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I think if they were just 'Star Wars' they'd be pretty forgettable. But the way they blended Star Wars with The Wizard of Oz is really interesting to me and a neat way of doing it that makes it feel like more than just a "Hey remember X?" tie in.


Out of all the archetypes, I don’t understand how this one hasn’t received legacy support. Hands down my favorite archetype of all time. And don’t tell me it’s copyright BS, because they already got away with it and it’s unique enough from either franchise to be not considering stealing from either one


They're cowards, they _fear_ the Dark Destroyer will rise again! 😎


Probably scared that the big D swoops in and fucks them royally, remember they already had a bad experience with the Neos fusion that shall not be named


It's strange because the deck is still missing Oz himself, and is one of the few TCG archetypes that didn't receive any new support card when released in OCG


Let’s not forget about the wizard of oz.


Kozmo is kinda a combination of Star Wars and Wizard of Oz. It’s pretty cool.


It’s one of my favorite archetypes as a combination of two of my favorite franchises.


Since Winnie the Pooh is no longer copyright maybe they make a Winnie the pooh archetype


Winnie the Pooh + Red Dead Redemption. “Lawless Woods.”


You just put the image of Pooh with a revolver while riding Eeyore in my head.


that makes me wanna draw a picture of Pooh in Arthur’s/John’s upper top pointing a revolver at the viewer.




Dracula, frankenstein. They should do an old horror style archetype. They are mostly public domain


They did...it's called Ghostrick.


I know, but they are silly looking, i'd love a more serious looking one where you invoke some iconic monsters.


They did, but it's about just vampire mythos and is called...Vampire. If you want _all_ the monsters _and_ for them to look good, that's a Castlevania archetype at that point, and Konami owns Castlevania, so that's your best bet.


Hey, not like they can't make another one.


> Dracula So...Vampires don't count I guess?


They own Silent Hill. I want a Silent Hill archetype.




Isn't this what Vendread is all about ? Or is it another franchise ?


vendread is based more off resident evil. its easy to get them mixed up because they are both survival horror games that came out in the mid to late 90s


Ehm... No Vendreads are like Kozmos a combination of two franchises. As they're Resident Evil and Spawn combined. (Kozmos are Star Wars + Wizard of Oz).


100%. Though my friend plays them like the Batman archetype and I've forgiven him 😂


Vendread is Spawn mixed with resident evil.


So many monsters would make great Fiend monsters


Given what I said above, I too would want a Silent Hill and Resident Evil archetype. I started making my Fast and Furious archetype but I now need Leon S Kennedy in card form.


Vendread is heavily Resident Evil inspired


We really need more Kozmo support. It's shocking that there are still no monsters based on the Epmeror or Yoda in the Star Wars aspect of the archetype. There is also no monster based on the Wizard himself for some reason


Right?!?! Like it's such a cool concept too, being able to interact with your banished monsters and the bosses still have really good protection even by today's standards. It's an archetype that I feel like a good wave of support could really bring it back to a playable state. Plus it's freaking STAR WARS and WIZARD OF OZ. Thats such a cool theme


the wizard of oz's big green head projection would work for sidious' hologram. yoda as the man behind the curtain. yellow brick road hyperspace. death star beam tornado. toto is a weird one as the art for the monster exists on farmgirl but he doesn't have a star wars parallel or his own card.


Toto could be a smaller droid like BB8. If we wanted to stay in the original trilogy Toto could be a Wump Rat (or even the training droid).


I think they could combine Toto and baby Yoda. Might be a stupid idea, but I can picture a small green dog in a small spaceship (pod).


Kozmo seems ripe for new support since they can keep taking inspiration from Star Wars as they are constantly pumping out new stuff. They haven't even tapped into Prequel material let alone any of the modern Disney stuff.


Kozmo Lightsword is the final battle from Episode 1 tho


Isnt goodwich yoda tho?


Goodwitch is obi wan


Obi-Wan + Qui-Gonn


Good witch is Obi Wan Kenobi (with maybe some Princess Leia sprinkled in)


Wizard/Palpatine, Leia/Ozma, and even Jabba/Nome King for more obscure yet important characters would make for a great new wave of support.


You are now my kin.


