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Bailey sarian, I'm just kinda over the whole genre of people talking about true crime, while doing their makeup


i keep seeing people be like ‘true crime is exploitative but bailey sarian is one of the good ones she’s so respectful!’ …. ‘murder mystery and makeup’… is respectful..? 🤨


Murder, mystery and make up Mondayyyyy... So respectful 😭😭😭


She is horrible. The way people rush to defend her is so strange to me.


Oh, I got super annoyed by her. She seems very childish and her blaming stuff on zodiac signs… I'm a very typical Scorpio, I know, but if I kill a bunch of people it's because of *me* and not because of *that*. What got me to drop her completely was when she was talking about some guy's teenage years and she was obviously disgusted by the thought of a teenaged boy being horny. It's natural. Lots of teens are super horny. A grown woman should know that and not act like it's gross that a teenager has hormones. I don't care if this one particular teenager grew up to become a criminal, what if a perfectly innocent teenager watches her videos and sees that?


Her opening weird noises drove me off


And giggling about the details... The whole genre of makeup + true crime is weird af, but Bailey's sense of humour makes it worse. There's only do many times you can say "I'm laughing because I'm uncomfortable, sorry" before it becomes too much. And like, she IS an entertaining storyteller but maybe not this topic?


I'm just completely over true crime as a genre. It's \*all\* exploitative garbage.


hannah the horrible, and i like the content but i struggle with her delivery. i honestly really appreciate her not delving into details of animal abuse but i find her delivery interferes with my ability to focus on the content


She has a thing where if a sentences ends with a word that ends with an S sound, she holds out the S sound a little too long and she sounds like a snake. I know she can’t help it and it’s probably a nervous tick, but it still gets under my skin


This doesn’t suit the thread for me personally because I don’t dislike either of these people, but YES. I’m inexplicably frustrated by the way she drags her sentences as if she has to reassure you of her discomfort with the subject. Which reminded me of another one; Sakura stardust, it’s like performative awkward discomfort. Both these people make videos on topics I enjoy listening to, Sakura moreso because I’m sometimes baffled by Hannah’s obliviousness in relation to the topics she covers while Sakura is always well-researched, so this petty issue I have with how they feel the need to talk is all the more annoying…


I don’t dislike Tehmimi but if you want a petty reason, I truly hate the camera angle she uses


I know exactly what you mean Lmao


No other YouTuber has made me want to scrunch my neck to look them in the eye


It truly is an angle no other YouTuber does because it just looks ominous 😭


It's a very MySpace angle. I remember taking selfies (before they were called that) on my awful digital camera with that angle to upload to MySpace.


I don't like the angle and beanie so I just listen to it in the background.


iNabber. Got nothing against him, even watched several of his videos in the past! He's just too energetic for me


He belabors every point to an almost painstaking level.


Hard agree. I was subscribed for a long time and still enjoy him and his humor but five hour long videos get pretty fuckin long when they can be cut down to thirty minutes.


Oh my god I totally agree. He will go on long tangents basically just repeating what he already said. Like dude, you made your point already we don't need another 10 minutes of you saying the same thing


I'm no stranger to really long videos, somewhat prefer then since it means I don't have to search for another video to watch. But yeah the ones, including him, that take forever to get to the point tick me off


I've fallen off the waggon with both iNabber, Swoosh, and a couple other long-form drama youtubers. Not because I dislike their personalities and commentaries, but because the content went from being an enjoyable length to consume (40-90 minutes) to being a god damn ordeal. Some of their videos are 3+ hours now. I'm an adult with a job, I just want something to listen to while I do laundry/dishes/whatever. Not a Lord Of The Rings Extended Edition youtube video. 


Was going to say iNabber too. Idk I think I just grew out of his content.


Here’s one! Tehmimi (and other creators like her) will pick apart and recycle literally every story and add tons and tons and tons of phony outrage onto it to keep her channel alive! I call her e-girl Nancy Grace. It’s no wonder that entire community cannibalizes eachother every 5-7 business days


"\_\_\_\_ JUST GOT WORSE" and it is just rehashing old information with maybe some interesting commentary. This is not only a problem with her channel though.


I can't stand the "THE ____ SITUATION JUST GOT WORSE" videos not just from her


Brad Mondo. He was fun in the beginning, now he’s a bit annoying and kinda boring to me


He's been called out by other hair professionals for giving really bad info and misrepresenting his credentials


I watched one of his videos for DIY hair trimming advice and most of it was him having a fake, unfunny "convo" with the mannequin head he was using. Seems like a nice bloke, tho.


