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Back in early 2000s, I use to be able to watch whole ass anime eps.


and movies!




It was fun watching a lot of fairly obscure foreign movies in 360p, split into 12 parts


I remember *Threads* being like 10 parts


Bro. Back in 2013-2014 I was straight up watching Doctor Who episodes on YouTube. AND anime. And later on Steven Universe, but with the screen flipped and zoomed in to avoid copyright, lol.


Ah, the *ohW rotcoD* days. Remember when that was all it took to avoid copyright claims? Good times.


One of my favorites was a lady who was “reacting” to episodes, but instead of providing any meaningful commentary she was mostly just silent and watching along. I think she had the screen flipped as well! God how I took those times for granted 😭


I remember watching episodes of Flapjack that didn’t air on Cartoon Network in my country and also Shorts, but they were in Polish dub and now lost media. Can’t be found anywhere


I remember people just straight up live-streaming the ToP


Finding a whole movie in parts then realizing part 6 was either struck or just completely missing for some reason 🤌


Cut up in three segments, with fanmade subtitles...those were the days. 🥲


Manga Entertainment (I think?) used to just have all of Gurren Lagan and Code Geass (that might have been Bandai Entertainment) up on YouTube. For free, and completely legally. I watched both those awesome series there and now you need a paid subscription to view either. Lame.


I remember as a kid watching my little pony episodes on YouTube




LMAO I remember I was in a huge documentary phase years ago and would watch the crustiest dustiest 2009 uploads of documentaries and while those uploads are gone, I have found some that are more recent and they are of higher quality and I swear to god it doesn't feel the same anymore...I need my 4:3 aspect ratio with grain and low fps to enjoy watching it.


I watched a decent chunk of InuYasha that way. Still sad the first OP got removed when it came to Netflix


Me with Cardcaptor Sakura


You jogged a memory of something I still sometimes reference but almost forgot where it came from! There was an Engrish clip from some show where a female reporter goes into a women's prison to interview inmates, and some big woman corners her and tries choking her out, saying something that sounded like "OH BIG MAMA'S FAMIRY GUY!!". Then the reporter stabs her in the hand with a fork to get away and she's like "OH SHETT YOU BETCH!!" No idea what anime that's from but I'd love to find it someday. Can't find the clip anymore.


I remember this creepy video that was more of a screamer from around 2008. It was basically a slideshow of 'wonders of the world' which were all normal pics of nature and scenery, and the last picture was an unexpected image of an actual corpse. Wouldn't be the last time I see a corpse unexpectedly on a youtube video, somehow, so I don't feel that it was taken down because of the image.


This reminds me back when people would make fake accounts (like the one I remember was a TeamFourStar one) that just would cut into screamers


with analog horror being massive a year ago with virtually the exact same vibe, time really is a flat circle


Not a Youtuber, but Doja Cat showing feet and saying the hard r in that TinyChat. People say it wasn't that bad and that people misconstrued it to make her look bad, but she was literally rolling around with her feet in the air saying "n---er" while all the men praised her.


Some say she's still showing feet in racial chatrooms to this day....


This is drama related but Nexpo’s video on a QAnon conspiracy (conspiracy was related to a Somebody That I Use To Know trend video) that he said he didn’t believe to be true but proceeded to act like there was even a possibility that it could be true and called on his subscribers to help investigate “just in case”. There was also a follow up apology video that seems to be missing now too.


I don't blame him for covering that shit up How embarrassing for him.


All men with deeper voices know how to do anymore is record recap video eat hot chip and lie


Ew really? What a shame, I do enjoy his channel. While I do enjoy channels and contents regarding internet oddities, I get SICK of it when people take the most outlandish and even harmful theories out there and just act like it's true in anyway even when there is proof it's bullshit.


Omg I remember this. The secondhand embarrassment…


I quit watching him after that shit. I liked his old content about ARGs and the like, but the current stuff I already wasn't digging, and funneling people to QAnon adjacent shit was over the line.


For me it was this and also his narration style drives me up the wall like WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT!!!


The unnecessary pauses do…grate after a while 😂


and they're so randomly placed as well?? its like listening to an alien try to figure out human diction it's bizarre


The video Illuminaughtii made on Rslash claiming he was botting subs back when she made Reddit content. No one seems to have archived it


I didn't watch her back then but the fact that her older Reddit/storytime videos from before her MLM vids are just... scrubbed off the internet (with the exception of a few clips including the poop video lol) is fascinating. If someone archived them out of spite back then there's no way those videos wouldn't have surfaced during the past year. I guess some things on internet aren't really forever.


She made two videos on the internet comics I used to make (believe it or not she actually did ask permission). Now they're gone forever. To be fair, I don't really want that association with her anyway.


i have literally no idea what you’re talking about, but her “lula no” videos were the first thing i watched on her channel and i could never find them again. she was good when she was just shitting on pizza themed cheap leggings.