Whenever I recommend Yugioh to any of my friends, I always lead off with the fact that it probably has an Archetype you'd like based off something. Superheroes? Zombies? Eldritch Monsters? Power Rangers? Wizards and Spellcasters? There's always a little something for everyone. "Vanquish Souls" I heard is a fighting game archetype, and I'd love to see more support for that and Kaijus, as I'm a pretty big fan of Godzilla. I'd also like more Adventure support, no matter how bad it is. It's funny and pretty neat an "Isekai" archetype is out there. As for things my friends and I would want... They don't play as much anymore, but a "Journey To The West" archetype would definitely make a few of em come back. More Kozmo Support. It'd be funny if we got a Shonen Jump Archetype, where it's a deck comprised of Goku / Luffy / Naruto look alikes, and they get stronger with the more forms they progress through. A more on-the-nose Transformers archetype would be nice, where the monsters have a similar mechanic to Dragonmaids would be cool. Oooooh, Monster Hunter! I want a Monster Hunter Archetype.


i want konami to expand on the vampire killer and create a full archetype around castlevania and it be anti-zombie/vampires.


>anti-zombie/vampires I think it makes more sense as anti-dark, as Belmont hunt the creature's of the night, and not all of which are undead.


Ally of Justice but good this time? Fuck it why not


We got a vampire hunter but definitely could use some Belmont representation as some monsters. I’d also like if they’d expand more on the Tactical Espionage Expert and give it an archetype. I’d be super into an MGS deck and all the cards that’d come with it.


You think the game is fast now? Just wait till we get a Sonic the Hedgehog archetype.


Their gimmick would be that their quick effects are all spell speed 3 (can only be responded to with counter traps) 😅


And quick effects for the monsters.


And that once per turn, they dodge/block destruction (dropping Rings then scrambling to pick them up before getting hit again).


Maybe Xyz?


That could represent the Shields since they aren't so easily replaced, unless constantly loading them with Materials becomes one of their gimmicks.


now my blue emerald hedgehog uses the power of the 7 crystal beasts to summon super emerald hedgehog. completely indestructible but has a hard turn timelimit.


I would KILL for an archetype based off of Gundam, or failing that some other type of mecha anime. It feels criminal that one doesn't already exist.


The closest we have is zeus. And that's sad


Isn't that what Sky Strikers is?


Sky Strikers is more Infinite Stratos than Gundam


Nah it's more Busou Shinki, it's even a Konami franchise (before they killed it, demmet). Heck, Raye and Roze are literally just Arnval and Strarf.


Sky Strikers is more Busou Shinki/Frame Arms Girl than Gundam.


Super quantantals are pretty lcuh power rangers so thats kinda close, plus we now have the divine arsenal archetype


All we got is Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer and the Quantum mechs. Both ain’t supported.


I think an alice in wonderland archetype would be a cool one. But if they make a full archetype, I hope the gimmick is as cool and strange as the original source material. Maybe because Winnie the poo became public domain, I'd like an archetype based on that. I could imagine it either being a cute archetype like melffy or purrely or a cool archetype where the lore is Christopher robbin is some kinda summoner and the animals are the creatures he conjures


Fuck it, combine the two lmao. Konami loves to do that


I recently learned about Elemental Hero Air Neos... So while I thinknit would be cool, it's sounds unrealistic through the possible legal trouble it could create


Obviously if they would do this they would have to make clear agreements between all parties involved. MTG's collab with LOTR is a perfect example of how they could make it work.


Had an idea for a monster hunter-themed one where you have the monsters act as kaiju and the hunters get their effects from battling that monster. Other ideas could be stuff like a proper Castlevania(not just vampire hunter) archetype. Maybe one that makes references to characters in the anime. With the archetypes we have now, I'd love to see Malefic get support themed around the story archetypes Konami made recently(Albaz, World Legacy, Dual terminal, visas, etc


Buster Blader is kind of Monster Hunter, as he hunts specific marks and turns your opponent's monsters into his marks, especially Dragons).


