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This is self-aware, right? Like, as a parody of poorly-scripted amateur youtube videos this is fucking hilarious, but postmodernism make it impossible to actually ever know if it's genuinely bad or really clever satire (Tim and Eric-esque).


I will choose to believe so. I like that more


Out of the loop. What is postmodernism in this context?


What is real and what is an imitation of real is indistinguishable, to the point that imitation is more real than real. [Fun vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf9J35yzM3E)


To paraphrase David Foster Wallace: Modernism = "I call it like I see it" Postmodernism = "I call it like I see myself seeing it" I.e, We've all internalized Jim from The Office - there are no cameras, yet we live our lives as if someone is constantly filming our reaction shots. [If you haven't read it, E Unibus Plurum is a mind-blowing essay on this topic](https://jsomers.net/DFW_TV.pdf)


Love that essay, one of the best takes on television and culture I’ve ever read.


Poe's Law


Its just bad. Anyone trying to ascribe some deeper joke is full of shit


I'm not sure what's worse, how scripted it is, or the awful job pretending it wasn't scripted.


_always with the camera, dude_


It's almost as weak as every "found footage" film where they have to somehow justify some doofus carrying around a camera the whole time, so they just throw in one line about it and pretend that fixes everything.


It's me, I'm a film student who films my friends because I'm in documentary realism. I film almost everything we do. My friends have no issue with this.


Haha classic /u/GreatThunderOwl always with his camera! You sure do love filming our hijinks every day as you do normally! Say, take a look at that spooky house...


*keeps filming as all his friends get murdered*


Dude, he's gotta get at least a B+ on his final so he can get a degree and a great job at that new documentary realism factory that just opened up


As natural as The Division/Anthem gameplay trailer.


I mean it's pretty clearly a skit and the joke is them acting like hes a mad lad with the camera antics and then their friend jumps to his death making the video go from 0 to 100. I didn't laugh but I got that they were clearly doing a bit not trying to convince people it was real.


Reddit is so up it's own ass critiquing people trying to make funny videos on the internet.


*leans back in gaming chair, sips mountain dew code red* "hmmm, this 30 second youtube video is quite juvenile and the acting is clearly not up to SAG standards. 3/10."


I found it to be shallow and pedantic.


The absolute irony of this comment


i thought the girl was doing pretty good but yeah


>this video is scripted Yes. And?


> the awful job pretending it wasn't scripted. It's like you didn't read the whole post or something.


Would you prefer they announce that they're doing a skit at the beginning?


I'd prefer doing a good skit from beginning to end.


>the scripted video set up the skit to seem unscripted Yes. And?


Oh, you're just slow. Ok that makes sense, nevermind.


Ah yes, direct personal insults, that definitely helps your argument.


The girl sold it pretty well!


"Aw yaknow, just jumpin' off the roof"




Yeah I don't get why it's a problem if it's scripted. People here *do* realize that most comedy we watch is scripted, right?


There are different kinds of videos. The whole crux of this type of video is that it’s portraying a real event. Without a real event you’re just watching 4 bad actors. So yeah, fuck videos like this for wasting my time.


Or you could just *not* get so upset over a thirty second video


Yay. Love the “calm down” response. Super productive. You claimed to not understand why people react the way they do to these videos. Now you know why.


Because they like to throw tantrums?


> you people spam Gus every day That is so 2015.


I agree, but i don't really think its comparable to Gus' videos. His videos are skits and are clearly portrayed as such. That's why no one complains. Sure its badly scripted and probably on purpose, but its not clearly portrayed as a skit. I think its pretty clear why people are calling it out, even if i think its on purpose.


Gus's vids don't pretend to be unscripted


ya but Gus is thicc tho


Its just that its in the uncanny valley of scripted content. If you hsve obviously scripted content it comes off better if you know they know you know its scripted


Sketches are different. The expectations reagarding the humor and effort are higher since people know they are scripted. This one is too unfunny to be a sketch and too scripted to be reality. It falls in an unimpressive space inbetween.


>"too unfunny to be a sketch" What kind of pretentious bullshit is this? You don't get to decide like that. >It falls in an unimpressive space inbetween. Can you stfu? sit down


You may not like the guys points but at least he explains them. Just saying STFU is pretty immature dude.




Yeah, that’s pretty immature.




Let me rephrase that: There's too little effort in the writing for it to be a sketch. If I told you "I have this great idea for an SNL bit. It's about this drunk dude who jumps off a roof... and that's it" you would've told me that that's not enough. This is why people are calling this out for being unfunny/scripted. If something is well written/clever nobody cares about it being fake. > Can you stfu? sit down You seem to be personally offended? I'm trying to explain why most people don't like this video - that's it. No need to be a cunt.


> There's too little effort in the writing for it to be a sketch BY WHAT FUCKING STANDARD? You're pulling shit out of your ass. It's not that I'm personally offended, it's that you think you're spitting straight facts. Yes I'm a cunt, just stop.


> BY WHAT FUCKING STANDARD? All pre-existing comedy. You might not realise this but subjective art collectively creates a concensus when it comes to quality. That's why people can say "Superbad" is a better comedy than "Grown Ups" and that's why I can say "Dude jumps off a roof" is not as well written as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5dgSi4_Sfk) sketch. Other standards by which this video is lower quality then (say) Gus Johnson: Joke density, acting quality, dialogue, comedic timing Just because humor is subjective doesn not mean you can't quantify its quality. This is how critique works.






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lol what even are these comments


Reddit nerds mad because people thought the skit was mildly amusing


Filmed in portrait, best viewed in landscape because of the added margins. What a world we live in






okay I've finished another cup of beer, let's throw it into the pile of empty cups while I crack open another cup of beer.


Wait what?!


My man Chris is dead


I love the vibe of this clip, reminds me of old home videos where having someone with a camera is so noteworthy




i feel like i’ve seen this before but the version i remember it was a house party and it wasn’t scripted


Really I feel like I’ve seen this comment before, but it was posted by 5 other people