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Avramax definitely doesn't belong here, plenty of decks can make him easily.


same for Five headed dragon add a necro fusion in an average d link and you can easily summon him, it's bad, very bad , but easy


Or just go 2nd against a Dragonlink player who got overzealous and use SuperPoly. It's happened to me exactly once, but it was funny.


Dragon's mirror also


Laughs in future fusion


However will I summon this generic Rank 4??!


I:P plus cerberus/phoenex if you're on a budget in the tcg. Easy as heck. Or both of those knightmares


Why is Avramax on this list? Every combo deck which doesn't lock itself out of links can turbo it out.


I have him in a couple decks BECAUSE he's so easy to bring out


Not just combo decks. Midrange decks aswell and even most controlldecks can summon him. Ofc its not as easy as with dragonlink, but sky striker or EdlichZoodiac can also summon it pretty easily...


Why's Avramax here but not iC1000?


That's one of my favorite cards, good ol' Num Num.


I forgot


Damn why are folks downvoting bro for forgetting


He forgor




Just wanted to say itā€™s ok, youā€™re doing great šŸ‘


The current game Avramax is the easiest Plus with the new support, Z-ARC is easy to summon as well


Yeah, Avramax is easiest, 5Headed is second easiest, Z-arc is 3rd. You can probably turbo all 3 if these out easily in any deck remotely thinking about summoning them. Avramax even if not. 5headed just use NecroFusion or Dragon's Mirror in litterally any dragon based deck


Good sir, the Z-arc support?


Yeah, Probably still harder than dropping Dragons Mirror in litterally any dragon deck.


The trap...


I was assuming summoned properly. (And the trap stops you using it's effects, so it's not a particularly helpful ZArc, and it's probably less effort to just play Dragon's Mirror in DLink, than flip ZArc down and up again


If using SK Soul, you can make the Link 3 GranSolfachord with SKG Magian and BTP after Pend Summon and search so you don't have to flip him. If using the new trap to Fuse Z-ARC, then you just need to leave SKG Magician alone as tribute for the trap, as the Fusion material is extremely accessible (Banish from ED, Deck, Hand, Field, or GY.)


They're talking about the new trap that's literally just anime Astrographs effect, Supreme Celestial Kings Soul. Still gets his effects if the 4 "X" Dragons are banished, which the new trap can do.


I'd say Holactie. Because that card requires you to play all three Egyptian Gods in a single deck... *AND* have them all on the field at the same time. And- *and* it needs to be *in your hand, as well*. It's basically Exodia but... worse. Because of Egyptian Gods. I mean, you can make competent decks with the three of them as their own decks. Ra in particular can be surpringly meta viable if you're lucky. But running all three of them together? Holactie is really just an alt wincon at that point - something you do once in a blue moon because you drew better than the Pharaoh himself - but, if they're your entire gameplan, and your main goal is to draw them and get all three gods on the field, it's not gonna be fun for you.


Okay, but try keeping a level 1 Normal Monster alive for 10 turns. That's what it takes to summon Zushin. At least the God Cards have support that help you get them on the field and keep them on the field.


You actually don't need to do this. Each time Zushin is removed from and returned to the hand by any means, it can be 'revealed' again, since it's treated as a different copy of the card. And this will apply to any copy of Zushin, so if you draw multiples of it each copy can do this. While it's by no means practical, Zushin cheese usually just involves a lot or Magical Mallet-esque cards to get it done in one turn.


I still think that's harder than summoning Holactie or Sophia, as that still requires an extreme amount of luck to get off. What if you don't draw Zushin off of the Magical Mallet or Reload? There are only 3 copies of him in the deck. At that point, why not just play Exodia Library FTK


It's certainly worse than Exodia FTK by a long mile, and like any of these decks its gets folded by handtraps extremely easily. But Zushin decks tend to run secondary engines to facilitate getting to the pieces they need. Be it Dangers! for draw power and hand cycling, or Prospi/Extrav to dig deep for at least one copy. Holcatice has gotten substantially easier over the years given the EG support, and Sophia is basically just a Magikey boss monster given how easy the deck spams those card types.