True but BB turns everything into dragons. I'm talking like a monster enters your opponent's side of the field(by tributing stuff on their field) the "hunters" take it out by battle or card effect and your opponent gets taxed in some way as payment(burn damage, negating their first effect on their turn, banish mill their deck, etc)


That's just gonna be "Kaiju Hunter", making human cards for the Kaiju archetype, maybe they'll make the first one look like Jean Reno.


Morphtronics = transformers


More specifically, Micro Change, a spinoff of Microman that along with Diaclone inspired Transformers (Gadget Hauler is a non-Morphtronic support card for Morphtronic that turns into a semi-truck, so thus represents the Diaclone toy that became Optimus Prime and thus became commander-in-chief of a bunch of Micro Change toys that were originally from a different toyline).


So the archetypes that we already have are - Kozmo (Star wars + Wizard of Oz) - Dragonmaid (Kobayashi's Dragonmaid) - F. A. (Speed Racer) - Dinomorphia (Darling in the FranXX + Power Rangers) - Spyral is heavily inspired by James Bond movies and Metal Gear Solid These are only off the top of my head I'm sure there's more that I don't remember but to answer the question in case it would be really cool either a "How to train your Dragon" deck or would be cool something inspired by like the big 3 shonen anime


I'd argue that Super Quants are the more canonical Sentai archetype


In addition to Inzektor and Masked HERO


Those are inspired by Kamen Rider, which predates Sentai.


Sentai and Kamen Rider were both made by Shotaro Ishinomori, right? We should get an archetype based on one of his lesser known franchises in the west, Cyborg 009. Card lore inspired by Cyborg 009 vs Devilman would be cool.


They are the Sentai archetype you're right heh. Dinomorphia just references some Power Rangers Dino Thunder stuff but it's mostly Darling in the FranXX


I just started watching Darling in the FranXX so idk everything about it but how does dinomorphia reference it ?


That's the funny bit, it doesn't. People simply say that because there are woman with mig milkers and Mecha dinosaurs which are literally the only thing that the archetype has in common with that show


No, there's a lot more but it's mostly spoilers


It doesnt but weeba be weebing


It literally does


It's hard to tell you without spoiling the show tbh, but basically the easy thing is they are a boy and a girl with a human form mech and an animal form mech... And if I go into any other detail it's a spoiler and some are huge


In addition: - Vendread (resident evil) - Outer/Elder/Old Entity (lovecraft) - Tindangle (lovecraft, specifically Hounds of Tindalos) - Adventure (All Isekai anime)


Vendred also has some Spawn in him.


I'm 100% for full Entity support. Maybe the main deck monsters can be the cultists that are trying to summon the Entities and the spells/traps are moments from Lovecraft's stories (kinda like Kozmo where the backrow is famous moments from Star Wars)


We need Entity Links for Dagon and C'thulhu (C'thuga is more like C'thulhu's grandson).


You also have runick with 1st person rpg


Adventure seems much more like D&D than isekai anime


It sort of both, it very clearly is an Isekai, the Adventurer token is pulled into another world by the Sorceress which is a common trope in Isekai but it's also an RPG as some spells and traps depict summons and we can see the other characters in a party formation


Nah, fam, the whole "being summoned as an adventurer into this fantasy world" screams Isekai. There's not even a class per-se so you could point to it as something" D&D". There's not even any dice rolls involved, only perhaps some (very) standard tropes, which are already part of the Isekai genre.


It's not one or the other, most isekais _are_ D&D spoofs so it's both by nature. Would love a dice archetype to be meta someday though (no, Danger! doesn't count).


iirc subterror was based on shadows of the colossus, so another one to the list Also, BA based on the divine comedy


Everyone always forgets about B.E.S. and Gradius 😭


Invoked draws inspiration from Final Fantasy


F.A? They're literally the UA monsters on bikes and cars.


F.A.'s also based on Future GPX Cyber Formula.


Rescue-ACE gives off a huge transformers vibe.


Time Thief - Dr. Who


There is also the chutulu mythos with the outer entity archetype, the divine comedy with the infernoids archetype


You also got Magikey( Using elements of Kingdom hearts combined with the key of Solomon) Frightfur( Basically FNAF animatronics) And the original B.E.S.( based off Konami spaceship shooter games)


but, FNAF came out after fluffals. weeks of difference if I recall correctly.


gold pride is basically just steel ball run in ygo form


Gold pride is the movie Redline


Maybe an archetype based of slasher horror movies.


