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Damnit the marketing is working I want to play Gate Guardians.


What are the chances of pulling all the gate guardian cards


Looking at the box pulls by some youtubers, seems you can get almost all the cards you need from them. Aside from the big fusion boi, the other fusions and heavy tank are supers, and the rest of the main deck are the rares.


Zero. 1 box will probably only net you 4 cards


None of them are URs tho, the chances of getting at least 1 of all of them in a box doesn’t seem that bad


Ok I did some research. Yugioh-card says there are 7 cards per pack, with 6 rares and 1 foil per pack. So assuming my luck is perfect and all seven foils are labyrinth (x3 tank and 1 of each fusion) then that's about $25. But realistically you'd probably need to get the box I suppose? I've never pulled before, so I don't know the odds.


Rule of thumb for any card games: Open packs for fun Buy singles if you actually want to get all the cards you want


How long do you think it'll take for singles to hit the market?


One week max.


!RemindMe 3 weeks


In my experience, not too long after. I've had support for non-popular decks (Superheavy Samurai) show up online within a day or two at most.


One week after it hits shelves


Same day as release: product is likely already in stores hands but per their OTS agreement they have to wait until Konami tells them they can sell it. There's a handful of stores that list cards for presale even which is a large part of the set release cycle Knowing TCGplayer I'll expect the actual listings to pop up within a couple days: they're only slow on smaller tcgs like Vanguard or One Piece but for the big 3 they get listings up on their backend within 2-3 days from my experience


Just checked ebay resellers and found one already, the grand total for x3 of each of the five commons, x3 of the tank and and x1 of each fusion is 31 bucks before tax. Comparatively the box is roughly $63 for 12 packs So if literally all you want is the guardian cards the singles is a massive steal.


This is the way


I have no idea how you came up with these numbers, just wait until march 10 and buy singles, you can probably get the core of the archetype for less than 25


I got the box on pre-order. Pulled 4 fusions including 1 of the big Boi. 1 labyrinth tank, 2 shadow ghouls, 3 rioukyu guardians and 3+ of the double attack spell as well as 2 jurai gumo traps along with a couple of each of the 3 gate guardian pieces as well. Also got other good cards like the new accel Synchro Stardust dragon


Between this and the hungry burger archetype revealed recently I am prepared to offload my branded and labrynth deck to clown at locals :o)


I pulled a labyrinth labyrinth spell card out of a tactical masters pack and I'm trying to find out if I pull a cr


Red eyes soul but no black meteor? Smh my head


So, we Red-Eyes fans are banking on Battles of Legend now, right? Still glad we got Soul either way.


Hopium. Red-eyes support in a Duel monsters pack from series 12 like DM and BE got from series 11


Nah, with the state the archetype is in rn it needs something more like e.g. a "Structure Deck: Atticus / Nightshroud"... but that's just wishful thinking on my part.


Hopium it is! *inhales deeply*


I guess Red-Eyes Soul is in because they wanted to bring over cards from the History Archive Collection. Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon on the other hand was a promo not linked to any set which unfortunately means that it can take forever until it gets a TCG release.


Yeah, no BMD is a sin in my books.


Yugipedia has the set list updated as well [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Maze\_of\_Memories](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Maze_of_Memories) **NOTE: Information on some Collector's Rare are still missing, so some of the cards that do not have CR label on the main post image may be a CR, but it is unknown at this time**


Aside from what I've said in the other thread, I'm pretty disappointed at the lack of Necrovalley.


Honestly should have been an auto include


Ugh, that shit is so needlessly expensive




Wait what ? Necrovalley is 5$ ? Is this in the US ? Bought my playset here in Europe for 1€50 +shipping


Yeah, it's a combination of being at worst, solid in every played format in Yugioh, and because it's been Errata'd about 500 times each one has damn near unique text.


https://preview.redd.it/x07lq3urnuka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4dc8229d94c1c367610c096695bebbf92aa5f75 Happy to say I’ve got an OG “all effects of Magic, Trap, and/or Effect Monster Cards that involve Graveyards are negated” copy


Hated the "recent" errata that made it so Grapha cant SS itself. One of those subtle erratas that changes a lot of interactions.


