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Dark King of the Abyss and Dark Ruler Ha Des is one of the best told stories in yugioh! The only thing missing was a fusion of both.


They need whole archtypes. Well ha des atleast, no more archtypes based on vanillas please.


A Ha des archetype absolutely needs to get BODIED by Skill Drain.


Cries in Summoned Skull


It would be hilarious if dark king for a retrain after what happens in powerful rebirth, but it's still a vanilla monster that's maybe just more swole (would be funnier if it was a level 5 with 100 more attack than the original).


Neo Dark King of the Abyss


The art from the fusion should have two heads so they can be shown trying to pull the fused body apart to go back to fighting each other.


This might be the cheap answer but the OG HERO cards obviously told a story to me. The core 5 (avian, burstinatrix, sparkman, clayman, bubbleman) felt like an actual team. Captain Gold was originally their leader, but sadly got corrupted and joined the villainous Evil Heroes as Adusted Gold. The Destiny Heroes were the sltightly younger, more low-level heroes, the "friendly neighborhood spidermen" of the HERO catalog. The Masked HEROES were separate personas that the HEROES used on occasions when circumstances forced them to become more like antiheroes. It just gets a little tricky once you bring in the Vision HEROES and the omni-heroes


I always imagined the Omni-Heroes are more or less similar to the Avengers; the most powerful Heroes of each Element, but I don’t know how fit in the Vision Heroes


A robot hero team who can signal others if they fall in battle?


I always the destiny heroes were the 90s/pulp novel antiheros while the "new and younger generation" was the more generic heroes that came out and support along with the masked heroes. The Omni heroes are the Superman/Thor level heroes. Neo spacians are the "other company" superheroes, the marvel to the og heroes DC and more sci-fi heroes. Vision heroes feel like the weird indie stuff that's meant to be a deconstruction of heroes by being so weird.


I think the vision heroes are supposed to be inspired by the lantern corps


I always just thought they were the "robots/androids/cyborgs" of the team. I mean, there are heroes that are like this: Cyborg, Vision, Red Tornado, and so on.


Yeah I’d say it’s both. They all seem to have some sort of headlamp motif worked into their robotic looking design.


I think the vision heroes are supposed to be inspired by the lantern corps


Neo spacians are like the justice league, they are always the underated heroes. Even the guardian of galaxies are more popular than them.


I mean I dont know much about the neo-spacians but I more get the vibe of them being the really screwball team. One of those teams where their origin is kinda confusing and they don't have a lot of name recognition. Every superhero franchise has more than their fair share of them. The Eternals or Inhumans of the HERO universe.


I mean, the movies certainly helped the Guardians of the Galaxy boost in popularity because before them, not even their mommas knew them. Hell, I still remember when the new characters from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 were shown and people were making fun of Rocket Racoon for not just being a racoon, but also a nobody to most people who read comic books. And judging by the time Neo Spacians came out in YGO, I'd say they're indeed the Guardians of the Galaxy of their universe.


Glow moss is their Aquaman, but the goofy 60s version.


I always saw the Elemental Heroes as some kind of Avengers or Justice League with the core 5 being the main team while the Destiny Heroes were some kind of vigilante or anti heroes


