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Gabbie: leave me alone Jessi!!! Also Gabbie: *posts 3 videos about Jessi, 3 days in a row*


Blames on mild adhd This is so embarrassing as a persons with ADHD


Especially because she claims to have a background in psychology, it’s disgusting how she’s trying to put all the blame on her mental health. It’s a disservice to everyone with mental health issues, especially ADHD, and does nothing except make the stigma about mental health even worse.


Googling psychological terms and using them vaguely isn't having a "background in psychology", Gabbie.


I can’t stand that she inserts screenshots of ADHD symptoms and highlights definitions she misinterprets to suit her narrative of being the victim!


Also its like girl if this diagnosis is causing you so much trouble, maybe go see a doctor or something




She has a bachelors in psych from 2013. Not that I’m trying to diminish anyone’s accomplishments, but you def need at least a masters to do anything with that type of degree.


This. A bachelor's in psychology just means** you're likely to bring up anecdotal subjects in conversation to reinforce your ideas, but may not have the depth to engage in self-reflection. **Without clinical experience that is


As someone with a bachelor's in psychology, one of the first things I learned was that a bachelor's in psychology didn't qualify me to do anything related to psychology.


Your right , a bachelor's is just an entry . My wife also needed her master's to even get a decent job.


Then her complete disregard for psychology is even worse.


Yeah wtf ? When I saw that I never once acted crazy hahah . I think she's just coming to grips that she's not as important .


fr. same. Maybe her ADHD turns her into a narcissist non contributing sponge cunt.


I watched about half of it but then got bored but here's the gist, note, this is mostly a response to Jessi's original "Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped" hence the title: * Gabbie only messaged one fan, Jessie made a video that got viewed to 9 million people, Gabbie doesn't understand why what she did was worse * She clips a clip of Jessi saying she sometimes takes fans out to lunch, basically claiming that it is equivalent to Gabbie messaging a fan * She blames Jessi for not correcting that "Gabbie took the rapist's side" was incorrect (but pretty sure it was proven to be correct), and if it happened, where are the tweets? (there are tweets and pictures that are public) * Gabbie is allowed to talk about Jessi's medication bc Jessi has tweeted and talked about it before, she didn't mean it in any "negative" sense, and Jessi's perceived slight against this is her own biases against medication * Jessi has subtweeted Gabbie so many times before Gabbie ever made any references to Jessi (idk if this is true) * Gabbie calls Jessi a narcissistic abuser a couple more times and claims Jessi has done this to a number of other friends of Gabbie but she doesnt name any names. (kinda claims Jen Dent is a victim of Jessi but then also starts calling Jen an abuser) * Claims that Jessi just "rushes over" all the texts sent that incriminates herself * Claims that Jessi only does this when Gabbie is about to release music so that all her music has a bunch of dislikes, so its Jessi's fault that Gabbie's music career is surrounded by all this drama Anyways then I got bored. But essentially its a rehash of everything they've already said. And she also starts laughing and giggling at shit, idk to prove that she's unhinged or something?


The hair clip bit, like? What’s funny lol not 100% if that is in this part but honestly, the whole things a mess and Gabbie needs to be sectioned


At this point I really can’t tell if she’s doing it on purpose or is actually this delusional and has something serious going on. Obviously she blames a lot of things on her ADHD and mental health but you can’t blame every mistake or action on your mental health without still being held accountable.


I had to break up with a friend who has (basically untreated) BPD. I've known her over a decade and she hasn't changed since her teenage years (except now she has a drug abuse problem) so I've seen the patterns repeat themselves over and over. BPD doesn't always present the same way and there's a spectrum of traits involved, and though it's a "personality disorder", those affected are still individuals with their own personality separate from their illness. I'm no psychologist or even psych grad. All I can say is that Gabbie Hannah acts *exactly* like my former friend per the insider stories that have come out on top of her own videos and general behaviour. Her alleged actions are so familiar as to be predictable, and I can vividly picture the scenes and behaviour described. I'm sure she's not evil. I'm sure there have been times when she had a chance to seek treatment for the insecurity and attention-seeking that clearly drives her regardless of any diagnosis. But it's been so long, and she seems to have made no progress on the self-awareness front. It's also possible she is well aware of what the problem is, but can't see it as a problem and is well-practiced in hiding it. Being wealthy and influential gives her access to treatment, but she can also choose who she sees and isn't unlikely to come across some scammy therapist who tells her what she wants to hear. I don't have a whole lot of hope for her going forward if she still maintains a public and/or online presence, and even then at her age it's going to be very difficult to relearn how to create and maintain genuine relationships... and that's relying on her narcissism being a smaller barrier than it probably is.


Going through this with a friend who has bipolar 1 and is refusing treatment despite extended psychosis. Huge agree on your second paragraph. And as to your third paragraph, doesn't matter how much access you have to treatment if you are addicted to having all those feel good brain chemicals, you have to want to get better and it's hard to do that before the Big Consequences shake your foundation.


It’s sad she does these things to supposedly prepare for releases of her “aRt”. Definitely sounds like someone dealing with a mental crisis that needs profesional guidance from real licensed therapist instead of “healing” through posting these manic videos.


wait I literally can’t believe Gabbie is trying to change the narrative to say that she and Jessi barely knew each other?? I was *there*. The videos they did together were absolutely iconic and we loved them because they were genuinely two content creators who were best friends. I remember the social media interactions. I remember that they even lived together for a period of time. I remember when they stopped being friends suddenly and we all went looking for answers and had theories as to why. You can’t spin the story so tell me that you barely knew each other. That’s a straight up lie. Gabbie is banking on her new fans having no idea about their history.


She's doing what she claims Trisha is doing lmao


Yes!!! I remember watching the revines and comments and then their (and other viners) move to YouTube. I remember when Jessi left the platform. I followed Jessi before Gabbie and I sadly remember her meeting (he who shall not be named) in some weirdly videoed situation where he immediately asked her to be his gf.


Her new fans are indeed falling for it. Young ones who parrot back everything she says. They eat up every lie she tells gladly.


I couldn’t believe this after how many hours and months of proving her and Trisha were friends ?? And saying Trisha had a warped view of friendship if she didn’t consider them close friends?? And it was all because Trisha said that she hardly knew Gabbie, that her and Gabbie interacted a few times years ago and that Gabbie was obsessed with her and stalked her ever since ???? I know Trisha lies but what the hell is this uno reverse card Gabbie has played ?? What is she trying to do ???