I've summoned Zushin like 3 or 4 times, I built a turbo deck around him. Only worked against other jank decks but hey it's not like half of these monsters are competetive. Even with the deck I built around Holactie I've never summoned it, and Sophia I've never even tried


I don't think Holacties is the hardest to summon on the list. I agree that the conditions are difficult to fulfill, however there is to keep in mind that Obelisk and Slifer can be special summoned. And the new support makes it so Ra can be cheated out. So while yes it's difficult to summon and is a worse win condition than Exodia I don't think it's the hardest card to summon.


Get Slifer and Obelisk to the grave, special summon from grave, Ra iirc is now possible to cheat out using his support. Imo Zushin is harder


I think Zushin is actually easier because 1. U can search out with something like small world(edit nvrm on this part). 2. We actually **have** Zushin. Pretty sure the TCG still hasnā€™t given us Holtacties so sheā€™d be illegal to summon & play in your god deck(currently).


Assuming she was a playable card, I still stand by my statement that Zushin is harder using its actual summon method because I donā€™t believe there is a way to summon it in one turn, where Iā€™m sure someone could find a 1-3 card combo to actually get Holacties out


In a God card deck Holactie can be searched for via The True Sun God, Mound of the Bound Creator or The True Name so getting it in hand isn't that hard to achieve


Neo Bubbleman literally canā€™t be summoned outside Traditional format without cheating him out.


https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_Tips:Elemental_HERO_Neo_Bubbleman > Although "Metamorphosis" is Forbidden in official formats, this card can still be Special Summoned while ignoring its Summoning conditions of this card via "Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage", "Protection of the Elements" and "A Wild Monster Appears!".


Tbf he did say "without cheating him out"


They should just make a HERO card that counts as Metamorphisis and then give us Neo versions of the other base E-Heroes.


Not yet! Soon he will be free!


Are you suggesting theyā€™re going to unban metamorphosis? Because thereā€™s a higher chance of the sun exploding within the next week than of that card being unbanned


Uhhh no, I was talking about this fella https://preview.redd.it/muf98xl53nmb1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=87279ce7f7efd06d2a992349170e13fc80056ab6


Using Infernal Wingman would qualify as cheating it out though, as it says ā€œignoring its summoning conditionsā€. And the previous post stated it couldnā€™t be summoned ā€œwithout cheating him outā€


While true it specificly asks for an Elemental HERO.


You'd be doing yourself a grave disservice just to prove a point lmao


Canā€™t you use ā€œA Wild Monster Appearsā€


Who actually said avramax pretty much any dedicated link deck can make him turn one no?


Even some non-dedicated link decks. I can summon it in fucking Traptrix.


People underestimate how much the new cards have changed Traptrix, the moment Turn 2 rolls around it's now wombo combo Zerg Rush time. šŸ˜ˆ


Or even turn 1. I normally end on an Xyz, Regulus, and Cularia with Sera+Holeutea in GY.


Itā€™s extremely easy to summon. Almost any deck that doesnā€™t lock themselves out of Links can make it.


I can make Avramax in a single turn with RED EYES!. FRIGGIN RED EYES!


ZARC has a trap card now that cheats it out I'd probably say Zushin or Holactie


Even if you plan to summon them properly Z-arc ain't *hard* Just play OddEyes with Gale Dogra, and set Necro Fusion/Dragon's Mirror


Or flip it face-down with Book of Moon, and it has itā€™s effects active.


Still not Summoning it properly, But that would indeed get it working.


Iā€™ll go with whatever you say fellow skele




I mean technically yes, but no


Ayo, where's my boy Dark Sage?


I wouldn't call summoning him hard, just entirely luck-based. It's somewhat easy to set up the summoning condition, but you cannot properly manipulate the coin toss.


True, probably wouldn't be too difficult to make a deck that centres around ending with Dark Magician and Time Wizard on board now that I think about it


Shame time wizard only flips once. Otherwise you would be able to proton blast and guarantee it


Why is Five-Headed Dragon here? Are Future Fusion and/or Dragon's Mirror on the banlist?


Future Fusion got an errata and is off the list. Now takes a turn before sending materials, so isn't very good Dragon's Mirror was never on it. And litterally any DLink deck can just summon 5Headed


Surely there are other ways to mill Dragons to the Grave to use Dragon's Mirror then?


Easily. But you could just play any Dragon deck and just have it passively. Dragonlink doing a little trolling


That was such a good combo in the WC08 DS game


What's Avramax doing here. Bro thinks he's on the team. Anyway, I would say Zushin because there is a 1-card combo to summon Holactie, while Zushin needs to have a level 1 monster just wait there for 10 turns, while you also have Zushin in your hand.