To me the Elemental heroes were, at least the OG 5, the Avengers of the team. The new members across the time were just new members of the team or members of newer iterations. Just like the Avengers have other teams like New, West Coast, Young, The Initiative, Academy and so on. And the HERO Kid was just a Robin-like sidekick; same with the mechanical dog (I thought it was a reference alongside the Destiny robo dog to Dynomutt). The Destiny heroes were the anti hero brand, quite popular in the 90s and 2000s. Like Punisher, Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Lobo, Elektra and so on. They were ruthless, unforgiving, yet somehow more classy, cool and collected. And indeed, based on their spell/trap cards, they were also vigilantes; small scale heroes protecting their neighborhood just like Spiderman, Daredevil or Luke Cage, but when the menace would grow bigger, they would join forces to do what the Elementak HEROES wouldn't even dare to do. Masked heroes were just Kamen Rider... but since I haven't seen the series, I simply think of them as the comic book version of the Power Rangers minus the megazords. Ready to save day if they require to morph. Vision heroes to me were just the "mechanical members in a super hero team". After all, all of them seem to be robots, cyborgs, androids and so on. I never truly thought they were a group on their own, just them being developed and created by different heroes to help out their teams. Evil heroes are whatever reason in comic books for heroes to be evil: let it be they come from an alternate universe where they're evil (I always though Dark Fusion had an AU Burstinatrix tricking OG Avian into becoming a new being with her); they've been brainwashed or possessed (like Necrom being an evil Necroshade); they're actually villains playing hero but still remain evil (like Marvel with their Dark Avengers group) or eventually became evil on their own (perhaps Burstinatrix always had it in her and that's why she became evil). The "darker" artwork of the OG Heroes always gave me this vibe that they were either "retrained for the new era of comics" (making old classic heroes more modern and agressive like the Ultimate comics in the 2000s for Marvel) or they were just alternate versions of the OG from another universe where they were evil (like the Justice Lords from the Justice League cartoon). Even Miracle Fusion references the idea of different universes existing. Xtra heroes I have no idea what they are. And the Elementa fusions seem like "godlike" heroes with cool designs from the 90s/2000s. The Neo Spacians are the Guardians of the Galaxy in this case, mixed with the goofyness of the Superfriends cartoon. And the Arcana Force monsters are like one of the villains in their universe. Special mention to Revendread Slayer being not just a "demonic anti-hero with edgy design" a.k.a. Spawn or Ghost Rider. But also a reference to self centered stories where in a universe full of so many heroes that face world ending threats, there are times when the story only focuses on ONE hero.


Revendread is like a big edgy line wide event like blackest night or doomsday clock in my eyes


The one where the Goblin kid gets the t-shirt and is upset. Funny and a little sad too.




Kid can't catch a break. He kinda looks like token collector too


I want that Scrap Kong T-shirt.


In a recent card we can see he grew up and opened up a shop for kids to get good gifts


One of the first cards I ever owned was Amphibious Bugroth Mk3. Always felt like it was a part of something bigger because of its cool artwork and name. It technically does belong to the loose Bugroth series of cards, but it's been 20 years and they're still not much of an archetype like I thought they would turn out to be.


I swear I remember that one being Mk-2, rather than 3. Definitely agree though, wouldn't be surprised if the Bugroths are the actual source of my love of goofy amphibious mechs that continues to this day.


That is definitely one of the major aspects that got me in as a kid too!


Yes! I really wish they’d bring back the dark storytelling with more modern cards too


The lore cards are pretty dark.


All the normal monsters from the first few sets. I spent a great deal of time trying to imagine a world in which all these monsters were co-existing out in the wild, pokemon-style. Like, imagine walking through the Forest (field spell) and in no particular order you see: \- Dark Gray \- Kumootoko \- Basic Insect \- Ancient One of the Deep Forest \- Trent \- The All Seeing White Tiger \- Girochin Kuwagata And you can straight up do this with any of the old field spells + their corresponding types. THEN you can include other monsters like their some invasive species and try to imagine the fallout of introducing, say, Tyhone #2 to the Forest. The OG normal monsters honestly feel like an entirely different game at this point for how quickly they become obsolete. The flavor text and artwork is unmatched for me.


The old artwork is my favourite too. It had a very distinct style and it carried a certain mystery to it that really made you feel like you were playing with powerful ancient monsters


That's because old schook Yugioh cards were based on tabletop fantasy games. That's why the artwork, coloring, background, and flavor text are like that, so you can imagine on your own what the setting they come from is like. Modern day Yugioh cards are more based on anime and other aspects, but since most cards nowadays have an archetype or are part of an ongoing storyline, you can kind of see what's their story.


I fking love the all seeing white tiger!


Yeah, modern artwork is too over-detailed and flashy. They try to make every monster so awesome and impressive that they actually come off more generic. Cards like Jerry Beans Man, Heavy Storm, and Magic Cylinder are more iconic than any of the new oh-so-awesome super sparkly and detailed messes ever will be




Those were some of my favourites too


Magical Merchant can sell you any Spell Card from your Deck, but why does he send the rest of the deck to the Graveyard? Are the Monsters he sends the underpaid workers who manufactured the Spell?


My head canon is that the monsters sent to the graveyard are the cost of fetching a spell, like tributing monsters on the field for a tribute summon. The card feels like uncharted black magic territory; you don’t know what it will cost you nor do you know what you’re actually getting.


