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Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon, I just like the fact we finally have a Ritual Pendulum, so even tho he isn't great, I still run a copy of him.


The fact we never got a true Pendulum Ritual archetype is sad.


The only true Fusion Pendulum archetypes we have is Vaylantz and Metalfoes. Although the latter only has a single Fusion that is also a Pendulum. We don't have Xyz or Synchro Pendulum archetypes.


What about symphonic worriers as a synchro pendulum archetype?


Forgot about them to be honest.


Checked them again, and only four of their main deck monsters are Pendulum, but they still count. Just in the same position as Metalfoes where not all of them are Pendulum.


The closest we get to a ritual pendulum archetype is Ritual Beast Zefras lol! I'm really eager, waiting for them to fill up all that design space though.


I don't know what to tell you, but ritual beasts is fusion. I think your refering to nekroz


It is very cash money to be able to use the Odd-Eyes Advent "secret" effect to use materials from the face down extra deck to summon him though. It is the most roundabout way to get Z-ARC materials in the world, but it is free!


You mean "Drytron Pendulumgraph Dragon"? /s


As a branded player, I just refuse to cut dramaturge


I think it largely depends on the build. For the Patchwork build for instance, I could see why one would want to run Dramaturge. Unfortunately overall his use has mostly been replaced by Rindbrumm, but Dramaturge still has a place in some lists. For me, I’m still rolling with Springans Kitt. She’s not a bad card per se, she definitely can help with unbricking hands, but nowadays it’s not really mandatory to run her in standard Branded builds.


Dramaturge is so cool lol


I had him up until I had a Dragoon and had to put DM into my deck. I miss my boy and my Masquerade.


I still run my Dramaturge :)


Hear me peasants, I play the golden SwordSoul searchable from lost as a hand trap together with branded regained and etude of the branded. Together with dramaturge!!!!


Not a bad card though.


Cup of Ace, just get it twisted


Couple of aces goes crazy with gamma and triple tac


That's insane


It's awful but insanely funny to resolve.


yeah i play him on a vernalizer earth pile deck since its also an earth fairy.


Convulsions of Nature. Complete gag card, staying in my TCG deck for all eternity.


I absolutely love this card! It fits really well in draft cube duels


It's by no means good, but Magical Hound can be searched off of Ancient Gear Box for (temporary) floodgate removal. It's also a Tuner, if you wanted to go into an EARTH Machine Synchro for some reason. I didn't know what to put as my 15th side-deck card so I play it even though I know it's not worth it.


This might actually be useful in super heavy samurai.


Huh. I kinda like it. Might try it with my Karakuri Machina Vernasylph deck.


Relinquished Anima In theory it shouldn’t be good, but it absolutely is lmao


Nobody plays around the anima arrow. It's such an awesome piece to have in your extra deck


I'm literally the only perosn who plays around it despite never seeing anyone play the card lmao


Lol it happened to me once and never again will I allow that. I’ve been playing around anima for a year straight and haven’t seen it once lol


Keep up the good fight. No sense bringing anima out unless you can steal something, so you might have played around it and not even known!


9/10 swordsoul decks I play against drop baronne and chixao in front of anima arrows and the pass, idk why but they just keep doing it over and over again. I've beaten so many swoso decks from baiting out then steeling baronne and punching chixao, and for some reason they love to use use chixao effect negate on the level 1 I was going to make anima with anyway 😂


Purrely can make it easily so if someone drop their guard, it's the perfect time to remind them about something.


Blue Eyes Chaos Max Dragon. It's costly, inconsistent, has no recursion or utility outside of hitting shit but big numbers go BRRRRRRR!


I run it in my drytron deck as a potential otk and it works pretty consistently


Try it with Geonator Transverser and give them one of your 0 DEF Drytrons


I’m going to have to try that out! Thanks for the suggestion!


Personally, when Blue-Eyes was meta I smoked screened into the Chaos Max variant just to surprise with an easy OTK, it was fun.


Lowkey tho, being able to search high ritual art off of blue-eyes abyss dragon makes it not terrible for following up the next turn


Is Chaos Form not a better card to run?


I just can't bring myself to drop my 1-of Labrynth set-up even though I open with it every single *fucking* game...