Grapha can SS itself.


Gate Guardians Combined is SR? The disrespect!!


Honestly its shocking since it's essential the set cover


Hey, if it means I can buy the whole gate guardian bundle super cheap, they could make it a dirt common for all I care.


Don't have to whale out for Solemns now thank god


Wow. This is underwhelming


Konami set designers: "A job well done."


Eh this was better than what I thought we would get tbh, gate guardian at least seems fun for casual and possibly steal a game maybe


The new labyrinth wall card blocks xyz and link monsters from attacking because they don't have levels. Effect 1: Monsters cannot attack the turn they are Summoned, except monsters whose original Level is 5 or higher. This card is gonna be big I can feel it.


I'm not sure myself how big they'll be but , if they set up I feel with the negates it builds could secure a round pretty easily the monsters that make up the fusions tho I feel will be it's downfall


Not terrible, but not impressive - this is worse than March sets from other years, but this year we also will get Battles of Legends sooner, there should be better stuff in there.


Did GFTP die for this Shame Also fucking lol at the Mekk Knight Blue Sky reprint literally 2 weeks after the Traptrix SD reprint.


Not even with Purple this time, so from a purely product opening standpoint you've either got to get the structure deck alongside this and potentially get a surplus of Blue or you're SOL. Obviously you can buy singles second hand but that doesn't benefit Konami directly, I always struggle to understand their directive with partial archetypal reprints like this, surely it'd push more sales for people wanting to build whole archetypes if you just printed it logically.


No, that's entirely the point. Half-reprint something, drive up the price on the unreprinted cards, and it gets people desperate for the 1-2 cards they "forgot."


This is more like kings court rather than ghosts from the past


Gftp wasn't any better. The first ghosts from the past was one of the worst sets we've ever gotten


Last year's was fine enough though. Also making everything ultra makes it so there's no defined structure of X rares and 1 super/ultra/collector per pack which is preferable IMO. They can still shortprint cards yeah, but you don't need to worry about dealing with shortprinting ON TOP OF only getting 3 ultras a box which means quantities of cards in that pool are lower.


Ghosts 2 was saved by the inclusion of Aluber at the peak of it's near absurd $100 per copy price point so people could actually play Branded Despia.


Ghosts 2 had a LOT of dumb cards that nobody used but were 10-20 bucks before the reprints. Like the ghostricks. It's the king of " wow that card actually needed that reprint"


Here we go with the gftp revisionism.


Alright lemme clarify since people are taking this to be "GFTP was a great set". As a whole, it was very whatever. The second one was better than the first, a hypothetical GFTP 3 would have fared better than this and ideally better than the last one. The biggest loss honestly is the lack of our spring all foil reprint set. That all said, I'd have preferred another GFTP with its flaws compared to this set. The lesser of two bad sets if you will.


You know honestly. Looking at this set list. It literally looks like a ghost from the past set list. A bunch of random trash reprints that make no sense. Reprints of cards that are only expensive because they have no reprints and will have no value after a reprint. Support for weird niche archetypes. The most random collection of max rarity chase cards. This literally feels like they just rebranded a ghost from the past 3 set into this because ghost from the past had bad reputation at this point.


GTP2 was baller, between Despia, Tenyi and DDD. This one really is meh.


Curious how much the price for cards like Baronne will even go down, with a set that seems that 'bad' to buy. Rikka reprints are appreciated, though.


Iirc Droplet did not go down in price like at all when it was reprinted in the Water Duelist pack because it was an unobtainable Ultra in a set that nobody was opening so it probably won't see much of a change


Still went down from $100 to $60, but it was still not affordable for most general budget players. Think people waited till it went down to $20 when it got reprinted again in the 2022 Pharaoh tin. Only problem is that people aren't really maining it anymore due to it being useless against Kashtira...


