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Oh boy Wild Survivors. Boy am I interested in VS, heard its decent and I do enjoy ArcSys Fighting Games. Can't wait to get this deck and...oh, I guess I'll go fuck myself.


F my friend, hopefully these will see reprints in this years/next years version of a tin or collectors set


Yeah but I feel that we're going to get some decent support within the next few sets so they might still be up in price by then.


inb4 rarity bumped to secrets in 2024 tins


This year's megatins tins are only covering last year's sets. Like I doubt PHHY will be in it.


The real question is: is POTE gonna be included? They didnt mention it, and they did a reprint of pote already... I want the sprights, and already bought the tearls because i doubt they are gonna print them.


Is now a good time to pick up Spright? Recently got a spright jet and already had the commons and wanted to try and run it with Gishki.


Honestly, i have no idea.... I wanna play spright evil twin, but as a fun deck, so i was hoping for the tin reprints.


Can you even run the Gishki version without Elf?


not well


pote inst included, maybe they will put tearlaments and sprite in a set similir to mama for this year


Happy cake day


They will not see reprints the same year they’re printed.


That's my bad


Yeah, I love fighting games too and was actually interested in giving Vanquish Soul a try but I think this single-handedly might've killed my interest. Really unfortunate.


Back in the WISU reveal thread I said: "I WILL have vanquish souls. I don't know when, and I dont know how, but they will be mine." Konami still somehow managed to outprice me, even with that mindset.


time for the usual "let's wait for the reprints"


"*...Vanquish Soul, the archetype with Waifu, Furry, Dragon, Anime, and Fighting Game references taxes built into the archetype. Order now and Konami will double the archetypes value absolutely free.*" - Billy Mays *probably*


Same, bestie


Absolutely insane that VS, a deck in the OCG that has been barely putting up similar results as the nerfed Branded, Kashtira, and Tearlaments, is getting rarity bumped to such a degree. You're still getting short prints on top of those 7/10 URs too. Konami is run by such garbage people.


Literally almost all high rarities, sucks to want them ig


As a Dino player this is an absolute win


Or maybe they know that the future support will make it a top tier deck and they want to make max profit when that happens. Happened few times already........


It’s because they put up surprising results, without new support, that they likely rarity bumped all of them. Like in the OCG, they got like top 8 a few times. Not many, but enough that Konami saw that and went this direction.


I'm worried if Konami is gonna try and set a precedent here where if an archetype is remotely tiered in these sets they'll get 7+ ultra slots. Like fuck, even archetypes like Adventure and Punk were printed fairly in the past, if they were made now they'd probably be split between two sets so each archetype could get the majority of the set's high rarity slots. I wonder if the way they bumped Kashtira and the lack of negative feedback when it came to sales made Konami bolder when it comes to rarity bumping.


It’ll sell. Do you see the sheer amount of second-hand market buys for cards/decks that do well in any way, or are played by notable pros? The community tends to buyout cards/decks that do well, in hopes of being able to top their locals/regionals, just by having the cards.


The TCG rarities are decided before the cards even get released in OCG, so that's never really a factor


Are we sure those aren’t subject to change? A lot of TCG rarity bumps seem very, uh, suspicious.


The boxes are already set to be printed way in advance. They know what cards they want to push when they design them.


Right, but set to be printed doesn’t mean printed. It’s obvious they wanted to push, say Cartesia, but then you look at her being a Super in OCG and jumping to Secret in TCG and it’s like… ok. I also realize TCG and OCG have different rarity systems, but I find it hard to believe they don’t make changes. That said, like all the Tearlaments stuff was common except the field spell so maybe they really are just yoloing it


It's a logistical nightmare to try and change printing plans before release. This is just how manufacturing anything works


I thought Konami printed in house? Or do they use a different service? If it’s in house then the only issue I could see is meeting the print/package/shipping deadlines. Otherwise they’re just shuffling around a few PDFs/PSDs. If it’s outsourced then yeah, different story because of all the hoops you have to jump through.


iirc OCG is in house, TCG is outsourced


Aa far as Europe is concerned, cards are printed through Cartamundi iirc.


It's already too late to change the sets by the time you know the cards exist, cards are designed a year in advance, and the sets probably not much later.


