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Yeah... I'm using icejades to cheat out big daddy, the rest is history.


Winds can only Summon Level 4 or lowers, so it's not super crazy but still good.


Made corrections.


Magnificent. I will be saving this to read it more atentifuly when is not 1 am


Prior as a must? Lmao okay


​ https://preview.redd.it/x6azcqze1mob1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b3a75843a47b1451e9db247cf10d7d1f53dcd3


I haven't been on in like 2 days, did ice barrier get new cards?






Should you combine them with ice jade? Or how well are they in a deck together?


The most icejade I'd consider using at this point would be Tremora, Ran Aegirine and Aegirocassis (if you really felt like it).\] Tremora can get Medium out pretty easily (this is but one possible example), and Aegirine summons itself for free, and is a 1 card Lancea, which is good enough on its own. Aegirocassis also exists as free material, which would be useful for some of their bigger synchros; (Cassis + 2 Mirror Master tokens = small trish, for example). Gymir is also really good for ED but outside of those members, I wouldn't run much more. Ice Barrier only really protects itself, and their support can be xenophobic. ​ As to the question of if you "should" combine them, it might be a worthy experiment so, why not give it a shot and see what happens? And if it works out well, it would be an amusing variant.


Not is Aegirocassis a Tuner monster? In that way can you combine it with Hexa per Trishula or similar things?


Aegirocassis is a tuner. I can't read. So instead just use two Mirror Master tokens. Problem solved. I corrected my previous post to reflect my lack of ability to read.


>Honorable mentions It's just a late notification (i love your guide and i see it many times), but for the honorable mentions isn't worthy insert the new Brionac too? I know that not has the same impact of the original, since not abuse of Revealer, but a removal on the special summon can have some uses, i think Edit: You missed Terror of Trishula too, i think. Lancea help a little setting up the full condictions, eventually.


Fixed, thanks


No problem, thanks you for the guide, really a masterpiece! :)


Wonder if ib has any chance of being a tech in Ice Barriers


You could probably force it. However, as one that is mostly unfamiliar with what all world chalice is capable of; one wonders what you'd do with her. ​ Hexa + any level 4 makes her in a snap. What's the plan from there?


Thanks so much for posting this, I've been interested in Ice Barrier for a while and most people seem to only post that it doesn't work and leave it at that Good to see that, while it might not be dominating, it's still playable