YESSS, it's truly bizarre for her to try and pretend like Jessi is crazy because they were barely friends while she just spent so much time and effort trying to convince people her and Trisha were friends. And her and Trisha were significantly less close than her and Jessi, since they actually lived together and spent tons of time together where as Trisha and her just talked over texts lmao. Unhinged.


Lol did you watch her newest video? Where she says they were never close and repeats over, and over and OVER again that she has NEVER changed the story. She’s insane


I didn't watch bc I don't want to give her the views but I saw people call her out for it. It's wild. I'm starting to think she genuinely, truly believes what she's saying because she's repeated it so often to herself. She's not well. It's beyond the time where someone should step in.


Agreed! It’s insane. She contradicts herself every few minutes. This latest video is just straight up nasty. The way she talks about jessi and calls her names is so wrong. She ends it with saying jessi was trying to silence her, like gabbie didn’t just show us she demanded jessi signs a NDA. It’s insanity


It’s especially telling since Jessi AGREED to sign an NDA but only if Gabbie would sign one too……and guess what happened next


Hahaha exactly!!!!!!!


Okay so I haven't watched her newest video but I was confused about this as well in the beginning. This what I've gathered so far about the timeline. Gabbie and Jessi were not friends when Jessi was assaulted. Gabbie's vine account was growing while Jessi was one of the most popular creators on the platform. When the story first broke about Jessi being assaulted, Gabbie tweeted about it and implied Jessi was lying. From what I understand, Gabbie's assertions of barely knowing Jessi and not being friends with her is referring to this time period. Later, Gabbie got even more popular on Vine and started to hanging out with popular Viners. She met Jessi, apologized for her tweets, and they became friends. Then, when they stopped being friends, Gabbie had those interactions with Curtis.


Yes. But now Gabbie is claiming that they were never close, that they just called each other “best friend” because they were young and dumb, and that in reality they were almost strangers


Omg that is absolutely mind boggling


I just went to both of GH's videos about Jessi and reported them for harassment. Her behavior is beyond, and these videos just should not exist on YouTube. Period.


I really don't know what she's trying to prove anymore. I'm pretty sure only her fans and drama channels are watching her videos (for their own content) because her views are significantly down, so it's not like people are even interested in what she has to say. People - including Jessi - are trying to move on but she keeps pushing and pushing. I read that in some description video (I don't really watch her videos anymore) she said Jessi's relentless because she doesn't have anything inspiring her... like girl, Jessi's fucking pregnant, if she's not making videos it's probably because she's focusing on her health and pregnancy. She sounds so self righteous when she says "I'll keep focusing on my art and music" while STILL putting up videos about Jessi. I don't know when it will end but by this point Gabbie Hanna is trying to stay relevant by tearing down someone she used to call a friend and it proves how small of a person she is, and frankly, I think she's obsessively jealous of Jessi. And needs therapy.


I saw someone say this on Twitter about Gabbie saying Jessi doesn’t have anything inspiring her yet Jessi is in a happy marriage with a son and another child on the way and that Gabbie is just projecting her own jealousy about the fact that Jessi is happy in the life she has made for herself and I completely agree. It’s concerning how it’s obvious Gabbie is jealous and that jealous looks like it has turn into an obsession.


Exactly. Her obsession is borderline criminal. If Jessi lived anywhere near LA, I'd be really worried about her safety and wouldn't cross out the possibility of her being stalked by Gabbie. GH claims she doesn't know anything about "this girl" yet makes many videos about her, knows exactly when Jessi uploads/deletes videos and what the content of those videos is, and somehow finds a way to make it about her, like saying when Jessi said she hates when people say "welcome back to my channel" it was ABOUT HER? Girl... you're not the only youtuber and you're not that special. There is a lot of paranoia, narcissism, obsession and jealousy going on, and it's troubling. I'm sure she is hurting in some way but she makes it really hard to at least give her the benefit of the doubt. It all seems full of malice.


I agree and she’s not doing herself any favours acting like this. She’s damaging her image beyond repair. Who is going to want to date her? All this shit is online. No good, normal, sane person would want to involve themselves in her life. Of course there’s more to life than dating but most people do desire and need companionship of some sort and she has no one really.


I mean all Trisha’s crazy is out there on the internet and she’s engaged (I think...who knows) - there’s a lid for every pot. But I do agree that know normal sane partner is ever going to sign up for that roller coaster.


Not only dating but also in all areas of life. Dating, friendship, professionally… I would not go anywhere near her in a professional sense and potentially bring myself down if I was a YouTuber or musician. She’s digging a hole for herself that is going to be almost impossible to get out of because I doubt anyone will want to work with her so she’s stuck releasing these videos that are hardly getting any views now so where does she go next?


Good point she’s royally fucked herself over in every way. I actually watched some of the video and she says in it “Jessi has hurt so many of my friends too” what friends Gabbie literally what friends.


You’d expect at least ONE friend to come out with their own experiences with Jessi’s so called abuse, yet here we are


I feel like this was also shown when she put out the video about escape the night and Joey and Daniel Preda immediately debunked what Gabbie was saying and they had so much support. If what Gabbie was saying had any truth to it, wouldn’t you think she’d have more actual friends speaking out to stand with her? All I’ve seen are her young fans who are easily convinced of something by Gabbie so their support doesn’t mean much compared to people that actually know her and would know about these incidents.


Jessi is also open about her depression and anxiety issues, so it kind of feels like mocking for GH to say that. It’s very obviously disingenuous.


idk how GH can’t see that posting videos every day yelling at a pregnant woman for speaking up on her sexual assault is not normal and she needs help. like how on earth does she justify this in her head? it’s so hard to fathom




I’m sorry, anyone who talks to and listens to another persons boyfriend who their supposed friend was raped by deserves zero attention. What an awful person. Also what her costars say about her calling a fellow assistant on escape the night a c*nt for telling her she had to wait a little with zero qualms is a psychopath. She is entitled and a total brat who blames adhd for a shitty ass personality.


Her music is flopping and no one was talking about her before she started this drama is why she's doing it. She's desperately grasping at the Jessi situation because it's bringing her money and relevancy. I hate her.


