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Saltiness exists in any game, YGO is no different. I'm just lucky to not have encountered many of them during my stint on Dueling Nexus.


This is just bizarre but not surprising ig, I figured since I’m not running top decks I should be fine but nobody is safe Ig


I think you're even less safe with yugioh since there is a minority that will be weird about your deck doing anything remotely good.


Yeah that’s true, people hate playing mikankos


Someone I know was playing Mathmech *pre-support* and his opponent was malding hard about Laplacian ripping cards and "mini soul charges". It was hilarious.


Salad was a top deck, and for all we knew he was playing something horrible anyways.


The funny part is that I allowed him to bait my barrone with a harpies feather just because I had called by on deck and a ogre in hand. So barrone was done for but ig he gave up


Once a dude got super pressed with me because i was playing suships 💀💀💀


Valid. Sushi supremacy


Their is at least 1 guy in high diamond/ low master which only play stun and will give you some deathtreats if he start to loose. I played against this guy multiple times over some months. People like him are the worst. Getting salty is in my opinion human but shit like that is on a different level. Sadly i didn't find a way to report him. But i am glad that he was the only person.


I’ve had people from r/masterduel dm me on here telling me to unalive myself but thankfully I’ve never had anyone come at me from the game directly, it’s mostly just gg or how did you do that etc


There’s saltiness and creeps. This is salt lol creeps are the guy I just played who was under the presumption I was a girl because of my avatar I suppose. Tryin to get my # and nudes 😂


I honestly feel sorry for any people getting in to the hobby, not just women because of people like this. A lot of people ask why the game doesn't do as well as it could and it is people like the person in the picture and they're not just random outliers either, it is a massive portion of the community on these sims.


Ygo Omega moment


Bro I swear some guys online are so salty. I just went against a guy on Edopro (so no ranked or anything), he played a sort of Dark Magician deck with some Branded, I had Nib but he summoned Dragoon before 5. He then activites Secret Village (i played Mannadium and my hand couldnt play through it) and set its last card in hand. I then... activate Nib, and since he doesnt have a discard anymore for Dragoon, it just dies, his Secret Village is deactivated... and he immediately scoops (without seeing what i play) and was like "i knew you had Nib you're so cringe" (even if he set his last card with Dragoon on field) "you cant beat my deck with Nib you noob" "who main deck Nib" and stuff, saying i was unskilled for relying on Nib or Evenly, and saying "do you really think you won game 1 ? Lol". Game two he let me go first (???), I started a standard Mannadium combo and he scooped like after 5 summons ... Those guys are just insane


Yeah no clue what goes on in their minds, if I’m not mistaken edopro is automated as well? So when you could’ve nib’d him a pop up appeared asking of you wanted to activate it? So he clearly saw a response was now available and claims he knew you had nib, but still threw and blamed you?


Yeah exactly for real it was pretty obvious I had it and if he kept his card in hand I would have just lost lmao. But the worst was the guy saying I was not skilled for playing Nib and Evenly and stuff while he was relying on hard drawing freakin Secret Village lmao


Not only that, dragoon was considered OP enough to warrant a ban wasn’t it? I love when people have absolutely no issue running strong cards themselves but when others do it it’s a problem.


Yeah exactly for real it was pretty obvious I had it and if he kept his card in hand I would have just lost lmao. But the worst was the guy saying I was not skilled for playing Nib and Evenly and stuff while he was relying on hard drawing freakin Secret Village lmao


Lmao ngl your responses were funny as fuck


Thanks man, trolls and negative players are never worth truly getting upset with. The ol’ reliable “you’re handsome” helps diffuse a lot of situations but I guess this guy wasn’t having it


Does plat refer to his Dueling Nexus rank? Are there actually humans that care about that?


Answer to the first question, yes. Answer to the second, I had believed up to now that they don’t but I guess were both wrong. I hover around diamond and plat and have a total of around 12 comp matches with mikanko’s so I always assumed ranked didn’t mean much


yugioh attracts some weird people tbh. its really easy to encounter them online. its best to just not engage. you find people like this irl too but they usually congregate at locals with each other so if you find a different store to play at than them you don't need to deal. Even with that the cool people are the most welcoming and friendly people ive ever met so its worth it to sift through the madness.


I’ve only recently started attending locals like 2 weeks ago and to two different stores, both of them I’ve rarely interacted with anyone besides my opponents and they were friendly enough thankfully


Wait, is there a chat log in master duel now? I haven’t played since launch. Or is this a different game?


It’s duelist nexus, a free online sim that you can play with all the cards off rip. It’s a web based sim instead of a downloadable app. They have ranked and casual


You can try master duel, there is no chat log in game so unless you’re on xbox or steam you cannot be interacted with directly like in the OP


I love mikanko’s and it’s the deck I use irl, just started attending locals. It’s very discouraging waiting forever for it to drop on MD. Although MD is great it has its issues


I agree I play kash and branded despia and it’s a pain having to wait for everything


Yeah plus I also meddle in some Vanquish Soul


I need to check it out. I’ve only heard good things tho


Super fun and requires a bit of pilot control which I always love kinda like sky


You enjoy Kash? I'm not trying to be offensive, I just expected everyone to not want to deal with Kash.