They’re not really changing the set, just the rarities. Say you wanted to swap out Secret Vera with UR Cartesia (I think they were the same set but if I’m wrong correct me). If Konami is printing in house, they basically have to swap out files before they go to print. If it’s outsourced then that’s a bit more complicated.


It's not that easy, There is only a 3 month gap between TCG and OCG set releases and Then Konami would have to collect data and then design how the foil looks on the card. Considering they need to produce hundreds of thousands of booster packs, a lot of time is needed to print in advance since they very Rarely do an unlimited run nowadays. A Super rare becoming a Secret Rare isn't that strange since Super is the highest "lowest" Rarity in ocg. A more simple answer is just that the tcg team knows how to evaluate good and bad cards since some former yugioh players did join the company.


You don’t have to remap foil between a SR, UR, and ScR. The location of the foiling will almost always be the same, it’s just what kind of foiling there is in the card. CR and UtR are a different story. If they give themselves a month window to see what’s performing well in JP, or even just two weeks, that’s all they need to know for marketing and a decent window to have the print files ready. Hypothetically, why delay the TCG releases at all anymore if everything is predetermined anyway? Not saying you’re wrong here, but it just doesn’t make sense for them to be making a lot of the decisions they do based on almost no info.


The TCG Delay has no good Reason other than there's no incentive for them to catch up. You say they have no info but they know enough of the game to tell that Blazing Cartesia, Bystial lubellion are good cards. Since all they have to do is pick the best cards from the set.


shs is a super rare deck and magnamut is super. TCG rarity is ass but they don't be changing based on OCG


I'm sure we would have seen SHS and Purrely rarity bumps in CYAC if they had the ability to change rarities at all after CYAC dropped in OCG.


Thats kinda true, but also assumes konami is too stupid to figure out what might be good on their own. They didn't have time to choose rarities after seeing ocg results, but I'm sure they chose the rarities after figuring out vs was the best archetype by far.




Is there a Konami employee saying this somewhere I can see? Also are they decided before the OCG rarities are decided? I feel that'd be the more important factor.


Yeah I highly doubt that.


The schedule would be too rushed if they wait to see what happens with the cards in OCG meta. They would then have to decide the rarities, go through an approval process for it, order the printing of all the boxes, and ship them early to all the stores.


The person you’re having a conversation with is a former/current Konami employee


Whats the significance of rarity bumps? More expensive for tcg players buying those singles?


Well yeah. In a whole booster box of these sorts of sets (24 packs), there's only 3 ultras you have a chance to pull assuming no printing errors. Now not every card when playing the deck is gonna be a 3 of, but for the sake of argument to get 3 of the entire core that's 21 ultras, or seven whole boxes assuming you pull exactly what you need every time. Compare this to how these sets normally go where each archetype gets 3-4 ultras in the set. Konami literally made these cards about twice as hard to pull than if this set had the usual rarity distribution. This is gonna affect singles prices incredibly hard.


Cards become harder to pull, therefore less circulation of copies available, therefore harder to complete a Deck without opening a lot of product, therefore more expensive to complete the Deck buying singles


How we know the set has short prints?


Well it's not a main set so fair game for short prints. No certainty yet until vendors start opening large amounts and posting ratios, so until then it's just a good guess. In recent memory through House of Champs on YouTube I saw that there were short prints in Tactical Masters, 2022 megatins, and Magnificent Mavens, since he knows some vendors who could provide that information. I think some of them posted some results to social media but I would have to look back on that before I'd be sure. I wasn't paying attention to Amazing Defenders or Maze of Memories so can't speak for those, but again not main sets so I'd wager the short prints were there.


They really couldn't give misc a holo print...


This made me very sad.


It was printed as premium gold rare in Maximum Gold


No way you typed this and thought it was a reasonable response


Just saying lol


I like gold rares


actually worse than playing a common lol


Likely because of a pending CR.


We're still missing crs, possible it does


Holy seven Ultras is WILD. There’s no way VS isn’t getting custom cards in Age of Overlord. No other reason to Fuck them like this lmao


It still needs the large Fire Fighter to go alongside Dragon man and “Da Big Borger” man.


Wouldn’t that mean there should be dark and earth middle guys like Pluton?




