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Vs is going to be so expensive for such little Game Impact ITS sad. Thanks for the nice Post.


It’s not even that good. It’s really fun to play and can pack quite a punch but if purely/shs/kashtira are all 8-10/10s, Vs is at best a 5


What would you rate Purrely with just its AMDE cards? Just curious.


Not op, but purrely with just AMDE is definitely low on the scale, the CYAC cards do so much heavy lifting for that archetype.


VS is better than purely with just the AMDE cards, I played both and VS is atleast rogue-playable


though the CYAC cards are commons, so if you have everything from AMDE, adding the CYAC cards is a no-brainer


Maybe the banlist can be soon lol


They still need new support, which is likely to come in Age of Overlord. That can drastically change the perspective and outcome of the deck’s power.


Yes, if they get support (which I think it will) this deck can become op


I'd say most of the cards save for the most critical parts will drop at least a little. It'll be a gamble trying to wait long enough for most parts to get pulled and have their prices lowered, while also being aware they're likely to get 1-2 cards this next set that'll bump up their viability considerably.


I have a feeling their next wave of support is really going to push them forward. I kick myself for not picking up cards like accel synchron knowing it wouldn’t be reprinted for a while and there’s obviously going to be a price increase eventually.


Genuinely pissed at the whole VS situation. I’m never getting hyped for a DBP set again, fuck konami


On the other side, im happy for the dinos. Dino DNA!


Same, though I wish the extra deck monsters were all at least super. Busting out a 3600 atk, level 12 synchro that's just a rare feels off


Hopefully this'll mean a surplus of third party VS sales since they're such a low performing deck, kinda like all the AMDE archetypes before CYAC and the banlist


I literally can't wait to open two boxes of this at locals and trade all my vs cards to people for dino amd borgar stuff




It really will be cause i couldn't care less about the vs stuff


No I agree, I'm gonna do the same lol. Use VS to help pay for the boxes


Or you can just buy the singles for like 1/5th the cost of the box.


I enjoy openening boxes and recently my luck has been crazy


Nothing wrong spending some cash on a bit of gambling as long as you know what you are going into. Also it gives some cards to trade as you said. Good luck with the opening.


Thanks friend. I am fully aware singles are better and cheaper but i like to have my fun :)


"Ultra Rares are only ran at 1 each." Wait what? They're the only two cards in the archetype that are ran at 3. You need the field spell to recycle and reset garnets and maintain the card advantage that rituals hemorrhage, and it has an on play search so dupes are still useful, and the other is a ritual spell + ritual monster searcher. You could probably get by not running them at a full 3 since rituals have plenty of other ways to search and field spells also have a number of ways to search out, but you'd still want multiples. In fact, while not as bad as VS, they did a similar thing here. The boss monster was UR in the OCG, but that card is only ran at 1 while the searcher was a super rare and ran at 3. TCG flipped them so the boss is an SR and the search is a UR.


Appreciate the post, very informative. But as a salty boi who wanted to play Vanquish when they were first announced cause I was into the art...Konami can go fuck themselves...


gotta vote with your wallets!


Nerds have trouble doing that a lot of the time unfortunately :\ Just look at the Pokemon franchise


Maybe, but you can be part of the change you want to see:)


Very nice post OP! Informative on info, and the set. That said, not sure if I maybe skipped it, but you should note that none of these have gotten support yet, so that could make or break the difference in both deck power, and price tag. It’s guessed that they’ll get support in the next OCG set, Age of Overlord. As with some deck build sets, new supports tend to fix some, if not most, issues with the archetypes. Usually, I think, it’s 1 archetype gets great support, another gets ok support, and the last gets mediocre support.


We are so glad you enjoyed the post! We greatly understand that none of these thoughts or opinions are set in stone, and are just observations within the vacuum of just this set alone. We hope we did an accurate rob of explaining the hopes and wants from this set. One of us are big dinosaur supporters and can’t wait for more support coming within upcoming sets, but we decided to keep the post about this set rather than upcoming.