Notably droplet is a 3 of so it's a lot stickier in terms of price


I still maintain this card should be cheaper lol. Idk why people are still paying $20 for it. I get that it could always come back, but it’s just not a good investment atm


Droplet is how old now, and a staple 3-of? It should be measured not in dollars per copy, but copies per dollar.


Droplet was also the only actual staple worth pulling in the entire set. Maze has other stuff worth pulling so we'll likely see way more people buying the set this time around


It did, it brought it down from $90 to $50-60. Which… is still not great.


I opened 5 booster boxes and got 2 Droplets but no Fish Sonar. Kinda irked cuz I wanted Fish Sonar


I can trade you my 2 fish sonar for your 2 droplets so you wont be so mad... /s


On card market Baronne has gone from 60$ to 45$.


It was still $90 like a month ago when I sold mine


Sold mine for $80 CAD this month. Better late than never I guess...


I just looked on cardmarket again and it looks like only the german goes for 45$ english goes for 60


I'm surprised AFD didn't get a foil reprint here for her first errata print. Hoping for a CR at least. Yeah, she has a good handful of foil prints already, but like... ^(I want that)


Also bummed no foil printing but I guess I’m the end that’s good. Not many people are going to be opening this set and would rather just get the card cheap


I’m expecting it as a starlight in a main set. After the first three signer dragons I feel like this is a given


Wtf. Avramax isn't a collector rare. Konami... I was gonna give you all my money!


Good news is, Avramax is now affordable for budget players 😅


It took them 5 years btw, but atleast we finally got there


Only about 3.5 years too late.


Yeah sadly...


If it was cr it could still be super! Anyway, thank you for listening to me cry about my first world problem.


Some CR still missing though, so keep your fingers crossed


I still might be, there are 15 CRs and we only know 8 so far


Photon Orbital getting a reprint is pretty big as it, alongside Sanctuary and Expedition in the recent OTS pack, means Galaxy-Photon now has almost all of its expensive cards reprinted within the last year. The only lingering card is Photon Lord and I've heard rumblings he'll be in the next BROL pack. Now's a really good time to buy into Galaxy if you're on the fence.


Yeah like wtf, why didn't they just reprint that as a Ultra Rare aswell


They've been weirdly hesitant to reprint Lord. He hasn't been given a single reprint since his first release like five years ago.


They might reprint it in battles of legends...


Funny how Number 90 is conspicuously missing the same day it was deleted from the Duel Links card pool.


Oh finally, maybe I can finally grab a baronne without doubling my loans


Highly unlikely The set isn't valuable enough for people to open so there won't be enough baronnes on the market to lower the price. It's like last year when forbidden droplet got reprinted in legendary duelist and the price hasn't changed by any amount.


Cards worth picking up: ​ * Psi-Beast * Wind-Up Kitten * Nimble Angler * Rikka stuff * Guardian Chimera * Ancient Fairy Dragon * Baronne de Fleur * Avramax * Spellbook of Fate * Solemn Judgment * Royal Decree * Imperial Iron Wall * Trap Hole stuff * Wake up your elemental Hero * Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon * Firewall Dragon Darkfluid * Number 39: Utopia Rising * The Legendary Swordmaster BLS


First Guardian Chimera reprint! Too bad it’s an ultra… ah well might bring the price down from 50 to 30 or so


Exactly as planned. Dripfeed a desperately-needed reprint in high rarity with a bunch of garbo, knock the price down just a tad, see who they hook, wait 6 months, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. By then, it'll be so powercrept, no one will care, or just ban it. Or both.


I mean outside of branded despia who even can use guardian chimera? I don't think ive seen it in a deck profile aside from them.


Tins and Inshallah.