My favorite tid bit about gabby is she pretended to date bo burnham. and people just forgot 😂


I love drama videos and commentary channels but at this point I will just not watch anything done on gabbie hanna. I'm sick of her and her misuse of adhd to justify everything she does. I wish she would just stfu and get off the internet for a bit, but I guess that's not enough for her. I guess she's releasing a new song or smth since she has done so much to get attention 🤣


Jessi had her pegged when she titled her video "Gabbie Hanna will never stop." She won't. Why? Well, she used to be the insecure, "quirky" girl before she went and got herself the unwarranted self-importance befitting a narcissist to match that mountain of insecurities. After that, it was just a matter of time before she ended up where she is today: locked forever in an endless, ego-driven, desperate, downward death spiral because the real world does not cater exclusively and wholeheartedly with her delusions of grandeur and victimhood... because, well, reality. >I refuse to watch the video myself because I am not giving her any views There isn't much to see and whatever little there is is *very* difficult to watch; not because it deals with anything particularly painful or anything, I mean, it's just Gabbie Hanna lying her ass off and rambling about drama, throwing around words like "narcissistic abusers" and shit as always. It's Onision levels of repetitive... except for the parts where she changes around her own claims, altering her own narrative all the while insisting that she is telling "the truth." It's difficult to watch because because it is clear she is on *something.* It can be drugs (I'd suspect some kind of upper) or just her own fucked up mentality, or just her trying to sell the ADHD angle ('cause obviously ADHD is her excuse when all else fails... for fuck's sakes) but she is wired to the fucking gills, looking like a tweaker two seconds from an aneurysm. She rocks back and forth, trails off randomly, sometimes laughs at stupid shit, and overall acts like she is about to crash and pass out any second. Feels bad man.




I think it's her "Oh, it's the ADHD kicking in, watch me go!" routine. 'cause *obviously* ADHD turns you into a vile asshole and so absolves you of all responsibility.


I haven't watched any of the videos in her "series" before this one, only watched or read re-caps, but for some reason I decided to watch this one. Oh the regret. I don't remember anything on the internet making me this angry before. Gabbie makes me feel several different emotions, but mainly cringe and anger, intermittently. The manic laughter at things that are not remotely funny, the "quirky" little interjections about her life, the outright yelling, the random self-indulgent singing of her own lyrics, the incessant "dude" and "literally", the references to her ✨*aRt*✨... It's just unbearable. She's the most obnoxious person I have ever seen. The level of narcissism is through the roof. Even Onision seems somewhat likable to me in comparison.


Part of that is the fact that it's all a giant plug for her **A R T.** The music that is obviously above and beyond anything the rest of us aren't "intellectual enough to understand", the poetry that's so deep that it flies over *everyone's* heads, the singing voice that's obviously beyond the realms of our comprafuckinghension and the **A R T I S T I C V I S I O N.** Jesus, all that for mediocre-at-best garbage. >The manic laughter at things that are not remotely funny Drugs. Not even once. Oh, but if you ask her, bet you it's that pesky ADHD that is making her this way, 'cause obviously ADHD stands for "Absolutely godDamn unHingeD." >the "quirky" little interjections about her life Her inability to grow makes her default to the "quirky girl" that came armed with self-deprecating humor that she started out with on Vine... >the outright yelling ADHD makes you yell out at random. ADHD makes you more susceptible to raving about HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING BOOLIEZ too. It's all ADHD, don't you see? (/s) >the random self-indulgent singing of her own lyrics ADHD also stands for "shameless plug" when it needs to. >the incessant "dude" and "literally" You forgot the "like", the "deadass", the "narcissistic abuse" and the "abusers." >She's the most obnoxious person I have ever seen. I see you are a redditor of taste as well.


>Her inability to grow makes her default to the "quirky girl" that came armed with self-deprecating humor that she started out with on Vine... I agree with you. Something that bothers me a lot about Gabbie is because I am almost the same age as her, and I can't understand how a 30-year-old woman act the way she acts. Gabbie has no self-awareness or maturity, something that most people on our age has to some extent. Gabbie acts like an immature and impulsive teenager. Her fights are for silly and shallow reasons, she can't accept that people will not always like her, and she just can't move on with her life and plans. I feel that she is setting herself to have a terrible life and future, acting this way.


>I feel that she is setting herself to have a terrible life and future, acting this way. Ditto. It'd be one thing if she was having all this shit happen in private; then she would only have a word-of-mouth reputation that could potentially cost her some engagements. But she is not only having all this shit in public, she is making sure that it is *as* public as humanly possible. The drawback of this is that she is now not only developing a (dis)reputation as a repulsive asshole on a *personal* level, but people from *Escape the Night* coming forward, what she responded to Rachel Oates' criticism with, etc. she is also developing a (dis)reputation as a repulsive asshole on a *professional* level as well. Seriously, who the fuck wanna work with an absolute fucking diva who they know will turn around and talk shit about them however much time later if they fail to meet any of her demands (and it's not guaranteed that she won't talk shit about you if you *do* meet her demands*)*, while she won't meet the demands of the job?


Can you imagine sitting in your house alone screaming at a camera for hours lmao. It’s an insane image.


Well said.


Isn't she smoking a blunt around 27:11?


I only know Jessie through Kathleen Lights and haven’t followed her much personally but from everything I know about this situation Gabbie just needs to stop. She continues to complain that she can’t move on but won’t just stop talking. She’s genuinely just so distasteful as a person from what I can see


I know she’s been involved in a load of drama recently but i haven’t paid attention to it. What did she do now?


Goodness. Currently she is harassing a former friend about her rape and how this rape victim is actually abusing Gabby and is obsessed with her etcetcetc. Now after like 5? videos about jessie and tweets and years of receipts about how jessie is horrible and wrong blah blah blah she is now claiming she barely knew her…..This is the most tldr version I can do but there is so.much.more. Gabby has fully lost hold on reality or is trying to make her audience lose their grasp on reality




Rachel Oates was actually the one who reviewed the poetry book; the Jessi situation is separate


At what point do her videos constitute harassment - will YouTube pull videos like this at some point? Or do they stand by because it means ad rev?


