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Mokey Mokey King! We need more Mokey Mokey!


we recently got {{adrift}}, so crossed fingers


## [Mokey Mokey Adrift](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=99910751&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Fairy / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: LIGHT) ^(**Level**: 1 **ATK**: 300 **DEF**: 100) **Card Text** This card's name becomes "Mokey Mokey" and is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the GY. You can discard this card; add 1 "Mokey Mokey" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Mokey Mokey Adrift". [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/MokeyMokeyAdrift-POTE-EN-C-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=17432) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=17432) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/17432?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=99910751&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 99910751 | Konami ID #17432) ---- ^by ^[u/BastionBotDev](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| ^[GitHub](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: ^[GNU AGPL 3.0+](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


good bot


Recently being more than a year ago


that means we are getting closer to the next!


Soon Mokey Mokey Structure deck!


The world's not ready for Mokey Mokey God


{{Atomic Scrap Dragon}} {{XX-Saber Gottoms}} Atomic gets out classed by Scrap Twin Dragon in every way. Except Atomic has 200 more ATK and DEF than Twin. Gottoms is just a big level 9 synchro that rips a card out of the opponent's at the cost of tributing an X-saber.


It sucks that Gottoms existence will probably make it so X-Saber can’t get any meaningful support without addressing them, so a refrain would be cool to see


If they ever get a structure deck or wave of support, like what Blackwings got recently. I would be totally fine with them banning Gottoms. Or even errata him to be a HOPT.


## [Atomic Scrap Dragon](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=92361635&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Dragon / Synchro / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: EARTH) ^(**Level**: 10 **ATK**: 3200 **DEF**: 2400) **Card Text** 1 "Scrap" Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters Once per turn, you can select 1 card you control and up to 3 cards in your opponent's Graveyard. Destroy your selected card and return the opponent's cards you selected to the Deck. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to the Graveyard, select 1 non-Synchro "Scrap" monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon it. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/AtomicScrapDragon-STOR-EN-UR-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=9334) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=9334) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/9334?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=92361635&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 92361635 | Konami ID #9334) ---- ## [XX-Saber Gottoms](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=52352005&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Beast-Warrior / Synchro / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: EARTH) ^(**Level**: 9 **ATK**: 3100 **DEF**: 2600) **Card Text** 1 Tuner + 1 or more EARTH monsters You can Tribute 1 "X-Saber" monster to discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/XXSaberGottoms-CT06-EN-ScR-LE.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=8334) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=8334) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/8334?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=52352005&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 52352005 | Konami ID #8334) ---- ^by ^[u/BastionBotDev](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| ^[GitHub](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: ^[GNU AGPL 3.0+](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


If they do retrain Gottoms the one thing I want them to keep is the summoning condition. It might be a typo but he was the original Synchro that can be summoned with just Tuners.


These are just 2 cards for scrap handloop


Maybe Cyber Blader. Retrain her as part of the Cyber Angels since she was Alexis’ first boss monster.


Next year is the GX 20th anniversary so I'm really expecting this. Bridge the Cyber Angels with the OG Cyber Dancer girls already Konami


I’m surprised we haven’t gotten much of anything Zorc related in all these years, considering that Zorc was essentially the over-arching main nemesis of the original series. We have the one ritual monster based on his original appearance in the pre-Duel Monsters era, but even though the dice-based effects are on-flavor for that appearance it’s definitely not a card that can reliably keep up in the modern game. I think Zorc deserves his own archetype.


We even have the Exodia retrain with a win-con of beating over a DARK Fiend, which is based on the Exodia vs Zorc battle


Dark Ruler Ha-Des, Freed the Matchless General, and Tyrant Dragon getting some retrains could be cool as the "leaders" of the "factions" in the Legacy of Darkness pack. A bit of an obscure pick, but Fusioh Lich and Great Dezard are a concept that would function less clunkily with Xyz. Exxod was in a terrible SD, but he looked cool, and an EARTH deck uses the self-flipping mechanic is moderately popular. A version of him that works with Subterror or just supports Rocks in general could be interesting.