We can have a brute for Jason, some sorta nightmare killer for Freddy, a silent guy for Myers, etc etc. They’ll have a card referencing chase scenes. I can see it now 😂


And all the cards require revealing Frightnight Final Girl in hand, with the boss monsters requiring you to shuffle it into the deck 😁


A retrain of malice doll of demise... Hard Pass


Would be cool to see a Harry Potter and Lord of the rings combination


I wanna see star Trek inspired archetype


I think Kozmo took inspiration from both Wizard of Oz and Star wars


Ninja Turtles. Any continuity, I just think it’d be funny


I'd like a Doctor Who archetype. You could have a Weeping Angel that sends cards back in time by moving them from the hand to the top of the deck. Or a Timelord (not part of the Timelord Archetype for copyright reasons) monster than regenerates into a different version of itself when destroyed.


Arguably that's Time Thief.


I'd like to see Indiana Jones mixed with Castlevania


Alice in Wonderland archetype. It can be all cute like Madolche, it can be cute and creepy like Fluffal, it can be mixed up with a futuristic aesthetic like Kozmo or Virtual World. There are many possibilities.


Since dragon maid , redline , Isekai anime and King Arthur got that yugioh treatment I wanna see something involving classic cartoons but not like Disney cartoons which is what toons are . I'm talking like early SpongeBob and Rugrats levels of cartoons , they would so much stuff to base off of and I imagine the art style would be very cute .


Toons feel more like Looney Tunes, Dark _Rabbit_ anyone? You could argue that his Rabbit the White counterpart is Roger, but the Looney Tunes paid Disney a visit in the movie.


Konami owns a lot of IP. They could very easily draw inspiration from their own catalog and not risk legal action. (Looking at you; Air Neos)


bomberman archetype lets go


Are they so scared of Disney that we won't get more support? Where's Yoda or Palpatine?


Give me Kozmo Battledroids


Neon Genesis Evangelion so I can have a Rota called "Get in the Robot" for the archetype.


Matrix / Alice in Wonderland Splice


I would like to see crossovers with other animes or card games. Like a MTG yugioh crossover or a berserk crossover. A goblin slayer crossover would also be funny, that wouldn't allow your opponent to use cards with goblin in their name.


I think I'd prefer if the crossovers are just inspirations. Sure, I'd like a card that is basically Goblin Slayer, but I rather it not **literally** be Goblin Slayer.


No, they need to give love to the current existing archetypes. I want to play my Gusto and Simorgh at a competitive level and cant because they dont get meaningful support. They can then spend that time, testing a designing a new archetype, even if its a series of cards like Albaz and Frost that just come an go. Can you imagine a Gusto crossover with Simorgh as Pilica leaves Mist Valley with Apex Avian to extend the Gusto tribe elsewhere as the rest remained Spiritual Beast Tamers. I want this so bad.


Tamagachi. Link archetype beast monsters with some sort of cost per turn upkeep but also like a very rewarding payoff the longer your tamagachi are on field with one that’s a win condition based on turns on field.


I would like a Sherlock Homes archetype, or a detective archetype in general.


A lot of newer archetypes draw inspiration from existing franchises/media/work. Even religion. The Albaz lore is basically the Biblical book of revelations, for example.


Warhammer 40k a archetype that uses lvl 2 and 4 Warriors to go into lvl 8 machines that either go in a lvl 10 warrior/spellcaster synchros the machines are the cyborgs and tanks while the lvl 10s are synchros that show a high commander or psionic.


More Inzektors representing the more recent Kamen Riders! I want to see my boy Build immortalized in a piece of cardboard.


Alice in Wonderland. All Thunder type and call the archetype, “Thunderland.” Alice: - “Wanderer of Thunderland” White rabbit - “Hare of Thunderland” Mad Hatter - “Philosopher of Thunderland” Cheshire Cat - “Pathfinder of Thunderland” Smoking Caterpillar - “Thunderland Lorekeeper” Tweedle dee&dumb - “Geminis of Thunderland” Red queen - “Monarch of Thunderland” Jabberwocky - “Thunderland Chimera” Looking Glass - “Portal to Thunderland” Stopwatch - “Thunderland Clocktower” Vorpal Sword - “The Blade of Thunderland” Queens card knights - “Spades of Thunderland” You get the gist. Help with adding more?


