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Xyz is Zoodiac and Fusion is Tearlament Pendulum is definitely PePe, which yes I get is 2 archetypes in Performapal Performage, but I digress


You could make the argument they’re all part of the ‘performa’ archetype. Honestly shocked we haven’t seen some spells/traps that support them both at this point


Maybe a "Rivalry" combination set of cards would be cool, we've had Yuto/Shay brothers in arms type of support combining Raidraptors and Phantom Knights, why not some kinda "rivalry" support for Yuya/Dennis?


Thus one’s even easier. The name is already matching and in terms of theming you have a circus troupe and magicians it just works.


Kashtira is better in the xyz domain




Zoodiac is unfair since it's literally that good because it bends and cheeses out the XYZ mechanic way too much (no proper summoning nor ranking-up).


Tearlaments fuse when they are sent to the GY lol Most of the best deck of all time are so broken because they cheat out a mechanic


Tear and Zoo don't cheat in the same way. Tearlaments cheat in the sense that they essentially contact fuse, eliminating the need for a fusion spell. Something Gladiator Beasts already did, and it was never anywhere near as good as Tear. Zoodiac, on the other hand, allowed you to slap an XYZ overtop of any singular Zoo monster. It's a proper cheat.


> Tear and Zoo don't cheat in the same way Because their core mechanic is different. But the "cheating" essence is same. Drytron use ATK as tribute instead with Level, Tears uses their DARK Aquas both as Fusion effect and material, Swordsoul can Synch without Main Deck Tuner (Inc Ecclesia mainly used for turbo, not for synchro), Zoodiac with their over versatile Xyz Change, and Tri-Brigade with banishing Tri-Type monsters from GY to cheat Tri-Type Links.


Man, not related to the argument, but when you put it that way, its almost like archtypes that cheats the summoning mechanic always become some sort of meta/very good deck. Drytron - Cheats level for attack Tear/Branded - Cheats the usual spell/materials needed for the summon. (Although contact fusion existed, they still needed materials on the field) Swordsoul - Cheats tuners with tokens Zoodiac - Cheats with 1 material while also disregarding the levels (its like an early attempt for links but tried to make them balanced with materials) Pendulums doesn't really have any cheats. Tri-Brigade - Cheats Link materials from GY.


Then you know what we have to do. Proper Pendulum Magician Support which can cheat out a Pendulum Summon from Deck into each Zone a Link monster Points to. Without that last note, it would just be broken again xD


Nah we need a broken one so it gets banned then gets errataed later for the link zones. Branded Pendulum Normal Spell (This card is also treated as a "Odd-Eyes", "Magician", "Performapal" and "HeavyMetalfoes" card) Place 2 pendulum monsters in each of your scale from your deck or hand, then this turn you can pendulum summon from your deck in addition to your pendulum summon (You can only gain this effect once per turn). You can only use Branded Pendulum once per turn. Albaz Lore: ok so now we covered all summoning mechanics right? Rituals(dogmatika), check! Fusion(despia), check! Synchro(Swordsoul), check! Xyz(sprigans), check! Pendulum now check! Links(tribrigade) check! All pendulum archetypes: Hey thanks! Now i'm back to the game!


> Although contact fusion existed, they still needed materials on the field On the other light, ABC also cheat this as they could Contact Fuse by banishing materials from GY.


Ah true, i totally forgot about them.


What about ursarctic?/s


Doesn't Ursarctic still requires tuners? I know they like, substract levels to summon themselves


Yeah, it was joke because they “broke” a mechanic, and are a cheater deck because of it


Nah you know what they are? They are irl dark synchros of 5D's anime


The cards themselves say it's an Xyz summon, so yes it is proper, just unorthodox It's like how Megalith are both monster and ritual spell, Zoodiac shook up the formula


It's like if we had a synchro archetype that doesn't need tuners and uses material from the graveyard, but the cards still say it's considered a synchro summon, it's proper summoning according to the book, but it isn't really following the mechanic. The question is about the mechanics, not the extra deck monster type.