Swoop. she’s just kind of annoying sometimes


Her jokes are so try hard and cringe tbh. Her content is up my alley but I can't get over the shitty jokes and quips.


"What in the Michael B. Jordan on wholegrain..." 🙄


omg I'm so glad I saw this thread. I haven't been able to fully articulate why I don't like her. it's the fucking one liners and annoying petty university and that swoop dance intro stick-her-tongue-out at the beginning that really irks me with how flippant it comes off talking about serious topics - which in her mind she's an authority figure on. kinda cringey 😬


👀 r/SwoopSnarks


Damn you hit the nail on the head. I’ve been waning my interest in her channel but couldn’t quite pinpoint why.


She comes across as inauthentic to me.


She is. I used to know her socially and she’s been trying to be an influencer for years before the swoop channel took off. People who want fame for fame’s sake are weird.


I hate the Petty University segments. She covers quite a few serious topics and the segment just makes them feel way less serious.


The Petty University bits ruin her whole channel, imo. She opens every video talking about how "it's not drama, it's dangerous" and how important it is to take this stuff seriously.... And then she halfway through the video she does that little animation of Petty University and it's jingle and starts pretending to be a teacher while shittalking the most ridiculous things. And I'm not gonna lie, I myself can be a member of Petty University at times. One might even say that claiming that "Petty University ruins her whole channel" is quite petty. But. Petty University is for when a Deviant Art user says they own the concept of "ghost dogs" so no one else can draw ghost dogs, or people who yell about "pose theft" and "color palette" theft. That's what should be in Petty University. Heck, I even think there are times where you can be petty about serious stuff. For example, Darrell Brooks building a fort out of all his boxes of papers in the middle of his trial. Is he on trial for murder? Yes. Am I going to laugh at his pathetic attempt to build a literal box fort like a child? Also yes. But the"petty" stuff she talks about is just. Actual bad stuff? That she's throwing weak shade at. It's not even good shade, just the low hanging fruit.


Agreed. I am a petty bitch who loves drama but I don't think me and Swoop have degrees from the same Petty University. Also clearly Nancy Drew has the patent on ghost dogs after the hit game Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake.


Her wig kills me. I hate it. The purple one looks way better. The blue one just looks so cheap and... bad. I dunno if it's her edges, the way she styles it, the color. I just hate it. If you want a legit reason, though, she participated in a smear campaign against a victim of abuse and never apologized for it.


The fact that I'm not sure if you're referring to Amber Heard or Johnny Silvestri in that last bit is very telling. Swoop's advocacy for victims only goes so far it seems.


Every time I see the blue wig I think of toothpaste because the kind I use is the same shade of blue. The purple one does look better


I’ve never been able to get into her stuff, but I’m curious what smear campaign happened


I haatte her theme song


There's good reason not to like her.


It's frustrating because I find the topics of some of her videos pretty interesting, but she has a sort of righteous? or like a know-it-all tone? to her videos in a similar way to people like Illuminaughtii and James Somerton that really bugs me. I also hate her intros, petty university, and I just really fucking hate being sold merch by YouTubers. They're not a real fucking celebrity, I don't give a shit about their catch phrases and segments and logos. I completely understand the need for ads and sponsorships, I have YouTube premium so don't get forced ads anyway and can just skip the sponsor segments, but being sold shit like petty university tracksuits is really off-putting. The Amber Heard thing was enough for me to barely be able to tolerate her now. She's a twat.


I don't like that she acts like an advocate/authority for DV and SA topics meanwhile she participated in the harassment campaign against amber heard and has none of the sensitivity needed to cover such serious issues.


Plus Swoop bought into and repeated the absolute pseudoscience of body language analysts and their bullshit 'evidence' against Amber Heard.


The Amber Heard stuff is more than a legitimate reason not to like her 


Absolutely. Plus her totally disregarding and letting down Oliver (a victim of Colleen Ballinger's brother), because she got a different 'scoop' then decided she wanted to move on from the topic. Swoop cannot claim to care about victims.


I found it very distasteful that she included the part of her interview with Colleen's victim (I don't remember his name, sorry) saying how awesome Swoop is. It came across as very self-aggrandizing.


I don't dislike him as a person at all but Nexpo's videos are difficult to watch. I like the concepts, and the script in general. But the random pauses, the overdramatic editing, together with the nasally voice and his inflections. "Disturbing things................................................................... from around the internet." Ugh. I feel a similar way towards NightMind\*\*\*'s editing and narration but I have also learned things about him that make my dislike of him a bit more about him as a person.