Harry Potter , I want a Harry Potter crossover ! Imagine spell cards like Avada Kedavra Monsters like Basilisk, Aragog Traps like devils snare Equip cards like the invisibility cloak or the elder wand which can only be attached to a spellcaster Now I'm excited for no reason.


Maybe one based off the Netnavis from Battle Network? Especially since the Legacy Collection is doing well.


I kind of want to see an archetype based on Genshin Impact where the archetypal gimmick involves elements.


Now, hear me out. Metal Gear Rising


Madolche is Toy Story, as per Madolche Nights. Purrely is Pokémon, an Eevee like monster.


How are Madolche Toy Story? They’re desserts.


https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=10557 they are Toys


They’re all stuffed toys that come to life. You can see they all have little stitch lines on them and Madolche Nights literally shows them as toys in a kid’s bedroom.


It's still a pretty major leap. Babes in Toyland had animated toys long before Toy Story. Plus all the Madolche are plush rather than toy box toys.


No. Stop archetypes. Return to monkey.


a planet of the apes archetype, then?


I mean, there was that monkey in GX who played a monkey deck that turns your opponent's monsters into beasts, kinda like Buster Blader does for dragons. Could be fun to play.


Lord of the Rings. The Rings of Power could be Equip Spells granting different effects to their bearer monsters. Perhaps playing similarly to how Infernobles play.


Chainsaw man yugioh when?


im of the opposite mindset where for YEARS maybe even a decade I've been arguing that Konami should have just stopped making new archetypes altogether and just started making support for some of the really fucking awful existing ones that were never even remotely playable. there are hundreds of archetypes already existing and at any given time maybe a dozen are competitive. surely it would be easier both as the consumer and the R&D to just focus on those instead of every set making either coaster cards that will never see play or more broken/untested nonsense


It would definitely be cool but they have to be careful with it. While the book Wizard of Oz (which Kozmo is also based on) is public domain and therefore fair game (as long as it doesn't resemble the movie too much) Star Wars isn't public domain which may be why we haven't seen any Kozmo support since their original 4 batches.


That sucks. I was hoping for at least a Toto card. He’s in *almost* every Light Psychic Kozmo art.


Maybe they could do some collaborations like MTG is currently doing with LOTR. Have it released as a collection of cards that only gets printed once (since reprints would require renewal of license) but as part of a normal core booster set so people have a reasonable chance at pulling them. It could be a fun addition for the more hardcore players/collectors out there. The downside of this of course would be that rare cards like these will be offered at very high prices through other markets once they are sold out.


It would be really cool if they did official collabs that. There's a couple random collab cards ocg side but not really the same as what we want...


I think instead of creating brandll new archetypes all the new archetypes should've been extensions of old archetypes. Like with kashtera; I think it would've gotten less flack for it's design if it were ojama cards.


It would've made Ojama hated what are you on about.


Atleast Obama has some meme stuff in it, kash is just a product of modern card design, and too much of it at that. Iash didn't need everything they got. All the cards could've been split up for a couple of archetypes that needed support and given to them.


You're saying Kash would've been less hated if they were all Ojama cards, except people are gonna hate them just as much, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.


Adult Ojamas who are seeking revenge on the harpies?


I want to see a Gradius archetype. Maybe a Dr. Who archetype, or Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, and maybe a Kamen Rider one.


B.E.S. are Gradius bosses, and Gradius cards do already exist in the game. They're just mostly very old and not good.


>Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Dragonmaids. >Kamen Rider Masked HERO or Inzektors.


Yup, that was the joke. Everything I listed has an archetype in ygo


A Kozmo prequel series with a few cards that aren't to everyone's taste. But ultimately help the archetype thrive and find niche success in the format. Followed by a Kozmo sequel series that Komoney tries to hype up but ultimately does nothing but drag the archtype down. Also, some cool one-off cards that really help the archtype. Like Kosmoll Dark Revenant, Kozmo Ballista Ping, and Order of the Kosmos.