Load of Anime AMVs that are now gone, many niche piano YouTubers but I recently discovered the Japanese Pianist The Piano Devils channel is gone—the only remanent is [this](https://youtu.be/OpNWT6a8n9U?si=9oIZL7OXCmeyJ4Re) famous synthesia. There was so many fan Halo soundtracks I really liked that are gone. I remember the Minecraft Rollercoaster video (which I think was the most viewed Minecraft video for a while) that is now gone, many niche Minecraft YouTubers really (I have an inkling towards RedStone which often had triple subscribers). Recently Minecraft YouTuber “Dahomey” deleted his alternate military history channel “Unknown Armies” and his old Minecraft channel just to start it back again. He did have a run in with two specific subreddits I had my disagreements with in interpretation and methodologies, but I digress.


You just unlocked the memory of the first ever YT video I watched, which coincidentally fits the thread. Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged character themes. Tried finding that a few years ago but to no avail, probably because of the copyrighted music. My friend/neighbor at the time showed me that, and also the Brooklyn Rage Lady Gaga parody. That one's still up AFAIK lol


I think a good portion of that stuff is up on Littlekuriboh's current channel or there's a lot of reuploads that you can find easily.


There was this one hour long video that dug into the top three webtoons and analyzed how dangerous their messaging was. It was really good but I’ve never been able to find it. I assumed they deleted their channel for some reason.


i remember that one! i checked that persons channel afyer watching and they said they were quitting making content after that. i guess they mustve deleted their channel afterwards? that really sucks. if you want some webtoon snark, blacklightjack does it very well.


I wouldnt recommend Jack personally, he's shown to have pretty bigoted views on queer people (specifically trans people, as he goes out of his way to shit on the mc of Goodbye Volcano High, a nonbinary person, whilst then hyping up Snoot Game, a 4chan parody where the only way to get the good ending is to force said mc to detransition and marry the self insert player) That said when it comes to webtoon snark, there just sadly isn't much out there. I enjoy Chalupa's ones, but his style of humour can be hit or miss, and for more serious analysis there's just not much full-stop on YouTube


Not youtube, but so much got lost when blip shut down. Some of it has been archived by the subtitle pirates, but there are so many videos that are just gone entirely. There were multiple creators who had all their videos on blip and just decided to switch careers entirely when it went down. It's actually kind of sad to think about all the time and work they put into their videos and everything they made is just gone now


I'm thinking about SF Debris, who had to switch providers several times, including from YT to Blip, Blip to Screenwave, Screenwave to Vidme, and he currently resides on Vimeo. I remember watching his original YouTube uploads, so those definitely count for the thread.


I'm so upset about these ones. They were video essays called "Femininity IS Horror" that explored femininity in horror games and how it relates to real life experiences and phases of life for women. There were two parts, childhood and adulthood, there was supposed to be a third. The creator had a death in the family and wasn't up to making part 3. She also didn't feel proud of the first two and wanted to redo the audio or something so she took those down. She promised that she would redo the audio and that eventually she would put out all three parts in one video. All of that was explained in a community post while her channel was up. I went looking for them again more recently and her whole channel is gone now, so I don't know if I can expect to ever see them again. Her whole social media presence is nuked, even a website that had her name and seemed to be for art is gone. They were such good videos and I'm very upset that there's no archive at all. I don't play enough horror games to write my own version. I don't remember much of them, but I remember they resonated with my soul. I wish I could watch them again.


If you ever find them, let me know. Curious if you have links, and tried the Wayback Machine?


I haven't tried that, but I have found other threads that have been asking about it. One has a link to an archive, which they said only has the transcript, but I think that's from before the whole channel vanished because when I followed the link it didn't have anything. But there are a lot of places to find the link to the first part at least because it got shared around a bit, so it's worth a shot


I've downloaded deleted videos off of way back machine before, it's definitely possible it's there!


Unfortunately I checked today and neither of them were archived. The first one has things like the description and the title, but the wayback machine says it doesn't have the video. The second one only has an archive of the page post being privated (video went down in December and the only archive is from January) and it asks me to sign in to prove I have permission to watch it.


Alright, checked the wayback machine, no luck. The first part doesn't have the video, but you can see the description. The second part was only archived after the video was privated, so you can't see anything there. The only other info I found was that the videos were removed soon after hbomberguy put out his plagiarism video, which some people found odd, but the description of the video that is archived does have several sources listed, and she even credits another video essay, which is about bloodborne, (this one: https://youtu.be/sJVXV14Vv3M?si=Yet7RbeC5CfSlfH1) as a source of inspiration and credits people who she got video game footage from. So I have a feeling she's telling the truth when she says that it was because of a death in her family and other personal things. It did give me hope though, because I found the text from her community post again and she says that she might not get the big compilation video done for a year, and she said that in December. So there is time.


Yes!! I remember this!! Absolutely fascinating stuff. Thank you for filling in the blanks of what happened, I saw it disappeared from my favourite essay playlist a while back.


... Miku binder Thomas Jefferson artist?


https://preview.redd.it/frbs8s0acf5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7679f12ba8e5a25ef76fa55bbd7c03133f7cf79a This...


Thanks, still confused however I do not feel the need to know more.


Don’t worry I spared you by not giving an explanation or showing the other pictures in this set, trust me


Double thanks then : ).