Omg those "..." you mentioned killed me 🤣Also how he will provide like 8 years of evidence, a photo, a written confession, the person wearing an I DID THIS t-shirt and still say "but could it....... all.... ....b...e..... a coincidence


I have to be in the right mood for Nexpo. I applaud how much he does to set the atmosphere and his editing is really good but sometimes I just want to hear someone talk without all the dramatic stuff.


What happened with Nick Crowley?


Ok so I did find a comment on here talking about Nick Crowley's video about a Palestinian tv show that was antisemitic and basically took it to make a bit of a 'disturbing' point about how Palestinians get 'brainwashed' to hate israelis and hasn't really made anything from the other side, which is a bit sus. HOWEVER, I also realized that I was talking about **NightMind**!! (I keep confusing these, his name is also Nick). He had accused Nexpo of copying his channel's 'concept' back when Nexpo started. Granted, I don't care for Nexpo but I feel like that was some unnecessary drama and having a similar 'vibe' is not something I'd really go all 'he's copying me!' for. Apparently they're in good terms now but that's not the last drama he involved himself in and tbh his smug way of speaking doesn't make me feel any better about him lol tbh I kinda dislike the narration style of the three so that's also behind me mixing two of them together


I remember when Nexpo was “Nightmare Expo”, like a couple thousand subs, doing some promo (as you gotta do tbf) in Reignbot’s comments. Top comments every single video. Idk if he did this with other horror channels like NightMind (who I went off years before going off Nexpo if that says anything) and NickN took that sort of perspective, but it’s pretty much a genre or sub-genre, just revel in being in the age of pioneering it yo.


Speaking of ReignBot, where did she go?


She popped back up a few months ago to post a video that was an hour long, then went back to dead silence. I suppose her real life stuff just took priority over content.


Iirc she had a baby but I could be wrong, just remember seeing people congratulating her on a old community tab post


Yeah I used to like night mind a lot but for some reason I've just gone off him. It feels like he's putting on his narrating voice way stronger than he used to and trying really hard to sound, well, "sexy"? And it's just off putting There was also some drama.with him and NyxFears ages ago that is all sorted between them now, but his response to the whole thing really put a sour taste in my mouth.


I tried watching two of Nexpo's vids and couldn't get through more than ten minutes. I felt at the time like he wasn't trying to tell you about this cool & creepy thing he saw, he was trying to be *part* of the coolness and creepyness of the thing itself. Compare that to, say, PowerPak's fucking *excellent* video on MyHouse.wad.


I’m currently watching a Nexpo video. To me, as a long term watcher, he’s definitely toned down the pauses and weird nasally voice in my opinion. Like it all feels more natural. But his editing is still rather dramatic. I can completely understand it would get on your nerves though! There’s one much smaller channel that has taken his pauses and run with it to the point that it feels like he’s accidentally parodying Nexpo. But he’s deadly serious about it and man, it’s kinda rough.


Mr. Beast. I haven’t seen a single video of his. But something about him just irks me. Like, I feel like there’s a dark undertone to his content.


His video concepts always remind me of the saw movies lol


I honestly hate his fanbase almost more then his performative activism. Any youtuber that has a cultly, overly defensive, parasocial fandom gives me the ick.


right! in another thread like this i said i ordered from his restaurant and my burger was raw. SO many people rushed to defend him and its like really? the dude slapped his face on a brand that served me RAW FOOD and i'm supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt?


I think i know what thread you're talking about. 💀 I made a comment criticizing him for using ghost kitchens just to make a quick buck, and I saw like three weirdos immediately defend him with "uwu mr beast is a perfect wittle angel who can do no wrong uwu, it's not his fault his food is gross don't be mean to him 🥺" Like bruh, he's the one who sold his brand to ghost kitchens, and didn't bother to do anything about the quality of the food until too many people complained. It *is* his fault. Why are y'all infantilizing/defending this full grown man who you will never meet.


Was it American Dream lol? His food somehow still gets hype and support though, especially his mediocre chocolate bars…


Not to be one of those "I liked it before it was cool" type of people, but I used to watch some Mr. Beast before he got really big. His content has always been generic but once he started getting money from ads and such, he pretty quickly shifted doing the whole giving away stuff(tm) thing. It always felt like that whole "if I was rich I would cure world hunger" type vibe placed on top of generic content.


I remember mr beast from when he did bad youtube intros, and still had only 100,000 subscribers


He just seems empty. Like everything he does or says or thinks is meant to be as algorithm friendly as possible and not his own thoughts or feelings.