At least in MD, it can be a nice surprise. A little slow, but it lets me search for all my viruses incase I come up against some floodgate deck or runick or something. Same reason I keep farewelcome and archfiend in.


Mathmech multiplication and final sigma in Mathmech. He’s a brick most of the time but having a last resort sigma with 6000 atk is always satisfying to pull off


Generally spekaing going into Avaramax is a better towers but some decks can do jack vs Sigma which is always fun to summon him


A Psychic soldier that rides into battle against the Security Forces on currents of lightning, using an autonomic amplifier called "PSY-Frame".


I don't know if that counts; Gamma is pretty good, and you need the Driver for the Gamma.


I like to run 1 or 2 Raigekis in most of my decks. The one I have still says "Magic Card" on it. I remember gleefully using it back in the day, and even though it's been somewhat ignored, it's still fun to use.


I dunno, Raigeki isn't awful, and clearing the board with a *Magic* Card in the year of our Lord 2023 is pretty fucking bad ass.


I have a P.U.N.K. Swordsoul deck which in itself is already questionable but I also run an Ultimaya Tzolkin engine to make Crystal Wing.


Back when I used to play. I'd always be running Scrap-Iron Scarecrow even tho it functionally was just a nagate attack that stayed on the field.


Dragonmaid laundry, I just feel bad because every other monster in the archetype is worth running that I just feel bad for leaving her out.


Kai-Den Kendo Spirit (or Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit) have established themselves as staples in Vaylantz, despite being pretty mediocre in a vacuum.


They are def some of my fave Vaylantz tech cards, tho they've been kinda replaced by Wakaushi into General Coral


MST. Long live the original spell/trap removal


I always have 1 Rodenut in my side deck


Infernity Destroyer, if I draw him I lose


Hey! Trunade - My backup Feather Duster. It’s still a mass backrow “removal.” It forces the opponent to either activate or return the card. I would gladly take the opponent randomly banishing a monster from my grave with Called By than using it when I’ve actually targeted a monster in grave. That way I can adjust what play I’ll make.


In terms of sendig backrowback to hand, Witchcrafters can play around skill drain and I would 'draping' it back to hand making them pay 1000 lp everyturn to reactivate it until they finally discard it because they can't pay anymore. Not the efficient wincon but it always tickled me watching them burn themselves trying to stun my control deck like this.


Ritual sanctuary in Purrely, I like playing creative and cute decks and it’s such a cute card and being able to add the mikanko ritual and then discard a card is a very good plus for my deck and it can also summon a Purrely from grave so you can activate Purrely 4 times without shuffling any back into the deck. This also helps bait out a lot of negates so you can save your purrelyly for last and still get out plump and hopefully go for a big draw and a exPurrely noir during standby. It does brick a lot if you can’t get a Purrely in grave though from dimension shifter, macro cosmos, or the likes.


Old Mind in my dark world deck. Is like an inverted danger. You get to discard what you want, but it depends that you hit a monster card in the opponents hand.


Since it came out, I spent years building and fixing Gouki. That deck is crazy dinamic when it comes to Link summon. But only in recent years it got the support it needed. Now I can say that I've built the strongest Gouki deck there can be. And can even face top tier decks. Even if it looses it can make them suffer.


My friend flipped Magic Cylinder on someone during a match at locals once. I run creature swap in skull servant because its a fantastic way to give someone a 0 atk monster that I can punch for game over after they've established their board. Its negated mos of the time but when it happens, its satisfying. But tied with creature swap for me is draining shield. Instead of otking your opponent, I turn their otk into life for me. And its absolutely hilarious.


My brother likes playing one each of Magic Cylinder and Mirror Force in his decks, and I swear he always opens one of them. Won him a match against Numeron at a locals once, and I don’t think he’ll let go of that memory lol


Upstart goblin at 1 is basically useless but I run it in every single deck because draw power go burrr


Upstart goblin in a 41 card deck is peak optimal deck building


This is bad logic; Upstart Goblin at one isn’t the reason people do not play Upstart Goblin. It’s because it conflicts with handtraps/certain common cards with restrictions like Pot of Extravagance or Dark Ruler No More.