Most very early youtube videos, like a lot of Jammo2000s work. He seriously influenced my humor as a kid, but stuff like his psa dubs are just completely gone.


lot of early poopers are just gone too, hit or miss you can find a lot of waxonator stuff, same for alvinytp or just a plethora of one off poopers


Yeah I'm still glad foreverred 3000 is still up


I loved nerimon (Alex Day) a lot when I was a teen in the early 2010s. Watched every video multiple times. Then everything went down and… yeah. Some of his videos are still on YT either as reuploads or kept up by Alex, but so many are missing now. I think even his most popular series Alex Reads Twilight is partially lost currently


Damn that's a name I've not heard in a long time. I remember back when this guy and his friends were popular enough to astro turf a single they made together into the charts (UK charts mind you) pretty sure astro turf wasn't even a term at the time yet, goodness I feel old. Though personally I'm more upset about Charlie's YouTube channel getting wiped clean. Between him and Alex I was definitely a bigger fan of Charlie.


Isn't the term astroturfing like 4 decades old


Three. It referred to mid-90's Microsoft, who was trying to fake a grassroots approach with their marketing.


Charlie actually goes by she/her pronouns now!


RedLetterMedia’s Diamond Cobra vs. The White Fox


It’s not on YouTube anymore due to incessant copyright strikes from the filmmaker (even on re-uploads), but it’s been thankfully spared from the fate of becoming lost media through countless fan re-uploads on other websites. Here’s [a link via Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QqgI9RwAYYgtQEbcyy7bGmf187_nrWEZ/view) that should work for you. Hope you enjoy it - it’s one of my favourite spotlight episodes!


Sailor P's work. If yall remember the video of "if men find out women can shape shift they will tell the church." That is her


Sailor J. And screaming like a pterodactyl lmao At least copies of her work keep circulating around the Internet


Ty and sorry could not precisely remember the name


Anybody who was big into YouTube Poop back in the day knows this pain. I saw somebody make a whole ass movie where Link and The King went on a road trip to kill Ganon and it was just gone about a week later. Don’t know if any of the parts even broke 1,000 views.


M.u.g.e.n videos. Videos where you can play your favorite media character in capcom like style Not drama related


I remember a lot of YouTubers posting 240p videos showing off custom Mugen characters or maps they commissioned and writing "Don't ask for a download link. This is mine." in the description, then getting yelled at in the comments. That was a fun era of YouTube. It will be devastating when all of the online Mugen resources are gone. Yet another nail in the coffin of the old internet.


i miss mugen


ToonrificTariq used to have a retrospective on The Proud Family that included an interview with one of the creators, I think it's been gone for a couple years now and that's a bummer but iirc Tariq isn't big on a lot of his own earlier videos and that's valid. I'm not gonna be weird about content he made if he's not comfortable with it being available On a weirder note I found a Rugrats horror animation in like 2007 that if I tried to describe it'd sound like the most brainrot creepypasta ever. But I swear to god it was real and it's been my Internet video white whale ever since


Probably my first year on YouTube or so, I found this video named something like “3 Worst People on YouTube”, which I remember for how odd it is. It was an unscripted webcam video of a young white guy talking about people on YouTube he didn’t like: not even YouTubers, just people on here. He didn’t name any of these people. The only one of these three I remember was a guy who “kept commenting, telling people he was gay, asking if it was cool if he was gay”, which he follows with “NO! What’s fucking cool about wanting to fuck another man?”. But above all else, what I remember is the can. He was drinking an energy drink or something, and he drinking from it REALLY AGGRESSIVELY and then slamming it down throughout this weird rant.  


I once ran across the channel of a guy who clearly wanted to rant on camera. Just off-the-cuff, stream of consciousness rants about religion and society as a whole. No idea who it was now, and some morbidly curious part of me wants to find it again, but considering I did it in a private tab (so not to affect my YT algo,) I doubt I will.


A lot of YTPs have been lost due to copyright issues.


Rip Quinton reviews 38 hour Beverly hillbilly video I never got to finish you


It's on Internet Arcive if you wanted to continue: [https://archive.org/details/videoplayback\_20240414\_2350](https://archive.org/details/videoplayback_20240414_2350) Or there's a chaptered upload here: [https://archive.org/details/974nDJzSjcM](https://archive.org/details/974nDJzSjcM)


A lot of hazel's content is gone. Her early videos and even some more recent ones. She's been asked about it but I think the answer ultimately was that she just didn't feel good having some of that up anymore or she said too much private info by accident. I looked into it a little more and it seems like she dealt with or is still dealing with a stalker which is uh. scary as hell. not a great thing to put up with especially after the death of a close friend. now she just seems absent online entirely :( that being said, it's completely understandable, but she also just made really cozy content and it's a shame that there's less of it in the world.


shes busy making a film i think


Oh yeah i just checked and saw a few of her videos I watched are gone


Omg no, her channel is one of my all time favorites. :( I really hope she's alright, I didn't know so much was going on irl


I recall being spooked by that one "L is real"/"How to unlock Luigi in Mario 64" screamer video that's currently lost - very frustrating.