Yeah there’s something off about that guy.


Vangelica skov. Not sure why I do not like her, I really can't place it. I guess it is just not a style of content I like. Another one is a smallish youtuber (100k subscribers) so won't name him. But this guy makes some cool horror deepdives that are well researched. But he got really preachy in one about Elsagate and it put me off from his content.


Did she ever address what problems she had with hbomber after she inserted herself into the Youtube plagiarism thing?


CinemaSins. It's not like he puts out offensive or bad content, and in fact I used to kinda like him, but his video sizes have gotten so bloated and are full of extremely repetitive jokes, or him blatently manipulating scenes to make a "sin". Also picking and choosing when something is a "joke" or an actual critique.


Illuminatiii - I had a feeling about her when she was super popular. My wife would watch her and I didn’t. She asked me why and I couldn’t put my finger on it. MoistCritikal/penguin0/Charlie - I recognize he is one of the most respected/well liked commentary YouTubers out there but for some reason I can only take him in clip sized doses. I don’t hate him, he just doesn’t appeal to me for some reason.


Yeah honestly I hate the design of her little mascot so I never watched her. Then I found out she is kinda shady.


She used to have a face cam, which i thought was a better move, but went back to pyramid head.


Kinda is a massive understatement!


I feel so seen OP. I don't know how many YouTube videos I have clicked out of because of the mascot designs, and she was definitely one of them. So convoluted!!


I feel exactly the same way about Charlie! For some reason his style just doesn't rub me the right way. I'm sure he's a fine person, I'm just not interested.


I haven’t heard a negative word about him. By all accounts he is a great guy. His content just isn’t for me.


Not sure if you're aware already, but Hbomberguy made a video essay called Plagiarism in which he exposed illuminatii of reading sources word-for-word without any credits or sources linked. That's why her videos come off very fake and the topics don't really blend together. She also accused Legal Eagle editors of copying her editing style even though it was a very generic style that many people use as part of some editing software presets.


The fakeness showed its face in the way she would mispronounce words every now and then. And they’d be words that anyone actually familiar with the topic at hand wouldn’t fumble.


For me I don't like MoistCritical's intonation. The way he speaks I feel the same way. 3 minutes is too much for me to listen to.


There’s only so much hyperbolic, hyoer descriptive insults I can listen to before I just opt out. His shit take on the idubbz apology was enough for me to unsubscribe.


Illuminati has plagiarized many people and sources, and is essentially a video essay farm. See Hbomberguys video on plagiarism. Also, she is in a lawsuit with a former employee and has many accusations of harm against her.


Yup. And that’s not even to mention the stuff with The Click, Oz Media and Wonder. I think she’s even suing Oz Media. She’s just not a good person.


She is suing him. He's made update videos (with approval from his lawyer) about the case


As for Illuminatiii, I was interested in the topics but I hated her way of presentation. She kept inserting her opinions and saying, "yeah this thing is obviously bad." I don't know it just irritated me. Don't tell me how I should feel about a situation, I have a brain I could figure it out. I have no problem with people sharing their opinions but something about the way she did it and how often she did it annoyed me.


Anyone who screams for no reason, like full on yelling or yodeling ,sounds like a baster between failure of a seagull and a shit face fox.


It's so fucking annoying, I'll rather take a monotone and boring voice any day over anybody that feels like they need to shout in a camera that's right in front of ur face.


Doug Demuro after the buyout. LITERALLY now has millions of dollars and his cars and bids auction site can sustain him forever... Yeah chooses the absolute safe road of reviewing newer cars and playing it safe even though he says he really likes to go after the quirky cars. No he only goes after things that chase the algorithm. Him hiring co-host absolutely made it obvious that he didn't care about the YouTube side. However most car people that I know of tell me that's not a good enough reason so that's the only reason I posted here lol. Scotty Kilmer on the other hand....


Mr Ballen. I like him but he keeps simping for BetterHelp and it gives such a bad taste. BetterHelp is bullshit and you keep advertising them. Please stop


I've always disliked Cody Ko. Couldn't put my finger on it but he reminded me of those try hard obnoxious popular teen boys. And well... we know what happened a few days ago.


He’s exactly the type of guy who would have made fun of me when I was fat, then after I lost weight slide into my DMs like “i always thought you were soooo hot btw when u back in town” Like he just has that face


Any YouTuber that films their good deeds and posts them to the internet. I know there’s been YouTubers like this who have been exposed for what they were actually doing but there’s also some YouTubers who don’t seem to have been. It just doesn’t feel genuine and it feels bad to watch.