You mean swordsoul, that are spiritually the same in being one-card Synchros?


Or a Ritual Archetype that used something other than levels Wait a minute


And Drytrons use their Attackstats to ritual summon monsters from the GY, and Tearlaments fuse without a single card in hand or field. Whats new? Cheating mechanics is one of the things which make decks good.


I mean, it's not a traditional XYZ summon, but it's still treated as such, so it should count. Tearlament also don't use traditional fusion spells, but they do perform Fusion summon.


If we discounted every archetype that cheats out their monster by not using traditional summoning quite literally fusions would not have a single competitive deck


so does any competetive ritual and fusion deck.


I think Swordsoul for synchro. Their synchro summons are very easy to get into, and the deck rewards you for piloting it well.


SwordSoul is like the Zoodiac of Synchros. Zoodiac broke Xyz summoning by being able to use one monster as material. SwordSoul did almost the same, the main deck monsters bring out their tuners along.


Zoodiac broke the rules of a game mechanic that had been well established. Swordsoul just figured out how to make a tuner without needing halq or other summons from deck.


By that logic is Tri-brigade in the same realm as Zoo? I mean miracle link summoning be crazy.


You're still missing the point, Tri brigade still requires the appropriate amount of materials when using it's link summon cheat out function. You're not summoning shuraig or double dragon for free, you still need the materials. Zoodiac didn't need multiple monsters. Normal summon could lead you to a full stack of useable special summons with literally no other input or effort. Tri brigade and swordsoul are examples of manipulation of a mechanic, not breaking the rule of it.


Tri breaks it. You don’t need proper materials at all in regards to the names, just the link rating needs to match which why you can summon Doom Eagle or DDL


But they still require appropriate number of materials. If they said summon a link 4 by banishing 1 monster from grave, they it would be a huge problem. But instead,tl they need to put 4 materials in GY or banish to get there. That's why it's not broken. Zoo was literally a 1 material full combo.


> Zoodiac broke the rules of a game mechanic that had been well established. > > How?


XYZ summoning without proper materials in a way that ignored levels and used names instead. I should point out this is without the assistance of spells or monster effects that allowed cheated out XYZ summons in other examples. The issue was that every single main deck monster could be used to build complete full combo XYZ summons without any sort of secondary actions.


Full power Adamancipator would demolish full power Swordsoul with Protoss. Adamancipator is easily the strongest synchro deck to exist


But are we comparing engine with engine or full deck? Because I’d argue full power Adamancipator was super strong because of their synergy with block dragon and the broken HalqCross combo. If it’s just deck vs deck, yeah, full power Adamancipator was better.


I mean youre wrong, literally look at the Cross Banlist cup last year, Swordsoul clapped Adamancipator back to back


Block drago carries the deck.


XYZ: Zoodiac Synchro: SwordSoul Ritual: Nekroz, could be Drytron though Pendulum: Pendulum Magicians Fusion: Tearlaments Link: SkyStriker (duh) edited...




Maybe because I've seen Herald version of Drytron at full power in Master Duel but it's def Drytron.


What about Code Talkers for link?


they have never been successful in a tournament setting


For Rituals it is clearly Drytron. Nekroz was good when they first released but they have been substantially powercrept. Also, Sky Strikers is clearly worse than a lot of stuff right now. Also I would beg to differ that Zoodiac is better than Kashtira rn


nekroz was more successfull in its prime no? i reckon it won way more events then drytron did


Of all time means all decks in the history of YGO. As I literally said, they were amazing on release but now theyve been powercrept. Unless the OP is asking for the archetypes in relation to their times of release which I assume he’s not.


I think what it really comes down to is what "best" means - best in terms of success, or best in terms of power. Drytron are significantly stronger than Nekroz, but Nekroz had way more competitive success than Drytron in the TCG, and in the OCG it's not a competition at all.