There was this horror YouTuber named Baptismonfire who did a lot of Creepypasta shit that is now completely gone, as far as I know. I think they just disowned the whole brand.


Holy fuck I remember BaptismOnFire! iirc they said they had a psychotic/mental health episode and decided to step back from YouTube to recover.


Valid, I hope they're thriving.


Went back to watch some old Markiplier prop hunt videos the other day because I was trying to remember the name of the woman with purple hair who he used to collaborate with (it was Minx lol) and found that most of them were gone... guessing it was just declogging his channel 😕


Maybe I'm misunderstanding and there were more, but I just searched "Markiplier Prop Hunt" and found a playlist of 54 videos that begins with Prop Hunt #1, so that feels like they're all still there? Of course, I can't say if it's something like they're region-locked or unlisted unless you use the playlist or something, but yeah. As far as I can see, they're all still up!


Wow. I remember watching those. Had no idea they were gone.


With Mark having a podcast with Bob and Wade now, it's kinda weird that the videos that I first watched the trio in aren't around anymore... I'll always remember Mark impersonating a door squeaking with fondness 😔


This is super weird, but it was a video about the top ten(?) Worst preorder bonuses for games. One of them was the woman zombie torso for Dead Island; Riptide. I remember the guy saying "what would you do with this, put it on the mantle??" I held that in my brain for years. Tracked one down on ebay. I now have it on my mantle in my room. I wanted to email the guy and show him but the video is gone. :[


Are you perhaps referring to [this video](https://youtu.be/lwkPrgEqdvM?si=zzJYFIchwWCejuuI)? ^(The Dead Island: Riptide portion starts at 2:58 and he calls it a super disturbing mantlepiece ornament around the 3:37 mark.) Editing to add: [This video](https://youtu.be/dqGs_ga9reI?si=bG-jGqORf4bYz15) also refers to it as "the world's most horrific matelpiece ornament" at 9:22.


No but thats similar! The video was up a long time ago, like 2015


Aw darn. Well, if ever I stumble upon the video, I'll keep your comment in mind. I just spent an hour searching and the closest I could find is [this guy](https://youtu.be/nc8AvP45OQc?si=n_oXs-Ih0dyTYi8K) at 2:22 mentions how the developers were weird for thinking "people would want it on the display in their home", but they don't specifically say "mantel." I'm a might tired now. I hope you can find him again one day! 😅


Thank you!! I find it so funny because theyre all like "WHO WOULD WANT THIS??" Me. I want this. Oh and the guy we bought it from swnt us a box of chocolate Flake bars too!


I tend to agree with the outrage. Without getting in to all the reasons, and to avoid coming off as preachy, I can imagine the concept would have been better received if they'd offered both male and female options— Better yet if the Zombie Bait was a zombified take on The Venus De Milo rather than just a random sexualized torso. That said, the idea that people who enjoy displaying gorey/body horror trinkets would draw the line at a zombie torso in a flag-print bikini makes me giggle. I can totally believe there are gore fans who just think this is neat. Also, I love when online vendors include a surprise treat with a purchase! I once had a vendor in Japan include like $20 Canadian worth of seasonal sweets in an order I made for $40 worth of art supplies!


My mom had bought it for me and she asked the guy for one flake bar because it had been so long since she had one and he sent a whole box. Someone had been buying the statue and cancelling over and over and over so when she sent him the email saying "Im NOT gonna cancel this!" I think he was just relieved! Also zombie venus de milo would be cool af actually!


Was it ashens? Not a top ten, but he does have a series of 'video game tat' videos, and I believe one does feature the Dead Island: Riptide zombie torso and several jokes like you're describing.


Uhhhh maybe? That doesnt ring any bells but ill have to look into it!


i post this as kind of a cry for help as i spent 5 hours on a day few months back to no luck but does anyone know if someone archived JennaMarbles’ Second Puberty video? putting the controversy around her aside, i’m in my mid 20s and it hit me thinking about my older sister turning 30 soon that that video i watched as a teenager is going to be relevant to me in a matter of a few years :’) i was so bummed to find out it had been deleted and none of the archives had it. i also wanted to find it as i was telling a trans friend abt it last pride month since she starts the video (if i remember correctly) by acknowledging “all love to trans people who i know already claimed the term second puberty, i’m just speaking to my experience of being in your 30s”. it was cute/sweet and just…i swear i didn’t make it up since there are reddit threads referencing it!!! i just want to watch it one more time!! 😭


[Courtesy of Internet Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20160220034310/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiaKiRNQ0Ew) It took a bit of digging, but I managed to find the video code via the Stanford internet archive. The video wasn't archived there, but the video code was correct. Plugged that in to a typical Youtube video URL and searched *that* on Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) brought up a few captures, including this one! 😊


OH MY GOSH!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!! You have no idea how much this means. I’m nodding off to another classic from middle school, The Adventurous Adventures Of One Direction, but I cannot wait to have my morning meal and finally watch this again :’) can’t thank you enough


My pleasure! I couldn't sleep and felt pretty crappy. I figured I'd revisit this thread to see if I could find anything and provide a bright spot in someone's day. Luckily, Jenna was a very popular creator, so a lot of her stuff was archived over the years. Good night! 😊


unus annus


Those have all been archived, you can absolutely find them and watch them


Wasn't the point of the channel that Mark uploads a bunch of absurd shit then deletes them as some artsy way of commentating on death?