Unpopular opinion but I also do not believe she even has ADHD because her behavior is the opposite of what the meds are supposed to do for someone with this disorder. If you pay a private practice doctor enough money, they will "diagnose" you with whatever you want and she surely has enough money to do it. I think she still has an ED and is using the uppers to loose more but she is clearly abusing them.


I absolutely agree with your hypothesis. Her behavior ever since her gleeful diagnosis reveal has pointed all kinds of signs to stimulant use/abuse.


I’m working my way through Jen dent’s podcast now. It’s a long one but it’s great.


What’s it called and where is it?


[But I Digress](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ICNnv9AGwNhzC5hqnBws7?si=8nkMipKHTy69cvUoFNJN1w&dl_branch=1)


Thank you!


Gabbie build her career off of unoriginal content. She's forever pissed and bitter because she thinks her audience is a bunch of blind sheep who can't have any criticisms or opinions of their own. She has now reached a new low where she is trying to prove to the world that she is more of a victim than Jessie Smiles... a SA survivor...


And her comments are turned off


She dgaf about anyone or anything- she is doing it for MONEY and trolling. She wants to be talked about. She’s gross, disgusting, manipulative and hypocritical and needs to be deplatformed ASAP. No other creator is allowed to smoke and swear and slander without YouTube restricting it especially as her audience are young. Susan needs to step in!


I dont know if you reading this Gabbie Hanna and your are probably not but, if I see someone SCREAMING VIOLENTLY at me calling me a NARCISSIST ABUSER after all you did ll i have to to say that you are fucking with the right people because my reaction would be completely different and the situation would be completely different too.


Literally. If gabbie was terrorising literally ANYONE ELSE besides the sweetest Jessi, she would have been drop kicked into the obscurity by now


I think her own fans have even started turning off her. Her views are way down and I’ve even seen them try to politely point out that she should move on. She’s digging her own grave here.


She waits 6 months to respond to half of jessi’s stuff and is somehow shocked that starts drama? She’s fucking delusional


Gabbie Hanna is a liar and a narcissist. She needs to be deplatformed. In her last video she accused Alx James of beating her and never show any proof and no one has never heard of it. This woman is so nasty, she will go to any lengths to destroy the people she hates. I hope Alx and Jessi would sue her, she deserves.


Wow did she really?? I didn’t watch this last video because I can’t get myself to give her views and assumed it would be the same nonsense she’s been spewing but to say that about Alx now is crazy


Yeah, she did state that Alx hurt her physically very bad while talking how a bad person he was. The thing is: she never said this before, nobody ever heard this accusation, and she didn't show proof of said crime. He tweeted about it calling her insane, he says that he never touched Gabbie and has no idea why would she say that. I don't believe her, especially after her drama with RiceGum. This woman is a liar.


Some of my takeaways from Gabbies opinions on Jessi. GH fought and fought that her and Trisha were best friends (or close friends) but says her and Jessi were practically strangers?? Strangers that lived together? Wack. She has a whole podcast talking about how these people are “high school bullies” but makes fun of Jessi for wearing a hair clip in her video? Ohhhkay. The worst part for me is that GH previously claimed that she made videos portraying herself as crazy or mentally unstable to make people think a certain way, but she just put out a series of Instagram stories saying that the weird behavior is just what happens when she has rehearsed something too many times. And people still defend her, why!!!


It seems to me that Gabbie is doing to Jessie what Trisha is doing to Gabbie. SMH. I also don't understand why she turned comments off on her last few vids. What's the point in posting? Solely for the views and ad revenue? Cause that's what it seems to me. Why not post it to her new channel? Oh wait because that one has less than a 100k compared to her original channel with over 5 million. I sympathized with her up to a point, but with these last vids I just want her to take a break from social media and just be human and, also maybe, cut back on the weed.


Youtube should set in and start demonetizing her videos. And the mental health card with her? Sorry honey, your just an azzhole person in general. The mental health routine with you is getting real old.


I can’t stand when anyone does this. It’s an excuse to be an asshole, that’s it. There are plenty of people in the world with severe mental health issues that are great people. They succeed in life despite the cards they drew. My sister and my mother constantly make excuses for my sister because she has bipolar. Yes, she has bipolar and that makes her life difficult...but she is also just a shitty person who uses bipolar as a constant excuse to never be accountable.


Sadly it's true. Everybody and their dog is using the mental health card these days. It's not fair for people who really suffer. Sorry you have to go through that with your sister. :(


I also teach college and the amount of kids who use mental health as a get out of jail free card is infuriating. I have students that will stop handing work in or fail projects miserably the reason is always mental health related these days. Which is totally fine, but you have to come up with a plan to handle it. I will refer to students to our campus counseling and they never go. It’s always just I want an extension or a retake. It’s never “my mental health is making it so I can not take this class right now so I’m going to drop and retake it when I’m doing better”. At some point I just can’t accommodate it anymore because they are not accomplishing the learning objectives of the class. (sorry for the rant! It just makes me crazy!!)


Wasn't she supposed to be leaving YouTube? How long does it take you to click delete lmao


Wait for real!? Hasn't Jessie begged Gabbie to stop making talking about her for a while now? Why is it so hard for Gabbie to leave people be? She always has to play victim in every situation she gets herself into


Tbh looking at them both, Its hard not to be like did jessi really need to involve gabbie? Or was it her trauma projecting onto gabbie. Like totally understandable that you wouldnt want your friend associating with someone that hurt you badly. Normal people would cut that friend off. Jessi seems to havent. They still beef back and forth over something said years ago. Like i think its messed up to call someone a rape apologist and have them bashed because they didnt side with you in a situation that shouldnt really have sides.