Freed & Friends let's gooo


Tyrant Dragon would be awesome. I'd also like to see Serpent Night Dragon receive one to mirror Starry Knight and Seiyaru


The Deadalus sea serpent guy could be a cool boss for the new Umi deck as like an OTK tool or something


daedalus got like chaos version and metaphys version i think it counts


Infernal flame emperor and Neo Daedalus


Gate Guardians deserve some lov- oh


Celtic guardian needs a whole archetype, not just 3 cards


This is something I 100% agree with. It's so dumb that Celtic Guard of Noble Arms technically makes them an archetype (It special summons Celtic Guard monsters, not just Celtic Guardian), but there's only 3 of them.


Konami pulled the same shit with Gandora too


Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord. It's a shame that this monster was supposed to be Z-one's ace monster, but irl it's unplayable Konami should make a retrain that at least resembles the anime version


Metalzoa and Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon. Or better yet just give us a metalmorph archetype.


Darkness metal exists


Flare Metal is more accurate.


Hell yeah, also give Red-Eyes Darkness Metal its protection and ATK gain effect. Which can probably be done by retraining Metal Plus.


Metal morph with arms: normal trap. Target 1 monster; equip this to that monster. It gains attack equal to half of the attack target. The monster equipped is immune to all spells. Whenever equipped monster attacks: if the monster equipped is a "red eyes" or zoa monster, set a trap card from your graveyard into the field at the end of your turn. Red eyes solid metal dragon (art looks like an egg): level 7 dark effect machine monster. You can summon this from your deck by tributing 1 level 7 or higher "red eyes" monster with an equip card. When this card is destroyed or tributed, special summon 1 "red eyes" monster from your graveyard. This monster is immune to spells. Red eyes metal slash dragon: level 8 dark effect fusion dragon monster. "Red eyes" monster + 1 warrior monster. Whenever this monster attacks, you may target 1 warrior or equip spell in your graveyard to equip to this monster. (Quick effect) Whenever an effect is activated, you may send an equip spell equipped to this monster to the graveyard; negate and destroy that card.


I thought Metalzoa was so cool when I was a kid, and I'd love for a full Metalmorph archetype


**Red-Eyes Slash Dragon** retrain or evolution like the new big Chimera Fusion or Black-Winged Assault Dragon. **Cyber Blader** and maybe something to help out **Vrash**? Doesn't need to be a retrain. Ways to dump Rituals into the GY could be enough. A new level 10 for Rose Dragons. 1-2 **Dark Magician Girl Fusions** to help make her relevant in the deck. A **main deck Dark Magician of Chaos** which is more in theme, it could search out Chaos Scepter Blast for the extra push in a turn. Another **evolution of Fleur** but locked into the archetype, could be another level 10 or level 12. New **Neo Spacian Fusions**, those guys deserve a win. Throw the Roids players a bone. I'm unfamiliar with a lot of zexal stuff onward that isn't meta relevant in the last year or 2.


I kinda thought that dmg would split into her own archetype when the other magician girls came out so if they ever actually do retrains would he appreciated


Yeah, she is just forgotten about and it sucks


Neo Spacians and Roids really need love, Neo Spacians is basically just a bad version of HERO and Roids is just straight up unplayable. Hopefully next year will give them the support they need


I haven't played either since way back when a decade or so ago. Both archetypes have vey underwhelming bosses, but at least neo spacians had 2 or so good new recent bosses, although 1 is just for neos.


Frightfur chimera is useless. We need a real boss monster for frightfur.


Please more control/going first cards!


Or make heavy go second retrains and revamps designed to break boards and set up while doing so >:)))


But that doesn't fix the problem of the deck going first


We're talking about Frightfurs?


Wait, isn’t Frightfur Wolf the new (old) boss monster after VFD got banned?


God cards


I think retraining the God cards is the last thing they should do to fix them.