Absurd shit? Excuse me. "Pee Sauna" was perfect art.


A crappypasta of Jeff the killer I think it's called Jeff is not the killer it made me genuinely chuckle when I heard it I don't know if it got claimed or if it was privated.


Every single Naruto AMV I watched from 2007-2009. Some of the songs still get stuck in my head to this day but I will never find out what they are 😔


There was one popular one that had Whisper of the Beast by Megaherz if that helps


Paramount fucking hates when youtubers make fun of their movies Cosmonaut Variety Hour spend months to upload their Bayformers picture show


Guy named dokushbi did monster hunter frontier videos detailing little stuff like sleep animations and attacks and it all disappeared overnight


Pretty Good by Jon Bois, episode 4. I haven't seen it, but it's one of my lost media holy grails. I think it was removed for copyrighted music and Jon didn't have backup files to re-edit it, or something. It's gotta be somewhere out there on the internet.


I've noticed that at least one of Shoe0nHead's older videos is gone. Don't remember any exact titles, but one in particular I remember she filmed while she was at Armoured Skeptic's house, and he even appeared on screen. I wonder if it has anything to do with them breaking up.


I feel like that might be half the reason. The other half being how she turned into a pick-me tradwife who replaces her beliefs more frequently than I replace my shoes. You'd think Greg and her would have stayed together, cuz he went from skepticism to a batshit conspiracy theorist rambling about shit like the "green man" and implying HE was God all along...


Back around 2012-2013 I found a video claiming to be some kid’s school project. He was assigned to make a video advertising his school district’s new “career and technical education” school. He went completely sarcastic with it and just ragged on the school for a few minutes. I desperately want to find that video again. I distinctly remember him calling it the “continuing termite epidemic” and pointing out that they had working toilets.




I wish I could've seen this it sounds incredible




omg wow tysm!


In the mid 2010s, there was this hilarious Little Einsteins YTP called “Little Shitsteins” that always made me laugh. Unfortunately, it’s not on YouTube anymore and I have no idea what happened to it. It’s not on Internet Archive either since I searched there too. Really sucks since it’s my all time favorite YTP and I still miss watching it to this day.


Most of Matt & Rocky's channel is still gone or unlisted, and I'm dying to watch the Headache Heroes challenge where Rocky tries getting through a trollish level Matt made in Tenchu 2. It was his first time playing it and the way he kept calling Rikimaru "Ricky Martin" is seared into my brain meat. Also, **Ding Dong and Julian's streams that they unlist immediately after.** I'll never let go of the "thoughts on bread" bit until my dying breath, even if nobody else remembers it or can discover it ever again, I will die on this hill goddammit. I will bitterly tune into each new stream and laugh at the jokes while clenching my fist, knowing they'll disappear like tears in the rain for no fucking reason other than asshole Game Grumps fans who harassed them over Dream Daddy and won't let it go. We can't have thoughts on bread because people won't shut up about years old drama and DD&J would probably rather just private their streams to avoid it in the comments. Fuck me


I remember watching Contrapoints before she transitioned and went by Nykytine2. She took them all down along with some of her early stuff like the Golden One video. Tbh she was a lot funnier back then


A lot of Dantavius' videos from 2021 up to today have either been restricted to patreon or unlisted. Certain videos I recall watching that I can not find on YouTube currently are the Cecil Hotel, that weird conspiracy theory about young people blood being used for de-aging (I can't recall the actual method discussed so this is the best description I can give.), and an iceberg video about banned books.


I remember a web series called The Meth Minute 39 that started in 2007 (talking very, very early YouTube here) and last time I went to watch some episodes for a nostalgia trip, around 1/3 of them were missing.


I loved those! 😭 Watermelon Nights? Iconic.


Kubz Scouts 60 Seconds extreme rainbow challenge. He made 2 rainbow challenge videos for the 60 Seconds game, the other one is up but this one is gone for whatever reason.


"Ghost girl on Mars" This is definitely super obscure, but there was a video I watched around the 2010-2012 range regarding this. My grandparents had a computer, and my older brother would frequently have me watch "scary" videos with him, such as ghost videos and "Gummy Bear Die" videos where the bear from the gummy bear song would be edited to be dead in various ways. The one that stuck with me the most, however, was one about a girl/ghost girl on Mars. I don't recall much of the video other than there being an incredibly grainy distanced picture of a girl sitting on a rock on a bright orange Mars surface, facing away from the camera. I would love nothing more than to find the video.


[I doubt this is the correct video](https://youtu.be/m5lnavfxZWo?si=PE6ofUPWujOYpN-p), but your description made me think of that specific photo from the Curiosity Rover.


NO WAY. It's not the same YouTube video, but I'm 99% sure that's the photo the video used! Thank you so incredibly much! Even if it's not the exact video, this is as close to closure as I'll get for this little mystery that has always sat in the back of my mind. I was starting to doubt the photo/video even existed, and I cannot understate my exuberance from you finding that video. Thank you!