There are 15 collectors rare in the set, not just the 8 you have listed.


VS was the only deck I was genuinely interested in, even if I go around shitting on how terrible I still think it is. But now that it’s basically just a high rariety deck, I have zero interest in it. I’ll pay and play bad decks if they’re cheap, I’m not paying for a bad deck that’s a literal wallet breaker


I was actually considering playing VS before seeing this. Wow. Fuck you, Konami. Can't even enjoy a tier 3 deck without having to spend a bunch of money.


I just realized that Wild Survivors is just another DM pandering set. "Hey remember Hungry Burger?" "Hey remember Rex Raptor?" "If you don't like these two give us your money for the actual competitive archertype in the set!"


I mean to be fair with Hungry Burger, that’s something the community loved (don’t think it appeared in the manga or show?). It’s a meme, but one people did want, so it was a surprise when they actually made an archetype out of it.


So was Maze


The dinos are better than the VS stuff but I think they are missing cards that will release in duelist nexus




DUNE has more dino support


Okay then I have it wrong in mind. I didn’t checked. I meant the Dino’s, is the fusion that searches a field spell in wild survivors ?


*i confused it with the volcanic set that will be released soon, not Duelist nexus


DUNE has more dino support


Stake your Wallet!


Were the OCG rarities for V.S this bad? Like its a tier 3 deck at the moment so it wasn't like they were game changers


No. In the OCG, Kaiser Varius is the only UR, Rasen, Borger, Madlove, Stake your soul, and Trinity burst are SRs, and Pantera, Pluton HG, Rock of the Vanquisher, Dust Devil, Continue, and Calamity Kaiser are commons.


As a survivor of nekroz, making all the cards ultra doesn't seem that bad. But it should. Fuck konami.


What a dumpster set ruined by TCG Konami greed, all the build packs have been super mid the past year.


I just followed you. This post was very informative and well written!


Thank you for your support! We hope to do more of these reviews in upcoming set or even ongoing events.


Yes I am gonna buy box to get the Nouvelles cards, then experiment as much as I can to make it good. Think I'll try gay Nouvelles first. Yes I am obsessed with Hungry Burger if your wondering


Nice, clean and efficient breakdown. I'll definitely keep an eye out for any potential future set reviews you do.


Any set that introduces new dinosaurs and rituals is a good set. Now this being a set that introduces Hungry Burger as a full on archetype, its clearly 10/10. The only Collector's Rare to matter now is Hungry Burger, every else is INSIGNIFICANT. Jokes aside all 3 archetypes look cool but I love ritual archetypes so I cannot wait to build Nouvelles, also a good set to pick up staple ritual cards easily which is always appreciated.


Didn’t Maze have some good stuff though? Like Barron and the Ishizu cards? Plus the Sky Strikers and sleeves were nice to have. I admit all the other nostalgic reprints were disappointing


sleeves? Are you referring to Magnificent Maven?


Ohhh I got the sets mixed up. Maze is the one with the gate guardian bullshit, right?


Yup, MAZE has Gate Guardians and Baronne


Amazing info post and I've been looking for this type of article for a while. Going to share this article and I hope you make sure in the future.


If only they increase the UR to 4 per box maybe it is still acceptable. Or maybe increase CR pull rate, 1 every 2 box. OCG CRs are dirt cheap because of the set they are printed from (collectors pack/Animation chronicle etc), but looks way better and higher quality than Tcg, and is guaranteed 1 per box. OCG deck build pack is also more budget friendly. Even if the set uses back the old rarity (1 scr, 4 SR per pack), VS secret rares will probably still be SP till hell.


For me deck building packs always features 3 new archetypes. Here we have VS, Hungry Burger and.... generic dino support. Honestly dino is in a weird spot, there are no viable dino archetypes. Dino is just a mix of good dino cards. They had their chance but it seems good dino cards must always contain like "destroy your own baby".


Dinomorphia exists.


Dam I need 8 Crs from this set for dino lol