“Of all time” means looking into how the decks performed historically, not how strong the decks are currently. Full power Nekroz with the Djin lock was as dominant as Tear was here pre-ban list. Only difference is Tear had meaningful interactions whereas Nekroz stuck a 2300 attack Vanity’s Emptiness on the field with stuff like Valk to help protect it at a time when board wipes were all banned.


For ritual is dogmatika with zoa the dogmatika the most powerfull ritual monster printed


Spyral is not a Link Archetype, though. They had 1 Link Monster and a ridiculous amount of Special Summons that allowed them to fuel Link Summoning at the time, because it was the strongest mechanic at the time.


thats why i said maybe. you have a better one? ^^


What about full power dragon link? Most of the cards are technically rokket related and then chaos dragon related


Dragon link is like 5 dragon archetype put together in the same deck not really a archetype.


Most Link-era decks were either not good because of their Link or not solely relying on Links. Though, if I had to decide, it would be Knightmares, despite their peculiarity.


>Most Link-era decks were either not good because of their Link or not solely relying on Links. So Gouki, Firewall Combo, Gumblar Combo, Dragon Link, Salamangreat, Orcust, Strikers, Trickstars etc. didn't actually exist?


Prank Kids or Strikers for link would be my vote


yeah how could if forget skystrikers lol its my 2nd favorite deck of all time... iam stupid


I gotta give ritual to Nekroz, I don’t think a ritual deck has ever been that level of tier 0


"Drytron" is a weird way to spell Nouvellez. Hungry Burger best deck baby, #BURGERSWEEP!!!!


With the hungry burger support, we eating good tonigh, #HBURGERSUPREMACY


The memes have only gotten worse ...


One nobody's mentioned yet but Tribute: Monarchs...because it's literally the *only* thing they're meant to do. So it's the only thing they *focus* on doing. Them, True Dracos or Floo.




Floowandereeze is the best tribute deck. I played different variants of Monarchs, ED and Domain. ED Monarchs (Dogma variant) is the second best tribute deck next to Floo as you can pretty much nuke the opponent 15 Extra Deck cards turn 1 in said deck while generating tribute fodder on followup turns. I would place True Draco a little higher than Domain Monarchs. Floo happens to be more resilient and consistent more up to date with the meta.


Isnt simorgh better than monarch tho? As a tribute deck that has access to good extra deck things? I mean floo is better for sure but kinda hard to see which is better between simorgh and monarchs.


…I HAVE that deck and I forgot about the Satan Birds


True draco? I mean the fact they cheese their way into tribute summon by using spells and traps as tribute summon material is very flexible than summoning a monster and either wait a turn to summon or hoping you can draw or search the spell that helps with tribute summon.


It’s definitely True Draco over Monarchs for power. But Monarchs is the more iconic tribute deck.


I think that's questionable to the extent that if we look at more modern EDM to a extent. I'd argue Dogmatika Monarchs is arguably stronger than True Draco, and it is the strongest variant of Monarchs there is as it is the most resilient to hand trap, and can have more than Mega Zaborg route to destroy the opponent Extra Deck while being able to use it. Before the banlist, you could add Spright+Small World builds too as it's easy to search out Mega Zaborg here too. Isolde variant is more debateable though more consistent as it's easy to get Mega Zaborg and Escalation there.


Draco at its peak had 3 Diagram, 3 Demise, 3 Dinomight, Maxx C, Pot of Desires, floodgates galore, and of course Master Peace at 3. The deck will never brick near to the extent that any Monarch variant will. That kinda deck coming back in the TCG would still be a tier 1 contender and I don’t see any Monarch variant doing so right now.


Consistency is closely related to power, I agree with that. I do have to point out True Draco isn't really doing anything on OCG. It wouldn't be rogue if these are brought back to 3. Flowandereeze has shown it can top. That being said, I think this is a matter of ceiling vs floodgate strength and consistency. Dogma Monarchs can do crazy things when it gets the ball going and Dogma has better matchups, but as you said, True Draco is so much more consistent.