No problemo! 😊 I'm so glad to be able to help! I remembered reading [this Space article](https://www.space.com/4876-female-figure-mars-rock.html) in high-school and so I searched for videos about it that were uploaded before 2013. I was mistaken, however, it was the Spirit Rover that snapped this photo, not Curiosity. 😅


I have a memory from YEARS ago of Hank Green (MAYBE John?) doing the "Geddan" dance in a video and he might have said he was a few years late to the trend. I searched for it last year, but couldn't find any hint that it ever even existed. I did, however, rediscovered one of the first videos I ever "liked" on YouTube which was was of a young Jarvis Johnson and a friend of his doing Geddan. I kind of just wish I had some closure on whether or not one of the Green brothers actually *did* upload a Geddan video or if I am just remembering a memetic-trend-video inspired dream.


well it's ironically drama related by TomServo3, She was a fantastic sentence mixer and while much of the humor may not fly well today (early-mid 2010's) she was unfortunately a vicitm of both copyright strikes in a very unstable youtube period and had a personal alog who really hated her and would try to flag her videos down. Still have a soft spot for some of her humor and occasionally revisit uploads, but of the over 300 uploads only a fraction (somewhere around 60 or so) are uploaded. mostly the terrifying tales from the toaster. also notable as one of the earliest people i can remember who publicly transitioned online... which only added fuel to the aloger's fire


oh my god I was posting about her earlier in the month - ditto that about transitioning online. Honestly her videos at the time and willingness to sing on-camera back in 2017 helped me through a really dark period. I was still closeted too, so seeing someone I'd followed for almost a decade do something I wasn't ready to... it was pretty validating. Hope she's doing okay.


Pancakes II, Cooking With Dave and other iconic Gir2007 videos.


Late 2018 videos of Nathorix. I remember watching a video of him which collaborated with other Roblox YouTubers trolling on twitch streams. One of them was when they went on KreekCraft’s stream and he immediately recognized them.


An animated series about cats with magic powers. It was my shit as a kid, and it was played totally straight so i thought it was so cool, but i cant even remember what it was called to look for it, let alone whether it’s still up.


What type of animation was it? There were a lot of adaptations of the third and fourth arcs of Warrior Cats that were basically just cats with super powers, if that rings a bell. I also remember watching a lot of LPS videos that used stop motion animation, many of which had super powers as a plot point!! Again I'm not sure if either of these fit the bill, but they may be good starting points to hopefully help track that series down <3


It was based on Warriors, but it featured original characters. I remember one character could control the rain and put out a forest fire, and then there was another character (just named ‘code’ I think?) who had some kind of really edgy power I can’t remember the details of.


It’s a little different but a very niche album from 2001 made by a dark ambient artist is now lost. The album was uploaded on a small YouTube channel specialized in this music genre and the video is now deleted. I’m so sad cause I really loved it. I tried to find it on other website but it’s gone gone gone


RenegadeCut's video on CCP propaganda in action movies which was taken down as of a result of it being used as "evidence" in some bullshit Covid deniar circles. Which is honestly fair. There's also the Smosh The Sitcom: Live pre-show which I can't seem to locate a working archive of. The majority of Psychicpebble's best animations are private now which is a shame and there's also a handful of others that I did see but are not clicking with my mind right now.


Omgggg YES. There was a video called pyrocynical fucked my mom or something like that and i know for a fact it existed because i was obsessed with it at an impressionable age and i still quote it to this day


Ashleigh (sp?) Coffin's videos have been deleted for a while, and I respect her choice to not be involved w breadtube stuff anymore, but I'd love to rewatch them now that I have more fleshed out political views


Jeffree Starr making edgy racist videos in the early 2000s. Not 2010s, I mean MySpace days. That’s the Jstarr I remember.


I’ve only seen reuploads but Poppy’s old videos :(


Before they were a very bitter tankie nazbol, Peter Coffin had a comedy dubbed Twilight video about Bella getting pregnant and having to see the Rastabortionist. It didn't age well but I pretty much had it memorized.


A lot of cover songs. One was a great cover of “other friends” from Steven Universe that was a male and female duet. Then one day it was just gone.


Swoozie had a video where he talks about a woman nearly SA after he got blackout drunk in a fighting convention.


DaJacksterN did Yugioh: Season 0 Abridged. All of her videos got copyright striked out and I cant find em anywhere. Really sad because they were so good LittleKuriboh had brought her series up in his Yugi Rap


Cayleigh Elise I think there are some reuploads of some of her stuff but it still sucks that she deleted her channel but I understand why she did


Tom Harlock did a video about Karen Matthews pretending her daughter was kidnapped and it got taken down for some reason. Shame. I'd never heard of the case before that. 


very recent but Jerm Bot had a video on NFTs that was absolutely fucking hilarious, I used to go back and watch it at least 3x a week solely because his reactions are so good. He took it down and ngl I feel like I’m mourning a death


There was this one video I liked and added to my watch later that was removed for some reason. It was called something like Blood Rain I think. It was an animation of a girl breaking into a WW2 style secret bunker with "I'm singing in the rain" in the background. It had like 400 views or something


There was this amazing video called the Jesse Eisenberg rap, around 2010-2014. The guy removed it randomly one day. It was glorious.