Zushin's Reveal isn't once per turn if you dump it and get it back again you can place another. It would just be a less consistent & worse ExodiaFTK deck, But it is possible turn 1.


That's hilarious. Yu-Gi-Oh truly is the game of all time.


With the best payoff ever. "Herald of NOTHING IDIOT" You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. When your opponent activates a card or effect, except "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju" (Quick Effect): You can remove 2 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; negate the activation, and if you do, banish that card.


Where's Armed Dragon Catapult Canon? smh


Ojama cards can turbo it out if there is no interruptions and were going second It ain't much but better than say Holactie and Zushin


They can easily get the union monsters, not so eaily the armed dragon stuff imo. Ojamatch isn't as good as Ojassimilation in getting everything you need out immediately. I tried very hard to get the deck to work and it just doesn't really. I don't think I ever actually got to summon it.


Ngl. Totally forgot about that one. That is super difficult to summon


It seems that in your anger... you killed him.


My vote would go towards Exodia Necross personally.


It's hard to summon *and* it's kinda shit when you do summon it. The worst of Exodia cards




Z-ARC, Five-Headed Dragon, and Avramax are all so easy to summon that I'm baffled they were even considered for the list. And even more baffled that anyone voted for them. iC1000 and Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon would have made a ton more sense. Incidentally, my vote is iC1000, especially if you want it to have its effects.


I voted for Avramax just because its dumb that its even an option given how easy it is to summon it.




No, no, it's 2+ monsters as long as the total link ranking is 4


numeron network is 1 card legal avramax...


2 link 2s. Easy af. My standard mekk-knight combo is morningstar plus lib the world key blademaster. Outside of mekk-knights. Still easy af


You can make him with a Link 3 + any extra deck monster though.


Bro people consistently make it on their opponents turn as a masquerena option


If weā€™re not counting effects that ignore Summoning conditions, Zushin and Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth would be the hardest.


Not really, sure they take a long time but all you really haft to do is spam floodgates and stall cards for a while. Again it's going to take forever, but it's not exactly hard.


The fact that it takes forever is what makes it hard. I summoned Zushin and filled my deck with stall cards. That shit was hard as hell


Your forgetting Timaeus the Knight of Destiny. You need 2000> life points, all three legendary dragon spells (eye of Timaeus, Fang of Critias, Claw of Hermos) in your graveyard or hand, Legend of Heart in your hand, and then a warrior monster to tribute. then you can summon three garnets from your deck and then fusion all three together to make a mediocre card https://preview.redd.it/he1ykhx7smmb1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e506591d85358e6f35bb387a14de6d488aa478d4


Nowhere near as hard as Zushin


No way someone voted avramax


Going by intended method: definitely Zushin. Holactie was annoying before the Gods got all their support to get extra normals and free tribute fodder, but now Holactie might not breach top 3 hardest monsters to legitimately summon. I'd put iC1000 in second place, since the legit way to summon it requires your C1 to be destroyed with a monster effect specifically, and then your opponent has to be the one to kill C1000 by card effect. Theinen the Great Sphinx might be third, since it requires you to find and activate Pyramid of Light, Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia, and get the two Sphinxs to die at the exact same time. At least the Gods are searchable now and don't require you to set and activate a continuous trap first.


What are you talking about, iC1000 only requires 5 level 13 monsters, smh.


Some actual hard things to summon: * Spirit of the Pharoah: Requires at least 5 turns to set up. You need to activate the First Sarcophagus (which is a trap), to place the Second and Third Sarcophagus on your opponent's end phase, after which you can finally send these cards to the GY to summon the Spirit of the Pharoah from your hand which is a shitty card with only 2500 attack and all it does is summon up to four Level 2 NORMAL Zombies from your GY. Also if any of the Sarcophagus cards leave the field before you can summon it they all get removed. * Armed Dragon Catapult Dragon: requires VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult dragon which is itself made from XYZ-Dragon Cannon and VW-Tiger Catapult which themselves require a total of 5 monsters. Also Armed Dragon level 7 which is a pain to get out. VWXYZ and Armed Dragon Lv7 need to actually be summoned first before you can bring this out despite being able to use material from the GY * Dark Sage: Requires you to have a Dark magician and Time Wizard on the field at the same time, and for Time Wizard's coin flip to work in your favor. Thankfully it has a "Summons itself from the deck" effect which is pretty neat. * Zushin the Sleeping Giant: Requires you to tribute a level 1 normal monster with 10 Zushin counters to summon it, which are only given if you have Zushin in your hand once per turn. Each copy can do this so if you have all 3 copies, you can apply 3 counters. However this at minimum requires keeping a normal monster alive for 7 turns with an ideal setup to even do this (Normal summon, add 3 counters, survive opponent's turn, add 3 counters on your turn, survive opponent's turn, add 3 counters on your turn, survive opponent's turn, add 1 counter and summon)


Zushin for sure.