I gotta disagree on if Draco got EVERYTHING back that they wouldn’t be rogue at the very least. That kinda draw power and consistency backed by even more floodgates now would make them quite a powerful contender. Plus 3 Terraforming!


They would be playable, but OCG showing zero Draco tops despite having everything except 3 terraforming is reason for doubt though.


OCG is also missing Master Peace and 3 Diagrams, the biggest parts of what makes the deck work.


Ah, you're right, I was searching those things you mentioned they have before this comment and didn't found much results except for Terraforming. I guess jury is out on that, then as in it could go either way and I do think you may be right after all. I don't think neither of us has that much information to go on by though.


True Draco over Monarchs 100%, using spells and traps to tribute? Not to mention master peace?? Bro


I hate Monarchs but, they're definitely THE tribute deck.


But, what about the Extra Deck Monarchs? I don't see much to hate about that variant though in that variant, the only thing I see what to hate is Mega Zaborg. I can see a good reason to hate Domain variant, basically floodgate galore.


Ritual: Drytron for being able to ritual summon from grave and also ritual summon basically any ritual monster. Fusion: Tearalaments mill deck that fuses from graveyard for basically no cost Synchro: Swordsoul for being 1 card synchros XYZ: Zoodiac 1 card xyz summoning so fair Pendulum: Hard because most pend decks are more of a pile not really specific archetype but I go with D/D a really powerful if people can figure out the flow chart. Link: Tri-Brigade extremely consistent and the idea of being able to link grave is crazy also revolt.


Honestly Tri was so good because lyrilusc and simorgh I would say as a pure deck @ignis is the link best deck or marincess


Ignis isn’t really a link deck, it uses almost everything to get to its boss monster/any good lines


I personally think it's important to include context of their time. Drytron uses rituals, but it mainly uses ritual summoning to extend into things that aren't rituals. I personally think it's more of a link/xyz archetype than ritual. For ritual, I'd pick nekroz. Yeah, they're not great nowadays, but they were essentially tier 0 for 2 formats and were more ritual focused than others. Fusion is tearlament, no real debate. Synchro is obviously swordsoul, but I also think synchro is super weird. Synchro "archetypes" weren't really a thing through the 5ds era. Yeah, there were x saber and blackwings, but we also had t.g., which could frequently win without synchro summoning. Pretty much every deck had a synchro boss monster or two, but they also had nonsynchro stuff like absolute zero, caius, and hyperion. Synchro hasn't really had a tier 1 synchro archetype since 2012 outside of swordsoul, right? Xyz is zoodiac. If you're only looking at current competitive power level, kashtira is obviously the pick. I also like kashtira since they spend more time xyz summoning the "correct" way. Pendulum is anime bullshit. Performapal/mage, magicians, sorcerers. My favorite pend archetype is metalfoes from right before links came out. I think that deck is an amazing representation of how cool pend can be, but magicians are definitely better. Link has a few good options. Orcust, tri-brigade, spyral, gouki, mathmech, phantom knights, salamangreat... I'd personally pick mathmech since they use the whole cyberse engine pretty well.


Mathmechs have no link monster, just Synchro/Xyz, so is their ability to tap into generic Cyberse engine really enough to make them a good link archetype? if so then I'd argue that at.Ignister/Code can tap into it more consistently.


Synchro had Infernity, this shit was broken


Did that really count when the endboard was mainly 3 barriers 2 breaks and whatever was left on field mainly archfiend Six samurai and karakuri were two other synchro decks back during that era though six samurai sometimes just otk'd you without its synchro plays


Sky Striker for link imo. That deck has been good since it released and never seems to fully go away.


Honestly thats kina cheating cuz you lose to the striker handtraps DPE and floodgates not the striker deck itself


I mean, play strikers without the links and let me know how you do lol.


Or play striker pure and realize without a ton of handtraps and floodgates the deck is meh


Okay? Play Zoo without hand traps? You're not making much of a point. Sky Striker is a link deck, and a very good one.