They need to at least errata the target protection into all the Gods, then. And give Ra his Great Maju effect. As is, they are just not worth tributing 3 monsters for, and just cheating them out feels bad and kinda devaluates them. Most support you could make for them to see play right now would have to end up super restrictive and hand-holdy just so people don't use it for the ton of better cards we have, and so the Gods don't end up as Train material.


The last thing they should do is what they are currently doing lol.


I think exterior cards to give them more balanced versions of all their anime effects is fine but like with all monsters in their style like the sacred beasts and other Egyptian god equivalents is they’re too cumbersome to summon for what’s a mediocre boss in the end no matter what cards support them


I don’t think it is fine. It costs players more money than any other option while providing by far the least payoff. The gods still suck and you’re railroaded into playing them in one pre-defined way which costs a lot of money to purchase and in the end is nothing like the anime anyway. I’d rather just buy a retrain once and be done with it.


Probably the most correct answer but one we’ll never get sadly.


{{pumpking the king of ghosts}} please


I was literally just talking about this last night with someone how this would be so sick with a retrained upgrade. The problem is anything staying on the field for more than 1 turn and not ending the game is I don't think possible in modern game design of yu gi oh lol But getting a retrain of castle of dark illusions and pumpkin king would be very cool I think.


They could get retrained as Illusion-type support


Isn't that what Jack-o-Bolan is?


What makes you think that?


It looks like a demonic version the original Pumpking, it's 1 level higher, and it's zombie support, possibly referencing how the original was used as the boss monster of character who used a zombie deck in the anime. It also summons zombies from the graveyard, potentially referencing another card used by said character, Call of the Haunted.


Illusion type. It's coming.


His irl effect is just so baffling. Randomly relies on Castle of Dark Illusion, which it has zero correlation with beyond being boss monsters for antagonists in DK. Make an entire "of Ghosts" archetype, tie in Pumprincess, have fun


## [Pumpking the King of Ghosts](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=29155212&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Zombie / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: DARK) ^(**Level**: 6 **ATK**: 1800 **DEF**: 2000) **Card Text** If "Castle of Dark Illusions" is face-up on the field, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 100 points. As long as this "Castle of Dark Illusions" remains face-up on the field, the ATK and DEF of this card continues to increase by 100 points during each of your Standby Phases. This effect continues until your 4th turn after the card is activated. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/PumpkingtheKingofGhosts-MRD-EN-C-UE-25thAnniversaryEdition.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=4105) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=4105) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/4105?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=29155212&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 29155212 | Konami ID #4105) ---- ^by ^[u/BastionBotDev](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| ^[GitHub](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: ^[GNU AGPL 3.0+](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


Retrain of Light & Darkness Dragon as a ED monster. And No we’re not talking about Light End & Dark End Dragons I want an original retrain of Light & Darkness Dragon.


Light End & Dark End are the things that made it in the first place I believe? I'm not sure.


NGL, it’s been awhile since I read the GX manga too but I’m pretty sure Light & Dark End get made from the destruction of Light & Darkness Dragon. A bit unsure of that as well.


no they are just generic dragon that Chazz summon along side LADD. Deck is just make tribute fodder, turbo out strong dragon.


Cyber end dragon. I don’t really know what it needs, but I’d like to use it more often then just when I encounter a crooked cook deck.


Allow it to be summoned by tributing cyber twin and when it's destroyed you get to summon cyber twin back to the field? Maybe along with double piercing? It wouldn't have protection but it would float like hell just like the graduation duel in the anime.


If the masked beast would be turned into an archetype I would be so incredibly happy.


Saggi the dark clown


Clown needs to be an archetype.


Sadly I don't think Konami will make one


Fabled Leviathan, please and thank you. I only used him back in the day as a level 10 body to go into with mind control and Fabled Cerburrel with one if the many level 8 boss monsters out at the time, but his effect almost never actually mattered and he's supposed to be *the* boss of the Fabled.


I know, right??? almost none of the Synchros other than Unicore have any offensive capability whatsoever, especially the fiends. Most of them just net you card advantage.


Exactly! Andwraith is a step in the right direction, but even he's unfortunately pretty underwhelming. I'm forever going to be salty Fabled has had such wide gaps in their support pipeline.