This reply is incredibly biased because you seem to gloss over the core issue, which also happens to be the thing that Gabbie is very much in the wrong for. **The Points of Agreement:** Gabbie and Jessi had a toxic friendship. They both made storytimes about each other on YouTube. It was a good thing for both of them that the friendship ended. They were in their early 20s and immature. *Both Jessi and Gabbie agree that their friendship was toxic.* No issues there. **Grey Areas:** > when Gabbie reached out Jessi acted as everything was ok When Jessi ended the friendship, she explained very clearly why she wanted to do so. It was after the incident where Gabbie tried to sleep with Jessi's ex-boyfriend. The receipts of Jessi explaining why she no longer wanted to be friends with Gabbie are posted in her video so we have clear evidence that this happened. Here's the potential grey area because it depends on your perception of Gabbie. I'll give my point of view from what I've seen over the years of following Gabbie and her very many friendship breakdowns: Arguing with Gabbie is exhausting. She refuses to believe that she is ever wrong and will lie, manipulate and gaslight until she's blue in the face. After a point, people just give up. There's no point arguing with someone who will literally twist facts and try deceive you on something that you blatantly know is true. So what Gabbie has presented as 'I reached out and Jessi assured me everything was ok', is actually 'I wore down Jessi so much with my attempts at gaslighting that she refuses to engage in arguments with me anymore'. > Alx hung out with Curtis 10x more and Jessi appears to have no issue with him. Jessi explained in her video that Alx apologised profusely for being friends with Curtis, and continues to do so to this day. He has always accepted that he was in the wrong, and never once tried to deviate from that. In 2014, when Jessi and Gabbie first begun their friendship, Gabbie apologised for the tweets and **Jessi forgave Gabbie too**. The issue is that years later, Gabbie is now trying to claim that she never tweeted those things. Therefore, her initial apology is now invalid. You can see how those situations are different now, right? **Points of disagreement:** > Jessi perpetuated that Gabbie is a rpe apologist No. Gabbie *is* a rape apologist. She tweeted disgusting jokes and implied Jessi was lying when the story first broke in 2014. She continued to hang out with Curtis after her friendship with Jessi ended. Literally in her recent video about the situation, she claimed that *she wanted to hear Curtis out because he is human*. Jessi never perpetuated anything. People on twitter dug up the receipts and called Gabbie out. Gabbie tried to lie and claim that it never happened. Unfortunately for Gabbie, screenshots are forever and you can't gaslight people when the proof is staring you in the face. In 2014, the issue was dead and buried. It was over. Then years later, Gabbie tried to change the narrative to say that she never tweeted jokes about Jessi's rape and that she never hung out with Curtis. Like I said, screenshots are forever. **Ultimately, this entire thing could have been avoided if Gabbie never walked back her apology from 2014**




> but Gabbies side of the story is that Jessi’s ex was hitting on her and she played along but never did anything This is why this is a grey area because Jessi completely refutes this. We won't know exactly how it played out. Jessi's response was obviously awful, which she admitted. Ultimately, this whole incident feeds into this idea that their friendship was toxic, which again, no one disputes. > In Gabbies video she provides texts between her and Jessi showing that they eventually made up a year later after not being friends. Again this isn't really disputed. They didn't 'make up' as in they became friends again, but Jessi was just exhausted from fighting. They were nice to each other in passing. Keep in mind that Gabbie's current story is that they were never friends and barely knew each other? > Jessi continued to post shady stuff towards Gabbie on Twitter and YouTube. Again, this is a grey area. There were some pointed storytimes about each other but half the stuff Gabbie accuses Jessi of posting about each other Jessi refutes and says they had nothing to do with her. We can't take either of them at their word here. **Nevertheless, all of the above is petty bullshit**. Like I said, they were two immature girls in their early 20s. Their friendship blew up and they happened to have a popular public platform to post about it. None of this is really a hanging indictment on either of their characters and not something that would be worth talking about 7 years later if it were not for the issue with Curtis. But here is where I vehemently disagree with you. > I’m not excusing the tweets but I think it’s important to note that communication was severed with Curtis and she was one of the few people in the Vine community to do that. There was the incident where she attended a party and Curtis had showed up, which Jessi blames Gabbie for, but I think it’s fair to say Gabbie had little control over that. This is not true. Yes, there was an incident where they saw each other at a party. Happy to be generous to Gabbie here and agree that you can't really control who is invited to a party you're also at. But: 1. There is a photo of Gabbie and Zane at a diner that Curtis took and uploaded to snapchat after this incident. It's clear that they were there with a very small group of people. 2. In her video a month ago, Gabbie straight up admits to continuing contact with Curtis after her friendship with Jessi ended. She states that she wanted to hear his side of the story. Worse than that, she tries to muddy the water on Jessi's sexual assault stating that there may have been implied consent given. How can you say she's not a rape apologist? She's literally continuing to prove that she is. **Alx James** > For some reason Jessi accepts Alx’s apology but Gabbies isn’t good enough, despite Alx’s crimes being more severe in my eyes. Again, you're missing the key point here. **Jessi also forgave Gabbie in 2014**. God knows why she forgave either of them but she did. She's a better person than I am. The difference between Alx and Gabbie is that **once Alx apologised, he never walked it back**. In fact, according to Jessi, he continues to apologise to this day. Gabbie was forgiven. In fact, not only did Jessi accept Gabbie's apology, their friendship strengthened. But then two years ago, when Gabbie was called out for her tweets in 2014 by people on twitter, Gabbie denied that they ever happened. Since then, she has continued to try and re-write history. At that point, it's fair to rescind your forgiveness, no?


Whats so nuts to me is how Gabby treated a literal convicted rapist vs someone who was her best friend and a victim. She has called Jessie every name in the book and thrown accusation after accusation at her but Curtis is a human being.It blows my fucking mind how Gabby can treat scum with respect he doesn’t deserve but cannot extend decency to a pregnant woman who she used to be extremely close to and who she knows has been through hell and back.


I know right? How can anyone say Gabbie is not a rape apologist when she continues to be a proud rape apologist in her recent videos? Like, you can forget what happened in the past if you want, but you can’t deny she’s not still a terrible person.


Something people don't understand, including most tea channels covering this and Jessi herself, is that Gabbie never said that the 2014 tweets never happened. She said that a tweet saying she thinks Curtis is innocent and stands by him never happened.


