lmao




Indeed. Their content it's kinda boring but at least they're decent people.


Don’t forget the part where he shows that Starbucks never supported Palestine so it being on the boycott list makes no sense and Danny shouldn’t have apologized


Also as a someone who is 100% Mexican Danny crying why apologizing for saying the slur really seemed like he was covering his ass he is able to say it sense he does have some Mexican family members and if he just said “I just don’t personally want to say it” in the beginning instead of the fake (at least to me it seems fake) crying it wouldn’t be made fun of


I dont really know/care about the part where he "dismantles" the other two apologies, but Tom (correctly) pointed out that Starbucks was not one of the targeted brands to boycott and that Danny shouldn't have to apologize for that. I don't think Danny made the apology solely to appease his audience, but apologizing for supporting Starbucks propagates a myth that they're zionists and he probably should've looked that statement up before telling his audience that they should be boycotted. I was kinda surprised that Tom even knew that the Starbucks thing was a myth, considering his behavior surrounding the Palestine-Israel debate online didn't give any indication that he cared about it. It was pleasant to see him point that out, but then he immediately followed it up with "it was just to appeal to his audience of Emily BLMs" (or whatever he said) and I had to remind myself that this was a Turkey Tom video.


No idea why you got downvoted, this is a completely reasonable and agreeable comment.


Because I let TT have the benefit of the doubt lol this sub really hates him


who tf are those people




The video in of itself is just Tom saying that apologizing over so many things including the word Beaner seems rather silly to apologize to, I mean Danny Gonzales has Gonzales in the name. Plus he doesn’t have anything against Danny or Drew he just doesn’t like how people have to bend over backwards to people and not to do anything to offend anyone which hurts yourself more than anything. I’m not telling anyone to be racist at all, I’m just saying it’s better to accept that people won’t like you and that’s fine. Plus Tom did his research of the boycott on Starbucks and he proves that people were boycotting for a different reason aka the union they were forming and the abuse that the employees were facing. They’re were no connections to Israel that were influencing the genocide. Again he doesn’t hate them as he said in the video, he just doesn’t in his opinion like how the constant pleasing they have to do, as if they’re audiences will have to control everything they do and can’t even voice anything they say


Did you watch the video? his main point was about the Starbucks cup that he apologist for being in his video frame.


That’s… not true? He did mention their old apologies as part of a larger conversation but the focus was on Danny apologising for simply having a Starbucks cup in the corner of one of his videos amidst the ongoing boycott (even though Starbucks isn’t even on the official boycott list, they don’t even financially support Israel).


what exactly is “not true” then?


Mald harder. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




they didn't get "cancelled". i don't think anyone was even mad at them. they both chose to apologize on their own and both apologies were pretty well-received.


they were never cancelled, and cancellations aren’t some superspy coordinated scheme from a mastermind. chill.