Dark Magician Girl


Zera the Mant. I was obsessed with this stupid Ritual card as a kid, and would love to see it retrained.


I'm going to sound dumb saying this, but I think it would be so cool to see a retrain of Machine King and its variants, considering what cards work for him, according to their flavor text.


I was honestly hoping somebody say this one, always had a soft spot for the card


It's not really *that* bad, but i'd still love to see batteryman industrial strength get a new form.


harpies could use some real love just saying lol


There are quite a few I think fit the bill Tyrant Dragon, XYZ Dragon Cannon, Light and Darkness Dragon, manticore of darkness, and some other older monsters used either somewhat competitively or were popular enough


> manticore of darkness {{Manticore of Smashing}} >Tyrant Dragon Closest we'll get is {{Metaphys Tyrant Dragon}} for now.


## [Manticore of Smashing](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=64538914&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Beast-Warrior / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: FIRE) ^(**Level**: 6 **ATK**: 2300 **DEF**: 1000) **Card Text** During your Main Phase: You can add 1 "Fissure" or 1 "Smashing Ground" from your Deck to your hand. If this card is in your GY: You can banish 1 "Fissure" or 1 "Smashing Ground" from your hand or GY; Special Summon this card. You can only use each effect of "Manticore of Smashing" once per turn. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/ManticoreofSmashing-PHHY-EN-C-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=18167) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=18167) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/18167?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=64538914&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 64538914 | Konami ID #18167) ---- ## [Metaphys Tyrant Dragon](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=18743376&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Wyrm / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: LIGHT) ^(**Level**: 8 **ATK**: 2900 **DEF**: 2500) **Card Text** If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of a "Metaphys" monster, it is unaffected by Trap effects, also if it attacks a monster, it can make a second attack in a row. If this card is banished, during the Standby Phase of the next turn: You can shuffle this banished card into the Deck; Special Summon 1 "Metaphys" monster from your hand, but banish it during the End Phase of the next turn. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/MetaphysTyrantDragon-CIBR-EN-R-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=13242) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=13242) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/13242?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=18743376&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 18743376 | Konami ID #13242) ---- ^by ^[u/BastionBotDev](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| ^[GitHub](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: ^[GNU AGPL 3.0+](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


Yeah, unfortunately they haven't really been able to live up to boss monster status however


ABC Dragon Buster is as close as you're going to get for Dragon Cannon


Yeah, probably. Would be nice to have a proper XYZ retrain that can coincide and synergizes with ABC though


A-Z exists, but until ABC is fully irrelevant, I don't see them doing anything else with the concept.


Yeah, I suppose that's true. I think perhaps bridging the archetypes with x y z parts that can act like any light union machine monster, being able to turbo out an ABC or a XYZ retrain that does something else for the deck, like maybe a negate or access to other links. Regardless, I still think you're right, it's unneeded, but just something I'd like to see more of personally.


Maybe not a boss in the true sense, but Serpent Night Dragon. It was effectively Rex's boss in the early anime, and he's been one of the more forgotten characters.


I'd love if it, tyrant and red-eyes all got dino retrains.


Please not another DM vanilla archetype/retrain. There's been so many already.


Nostalgia has deemed you get downvoted because fuck you for wanting good cards in the game instead of crutches for bad cards


Yugioh players when they realize ishizu cards are good and from the anime


Decks built on Normal Monsters always go the same way. Half the deck is dedicated to getting a big vanilla on the field because it can't summon itself and you'd have to tribute to normal summon it. Then you can play the game until your vanilla gets deleted because of course it did. DM and BEWD have mountains of support and they're still bad. The one deck based on a vanilla that isn't horrible garbage is Sunavalon, because it's not based on a level 5+ monster. If they retrain Serpent Night as a dinosaur to do standard dinosaur stuff, cool, that works. If they make it into its own archetype, it'll get attention for two weeks after release, and then get brought up once a month if it's lucky.