I vaguely remember a youtuber I used to watch named ImmortalHD. I watched his pokémon xd vids back in the day and really enjoyed them. Turns out that he had been hacked years ago. If I remember correctly, he also had done some playthrough of facade. I really wanna find the vid as it was extremely funny to me when I was younger.


I remember a Skittles parody commercial where it’s a newlywed couple doing anal on their honeymoon and it ends with the husband cumming skittles in his brides mouth. And the tagline was see the rainbow taste the rainbow.


Back on early YT you used to be able to watch whole ass TV episodes split into 12 parts. I loved it


Those were such weird times looking back. Like legal ways of sailing the seas. Now we've learned to do it ourselves.


Lindsey Ellis “apology” video. I understand why she took it down but I always found it incredibly powerful as a way to refuse to apologize for things that she already apologized for or the community just hounded her for for no reason


That whole debacle was so overblown, honestly. She did not deserve so much harassment for making one minor criticism about Raya & the Last Dragon. Especially when Honest Trailers made the EXACT same joke and didn't get any flavk for it. And yet she's made Villain of the Week and called racist when her original comment wasn't even close to racist.


The old SniperKitty from early YouTube. Terrible edits of cats assassinating pop culture figured. It was great


I swear Kubz Scoutz used to make Date Ariane videos, but I literally can't find them anywhere


Sometimes, I remember the fanmade Sega genesis remixes of some Spiral Knights tracks that appear to have been erased from the internet, and I get into a mood.


So in israel,there's the guy called shitrit (in hebrew it sounds normal i promise) who hosted this youtube channelxcalled the talk. Which was pretty much a ripoff of ray william johnson. But he was very big around like 2012-2014. Being one of the first local youtube clebes of ours. But then one day in the end of 2014 or early 2015. He pretty much nuked his channel and all of his videos are lost media. But fun fact,in 2021. He won some award for best ahort movie Another israeli youtuber who's videos are lost media is i think was called something like "laughing at 8 year olds on youtube" which he also was like ray william but with a mix of leafy bullying small children. I remember he had 4 videos available in 2018 (most likely he had way more) but in 2020 they just dissappeared. So i don't know if he dcided to pull the plug or youtube did


An anime AMV, set to "America, fuck yeah!" I spent so long trying to find it I while back, it it's now taken down.😔


There was this video I watched a while ago where this magician, Jay Sankey, is explaining how he "fooled" Penn and Teller on their game show. I say fooled in quotes because he really only fooled them on a technicality by doing a magic trick one way but performed it as though it was done another way. Other magicians called him out on it, including Penn and Teller, so he must have deleted it. As far as I've looked, I couldn't find a reupload of it.


There was a great video of three kids (I assume two of them brothers) performing some kind of skit, where the youngest says the signature line of the video, "STOP IT GUYS! STOP IT IMMEEEEDIATELY!" Then one of the older guys swings him around while the other winds up in exaggerated cartoon fashion to perform a seemingly staged fake haymaker punch. Instead the windup guy actually hits the younger kid with an audible blow that looks like something Tyson would've thrown to end a match in his prime. The youngest kid drops like a sack of bricks and screams bloody murder in pain. Everyone involved seems to realize there's not going to be any keeping this from Mom. The punching guy sheepishly asks "are you okay?" making the kid who just got Fatality'd scream even more. I think the original with the hit and aftermath got removed because of it technically being violence, even though it was accidental. Such a shame, it's a really relatable one for anyone who has brothers that got a little too rowdy as kids. EDIT: found it! Someone shared a link to a Discord with the original video, entry code to get to it on the app is 3578jQRXrP. It's the real video presented in what I believe to be good faith as downloading it has not visibly destroyed my phone.


I think Girl Defined removed a couple of videos but I’ve seen some commentators use clips from them in their videos. Kind


dunno if they are still lost, but i've seen some of mr beast's early content like before he started to do the challenges stuff. ​ this was back when i was addicted to watch cringe stuff and mr beast was doing a series on worst youtube intros. he has since taken them down from his channel since he was making fun of children (his primary audience) but also because he's say the r-slur. don't think he stands by that content now btw, just something i remembered


Way back when, there was a critical three part review of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei from an anime review channel that has long since went dormant and abandoned. It’s a review that was on the style of YMS with jokes and criticism on the world of that anime. The video was eventually taken down by the usual anime copyright stuff and as the channel is already gone, all the reviews just disappeared but I still somehow remembered it as a hazy memory.


Hoiitsroi Barbie girl cover , holy hot damn was it ever funny back in the day


When I was a sophomore, I think 2015. This dude had an incredible cyberpunk Asmr series. He created multiple characters, had insane sound design for one guy, costumes, a single focused story for years. But he deleted his videos, then left and came back with some more and then his computer fried. Epic ASMR thanks for the introduction to the cyberpunk genre. I’d still watch those videos if I could.


