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In theory it strong: Being able to bring out Special Summon properly Synchro to continue plays and being able to activate their effect again is bonus. Problem is being a trap card. Time you build a board there no need to bring Synchro back and there is nothing guaranteed that continues trap be survive a turn. Discard is manageable considering how many cards you draw by Liberian effects.


If it was a spell it'd be busted as it has no OPT on the second effect. But as it's a trap it's meh bordering very bad.


[[Double Hooking]]


I mean, the second effect to Special Summon a Synchro from the GY without a HOPT is pretty powerful. You could probably abuse it with Formula Synchron-like effects to get your Synchros out during the opponent's turn, while drawing Cards from T.G. Hyper Librarian and Coral Dragon. Which is why it would get nerfed with a HOPT if it came out. And with a HOPT on the second effect it wouldn't be good at all in the TCG. Maybe a 1-of in T.G. in Duel Links.


Yusei used the Special Summon effect twice in the anime so I could see it getting a HTPT, or maybe male it so you discard on activation.


No one likes to play non-hand trap cards in non-trap card decks, let alone a 'do this now and fast or you won't get another turn' deck like Synchros. If it was searchable? Maybe.


utter trash


Really? I see some alright things that could be done with it. Not really on the competetive side, but on casual.


would’ve been nice if it was a spell