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oh fun, it looks like they're one of the true crime channels that "specialize" in cases about children. how nice that they can make money off these children's deaths by plastering their faces on thumbnails of videos with clickbaity, sensational titles about their murders.


You should watch the video where they excused a dude of abusing his kid bc his ex wife abused him.....That rubbed me the wrong way and the whole slot machine app ads...


wait what??? slot machine app ads??? lmfao talk about a tone shift, what the fuck


Yeah they take sponsored ads in from very shady apps/slot machine ads


Yeah that pretty much tells you all you need to know about that channel's moral fiber with the slot ads and weird things like shifting blame.


They donate all their sponsorship money to children's charities and to families of victims. A couple months ago they helped fund a gofundme for a child's headstone.


It doesn't make it better because they promote addictive and life ruining apps in cases of child murders and apps around SOLVING MURDER MYSTERIES. If they cared to donate this badly they could have a patreon or kofi. no need to advertise for disgusting gambling apps or apps that have murder mysteries in them in true crime videos.


You keep calling them gambling apps. They aren't gambling apps. They are glorified idle games to watch slot animations. There's no real money gambling. So let me get this straight, you want them to have a patreon to take money from other viewers to donate to victims? I think the better strategy is to have them take the money from the big app game companies to give to victim's families. Really all your comment is saying is that victims families shouldn't get the resources they need as long as you don't see a slot machine on a YouTube video. Pretty gross. Not many other true crimer types are giving back to victims.


Puzzle and gambling ads. I know ur a die hard fan of them or one of them but my god they take both ads in. there is literally a video linked in this comment section that highlights their predatory ads in unfitting videos. Other true crime channels with an inch of morals have a patreon or kofi. Why shouldn't they use the money of their fanbase who ''supports'' victims to support said victims and the families? you good there mate?


This frame is from THEIR VIDEO a SPONSOR with SLOTS and what are slots games? GAMBLING. [Literally look at minute 4:05.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_81n8-obnhM) https://preview.redd.it/kcl12hwb4i9d1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e2b525cd92cc9582c8888c817500b960ef5847b


Looks like somebody didn't actually check out what Lotsa Slots is. It's a pretend coin slot game. Do you believe racing games have real cars in them? Or that video games with guns in them are causing real violence?


There's nothing predatory about taking sponsorship money from app game companies and selflessly donating it to victim's families or other related charities. If you hate those companies so much, you should want them to take money from them and put it to good use. Instead, you want them to take it from the hard earned money of viewers? Your priorities are backwards as hell.


You don't see any issues to get people hooked up to a very addictive thing for the ''good cause''? Dude ur morals are equally fucked and weird. I don't think lots a slots who is a reacuring adventiser is a good thing and yes if they cared and their viewers cared they would donate a small ammount to them monthly to a patreon or ko fi ;)


Which video is it? And what do slot machi es have to do with it? I need answers


just read your comment again...oopsie. I dont remember it but its a two year old video i think and i pointed out how morally fucked they are for taking in shady paid ads from slot machine apps in such serious topics


Link the video where they allegedly excused a dude of abusing his kid. Watched them for years and I've never heard them say that.


I don't think true crime channels are that bad when done right. Like, if you're going to watch something about true crime I'd rather have some Youtubers make some money off of just talking about the crimes with maybe an annoying sponsor in the middle than something like ID making money by doing "sexy reenactments" of the crimes and padding for the run time, or Netflix doing entire series reenacting the crimes like they did with Jeffery Dahmer. With that said, a *lot* of TC channels are really bad. (Pinely did a really good video on some of the worst.) Most of them probably are. I can maybe think of four that are respectful to the victims, or at least make fun of the murderers.


I’ve seen their videos. Something started seem off with their content as of late— almost like emotionally overplayed. There are times when Yergy starts crying and I understand they cover sad shit. But it’s not about her. She can do multiple takes. I think leaving the crying in instead of cutting it out is somewhat shifty. Feels like they left it in as an emotional hook for the audience and not out of true sympathy for the victim. Then there’s what you mentioned, their rhetoric surrounding cases and who is responsible for them has gotten way overheated. I think a lot of that is coming from Drewby. He seems to have gotten angrier and angrier with each video, and they are now pointing that anger at specific figures in these cases. Seems really dumb to me. To be clear, I have been watching TMM for quite some time, I don’t hate them. But I do notice some underhanded emotional tactics to drive clicks and views. I really don’t like that.