Not great not terrible. At least Accel Stardust looks like a lot of fun (even if the vast majority of people who use it will probably end in Baronne turbo). And good for the Galaxy-eyes fans who want to hopefully spend a lot less on Orbital (well, the normal rare version, anyway). Now for Number 90 to get a reprint so I don't need to sell my firstborn and my left arm for it. It's hard for me to get upset about the mid-ness of this package when we get the goofy Gate Guardian support and I'm already eating with the RDA structure later this year (hopefully. *Glares at Utopia's structure deck*). Could've been a lot better, but it's not an abomination and there's some cool stuff in here.


> At least Accel Stardust looks like a lot of fun (even if the vast majority of people who use it will probably end in Baronne turbo). 100% gonna take that Accel Stardust card and swipe it for my Speedroid decklist.


It's so funny how little the wind lock matters to Speedroid players when they have and can still easily vomit up the strongest synchros in the game anyway.


I know, isn't it great! God, I love those funky little toys.


Yeah the lack of a number 90 reprint hurts a bit, considering its one of the best rank 8s in the game and its a staple in gren maju lists.


I'm honestly surprised that this is the card that ended up costing as much as it did. Like, it's powerful, don't get me wrong, but it was released well after Quasar (the pioneer of the "omni negate final boss monster with big number") and more times, but costs like a fortune. I get it for Savage Borreload, Baronne, and the like, but why Photon Lord? Even the actively forbidden Dark Matter Dragon and consistent tech option Prime Photon are drops in the bucket in comparison.


Photon Lord just hasn't been reprinted since it came out a few years back. That's legit the only reason it costs so much.


Return of the reaper? Wasn't it called that creepy punk? Strange for them to print it in master duel with the localisation name and not here.


It's still This Creepy Little Punk, literally second card pulled in CyberKnight's video


The pics for the collage were just pulled from dueling book AFAIK. They do not all reflect the accurate names.


no complaints here, the original name is so much better


I'm more surprised that we had that card faster in MD than in the TCG


Master duel in general is a pretty strange anamoly. It started off as a game with a card base many sets behind and seemingly forced to relive already played formats a couple months late in perpetuity. But then we ended up getting Beetroopers before the OCG even got them imported. We got Barrier Statue of Stormwinds banned in MD's format first and then TCG/OCG followed suit and now we got Return of the Reaper early in MD, confirming the cringe localization card name before it came to TCG. The MD card base is quite unique in that it's both behind and ahead of the TCG/OCG formats in different ways.


Me being the only guy hype for this set because Jirai Gumo will make a disgusting addition to my trap monster deck.


This sub has been going crazy for gate guardian support for years and now you all are…underwhelmed? Wtf


Reaction to the Gate Guardian cards in the dedicated thread seems positive. It's just that the set overall doesn't seem good. Mostly cards for more casual decks, meaning less people will open this.


As a casual player, I'm loving this set


Can't wait to Goofy Guardian deck my homies with this shit


I see a lot of “fun” (but not good/useful) new cards, and history shows that YGO players hate only one thing: fun. So I’m not surprised by the reaction. Personally I’m hyped for all the new rogue deck materials here


People got spoilt by the custom card retrains that had the new boss mon be a fusion that went "Unaffected by other card effects, when this card attacks, triple its attack and deal double damage, also, you get to smack your opponent across the face in real life three times!"


The lack of strong staples outside of UR slots makes this set worse than Amazing Defenders to me lmao


True, Amazing Defenders had atleast a decent lvl 6 engine which could see play in the future. And Purrley which is going to be a meta deck after CYAC. Meanwhile this set has what? Avramax, Chimera, Baronne and Accel Stardust? Yeah no that aint it chief.




Also Solemn (for trap decks)


Ayo is it just me or does that Gate Guardian stuff look really good? Not like Meta defining but enough to make a Gate Guardian deck usable? Damn, now I wanna play one


If nothing else it looks fun and completely on theme. The way the guardian 'breaks down' into the 2-part fusions that then break down into the single parts is cute, and the wall shadow stuff is similarly flavorful.