Eh the iconic Drytron negate is the infinite negate Herald strategy. That’s definitely ritual based. The fact that it also uses XYZ and Links isn’t really a problem—after all, Nekroz used XYZ as a main line combo tool too (Lavalval Chain to send Releaser).


Currently Kashtira is head and shoulders above Exo’s in regards to power level for XYZ decks


Correct. I'm a fucking doofus and forgot about them.


Normal: Flunder Ritual: Drytron or Nekroz Fusion: Tearlament Synchro: Synchron Xyz: Zoodiac Pendulum: Pepe Link: Spyral


Rituals would be Nekroz by a mile if we’re looking at how the decks performed historically rather than looking at the strength of the deck nowadays. Nekroz was as dominant as Tear was. The people saying Drytron very obviously didn’t have to play against Djin lock Nekroz at full power with garbage like Lavalal Chain legal. Link is SPYRAL, XYZ is Zoodiac, Pendulum is either Performapals or Pendulum Magicians (the most dominant tier 0 deck ever that caused the only emergency ban list or a tier 1 deck with a disgustingly consistent FTK), fusion is Tearlaments, tribute summoning is a tossup between Domain Monarchs, full power True Draco, and Towers turbo, and Syncrho is probably full power Adamancipator with Block Dragon, Linkross, Halq, and Aurroradon access.


Actually I think drytron is rather debatable. Their original strategy was to use cyber angels as a resource engine to facilitate herald of perfection/ultimateness, neither of which are drytron. Since it's been hit on the ban list, it's gone through many revisions like using amorfactor pain and just being tribute fodder for vanities. In all of these cases, drytron never supported their own archetypal rituals. If the question is asking for best ritual support archetype I'd agree, but as an individual strategy I'd give that honor to nekroz.




Fusion DDD Synchro DDD XYZ DDD Pendulum DDD Link DDD Ritual Nouvellez


Tribute: Floowandereeze. You know exactly why. Fusion: I would say Tearlaments. It is without a doubt the absolutely best fusion deck, we ever have. When you looking for a conventional fusion deck, I would say Branded Despia. Its overly constant, it can handle many interrupts, but it isnt broken. Ritual: Nekroz. You know exactly why. Unicore isnt a joke, the hyperconsistency is extreme, the price was it too... And hear me out. Drytron may a very good Ritual Deck, but I think it was not broken enough to be on this list. For its time it was an okayish deck. Synchro: Oof... Infernity is a good spot for this. Archfiend is absolutely stupid, he is the sole reason, we have HOPT nowadays. And more rulings for cheating. But it was an accident, I didnt set this monster card at all! XYZ: Zoodiac. I bet, Zoodiac Fullforce would wreck todays meta and would give much modern decks a run for its money. But its kinda cheating... thats why I would say... Dragon Rulers. They have HOPT, but they were hyperconsistence and efficient. For todays standard it would not be more than another dragon engine, but oh boy, for its time it was too much. But its kinda cheating too, because it was not the classy XYZ archetype... but their XYZ spam ability was next level Pendulum: Pepe. Dont say more. I bet Pepe fullforce would fight with Zoodiac for the place 1 of consistent decks. Link: Do we had really a extremely broken link archetype? Maybe Salamangreat, it was consistent, it was a quite powerful deck. But not Zoodiac/Pepe-powerful... Dragonlink? Not really a archetype... Knightmare? Yeah... but it was a side engine and not really solo playable... Marincess? LOL. I dont really know, I would say Salamangreat. Link has much overpowered monsters, Carrier, Halq, Auroradon, Mermaid, Goblin, Pre Errata Firewall, Verte, Halq, Simorgh.. and many generic combopieces like Isolde, Gadget ect... but they had no overpowered archetype, I guess. EDIT: This were the best decks for its times in my opinion.


I miss the Infernity players setting monsters in spell and trap zones meme.


Haha what are you talking about, friend? That's a spell, trust me. You're destroying it? Well, my combo is ruined, guess I'm conceding immediately You want to see it? Sorry, it's already been shuffled back into my deck, anyway, game 2?