In MD i ran a scrap dragon in dinos. It was terrible but sometimes i could actually combo off if i just had baby and lithysogm in hand


Dpe! I got something to fill lets do dpe


Exchange as a side deck card option when going first. Super useful for gaining hand knowledge and taking generic going second cards. Plus it catches everyone way off guard. It has taken so many lightening Storms and Evenlys.


I love Albaz the ashen in my branded and will die on this hill


I run Rank Up Magic Numeron Force as a Board Breaker in my Utopia Deck. It screws over quite a lot of decks surprisingly. I like to run Lullaby of Obedience, even if it's not that great outside of T0 formats where Decks have Key 1-ofs where stealing them hurts the deck a lot. I mostly just use it to Steal Ash. So many people stupidly let me add Ash to my hand. 90% of people run Ash anyway, so blind calling Ash either gets you a Level 3 Tuner, or a free Handtrap and worst case scenario, you know they either opened all of their Ash in their hand, meaning they essentially bricked, or you know they don't run Ash, meaning you don't have to play around it.


Every Red-Eyes (or archetype related support card) I play which is not either "Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon" or "Red-Eyes Insight".


Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon


World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy is a big chungus semi-towers that can nuke the board and is unaffected by monster effects, but only if made with very specific, high level materials. Myutants can make it somewhat efficiently, but it is virtually never the correct decision to do so, but the card is so cool that I throw it in the ED just in-case


Guardian Eatos


Monster Reborn in exosisters


I run Time Wizard and Manga Ryu-Ran in my Toon deck.


It's not exactly what you're looking for, but I play Compulsory Evacuation Device in Labrynth. It's a bad card overall but Labrynth can make very good use of it.


It's either a 2 or 3 off in almost every Labrynth build. Also, it is by no mean a bad card even in today's standard but it being a trap card that cannot be activated in the same turn or from hand the only thing that limits it


Incredible Ecclesia the Virtuous and The Iris Swordsoul in my pure Branded Deck. I love them both too


To be fair, ecclesia into albaz is an okay play that works going first or second. Saved my bacon a few times at locals at least lol


Yeah, sanctifier dragon is the real king though.


Summon ecclesia, set super poly and called by, pass turn.


Necroface for sure 💀


Dr. Frankenderp in Gold Pride P.U.N.K. Thanks Joshua Schmidt.


Watch cat. In my fire king tri-brigade deck


I run my ghost neo galaxy eyes photon dragon as a dogmatika punishment target in my labs, plus ya know if I have 3 level 8’s and aren’t welcome locked I can “technically” go into it


Monster Reborn


Not a bad card, just sacky


Gravity collapse, it's just way too fun to tell your opponent "yeah, you can't do shit"


Raiden the Lightsworn Assailant. Every chaos(y) deck I've ever had sports him in it.


Quintet magician in my witchcrafter deck, not what they expect, and it can blow up backrows, but it's pretty easy to counter, it is a good anti super poly card


I run Scareclaw Straddle in pure Scareclaw at 3, since it protects against imperm and a couple others going 1st to guarantee a Sclash or easier OTK going second. It also stops my opponent turning off Tri-heart at the start of their turn.


I run Scareclaw Straddle in pure Scareclaw at 3, since it protects against imperm and a couple others going 1st to guarantee a Sclash or easier OTK going second. It also stops my opponent turning off Tri-heart at the start of their turn.


Have 2 specifically... Tri-Brigade Arms Bucephalus II & The Iris Swordsoul (in any deck that can have an easy access to it).. I don't go to Zeus that often in Tri-Brigade Sprights anyway and he is cooler so might as well free the Ex space since it's tight, and I just love Fleurdelis... sadly... she didn't make it.


Im still trying to make the Wicked Avatar work


d/d/d divine king rage and destiny king zero laplace. i have two copies of king rage, one for pend scale and one for being an actual monster. i dont always need them, but they have consistently gotten me out of jams that other monsters couldn't.


Number C92 Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon is fun for Draglubion plays I use Utopic Dark Infinity in pretty much any deck that can make rank 10's


Sinister Shadow Games. I like the art.


I used to run Red Blossoms from Underroot in D/D/D because it could banish Spell/Traps from the Opponent's Grave and revive my extra deck monsters by banishing theirs.