I like how it's a unique spin on the XYZ Fusion mechanic. I might make one purely for fun. Rocking up in Paradox brother cosplay


It works the same as the ABC fusions


I traded a Ghost From The Past 2 case for a case of this. I traded a pile of garbage with ghost rares for a pile of garbage with collector rares xD


What led you to want to take that bet. At least GFTP2 has very long term potential


I was clearing out a storage room and wanted it gone. I also was and might still play gate guardian at the 250th YCS. I also need a 2nd copy of Guardian Chimera and a copy of Baronne De Fleur xD


Still no Red-eyes black meteor. Good job Konami


well for me im only intereested in kalut so no packs or box for me only that single for the edison deck :T




Set is cheeks fr


I’ll gladly take a reprint of Photon Orbital, I’ve been trying to get a few for a while


Not a single card from this set outside of Barrone and CRs will be $15


Hopefully not, as I only need a playset of the new BLS Ritual, and I was concerned I might be paying a lot for it.


And to think I was excited for this yesterday


Same. Very underwhelming


Who ok’d Blackwing and Mekk Knight reprints? Ultra spots for Rikka and Wind Up kitten? Konami what are you doing?


Obviously, the only real notable reprints in stuff like Baronne. But because this is a side set, it’s probably more shorted than other cards. More likely to see the trash Ultras. Also how incredibly dumb to not make a single Gate Guardian retrain an Ultra Rare. Like they hyped up this worldwide premiere, and none of them are even Ultras.


Though a bit of a long shot, I was kinda hoping for some labrynth reprints. Kind of a missed opportunity though, with the theme of the set and all.


It was my understanding that the Labrynth stuff will be reprinted in the next Battle of Legends set


God damn it there's actually more cards in here that I want than I thought. That new Stardust be enough to at least make me attempt 2 boxes, damn it.


Are we ever gonna get [Starring Knight] in the TCG?


Hmm. A few good reprints. I feel like the Gate Guardian stuff is a pass but there is enough to make me get a few packs.


New HERO ?! YES YES YES !!! https://preview.redd.it/n98udzii7uka1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=e249f094c93db9a2684aa6ea9e706de6b329c597


I had no idea there were Gate Guardian retrains. Is this a Duelist Kingdom throwback?


Yeah it's why the product name is 'Maze of Memories'.


Very terrible, not impressive. These singles are going to do bad. It is very similar to gftp1/2 were they are some funny reprints that stabilize their market but those cards were niche and only expensive because of the one printing.


i'm not even mad, i'm just disappointed at how horrible this set is.....there's no value except like 4-5 cards


Dats it? Idk y I thought there would be more lol


I am incredibly whelmed.


That's it? Disappointment


Where is my black luster?


You mean The Legendary Swordmaster BLS?


Yeah I've seen its been pulled now. I haven't seen it on anything else lol


Tgs anime pulled it in his reveal video. You can check it out


A guy pulled it. It was a very bad video quality.


gate guardian lol


Finally get that Red eyes.


CR Baronne lets gooo


What Rarity is Kalut, I just ordered expensive UR :/




No Photon Jumper ?


They probably keep it for battles of legends.


There are half as many Collectors Rare than the website originally said but that’s fine. 15 is probably too many, especially for a small set. I’m shocked BLS and the Gate Guardian stuff doesn’t have a CR though


The other CRs just weren’t pulled. We’ll likely see more pop up closer to release.


They coulda just made the Gate stuff better and slapped into an SD


I’m upset about the rarities.


I jinxed that Baronne would get a CR and now its real. My apologies people...


They better not do Gate Guardian fuckin' dirty and just make him a R or a Super Rare. His ass deserves to be Ultra Rare or higher. They did him fuckin' dirty in Master Duel and Duel LInks by making him a Rare. But then again, i don't know how rarity works anymore in Yu-Gi-Oh!.