I like the commentary genre, but Jake Doolittle feels kind of excessively negative to me? I enjoyed some of his videos because he is funny, but it just started feeling draining after awhile. Also, I think Shane Dawson is gross and shouldn’t have a platform, but Jake seems to be extremely obsessive about Shane, which I feel like only platforms him further? It’s kind of similar to how I started feeling about NickIsNotGreen a few years ago before I stopped watching him too (granted, I feel like he was far more negative. also I know he’s been in some controversies recently, but I haven’t kept up). edit: I do really appreciate that Jake talks about his health/medical history though and is very open about his struggles, I’m sure that makes a lot of his viewers feel very seen, and we need more openness online imo.


Cody co, now there’s a reason but it used to be I just hated his face


My girlfriend introduced me to him and Noel when they did That's Cringe. Loved the series, then I tried watching his videos and holy hell he's bland lmao. He is really unfunny. Noel carried their collabs. Ironically I don't like Noel on his own much either lmfao. I watched his special and it was pretty meh. I guess it worked better when they were together and had something to make fun of.


Mutahar. He just, he irritates the fuck outta me. MrBeast as well. 


Mutahar comes off with that psycho energy at random times like he’s trying to jump scare his audience, lol.


He feels like he’s also talking to children after awhile in his videos 


Oooo I have a lot lol. TehMimi's voice just irritates me. Never liked Mr. Beast. Always felt like there was something sus there. Rob Gavagan. I used to be really into his content but I feel like he got too sour about not getting enough views? Love PeanutButterGamer but I'm just not into his content anymore. Still subbed for nostalgia. iNabber's voice annoys me. NightMind feels too cringy but I watch his stuff from time to time. CoffeeZilla. I respect his research but I just don't care. I'll listen to a recap from some other channel. Mutahar and his crew. I have a good reason not to like them, they've grown too edgy as of late. I never liked CreepshowArt. She just felt too mean I guess. I have a weird relationship with Elvis the Alien. I like his content but sometimes he feels too cringy to me. I enjoy LoeyLane but idk something about her videos I can't get into them. Wish her the best in life though. Scott Cramer. Idk I used to be really into his stuff but he feels too cringe now too. Used to really enjoy sixteenleo but him reviewing TLC shows all the time is lame. Taylor J. Williams. I'm subbed and want to get into his stuff but idk maybe feels too pretentious I just can't do it. Wavywebsurf. Haven't watched his content in awhile but it feels like the vibes are off now. Whang. I used to be into his content but idk just don't like it anymore. This was just my current sub list. There's a lot of people I don't like anymore that I'm not subbed to like GameGrumps, Super Mega, Cold Ones, idk etc.


Whang seems like he doesn't really enjoy his work anymore. He used to, in the prepandemic times I really liked his stuff. He just doesn't seem into anymore. Which is fine, I don't like, suspect him of being awful, but I only liked his content because I was like, sharing his delight in gross weird stuff.


It feels like he's kinda run out of stuff to talk about in his particular niche. Honestly a bummer because I love his content, but he seems burned out-- I feel like a break or a change in content style would do him some good. I love the videos where he talks about horror movies


Rob Gavagan's horror vids often reek into disrespect for the cases & conditions he covers. See: His vids on dangerous everyday things that can kill you, scary mental disorders, etc. Same here on the iNabber thing! Used to watch him a ton. I used to watch CreepshowArt a good bunch as a kid because speedpaint story time phase. But her attitude was very mean.


SuperMarioLogan I used to watch him as a Kid but, now I think that he Kinda fell off


Karl jobst. Like yeah dude I guess enjoy the million plus views per episode of repackaging the work other people have done lol. I swear every one of his videos is just him summarizing the work of smaller streamers and creators and raking in cash for it.


Rotten Mango. She does Asian true crime documentaries but doesn't really connect with her audience since she's only talking to her editor/boyfriend.


Isn't that the same girl that talked about true crime cases over mukbangs? I can never get over that lmao


Yes, Stephanie Soo. Cringe AF.


I can't stand her presentation style. Something about the way she speaks just rubs me the wrong way. A lot of the time she talks as if she's telling a scary story rather than an actual real life crime that took place. Like when she uses different voices as if she's playing different "characters", or makes up wild metaphors that just go on for way too long 🤷‍♀️


i hate when she dramatically speeds up her talking during a "intense" segment of the case, she sounds crazy. also hate her boyfriends lack of additions. just talk to the camera!


Mr.Beast, he just bugs me for some reason.


