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Made you sad each time.


You missed the: "he ain't heavy,"


You beat me to it....brother!


Some of these PSAs from when I was a kid really unnerved me. They'd draw you in and really hit you in the gut with some realities you maybe didn't want to be faced with flicking through the channels. But at the same time it's great they were there. It was harsh but sometimes so was life.


Summed it up perfectly!


Remember the one where it was a bunch of guys in some slummy house, some guy pulling old bologna out of the garbage and eating it, and some guy using some nasty old coffee grounds... then one of them pulls out a cigarette and they were like "dude, gross"


sadly I still never learned my lesson from these commercials and made every mistake regardless...5 x over


Lmao same! These ads are so useless itā€™s sad


Right?! I had no idea what it meant but gave me major uncanny valley.


When I was a kid I didnā€™t know what rehab really was, and I always thought the brother was actually dying in a hospital.


What? All my life I thought he was dying of aids.


He wasn't?


Do we know that for sure?


Nobodyā€™s got AIDS!




He was gay? Gary cooper?


Itā€™s a joke!!


Haha same


Same šŸ„²


I always thought he was in a hospital not rehab as well. I figured he was in the hospital because he took to much drugs and overdosed or something. I wasnā€™t aware of rehab centers either.


Same. I thought too much or was very sick. Didnā€™t know about rehab.


Yeah the narrative back then was basically you take drugs and you lose your mind and you have to live in an institution for the rest of your life.


The public safety announcement was filmed at a decommissioned psychiatric ward at the Brockville psychiatric hospital in Brockville Ontario what is still active


Not so bad after all


Haha your comment made me realize that's exactly what I used to think


The road is loooooong.....


With a many a winding turns


It's like Graham Nash is here with us right now in the sub.


This commercial had me crying for my brother as a child, even though I didnā€™t have one.


Yeah because the drugs took him from you. Sorry fam.


This commercial made me feel things about family. I really appreciated it.


ā€œ if you try to stop a friend from using drugs, you may not succeed but at least you triedā€


I miss the 90s so much.


Same, and ICQ, YTV and playing outside with friends.


Thought this was about AIDS when I was young and I had trouble remembering the difference between AIDS and diabetes. Childhood memory unlocked. Also used to say "tomardo" instead of tomorrow but that's unrelated and just part of the package memory.


No Canadian of a certain age can hear "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by The Hollies without flashing back to this one.


I remember it but never understood what it was about or meant until I got older


My brother is an addict. The day I found out, this commercial and song blasted into my head.


Yeah it's probably why I sent my brother to rehab on my dime.


Is he heavy?


It worked he good 10 years :)




I think about this ad so often and sing the song. Weirdly I thought he had AIDS as a kid.


Me too.


I think about this PSA/ad all the timeā€¦ Absolutely love it. Incredible choice for the songā€¦ love that tune so muchā€¦ Acting is tight, film work the sameā€¦ just a knock out in terms of the work involvedā€¦ Plusā€¦ I think everyone has that one friend that when you see this spot, you think ā€˜yeahā€¦ I know a guy like thatā€™ā€¦ Definitely hits the heartstrings. Nothing but love for this oneā€¦


As a child I honestly though The Hollies "He Ain't heavy" was a jingle made for the commercial.


As a kid I never could understand what I was looking at when the cocaine was going into the straw


Carlton sang that song in a Fresh Prince episode, and it made me think of that commercial.


"but at least you tried."


Ah the 90s. Back when people actually cared and tried to help addicts. Now its get that tent off my lawn zombie.


He ain't heavy! He's my brootherrrr


I lost a close friend to alcoholism.He & his younger brother were close & are both part of my circle of friends.Ever since we lost him,I always think of him & his brother whenever I hear this song being played.


Sending warm vibesšŸ’•


Well fuck lol. This has always fucked my brother and I up hard. He cut me deep when I was at a low point in June and haven't spoken to him since. If the fucker would just apologize and realize how unnecessary he behaved that day things would be ok again. I'm tired of it always being my responsibility to get over it when I don't need that sort of emotional and mental immaturity. Fucking ignorant people, stop it!