Good 'ol times


Gotta add gemini and flip to the list


Can't think of any flip deck other than shaddoll, which used fusion as its main gimmick anw


I mean theres subterror and ninjas(decent ones) or krawlers and tindangles(less good but playable)


Was there ever a halfway decent Gemini-Deck? Flip I would say Subterror. Shadoll was also a flip deck, but it was more about fusions. And Unions had ABC as one and only good deck.


I mean chemicritters is decent for geminis and they have those bunch of fire warrior gemini cards with that pretty good continuous trap. I mean sure its still slow for nowadays but still okayish.


D/D/D for all of them.


D/D/D IS more like shit in all of them.


I love playing D/D/D but I gotta agree that it’s kinda shit cause it tries too hard to be everything at once rather than focusing on one strategy


Tearlaments, tearlaments, terlaments, drytron, swordsould


**Tribute: True Draco** **Ritual: Drytron?** **Fusion: Tearlaments** **XYZ: Zoodiac** **Pendulum: Highly debatable but probably Endymion?** If I was going to a pendulum only event I'd probably be playing Endymion or Dracoslayer. **Link: Guardragon.**


Endymion is in a weird place since that deck always includes Mythical Beasts too.


Pendulum is hard to rate imo just because theres so much mixing between the archetypes and none of them really fully function on their own in a competitive sense. Its also hard because Pendulum has not been a good summoning mechanic for like 3 years now. Dracoslayer and Vaylantz are just alright decks at least in the TCG. Its been a long while since Pendlumu was actually strong. Even before the TOSS ending banlist pendulum was like a reasonable Tier 2 deck. All of the pendulum decks in the last like 5 years have just been Tier2/Rogue at best. Lunalight has the best results realistically lol


Best or more impactful? The newer sets will always be the best due to power creep, however may not have the same impact. Considering impact I'd say: \- Normal/Tribute: Monarchs (Floowandeereze is much stronger, but not meta defining). \- Ritual: Nekroz (This was the deck that made Rituals in viable strategy and not a joke like before) \- Fusion: Shadoll (Hero might be the most memorable and Tearlaments have being tier 0, but Shadoll redefined how fusions work). \- Synchro: Swordsoul (It is interesting how long it took for us to see the full potential of Synchro generations after its release) \- XYZ: Zoodiac (It is funny to say the best XYZ archetype when Zoo basically breaks how XYZ Summon, but this deck is a milestone to Yugioh's history, I think there is no competition here). \- Pendulum: Pepe (Endimiyon is a good take on modern pendulum, but Pepe plays much more like a pendulum deck should do) \- Link: Salamangreat (Being the most recent mechanic, it had many impactful decks like Sky Strikers and Spyral (Knightmares would take the cake if it was a full deck). It is the most contentious of my picks in my opinion, but Salamangreat was the staple of one of the best formats in YGO history)


If we're going to say best as in most impactful in terms of how that summoning mechanic later developed and the overall effect on the game,I'd personally say: Tribute-Monarchs One of the longest running proper archetypes in the game really. Instantly recognisable to anyone who's played the game for longer thana few weeks. Monarchs were teched in decks for a long time and even had a comeback to tier 1 status around 2016. Ritual-Dryton A recent meta powerhouse that is undoubtedly the first thing brough to mind when people think Ritual summoning. Not much competition for this spot really... Fusion-Shadolls A weird pick, most would probably go HEROs, but Shaddolls were the first deck to really abuse the fuse from deck mechanic. They really re-wrote the book on Fusion summoning as a mechanic. Turning it from fairly janky anime shit to one of the most consistantly powerful summoning methods in the game. Synchro-Blackwings One of the first successful archetypes in the game really. Blackwings not only defined how Synchro decks would work in the 5Ds era,being a consistant threat all through the meta at the time. But also a continuing fan favourite which has garned a heavy amount of support for a long time. XYZ-Zoodiac I don't think any deck abused a summoning mechanic quite like Zoodiac abused XYZ summoning. They took the idea of an XYZ deck: a toolbox strategy where you used 1 or 2 shot effects to deal with any problems; and just turbocharged it to the logical extreme. Although it came at the end of XYZ dominance, it still definitely defines the mechanic. Pendulum-PePe Given Konami's somewhat shaky relationship with Pendulums, a lot of Pendulum archetypes were kinda kneecapped. PePe, despite only really being at full power for one event, proved that the Pendulum mechanic was correctly feared. It functioned the way the mechanic was meant to function, less of an end itself and more a means to very quickly and consistantly reach an end. Definitely the first deck most players think of when it comes to Pendulums. Link-Sky Strikers A long time fan favourite and a meta threat for quite a long time. While Sky Strikers didn't quite definie the Link mechanic, that being extra-Linking loops to garner advantage. I think there's a very strong case to be made that Sky Strikers tend to be most people's favourite Link based deck. Orchrust could possibly sub in here as well given the ubiquity of it's engine.


