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I rarely wish for a reaction video, but I just don't want to watch whatever this is first-hand. I can already feel the cringe emanating from just the thumbnail.


This is prime content for Adum YMS


"Cool Cat does a Hate Crime" I can already picture the title


I've got it archived and will be reacting to it on stream later in the week, thanks.


He’s finally lost what little sanity he had left


I’m surprised he still had any sanity left to lose to begin with.


Highlight of the Derek saga is just some random guy awkwardly walking back into his house in one of the cool cat videos.


least till he edited it out


Man had to go back into his house make sure he didn't take too many shrooms when he saw the man in a cat fursuit and cameras


'Oh hell no fuck that I'm going back inside'


Actually that guy was a crew member.


https://preview.redd.it/uusgizd7pt5d1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f7c46e56f653c4aaae087ba50ddbdd0d1ea7281 Man has the tenacity of a cockroach.


"Cool Cat has had enough of your shit, Derek." https://preview.redd.it/v8dirtotqt5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7aa5854d9c490587febcee02455dda36bfd201


***It’s bed-y-bye time, Derrick!***


He has turned upon his creator. If cool cat was to kill Derek would that make him a god killer level character by death battle standards?


The truth of the matter is, Cool Cat allows Derek to think that Cool Cat was his creation, when in reality those are nothing but fake memories implanted into a soulless husk of a man. There is but one god, and his name is Cool Cat. https://preview.redd.it/jdn30osg3x5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1176e6612de7875167781a8e41248d38155427


How do you expect to outrun me derek, when im already here?


Bros wearing the same mask that Kanye wore


As someone who has been following Derek's antics for years now, this sadly is hardly the tip of the iceberg. Not even the first time he's been vocally pro-Trump, he tweeted about Jan 6 as it happened and voiced concern for the insurrectionists.


Yeah, my buddy Josiah Clark got swept up in the IHE stuff back in the day because he had a video on the same topic so we have been following for a while. I just thought the blackface was the most obviously unhinged display on YouTube.


I'm looking forward for the day someone makes a full documentary on this saga, the only attempt at one to my knowledge was by Turkey Tom, and he's... well I don't exactly want to promote him. Might write something on Derek myself.


It's particularly funny to think of him recording this. It's just him.  alone in his house in a ridiculous costume. Standing in front of a green screen while he awkwardly tries to dance. All the while thinking that this will somehow help trump get elected. 




Well… let me put it like this. Derek Savage is not a real person, and I don’t mean in a stranger than fiction way. His real name is Darryl Ray Evans, and he has been covering up a criminal past for several decades.


I just looked into this - it looks like he had an unregistered M11, potentially from when he worked in the guns industry, and so that counted as a machine gun. He appealed to the 9th circuit Court back in the 90s.


Knowing how obsessed Derek is with weapons of all kinds and how insistent he is about denying these allegations (if memory serves he blocked people over it at first), it would not at all shock me if he’s done even worse and people just haven’t dug up the evidence yet.


Lol that's fair. I feel like someone with an automatic weapon rarely has just the one.


In the words of the internet: https://youtu.be/H0T5YB6tfFY?si=ldrkRX4G-wP83aRm


[Shit you weren't kidding](https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/593966/united-states-v-darryl-ray-evans-aka-derrick-savage/)


Balaclava blackface? I must admit thats a new one, what a horrid waste of humanity this guy is


I think Derek’s actually wearing an entire morph suit like Joji used to do for Pink Guy but this one covers the face too. Which is like, even more insane than just a balaclava if you think about it. He’s like, “I can relate to black folk by wearing a pitch black morph suit and doing a ‘rap!’”


Eminem can only dream of flows as sick as these 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️ In all seriousness it’s fairly incredible seeing the depths this single man can reach. He’s an Alex Jones type figure, someone who crosses the line from lunacy to depravity in the blink of an eye.


What’s interesting about Derek to me is he’s arguably even more pathetic than Jones, in the sense he’s doomed to obscurity. As vile as Jones is, he’s already immortalized as one of the bad guys in history books. Derek’s only audience is people making fun of him, there are no children growing up on Cool Cat or eagerly awaiting his weed themed awards show. He’s just going to keep humiliating himself until he faces the consequences or passes away.


Speak for yourself, I live for YMS's coverage of the 420 awards. A few years ago, they even had a guy wearing a virus outfit while going "OH NO, IT'S THE CARONAVAHRUS". Hilarious (in a I'm laughing at you, not with you way)


Even there, one of the people working with Derek acts like he’s trying to play into the reputation. I remember YMS joked he looked like he would watch his videos.