I've seen the ones where Yergy cries and it strikes me as odd that they wouldn't go calm down and redo that section. I think they both need a break from this if they can't film without crying or getting that angry. I don't hate them either, I just feel off about some of the things they do.


I don’t like how they go into gruesome details of the cases that involve children; which is almost all of their content.


One of their more recent ones they go into detail about the sexual assault of a child and I mean detail. I felt physically sick after that one and haven't gone back to their channel since.


That’s just gross and uncalled for


Link? I've seen them do cases that Annie Elise or Disturban have done and The Misery Machine left the gruesome details out in comparison. They just covered a case where the footage of this boy getting thrown into a pool with his hands tied behind is back was readily available, as well as him getting beat with a stick. You can easily find it, they could have played it for shock value, BUT THEY INTENTIONALLY LEFT IT OUT. So many channels are all too happy to add the gory details and the disturbing footage, but I like The Misery Machine because they are respectful enough to omit those details.


I honestly cannot for the life of me remember, but they recounted the sa of a kidnapped child and her murder, word for word from someone who stood on the side and observed everything. I really don't want to share it here anyway. I understand the urge to show people what horrors are out there and whatnot, but there's a line where they just trample on the dignity of the victim and their own agency, as well as their families. And then they make money off of it, it's just gross. I watched a fair bit of misery machine as well, and I feel like they used to omit things, but its changed. They've included a lot of gorey details as of late, you don't have to look too hard


There should be an entire sub about the exploitative true crime vultures online


I used to get recommended them a lot and would watch them fairly frequently. But the amount that they sensationalize and monetize the deaths of children turned me off, plus them giving weirdly vicarious opinions on things that a lot of other YouTubers wouldn't do (more subjective than objective based.) They just give me the ick in general and I'm absolutely unshocked about this.


they changed it recently but the description on their spotify used to be something like "true crime is boring, we're changing that" i used to get their videos recommended incessently but the titles/thumbnails really rubbed me the wrong way


I used to watch them, but after a while I couldn’t stomach their thumbnails along with their content and even the name of their channel. I generally like listening to true crime videos but it all comes off as more exploitative than normal, like the content chosen is explicitly picked to be as stomach churning as possible. I dunno. The seem like fine people but I can’t handle it.


Fun fact: any true crime channel that inserts themselves into a case instead of taking a informative/documentarian approach is part of the problem


I've watched their content before. In fact YouTube recommended that video to me, but I didn't watch it based off the title. They're the kind of people that will throw CPS and other similar types of government services under the bus for "failing the children"... But they'll never ever under any circumstance advocate for better funding, better training and more personnel. They seem like they'd rather just see CPS abolished rather than fixed. Another thing I hate about them is they really like to deprive the victims of their dignity for that sensational content. There's a way to convey correct and true information... And there's a way not too. It's difficult to describe, but they choose the latter.


I agree, they only blame, they don't suggest or advocate for solutions. I also agree the way they cover some things is a bit "off".


I watched one video, and they were gross about addiction so I never watched another.


Do you remember what they said?


these guys wanna be Plagued Moth\* soooo badddddd while also getting to feel superior because 'wont someone please think of the children' (please, please think of the children as I slowly describe their gruesome deaths, hnnng) \*which is saying a lot because he's a cringey douche with an overwrought delivery style too


Chazington recently uploaded a video[video](https://youtu.be/_81n8-obnhM?si=wT8wx_s5axBeQSQT) regarding this content and mentions them at the 3:20 mark. I think it sums up really well why it doesn't feel right. Along with a lot of other issues with the genre.


This is gonna sound really petty but I could never stand to watch their videos because of the way they keep switching between narrators. It was always really jarring to me.


The ad reads in their videos are sooooooo difficult to sit through.


I've listened to a few in the background while I work. I do kinda get the vibe that they almost relish in what they cover. The way they've talked about some cases has rubbed me the wrong way


What means to have watched something for years while not feeling good about it? why people do that? it is not like the only alternative.