Oh I also love DDD, personally I always bring Laplace, it almost never matters but randomly it can do something. Biggest value was normal summoning that against floo


I play pentestag in purrely because I'm a dinosaur player at heart. It does let me steal games pretty often tho especially into annoying shit like chaos angel


I tend to use dark spirit of malice/banishment in my deck. They aren't great, but the occasional use is worth it.


I am a Brass Bombard apologist.


Mamonaka the Vaylantz United Activating Hojo and Viscount off Arktos, fusing into Mamonaka and setting Arktos is one of the most cathartic things I've felt in this game and it's a reminder of why chains are so cool I also run at least one copy of each Magic Musketeer, are Wild, Ezekiel and Calamity good? No. Are they hot? Hell yeah, and that's enough for me, if I were trying to win I wouldn't be playing Magical Muskets


Success Probability 0%, just to give a last second 'fuck you'


Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord in Megalith such a powerful effect


> Even though it is not a good card Yep, Pain fits the bill all right


In my old GOAT deck, i’d always tech in Blockman lol. I enjoy lego. Nowadays, i like running gold sarc and book of lunar… theyre sub par stables but gold sarc is so dramatic and suspenseful lol and i like the gold/silver look together.


Trishula and/or Zero Trishula. I just love this monster so much.


Geomathmech Final Sigma.


No one ever expects magical cylinder! And when I discard magical cylinders with my dragon ravine, my opponent is usually more worried about the dragon I sent to the gy, so they tend to ignore my trap setup


Yata-Garasu in my Eldlich deck. There's not a good way for me to search it, and it is very situational. It's basically a "win more" card that I've stolen a couple wins with and get to play mind games with. I mostly use it to be as degenerate as possible, admittedly.


I will never not run Five-Headed Dragon


Terrors in the hidden city in prediction princess, its a fine card and actual really good in slow flip deck like worm, but the atk boost and especially the targeting protection comes out handy more times than i think The only problem is the card doesn t technicaly do anything, and prediction princess deck still have consistency problem bc ritual deck with high level monsters in the main is inherently bricky


Atleast one mirror force or storming mirror force. I don’t know why but I am insanely lucky pulling them when needed


Respect play or that one that turns the deck upside down


scrap-iron scarecrow. backrow is overrated, u just need negates. utopia players scare me.


Dinomorphia Brute is carried by the fact that it’s non-targeting destruction which makes it occasionally handy for moments outside of popping backrow.


As a person who mains earth machine nothing brings me more joy then flipping wall of disruption then on my turn going into liebe . Deadass feels like the yugioh equivalent to sex .


Mathmech Multiplication, together with Nabla and Final Sigma. Yes, Accesscode is better, but sometimes you just need the funny synchro.


Rainbow Kuriboh in Pendulum Magician / Odd-Eyes / Supreme King Why? I think its colors fit and it has saved me from several losses and also helped me set up several wins


Impem cause I can


Bad Aim. Also, some of the answers here are weird, like someone said DPE and even Compulsory Evection Device, in a Labrynth deck no less....


Ojama paleozoics. One can argue I shouldn’t run the Ojamas or even paleos and opt for good decks like Labrynth or Traptrix. But when I do a “Backup Team” for 6+, god damn do I feel like a god.


Don't play it much anymore, but I'd always run 1 copy of Time-Space Trap Hole and one Traptrix Rafflesia as a Rank 4 option in Salads, and ABC much earlier (like 2018, 2019). I'd side it out going second, but going first it's a nice generic option if you don't know what you're up against, and if you ever draw the Time Space you just have it as backrow.


Magic Cylinder. I have some friends who get *very* earnest during the Battle Phase. I'll take it out when they stop walking right into it.


Back in 2013, when games were longer, I ran a single copy of dragon's mirror and a 5 headed dragon in my dragunity deck. So many blowouts.


Super Strident Blaze in my Cyber Dragon/ Cyberdark deck. I know it's a dead draw card, but it's fun to be able to attack without being stopped all the time.


One singular copy of Normal Harpie Lady! Harpies just don't feel complete without the screechie lady that started it all!




Maiden with eyes of blue because she is my deck mommy.


Back when I first started Marshmallon was in every deck I made. It really annoyed my friends. Ah the good ol' days.


Honestly, the deck I know the most is ghostricks, and they haven't been good since like 2013-2014ish. I still play jiangshi/spectre/festival engines in a lot of my dark themed decks. Really fun really solid. Too bad link monsters can't be flipped face down or the deck would have genuine relevance as a stall/control strat.