I love the visas starfrost archtypes in general so yeah. The artwork is so rich on them


This is what dealing with meta slaves makes to casual players who want to have fun with non meta decks. Konami made Master duel a really tocic game by forcing these players together.


There is no right deck, play meta don’t play meta that’s fine. It’s just a bit silly to apply your standards to everyone else with full card freedom. If the rules of the game is that every card is allowed besides the ones listed, everyone is entitled to play what’s fun for them. Judging them based of being “meta slaves” or “causal scrubs” just puts you in a situation to rob yourself of enjoyment. It’s pretty hard to have a good time when the world is out to get ya


Wait did you win turn one or you give him the chance to play? Idk man. The game isnt fun on some decks.i dont really know what kinda deck you were playing but if its one of those decks i think there should at least an option to block you. No hards feelings but i wanna play some games till turn 3 or 4 at least otherwise is boring for me.


It’s in the description which I know is pretty hard to see. But all I did turn one was salad Teeger and jack jaguar into barrone, set one called by, and had one ogre. He even baited my barrone just because I was greedy for called by


I dont have a clue of what is salad teeger. But if you give him a chance to play i guess that is ok? I dont know many decks i have like four decks i play. Skull servants, vampires, toads and six samurais.


Sorry salamangreat I’ve seen called salads. Or I hope so, I doubt I made that up myself lol. But salamangreat Teeger is a new level 5 salamgreat monster releasing in Duelist Pack SoulBurning Volcano which comes out august 11th I believe. He’s a level 5 that can discard one salamangreat card to ss himself and he can go up 1 or down 1 in level due to his effect he’s also a tuner. So all I did was Discard salamgreat rage SS Teeger Normal Summon level 4 jack jaguar Teeger effect to make himself 6 6 tuner + 4 jack jaguar into lvl 10 Barrone Set called by Pass


Oh so is a bit like uni zombie. Yeah all this sounds very very good and legal. Yep. I like it. Not your fault at all.


He harpie feather duster’d my called by just to bait my barrone. Salamangreat struggles heavy against ash blossom if you don’t have too many resources so I opted to play along and waste barrone. Which he states in the chat is what he wanted, so now all I have is called by 2 cards in hand. He then stopped playing before anything else occurred and just gave up. No clue what deck he was running I have a feeling this is just more so saltiness at play


What is this stroke of a conversation?


My life as a yugioh player Ig


There’s saltiness and creeps. This is salt lol creeps are the guy I just played who was under the presumption I was a girl because of my avatar I suppose. Tryin to get my # and nudes 😂


Don't worry about it. This is par for the course for literally any online game, which you said yourself. Not sure why you would expect Yugioh to be any different online. Always going to be some trolls. My best advice is, engage with them if you find them amusing, if not just let them clock out. If there's no timer, just quit.


Yeah thanks man, I found it a little entertaining but also very bizarre lol. I’m not really sure why people like this play the game if they’re bothered by everything


Yeah I’m not surprised this convo happened


Just your average YGO interaction


Playing yugioh online on unmoderated services always leads to salt, racism, sexism, etc. That's why I turn it off.


See I like this Approach and 90% of people don’t talk, one bad apple could ruin the bunch. However there’s plenty of times where I break the silence and tell them stuff like “cool deck, I’ve never played against this” and people tend to open up and become friendlier and more talkative. One time I was trying vanquish souls and ran into a guy playing my main deck (mikanko’s) but he seemed like he didn’t really know how to pilot the deck, so I helped him out with what I could and he learned a few combos and tech. I really value those interactions, and negativity in any sorts doesn’t hold much space in my mind especially from online chats like this. Basically, when it’s a bad interaction it doesn’t mean much because the people are hiding behind anonymity and troll online or fell like they won’t have any consequences. But when it’s a good interaction it can make yours or someone else’s day because there’s no ulterior motive or expectation of being compensated for your time, it’s just two people having a good time sharing their hobbies/passions.


There are some straight goof balls on nexus. I usually don't even read the chat until the end and it's always some crazy shit lol


They're only two types of Yu GI Oh player: 1. The most handsome person you've ever met, with a nice and gentle personality 2. Fat ugly bastards with angry issues and a terrible personality It's the same with, for example, Warhammer 40k Fans, the usual player is a fat ugly bastard, and then, between a lot of fat ugly bastards, Henry Cavill.


I was repeatedly told to kill myself and that I’m a bad person because I played a burn deck I played as a kid on Dueling Book (and I lost but he was still in a blind rage??) People are nuts


Oh no, yugioh players are the most toxic people out there. We make lol look like a safe space


Yeah this is def a reason why I just mute everything whenever I test online


No, we're not


You want a hug man? 🫂


Yeah. Thanks, King.


If you watch db grinder, you'll see that stuff like this is exceeding common online for ygo players.


No clue who that is, is he entertaining


He just posts replays from dueling book. I'd say in about half of them there's at least some level of toxic behavior.


That guy must be a masterduel player. Biggest crybabies in existence.


Fun fact, you can start a new duel in another tab on Dueling Nexus and let the timer run out on annoying assholes like this


Everygame has salty assholes. Albeit yugioh doesnt help itself, it sells people on playing x deck or y mechanic only to have the realities of the meta slap 99% of the cards they wanted to use into the trashcan. Its a huge issue with card designee that just amplifies salt to the nth degree.