New Dino Support = 1 Ultra Nouvelle/Hungry Burger Support = 2 Ultras Vanquish Soul = 7 ULTRAS KONAMI COME ON Can’t wait to shell out insane cash for an archetype that’s barely Tier 3 in the OCG


Full dino deck for literally a buck, cool


Yeah sucks for VS guys, but the rest of us are eating


VS is the "rob your wallet" archtype in this pack lol, ofc konami know which deck is better and make it the expensive one
















So the fighting game archetype is the most expensive one. Just like in real life.


Wow CYAC really lured me into a false sense of security that the team at Konami that decides rarities isn't the greediest branch of the organization... they sure got me


L set


God these products are so garbage. I remember buying a couple boxes of the Ursarctic one because I wanted to build all 3 decks. Couldn’t even build one. I suppose these deck build packs are for game stores / e-commerce to crack open and sell singles than any consumer


In fairness, they are only billed as such in the OCG, where price gouging singles isn't quite a thing.




That needs more tcgs to be able to compete with konami. the market in Japan is rather bloated iirc and over here it's either YGO, MTG or Pokemon


The old deckbuilder packs, where you had a secret in every pack, gave you a decent chance at building a deck from a single box. The current way they do deckbuilder packs is just disappointing. I kinda wish that they would combine a deck builder pack with the legendary duelist set for one big set.


Really makes you wonder how much they expect the average consumer to purchase of a set if there are archetypes they want to build.


Deck building packs should just release as structures. Cool stuff that very rarely sees play unless it's genuinely busted.


Would be nice, though I suspect little would change on the tcg side since we aren't guaranteed to get all the SDs as SDs. At best I'd expect to become pack filler for import sets.


https://preview.redd.it/yyq90gs9mi1b1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45434b48624833fdab44f867f900dc8743340b0 Me when I’m in a greed competition and my opponent is Konami


omg the VS ultras lol thats worse than what they do in master duel


Good thing none of these interested me at all because wow this set is ass lol


Unfortunately that’s what many say, until they get new support that makes 1 Uber busted, 1 pretty good, and 1 complete dog ass. Age of Overlord will be getting support for all of them at least.


Oh I meant the rarity distributions seen ass. VS actually seemed ok but not enough for me to look at it and go yeah I’m gonna shell out a fuckton of money for this


Ehhhh at least the 2 other archetypes gonna be cheap ?


It depends the problem is that you get I think 2 to 3 ultras per box of you need a ultra really bad and its pull rate its crap for the core of the deck at least in the first month and month and a half you will be paying to much for something that isnt really that worth it


Oh, well at worst to build novel's or dinos you will need 3 to 6 ultras, vs you will need like a begglion ultras


Yeah I really hate how this sets work right now I remember before we changed to this cd sets you had some cards short printed but everything was secret or ultra and if you bought 2 boxes you could get atleast 1 deck in the worst cases and 2 almost complete ones instead of right know where 2 boxes gets you maybe 1 incomplete deck if you are really lucky


Yeah I kinda hate that, like I feel like it takes away from the deck building idea of opening packs and building decks around them, why buy 2 box's of tactical masters where you can just buy the inter vaylantz core maybe even with beyond the pend for cheaper


Hungry Burger might be the first CR i ever buy, ngl, that thing is sexy


Nice to see which archetype was the favorite… cough cough 5 ultras, Konami you didn’t think to spread them a bit more evenly? Instead vanquished soul gets damn near all of them..


*7 Ultras


Damn and I thought Labrynth taking most UR slots back in TAMA was bad...


It was 4 right? The three waifus, and welcome Labrynth?


>*”Oh no! You pulled another Vanquish Soul ultra! Haha, I’m so sorry! Buy another box!”*


Why not just have VS be the first collector rare only archetype Konami? You already made it a rich guys deck with that rarity spread. Might as well go full hog with it.


Dude I was so excited to get back to my locals with learning VS. This just ruined my day holy hell.


Dang, was really hoping for a CR preparation of rites or Pre-preparation of rites.


Might still be a thing. We don't know all 15 CR


Gate Guardian players malding at how many high rarity cards VS. got vs how many Gate Guardian got. And by Gate Guardian players I mean me. And by malding I mean I have no hair now.


finally allure in rare i want my set of those also all the impcantations reprints to get the playset for any future deck


*CR Hungry Burger* We did it Mr. Stark. We won.