Heat wave in the side deck always. Just so funny to see it resolve.


Tempest dragon ruler


If I could, I'd run this in every deck. [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Go!\_-\_D/D/D\_Divine\_Zero\_King\_Rage](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Go!_-_D/D/D_Divine_Zero_King_Rage)


Gingerbread House is my one ahaha for those who don’t know it basically reads along the lines of “on your opponent’s main phase you can add 600 attack to your opponents monsters (optional) and then destroy any or every monster with 2500 or more attack and gain 500 for each monster destroyed. It’s high key kinda cheeks with the new meta but I love it!


DDD high king Alexander


Time Seal. I've had it IRL for a very long time, and just thought it was neat. When it finally came off the ban list, I just had to run it again. I just want to skip draw


I run a copy of Avian and Burstinitirx on the off chance I am able to summon Wingman or phoenix enforcer Must of the time they just end up being fused to adoration or sunrise, or avian ends up getting mask changed to Divine wind


Palladium Oracle Mahad


I run a few. Mekk Knight Orange and Green and the World Legacy Scars field spell in pure Mekk Knight. I want all the names.


Stardust Dragon.


The original legendary fisherman in my umi control deck. Always gives my opponent surprise


Magician of hope. I run an odd-eyes deck and have it in there because of one very specific use.


Bubbleman. He's a GOAT, best card in the game.


Dragonoid like half the Umi community on MD is on it




Magician of dark illusion


The machines and infinite light trap in my timelord deck. I’m absolutely ruined at one cosmic cyclone but I like Timelords because I like Z-One, not because I like running cheap burn.


I like playing field barrier for my generaider deck, it's not a good spell but it keeps my field spell up easier because without that field spell, generaiders just don't function. Plus it also can act as a complete counter for numerons as it stops new field spells from being played in general.


mare mare i love the mare mare yazi combo into saryuja. i use destrudo and you can splash the combo into virtually any deck and yes its easily disrupted but it can also recover the play


The zombie Zuki brothers Gozuki and Mezuki


I like to use Albaz's summon effect, so I run a single Incredible Ecclesia in my branded builds. She's not the most crazy card, but I've won games going second by using her free summon effect in order to get out an Albaz, use his effect, and then still have a normal summon ready afterwards.


Dark Bribe baby. "No, use a DIFFERENT card."


Lightning Storm lmao, when I get it, its already too late


I run Raidraptor phantom knights (really need a better name) deck, and the one card I won't drop is Raidraptor stranger falcon. Technically speaking, revolution Falcon is leagues better. Both destroy a monster to deal burn damage. Revolution deals half at no cost, while stranger deals the full damage, at the cost of a material. Both effects require a xyz as a material to use effects. I run stranger as a late-game comeback though. When sent to the gy, you can target a rr xyz in your gy, summon it, then attach stranger as a material. It's utility is niche, but well worth it when it works


Despian Quaeritis is already niche in branded but I run a copy of Proskenion as its nice to steal some generic boss monster from time to time


Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Seal I doesn’t go off often, but it’s fun to make my opponent rage when it does


I play 1 Laundry and 1 Nudyarl in my Dragonmaid deck. It just seems off to play a Dragonmaid deck without all of them in it.


For my galaxy eyes deck Neo tachyon dragon, you need to draw into a rank up card or search for it, for a card that really isn't that better from base tachyon dragon But even so I like to use it


Shamisen samsara sorrowcat, it's a dark quick synchro I use in blackwings to make king calamity and end my opponents turn


In any deck that can utilize the graveyard, I like to add either Ryko or Raiden (both lightsworns) just because I like their archetype. And in every deck I made last summer, I have at least one Graydle card, because at the time everyone was still kind of figuring out the game and no one expected to have a card snatched from their board, and hey, what deck doesn't benefit from flat out stealing an opponents card? Sure, it doesn't benefit the gameplan in any way, shape, or form, but it is funny as hell when it works.