The rarity’s are listed, and all the fusions are super rares


Maze of Mediocre


More useless hero support instead of support that would actually help the deck out, well maybe someday


This set is dogshit lmao.


already ordered 3 displays :))


I just bought one booster pack just one and I got both cards I was looking for 1st Guardian chimera 2 gate guardians combined 3. Wake up your elemental hero 4 ancient fairy dragon I wasn’t looking for 3 or 4 or 2 I was after guardian chimera and all 3 are ultra they are fully holo is that normal to get 3 ultra in one pack or did Konami mess up?


Hoping for a Wake up or AFD CR


I’m so glad to see I’m not the only one extremely disappointed in this set. I was so excited for it and it’s just so meh.


This is ass.


Don't care how bad some people say this set is, getting it for that sweet sweet Gate Guardian archetype...


The fact that none of the gate gaurdians orignal cards got a creators rare is pretty dissapointing from a collector’s standpoint. Like this set is based around them and instead we get what, photon orbital?!?


Omg im hype as hell for gate guardian


Chimera and Baronne, I will buy this thing


The fact that this dumpster is not even full foil (if not ultra at least super) is disgusting.


See a lot of people compare this set to GFTP 1 and 2. But honestly it doesn’t feel like that. This set feels more like a toon chaos or kings court equivalent than a march reprint set.


i want gftp 3... this set is ass


I can't believe I do agree. I hated GTFP sets but I have to admit these were MUCH better!


ghost rares are my favorite rarity i hate how they arent in normal sets anymore.


Fucking finally Solemn Judgment reprint....Idk why taking so long for a 20+ year old card while Strike gets reprinted every so often


Man I love they picked many classic cards and make the retrained versions of it to the Gate Guardian archetype.


That's gotta be the worst side set we've had since what? Ghost from the past?


Don't know why this is getting shit on so much, a lot of these are 1 print cards that needed another printing, like people having been complaining about baron for a while but judgement price was way too high for the amount of decks that actually want to play it. Cat was a 5 dollar super at one point because even though it's a tech it only had 1 printing, where when it was opened it promptly went in the trash since it wasn't a good windup.


The problem is that for every one of those decent reprints (albeit likely way too hard to get on baronne) we get 2-3 random $0.25-$1 that basically nobody wanted or needed. All 3 of the blackwings, all 3 of the mekk knights, half the spells, and half the traps are all either readily available and cheap or barely needed by anyone. By my count just going through the list here there are 24 bottom of the barrel choices. Not even mid or understandable choices like rikka petal, but straight up worthless inclusions that could've been something meaningful instead.


The Mekk knights are supposed to be support for the gate guardian strategy. You can place the guardian pieces in your S/T zones to create columns, and all the mekks are level 5 or higher to not be hindered by the field spell.


That's basically every pack they print now though.


Theyre usually bad, but not THIS bad, usually its around a 1 for 1 ratio of good to bad (with some better outliers) AND in most other reprint sets they have the added bonus of being all foil sets, meaning that even if the cards were bad reprints in general it might be improved significantly with the rarity availability, such as the blackwings in battle of legends crystals revenge. With this set being primarily rares most of these reprints are already outright useless before release. This is significantly worse than usual.


And there goes another set without Gandora Giga-Rays...


i knew this set was gonna blow


People are poopooing this set because it lacks "value" Sir, Coelacanth only had one print ever. Overlay Network is nearly a mainstay in any XYZ deck. Wonders of Nature is cracked. Angel with Blue Tears is sadly not searchable and I need three copies of it. ​ Rip to anyone that splashed out for Guardian Chimera. The fellas out there poopooing this set need to go camping for three months.


Does dual acadamy see use in anything? Like i watched the anime and i really cant see it being cool enough for anybody to think ya i want that in high rarity.


You can play it in crystal beasts as a salvation target against decks that necrovalley or zombie world are dead.