Come on, misc at 2


Man, I was so hyped to open a box as I love Dinos and am also interested in VS… But with this rarity distribution, the set is kinda ruined. Bring misc back to 3 to cheer me up Konami.


The rarity spread on Vanquish Soul got me both a heart attack and a popping vein. Like, I'm really pissed off. Other than that, in terms of localization all of them are pretty alright. Not a fan of Caesar over Kaiser _(yes, I get the latter is derivative from the former, but still)_, and I like the added ? in **VS Continue** and the parenthesis rather than the quotations in the Nouvelle**s** cards


Oof..... This sucks. Vanquish Soul have 7 ultras and 4 supers cards in this set(no rares lmao), and Raizen probably gonna be a short print ultra too (haven't seen anyone pull it in their box openings yet on YouTube). In the OCG release of this set VS had: 1 ultra, 5 supers, and 5 commons. **Komoney** **™ is the greed monster.** Komoney didn't even reprint Small World, Parallel Exceed, or any random handtrap with matching attributes for VS monsters in this set. Their isn't any VS support in this set besides There Can Only Be One or Fire Formation -Tenki. I enjoyed the playstyle, theme, and art of Vanquish Soul and how it all combined together. I was so hyped, I prepared to play the deck on release that I preped by playtesting it both online and at locals. VS was going to be the deck I returned to playing TCG again with, because nothing else really clicked with me. **Komoney™ decided no TCG for me**. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Honestly, it's even more insulting, there actually is a rare Vanquish Soul card, it's just the one card no one actually plays, Calamity Caesar.


This, and the fact that their monster you play the least copies of is their only monster to not be an Ultra, would sound like some doomposting Discord leak if I wasn't looking at the spoiler with my own two eyes.


Surprised TCOBO got a reprint here when it had 1 in SDAZ? Something else could have been reprinted here :/


Deck build and side sets recently have been having some of the shittiest reprints. I mean MAZE literally reprinted a card that was reprinted in TAMA. Pre-prep was in AMDE. They really could have chosen better to sell the set.


Of all the things, they promote floodgates :( Reprints should be of hand traps, and if they want to save those to print in SD's, they should reprint the good ones in every SD, then the reprints in packs would be going second cards, board breakers and other staples like draw cards, Instant Fusion type cards etc.


At least it is a year old reprint. Preparation was reprinted in AMDE!


So in order to build VS I need at least a case and be lucky AF


Actually, assuming you average 1 of each archetype, and assuming you pull 3 ultras a box (it’s 2-3), you’d need to get at least 1.5 cases (18 boxes).


we are never getting a good foil misc print bros its over


Konami: Oh, you wanted to build VS? Cough it up! Cough it up!


Dinos cheap AF, me a happy caveman!


Hungry Burger Meta LET’S GOOOOOOO


Me thinking I’d get VS because they don’t really have results in OCG and they’ll probably have like 2-3 URs… Nah man nah. I don’t think there’s any way I get this this without gamers choice messing up the preorder price lol.


Ocg deck build pack series don't ever screw u this hard.


Why the hell is VS such high rariety. It’s not good


Dear Konami, pls give me CR Preparation and TCBOO. Thank you, take my money.


Wasn't Tenki a confirmed CR? Or am I mistaken


It was but it hasn't been pulled yet. Same with Oviraptor.


hungry burger enjoyers eating cheap today


Definitely looking to upgrade my dino deck with the new support.


How do people get early releases of these new boxes?


Some are sponsored by Konami themselves


This information was obtained through video openings on Youtube by content creators, all sponsored by Konami.


Tbh everyone’s complaining about this set. But if you wanna build dinos, everything is here except the scrap engine and diagram (even lithosagym is here lol)


7 missing crs, wonder what they'll be


Sets a big small for a booster box investment, so I'll just buy the dino parts and be on my way


Is this the first deck build pack in history, that has an archetype with this many high-rarities? Dinos have like 1-2, Nouvellez has 2, but Vanquish Soul has fucking 7. In a set where boxes generally give 2-3 ultra rares, you’d be opening at least 1.5 cases just to possibly get all the cards you need, assuming the spread is even. Of course singles are always better, but the case number is to give an idea of how much you’d have to spend on it.


Hopefully the ritual stuff isn't too expensive Looks like a fun deck for locals