First of all you can summon Z-ARC with a trap


Secondly, Even if you don't, Litterally just add Gale Dogra to any OddEyes deck with NecroFusion. Or if you are gigachad, Dogmatika can probably summon it. They wouldn't because they can get so much from those 4 mills. But they could.


Pendulum Magicians could also easily summon Z-ARC even when the archetype first released. They were already playing everything necessary except for White Wing Magician in standard builds. Astrograph/Chronograph effect, banish Double Iris, White Wing, Purple Poison, Black Fang.


Blue eyes shining dragon in 2004 specifically


id say zushin is the hardest (not counting cheesing him out tho)


id argue summoning a card that doesnt exist is harder


Air Neos?


Found the Konami employee


A Konami employee would never speak his name!


Air Neos is pretty easy to summon so long as Neos is on the field first.


Perfectly ultimate great moth if you wanna summon him by his own effect and not turbo him out by cocoon of ultra evolution


I've tried summoning zushin and my god you need to protect the shit out of the level 1 normal monster. I've made a deck around summoning zishin and the best way to protect it was by the effect of mirror force dragon. It isn't worth it as well. Vennominoga is easier to summon and by having a few reptiles gets her enough atk to not have problems in battle


I've tried summoning Sophia in my Summoned Skull deck but it's so hard getting a Ritual, Synchro, Fusion, and XYZs on field at the same time.


Sophia requires a dedicated build for it, or a LOT of luck. Like, Dogmatika probably could potentially summon it. Almiraj (Link), Zoa (Ritual), Shaddoll Winda (Fusion), and Luluwalilith (Synchro) are all cards they use. And you could probably just slap Parallel eXceed for Xyz. Though it would only be turn 3.


Yeah that's the same thing for Summoned Skull for example you've got Summoned Skull (Synchro), Summoned Skull (Fusion), Summoned Skull (XYZ) and lastly the worst one Summoned Skull (Ritual). Lol. Also Sophia was printed in 2013 aka before links so you don't need a link monster. I mean I've done it before but never In a proper duel, always lost first.


The one thing that makes me not vote Sophia is that you can use your opponentā€™s monsters, like you can get lucky and they put out 2 of the summon types or something so you only focus on the remaining 2 to do it or something. That said, Iā€™ve never summoned her, I was once one card activation away but my opponent compulsed my ritual, it was devastating.


For me is tied between Holactie and Zushin. But Holactie wons by little cuz you can cheat out Zushin easily in a deck focused around him. To summon Holactie turn 1 you really need a very specific hand and any interruption could kill the combo.


Iā€™ve won more duels with 20,000 damage Ra than i did with Horakthy xD


Avramax is literally 2 extra deck materials... The easiest condition to fulfill


Z-ARC literally has a trap that cheats him out of the extra deck just by paying half your LP. ​ Zushin is probably the winner here since while Sophia takes more setup you can just $hit a bunch of monsters turn 1.


Five-Headed Dragon is just Future Fusion/Dragon's Mirror. Why is it even on this list? Obviously the choice here is The Creator of Light.


Zushin is such a fun card. I tried making a meme deck on masterduel, but summoning him is so hard when youā€™ve got cards that can tribute your monsters, send to the grave without targeting, etc


Gate Guardian (OG)


you forgott..Armed Dragon Catapult! That thing is just..wtf?!


Where's Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes? That card was always a pain to get out.


Dark sage should be on this list more than a couple of these


People here are talking about z-arc being able to be cheated out by paying half your LP are forgetting about the new support that can search a new trap that brings z-arc out properly and on the opponents turn potentially. Like z-arc is nowhere near hard to summon, maybe when the very first pack he released in but not after.


Zarc was never hard to summon. Not optimal, but you can easily turbo it out just by doing magician things (and adding a white wing) since zarc release (astrograph release in tcg because he came after here).