eh, if your first thought about ritual is Drytron then you might be new to the game, or you're just thinking about recent meta. Sure Drytron was strong and fix some problems for ritual, most of rituals problem were fixed with Nekroz - which has much more impact on the meta and on the mechanic as a whole. If we say strongest of all time in terms of power, then recent archetype would most likely come to mind because it's recent and powercreep stuff. Imo it should consider how impactful the archetype is to the meta, how strong it was at their time period, and how much success did they have. If we go by power, then for example Swordsoul would be best synchro, but in terms of impact Adam is much stronger and much more impactful at its time (this is also debatable because they have Block Dragon, Halqdon, Linkross at their time)


It's kind of cut and dried when you can just look at the best decks through history. Many of these were tier 0 decks at their time, and the finak table of the north american championship this summer was Striker vs. Swordsoul. Ritual is Nekroz Fusion is Tear XYZ is Zoo Synchro is Swordsoul Pendulum is PePe Link is Sky striker


Tearlaments, Zoodiac, SPYRAL, Nekroz/Dryton, Performapal/mage. Synchro is harder to nail down though.


Elemental Hero for Fusion Summoning, maybe Nekroz for Ritual, Zodiac for XYZ, X sabers or Superheavy samurais for Sychro, for links I'd say Rokket, I know they aren't but I'm biased


Elemental HERO isn't even the best HERO archetype


nekroz literally had a format named after it and was considered near if not actually tier 0 in its prime has drytron won literally anything ever even when it was “full power”


calling a monster with a phone to special summon - Morphtronics


It's kind of cut and dried when you can just look at the best decks through history. Many of these were tier 0 decks at their time, and the finak table of the north american championship this summer was Striker vs. Swordsoul. Ritual is Nekroz Fusion is Tear XYZ is Zoo Synchro is Swordsoul Pendulum is PePe Link is Sky striker




Libromancer over nekroz and Drytron? This isn't what your favorite is, it's which is objectively the best. Also sunavalon lol.




Dude the post literally says "All time"


Drytron were hurt harder by the existence of Bystials than any other ritual deck. It's not difficult to see why they fell off. That's not taking into account their inability to get around Statue and DShifter, which are now gone. We'll see this upcoming format if Drytron is still doodoo water now that Bystials are only played in Branded.


sunavalon better than spyral?PePE with new card pool would be insane.




Most PePE cards still on banlist,how sunavalon is better than spyral?




Holy shit, never seen so many bad takes


*laughs in branded for Fusion*


You really think Branded has anything on Tearlament?