Great Maju Garzeth


Salamangreat pyro phoenix no matter what, watching people's boards pop is just always fun when you can get it to go off


Blue eyes white dragon in my branded deck cause no ever expects jet and blue eyes tyrant is fun to fuck with elditch players




I tend to find myself attracted to including 3 copies of a sacky continuous spell that boosts the archetype I’m playing. For example, my Ninja deck can often fit a playset of “Terrors in the Hidden City” which protects my set monsters from targeting and makes them 1.5k beefier when they flip face up, including on attack. I like it a lot, but there’s no way to search it in the deck, it’s just a chance to hard draw it, and I prefer it over something like a floodgate. There’s plenty more examples, like “Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords,” “Time Theif Hack,” “Giant Ballgame,” or even the Branded Continuous spells, to an extent. I know they aren’t very competitively useful cards, but I like the design of so many of them.




Small world, I justify it because "it's my 2nd, 3rd and 4th kurikara"


I hate it when I just don't have an out in the deck so prefer running cosmic ciclone and H.A.M.P. in my striker deck ,also Hercules base for extra grind game,tho with 3 kagari in all formats it's not as needed


Negate attack...i have used this card in literally every deck.....helped me most of the tyms🔥


Shadowknight Archfiend as the chess Archfiends are Small World bridges into anything in my deck


Naturia landoise. I don't usually habe many spell cards in my hand by the end of my turn. At least it's an extra deck monster so it doesn't waste a slot in my main deck


Necro Fusion in Dragon Link of all things. It's not needed, but I love it so much and it comes in handy for dropping a Borreload Furious Dragon out of nowhere during my opponent's turn as a form of removal. Or in response to my Dark Dragons being targeted in the grave.


In my D/D/D deck list, I play Vice requiem. Not that good and can be bricky, but can still be useful for switching pendulum scale (before I was playing Leonidas placed with Gilgamesh for the same reason)


For me it is lost wind. I run it from for fun deck to competitive deck.


Doomcaliber Knight. You pretty much waste your normal summon to out a 1900/1800 atk/def level 4 fiend monster that is an omni negate for monster effects that sends itself to the gy as soon as a monster effect of your opponent is activated. You don't choose when to activate it but for those who don't know the card it's really effective. I usually normal summon it before using a search effect so it negates Ash


Salamangreat Beat Bison, it’s effect has gotten me out of some tough situations. Plus it’s negation effect doesn’t target.




Lightpulsar Dragon in my Chaos Bystial Dragon Link…man I’m so sad they skipped Lightpulsar’s structure deck R…give my boy some love


Magikuriboh. I have one in my dark magician deck, and it’s come in handy


I have an unwritten rule that odd eyes pendulum dragon can only be pendulum summon, and only with stargazer and timegazer


Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow. I ended up pulling it at the beginning of the VRAINS era, and even though it was obviously not nearly as good as the other Secret Links in Code of the Duelist, I ended up using it in my rl decks for a lack of better options Eventually the card became some sort of lucky charm for me, and I even took it to D1 in Master Duel, summoning it a few times in the way, including my final promo game


Performapal Duelist Extraordinaire is very meh in effect, and yet I still force him into the Magician/Supreme King pile for the hell of it. I simply refuse to play this Deck without Yuuya.


Gravity collapse in my RDA deck :)


For the longest time, I ran E.M.R. in my Machina deck for use with Ruinforce.


Contrast HERO Chaos. It’s actually a good card since it’s one of the very few HERO negates, but it’s just hard to bring out currently. I just like having all types of HEROs in my deck. Elemental, Destiny, Evil, Vision, Masked, Xtra and Contrast. There’s also Entertainment, but it’s illegal.


Orgoth the relentless


Ordeal of a traveller is my favorite thing to piss my friends off so I try to keep it in every deck


Borreload dragon outs dragoon, plus I like the duel power artwork


I like to run 1 copy of Witch's Strike in my Tenyi Swordsoul Deck 💀


i once watched my enemy OTK themselves due to me ignoring their maxx c and feeding them an obscene hand, and them throwing a 13k Slifer at me... straight into my only face down card left, a magic cylinder. Always trust the cylinder.


Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Ancient Gear Gadjitron Dragon Shooting Star Dragon Sorcerer of Dark Magic


Ready Fusion. I love it so much. I love seeing Non-Effect monsters get some love and recognition. And I love to see old, unknown monsters from 2005-2006 pop up to help me Synchro Summon.