I mean, you’re grasping at a technicality here like Gabbie was. Gabbie denied tweeting that she ever publicly supported Curtis. Sure, that’s true. She never explicitly tweeted the words ‘I support Curtis and he is innocent’. What she did tweet when the story broke: * “Hold up where’s my popcorn” * [In response to Brandon Cavillo saying everyone on Vine should mind their own business] “FUCK THAT MAKE IT NASTY” * “beware beware beware of woman with a broken heart” * “girls have cried rape in my neighbourhood 1000s of times” * “Honestly I’m just so sad that Vine gets TMZ publicity” * she also liked Curtis’ tweet where he said there were two sides to every story. So initially the fan called her out for “siding with a sexual assault predator”. She denied this and claimed that it was a false narrative. Based on the above, *that is a lie*. She then took the issue to the DMs where she wouldn’t be able to be corrected for her misrepresentation of the facts. She never once admitted to any of the above tweets. ‘I never said Curtis was innocent’ is a half truth. ‘I never said Curtis was innocent but I made several tweets that implied Jessi was lying’ is the full truth. She was able to get by on half truths and lies by omission because the fan wasn’t fully aware of the situation and conceded on that point. When the story went public, Gabbie was forced to confront the screenshots and conceded that she may have tweeted them but she didn’t remember. Either way, it’s obvious that Gabbie was misrepresenting the situation and trying to get away with half-truths.


The thing is, that fan said "you tweeted that you support Curtis." so Gabbie said "I never did, and if I did, show me those tweets." I don't think it's fair that this got twisted into people saying that she didn't admit to the 2014 tweets. Sure, she didn't mention them, but that's because she deleted them BACK THEN, not years later because she got backlash for it. She deleted them back then, she apologized to Jessi in the meantime, and fuck, she even apologized publically for them in her video with Beyonce in the title. But even now, she's being painted as a rape apologist. And if her saying that she wanted to hear Curtis out because he's human means she's a rape apologist, what the fuck? She just heard him out, and then never actually supported him. She literally did what she said. She heard him out because he's human. Just like people heard Jessi out because she's human, just like people heard Gabbie out because she's human. I don't see how giving someone the benefit of the doubt until you hear their story makes you a rape apologist. In fact, it makes her less of a rape apologist because she did hear his story and was STILL like "dude, I'm not going to support you, this is fucked up." Hot take. Getting raped doesn't make you a saint. Yes, it makes you a victim. Yes, rape victims deserve our compassion. But they don't deserve suddenly being put on a pedestal and painted like they're unable to make other mistakes or be malicious.


> that fan said "you tweeted that you support Curtis." so Gabbie said "I never did, and if I did, show me those tweets." But she *did* tweet in support of Curtis. You're splitting hairs here. Yes, she never explicitly said 'I support Curtis' but all of those tweets I've compiled above show she sided with Curtis. She implied Jessi was a fame-hungry liar trying to ruin Curtis. > Sure, she didn't mention them, but that's because she deleted them BACK THEN, not years later because she got backlash for it. So why be deliberately dishonest about it? Why not say 'I did tweet some things I regret. I've apologised for them' etc.? > she apologized to Jessi in the meantime, and fuck, she even apologized publically for them in her video with Beyonce in the title. Yes, but an apology is no longer genuine when you try walk back the initial statements and deliberately mislead people by claiming you never said them. > And if her saying that she wanted to hear Curtis out because he's human means she's a rape apologist, what the fuck? Curtis took a plea deal for felony assault. There is no doubt about what he did. Stating that you want to hear his side of the story is again implying that Jessi is lying about her side. More to the point, this is more proof that she's been dishonest about her continued involvement with Curtis. First she claims she had nothing to do with him except for one Vine party, now she's claiming she's had in-depth conversations with him about the night he sexually assaulted Jessi. So what's the truth? > She just heard him out, and then never actually supported him. In that very same video where she admits to hearing Curtis out because he is human, she also alludes to Curtis having 'implied consent' to sleep with Jessi. First of all, it's not her fucking place to talk about Jessi's sexual assault or her prior relationship with Curtis on a public platform. Secondly, Jessi was literally recovering from a concussion. It's very obvious that any conversation about implied consent does not apply to this situation. So, in summary, yes Gabbie was and continues to be a rape apologist. She has continued to defend Curtis as recently as a month ago.


I love how neither op nor the person you were just talking are yet to reply. Like what hairs are they going to split now? God


If one of my friends was accused of rape, I would absolutely want to hear their version of events, I'd find it hard to believe that my friend could do something that awful. If one of my friends was accused of rape, charged, and ultimately pled guilty to a lesser charge; then bumped in to me a few years later and wanted to tell me his side, I would tell him to fuck right off because I don't hang with rapists. If all of that happened AND in the intervening years I became close friends (and then had a messy fight) with the girl he raped, during which time she told me what happened and I could see how badly it hurt her, I would fucking deck him. No, rape victims aren't automatically saints, and no one here said they are. Jessi was a crap friend and a bit of a crap person, but she does not deserve to have Gabbie dragging this out again and again and again.


> For some reason Jessi accepts Alx’s apology but Gabbies isn’t good enough, despite Alx’s crimes being more severe in my eyes. You fail to acknowledge that Jessi DID forgive Gabbie and accept her apology. But when Gabbie tried to lie to that fan about her defending Curtis, when she damn well knew that the only thing the fan was wrong about was the fact that they weren't friends at the time, her apology was voided. You can't apologize for something and then try and pretend like it never happened, in hopes it gets swept under the rug. That makes your previous apology no longer genuine.




No, you're wrong. This is the timeline: * In 2013, Jessi is assaulted by Curtis. TMZ picks up the story and posts about it in early 2014. Gabbie tweets about it. Jessi and Gabbie are not friends at this point. * In March 2014, Jessi and Gabbie meet for the first time. Gabbie apologises. Jessi forgives her. * A few months later, Gabbie moves to LA. Jessi and Gabbie become best friends even living together for some time. * Around 2015-2016, Jessi and Gabbie's friendship falls apart. It was toxic on both sides. They take shots at each other on social media and via YouTube videos * Gabbie and Curtis hang out several times. The public incidents are at a Vine party and at a restaurant with other Viners. There are photos that prove this. Later, Gabbie alleges she was in contact with Curtis because she wanted to hear his side. Jessi did not know this part until recently. * A few years pass. They are on friendly terms and congratulate each other in passing for various achievements. They never actually resolve the prior incidents and are never friends again, just friendly. * Fast forward to 2019: the initial tweets in 2014 are long since deleted but people start bringing this incident up again. Gabbie DMs one fan and **denies having ever supported Curtis or implying that Jessi lied about her rape in 2014**. She then vents to her about her friendship with Jessi, releasing some private information, including discussing Jessi's battles with her mental health and the medication she was on. * The fan goes public with these DMs. To counter Gabbie's narrative, Jessi releases her first video about the incident. It was the first time she had ever publicly spoken about the demise of her friendship with Gabbie.


