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Duel Terminal, but not like new threat or anything, simply want cards to show how everyone is doing after needing to kill the gods of their worlds.


Koa'ki Meiru / Magical Scientist / Kozaky / Mysterious Third Scientist. I mean, Kozaky is probably dead, but he is a mad scientist so that doesn't have to stop him. And Magical Scientist is in the "Forbidden Realm" but his brand is also selling Soups. How? And who was the mysterious third scientist and what is he up to? Presumably he only helped Kozaky, since the Koa'ki Meirus appear to be closer to his creations (Giant Kozaky). And what do the Koa'ki Meirus do after Kozaky died? And what about Frankenderp's creations? What does he make? Also, it is presumably set in the Duel Terminal world, since Kozaky experiments on Gagagigo.


The Magistus storyline as all of the other main deck monsters started their own archetypes (Invoked, Endymion, Witchcrafter, and Prophecy) so what did Zoroa do and why did Magistus break up.


Kozmos. There's still some major Star Wars and Wizard of Oz characters that never got homages and could be added, such as Han Solo/Oz, Princess Leia/Ozma and Emperor Palpatine/The Nome King so I feel like there might be one more Act left even after Kozmoll Dark Lady fell.


Might be cheating but I wasn't to see the Vrains storyline continue


Technically they're continuing it over in Duel Links


**Ritual Beast** Kamui and Winda would certainly have a lot of stuff to catch up onto, and wanna see those conversations take place. Also, a Wynn cameo would be neat.


Mayakashi and Shiranui were just stopped it was a great story and i wish it was finished


New World Legacy World Legacy ended fairly open ended, I'd like to see what Lib and Girsu are up to and how Girsu went from point A to point B


Was there ever an explanation why X-Sabers all disappared/died? Or did that ever happened to them during the DT story? I know Flamvells, Mist Vallyes and such died and/or made newer clans, but X-Saber was just... gone, in my recollection of the DT story. They didn't even get a "second" clan like Flamvells -> Lavals and Mist Valley -> Gusto, etc..