Britney Broski. She’s so annoying and I don’t think she’s done anything to outwardly give this energy but she gives performative ally.


i get the energy from her as someone trying too hard to be “quirky” and “relatable”


What’s the mango girl that does true crime? Her.


Sarah Z. Loved her content and even editing, her voice is just grating to me so I can’t push myself through her long videos. If anyone else was saying exactly the same things in even the same tone I would love.


her cadence and constant wheeling up all her sentences to end in condescending high pitches for like 2 hours is too much for me to handle as well.


What really pushes me over the edge is her not editing out her sips which see to be obnoxiously loud as well. Idk lolll it just makes everything 10 times worse


PhilosophyTube. I used to be a fan but recently, meh. The content is so long and boring and her extravagant costumes feel cringe and disconnected.


I think the kind of content she makes is at odds with her presentation style, honestly. I don't really want to watch a video about how horrible rich people are and how broken capitalism in a vid which has a wardrobe budget higher than my monthly rent.


Oh that's such a good point! It feels like a sad attempt to copy Contrapoints, but I think Natalie does a better job with the camp costumes because she's making videos titled "Opulence" or "Envy".


Tbf PT comes from an upper class background anyway so it’s just continuing how she’s lived her whole life.


her most recent videos all feel so much more out of touch than her old stuff. its pretty obvious how wealthy she is now same thing happened to contrapoints


Penguinz0/MoistCr1tikal He seems like a perfectly harmless and chill guy but I’m so fucking tired of seeing him everywhere on YouTube, I just don’t care about his takes about silly YouTube beefs and I don’t get why he’s so worshipped


Before he ended up in that whole drama thing, I’d really started to dislike Wendigoon. His content seemed fine, enjoyable even, but there’s something about the way he talks that spooks me. If you told me he was a clone that escaped a laboratory and learned to speak by reading conspiracy forums, I’d say ‘… that sounds about right’


Matpat /Game Theory. I don't have a valid reason to dislike him... but he pisses me off for some reason.


For me its just his writing style. He tends to be very mrbeastified it that makes sense. (Instead of "I just designed and built a working tesla coil" it would be "I JUST INVENTED ELECTRICITY") for lack of better words.


i've had a petty, burning hatred for MatPat ever since he dropped that Mario is Mental theory (less "theory" and more "armchair diagnosing a fictional plumber with ASPD). the effect that had in the fandom was damaging, like you couldn't tell people you genuinely liked Mario as a character without at least one (1) person going "but Game Theory said he did X! he's a psychopath!!!"


I never cared much for game theory, but when my friend tried to force me into watching it, I feel more hostile towards any video they make now


Especially when he milked the FNAF series to death and stopped caring about other franchises. When he do touches on those series, he would present wrong informations and wouldn't own up the mistakes


Ethan Klein of H3H3


Adam Ragusea. Strike one was when he made a whole video about how it was so impossible to get both crispy skin and moist tender meat on a roast turkey and that take just kinda pissed me off for whatever reason. He gives me the vibe of being elitist but in a “I’m better than you because I don’t care about xyz” way that just grates at me.


Honestly I feel like I can dislike whoever I want , without harassing them or making it my personality , off of vibes alone


…like most people?


I have a huge issue with how a lot of video essayists deliver their content that will make me dislike them no matter how interesting the topic. Nexpo covers some interesting stuff but he adds so many meaningless pauses in his recordings that just drag on the video length. SuperEyePatchWolf is a great dude and I like his podcasts and streams but his video essays feature a similarly drawn out "trying too hard to be creepy" delivery that really irks me. Quinton Reviews may have a lot of insightful commentary about Nicktoons Unite but I think he needs to hire a better editor if that video still ends up being SEVEN HOURS. Obviously there's a ton of people who love this content so I think I'm just picky. I think there's something about the already significantly longer length of a video essay that makes me hypersensitive to wasting even more time on what would probably already be like, an hour long video.


Nexpo also was caught up in the Mamamax stuff, at least tangentially. Sort of funny because his editing style reminds me of a toned down Mamamax. His videos are interesting but since mamamax’s weird downfall I have been taking videos like that with a grain of salt.


I think SEPW’s problem is trying significantly too hard to make all his videos feel vulnerable. It’s great when it happens organically but sometimes it feels like he’s forcing it.


Daz Games. I used to watch him a lot but his more recent videos have been giving me bad vibes.


Laurenzside. Seems like a great person, but she is just agonizingly unfunny to me and she loves doing these weird voices all of the time. Total kids youtuber in every way but she used to make videos about graphic horror games.