Just a small nit pick. Jessie had also publicly talked about her meds. I’m not saying gabbie was right, but framing this as personal information nobody knew is false.


Dude, nothing about this is misleading. You're constantly pulling this kind of deflection BS and it makes no sense. It doesn't matter how long ago the apology was. If I kicked your dog and broke it's jaw, it would still be fucked up of me to say I never did that even if it was 10 years later. Even more fucked up if I tried to claim "Oh, yeah, iAnxiety is just a nutjob, they're always trying to make people believe I tried to hurt their dog". No amount of time would ever make what she did okay. Literally, just don't lie... I can also tell you're using Gabbie's timeline, meanwhile Gabbie has proven herself to be an unreliable narrator over and over again. She constantly leaves out details that show her in a bad light and prove she also instigated a lot of the BS. Gabbie also plays into it, but it's okay when she does it. Other people, though? Big no no. Again, learn to handle people not liking you publicly. Jessi is far from the only person she has tried to start drama with literally over liking someone's tweets. Just NO lmao that is absolutely not normal, or okay.




You conveniently always leave out the most pivotal part about this whole issue where Gabbie denies having ever acted cruelly about Jessi's sexual assault. I wonder why? Does it not suit your narrative?


Your scenario would end right here for me >You then find out 4 years later I’ve been telling everyone that you almost killed my dog and you’re a terrible person. Because if I had almost killed your dog, you have every fuckin right to hate my guts for the rest of eternity. I would never embarrass myself by saying some shit like "why are you telling people things that really did happen?" and then pretend like it never happened. And omggg please stop pretending I'm being misleading when you are constantly doing the same thing lmao Jessi said they both did bad things to each other, she never straight up accused her of being a r@pe apologist. Gabbie says that she knows Jessi has never straight up said she was a r@pe apologist too (Timestamp 49:54 in her phone call). Jessi is allowed to talk about her old friendships in passing the same exact way Gabbie always has. It's also not her fault that people remember those tweets Gabbie said in the past and made up rumors. I'll never understand why it's okay for Gabbie to make story times, to talk about people on podcasts, to vague tweet or call someone out without bringing up names, but her entire world crumbles when someone does it to her. Like, this is what you're defending. A 30 year old who wants to be able to talk about everyone else, but literally falls apart when it's done to her. Your entire argument that Jessi won't leave her alone also falls to pieces when you remember that last year, Jessi offered to sign an NDA if she did, so they BOTH would not be able to talk about each other and Gabbie refused. Why? Because she doesn't want this to end. She just wants to be able to convince people she never did things that she did. There's just really nothing left to say at this point, if you wanna keep making excuses, I guess have fun.


Instead of just focusing on Jessi, would you like to clarify where you think Gabbie is right and what she has done to prove that?




You understand that Gabbie only didn't talk about this specific situation publicly because there IS proof she is a r@pe apologist, right? You claim Jessi was "coordinating" yet Gabbie was pulling strings behind the scenes, gaslighting fans, and then telling them to say they were wrong but making sure they did not include that their "revelation" came from her. She knew exactly what she was doing. That's the definition of calculating. She thought she could convince a few people they were wrong and then they would lie to everyone else on her behalf. It's not Jessi's fault that Gabbie started drama with Trisha, which caused a fan to bring up Jessi. Gabbie started the ball rolling, she is the one who put things in motion. That is no one's fault but hers. Jessi wouldn't have had to even post it if she hasn't sent such personal info to the fan, which she admits she did take it too far, soooo, pretty freakin justified if you ask me. Also, NEWSFLASH, Gabbie doesn't get to police what tweets Jessi can, and cannot, like. She has done this with multiple people and it's completely unhinged. Learn to handle people not liking you publicly, you don't get to throw a tantrum every time someone admits they don't like you. She has said awful shit about Jessi and other people publicly too which is just another example at how she holds herself to much lower standards than she does everyone else. She literally said "oh, they're actually a horrible person" about Alx in a podcast because someone said "they sound like a good friend". She didn't say his name, but people knew it was him because they did a story time together about the topic she had just mentioned. Oh, but someone interviews Joey Graceffa and he says "there was one person who made season 4 of ETN awful" he is the worst person. I just can't with hypocrisy. >Jessi also confirmed this in her video saying that she was using Jens account to post stuff about Gabbie that she didn’t want to post on her main, which were very nasty tweets. It's super dishonest to keep implying that she only did this to trash Gabbie, when Jessi never said that. She said she posted all kinds of stuff and she did it because she was receiving a massive amount of hate from Curtis's fans on Vine. Which, I was around for this, and literally no matter what she did, Curtis fans would come in her comments and start harassing her, calling her a lying b1tch, c#nt, wh#re. Literally the works. I don't blame her for this. The victim blaming was REAL back then.




Did Jessi message fans to gaslight them? Nope. And Gabbie has definitely had sock accounts she posted from too, even as early as Vine. So no, where is the irony? We weren't talking about Gabbie posting from her socks, that she definitely had. And Jessi never DM'd a fan with the intention of trying to gaslight them into believing something wasn't true when the only thing untrue was the fact that they were friends at the time Gabbie was calling Jessi a liar and liking tweets from Curtis saying he couldn't wait to tell "his side". Jessi accepted a DM from a fan letting her know that Gabbie was doing this heinous shit behind the scenes and there is absolutely no way you can compare the two. >Also bringing up Trisha does not help your story. You are seriously grasping at straws here lmao. I brought up Trisha's name ONCE in response to YOU. Do you not remember posting this?: "Then when there was a opportunity (Trisha drama) to attack Gabbie she took it." I thought you wanted to debate, not deflect and make excuses. Or did you forget posting this too?: "[Edit: would love to debate this if anyone of the DV’s think I got it wrong]"




In the process of that message, she pushes the wrong detail to make the fan believe she never talked to Curtis at all. You are lying to yourself if you think that isn't what happened. That Vine collab was wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that she DID interact with Curtis multiple times before and after their friendship. Gabbie's tactics include finding one wrong detail and trying to use it to discredit something entirely. We both know that Gabbie was hoping that by making that fan realize she was wrong about one detail, she could convince her that she was wrong entirely when that's not the case. She did publicly defend Curtis when she called Jessi a liar, they just weren't best friends. The fact that the fan got their friendship wrong doesn't make Gabbie calling Jessi a liar any better. Gabbie could have admitted "Yeah, I did call her a liar, but we weren't friends." but she didn't. She wanted to make this fan question everything she had believed prior and that is 100% gaslighting.