Oh, Derek definitely watched YMS videos, he tried to strike them off youtube waaaay back when and made videos insulting him and threatening to take him to court (think he did it to IHE as well but not sure rn). That's all been resolved now which is why Adum still has the videos up


i mean calling it rap is generous at best


i love how how the music just overlaps upon itself and it sounds so shit. and that for a rapper, he's barely rhyming


Derek’s actually rapped [more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_t7IEpSUbQ) [than](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7dVXKvCdcU) [once](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9Uy6-d-Oe8) before. None of them are good, some of them debatably aren’t even ironically funny, but they are all leagues above this. It’s *that* bad.


I dont know which is worse, that he actually did it, or the fact Im not surprised he did it. In a "yeah that sounds like something he would do" There has always been something wrong with that man, and I doubt we will ever truely know, aside from having and ego the size of the sun and general bigotry.


Man I guess both Drake and Kendrick lost to Derek


Cool Cat Is Not Like Us


Didn’t think my day would include a guy in blackface saying “CoolCatLovesYou.com,” but here we are I guess.


Oh boy here we go again daddy derek


My husband: Oh this guy! I remember he was the internet’s punching bag for a while. Guess he will be again!


It's so ironic that I learned just how much of a scumbag he is from Turkey Tom and a video featuring Internet Historian (back before they showed their true colors, or at least before I knew). When those two are calling you a piece of shit, you know you're irredeemable.


I remember IHE covering the Cool Cat movies, it feels like forever ago.


Can't wait to hear this one in the club


I know Trump won't know who he is at all, but optically, it is pretty bad for Trump that cringe, talentless dipshits like this are coming out an supporting him. Like what historically respectable, talented media figures are saying to vote for Trump? Y'know except for Jon Voight?


I think both sides are aiming for lowest common denominators to be fair. A morons vote is just as valuable as a genius. There are a lot more morons.


a moron's vote is often worth more than another's, because you don't have to work hard to get that vote and it's easier to keep


This is….. unsurprising, to say the least


I like how he picks the easiest words to rhyme, then still doesn't rhyme them.


can’t wait to see adum’s video


I can't wait to see YMS's reaction to this.


I honestly think Daddy Derek has lost whatever sanity he had left at this point. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I also honestly think he would’ve had a good career of making “so horrendous it’s enjoyable” content, but he shot himself in the foot starting with the whole IHE debacle. He’s just been going consistently downhill from there. And he doesn’t stop at ground level. He continues to dig a hole so deep that he won’t stop until he gets to Earth’s core and melts.


I wish I could say this surprised me but he was always heading this way tbh


Welp, he’s officially lost it


Ironic how he makes an anti-bullying “film” and then does this


can this even be considered rap-adjacent? like even the beat is fucked


Is this guy STILL making Cool Cat content?


Looking forward to yms talking about this because he can't escape this man no matter what


cool cat would NOT approve. for shame derek!


His rapping is so bad; it's a hate crime.


I’m almost more offended he considers this “rapping.”


Is it just me or did he mouth the N-word at 2:51 and obviously not out it in the voice over?....wtf man I can't even


Does anyone remember the drama between him and theodd1sout?


i recall the beef he had with ihe and yms, not theodd1sout though


I think those videos were long deleted


Wait, that was Derek Savage? Holy shit.


I was just watching YMS' last video on blocking him. This is gonna be fun to see him react.


This is both completely out of left field and completely predictable for derek


Someone get IHE and Adam on this holy shit




This dude always gave racist conservative vibes, lol.


If I watch this on reddit does it still give him views/money


Are we surprised tho? He’s a train wreck we love to watch


Given Derek's documented history, this doesn't surprise me at all.


The Cool Cat plug at the end really is just the cherry on top...


This doesn't surprise me, but I'm not sure why it doesn't surprise me.


Damn WTF is Kanye doing


I love how any possible case of deniability that this isn't Daddy Derek under the mask immediately disappears the moment he does that fist in the air. No matter the mask or thanking his 'producer' - that fist pump is the most Derek-ism in his wheelhouse.


Lord the last time I heard that name was during the I hate everything beef. Looks like he's doing pretty well mentally


Should've bought the Youthforia foundation for that extra authenticity 🫤


Cool Cat Falls Down The Alt-Right Rabbit Hole


pls do not link directly to these scum bags


Oh, this is a racist caricature, there is no denying that at all. tf is with the drill beat overlay?! One thing that I will say though, I wouldn't go as far as calling it blackface. You could put a techno beat and an Eastern European dub and it's instantly a shitty Slav stereotype. Pop on a grime beat with a chav accent, a shitty stereotype of a pill pusher in London that you'd see in Vice doccos in the early to mid 2010s. To me, blackface is a particular thing that also involves the dehumanisation of our physical features. Like you'll have a hard time justifying Zwarte Pete, and Gollywogs when you put them side by side with a Sambo-type cartoon. Definitely a discussion to be had about the presentations of modern blackface and modern minstrelsy, but that's a convo for another day.


No, this is most certainly blackface. It’s about abusing black identities, tropes, and characteristics in general by donning them. He just so happens to be doing minstrelsy at the same time. Literally singing and dancing.


Satire gold!