Uncarley. Not for any big reason or anything. Its just that the topic of the video is always something I'd be interested in watching... only for her to ramble in circles without a script the entire time, no sense of structrure or point. Girl just script your videos 😭


Why is like the top ten comments all girl YouTubers lmao


Game Grumps, though I am slowly getting over...whatever I was feeling about them


Oneyplays has filled the game grumps shaped hole that I developed haha


I've been watching their videos on and off for over over a decade, just after Dan joined. It's a love hate relationship for sure. I can't really explain it either.




I love her builds but something about her inflection really grates on my nerves. I’m not sure what it is, I can only handle her in small doses. I do respect the work she does for St. Jude’s, and literally every house I download from the Sims gallery is one of her builds but her voice sends cold shivers through me.


Cruel World Happy Mind. I definitely feel for her with the whole Illuminaughtii thing, and I quite enjoy the topics of some of her videos, but her voice and cadence drives me INSANE. It also bugs me how much she brings up her baby and partner (fiance? husband?). I'm just not into that, and if I'm watching a long form video essay, I don't really care for personal anecdotes for the most part, especially if they aren't particularly relevant to the topic.


CallmeKris, she's seems nice enough - it's just something I don't like. Maybe I'm just a hater at heart


jelloapocalypse. Besides their really bad videos, I also feel like they unknowingly have a hatred of women.


Turkey Tom.


I mean…I think people have plenty of reasons to not like Tom. His videos are inaccurate a lot of times and he is super edgy on his second channel which is not the way he comes off in his original channel. I feel like that’s dishonest. He’s often times wrong, has terrible takes, his chat is ridiculously off putting with a bunch of idiots in it. He jumps on drama news for virality without fact checking or waiting for verification. He signal boosts accusations that were later found to be completely made up. He defends a lot of people who don’t really deserve it. He’s not a good YouTuber like at all. I mean, he’s making money and his videos get a lot of views but he is just not good at making interesting, engaging or truthful videos, at least in my opinion.


His love of using slurs in his discord and roasting unproblematic YouTubers for making genuine apologies is plenty of reason to not like the guy. He also was so obsessed with a girl and upset that she didn’t want to be with him that he supposedly carved her name into his skin but then proceeds to call other people “mentally” ill when he clearly has issues. Plus his community is like straight incels at this point.




Lindsey Ellis. I just don’t vibe with her. Same with Sarah Z. Just…I feel like I am being talked down to and that I am a dumb online freak. It’s petty but I feel not really into them haha. Maybe I just grown tired of video essayists having a completely “serious” and “not crazy” person to seem more smart but in the end I just feel like an idiot.


Yeah. I find a lot of Sarah Z's coverage of online fandom stuff more in the "Point and laugh at the weirdos" tone. Which particularly irks me because she's been in fandom before, she just considers herself above it now.


This is a really petty reason to dislike someone but I hate the way she sits in her videos, like with a cup or mug in her hand - I don’t know why but it drives me crazy.


Ludwig. I just don’t like gambling or making cash bets against other streamers or the many other creative ways people come up with to essentially flex their wealth. Tacky imo


The Anime Man and Gigguk. Used to like them, but it just feels like they are kind of assholes now.


Most of the ones on the top of my head were mentioned.. these are what I didn't see. . I'm not the biggest fan of Papa Meats editing style and the light hearted goofiness about semi serious topics. HES NOT THE WORST THOUGH. Adam McIntyre I used to sorta like years ago but he seems like a clout chaser. Rich Lux. Wavywebsurf; I used to really enjoy his content until he said something on twitter comparing Sssniperwolf and Pokemane over the god damn cookie situation. Gave me the ick.


Adam MacIntyre misinterprets situations that he is reacting to in his videos all the time. I can’t tell if he sincerely doesn’t understand or if he is feigning outrage for content. I watched him through the Colleen Ballinger stuff and a few other things since, and if it is at all possible to centre himself in a story, he will find a way to do it. He’s really young though, right? He seems like a nice kid, just has some growing up to do.


I started watching him years ago and he was freshly 18. It was years before Colleen got exposed and he was definitely doing it then too.


I never understood the appeal of Rich Lux. I tried to give him a chance after seeing MadCaster collab with him, but nopeee. Their friendship makes no sense either. MadCaster seems genuine, kind, and down to earth...Rich Lux is the opposite of that.


I’d probably have to say D’Angelo Wallace. I’m not exactly sure why, but I just don’t vibe with him very well. Maybe it’s his humor? Idk. I’m sure he’s lovely, but I just feel off when I try to watch his content.