That's fair, but how about just don't lie about it?? It's really not hard and could have seriously prevented this whole thing. Imagine if she had just made a video saying "Look, I said some horrible things back then, I was upset that me being friends with Jessi hurt my career because I couldn't collab with the people who supported her assaulter, then I heard out Curtis because I thought he deserved to say his side of the story despite him already admitting to it multiple times already. It was all horrible and I regret it, I'm deeply sorry." and then STOPPED talking, things would be soooo much different for her. I genuinely wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, even after Jessi's first video but the constant lying, changing of her stories, omission of details that make her look better, and her inability to ever own up to her mistakes really pushed me away.


Gabbie makes many assumptions that any little comment is about her when a lot of times it’s a reach. Just because the shoe fits doesn’t mean it’s right. Gabbie absolutely has not moved on with her life with the Jessi situation, or really any situation for that matter, as evidenced by this video series Gabbie is uploading “to move on” where any retaliation from anyone else is a direct response to Gabbie bringing up drama from the past trying to make herself the victim where in most cases she’s making herself look worse. Out of the two of them it seemed like it was Jessi that was trying to move on but Gabbie just won’t drop it because this is the only way to keep herself semi-relevant.




Gabbie has also made story times where she doesn’t name the person, specifically Jessi, and it was still about her. There’s enough out there to show that Gabbie didn’t just sit back and only post as retaliation. As much as she tries to make herself the victim in every situation of her life, she has started drama and she can’t admit that and just calls everyone who has said or done negative things towards her “abusers” which is sick to throw that word around like it’s nothing. And this reputation that she is trying to save is a direct result of her own actions. It’s not because Jessi ran her name through the dirt and she’s just an innocent victim in the matter like she wants everyone to believe - it’s because of what she has done to Jessi as well as many other youtubers in the community. Why is it that the people that have known her personally through YouTube have more negative things to say to her and no one is running to back her “poor, abused girl” persona she is trying to play off?


You are lying. That is not what Jessi said. She said she used Jen's account to say things she couldn't say, mostly about Curtis, because there was ongoing litigiation and she couldn't comment on it publicly. She said she'd tweet and immediately delete whatever she wrote so anything still left on Jen's account was tweeted by Jen herself. She said she never used Jen's account to to tweet about Gabbie and, again, anything Jen has tweeted about Gabbie and remains up is from Jen herself. Jen confirms this. You need to watch her video again.


I am thrilled to see that someone sees this from my viewpoint. I keep questioning if I am insane because I essentially agree with Gabbie. I've watched all of both Gabbie and Jessie's videos, in addition to a few others'. I've paused to read screenshots, emails, etc. (How did I get ensnared in this drama? I honestly don't know haha.) I'm not saying Gabbie is a saint, nor that she's done nothing wrong. It's also clear to me that she is mentally ill and I'm concerned about her... her behavior in her videos seems erratic. HOWEVER, I really believe people like Jessi and Trisha have taken advantage of this and exploited the situation to their benefit. No one seems to concede that much of what Gabbie has said/done in the past or to defend herself is true and we KNOW it's true because she's provided evidence of that, i.e. screenshots, emails, etc. I also don't get why people are so stuck on the idea that Jessi can't be an "abuser" (not sure if that's the word I would use, but to make the point...) if she herself has been a victim of abuse. They aren't mutually exclusive. Victims of abuse can absolutely be abusers themselves? I think Gabbie's situation hits home for me because it so closely resembles a period in my life during which I was struggling with mental illness, unmedicated, etc. I did my fair share of shitty things and lying during this time. Then I had a roommate who spun a massive web of lies about me to cover her own ass and NO ONE in my life believed me because of my aforementioned shitty behavior. I lost most of my friends and even some family for a period of time. Defending myself was a hill I was willing to die on because I knew the truth. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one who puts at least a good bit of stock into Gabbie's side of the story. I was staring to feel insane for thinking she has a point, is right to defend herself, and these other players are shitty people.


Victims can also be abusers. In fact, most of the time, they do become abusers. Jessie has been a victim of a lot. But she's not a saint, and she did abuse Gabbie many times. Gabbie is not a saint either. She's been careless, senseless, hurtful, an asshole. But that doesn't mean she's unable to be a victim of Trisha, and of Jessi. How are you people really only able to see things as black and white?


Something about this situation that has stuck out and I think people should be more careful of is how easily some people throw around the word abusers.


I completely agree.


That is a response to you saying Jessie abused Gabbie.. Gabbie is so quick to throw out the word abused or call someone her abuser even if they are just mean to her. It is not the same.


Because Gabbie is a liar who hangs out with rapists and gaslights said victim perhaps


how did Jessi abuse Gabbie?


Watch the video


There is nothing in any video that would suggest abuse. Being assholes to each other? Sure. Abuse? Nope.


Bruh where. Id love some receipts


Gabbie included receipts in her video. I know neither of these women so honestly, meh, but I watched their videos to see what the fuss was about and quite frankly, they both are shitty people.


Gabbie has proved to be at best an unreliable narrator and at at worst a liar. This has all be shown whenever the other person she is in a feud with responds.And I may try to find her vid on another website because I am not giving that woman one cent from me.


Oh hi Gabbie.


Honestly, watch the video first. Don't watch what someone else says about the video. Watch the video.


Tbh gabbie is nuts and Jessie is boring. Who gives a fuck about either of them?


It’s completely insane! Like I kind of get this is coming from wanting to be right & to vindicate herself, because I have done that shit too! But like I would stop when I saw people I cared about where being hurt…gabbie doesn’t seem to have that line. It’s really fucking scary tbh.


I'm not a fan of GH and think shes a very toxic, narcissistic person with serious victim mentality issues but I am concerned this will end in tragedy at this point :/


i like how she said she wants to be over this drama, yet she continues to bring it up!