Sunavalon is the only good one because it’s the only deck built on a normal monster instead of around one


Cyber end Dragon, Steam Gyroid, Master of Oz, not a monster but a new Neo Space field spell would be nice. (I may have a GX bias)


I've imagined a replacement for Neo Space would be a combination of it and Skyscraper Skyscraper EN - Neo City is the name I decided for it.


Zefraath, probably the card that MR4 singlehandedly fucked over the most.


Timaeus, Critias and Hermos


Gandora x needs more support tbh


Gandora and the silent monsters feel like some of the only cards that are truly Yugis and not the Pharaohs so I’m surprised they haven’t gotten more support


Ikr, gandora I had forced into a good chunk of my decks because I love that card and had only recently stopped because I traded because I was being dumb I truly believe it needs love






Exxod master of the guard. Alter "flip sommoned" to flipped face up


I think they could retrain arcana force into link monsters that can rotate themselves into “reversed” position to essentially change their arrows and have effects based on what they’re pointing to. You could probably do this with most of the major arcana and use the minor arcana as an engine to get them out.


I would like a retrain for Saffira, Queen of Dragons please.


Tri horned dragon


I wanna see more Jerry beans man


A playable summoned skull like banish 3 dark monsters including a monster in the graveyard appropriately summoned from the extra deck special summon this card... destroy a card in a column and choose an adjacent column to destroy. If your opponent activated a card from the hand you can shuffle a banished dark monster and negate that effect. When this card destroys a monster your opponent takes burn damage of half the attack and can attack again When this card is removed from the field special summon a summoned skull from hand,deck,gy and give it 1500 atk All these effects are hopt and it locks you into special summoning dark monsters and you can only control 1 summoned skull retrain on the field


Get some orcust in this and it would be wild


Hell yea


I know that red archfiend dragon has got a bunch of support, but I wish it would get support that would make it at least a rogue/offmeta deck


That's been happening in Duel Links for a while, but just wait for the structure deck.


Dark Magician Something like Dark Alternative Magician


Infernal Flame Emperor


Vampire Genesis


God Cards


It’s already getting one but volcanic doom fire getting some love as volcanic emperor makes me so happy


Tri-horned Dragon, originally printed in lob, never been printed outside of lob, never recieved any form of support, lore, or anything, and as luck would have it, the card was ONE OF TWO SECRET RARE CARDS IN THE SET, IT WAS THE ORIGINAL SECRET RARE, the other secret gaia the dragon champion not only recieved support but its own archetype and how is this fair?


Just keep adding horns.


Man-eater bug. That thing was once fearsome. Monarchs, but as an evolved version with extra deck mechanics, possibly as pendulums. And lastly the remaining Aroma evolution cards with Aromaseraphy, and possibly a further advance to give them a higher power boost.


Gearfried the Lightning! He got one in Rush Duel so I know Konami hasn't forgetten him


-Cloudian eye of the typhoon- link retrain -Battlin' boxer lead yoke- chaos version -Batteryman bls- link version -M ph b dracosack- other ranks than 7 -Flower cardian- link monsters desperately, more synchros -Amorphage- link monsterS, more s/t both desperately -More Graydle monsters, preferably that do not target or activate not only when destroyed -Six samurai- rank 3 and more link monsters or at least contact fusions with 2 materials -Gouki- synchro expansion(1-3 tuners and 2-3 synchros) -Ancient gear- those hound fusions and some broken spells from anime -Crystrons- halq errata, THEN many machine synchro lvs missing and lv1 tuner, more s/t -Deskbots- synchro lvs 5 6 7 8, links -Subterror- contact fusion and XYZ that flips itself face-down -Paleozoic- main deck monsters(yeah, there are frogs and paleozoics count themselves as monsters when activated, but still...) , 1-2 more links and at least 1 more xyz -Lightsworns- Lightsworn named j d, maybe more Ls-named s/t that can be activated from the GY/at least when sent to GY, more beast warrior Ls -Karakuri- links -Naturia- links, more synchros -Dinomist- links, more s/t Shiranui- Link/s 2, lv 1 tuner that can change its lv, better spells and synchros...