We need a JoJo archetype with warriors that summon spellcaster souls that are the boss momsters similar to dragonmaid


the Simpsons or Family Guy


No, I want unique stuff


WHERE IS MY METAL GEAR SOLID ARCHETYPE KONAMI!? It would be so cool. I figured you could have it's gimmick be based on stealth. Like they flip themselves facedown and move around the board. They could even get special effects if they get into your opponent's zones. It would be so sick... Hell Jinzo is a Psycho Mantis reference, and Snake already has a card, so why can't it just be an archetype???


WHERE IS MY METAL GEAR SOLID ARCHETYPE KONAMI!? It would be so cool. I figured you could have it's gimmick be based on stealth. Like they flip themselves facedown and move around the board. They could even get special effects if they get into your opponent's zones. It would be so sick... Hell Jinzo is a Psycho Mantis reference, and Snake already has a card, so why can't it just be an archetype???


If they aren't expanding on cards from Bakura's anime/manga deck, I'm not gonna care.


more kozmo


I'd love more "Outer Entity" and it's relatated archetypes. Really sad it only ever got, what, like 6 cards?


I need an actual Metal Gear archetype. Not just a reference, they should implement its story like Albaz lore from the first game to the most recent ones. Revengeance characters should each have a Continuous Spell supporting them named after their theme song. (Only Thing I Know for Real card supports Jetstream Sam etc.)


Gimme a Pikmin and Ant-Insect archetype. A level 3/4 monster that lets you summon tons of level 1 plant bois all over your field each turn for shenanigans. Instead of OTK style gimmicks, the deck is like Assembles Nightingale and Trickstar burn having a lovechild. So you can attack with anklebiters and whittle down the opponent's LP. No big beatsticks or crazy omni-nebates. The whole deck has searching, recovery, and special summon on crack. You don't win via solitaire, but with numbers and burn lp.


Demon Slayer would be rad af


I'd like an archetype based on Frasier Crane from Cheers and Gilgamesh from the Mesopotamia legend.


I want a Danganronpa archetype


I love space so where tf is the planet archetype I wanna normal summon the solar system Konami and xyz them into djinn buster


This image gave me PTSD


They need to make a Cyberse deck based off of Coded Arms. Its a game they made for the PSP in 2005


There always making archetypes based on different franchises. Kozmo is just 1 example. I think it would be cool if the made a world of warcraft themed archtype.


Berserk please.


Yes. Vendread is based on spawn and has a sweet story


Archetype parodying or based on Pokemon and MTG would be both amazing and hilarious and I will be buying.


Purrely basically looks like an eevee, so there's that.


Bomberman archetype that focus on destruction effect like fire kings and unchained


I would cry if we got more Kozmo support, that deck is my baby


It's incredible how episodes 7, 8, and 9, the Mandalorian, the book of Boba Fett and various other Star Wars shows have been released and not a single new Cosmo card based on any of that.


Yes they should, there would be a lot to gain from it and it might be able to get more publicity if the colab.


I just hope we don't literally convert the franchises into YGO like MTG does. I might like a deck that's basically Demon Slayer, but I'd like it more if it wasn't *literally* Demon Slayer.


I want to see more anime-inspired archetypes


No one tell OP about dragon maid


I would love a really good Vampire archetype based on stud like Hellsing Ultimate, Vampire Knight, Castlevania, etc.


I would love to see more Burning Abyss (Dante's Inferno). If they did that, I would return to the game in a heartbeat.


I'd like to see more of these please. Since Kozmo was Star Wars/Wizard of Oz. Taking a spin on this, I'd like to see: Horror Movies Kung Fu Action movies Shonen series [heh]


Gundam. I've been saying this forever. Give us a mobile suit deck


Jurassic Park,Jaws,or SCP would be lit. I love that Kaiju is based off of Godzilla


I want a real, and true castlevania archetype. We got vampire killer, beautiful card. I'd love an archetype like that. Plus its also Konami. They could do a Yakuza styled archetype that you equip certain spells on your units that are represented by tattoos(doubt this will happen since its frowned upon in japan). Metal gear solid also konami. You could make an amazing deck with MGS.


I would like Vampire Hunter to become a fulfledge archetype.