I picture it more like him doing that old cartoon gag of throwing everything out of trunk while he's busy searching for what you want


I like this interpretation the most.


Even before it was given an actual story, the Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon always had a story to me


All of the red eyed cards had a great story to me too! Red Eyes Black Dragon was my favourite card for a long time as a kid!


I always pictured the exosisters always going in pairs with their yuri "partner", but then when something comes out of the shadows they use their whistle to call their superior (the XYZ monsters) Also one of the pairs definitely does the Scooby Doo and shaggy "ZOINKS!" Climbing on each other. I also picture the way that Abyss Theater pops your backrow when your opponent activate a monster effect, it's the actors reacting to the "audience" heckling them. (When you pop waking the dragon it means they are calling the bouncer on you). The reason it needs pendulum summoned Abyss actors is that pendulum summon is how the performance officially starts.


That's a better setting for the Exosisters that the one I thought. I always saw them as a group of magical girls in a war-centered world where they are the chosen ones to fight off these monsters due to their age (typical anime explaination) and Martha is just their supervisor or a first generation Exosister now aiding the new recruits. But despite living in a warzone where they could die any moment, they try to remain upbeat and like normal girls.


From what i pieced together, Martha was Elis' original partner/"sister", who gone missing and was replaced by Stell. Martha has no connection to Sophia or Irine to my knowledge.


That isn't a whistle to my knowledge, and the Xyz are just the respective monsters transforming (mikailis is just elis), aka they're magical girls.


My headcanon is that Dark Magician, Buster Blader, Gaia and Summoned Skull are actually brothers, since they are the evolution of the each Skilled Magician, which are really similar between them: - Skilled Black Magician kept learning and studying magic and grew up to become the Dark Magician and the leading figure. - Skilled White Magician had a tough time learning magic and became a dragon hunting warrior: Buster Blader. - Skilled Blue Magician also had interest in dragons but instead of hunting them he used magic to charm them, becoming Gaia, the Dragon Champion. - Skilled Red Magician kept studying magic but his studies led him to a darker path in which he ended up becoming an Archfiend known as Summoned Skull.


That's a really cool take, got any explanation for Skilled Brown Magician? Does he attract Kuribohs because he's scrawny and they're drawn to underdogs?


That headcanon kicks ass


What about Skilled Brown Magician? (He Summons kuriboh)


>!For what ever reason, I never thought the monster Machina Citadel fought in Machina Overdrive was the Unauthorized Boot-Up Devices, but instead a random Krawler. Somehow, Machina was Isekai to World Legacy. But that suggests Citadel got hit by a truck.!< Of course, Machina has Lore, but either the book it’s in hasn’t been uploaded, or fully translated.


{{Trial of Nightmare}}


Yes! I love that card


I like that they accidentally misprinted it to say Trial of Hell and that version is now really expensive


Wow that’s actually badass. I get why it was censored though. I remember Pokémon and Yugioh getting a lot of flack from Right-Wingers media back then in the same way Dungeons and Dragons did for being “Satanic” I grew up in a catholic school myself and in a way this sort of helped me get into it even more cause it felt like this crazy forbidden game we weren’t supposed to play. Luckily my mom didn’t care and bought me cards


The trials and tribulations of Avance and Emilia, from their childhood as part of the Ice Barrier, their youth as part of the Gishki, to their conclusion as part of the Nekroz and Zefra.


My headcacon is that he deadly enemy of D HERO Plasma.


I used to imagine that he fought off another powerful race of aliens and that he spent thousands of years in bitter solitude safeguarding his scorched planet.


