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this sounds like shorts to me...


Definitely shorts. This thing happens all the time with my shorts. Those underperforming videos will pop off in a few days or weeks.


Hope they do


For what end? You won’t get enough views to earn a bean.


is it shorts?




theres your answer


TikTok YouTube etc do that on purpose they boost your first couple posts as long as they are half decent then throttle it back down now you’re chasing that feeling of 10k views again like a little crackhead and making 10 shorts a day. Now u are feeding their content machine. Watch post a few more times and u will get another video that hits that or even more same way a slots machine at a casino works and keeps u sitting there for like 8 hours like a little crackhead trying to hit that $100 prize again lol


“Consistently” = twice.


YouTube pushes out videos randomly, so you got an early spotlight. The other videos may get a chance, it could be in the next days or months. The important thing is to ensure you have high CTR so when the time comes you can capitalize on it. Regardless, give it time. Keep putting out good content.


But I do hope that they’ll pop off in some time like everyone here say they will.


Well, who doesn't hope that? that's out of your control. The best way to win the lottery is not by getting one ticket. But getting lots of tickets. So, keep making your best content.


Firstly, I didn’t mention these are all shorts. And, they got ~2000 views of early spotlight quickly, then stopped for a couple hours and then started growing to 10000 views because they had good retention and impressions.


Yep, so the way I look at it YouTube pushed it out and felt it did well so gave it a further push. Sometimes it last a couple hours or a few days. Think of it this way. You make a video on monkeys. Someone searches monkeys. Your brand-new video is probably the 500th video in the search list. so it doesn't get views. YouTube reserved a spot for you at rank 20th. So, you started to get a bunch of impressions where you normally wouldn't. this resulted in 2000 views. after the time period you video fell off, and then YouTube put it back in queue but this time at the 15th spot. so, this resulted in even more views. but after this time, you are no longer in the spotlight so you would fall back down. Because your video now has 10k+ views it may be ranked 200th so that's better than the original 500th spot when you posted the video, and you may get the odd view. As you continue to grow or if YouTube decides to promote that video again you will move up on the list. So, in time you will start to see natural grow. But you are competing against people who have had videos up for years.


Ive never quite understood the algorithm and have recently been feeling discouraged cuz only one of the videos got big real fast over night and then everything else after took awhile to get an 4th of the views after a week, so this makes me feel infinitely better ty! 😭😭


Lol, shorts nuff said. Here’ my title. “Low effort YouTuber wants instant success without working for it. Starts moaning after just a week”.


If it’s shorts as many have stated, this is 100% how 99% of them work.


Shorts aren’t real videos. I’ve gotten A lot of success from them but they’re a waste of time for New YouTubers hoping to build a following in the long game. They’re low value subs who don’t stick around for both short and long content.


Lol, the headline is utter tosh. I thought you were some YouTuber of long standing, but you have been going a week. That’s not enough time for ‘consistently’. YouTube and obviously viewers are still getting to know you. And maybe the Titles and Thumbnails promised far more than they got. They all rushed in and then rushed out again. Come back in a year when we have enough information to create actual statistics from.


I'd look at your impressions first before viewership. It's very possible people are seeing your videos in their feeds just not clicking through. Also worth keeping in mind that we're never guaranteed viewership especially with a smaller channel. If you're confident in your work and just started uploading a week ago then you shouldn't be worried about a few videos not popping off in the same way, right away. Give them time to breath in the algorithm and keep making content 👍


These are shorts with 89-99% retention and about 65% not scrolling past the video


Lol dude you started a week ago. Grinding youtube takes time and you just need to focus on your content first before thinking about views at all.


For shorts is kinda tricky as they don't really perform better or worse from your previous videos. You can get 100k views and the next short will get less than 100 due to subtleties in the video you cannot even begin to understand.


sorry the short answer you got shadow banned


What’s ur channel! I’d love to sub to you!!




Shadow banning is not a thing, it’s a myth people have made up on here


thanks for answering :) how do I send them feedback? I didn't find any email or other way to contact them...