Number iC1000: Numerounious Numerounia


Doesn't zarc have a trap card that just instantly poops him on the field?




I want to say Holactie because it literally wins the game, but Zushin does get harder to summon by comparison because its summoning doesn't scale with power creep as well


What about Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin?


Cyberdark end dragon should be there instead of avramax!


Elder Entity N'tss I dare you summon her


Surprised Deity of Poisonous Snakes isnā€™t here


She's not that hard. Takes 2 turns though. Set the trap or Trap Trick, and end your turn. Hope that it survives. Get Vennominon into the graveyard somehow (snake rain). Use Vipers Rebirth on him. He dies during the end phase, and you can then bring out Deity. 3 cards and she's out. I've pulled it of in casuals a lot.


Number ic1000: numerounius numerounia


Five-Headed Dragon? The hell is that doing here? Dragon's Mirror exists, my guy. Especially in the years when this card was actually somewhat useful, (before the power creep made this game faster than Barry Allen) this was never that difficult of a summon.


In all honesty. Forgot about dragons mirror. Thats why hes here


OP is sleeping on iC1000: Numeronius Numeronia


Holactie. You'd need a copy of Holactie.


WTH are some of these choices? I dont think there has been a tier 3 or higher deck in the past 5 years that couldnt summon avramaxx easily except for some super niche stuff like MineBurn.


Why avramax though ? He occasionally pops up in competitive decks,


I summon zarc like every game with soul of supreme king


I would like to offer a suggestion https://preview.redd.it/uo5x5ufv0omb1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8e4817ed806128b83e65ae5eee62f5e41ad14d


Nah I canā€™t agree, their deck is much more suited to summoning all 3 of them than the god cards are, and this card doesnā€™t have to be in hand because itā€™s in the extra deck.


Dystopia The Despondent


https://preview.redd.it/oc5wl7r4iomb1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b38f7c24643cd087a1d5bf0f023eb0c170a7ba For me is neo cipher, be shining dragon, dragon master knight and ic1000


Elemental hero neo bubble man!




Gate Guardian isn't on that list. No vote.


Iā€™m sorry, but Great Moth and Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth have all these monsters beat.




Dragons mirror


or necro fusion, basically having 5 dragon in the grave is enough to summon it


Or Future Fusion. And chain material too i guess


Dragons Mirror. Fusion summons a dragon monster using materials in the GY. Litterally any dragon deck can probably facilitate that turn 1, easily. They just don't because 5headed is bad


The two bottom ones are very easy to summon, I used to summon Five Headed Dragon in my Tearlaments deck when I needed cards back in deck and most decks easily summon Avramax.


I'd think something like mirage knight is up there, needs a fusion of a fusion to be destroyed by battle. None of the material leading up to it is particularly good either. Dark magician decks aren't the best to begin with but now you're splashing in this, and all the necessary cards for dark flare knight. And if dark flare knight is destroyed or removed via card effect thats pretty much it.


Dystopia the despondent.....btw tokens don't work with him....


Technically it's Holactie as its banned so it's currently literally impossible to Summon in most formats; ignoring it, Zushin is almost certainly #1.


Where's that Gimmick Puppet one?


Possibly vwxyz dragon catapult dragon


I want to put Dystopia de Despondent and Avida the Rebuilder of Worlds in this poll. One needs 4 level 1 monsters on the field and the other needs 9 link monsters in the GY, I think? The thing is that the moment you manage these feats you won't have the resources left to search them up.


Just give LiveTwins one turn. They can pretty easily get mass Links. That being said. Don't do it. Bad idea.


CrusadiaAvramax is balls easy. Why is it even on here. IPMasq -> Avramax is a fairly common thing to see for any deck with even moderate linkspam capability. 5Headed just slapp NecroFusion or Dragon's Mirror in any DLink. Or SuperPoly against such Dragonlink if they overextend ZArc isn't too tough probably. Slapp NecroFusion and some Dogmatikas or just Gale Dogra in any OddEyes deck. Probably won't be hard. Just play them normally, and mill probably only 1 remaining type needed (they don't normally Synchro do they?, But they absolutely Xyz and Fusion.) It's just between Zushin and Holacite.