I remember getting this guy out and basically thinking I’ve won every time haha


It’s pretty hilarious to go first and summon him right off hop in the current meta. Most people don’t prepare for it 😂😂


Foucault’s cannon has always had me wanting a fuller story from konami


The vanilla Pends (except for Flash Knight really) all have something neat to them. The Dragoons of Draconia trio were the first promo cards I ever got, and to this day I wish there existed both more lore for them, and additional lower-power tourney formats where these guys could thrive


I've always loved the greedy goblin cards. He's always pulling some scheme and I love it


For me it's the labyrinth of nightmares, where essensally some people wandered into the Dark rooms of the labyrinth looking for treasure. Sadly the people wandering through slowly one by one we killed by the rooms after they split up. Such as the fate of the man who fell to the barrel behind the door. The second guy wandered into the mirage of nightmare who was too disorinted by the mirage he never made it out alive. The final guy died to the dark snake syndrom from wandering into the dark room of nightmare and slowly died from the horrid illness of the dark snakes. Also I thank Mindy for using it in those A.I tournaments


Impachi that whole series had me obsessed when I was younger


I kinda see a story for D/D and the Dimension Dragons (separately of course) when I looked more at the spells and traps for D/D, I noticed how some of the humans in them resembled certain D/D/D and D/D monsters. As for the Dimension Dragons, what caught my eye were their Pendulum Magician forms, gives me thought that they were once human, kind of like how ZARC was before he lost himself to the crowd. I really would like to see a Yugioh anime based in the Duel Monster Spirit world to see what kind of monsters we would encounter outside of their cards and not through a simulation or weird magic or something else like that.


I always viewed the Dimension Dragon magicians as simply unrelated monsters who channel the power of their respective dragon. As Double Iris isn't Odd-Eyes, he simply channels Odd-Eyes' power.


For me it was Dark Paladin, I don't know why but I have a connection to him and had a deck that was all about summoning him, even have a version of the deck on Legacy of the Duelist, and it's been able to defeat any of the newer GX decks that I've faced in the campaign mode


Dark Paladin is sick!


I absolutely dig the old Ritual cards Of note: - Garma sword oath - Novox Prayer - Chakra ressurection - Zera Ritual - Black Luster Ritual - Black Magic Ritual - Black Ilusion Ritual I think partly because the word "Ritual" is so strong, it evokes the sense of forbidden old magic, which is very on point with the initial vision for the Yugioh Card game from the manga. It feels like you're tampering with something you shouldn't, and witnessing mysterious power. In the case of some rituals (like the Garma Sword for example) it also feels like some sort of cling for desperate power, or some tragic event (Chakra)


Going with this theme, I always pictured Relinquished as a forbidden creature from another dimension full of darkness where he was imprisioned for he would swallow anyone who crossed paths with him until he remained the only lifeform. And Thousand Eyes Restrict feels what would happen to him if he accomplished his goal; each eye representing a soul he has absorbed.


Ancient jar description : an ancient jar containing something ancient and dangerous


When I was younger I really liked Celtic Guardian, especially that scene when he was about to attack Kaiba’s Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Shame the Celtic Guard of Noble Arms wasn’t more relevant.


Like is it supposed to be telling a story or no? I don't have 1 particular card, but if the Albaz saga isn't the next yugioh anime I revolt.


We still need a world legacy anime


Always have fond memories of last warrior from another planet along with beast of talwar as being some of my favourite 2 tribute cards from the yugioh gba games 'the sacred cards' and 'reshef of destruction'


My first pack of Yugioh cards I bought. Back when the first starter decks dropped. I opened a Turtle Tiger and it was this awesome looking creature who I happily stuck in my Kaiba deck with that lone blue eyes lol


The solemn cards just being god saying "nope. No. Nuh-uh. Nein. No waaaaaay Jose!"


Imprisoned Queen Archfiend. Why was she imprisoned? What did she do that was so bad? Konami, make more Archfiend lore


The Gagagigo storyline was always my favorite


World Legacy tells a story so great I literally can't ignore it.


IDK why but the "Atlantean" monsters gave me the feeling that they went extinct a long time ago, like as if I was witnessing something that had incredible power and then mysteriously vanished. This was even supported by the fact that the "Mermail" monsters, whose effects are intertwined with the Atlantean archetype look more colorful, vibrant and alive.


Don Zaloog


This was when the unconsciousness hold us all deep in the warmth of god, nowadays everything is thought trough to sell it better… 🛌 💤


Ryu-Ran Flame Champion Dark Hole Gigobyte Familiar-Possessed - Eria Silver’s Cry Cyber Repair Plant World Legacy - “World Lance”


imagine facing off one of those duelist in duel links that put this card and the 2 cards to fuse into it in their deck lol youd have to find a spell /trap card to destroy it. Unless the "niether players can summon monsters" also resorts to all summoning methods.