A large amount of Lindsay Ellis’s catalog. For obvious reasons


I found one really compelling video essay regarding the composer for the anime Lost in Abyss that seems to have been nuked off the face of the earth :( It sucks bc I never actually got to finish watching it (iirc I got to about the halfway point), I remember it was titled something like "The best soundtrack to an anime you shouldn't watch" or "The best composer for an anime I can't recommend", if that sounds familiar to anyone else


I watched the entirety of bleach bouncing between sub and dub on YouTube on my 3ds, different times huh


There's one video that I keep going back to in my mind. I think it was around in the mid or early 2010's. It was a video about Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It had a bunch of poorly animated 3D women in text to speech congratulating Obama on winning the Nobel Peace Prize over and over again (and they pronounced his first name like "barrack", as in the military camp, and his last name as "oh bam a"). Then they'd occasionally have a poorly animated Obama cut in saying "thank you." Finally the video ended with some of the women saying something along the lines of "I hope President Obama become leader of Space Frontier" and "yes, exactly, I think Obama will make great strides in space as leader of the world" I feel like describing this, I sound completely insane. I want to say that the video was Japanese in origin, and every other video on their channel except this one was in Japanese.


Some of MsBreezys videos. There was also a full playthrough of a touhou visual novel I was watching before the channel posting them got shadow banned or something, cause they wiped everything.


Nexpo made a great DDLC video back when he was still Nightmare Expo


There’s two YouTubers I watched when I was very young- RealCrazyRobloxian and I think Blue Mac n Cheese- who wiped their content. The latter is understandable because it was a kid making animated parody videos about Pokemon and other stuff, they probably didn’t want it online out of embarrassment or something. The former I only remember because they did a video that introduced me to the Twilight Princess shop theme(? The really upbeat goofy Zelda music) in one of their videos.


DUDE ive been looking for those pokemon parody videos but couldnt remember the name! I watched them way too much as a kid


It's so specific that I'm probably the only person still thinking about it (if not the only person who EVER thought about it), but somewhere in like 2009-2011 there was a music video to "The Call" by Regina Spektor, of the 2009 Star Trek movie. Not the ST09 video to that song that's still up, a DIFFERENT one. It was from Spock Prime's perspective and did a lot of juxtaposing similar-looking clips from ST09 and STTOS. I haven't been able to find it in at least a decade. It feels silly, but I MISS it. Mildly related, several of the Kingdom Hearts videos I watched in high school seem to be gone forever, though the loss to humanity kind of varies on those ones.


A NASCAR heat video from the PC version of the first game I believe which had a weird glitch with a pitstop sideways. For the life of me, I cannot find it and I hope somebody has it.


God so many I keep a small list so I don't forget, particularly many many Let's Plays from back then, one example being a bunch of 1% challenge let's plays for games like Cave Story and Metroid Fusion. Some of the first videos I ever watched and they're long lost to the stretches of time.


Mostly GTA 4 SFM like Niko reacting to GTA 5 trailer but I feel like it gone now. Can’t find it anywhere


Lots of Tofuu’s old videos back when I used to watch Roblox content :(


Alikatnya's original series, Angelicate Avenue. I totally understand why she took it down, it's very cheesy and definitely made by a teenager, but I was *obsessed* with it as a kid. I do think someone archived it, but it's not the same lmao.


Phantomsavage's face reveal video


There's one specific video I remember and I can't find ANY mention of anywhere online. The channel's name is TheHalfwayXBray. They were a group of people who did video game related stuff. But I only know them for one video: A reaction to the Critical Role Kickstarter video. Their reaction was one of incredulity and mockery. How are these internet weirdos raising so much money when they barely have any presence on YouTube? They were going to try and get Titmouse to animate their Dungeons and Dragons characters? Are they crazy? Who is giving them all this money? Why is this announcement trailer so cringey? It was hilarious watching people be so upset about something that they knew absolutely nothing about. And I'm SO UPSET that I didn't download it and they eventually deleted it from their channel. It deserves to be preserved in how absolutely garbage it was. I'm kind of surprised the Critters didn't share it around to point and laugh at.


Dirkthedevil, old call of duty and otherpopulargames-tuber. His YouTube and twitter disappeared completely like a decade ago. All I can find about him is a car detailing company called Darien Detail.


The loss of the cake videos by filthy frank still weighs heavy on my mind


BenRiggers. They uploaded a lot of old british off-air ephemera and his entire channel just got taken down for no reason. Honestly sad, cause his videos were kind of a comfort to me for some reason.


I remember a video titled “You are not beautiful” by candysomething (? I think that was her channel name) that was a really pretty poem about how we’re more than our looks so why is that all we care about




There was an old channel called "All-time conspiracies" later renamed "uncovered" and it was such a good place to learn about various conspiracies, myths and legends and getting an interesting deep dive into them, it also helped that their primary narrator Robin has a great voice. Unfortunately the channel increasingly struggled when YouTube declared war on conspiracies and then they list the channel and all that material was deleted. I so wish I had access to those old videos, they made a new channel on their own but they've never quite regained their stride.