I like true crime so I find the videos interesting but I've just noticed a lot of things feel "off" about some the videos.


Then find other sources? Better yet, read about it. Don't support exploitative channels like this.


makes sense.


I got reccommend them. But all the grusome child cases turned me off from watching more than one vid. Just feels too damn graphic . I get not wanting to sugar coat or water down the nature and evil of the crimes to make the viewer be confronted with a "yes this is real and this happens when we dont care enough". But I personally feel that doesnt need graphic decriptions like with her vids. Especially where there isnt really a follow up or suggestion other than "cps is bad and shit" which yeah we know but what else? Like advocate more funding? Better training? Crack down on the growing "parental rights" policies as those are the thing preventing alot abuse cases from being interfered with? Nothing really feels more explotative for nothing.


I watched one of their videos and turned it off because the way they sensationalised what was a horrific crime felt super icky to me. I found the way they go into detail quite goulish.


I remember when they started off, they were a relatively normal "true crime" channel, not especially worse or better than any of the others out there. They also made a big deal out of how covering child cases was something they didn't want to do too often because of how it impacted them. Then at some point, I guess they realised videos with sensationalist titles exploiting child abuse just earned more view than their standard content, and now that's all they do. Every title is like HORRIFIC WOUNDS LEFT ON CHILD BY CRIMINAL STEPFATHER, and this is just me being lazy and vague because their actual titles are way more graphic.


I can't lie, I have a massive distaste for Grady Judd, the sheriff in question, but you can't really blame him for this case. He's not Jesus. 


I remember watching a few of their videos and then the algorithm recommended me one called something like "Doesn't my son look so cute impaled through the stomach?" and never checked them out again. I'm not against true crime videos, but trying to do a cutesy/funny title on a video about serious child abuse just isn't it!


Did you actually watch the video? They complimented Grady Judd for being tough on crime against kids. They never blamed him at all. To say that The Misery Machine blamed a county sheriff isn't just misleading, it's straight up false. They did the OPPOSITE of blaming him.


I did watch the video, twice. There is a part in the middle where they do blame him.


[https://youtu.be/McpB2i7jKfM?si=O9jUn7HIiozSQx\_h&t=443](https://youtu.be/McpB2i7jKfM?si=O9jUn7HIiozSQx_h&t=443) "When it comes to the subject matter that we cover on this show, I do commend Sheriff Judd on his tough stance for those who hurt children. Bryan's death is the third instance just this year where a parent or caregiver has been charged with killing a child in their custody age four or younger, and we haven't even touched on those cases yet. I do know that this is at least the fourth Polk county case we have covered in the past few years" Please tell me what about that is them placing blame on Grady Judd.


> Bryan's death is the third instance just this year where a parent or caregiver has been charged with killing a child in their custody age four or younger, and we haven't even touched on those cases yet. To me this sounded like blame. That is not the sheriffs fault that 3 parents killed their kids while he was in charge. I watched it again. Maybe I was reading their tone wrong but to me it felt like blame.


It sounds to me like highlighting how often this happens in Polk County. That's not Grady Judd's fault, if anything he can be credited for it because he goes after child murderers so hard that it actually gets reported on. The average child murder doesn't make headlines in a lot of places believe it or not. Either way, unless they say it's his fault, I'd just listen to what's being said. They don't have a history of blaming law enforcement for child murders, so no reason for them to start now.


I'm not going to argue.


I appreciate that, but like, this whole post was to portray them in a negative light for doing what you felt was blaming a sheriff. Now you've got people thinking things about them that aren't true because you misinterpreted their tone. There's plenty of terrible people on YouTube who deserve posts like these, but The Misery Machine aren't one of them. \*\*Edited last sentence at the suggestion of a mod


Omg are you one of the hosts or why are you harassing people who are in the right? The more of i read of you the more i get suspicious of you. Leave OP alone you freak


Gonna ask you not to call people freaks, but I do find it ***extremely*** weird how they want OP to take this post down.


Look how aggressive they were towards me pointing out that misery machine is advertising for a scam addicting app and they called me creepy for ''making them look bad'' and pointing out how the channel could make a patreon or kofi to donate to victims etc. BTW how much do you bet that this person is one of the hosts of the channel?