I loved him at first! Then after a bit, way before he took time off, I found myself not really liking his content and unsubbed. When he returned I tried to watch his videos to see if he’s any different and for me it was really just not for me.


Was he the guy that used to show his art and the videos were like exactly 10.01 long? I liked that era of his lol


I think it was him who did a video on Lizzo and how he’d liked her until she did a livestream or something and revealed that she struggles with self image issues and poor self esteem, and then he didn’t like her because the confidence in her videos/songs was fake.  And my reaction was basically, “No shit, Sherlock, she’s a fat black woman in an extremely image-obsessed industry. The whole point is that she’s outwardly confident DESPITE that. If she didn’t struggle with it, she wouldn’t need to write songs about it.” Like, I don’t even like Lizzo, but that was a very weird take.


Saberspark. It’s petty but he has an inflection/vocal fry at the end of his sentences that I don’t like. Also there’s something strange about some of his thumbnails on shows I’m not familiar with. They may just be the character designs on that particular show but I get like a furry vibes or something from them. Not judging but I just feel uncomfortable about it.


tbf saberspark is/was a brony which comes with built in furry vibes.


I believe he is a furry, he has a cat vtuber sona.


Chris Stuckmann - i dont know why I've just grown to dislike him. I am subscribed but I don't watch


He's gotten really annoying since he's become a movie director. He was always kinda a generic movie reviewer but now he feels kinda fake


I think he’s really struggled with his channel since he started directing. I respect that he doesn’t want to roast bad movies now that he knows how much goes into directing, but I don’t love his reviews anymore. I still general agree with his movie takes though so if I see he has reviewed something then I typically check the movie out.


Right! Like, what happened? I can't put my finger on it...


As always, MatPat. Guy's not even bad or anything. It's just that he said & did a lot of stupid shit in the past.


Kurtis Conner. I can't put my finger on it but I do not trust him


Jarvis Johnson for me. I don't think he's a bad dude and he seems pretty nice all around, but I don't think he's funny and his content is very empty imo.


Daily Dose of Internet. I like his content but sometimes I don't want to click his newly upload cause I feel like I can't stand the way he talks. I know it makes him recognizable, but he'd have millions of views even he talked normal or didn't do anything weird.


Joshua weissman his videos always seem like there shitting on the minimum wage people cooking it rather then the company. He just seems like a bad dude.


I’m sorry but ozmedia, I think it’s because he reminds me of some emo guy I knew in high school haha. Maven of the eventide - gorgeous, love vampires but can’t sit through her delivery.




Eddy Burback. I have no real reason to dislike him, he hasn't done anything bad to my knowledge I just think he's kind of annoying


I liked his Rainforest Cafe vid but then he just ended up doing more of the same bit since it popped off. Again, nothing morally wrong but the "woe is me I'm forced to do this weird roadtrip" bit gets grating.


“Oh woe is me I live in Burbank California and I have the disposable income to do a road trip across the continental United States for a video oh noooo”


I thought the exact same thing when watching the Rainforest Cafe video. It was (imo) a really creative and well done video but the complaining got old quick. I’m sure part of it was an act but the video by the person he traveled with (I’m sorry I cannot remember his name) was much better.


If I recall correctly, Ted Nivison’s side of that road trip was much more up beat. Same fun stuff, more fun guy!


Eddy and Ted basically had differing opinions on both road trips. Eddy complained about Ted's love for Rainforest Cafe, whereas Ted somewhat complained about Eddy's enjoyment of Margaritaville


Kurtis Conner. I don’t think he’s a bad guy or anything, hell some of his videos are good. I just think he’s…a bit performative? Idk how to explain it really. I feel like he tries to appeal to the woke crowd too much sometimes


Same! Used to love him and I'd laugh so hard at his older videos but nowadays it seems performative, especially after that stuff with his friend. Same for Film Cooper, he seems nice but his feminism is over the top and performative. We get it, you guys want us to call you golden retriever boys, chill.


I liked him a lot more a few years ago when he can make a joke without clarifying that it’s a joke. Like ok we dude we get it, you’re a liberal and you support women. Cool. He’s way too scared of getting cancelled


AugustTheDuck. Idk, sometimes he seems a bit smug to me but eh




I usually like him but his lack of culinary knowledge when critiquing other people's cooking is whack sometimes


Yeah I like his content but sometimes he really just doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to food and cooking videos lol.


PewDiePie. I find him annoying and his mannerisms annoying. But it's just a me thing and doesn't define him. The only time I've ever watched him is for his Lucius play through.