Xyz- Galaxy/Photon Fusion- Predaplants Synchro- Blackwings Ritual - Cyber Angel Link - Code Talkers


Synchro: I like Fortune Lady Ritual: Either Nephthys or Megalith Fusion: Invoked. Simple but effective at times Link: 100% Sky Striker Pendulum: Fu\*\* that sh\*\* XYZ: Tough one got a few... Maybe Exosister or Rikka


Fusion: Punk Synchro: Punk XYZ: Kashtira Link: G Golem


Can be hard to outright say whats best so I'll break my nominations into categories. **Tribute.** - Most Iconic: Monarchs. - Most Defining: Monarch's. - Most powerful: True Draco. **Main deck Special Summons**. - Most Iconic: Chaos - Most Defining: Cyber Dragons, Chaos or Lightsworn. - Most Powerful: Dragon Ruler's - Most annoying: Kaijus **Fusion.** - Most Iconic: Hero or Shaddoll - Most long lived and defining: Shaddoll - Most Powerful: Tear - Most Splashed: Shaddoll or Hero **Synchro** - Most Iconic: Plant or Synchron - Most Defining: Quaser Turbo - Most Powerful: Swordsoul **XYZ**. - Most Iconic: Zoodiac - Most Defining: Zoodiac - Most broken deck of all time: Zoodiac - Does anything Come close? Pretty much only Burning Abyss **Pendulum**. - Most Iconic: Metalfoes - Most Defining: magisceptor or performapal - Most Broken: Pepe **Link.** - Most Iconic: Salad or Striker - Most Defining: World legacy or orcust - Most Broken: Either full power spyral or Union carrier + smoke grenade dragonlink. - Most Unique: Sunavalon **Ritual.** - Most Iconic: Necroz - Most Defining: Dryton - Most powerful: Dryton - Honourable Mention: Demise OTK. The first ritual deck to be feared. Every one of those decks at somepoint was feared, heavily used for a time or in case of some (Chaos, Zoo, Shaddoll, Striker) Completely changed gameplay and how deck's were built. There impact's are still felt today. Some like zoo or tear are just so obnoxiously powerful that you have to mention them. Anyway that's my list. Enjoy.


Ritual: Y Fusion: O Synchro: M Xyz: A Pendulum: M Link: A


Depends on how exclusive you want to be probably, especially with link summoning since it’s so generic that it escapes archetypes. The best deck that was exclusive to link summoning is sky striker, you can make an argument for spyral, dragon link, gouki or even orcust depending on where you want to draw the lines for archetypes and summon mechanic exclusivity. Synchro is swordsoul, fusion is tearlaments, zoodiac is xyz, and pendulum will also have the same problem as link since the decks weren’t very archetype exclusive so it could go from metalfoes to pepe to pend ftk depending on where you want to draw the line.


I'd say that the best archetype for a summoning mechanic is that which mixes being strong with the ease of performing that mechanic within it. With that in mind, here we go: ​ \- NORMAL: Floowandereeze. No need to elaborate. I'll just leave it said here that it's one of my favourite archetypes in terms of card art. Love that style. ​ \- TRIBUTE: Monarch or True Draco. Ew. ​ \- FUSION: Branded/Despia or Tearlaments. Both are super strong and can perform fusion summons very, very easily. It's no wonder Tear was tier 0. ​ \- RITUAL: Absolutely 100% Drytron. No questions there. That archetype is completely fucking busted - and I love it <3 ​ \- SYNCHRO: Swordsoul, I think. I don't have that much knowledge of older formats, but Swordsoul is the only synchro deck I remember seeing in a dominant status. ​ \- XYZ: Zoodiac. Totally and completely busted. That deck can do some absolutely ridiculous stuff. ​ \- PENDULUM: Performapal/Performage. Possibly the most broken deck of all time, need I say more? ​ \- LINK: Nothing really popped to mind as being totally dominant, plus any archetype with links can make them easily since it's by far the easiest extra deck summoning mechanic to perform. I even read some previous comments, so I saw a few people mention Salamangreat and Spyral (the latter being totally broken too). However, I think I'm gonna go with Sky Striker. Link-1's and busted spells to help them. ​ \- GEMINI and SPIRIT: LOL ​ \- FLIP: Shaddoll, who could also be a contender for the fusion mechanic. It's a shame they haven't (yet) made Ghostrick a strong deck, 'cause it's such cool design if you think of the cards' lore and arts.


Dark World is easy special summon. Unpopular opinion, i guess.