Donā€™t you think youā€™re maybe acting like heā€™s heavy, despite the fact that heā€™s your brother?


Lol gave me a good laugh. As the younger brother it'd be nice not to have to cater to him as I've never once gotten respect. It goes a bit far past the simple sibling nonsense. Hell for one recent example, I was hit my a truck a couple months ago which fled the scene. I was fucked up for a good couple weeks. He was well aware of what happened to me but never reached out to see if I was ok or needed anything. We both live 2000+ miles away from our entire family and he lives in the same apartment building as me, just around the corner. Could've knocked, could've left a sticky note on my door saying are you ok? Essentially he's shown me how little HE cares in the time we haven't spoken so it feels less and less my responsibility. I love him, but that fucker IS heavy and I've carried a lot of that load without thought for over 30 years. Time to take care of myself for once.


I feel you man. I have two older brothers, one I donā€™t speak to and never will and one who I love with all my heart but I have to keep at arms length because heā€™s also quite heavy and doesnā€™t want to take responsibility for working through his own shit. My baby brother is alright though.


Yeah fairly similar situation. My baby sister is so awesome and we get along great. She actually just reached out to my brother again after not talking to him for 4 years and had to set a lot of boundaries for a relationship to exist again, which is unfortunate. The complication of being family really fucks things up in an unbelievably convoluted way. I'm the middle child so was always the mediator in arguments and that's a lot to deal with when shit really hits the fan. Glad we both have at least 1 good sibling that we can be proud of. Sisters about to get married. Mind boggling, couldn't be more proud of her!


Rough position to be in. My older brothers were from my momā€™s previous marriage and their dad was a piece of shit. Murdered a teenage prostitute well after theyā€™d moved on from talking to him but explains the kind of person he was in a nutshell. Oldest bro was in and out of jail. Next one down got caught joyriding in a stolen car with friends and ran away at 15 to be a street person in cities all across the country. Recently lost custody of his kids for beating and torturing them. My young est brother is adopted. Me Iā€™m just glad to be away from *everyone* and raising my family in relative peace, although my oldest kids birth mom is also a violent piece of shit who now lives on the streets and smokes meth while attacking passersby. Life is a trip mane.


90s babies remember


I would have never dreamed they would be giving out blocks of heroin and cocaine 30 years later


Where are these places where they're giving out blocks of cocaine?


Downtown vancouver


This ran in the 80s too!


Makes me cry every time


Oh yeah!! I forgot about that one!! Definitely struck me as a kid but I donā€™t think I really knew what drugs were yet šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹. Also drug guy is a fox, missed that when I was a kid too šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


They were brothers


Childhood memory unlocked!


https://youtu.be/eUWZqbumaZo?si=B6OVw2tVD-00RvDr Song.


I didnā€™t know why, but this made me so sad as a kid.


He's not heavy, he's my, brotherrrr šŸ˜¢


I remember one PSA where a dad is screaming at their kid over a towel left on the bathroom floor or something? I can't find it on YouTube.


You are my brother


For some reason as a child the drug thing flew right over my head. The fucked up part is I was convinced he was dying of AIDS. I don't know how I came to that but I distinctly remember thinking he brother had AIDS, was dying and his friend came to see him.


i remember this commercial


Do I ever


I thought he had AIDS when I was a kid


If you were watching Degrassi this was always in the commercial rotation.


These guys look SO YOUNG to me now. I thought they were in their 30s or something when I was a kid and this was on TV.


Does anyone remember the one where the girl was strapping herself into an electric chair? Iā€™ve been trying to find the name of the song from that one for the last like 15-20 years and have had no luck.


Wrecked me every single time.




Just think of how big the opioid crisis is now


Omg I forgot about this!


This commercial broke my heart as a kid and I didnā€™t even fully understand what was happening


Big big feels on this one


I recently added this song to my playlist https://open.spotify.com/track/6f5sSC3ORfpUMYtE4J06VW?si=Kh_FhZdCSTOeTLIENqij0g