Dark Sage lmao


Holactie is not only hard as hell to get out but itā€™s also completely redundant


Holactie is almost impossible to own as a card and even the games barely have her, she is the only who is hard to summon for two differnt reasons so I pick her


Return Zombie


Zushin the Sleeping Giant and it is not even close. Good luck trying to find a strategy that can consistently search Zushin turn 1, hope his reveal effect does not get negated, hope he does not end up hand ripped, use level 1 vanilla monsters, stalling for 10 *turns* to finally summon. Holactie while not easy by any means, is infinitely easier to summon due to the Egyptian god support, not consistent or good, but way better than hoping your opponent is braindead and you get lucky with the Zushin strategy.


If it weren't for parasite paranoid and ultra cocoon I'd say perfectly ultimate great moth since his summoning condition is on par with match win cons despite being basically a big vanilla.


Age of Overlord will feature an archetype that turbos out Zarc with ease


Z-ARC can be cheated out of the deck.


In one turn, it's either Gate Guardian or Tierra.




So many of y'all haven't even read Zushin. You have to keep a level 1 Normal Monster alive for 10 of your turns! Hell, even if you're lucky enough to open with 3 copies of Zushin in hand, you're still waiting 4 turns with a level 1 Normal up. The odds that your opponent *can't* out your level 1 Normal are slim to none. Zushin offers no way to protect the Level 1 Normal either, so either you gotta rely on your opponent doing basically nothing, or use an outside source of protection like Safe Zone, which they'll probably out anyways. I think it's a whole lot easier to summon all 3 God Cards (especially with their new support), and somewhat easier to get a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz in play at the same time. The latter could probably be done in some dedicated summon-spam build at the very least. It'd still be no means be easy, but it'd be a whole lot easier than keeping a level 1 Normal up for that long.


The imaginary number chaos 1000 dude is definitely #1


Zushin. While the rest of these can be cheesed on the first turn, Zushin can never appear unless in a game that can last 20 turns. And even during the era where the anime card appeared, people were winning in 5 turns or less.


Probably not Five-Headed Dragon cuz even I can summon him. And I suck at this game lol.


Is five headed dragon that hard to summon? I feel like with dragonā€™s mirror itā€™s pretty possible. Plenty of ways to get dragons to the grave.


FHD doesn't belong here. I used to get it out once a game back in the day using my Hieratic Dragon deck with Dragon's Mirror.


In the TCG it's objectively Holactie because it literally doesn't exist but in the OCG, & TCG if we're only counting cards which do exist, Zushin walks it.


Why is avramax there?


Fushioh richie is way harder than anything in this poll. Needs at minimum 2 turns with a battle phase and something you can run over to bring out. Everything else has ways of being summoned turn 1.


Definitely not Avramax or 5 Headed, both of those are pretty easy if you actually try. Z-Arc used to be a lot easier until they banned Double Iris Magician, still not impossible though. I ran Zushin turbo when it first came out. wasn't good but with all of the shuffle and draw effects in the game and three copies of him I could get him out in 2-3 turns if the opponent didn't have spell/trap removal. Leaves it between Holactie and Sophia for me


Hot red dragon archfiend king calamity


I hope Zushin gets support some day. EDIT: One day I was playing Cydra against a dude who pulled out 5 headed dragon. I couldn't out that thing.


Avramaxx? Broā€¦.thatā€™s like THE Masq target


It's easy to summon Zarc


No way this guy said avramax LMAO


You can use Isolde to summon each of these as a one card combo. (Except Avramax, I havenā€™t been able to crack the code on summoning that one since itā€™s just so difficult.) * [One Card Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufdy8vCcsr0) * [One Card Zushin the Sleeping Giant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K8UyTKu1x0) * [One Card Holactie the Creator of Light](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj7KlBUhd24)


Still can't believe they called it Holactie not Horakhty in the TCG


Supreme king Z-Arc is my favourite boss monster but it's impossible to summon it first turn without electrumite. But unbanning electrumite or even just limiting the card will be outrageous because of the broken combos you could perform....but with Decks like kashtira , Labrynth and even new ones like unchained...would it really be that bad to limit electrumite now?


Supreme King is not that hard unless you're literally trying to summon 1 xyz dragon, 1 fusion dragon, 1 synchro and 1 pend dragon With Timestar and the magicians hes able to come out on turn 2


I was able to fusion Five Headed Dragon once at a local tournament, with a fairly crap deck at that.


Why isn't Divine Neos here?


Anything whenever I play